------ at
episode 13 (yes I am doing the "lucas prequel" game again) :p
210613 at Montv? next...
The previous "Book 2" chapters were also blocked at
but...thanks DC & REbEL MEd1ATEAM ; (shame audio was disturbed by USAcorp a.k.a. F book/fen way hackers ; anyway
...the you tube links are supported by HT .../newsdawna./2021/06/supporting-our-rebel-med1ateam-
---------------------from 2 years ago;
--not a new year for me
i live somewhere else, you see
its a place i know well
where it is , i wont tell,
my universe has wall
a roof, so very tall
you cannot come inside
when hurts , its where i hide
these days are different
families and others seem bent
to do at one time
oops i almost forgot to rhyme.. :0
why cant you be , all year round
caring, loving and profound..
i miss the ones i love
don't think if they are above
i will survive this pain
and win through, again
yesterday, now and tomorrow
i will survive all sorrow,,,
ChRiS 190101 00.30h ..some of my uni-verses .................
this morning, after getting over charged at ..... again (new girl still doesnt know me after a week)
I went to a "new restoran" that was closed until recently
and ordered a coffee & a "sweet breakast" (5e)
i got 2 pats of butter, and 2 of those little containers u get on economy flights/hotels (jam/honey)
and 4 pieces of "toast" that were the shop toast u can but anyway here - collectively these 4 pieces would match ONE slice of toast where I grew up, and I am not a greedy person... I wanted a diet, but of MY choosing.. :p
I was thinking about complaining as I live nearby ... then "I am I said" (Neil Diamond) came on their sound system
the lyrics relate to me, I am neither there or here and more (if u have the time listen to it...)
anyway this was on my porfile...
June 12, 2013 at 8:47 AM ·
(thanks to "G" for prompting this ...)
"stepping back" ... ! well, IMO , people should slow down,
especially as (their) obsession with "western (USA) life" makes everything seem like "fast food living"
a lot of activity, with little effect, slow down, pull yourself out and "take stock"
..that means .. see yourself and the people around you more clearly,.....
a good exercise (one u can also use with yr kids) draw a picture (or paint) of the world, and yourself,
then once a week stop, breathe, close your eyes, and try to see yourself from "above" (or below ha ha )
make a vision in your minds eye of who and where u are
(i dont mean geographical location)
....ask yourself, what effect am i having, am i doing good? what is working and what is not,
and that doesn't mean just being "happy" in a selfish way,
it means being honest, we are all part of one...
so if u are "happy" at the expense of the rest of the world ("universe") then its not going to last long
..or be really rewarding to your spirit ..
in other words , imagine you are the film director of your own story
... are u happy with the script, or the role of the people in your "story"?
.. u can suggest they (the other "actors" , cameramen etc ) improve, but do it in a way that challenges them and asks questions..
Richard (Branson) isnt a bad lad, but he hasnt been as lucky as me, I have experienced much more (the "system" , the alternative,
and dimension. Too) but whilst u are not yet ready to understand all, u still have time to do that.. anywhere
I started a weekly "academy" with 2 local girls , one a singer and one is training to be lawyer..
they already have trouble to "understand" as I challenge their culture and the culture they are being "conditioned" with...
and now they are "too sick" to come to meetings...
... i only had 10 days in my whole "adult" life (apart from the coma) when i was "too sick" to attend or go to a meeting
..anytime or see its all about your own film, u will not be sick when u are at ease,
u will want to wake up when u are doing the right thing,
and dont care about the reward, do the right thing,
because/// IS the right thing to do!...get it?
(Christopher Richard Smith is in Montenegro...)
Yesterday afternoon I waited until Novy finished his shift ... they dont get big wages ...
and have to wait until the customers they billed leave before they can leave the caffe/bar/restoran..
he invited me AND Mhary (my nickname for this wild 21 year old serbian girl)... to the beach
and ordered a cocktail for us both.. then she ordered a round...
they played their music, I went for a swim, they went for swim, they were enjoying the fun,
and I enjoyed sharing their company..
They want to learn english, so i said I would give them an hour a week,...FREE of course!
Playing modern balkan sounds, rap etc , not my taste...hen NOvy said he would play a song for me..
"Yesterday" ... he got it wrong, because I tell stories from my past??? I must ask him..
when his (GF) Ivana is here..why...
He showed me his tatoo dedcated to his sister who died of Lukemia, I lost Jacqui & my siste Carole to cancer..
changed the subject,..
"Stevo" is the "Tom Cruise" of the cocktail bar ,, but talks more, over-keen to impress..
I dont get on with their "new Manager" ..or new price list or Nina & the other "new girl" ...
seems to be "showing it off" for ??? whom
yesterday morning MSp (a..k.a. agent Sergey) woke me up...typical... most days I wake up with the sun..
05/06h ..yesterday I decided to "lay in" ..Sergey & his "girlfriend" (does Mrs Agent know...?)
a property saleswoman from Budva ...woke me up about 7h... i had dosed back off to sleep after more dreams..
something about a business/football Team with a similar name to Hillebrand that I am "star player " of
teaching management at the same time... sort of reflects the idea of the academy? in a weird way...
Paid him in advance until september 8... and suggested Brekkie at Zanjice ...
last time he came I got caught , 65e for "fresh fish" dinner with him & his morrocan tennant.. why cant he come alone?
this time I told him, "breakfast: is on you!
so his "GF" wants to introduce some old rich woman to me,... she says " this is paradise" but u have no woman,
so I asked ..."why?" ...I can cook, clean, wash my clothes (when I shower, ha ha) ..
if she (whatever age) is only for bed,,, NO, thats a big price... I am Free bird, Like the wild serbian girl ; Mhary!
if ...BIG IF! ... i had anyone permanent in my life again, she woudl have to match me , with character & experience
and energy ... as I told Sanna; I may be 10,000 years but i have the energy of a 26 year old..
but I welcome any lady, any age, young or old, who c an dance...
we had breakfast by the beautiful panorama, of Zanjice beach, at the caffe of Mhary (although wasnt working , Bojana was there,
but a new young waitress served) .. omletts & coffee.. not cheap either... thanks "Sergey" ha ha ha ..
... Sanna kept cuddling "Sergey" ... his reply when asked " a romantic friday" ..hmmm was I his alibi...
MSp didnt bring any of the thinks Nemanja has of mine, Ljumovic told him a story that he is now in Bulgaria..
of course thats why NL wanted me to play in a Team for Bulgaria , so I would payhis fuel & costs...
evryone here is a Lopov? (not to be confused with Lopta ; football!) ..
I went for a run again at 07h this morning.. i need it, if I am to get rid of this "heavy feeling"
about 2 kilos less should work.. swimming and running every 2/3 days ..maybe the odd walking excursion to Rose?
... that was a funny place but has a boat link to HN! (Rose is name of place, not a girl, although I have given
a lot of ladies ROSES in my life... not always appreciated...) I recall a lass who worked In a student print shop
and :just for fun: sent her and the barmain of "Dublin pub" of Podgorica city quarter a valentines rose.
well, if I said said " I have just eaten your children" I dont think I could have been regarded so badly,
insults on social media, she wouldn't talk to me, her colleague too.. extreme , I KNOW she has a BF
anyway ...this world is F U B AR the capitulation to the #paranoiaBUG has virtually destroyed social contact,
no hugs, no handshakes (although I still do...) masks & stupidity everywhere ..thats the global "pandemic"
just HOW stupid the global sheeple are... as the few sell trillions of dollars of masks, hand washers,
and other related sh&te...
once again... I am an Alien on my own planet, there is NO intelligent life to be seen in this universe!
chapter 11/12 (audio visual part 1 of 3 of episode 12 at MonTV episode 12 (part 1 of 3) preview of book2 - YouTube
This morning I was a bit late, as I hadnt slept much, the wind nearly took the clothes hanging outside
across the Adriatic ... my hat was in the neighbour's garden ... the "clothes horse@ collapsed several times,
so I brought it inside.. the warm, but strong summer wind kept me awake..
and as I walked down the hill towards the beach (caffe) a new neighbour (Bg?) threw rubbish over into the woods
... the RUBBISH bins are only 2 or 3 metres from his house...! ... and I reacted saying to him..
" well, that just says everything about you!" ... he looked blank at me, and just said "Dobar Dan" (good day)
..NO its isnt a good day, is it for anyone ... because the world is packed with C&nts like you!
this I just wrote for the profile and... this "episode"..
you are cordially invited to join our (FREE for my contacts) international club
currently hosting at "Cuba Libre" Lustica Bay, MNE
(tel +382 68 505 797)
invitation to Football fun games & party & tour , with events in wildly beautiful location....
Supporters, fans & friends & friends or Friends are welcome
A GREAT time is (almost) GUARANTEED ... games will be played in fair & positive spirit (hugs allowed!)
GOOD food & drinks , beautiful location
will arrange tour on boat and much more
once in a lifetime experience IF YOU WANT TO HAVE FUN & FORGET THeiR bullsh&te of the last year or so..??
(Belgian, Dutch, Slovakian fan clubs & Teams invited to join with local BALKAN teams, and hopefully a friendly TEAM from LIVERPOOL)
leave your worries & your masks in the rubbish BIN!
you will never PLAY (oir drink) alone!
& for AeFaN FREE fair play league association
210615 as I "caught up| with Lfctv and the press conference featuring Margaret Aspinall (her son was a victim in 1989)
representing the fanmilies disgust is clear.. but,..
WE are the only group who never accepted the Uk govts (empty ) "apologies
even though so many "fans" told us to be "be quiet" and accept their "process"
NO JUSTICE, NOT for OUR MURDERED 96 (murdered by the UK state 32 years ago)...
NO JUSTICE for anyone who isnt rich or lobbied!! feck your exploited c 19 stupidity ...!
(a 'pandemic" that was not declared as a " state of emergency " ) you are their disposable pawns in their have been CONNED by gates, the w.h.o & co, by those who sell WAR,
by those who sell masks, legalized poison, & mobile 24/7 rubbish to keep you "busy"..
face book is as corrupt as the fascisTORY govt you obey, or the USAcorp machine which pollutes OUR lands, air, water, seas & minds & bodies of our children,
ALL governments worldwide, are GUILTY ..but overall , without YOUR agreement, nothing happens,
so YOU, yes YOu, are to blame...
you have the society you deserve, and its F U B A R! no more excuses!
#ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN #J4t96_32yrs #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet
join via
or add any one of over 300 social media groups informally linked!
...5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith Campaign; equality & anti DISCRIMINATIoN, local & global people's JUSTICE
sure its bad when the USA violence kills 50 more of their own,,
but not as bad as the rarely mentioned plight of over 25,000 kids who die DAILY around the world because of greed
... which you never discuss on "mainSCREAM news" ...!
...., seems like the whole world saw "Star wars" filsm, but then went to the "DARK SIDE"
WHEN U WERE TOLD TO FEAR... WAKE up and FEEL the force of @ChRiSliveCAMPAIHN #LbiRDco-op via REdFEMnet
8 years ago
"the govts. of the whole world are much the same..
it was predicted 20 years ago that the last world war would be between northern hemisphere and south
...that was a mis-interpretation of that which is currently happening across the globe..
those in power will use any means against the poor and the public to retain their position,
property or status, and DO violate all human rights in the process, in the USA "Taxim" wont happen..
because they eliminate activists BEFORE they go public...
blame the people, because the people's apathy or greed have allowed this to happen,
the storm is here, in nature and society ... the titanic sunk, so better make yourself a LIFE boat! be well!
and 1 year ago, added 12 new photos to the album: '14 start a virus laugh at this planet a.k.a FLAMING june#20 by Christopher Richard Smith.
I broke the fever, and as I am still ALIVE & breathing..
I start to wake the rest of this planet up with "humOUR" or OUR hum -anity...
HOPE you ALL catch THIS "virus".. 🙂 ....(started 6 years ago) WAKE up dated June #20
...(after the #TrendyVirus) ....LIFE is for LIVING not hiding..
its every where ,,the BS, as my previous visitor Bart Z goes on his journey hungry to experience the world..
I see a global "dumbing down" now with all the fascism & dictatorships', about how & where you can travel
you couldn't pay me to go other than by boat, and the idea of a "JUmk" houseboat hugging the coast is one of
the few alternatives i would consider .. i doubt if I would ever want to fly commercial airlines etc again..
So I get the BS where I am... and "Monty-land" so beautiful is spoiled by so many more rons..that material for this book2...
is easy to find... so part of this double chapter/episode will be pics & short videos of the last decade of visitors etc .... this will just be a " taste" as I have hosted over 350 visitors here,,,
(limited audio comments too ha ha ha)
"why "conspiracy theories" unpopular..
To start with, as the world society is "dumbed down" by scumedia perpetuating "fast food thinkers" (who dont like to think, just consume)
most require depth of thought...thus its expecting a "big mac fan" to appreciate a 5 course gourmet experience..
(full of spices they dont know..)
Monty Land menus ...(local) are conspicuously mild, although the land is perfect for growing anything (inc weed which would make this
the richest in Europe..) ... a dictatorship since more than 30 years is the fault of the whole population...
not encouraged to challenge, with a beautiful land & coastline to enjoy when they are not "working" solves most opposition..
I went ona a "protest" march a few years back...saturday evening, when in bothered no one in govt. ...
we had a "promenade" around the old town...I called it "protest training: and said if these thousands all brough a rubbish bag and
dumped it at Pressies residence THEN he would "notice" but this was a joke..
The USA ("bodd of the free world") murdered , one way or another, their own President Kennedy, his presidential candidtae brother Bobby
(arguably a bigger threat to "them") ...Luther - King, who had organised the biggest protest Rally in USA history.,
Malcolm X, campaignign for trut, "whilst muslim" ... and eventually John Lennon, who challenged it all through musical protests & such..
Since the 70's any "voice" has been discredited or disappeared...thus enbabling their global business of WAR and "legalized posiob"
(Big Pharma) cars & tech (gates & co) to grow unhindered, copied by most of the planet, resulting in war, biz & pollution of OUR lands, air, water , seas , food & minds of our children, its not so much a theory but an acceptance o f sh&te by the public,
who , for example, join the mobbing when recently anyone dares to questiosn why the whole planet was shut down, without a
:state of emergency" being declared by govts , (for an apparent high risk to 0.01% of the population...
my theory,. it doesnt matter whether c19 was & the next bug caused by our own pollution or a cia plan,, the problem is our stupidity
in focus on this and not on the world as it is and the damage done to nature & the next generation of kids a.k.a. :humanity" and \social community..
.............. this morning I held down the "sun cover" of the beach caffe,,, with the staff,,,
and noticed Nina the new "spy" of (NOT free? beach bar of Castro, not Che) checking me at their "rival..
but happy to see "Vojo" has recovered , he had not had a rest day since I came here 5 weeks ago..
EXPLOITATION local & global...really needs you all to REBEL, as some cyclists did v "BlowJO"
but my questions is WHO voted in the scum of UK , USA , here or just about every govt anywhere in the FUBAR world? YOU!
on Tuesday evening I went to the (no longer Free) Castro beach Bar,,,
I watched "Manager assistant" (Mr Beans brate) take over an hour to set up the screen for footbal..
you left the bar, do U remember when u said ... "dont worry about Nina, just come when I am there" (Novy)
... u were not there,...and I have to go to TV for cash,... so ....
I OFFER you and Mhary "english lessons" on MY (limited time) ...and tell you both I will cook...
TIME cannot be recovered, repaid or repaired , not with a billion dollars...NEVER..
your new " manager" is an idiot, his assisant is local Mr Bewan, the atmosphere since he, (the 2-faced) Nina etc came haS DETERIORATED..
Borko ignores me now , after me spending almost a 1000 euros here in 5 weeks since I arrived ..
I fear for your generation, you , Ivana, Mhary,.. Martina , Nevena what type of world will u inherit..if anything..?
my song is NOT "yesterday" I Am just beginning to..."fight" ...with all my MIGHT! i have #ChrisliveCAMPAIGN £ LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet
linked to over 300 groups worldwide to progress..OOR FAIL...I NEVER SURRENDER!
I like you and Voyo, (even though Voyo promised to help with my Pg hosue problems, & introduce me to his sons, he did NEITHER!)
Porko/V told me "anythign you need, we will get!:...2 weeks ago...
After you took me the first time to TV, do u remember saying " any time, ChRiS, any time u want to go to TY, tell me :
but until someone cares about ...... I will spend "time" at the "credit card locations!"
on the "drunken" drive from HN ... did I say "tomorrow U will forget me!" ? ...was I wromg?
NO one here knows or understands my value... so be it! i love aloen...i know this life!
epeisode 12 parts 1 (ok) parts 2/3 blocked by Tosh virus?
________________________________________________________START ...
plus ...
montv-chrislog./2021/01/crisis-faking-sheeple-what-crisis-just. catch up with previous monTv
with greetings and best wishes for ALL TRUE REbEL REdS!
#J4t96_32yrs #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN @ shares for all #LbIRDco-op via REdGEMnet;
ONLY future offering shares to over 30 million SUPPORTERS
start saving , with 300 groups worldwide plus already linked
..20 e gets you (if you are a true REd) 1 share each , LbiRD coin
by year 2023! & get the USAcorp sharks OUT of our club!
SOULstice preparing for enlightenment?
part 2 (&academy)
thanks DC & REbEL MEd1ATEAM ; (shame audio was disturbed by USAcorp a.k.a. F book/fen way hackers ; but ...the you tube links are supported by HT ...
----------- & best wishes to all TRUE REbEL REdS
, seems like the whole world saw "Star wars" films, but then went to the "DARK SIDE"....beause U WERE TOLD TO FEAR...
WAKE up and FEEL the positive force of #ChRiSliveCAMPAIHN #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet ...............
join @ ----------from 2 years ago;
--not a new year for me
i live somewhere else, you see
its a place i know well
where it is , i wont tell,
my universe has wall
a roof, so very tall
you cannot come inside
when hurts , its where i hide
these days are different
families and others seem bent
to do at one time
oops i almost forgot to rhyme.. :0
why cant you be , all year round
caring, loving and profound..
i miss the ones i love
don't think if they are above
i will survive this pain
and win through, again
yesterday, now and tomorrow
i will survive all sorrow,,,
ChRiS 190101 00.30h ..some of my uni-verses
you are cordially invited to join our (FREE for my contacts) international club
currently hosting at "Cuba Libre" Lustica Bay, MNE
(tel +382 68 505 797)
invitation to Football fun games & party & tour , with events in wildly beautiful location....
Supporters, fans & friends & friends or Friends are welcome
A GREAT time is (almost) GUARANTEED ... games will be played in fair & positive spirit (hugs allowed!)
GOOD food & drinks , beautiful location
will arrange tour on boat and much more
once in a lifetime experience IF YOU WANT TO HAVE FUN & FORGET THeiR bullsh&te of the last year or so..??
(Belgian, Dutch, Slovakian fan clubs & Teams invited to join with local BALKAN teams, and hopefully a friendly TEAM from LIVERPOOL)
leave your worries & your masks in the rubbish BIN!
you will never PLAY (oir drink) alone!
& for AeFaN FREE fair play league association
210613 episode 13 see below
, seems like the whoel world saw "Star wars" films but then went to the "DARK SIDE"
WHEN U WERE TOLD TO FEAR... WAKE up and FEEL the force of @ChRiSliveCAMPAGN #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet
and extracts from their #Game of THORNS;
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