Fear & Greed (see previous edition of Montv - banned from u tube/vimeo video) wag the dog, GREED & FEAR FEAR FEAR...wag the dog & 20/20 BLINDUMB sheeple.
see also the banned (sometimes) "mission hairy position" an ironic look at all the #MASK ..er..AID! BS!
...........wag the dog, a film script made before the Clinton scandal, which humourously but accurately exposes the USAcorp BS that u all have bought into before and
increasing since culminating in the now SUPER fiasco...
a.k.a. lockdown MASKerAID! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOzYfPxgJB4
Since the 80's .. when USA corp "won"the minds , if not the hearts of most of the global population.(fall of soviet union...plus..) .. with all the "sweeties"sold you as the ?american dream? , which is NOW the GLOBAL NIGHTMARE..
FEAR is a vital THREAT to mankind, much greater than any threat of the so called #TRENDYvirus or #coroNER_CON
during the last 3 decades the internet & MOBILE phones, cable & satellite "entertainment" via mainSCREAMEd1A
(a.k.a. mommy FAKER news) fills your head with stuff, to buy, to rent , so eat, drink, sex ..etc etc which
ensures that the "powers that BE"are rarely questioned about the difference between the rights of the BILLIONIRE club & their
pet jackals and you the sheeple// ...
Well, the antics of President Donald DUCK (backed by USAcorp) and the old boy network backing mad boris HAVE, despite all their backers BS, been challenged in recent years...
and what HAPPENS , in year 2020, there is NO 20/20 vision because whether contrived and
planet by the CIA in that chinese region or simply chance this #MASKerAID has been used to CON & TROLL YOU, the sheeple,,,..
in an actual, not virtual, local & GLOBAL POLICE STATE removing all the freedoms my parents generation sacrificed their lives for...
worthy of a look at ;
cancer is an apt metaphor for capitalism ; truth will out. And truth can galvanize millions of ordinary people into taking matters into their own hands, ignoring their rulers and stopping more global warming once and for all. @ https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/07/31/climate-change-is-genocide/ ................
. the Dept of Homeland Security & The illegal creation of dossiers on journalists also tracks the communications of demonstrators, another violation of the First Amendment. ..https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/08/05/the-department-of-homeland-security-the-ideal-authoritarian-tool/

whats not
happening via mommy faker news or MainSCREAMedia ..
ReplyDeleteChRiSliveACT ON 200811 campaign Local & Global #22.23
FEar is the most dangerous VIRAL enemy of humanity m spread worldwide by the manure of NULLsh&te!