taken for a (see last knigdom) :) "CNUT" so are the beebers, BUT so are the majority of blindly obedient lemming-impersonating sheeple on this planet! from our MEd1A @
join a better fairer world chance via & #censoREdS #karmaWON
.. LIFE is to LIVE? and give?
DO you really CARE? or are YOU one of the sheeple sleeping, simPLY GUILTY of BLIND obedience...?? ACCEPTING to confine yourself in a local & global POLICE - STATE - PRISON...
DO you want SOCIAL LIFE ..."HUMANITY" to die TODAY?>????????????????????
WHO HUGS? is any one kissing a child ? is anyone shaking hands????????
sure , quarantine, if its true, that elderly are at RISK or those weak or sick, or is babies need protecting..!!
THIS is the time, to reflect to STOP WAR, to stop fighting some one who is different, to realise we are all of Mixed ancestry & connected in our past to migrants, refugees or "strangers
"DO NOT live in FEAR" the ONLY THING TO fear...IS ...
THE REACTION TO FEAR BY YOU or THOSE you empowered ...violating humanity IN YOUR NAME whlst the few fly and PROSPER whilst the ordinary folk SUFFER..
WE were told that high risk was elderly or weak , SO IF this is more deadly than all the other risks which people die of, "quarantine"them and we then could actual GUIDE the remainder of this planet to respect nature , STOP war, industrial / traffic / airline pollution, cancer, alcohol/tobacco abuse, we could even FOCUS on SHARING food & resources
so that in the time I took to write this at least a THOUSAND kids WILL HAVE DIED from MALNUTRITION related disease..! BECAUSE you VOTE for politicians & fund selfish business policies which do not care to share ! they make MONEy = YOUR god! you strive to be rich like them; EVIL!
SCHOOL = are you a FOOL?
I joined a "mass-debate"this week, concerning teachers & discussion about kids returning to school!!
EXPLAIN please in a way that is CLEAR why WOULD YOU HATE a child SO MUCH to consign that being to be "educated" to be FODDER for the system that provides the few with wealth greater than 99% of the global population combined.. ??
sharks , rats & "vermin"have a greater bond with their fellows than "the human race" ..
so what to do... ?
well If you watch : such films like made over a decade ago, or "planet of the humans"yeah sure Michael More can be a bore... but JUSTIFY your existence after this, can you, really??
HONESTLY claim to deserve to live this LIFE? as you participate in the destruction of this world and its occupants , a sort of mutual suicide pact , did you agree this???
I could co-ordinate this ;
because ..most govts have stopped the public from their daily tasks, gatherings have been banned , with risk of arrest, schools, shops, cafe/bar/pubs and sports/entertainment program discarded .. i IS a "global state of emergency"
...BUT, is there any reason for the public to believe the "info" the cause or origin or validity ..when..
The same governments kill more people through WAR, and the business of war, polluted the land, air, water & food with industry & chemicals.. (which may be the cause)
...we probably will never know,.
what is CLEAR is that the average person ("lower to middle class" ) will suffer and our rights (UN/ECHR) are now being openly violated ..daily..
therefore we call for a local & global "class action" ... with;
*suspension of stock market trading
*freeze of all rent, credit & mortgage payments
* boycott and investigation of government & corporate leaders
(prevention of the movement of millionaires, billionaires or above..and their assets frozen, as claimed culprits of current situation)
* equal distribution of food & related products, energy & resources
* ban on weapons production, export and any POLLUTING materials.
this class action will therefore effectively SUE govt & business entities who have either enforced this violation of our lives OR benefit in anyway from public suffering.
feedback welcome...
. ...note ; an INTERNATIONAL peoples court to be set up to initiate and execute said claims - equally supported by all peoples
(qualification made by consensus in open discussion)
but do YOU DESERVE my Support
if so , EVOLVE out of the;
greetings from MEd1A TEAM @
happening | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
_____________________________diary / memories;
nothing else matters today..Kiev! 

in hearts & minds , if not in body, all true REdS worldwide , are in Kiev tonight.. show them .. bring home number 6 please!
Stevie ! and 10th anniversary of "the miracle of isrtanbul" ....Gem> "Daily Horoscope
You are disappointed in what seemed to be promising developments in your love life. If you are single, a potential partner isn't who they presented themselves to be. If you are married, your significant other may be slacking off on their fair share of the workload."
You are disappointed in what seemed to be promising developments in your love life. If you are single, a potential partner isn't who they presented themselves to be. If you are married, your significant other may be slacking off on their fair share of the workload."
That's all for today
European CHAMPIONS trophy ..
saturday evening in mad-rid! June 1
... See More
saturday evening in mad-rid! June 1
... See More
2 years ago
2 years ago
Chris @ Virpazar ,, and Z boat on Skada +
Chris shows pathway from VP station to Virpazar, b-day brunch in caffe and then testing the Zabes tour of Skada lake.. with pilot Ivica (large) — at Skada lake - Virpazar.
(promo picture refers Lbirdcoin launch....!)
Chris shows pathway from VP station to Virpazar, b-day brunch in caffe and then testing the Zabes tour of Skada lake.. with pilot Ivica (large) — at Skada lake - Virpazar.
(promo picture refers Lbirdcoin launch....!)

Crvena Dawn to Band-B-Trek-KING
shows pathway from VP station to Virpazar, b-day brunch in caffe and
then testing the Zabes tour of Skada lake.. with pilot Ivica (large)
5 years ago
REdNeT added 207 new photos to the album: Stevie G, complete player & Captain PLUS ; back @ OUR CLUB.
THE most complete player since EPL started, in defence or attack,
in the tackle, pass, free kicks & THAT shot! #GerrardTestimonial AND A LIFE TIME CONTRACT as...
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in the tackle, pass, free kicks & THAT shot! #GerrardTestimonial AND A LIFE TIME CONTRACT as...
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5 years ago
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