![]() |
what is missing? in y-OUR open prison?? |
IFi lit a match in a crowded place (cinema) and shouted "FIRE!" ..it is considered a criminal action! .... ....
... ... and thats what they are doing TODAY!
SEE https://vimeo.com/399904336 catch up with previous Montv
& SUPPORTers CLUB log (link) if you are a TRUE REd!
just for "flavour" ....
(PLEASE absorb, do not "scan" )
links to #REdGEM examples at
partly blocked;
totally banned by google/f book . twatters etc;
4 years ago..
6 years ago;
DIARY from (weird) open PRISON ...plus...notes 03#20
:) Good wishes from Global REdS
challenging with social REd soul ; (#REdGEM) Evolution links c 900k via groups worldwide
& please take time to absorb...
If we dare to question, they ban alternative opinion...
#censoREDS #colouREDS #LbiRD #thankSHANKS
and I will....... upon u...
I am ... Nikole Tesle ..without the tech,, Ghandi, without a Religion,, Lennon, without the tune,
Mandela, without the nation, Martin L-K, without the colour, "the kop" ..without the (modern) fans...
Robin Hood, without arraws, Geronimo, without a horse, Shanks, without a club, I am a leader without an army, A general without a war,
an advocate, without a lwa, A Rebel without his flag, and ...A father, without a child,
a husband without a wife..I am ME, without you!.....Alone and all one.... complete.!
MY mentor and the greatest manager ever who made the basis of LIverpools modern success in the 60/70s ..Shanks..
my own management initiatives & success on or off the field in or out of football , apply many of his "socialist/team ethic" .and the subsequent "bootroom" crew ...I have added something from Rafa , whom I met and studied in their swiss trainign camp ..and a few aspect of Juergen who has copied & updated the original Liverpool methods (pass&move/hounding - now refers as "pressing") I have often tried to apply with youth / kids teams I supported/sponsored/managed ..however harder to apply when only part-time attendance & occasional training schedule....
200227 no net (A vi Daniel A)
........YNWA/J-96+30yrs!!! WHiOH/J-96+30yrs
hello #REdGEM & associated members; in the midst of MADness..
be well ! be strong, WE TRUE REdS are the CLUB; WE are LIVERPOOL
its spring , I am in shorts , t-shirt & flip - flops .... on the other side i GET .."hay fever" ..sneezing, itchy throat & eyes streaming, BUT I move on, GET on with life .. and that is how we live , we OVERCOME , and should look for the positives..
"with HOPE in our HEARTS" ...You'll never walk alone..J-96_30yrs.!
..........20320 WHiOH/J-96+30yrs
Wonder if Juergen reflects;
if had been no "winter break" REdS might have won games to clinch league pre
games behind closed doors are unreal, nothing to do with our vocation.. because the games would be fake, neutralizing advantage of Anfield? no and if are a True REd u remember.. what Shanks said.. for our generation
..without it we are simple existing,.. J-96+30yrs, WHiOH &,,,,, https://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com/2014/01/greed-and-why-havent-you-noticed-your.html
4. the complaints ref UN/ECHR v MNE *Strasbourg council of europe contain CRIMINAL charges against citizens & officials in CG, and with regards also
to te above ... Prejudice, Malicious damage against property, invasion of privacy,
obstruction & perverted invasion/trespass.
add Mark A,
Dear FRank, I dont know if u are in regular contact with Mark, but.. significant
that as soon as his "foodbanks" group contains posts that question the establishment
he starts to experience the sort of blocking that @Chris has known since almost 20 years..
..it is a sign that he is doing GOOD, and Jason should have understood, that the "investigation" by CS and @Harvey is to find the sources of such prejudice in the interests of ALL of us... unfortunately Jason took it as a personal insult.
Thu 6:51 PM
Dawn? > for A.R & co...
of course your lawyer will state that the council of europe claims procedure will take several years, however, in my absence other colleagues will be able to process that and a civil action that could add criminal proceedings, interests and additional costs that may esculate beyond your capital resources at that time..therefore I hope we may find an amicable solution during these difficult times for all.
No access to ursun.net emails..
reminders ;
...............................200315 ...
now ... for something completely (?) different a NEW Dawn..production.. do u get it ?????
thanks for the madness perspective, its illogical to be reasonable when the "the most powerful nation on this planet " employs donald ducks dad as President (trump-et)
in this "modern world" where minor criminals are taught to hate and become major criminals and still a large percentage of ethnic minority, POOR, and INNOCENT people are incarcerated..
DIARY ...2 too? :)
so help someone else TODAY!
and the Idiocracy now has total world domination..
as the ex-sheeple mutate into lemmings ... looking for the sign ..
"this way to the cliff edge"
p.s. Don (duck) trump-et, or mad boris (uk) mac ron , ..neither Obama (he who promoted drone attacks on civilians) are capable, YOU the people have to stop acting like lemmings .. where were you last year when 10 MILLION died from Cancer , or 6 million kids died worldwide from malnutrition related sickness etc ..and of course USAcorp/UK exported billions of usd of weapons so that more civilians died in wars than are likely to die from this "ternding virus" the hypocrisy is too LOUD , but the sheeple just ignore it and feed the fear monster,,
and the BS continues , fully back by more rons & the apathy of sheeple , local & global..
.....and (footy) anything without supporters will probably be fake, just for TV revenue, it wont be "true top level football" as far as I am concerned, they should just crown LIVERPOOL champions because thats what we are , and award the league positions as they stood when it was stopped, but no one at EPL, UEFA or any footy "authority" has any "balls" :) the UEFA presidemt is a fascist, so maybe boris can intervene , (although he is probably a "riugger chappie) ..what a lot of BS!.......AND my parents survived WW2 bombings, I worked in the smoke (London) when I was apprentice during the pub bombings, nothing changed in our lives... we have had all the "scares" thrown at us, "mad cow" anthrax. ebola, .. and we never changed our lives.. cancel killed 10 MILLION last year...where is the urgency to change lifestyle to counter that (i,e, legalise?) ... and it goes on like a long running series of repeats of "the emperors new clothes.."
I have had to deal with this since years, now YOU are Mark Anthony it SHOWS you are doing a GOOD thing when THEY block you :) welcome to the club :) (foodbanks)
this is a GOOD reminder, what timing , thanks "Karma" :)
i wonder if you understand this challenge..??
martial law is here already just been more subtle in getting to this point, everyone is "already controlled" makes easier to violate human rights and the state police of course can do what they want.. 1984? ...is nothing ..with president don duck trump-et & mad boris , soon a curfew, then shoot on sight ? the sheeple just accept ... no perspective..
tomorrow.. no Irish with any proud would let the panic or the fecking a-holes who panic from the panic stop a "st paddys day party" but this planet is ruled by rich crooks and inhabited by cowardly sheeple..
Paul Burke · 53:51 I'm guessing the last Hillsborough memorial at Anfield will be cancelled now too.
LikeJ-96 plus 30 years..and more.
Chris >· they covered up ever dissenting voice that dared to question the unresolved claims agains govt & their employees.. so of course .. there is no "outrage" in society justice delayed IS justice denied..they wont punish the old men .. but WE know ... listened in to Frank Carlyle 's show last night, in Monty its like a ghost town,, .. everything closed; schools, shops, cafes , and the irish pub, My parents survived the blitz would laugh at the way modern sheeple are in panic about a "trending bug" that allegedly COULD kill 2% ..!!
Adolf, bombers, "the troubles" could not have stopped a party on "st paddys day" but this... is typical of the hype either one way or another of how "the leaders: deal with a "so-called" crisis.. or anything...
and how quickly the sheeple "follow" ...and accept "martial rule" ... no its an insult to sheep ... more like lemmings following a sign to "jump off a cliff" ..madness
blog from new Dawn..
stopping export of weapons from USAcorp/UK etc would save more lives BUT,,, is that "their agenda" ? its fantastic how one "trending bug"can distract ( almost * )everyone from the main causes of death on this planet ; WAR business , (mind you selling medication comes close ..and child malnutrition , road deaths, flu ..etc etc ...but ANYWAY as LONG as the rich get richer ..no one will do anythign against it... BTW ..largest soap manufacturers; Church & Dwight,Palmolive, Ecolab,Procter & Gamble (USAcorp), Henkel(BRD) NiceGroup (China) & Unilever..anyone awake yet??
https://newsdawna.blogspot.com (banned by f book! )
New C Dawn
Chris Smith-Mypod > their disease, their panic, = their PROFIT!!! (of course)
Idiocracy rules, Pres Donald duck of the USA, brexit, Mad Boris and now the #paranoiavirus :) no intelligence on this planet!
...........200314 BECAUSE RULES ARE MADE FOR OBEDIENCE BY THE SHEEP AND FOR "GUIDANCE: OF WISE MEN... THose who MAKE THE RULES ARE FOOLS OR CROOKS...WHY OBEY THEM?..i hoped that you, having "been around" might see through the hysteria.. ...........
its obviously more serious than "emperors new clothes" SYNDROME, But, there is a GLOBAL OUTBREAK OF STUPID!
?? i propose that the "panic" will hurt more ppl than the "trending-vir us"... i will still be looking for intelligent life on this planet..
.....no thanks...PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH ME with your mad hysteria disease!
more ppl die from flu or meningitis , a million people died already this year from alchohol / tobacco abuse, an estimated 25k kids die DAILY because this "civilized" modern society doesnt distribute resources equally around the world ... and I still recall the "ebola" and "mad cow" panics that were exaggerated. every cold, cough & normal winter ailment will be blamed on the new "trend" and yes I think the pharmaceuticals will not dampen the BS! either yes we disagree,,,
...more ppl die from flu or meningitis , a million people died already this year from alchohol / tobacco abuse, an estimated 25k kids die DAILY because this "civilized" modern society doesnt distribute resources equally around the world ... and I still recall the "ebola" and "mad cow" panics that were exaggerated. every cold, cough & normal winter ailment will be blamed on the new "trend" and yes I think the pharmaceuticals will not dampen the BS! either yes we disagree,,,
am i a tired Lion remembering to roar
am i a wolf searching for whore?
angry with people who cannot converse
making contact with them just makes me worse
being alone is what I CAN stand
should I start my own band...?
seen half the world
that is enough for now
challenge them all
cause, they don't know how
so here I am
alien floating on the wave
still looking for some one to save?
but those i meet, dont care for that
hang around me like a lazy cat
and they are so "cool"
use words as a tool
in their self serving bubble
cant see what a muddle
the world they have made
it just rots in the shade,,,

March 20, 2018 at 4:45 AM ·
to all friends of Liverpool
supporters, friends of football, youth or non league , :"just for fun" teams of any age (or simply come for the festivals)
YOU ARE INVITED this spring/summer
with Best wishes from ; " REdS abroad" ; ( facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters )
event & community organisers @ CRS akadamiJA c/o https://www.facebook.com/me.without.limits/
YNWA /J4t96
community , charity & more
see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PENw_W63zs
reminders ; https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2016/03/montv-series-missionary-position-global.html
& https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2018/03/censored-chris-in-rednet-bootroom-pre.html
March 20, 2016 at 5:44 PM ·
warned , of this.. should haven take the same mentality to soton as was had (mostly) at OT thursday night.. too casual...relaxed and got punished..dont blame Skrtel...Sakho also defended poorly..
March 19, 2016 at 7:33 PM ·
March 18, 2018 at 9:06 AM ·
quite a different "St Paddys'' (sinoc) had an "arabian lunch" then went to check out sport bar, no one, then a local "irish pub" and the staff didnt know it was St Patricks! .
.. then to the old town, to "McCloud" and Ugy put on irish songs and with a couple of Guiness pinnts , a whisky and Liverpool 5-0* on the telly a real pub atmosphere..so...I ,,,started to feel it....
I was invited by hard rock podgorica ...their "sham-rocked" party was really a "sham(e)" ... no irish atmosphere or anyone dressed accordingly. good singer (Neon) ...but it was more that they just decided to promote tullamore dew whisky, lots of very attractive "barbies" posing ....(same old....)
I had several! (got a key ring as prize!) i decided to give it a last effort at "Dublin" got into a heavy discussion about the Balkans with a local (looking for donations for his art students.. everyone thinks i am rich..) but it was ok, at least people talked to me , even if it was a mixed up language lesson ha ha someone bought me my 10th whisky of the night...and i walked home... in warm wind fresh air...
(* 4 goals goals for MO .....)
memories 2.. (CS)
March 22, 2019 at 4:09 PM ·
Chris Smith-Mypod
Play footy in Podgorica
December 20, 2017 at 11:53 AM
1 year ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 22, 2019 at 4:08 PM ·
3 Years Ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 8, 2017 ·
AeFaN EvolVing European Football confederation to add soundtrack (awaiting balkan rock offers )
Copy of AeFaNeVolve1a
AeFaN EvolVing European Football confederation to add soundtrack (awaiting balkan rock offers )
AeFaN EvolVing European Football confederation to add soundtrack (awaiting balkan rock offers )
Chris Smith-Mypod shared a memory to the group: Play footy in Podgorica.
March 8, 2018 at 6:57 PM
yes never give up on a good thing! :)
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 22, 2019 at 4:06 PM ·
Harvey Tuttle
Play footy in Podgorica
July 16, 2018 at 7:30 AM
REdNeT published a note.
July 16, 2018 at 7:05 AM ·
Club (REdS) v country (any) v intelligence on this planet
It first started to annoy me during the '80s when i noticed how some fickle fans deserted their fav. clubs to follow Lfc
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his cover photo.
March 22, 2017 at 2:44 PM ·
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 22, 2016 at 9:23 AM · Podgorica ·
Had to complain about the noise last night some young lads were playing LOUD music in the neighbourhood, bl&&dy cheek!
Image may contain: 4 people (beatles)
1Juli Paskali
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 22, 2016 at 9:17 AM · Podgorica ·
.....do not judge the news based on mainstream media reports,,,!
1Juli Paskali
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 22, 2015 at 12:34 PM ·
REdNeT added 260 new photos to the album: LIVEREdS v ManciteH Fraud Klub & that "smaller mancs team" :).
November 25, 2011 at 4:46 PM
LIVERPOOL greatest in the World v biggest club in manchester ;) and their less succesful neighbours ! ;)
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his status.
March 22, 2015 at 12:06 PM ·
6 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 22, 2014 at 6:42 PM ·
REdNeT added 344 new photos to the album: Season13-14...
August 16, 2013 at 9:54 AM
March 22, 2014 at 2:45 PM ·
Lola Zarate
March 22, 2014 at 2:34 PM
8 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 22, 2012 at 6:14 PM ·
izabela djabani
8 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod added 71 new photos to the album: CS.
March 22, 2012 at 5:42 PM ·
CS & CSerS ; WE are the CLUB..
71 Photos
Angelus Marchetti, Dariusz Sawicki and 5 others liked
That's all for today
March 20, 2015 ·
love chain... "a GOOD Deed a DAy keeps d'evil away?" cs150320..
The irony IS that most those " anarchist students" will most probably apply for jobs in the system they now right;y despise..is the saddest aspect , that they will joiin their enslaved parents , like so many of the sheeple on this mad planet, is tragic!
http://edition.cnn.com/…/germany-european-centra…/index.html " Anarchist BBQ in Frankfurt celebrating opening of European Central Bank HQ #Blockupy pic.twitter.com/WtKX6MEEYa
— Kingslayer (@squig_) March 18, 2015"
..Page 8 film is a fictional reminder of the UK govt betrayal of its peoples to become the fascist USA govts puppets , and act like "dogs" of WAR too... link.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Page_Eight
stop moaning & help someone!!
5 Years Ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his cover photo.
March 20, 2015 ·
a.k.a. the planet is a massive "emperors new clothes" story, but the child isnt heard!
4 Years Ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his cover photo.
March 20, 2016 · Nietsche (dance)
March 20, 2016 · Podgorica ·
had a an "almost perfect weekend"..Thursday was Paddys night,,, mucho fun, and guiness!..and Liverpool knocked out the mancs,,,.friday live music and dancing with Liz at "Obala" , yesterday training witht he boys,, and today played football, if Lfc had shut up shop at 0-2 ...but 5 great times overshpwed that one ...... so i came back from the river on this beautiful sunny spring start.. and was going to have a siesta, but after waking myself up in the bathroom, i was "zapping" TV to see if there was anything worthy ,,, and i just caught a scene from "Cleopatra" ..where she says "I am the daughter of IS IS ... and i almost choked with ironic laughter,,, HOW CAN IT BE THAT the US(eless) of A.. have forgotten to BAN this film encouraging insurgence???? :) or maybe Cleo was a founder of the subversive Al ("call me Sis") Kebap..org<???
March 20, 2017 ·
.... its now just TOO ridiculous to even comment upon...
when I switch on any mainscrem "news" and i stop laughing at the content..
and the sh&te that arrives from twatter , the twits actually take themselves seriously...
i have to check that I havent accidentally switched on to a comedy channel or a monty python sktetch...
congratulations to the sheeple of the world YOU are now responsible for allowing a modern idiocracy ...
no one else to blame, all your candidates are fake
#TRULYNONEof theabove
...March 19, 2016 · Podgorica ·
you do want to know>?,,well u probably dont, ...BUT, what REALLY P*sses me off?????????????????????? when you "the public" ,,will watch and sympathise with the HERO in a film like "JoHn Q" ...and yet continue like fecking sheeple to FEED the monster, of money - system that destroys humanity everywhere, u are ALL fecking sick..manipulated so easily, by media and politicians....really sick..!! feck U! especially the fascist UK govt, and the US(eless) of A....... u dont need to "go to hell" you are already IN Hell!

March 16, 2015 ·
'It's important to live your life by a motto. I chose to live my life by the motto, 'My enemy's enemy is my friend.' Unfortunately, as it turns out, my enemy is his own worst enemy. So, I have to invite him to barbecues.' - Richard Herring (July 12, 1967 -) :)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundhog_Day_%28film%29 "In the 2015 memoir, Guantanamo Diary, Mohamedou Ould Slahi refers to the film twice (pp. 237, 311) to describe his twelve year long (and still ongoing) confinement in Guantanamo, Cuba,
March 16, 2015 ·
in the mood... people think my kindness, is weakness... i am just ready to explode/.
Daily Horoscope
Your attention will turn from the workplace to your own social life. It's been a bit Spartan lately and your partner - if you still have one - will have to practically kidnap you out of the office. You'll thank them for it though, because you really do need some time off.

March 11, 2017 at 11:24 PM ·
am i a tired Lion remembering to roar
am i a wolf searching for whore?
angry with people who cannot converse
making contact with them just makes me worse
being alone is what I CAN stand
should I start my own band...?
seen half the world
that is enough for now
challenge them all
cause, they don't know how
so here I am
alien floating on the wave
still looking for some one to save?
but those i meet, dont care for that
hang around me like a lazy cat
and they are so "cool"
use words as a tool
in their self serving bubble
cant see what a muddle
the world they have made
it just rots in the shade,,,
ChriS 170311

I.R. claims that police stopped a couple in a car and fined them because their child accompanied them, and ONLY 2 are allowed.. POLICE state???? global , people returning are locked up in a "camp" not allowed visitors and quarantined for 2 weeks...!