in midst of madness, farce, & an open prison called global "IDOCRACY"
catch up at 2020/04/rednet-redgemlbird-update-still.
and if u have more than a few seconds attention span ; (and can read!)

31yrs with no justice, a disgrace = NO "hush up"; shame on; fascTORIES, police, UK govt, F.A. the S*N, & sheeple ...
J4t96 = JUSTICE for the 96 .. Justice for ALL
"26 years passed since that day
Cant believe that they did not pay
for the slaughter of 96 brothers & sisters RED!
their spirit ALIVE in me, though their bodies long dead
"Justice delayed is justice denied..
Over & over this I have sighed..
ever day people are abused
by government officiials, like fodder are used"
Everywhere I go see see the same
who are the the ones to blame?
you the people who wont stand up
they arrestr us, block us and such"
So when will you have your day?
when will you stand up and say..
enough of the corruption , enough of the same,
its our world, not yours its OUR "beautiful game"
"26 years passed since that day
Cant believe that they did not pay
for the slaughter of 96 brothers & sisters RED!
their spirit ALIVE in me, though their bodies long dead
"Justice delayed is justice denied..
Over & over this I have sighed..
ever day people are abused
by government officiials, like fodder are used"
Everywhere I go see see the same
who are the the ones to blame?
you the people who wont stand up
they arrestr us, block us and such"
So when will you have your day?
when will you stand up and say..
enough of the corruption , enough of the same,
its our world, not yours its OUR "beautiful game"
150415 ChRiS SMITH
We were loyal & even after we are dead
No one can explain how that felt
The fate that the manslaughter of the 96 were dealt..
And 6 years later I died too
In a coma , and where were you?""
....200414 ............
for me, the EPL is an attractive sham,,,,the time of the premiere league is when football soul-ed out , finance always played a part but when sponsors names became bigger than clubs, when SLYtv bought the right to dictate when games are played and money became the priority as ticket prices escalated way above inflation
when Lfc sold to USAcorp, 3 new kits every summer, ticket scandal, "branding scandal, and "furlough scandal: - i believe in Shanks holy trinity and maybe a perverse KARMA that a socialist core spirit denies us the "money trophy" and right now I remember the 96 bros & sisters that the "establishment" murdered with their policies ...and their policies continue to do so..
I support the TEAM, 25 points clear, thanks lads & Juergen ..if thats not enough then UEFA/EPL etc can stick their trophy where the S*N dont shine!

IMAGES from "APRIL FOOLISH set" ... 200416 Woke up again to "lockdown insanity" I am a globaal Strategist/logistics expert sat here, whilst every idiot and his dog LOSE the chance to improve y-OUR world.
open pri son Diary & memories (continued)
![]() |
The (few) tales (tails) are still WAGGING the DOG! |
a non footy- footy clip (only 4 mins of "fans reactions")
& scouser John Oliver in USA "stupid watergate"
(if you care about the farce that is USAcorp or Uk Polly-ticks)
recommend film " ordinary love" ...
about a couple dealing with Cancer risk... which btw WILL kill ONE HUNDRED TIMES more people than #TrenbdingVirus this year ! so where is the investment, energy & effort to counter it or at least allow alternatives (legalise) to counter the pain?
perspective? none on this mad planet!
Ordinary Love is a 2019 romantic drama film, directed by Lisa Barros D'Sa and Glenn Leyburn, from a screenplay by Owen McCafferty. It stars Liam Neeson and Lesley Manville.
Ordinary Love (film) - Wikipedia
Crvena Dawn> they could have quarantined the elderly & weak and dealt with the risk in a better more organized manner, at least the air is cleaner with less air traffic, vehicle & industrial pollution and maybe the morons will stop bombing each other , which is also possibly more dangerous than this fecking #TrendingVirus
........200412 / 13 ?
irina/DC (for ChriS) estimated translating ; the tennant uses the terrace ; its friendly if you talk with him BEFORE painting or moving or removing tennant things , it is where tennant Lives; eats, & hosts visitors , and the garden is a doman tennant have invested into ...also ..... ...not for interference after nearly 3 years,,,
" is it "friendly" when they say they want to be "friendly" then do things without the respect of informing the tenant? ????, have 3 guys trampling all over terrace , again not caring about "peace & quiet" removing a "LUCKY charm" (a personal gift from a visitor) could be their downfall, bad luck karma against them?? Montenegrin property owners dont inform tenants when working/painting the house the tennat pays to live in..(why?) .they even ignore contracts & agreements, just ASSume they can do what they want, its NOT "friendly" action.."
ирина / ДЦ (за ЦхриС) процењено превођење; станар користи терасу; пријатељски је ако разговарате са њим ПРЕ сликања, премештања или уклањања ствари, тамо где станар живи; једе и угости посетиоце, а у врту је домански станар уложио у ... такође ..... не за ометање после скоро 3 године ,,,
"да ли је" пријатељски "када кажу да желе да буду" пријатељски ", онда раде ствари без поштовања обавештења станара? ????, нека се три момка шетају по тераси, опет не марећи за уклањање" мира и тишине " "ЛУЦКИ шарм" (лични поклон посетиоца) могао би бити њихов пад, карма среће против њих ?? Црногорски власници имовине не обавештавају станаре током рада / кречења куће у којој теннат плаћа да живи. (зашто?). они чак игноришу уговоре и споразуме, само АССуме да могу радити оно што желе, а то је НЕ "пријатељска" акција. "
irina / DC (za ChriS) procenjeno prevođenje; stanar koristi terasu; prijateljski je ako razgovarate sa njim PRE slikanja, premeštanja ili uklanjanja stvari, tamo gde stanar živi; jede i ugosti posetioce, a u vrtu je domanski stanar uložio u ... takođe ..... ne za ometanje posle skoro 3 godine ,,,
"da li je" prijateljski "kada kažu da žele da budu" prijateljski ", onda rade stvari bez poštovanja obaveštenja stanara? ????, neka se tri momka šetaju po terasi, opet ne mareći za uklanjanje" mira i tišine " "LUCKI šarm" (lični poklon posetioca) mogao bi biti njihov pad, karma sreće protiv njih ?? Crnogorski vlasnici imovine ne obaveštavaju stanare tokom rada / krečenja kuće u kojoj tennat plaća da živi. (zašto?). oni čak ignorišu ugovore i sporazume, samo ASSume da mogu raditi ono što žele, a to je NE "prijateljska" akcija. "
..................200409 ..
next week Hillsborough plus THIRTY - one years... no justice ...!
the sheeple & Lfc/fen way fan nies are apathetic ... https://vimeo.com/363266549
whilst the sharks in the Lfc/fen way boardroom con the fan nies again..
a "round up of the mainSCREAMedia "
1918 Spanish Flu historical documentary | Swine Flu Pandemic | Deadly plague of 1918
Liverpool place some non-playing staff on furlough
What’s not happening on mommy faker... news...or
What’s happening | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
more open pri son DIE ary/ ME Mories" (CRS):
31 years go the "establishment" murdered 96 of my brothers & sisters, today the same EVIL manipulates a global police state, I blame YOU #globalmuppets
Had a weird & Vivid dream, living in the old house that my family lived in until I was 13 ... but I was adult , hosting an annoying family who were selfish & demanding (much like everyone ...today) Mum & Dad were weak and Mum had to go to intensive care, of course they are all gone , my sister, brother, parents & my lovely young wife Jacqui .. they would not understand the cowards of modern society..
PLEASE if you DARE to CARE; JOIN OUR positive GLOBAL initiative ; https://vimeo.com/405700783
Dg /
...............SUPPORT ; REdGEM_LbiRD£20_audio_explaining 5yr pan-universal initiative to all true REDS+ https://vimeo.com/406523305
facebook.com/groups/F.and.U.at.ME & see chrismithlog.blogspot.com
....200414 ...,
(some usual comments from AR) ... yesterday, I went to visit Irina in Dg, she is OK, apart from being cheated over the purchase of a horse (which became a pony) but I warned her several times about making "deals" with locals,SHE does NOT want to RETURN to this house!!!! and I am still waiting for ONE montenegrin to keep his/her word, do not ask me who was outside the window at night, ask your neighbour buddies!
they dont seem to understand "respect" outside of their own immediate family, "dignity & honour" have so little meaning in the Balkans, we have a global network of almost a million REdS, via almost 170 groups worldwide but there is more cheating in this small balkan state than in the whole of our Worldwide net!!!!
SO, I will watch everything and continue to NOTE what they do for future HR/criminal claims against them!
its NOT the kids, its the ADULTS who set a BAD example.. NOTE the next time I see ANYONE (without MY prior agreement) on the terrace, or within 3 metres of the bedrooms there SHALL be CONSEQUENCES>>> this is not a warning, it is a promise! I am at my limit.
11:28 AM
I'll paint all the fences, I won't touch yours. Don't blame the kids for the noise they play in the yard of my house. Due to Covid 19- they were forced to play in the yard until 19:00. Who looked at you through the bedroom last night. Burned the torch ?? Do you know who he is? I have told my neighbors and relatives not to go behind the house where your dorm rooms are, I have told them several times.
7:33 PM
(he did not blame kids for noise he cannot understand why the adults risk problems when kids live in the neighbourhood) Irina> "wont return to the house THERE is NO privacy" /// Does AR understand anything???
Nemanja Ljumovic left the conversation.
..200413...(add Nemanja)
Aleksa, 2 years ago u painted small part of the terrace fence, and left it, I then painted as I wanted...you should have talked to me..
only 2 weeks ago you wrote " I strive to have a fair and friendly relationship with you as with everyone" ???? starnge...
Aleksa, this is nonsense, I know what is going on.. and 2 of your pervert buddies snooping around outside the bedroom window in the dark,
shining their torch into my window , is another invasion last night, just makes me more defensive...
Kids live in this "close" so making a confrontation is stupid..
I have had to put up with this extreme "lockdown" like everyone else...however, all the good things I do ..playing or training kids football...and watching my tean win trophies at a special time, is over, i want to stay fit, because playing is the most beautiful thing, ..so I am angry about the situation , for everyone and for myself..as time is against me, to do what i ahve to do , with the energy i have, i also do not sleep well because of "hay fever" (pollen allergy) BUT, because I have "suffered" foolish property owners too many times here ..i want to hear another ironic "welcome to Montenegro" ... whenever i am dis-respected...
I am someone who has achieved a lot, b even so, whoever I am with or without achievements or status, it is WRONG for locals to just go ahead without caring to discuss proposals with the person who is affected, it is WRONG, and it WILL NOT be accepted.. i am not a man of straw.. so if you want "friendly relations" show me in action not words...!!! or.. something bad may happen...very bad! stop it, please, now!
... Supporting the intro of GloBALL REdS+ co-op via #REdGEM_LbiRD
...with images and words , and too loud background caffe Sadine tunes .. hope u get it and JOIN with over 950k linked via almost 170 groups worldwide & friends of facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters & all TRUE REdS!
or JOIN at facebook.com/groups/F.and.U.at.ME , if u agree, tell your friends too?
see ; https://vimeo.com/406523305 (& listen...too :) ?
is it "friendly" when they say they want to be "friendly" then do things without the respect of informing the tenant? ????, have 3 guys trampling all over your terrace , again not caring about "peace & quiet" removing a "LUCKY charm" (a personal gift from a visitor) could be their downfall, bad luck karma against them?? Montenegrin property owners dont inform tenants when working/painting the hoiuse they pay to live in...they even ignore contracts & agreements, just ASSume they can do what they want, its NOT "friendly" action..
.................200410 .
WILL YOU join a positive
(global co-operative social NET)
@ https://vimeo.com/405700783
& be active??? with ..vimeo.com/405773065
REdS+ via REdGEM_LbiRD initiative ?
Vimeo Global REdS+ Co-OP initiative; https://vimeo.com/405700783
First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. ;)
make a positive effort with your time ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM
Vimeo Global REdS+ Co-OP initiative; https://vimeo.com/405700783
First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. ;)
make a positive effort with your time ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM
polarised? , you mean the w&nkers that vote fascisTORY , who love "loadsamoney" v those with a heart , who care & share? ... Lfc/fen way sharks show as before (i.e ticket prices protest, "branding Liverpool" etc) their true-blue colours... but fan nies & f s g clones dont care when the team are winning, ... https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2020/04/montv-solution-v-pollution.html
a lot of excuses about the Lfc/fen way sharks in their boardroom who are all well experienced in making money ...this is the first time the TAW kiddies have come out to even question the USAcorp policies since the "brand Liverpool scandal" but any one with intelligence who what type they are, they are the same as the fascisTories who denied the nurses, they will destroy social services and any opposition and still want to be bailed if THEY fail.., WAKE UP and join :)
JOIN ; on Video ; https://vimeo.com/403725506 (visual launch)
ok ? am just starting to get my contacts on board OUR "positive train"
JOIN at https://www.facebook.com/groups/F.and.U.at.ME , if u agree, tell your friends too?
& "like" ...please at https://www.facebook.com/me.without.limits
make a positive effort with your time ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM
ChriS Dix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZmQWEdlVsY
ChriS Dix
22 hours ago
Feck their soul-ed out EPL trophy, this needs a break and a "sort out" ..for everyone's sake.. https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/
ChriS Dix
ChriS Dix
22 hours ago
Only a week away from Hillsborough plus thirty - ONE years... and a REMINDER of the people in govt, I am disgusted that Jean Mills of Liverpool wanted a ""clap" for mad boris, there's only one "clap" he deserves ..they are fascisTORIES the nemesis of all TRUE REdS
ChriS Dix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixab0y7eyjg
2 days ago
"football should only return when its safe" ??? well do u know that footy continued through WW2 ... I would suggest that bombs are more dangerous than the #trendingVirus?
ChriS Dix
ChriS Dix
3 days ago
Pejak |integrity in sport" the premiere is about MONEY, tv income and sponsors etc ... they should decare LIVERPOOL champions , give everyone time to get over this mess, have a proper summer , pre -season and start fresh... but cancel ALL , including EUROPE , which means we remian European & World Champions...
ChriS Dix
ChriS Dix
3 days ago
the contracts and any aspect that needs time, mean its cleaner to start fresh.. why does mark bang on about "freedom of movement " for players when virtual "martial law" has been imposed by most govts.. FFS!
100 subs before the end of quarantine
23 hours ago
A virus is contagious and because of mutts like you we are on lockdown so just stfu mate
16 hours ago
No it's not, because full stadiums allow the virus to spread massively, and being in a stadium didn't change anything about the war
ChriS Dix
ChriS Dix
9 hours ago
@Incognito missed the point completely !! never mind go back to sleep sonny
9 hours ago
@ChriS Dix it's speaking of a time after this ends. Like that's such a bad thing 🤣
ChriS Dix
ChriS Dix
28 seconds ago
@Incognito point is that WAR time (WW2) it was indescriminate danger, that my parents generation survived as they didnt let that stop them from living as near a normal life as possible..despite the bombing,, WAR is a bigger threat, Cancer is a bigger threat child malnutrition is, so GO and staop those things before making a #trendingVirus seeming more dangerous..
..anyway the EPL was made to suit the rich, its "Karma" that SOCIALIST LIVERPOOL dont fit this trophy.. ..
ChriS Dix
ChriS Dix
1 second ago
My wife, mum & sister died young due to Cancer, where is the urgency to stop that which killed 10 million people worldwide last year, morons!
ChriS Dix
ChriS Dix
22 hours ago
make a positive effort your time ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z603FvxywF0 .. https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com
email to Mr, Anderson about domain and intranet / social media for #REdGEM_LbiRD
its been covered up since 2007 that Lfc have been infested by USAcorp, the sharks in the boardroom just changed names, but they didnt get rich by being "nice" they are contrary to Shanks ideals & the LIVERPOOL way, and you all at TAW let it go because of recent success DESPITE them ; the players & Jk came through,, its time to realise that the EPL is a cut throught league and the whole of society needs rebellion in social senses that UK voted in a fascisTORY govt says it all.. and isolated from europe ,WE are Europeans / internationalists , we are the club .. time to take it back see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z603FvxywF0 and JOIN via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM
make a positive effort of your time ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM
previous ;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z603FvxywF0 .. https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com
"football should only return when its safe" ??? well do u know that footy continued through WW2 ... I would suggest that bombs are more dangerous than the #trendingVirus?
Pejak |integrity in sport" the premiere is about MONEY, tv income and sponsors etc ... they should decare LIVERPOOL champions , give everyone time to get over this mess, have a proper summer , pre -season and start fresh... but cancel ALL , including EUROPE , which means we remian European & World Champions...
the contracts and any aspect that needs time, mean its cleaner to start fresh.. why does mark bang on about "freedom of movement " for players when virtual "martial law" has been imposed by most govts.. FFS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixab0y7eyjg
..I believe you have misunderstood point 3, loss & damages
to property/garden or contents thereof can only be caused by neighbours
as there are no passing pedestrians, otherwise. However, i will not
pursue the matter at this time, for the sake of goodwill. as for the
other matters concerning (ref CRS v CG) etc they will depend on any
future violations. I have anyway kept a spare sink and other items in
the basement room, Irina kept her horse related items there, without
problems, until she was obliged to leave because of the reasons
perviosuly stated. I hodl you to your word that the situation shall be
more positive in the future and I will, of course, make my usual effort
to that aim.
p.s. I usually know when you leave in the morning or come in the night because every footstep and movement in your room is heard underneath in my room!
with good wishes for the future, with good health everyone..
--------------------------------( occupied with media..)
"with HOPE in OUR Hearts" ;)
In this last decade I have invested almost all my "free" TIME, energy & resources into this "Montenegrin culture" ... especially in the last 5 years with sponsor/management of kiddies/youth football, charities and other imdividual forms of "assistance" to locals ..
and with ONE exception on this thread, NO ONE has appreciated or reciprocated, I have experienced nothing but obstrcution , FRAUDSTERS and OFTEN from house owners & "neighbours" sheer prejudice & animosity.. (and yes I have been drunk & angry due to that!)
that stops NOW!
9:54 AM
200403 ..
Its all explainined in detail in the attachment sent 1 paril (and previously attached 22 march) why do you wait to ask now>? can anyone on this thread explain it in his language? (correctly)
(drawn); "
no, in February you had ALL the DRI to protect me from the damp and flooded terrace ,,
the rain is falling from your level and not from the wind.,.
2nd request for a refund (wet house)
Decorative wall cover, for hiding re-colors and damp markings; e 55
paint and materials (brushes); e51
Work 2 days color; e20 k 2 = e40
_______________________________- in total; e146
you obviously need to calculate the additional heating rating as well - 30%? December.Jan.Feb.partmaja mart
That's what I wanted to do in remediation. ok I accept the room repair costs.
146 € ok.
For increased electricity bills of 30% I also accept.
But under paragraph 3 — am I a fool to count it for me.
190 € .for what. if someone is mocking you, sue him. If your nose is stolen that's your problem.
I'm not a thief, if you have one of the tools you have a pantry under the stairs and I keep them there.
Can we ban thieves from stealing something if I'm not home too?
1. To mention the cost of € 190. under paragraph 3 (for thefts and harassment - I emphasized to everyone that they respected privacy) I do not accept!
Keep your belongings, you have my pantry, so leave them there.
2. 200 € for the rehabilitation of the room humidity and painting the room and 30% for the increased electricity bills I accept (as I wrote I offered services at my expense to repair the moisture)
Dear Chris. How many times during the night did you bang on the door, swear, scream. When everyone is asleep.
I understand, so I never resented and objected to you.
Let's be people in good and friendly relationships.
"with HOPE in OUR Hearts" 😉
In this last decade I have invested almost all my "free" TIME, energy & resources into this "Montenegrin culture" ... especially in the last 5 years with sponsor/management of kiddies/youth football, charities and other imdividual forms of "assistance" to locals ..
and with ONE exception on this thread, NO ONE has appreciated or reciprocated, I have experienced nothing but obstrcution , FRAUDSTERS and OFTEN from house owners & "neighbours" sheer prejudice & animosity.. (and yes I have been drunk & angry due to that!)
that stops NOW!
Let me emphasize again.
Chris for the cost of renovating and painting the room 140 €
For more electricity consumed + 30%. and in winter due to the room heating due to humidity.
I accept that expense
But I do not accept spending € 190, item number 3. if someone steals something from you, I don't see who would be interested in plants to steal. (anything you think is worthwhile can be left in my pantry by the stairs). I'll give you one key and only I or you can use it.
I strive to have a fair and friendly relationship with you as with everyone. Your guests are always welcome as many as you can.
When he drinks a little and sings, I don't mind.
We can sometimes relax for a while. 😊
thanks for your eventual reply, I will reply later , when I have time , as I am occupied on a media program at the moemnt..
(drawn); "
no, in February you had ALL the DRI to protect me from the damp and flooded terrace ,,
the rain is falling from your level and not from the wind.,.
2nd request for a refund (wet house)
Decorative wall cover, for hiding re-colors and damp markings; e 55
paint and materials (brushes); e51
Work 2 days color; e20 k 2 = e40
_______________________________- in total; e146
you obviously need to calculate the additional heating rating as well - 30%? December.Jan.Feb.partmaja mart
That's what I wanted to do in remediation. ok I accept the room repair costs.
146 € ok.
For increased electricity bills of 30% I also accept.
But under paragraph 3 — am I a fool to count it for me.
190 € .for what. if someone is mocking you, sue him. If your nose is stolen that's your problem.
I'm not a thief, if you have one of the tools you have a pantry under the stairs and I keep them there.
Can we ban thieves from stealing something if I'm not home too?
1. To mention the cost of € 190. under paragraph 3 (for thefts and harassment - I emphasized to everyone that they respected privacy) I do not accept!
Keep your belongings, you have my pantry, so leave them there.
2. 200 € for the rehabilitation of the room humidity and painting the room and 30% for the increased electricity bills I accept (as I wrote I offered services at my expense to repair the moisture)
Chat Conversation End
Type a message...
ok ? am just starting to get my contacts on board OUR "positive train"
JOIN at https://www.facebook.com/groups/F.and.U.at.ME , if u agree, tell your friends too?
& "like" ...please at https://www.facebook.com/me.without.limits /
(download of urSUN back up) 04-09h
ok am just starting to get my contacts on board OUR "positive train"
JOIN at https://www.facebook.com/groups/F.and.U.at.ME , if u agree, tell your friends too?
& "like" ...please at https://www.facebook.com/me.without.limits /
.........................Montv Six?................______________________________________MEMORIES; ..._______________
Your Most Loved Photo of 2017
Christopher, this photo from 3 years ago today was your most loved that year. We thought you'd like to look back on it.
'I will NOT be discussing any matter with anyone today... J4t96!'
Only you can see this unless you share it
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 15, 2019 at 7:31 AM ·
1 Share
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 15, 2018 at 12:24 PM ·
only this on my mind and in my heart this morning,.. thanks for your words ... it helps on this day, 15th April 1989 , and 15th April 1995 i also "died" (coma) so its never going to be forgotten.... for 97 reasons!
150415 YNWA... See More
23Nicki Liverbird Harrison, Des Hunt and 21 others
4 Comments14 Shares
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 15, 2017 at 9:45 AM ·
1 Comment7 Shares
4 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith updated his profile picture.
April 15, 2016 at 11:27 AM ·
'.....200415 31 years go the "establishment" murdered 96 of my brothers & sisters, today the same EVIL manipulates a global police state, I blame YOU #globalmuppets Had a weird & Vivid dream, living in the old house that my family lived in until I was 13 ... but I was adult , hosting an annoying family who were selfish & demanding (much like everyone ...today) Mum & Dad were weak and Mum had to go to intensive care, of course they are all gone , my sister, brother, parents & my lovely young wife Jacqui .. they would not understand the cowards of modern society.. PLEASE; if you DARE to CARE; JOIN OUR positive GLOBAL initiative ; https://vimeo.com/405700783'
3Lazar Rabrenović and 2 others
4 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 15, 2016 at 11:21 AM ·
No photo description available.
Harvey Tuttle
European REd loyal Supporters Club a.k.a "REdS abroad"
April 13, 2016 at 8:19 PM
4 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 15, 2016 at 11:16 AM ·
only this on my mind and in my heart this morning,.. thanks for 4-3 last night, it helps on this day, 15th April 1989 , and 15th April 1995 i also "died" (coma) so its never going to be forgotten for 97 reasons!
No photo description available.
Harvey Tuttle
European REd loyal Supporters Club a.k.a "REdS abroad"
April 13, 2016 at 8:19 PM
5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 15, 2015 at 9:49 AM ·
150415 YNWA
J4t96 = JUSTICE for the 96 .. Justice for ALL
"26 years passed since that day
Cant believe that they did not pay... See More
REdNeT added 95 new photos to the album: Never FORGET; NO Justice for the 96, now 29 years; we know TRUTH.
April 15, 2014 at 12:37 PM
15th April 89 ...96 of ours killed by the state, now I DREAM, of a positive future my mate!
1 Comment1 Share
6 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 15, 2014 at 12:58 PM ·
REdNeT added 95 new photos to the album: Never FORGET; NO Justice for the 96, now 29 years; we know TRUTH.
April 15, 2014 at 12:37 PM
15th April 89 ...96 of ours killed by the state, now I DREAM, of a positive future my mate!
6 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith added 64 new photos to the album: 30 years on ...still... NO Justice for the 96.
April 15, 2014 at 12:05 PM ·
no more sufferage of foools BUT WE KNOW WHO to blame
....on the 15th april 1989 ..WE remember how the state killed 96 of OURs
and they still want to close us down and shut us up... the establishment try to hush up what they did , even as the guilty at the media, FA, Government & Police escape TRUE PUNISHMENT..... See M
8Natalia Yakovleva, Kathleen Greene and 6 others
10 Comments25 Shares
April 14, 2019 ·
I just want , right now to say this.. to all those ..C..U next Tuesday people... that win or lose , you with your mindless lives will NEVER EVER understand what this means to ME or to any TRUE REd ..because we have waited too long to show you what WE are...
No photo description available.
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, possible text that says '"ELECTION" ANTWHERE! SEOM YOUR DISGUST mIT THE STSTE VOTE "NONE of the ABOVE" or dont VOTE!'
Image may contain: possible text that says 'Official Fucking Hare It's Am The Chelsea Rent Boys'
April 13, 2019 at 11:26 AM ·
Christopher Richard Smith
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
April 13, 2019 at 11:23 AM
Red EVolution @ https://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com
UPdated LIVERPOOL v chelski
"what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity"
... See More
About this website
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 13, 2018 at 5:33 PM ·
Image may contain: 4 people
Crvena Dawn updated his cover photo.
April 12, 2018 at 1:19 PM
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith updated his cover photo.
April 13, 2018 at 11:48 AM ·
10th April 2018, after completing a 5-1 aggregate victory over english champions (you know, the bigger & richer manc club) :p
No photo description available.
10Kevin Moses, Frida Mersini and 8 others
1 Comment8 Shares
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 13, 2018 at 9:26 AM ·
Harvey Tuttle's photo.
SUN, APR 15, 2018
"class action" v fake book
4 Went
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 13, 2018 at 6:14 AM ·
Christopher Richard Smith
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
April 13, 2018 at 6:09 AM
Success? almost there! ...BUT! No matter what Lfc achieve on the field, 2018/04/liverpool-v-man-c-european-champions-cup. http...
About this website
UPdated REdNET passing citeh ; Perspective STILL J4t96! ...and standing UP v fake book too (LFCv B'mouth)
Success? almost there! ...BUT! No matter what Lfc achieve on the field, 2018/04/liverpool-v-man-c-european-champions-cup. http...
4 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 13, 2016 at 10:53 AM ·
Image may contain: 4 people
Image may contain: 37 people
Crvena Dawn
April 12, 2016 at 9:23 PM
2Flo Grn and 1 other
2 Comments4 Shares
5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith added 20 new photos to the album: ME.....
April 13, 2015 at 10:38 AM ·
Honesty, so rare, no one will dare, to care , so there! ....the consequence ; u will be gone ...the planet and I are then alone...soon.., u dont help, but, I just needed to make.... Teams .... the most intelligent society , is a good football team , when members take responsibility or pass it to another when preferable., for the sake of the collective
Hopes, U will be..or .to be?
• Be my soul-mate...
• Be my equal.
• Have faith and trust in me, please don’t lie to me....
• Want to know who i am (not what I have)
• Respect and exchange my experience and culture
• Enjoy my humour & hospitality
• Will care how I feel & be kind to me when I am low..
• Be my “mate”
• Stay loyal to each other ...and stand by me against all.
• To be the only one, who TRULY knows me!
• Lots of cuddles & kisses (not only on sms!)
• Sensual MORE than sex, and Dancing together when ever possible,
= A spiritual connection..
April 12, 2019 at 10:30 AM ·
Best wishes this weekend to all true REdS; facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters ; @ REdNET via c500,000 worldwide https://vimeo.com/325497763 &
SUPPORT REd Evolution!
YNWA/ J-96+30yrs... See More
European REd loyal Supporters Club a.k.a "REdS abroad"
1,997 Members
'Greetings from REdNET-REDS abroad members links over 250,000 connected via more than 80 groups worldwide Join @ facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters ; or friends @ facebook.com/groups/wild.beautiful.footy Good wishes from Media team facebook.com/REdNET.Sclog ( see videos ) https://vimeo.com/278151308 also @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUdeVyAOvaQ dont feed USAcorp commercial monster - SUPPORT y-OUR REd Evolution! YNWA/J4t96th! #censoRED #LbiRD #buyouRLfc'
Crvena Dawn
Harvey Tuttle
Emma Bun
Monte Crvena
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 12, 2019 at 9:31 AM ·
Good will from ChRiS, supporting;
K i T (Kids in trouble) charitable initiative ; ... See More
Play footy in Podgorica
40 Members
'before the f - book goons , the hypocrtical "christian church" and local cowards ruined it .. greetings also from friends of MEd1A TEAM of https://www.facebook.com/groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV/ and SUPPORT from https://www.facebook.com/REdNET.Sclog/ and associated groups..worldwide (anon) Sponsoring : https://www.facebook.com/groups/footy.pg/about/ plus "Scouser abroad" Access North West https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com :banned" https://unsub-b.blogspot.com/2020/01/20-20-vision-too-for-redgem-censoreds.html __________________ https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2020/02/rednet-bootroom-updated-will-momentum.html'
Crvena Dawn
Harvey Tuttle
Monte Crvena
Evita Torini
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 12, 2019 at 9:25 AM ·
"WE ARE THE CLUB = Great GEAR for "LIVER=birdies"
21 Members
Harvey Tuttle's photo.
Crvena Dawn
Harvey Tuttle
Pauline Jones
Gavaskar Naidoo
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 12, 2019 at 9:18 AM ·
Image may contain: one or more people and text
1 Share
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 12, 2018 at 5:11 AM ·
this is for your benefit! https://www.facebook.com/events/2076259002610608/
Harvey Tuttle's photo.
SUN, APR 15, 2018
"class action" v fake book
4 Went
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 12, 2018 at 5:01 AM ·
(never knit alone)
a "parting poem for Nina"
there is a lady from Husnes...
on Fb i know even less
she seems nice,
lives in land near ice
a fan of the REds, she shows
and often to Anfield goes
she knits as Babsy
and never alone, am i entitled to moan?
I wish you well
and i dont tell
what I say to another
enjoy your life, no bother
and if you come to visit me
the "crazy alien life" to see
I will make the time for you
you are welcome, be my guest too
so, I say "adios"
with a small feelign of loss
be the best you can
I am just an honest man.
ChriS x
youmay want to co-operate with
the unmanaged :
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 12, 2017 at 10:14 AM ·
a "parting poem for Nina"
there is a lady from Husnes...
on Fb i know even less
she seems nice, ... See More
"WE ARE THE CLUB = Great GEAR for "LIVER=birdies"
21 Members
Harvey Tuttle's photo.
Crvena Dawn
Harvey Tuttle
Pauline Jones
Gavaskar Naidoo
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 12, 2017 at 9:13 AM ·
I am going to start a course "how to understand human BEing" everyone is invited to join! :p
No photo description available.
2Liz Griffiths and 1 other
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith updated his status.
April 12, 2017 at 9:04 AM ·
1 Share
4 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 12, 2016 at 9:49 AM ·
Spring time at "Dani house" .. and the "consul" and "free backpacking hostel" ..the greens are taking over ! :) ..nice to see the buds and blossoms breaking out, (despite my "hay fever")
.........Tuesday, Apr 12, 2016
(Gem stars)
"You should be feeling physically strong, healthy, and energetic today, Gemini, although you could also be a little lightheaded. You could experience the sensation of wandering around in a daze with your feet on the ground and your head in the ... See More
1Flo Grn
6 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 12, 2014 at 12:53 PM ·
April 11, 2019 at 8:55 AM ·
never forget the 96 INJUSTICE! 3o YEARS and the establishment wants you ro be "quiet"
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, stadium and crowd
6Gloria Wenslove, Lucas Koffi and 4 others
3 Comments8 Shares
2 years ago
James Neil Butterworth is with Kanen Azagen and 39 others.
April 11, 2018 at 6:13 PM ·
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling
36Michael Byrne, Kathleen Greene and 34 others
7 Comments5 Shares
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
2Shanmugam Arumugam and 1 other
2 Comments7 Shares
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 11, 2018 at 7:24 AM ·
Match report? ... not really ... just share how I feel, 10 years of USAcorp infesting my club, cannot dampen the feeling of calm and joy inside me... there is not much left in a world full of liars and cheats to enjoy, ..so I am stiill drunk from it all ..the underdogs, the outsiders, the Team that bookmakers ignored... still has the REd spirit that I grew up with..... locally the game wasnt even featured as the : "main match" ...... which made it even funnier that Roma ... See More
4Kevin Moses, Vlado Belojevic and 2 others
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith updated his cover photo.
April 11, 2018 at 7:03 AM ·
happy/ u fecking bet I am !
No photo description available.
11Ante Mirocevic, Len Jones and 9 others
2 Comments5 Shares
4 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 11, 2016 at 11:58 AM ·
this is vital!
Christopher Richard Smith's photo.
FRI, MAY 20, 2016
Campaign for a FAIR European peoples Football Association
3 Went · 3 Interested
5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 11, 2015 at 10:29 AM ·
Image may contain: text
Aunty Acid is with Lynn McClendon-Greenman and 44 others.
April 9, 2015 at 4:01 PM ·
FREEDOM 🙌 anyone else reached this level? 😂
5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 11, 2015 at 10:11 AM ·
no reception at the clinic,,thanks E R team,, 3 stiches, but I am not laughing too much,,:)
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
6 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 11, 2014 at 5:33 PM ·
Image may contain: 6 people, text
Tanja Banfi is with Neuva Agiste and Stephen Opoku Afriyie.
April 8, 2014 at 12:05 PM
respect YNWA
1 Comment5 Shares
6 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 11, 2014 at 4:49 PM ·
No photo description available.
Sanja Raičković
April 8, 2014 at 11:53 AM
6 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 11, 2014 at 4:48 PM ·
No photo description available.
Sanja Raičković
April 8, 2014 at 11:53 AM
, probably, as they attack, delay, delete, destroy, sabotage and alien-hate me, but I am anyway endangeRED! "P
No photo description available.
1 Comment2 Shares
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 10, 2017 at 7:47 PM ·
No photo description available.
3Nikola Filipovic, Margareta Pavlovic and 1 other
5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 10, 2015 at 11:59 AM ·
Image may contain: 2 people
Christopher Richard Smith
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
April 10, 2015 at 11:58 AM
training at Dg... starts ...!
6 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 10, 2014 at 10:54 AM ·
Image may contain: 1 person, beard and text ... starts with...ME!
April 9, 2018 at 6:14 PM ·
https://www.facebook.com/events/2076259002610608 not a joke now Mark Z , you have interfered with our comms too often!
Harvey Tuttle's photo.
SUN, APR 15, 2018
"class action" v fake book
4 Went
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith updated his cover photo.
April 9, 2017 at 9:49 AM ·
No photo description available.
7Rita Nair, Natalia Yakovleva and 5 others
5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith added 4 new photos to the album: 30 years on ...still... NO Justice for the 96.
April 9, 2015 at 10:42 AM ·
no more sufferage of foools BUT WE KNOW WHO to blame
....on the 15th april 1989 ..WE remember how the state killed 96 of OURs
and they still want to close us down and shut us up... the establishment try to hush up what they did , even as the guilty at the media, FA, Government & Police escape TRUE PUNISHMENT..
...and on 15th April I died in 1995, and woke up in a better dimension :...
Best Wishes & Greetings :) to all true REdS
Good will from ChRiS, supporting;
K i T (Kids in trouble) charitable initiative ;
part of F & U mission ;
CRS Campaign ; Montenegro 2022
intro video @
5 year plan ; and campaign ; true REd SOUL Evolution
30 years on ...still... NO Justice for the 96
4 Photos
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6Natalia Yakovleva, Kathleen Greene and 4 others
10 Comments22 Shares
5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 9, 2015 at 10:32 AM ·
5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 9, 2015 at 10:22 AM ·
thr...2 semis... just ! ...ta ... http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/…/last-chance-for-stevies-…
Image may contain: 2 people
That's all for today
1 year ago
Claudio BoffaTarlatta is with Brian Kopite Jones and 3 others.
April 6, 2019 at 11:09 AM ·
Image may contain: 3 people, including Jess Taylor and Joanne Jewkes, people smiling
53Martyn Hart, Gloria Kalu and 51 others
3 Comments2 Shares
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 6, 2019 at 9:09 AM ·
Remember the 96 and don't forget WHO is to blame..
NO |hush up for the GUILTY at the FA, at the Government and at the POLICE!
JUSTICE - 96 Plus 30 years = J-96+30yrs YNWA!
Keith Murphy added a new video to the album: Liverpool fc pictures wallpaper .
April 2, 2019 at 5:28 PM
Liverpool fc - We rise 2013-14 / Motivational video - by TMBouncing
2Selvan Selvaa and 1 other
1 Share
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 6, 2019 at 8:59 AM ·
Roman Medvedev
Liverpool FC Fan Club (Фан Клуб ФК Ливерпуль)
April 6, 2019 at 6:06 AM
После матчевое интервью Мо Салаха))!
See Translation
2Alan Threlfall and Selvan Selvaa
1 Share
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 6, 2019 at 8:57 AM ·
Image may contain: text
Della Askew
September 27, 2018 at 1:32 PM
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith updated his status.
April 6, 2019 at 1:03 AM ·
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
1 Share
1 year ago
Charlie B Chosen is with David Harris and 32 others.
April 6, 2019 at 12:14 AM ·
If I no stand for Mo.Salah what's my Gain??
Finally the Egyptian King has found the net!! After 9games without a goal.
Congratulation #MoSalah
We are back on the table.
Southampton 1:3 Liverpool #Ynwa
Image may contain: 2 people, outdoor
62Adhie Rachmany Daulay, Aldiyansyah and 60 others
11 Comments4 Shares
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 6, 2017 at 10:41 AM ·
3 reasons the Lfc team should have done it last night ..
- for the 96!
- to revenge the 4-3 diaster at b'mouth
- the slim "chance" of the title ...
Image may contain: 1 person
1 Comment6 Shares
6 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 6, 2014 at 2:07 PM ·
managed to get online for a few minutes.. in Essex, looking to where my parents, son , sister & Jacqui lay, be at peace x its a greay day, and a hard way to spend a day, many of my childhood places have gone, or been changed, houses , schools etc where I was married, memories of people gone, and a different, modern, but "colder" look, but in between I recall times that make me laugh, like going to the seafront with my mates (the last ones from my teenage youth) this area where my LIVERPOOL Team will play later and I hope will do what they can to bring sunshine to me .. and I will shine again.. :) sometimes I just need to see where I was to know just how far I have come ..to BE myself!
Image may contain: text
No photo description available.
Yesterday at 1:00 AM ·
with greetings :)
be well ! be strong, GET on with life .. and that is how we live , we OVERCOME , and should look for the positives..
"with HOPE in our HEARTS" ...
JOIN ; on Video ; https://vimeo.com/403725506 (visual launch)... See More
the launch of our positive GLOBAL REdS+_ Co-op,, Initiative; ... (Scouser abroad) be well ! be strong, WE TRUE REdS are the CLUB; WE are LIVERPOOL, GET on…
About this website
the launch of our positive GLOBAL REdS+_ Co-op,, Initiative; ... (Scouser…
the launch of our positive GLOBAL REdS+_ Co-op,, Initiative; ... (Scouser abroad) be well ! be strong, WE TRUE REdS are the CLUB; WE are LIVERPOOL, GET on…
2Gad Diabro and Selvan Selvaa
Christopher Richard Smith
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Christopher Richard Smith shared a memory.
Yesterday at 12:26 AM ·
before they got "the disease" and before the #trendingVirus too..
...Karma is MY friend , boys!
2 Years Ago
See Your Memories
Crvena Dawn
Christopher Richard Smith
April 5, 2018 ·
Four of the "iteam seniors" after game @ FK Katun/"CRS akadamiJA" Sadine , Pg... i, V, S & Z. ;)
Redrockfc-montereds.org 3rd April 2018,,, and ... our favourite restoran in Podgorica ..("hay@!)
2 Years Ago
See Your Memorieschevron-right
April 5, 2018 ·
Four of the "iteam seniors" after game @ FK Katun/"CRS akadamiJA" Sadine , Pg... i, V, S & Z. ;)
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling
1 Share
Christopher Richard Smith
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Christopher Richard Smith shared a memory.
April 4 at 12:15 AM ·
4 Years Ago
See Your Memories
Christopher Richard Smith
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
April 4, 2016 ·
I am NOT a fan of "american (padded BULLsh&te) rugby" ..but this is a great speech by the fictional manager played by Al Pachino...
Movie - any given sunday (Al Pacino , Jamie Fox) "tat" Half-Time speech @ ta Football Playoffz... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WO4tIrjBDkk&list=UU6t0AuMJLz...
About this website
Al Pacino's Inspirational Speech
Movie - any given sunday (Al Pacino , Jamie Fox) "tat" Half-Time…
Movie - any given sunday (Al Pacino , Jamie Fox) "tat" Half-Time speech @ ta Football Playoffz... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WO4tIrjBDkk&list=UU6t0AuMJLz...
2สำรอง รักษาชล and Matti Nivala
1 Comment
Christopher Richard Smith
Christopher Richard Smith
with almost 900k linked via 160+ groups + worldwide & friends of all TRUE REdS!…See More
· Reply · Remove Preview · 2d
Christopher Richard Smith
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Album #20 APRIL fools & WAKE UP calls..
Christopher Richard Smith added 24 new photos.
April 3 at 11:40 AM ·
a foolish start ; but despite the #trendingVirus WE remmember the 96!
and how the "establishment" murdered our brothers & sisters on 15th April 1989 ..
JUSTICE delayed is JUSTICE denied.... See More
#20 APRIL fools & WAKE UP calls..
24 Photos
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5Amma Paiyan, Maksum Slanker and 3 others
1 Comment
Christopher Richard Smith with almost 950k linked via 160+ groups + worldwide & friends of https://www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters & all TRUE REdS!
be well ! be strong, WE TRUE REdS are the CLUB; WE are LIVERPOOL, GET on with life .. and that is how we live , we OVERCOME , and should look for t…See More
European REd loyal Supporters Club a.k.a "REdS abroad"
· Reply · Remove Preview · 1d · Edited
Christopher Richard Smith
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Christopher Richard Smith shared a memory.
April 3 at 10:49 AM ·
with almost 900k linked via 160+ groups + worldwide & friends of https://www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters & all TRUE REdS!
be well ! be strong, WE TRUE REdS are the CLUB; WE are LIVERPOOL, GET on with life .. and that is how we live , we OVERCOME , and should look for the positives..
"with HOPE in our HEARTS" ...You'll never walk alone..J-96_30yrs.!... See More
4 Years Ago
See Your Memories
Christopher Richard Smith
April 3, 2016 ·
<gem stars> Apr 3, 2016
"Your attitude is calm and matter-of-fact when talking to others, Gemini. You tell it like it is while omitting the frills and fantasie...
See More
No photo description available.
Christopher Richard Smith
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Christopher Richard Smith
April 2 at 6:32 AM ·
. with almost 900k linked via 160+ groups + worldwide & friends of https://www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters & all TRUE REdS!
be well ! be strong, WE TRUE REdS are the CLUB; WE are LIVERPOOL, GET on with life .. and that is how we live , we OVERCOME , and should look for the positives..... See More
1สำรอง รักษาชล
Christopher Richard Smith
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Christopher Richard Smith shared a memory.
April 2 at 6:02 AM ·
... GREETINGS all. with almost 900k linked via 160+ groups + worldwide & friends of https://www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters & all TRUE REdS!
be well ! be strong, WE TRUE REdS are the CLUB; WE are LIVERPOOL, GET on with life .. and that is how we live , we OVERCOME , and should look for the positives..
"with HOPE in our HEARTS" ...You'll never walk alone..J-96_30yrs.!... See More
5 Years Ago
See Your Memories
Christopher Richard Smith added a new photo.
April 2, 2015 ·
No photo description available.
1สำรอง รักษาชล
Christopher Richard Smith
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Christopher Richard Smith shared a memory.
April 2 at 6:02 AM ·
6 Years Ago
See Your Memories
Christopher Richard Smith
April 2, 2014 ·
Here’s my Facebook movie. Find yours at https://facebook.com/lookback/ #FacebookIs10
Christopher Richard Smith
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Christopher Richard Smith is with Naff.
April 2 at 6:01 AM ·
.... GREETINGS all. with almost 900k linked via 160+ groups + worldwide & friends of https://www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters & all TRUE REdS!
be well ! be strong, WE TRUE REdS are the CLUB; WE are LIVERPOOL, GET on with life .. and that is how we live , we OVERCOME , and should look for the positives..
"with HOPE in our HEARTS" ...You'll never walk alone..J-96_30yrs.!... See More
Christopher and Naff are celebrating 1 year of friendship on Facebook!
See Your Memories
2สำรอง รักษาชล and 1 other
Christopher Richard Smith
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Christopher Richard Smith shared a memory.
April 2 at 5:58 AM ·
2 Years Ago
See Your Memories
April 2, 2018 ·
... https://www.facebook.com/events/2076259002610608
Comment as Jeuxsansfrontieres
Christopher Richard Smith
April 2 at 5:51 AM ·
Feck em, they dont care about the players, families or SUPPORTERS the english FA/EPL, money mad UEFA, FIFA SLY tv, and the Lfc board...
About this website
REdNET booroom update OPINION; FECK the (eng-lish) premiere league; we are scouse ; we are the club!
Feck em, they dont care about the players, families or SUPPORTERS the english FA/EPL, money mad UEFA, FIFA SLY tv, and the Lfc board...
IMAGES from "APRIL FOOLISH set" ... 200416 Woke up again to "lockdown insanity" I am a globaal Strategist/logistics expert sat here, whilst every idiot and his dog LOSE the chance to improve y-OUR world. local & global stupidity rules new world order of idiocracy-dicK-tating ...
ReplyDelete.......... https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2020/04/in-midst-of-madness-farce-open-prison.html
take the time to absorb;
REMEMBER ; it was the ESTABLISHMENT who killed 96 of our brothers & sisters on 15th april 1989 ; no Justice = no SILENCE!
ReplyDeleteApril 18, 2014 ·
"there must be a better wor(l)d
there must be a better word
"anniversary" seems unworthy & absurd
the 96 we lost fron that day
cant tell me what I should say
@ this special time,
I dont want to rhyme
I wont do them "justice"
no one else did, after all.
Justice delayed means justice denied
Thatcher is dead, she never cried
I lost my family and all I love
but I move on, dont ask if they are "above
I live in heaven - a land of wild beauty
spontaneous people, dont worry about "duty"
its a long way from Sheffield or the 'pool
but I dont ever want to be "cool"
I met someone for whom I care
should I persue, should i "Dare"
in this cold world, dont want to be "old"
So deep is my story, that never will be told
ChRiS SMITH 15th April 2014
WILL YOU join a positive NOW???
(global co-operative social NET)
@ https://vimeo.com/405700783
& be active??? with ..vimeo.com/405773065
First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. ;)
make a positive effort with your time ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM