L'biRD ; WE ARE the CLUB ; 5 year plan.
- awareness amongst Lfc fan base; Worldwide support
- confirmed trust management for members security
- informing new members of existing actions
Lfc is now a "business" as they keep saying , ....
let it be our ENTERPRISE, via supporter empowerment...
TRUE REd supporters NEED ;
* To Protect our people , local & global
* to enable better conditions, free from harassment
* Lower ticket & travel costs
* communication between all true supporters on ALL club & Justice issues
TO BE recognised for our input into the club!!
having identified the opportunity, the next phase between now and end of season/summer 2019 is to get everyone ; local or global ; on board... "winging it with L'Bird'
Global REdS meeting and International member fest
to establish the global trust fund - one time only member contribution of e20 ; target 200,000 + members (already linked in 2018) by 2020
- action v H-W & co... claim that 2007 "sale" was a fraud and thus 2010 was known also to violate supporters status
(through our collective investment - club belongs to us, we are NOT "customers" we are OWNERS; we are the club)
- distribution network for Supporter/fan related "souvenirs" designs related to L'biRD , and more
- boycott of all f ecking sg / business products & ban all related sponsors, no betting, no vice-related products or services
call E.G.M and form protocoll for global membership and share value (proposed @ e50) to fund future acquisition
Identify campaigns & charitable actions , local & global that deserve member support.. "take them under the "L'biRD wing"
FULLY Introduce L'biRD to enable ease of transfers and networking amongst members & supporters - owned distribution
all products are "L'biRD" - all profits go to members or our (member) chosen charities , local or global
what is "L'Bird" ?
This is my initiative and reflect a "love story" associated with this mythical symbol relating to my youth so greatly influenced by Shanks & Lennon the Liverbird image followed me, everywhere I went in the world...

and my generation follow it .... & took it on banners & flags, I pinned up my scarves with its image on walls of cafes , bars & pubs in remote parts of europe.. the MYTHICAL bird of our people... from the "pool of LIFE"
now, not local , but global , since half a century ; supporters in Asian , African & American continents compete with european supporters clubs in inventing new designs and mottos, ... that is "poetry in motion" and brings much more to peoples lives...
what will L'BIRD do for global support?
....It will be OUR symbol of True REd GLOBAL SUPPORTERS power
A.G.M (via net also) to employ professional management who serve OUR LIVERPOOL WAY (e.g; original ideals of Shanks)
Acquire the club following (if required) international court intervention to remove "shark-infested boardroom".
Issue shares to all members - decide upon voting powers & terms of future membership. (proof of)
Decide on future public issues - remove previous sponsors - promote "our WE ARE THE CLUB - LIVERPOOL WAY products & services"
OUR symbol of True REd GLOBAL SUPPORTERS power .... "L'BIRD" IS your own Liverpool currency! with 25 million+ REdS connected via worldwide
.... via REdnet ...True REd GLOBAL SUPPORTERS power... the L'BIRD is flying...again?
...do we fly too?
...... Steps into "Star Trek" & so, do we go BOLDLY GO?
where no fan has been before,?
we go again... >
...will you?
must see Links;
: "homemade video" @ (you tube ) https://youtu.be/xuXPz5_UdCo
also & (facebook) https://www.facebook.com/redrockfc.montereds/videos/2003544533297244 (will be improved soon)
they also obstructed ; http://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/2018/06/rednet-steps-into-star-trek-lbird-is.html
(reduced to tiny text)
go to ; http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2018/06/attention-true-reds-if-you-read-nothing.html ) ...or
back up @ http://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com
https://fumission.wixsite.com/censored =
#censoRED #LbiRD #buyoutLfc (add these on twatter messages to members & friends)
Y-OUR member LINKS
(to join connect to any of the links)
or via /groups/URSUN/
or via groups/Union.BrEdS/
L'Bird fits into 2018/04/my-local-global-strategy. ?
& from friends @ www.facebook.com/me.without.limits//
Greetings from "REdNET friends & REdS abroad Members @ groups/wild.beautiful.footy/
groups/eured.supporters ;
"this and our associated groups will not be posting transfer speculation, gossip, and fannies "rumours" of who (they) want to sign, every player on the planet, its a waste of your time.. we focus on whats TRULY important ..."
. ... "we wish to make sure that all supporters,, players (inc. youth and grass roots teams ) local & global are treated correctly and fairly, by the Lfc we invest in, & other clubs, by UEFA, by police/stewards , and not ripped off through european travel, or exploited via ticketing home or away (europe especially) join this..(read the text carefully,please @ groups/support.we.are.club "
& see https://www.facebook.com/redrockfc.montereds/videos/2003544533297244
REdNET (CRS) interview by H -T ?
ReplyDeleteTrue REdS GLOBAL SUPPORTER power
in this plan all REdS are equal , wherever you come from, if you support our team, then you have chance to share in the power and eventually the club..! ok?