clearing the inbox of www.facebook.com/a.k.a.fakebook
and with compliments to : http://unsub-b.blogspot.com (BANNED or censored)
and this....written almost a YEAR ago.,,,
http://unsub-b.blogspot.com/2016/03/hypocrites-and-parasites-and-useless-of.html Just a few words about "media and political perception" during "global knee - Jerking" week
sympathy for victims ANYWHERE; London, Paris, Brussels; Beirut, Palestine and kids in afghan or syrian towns killed by "allied errors"
...... there are still more people killed every year in the USA by guns than in all of the european "attacks" !!!
& more than 20 THOUSAND kids dying daily because if the greedy
business/political distribution of resources by new world order
treating migrants and refugees as criminals ???
treating migrants and refugees as criminals ???
because the average person is bombarded with mis-leading information about the world you live in, when US media people ask why Europe is not on "high security shut down mode" ??
...ask them how many people are MURDERED by GUNs daily in USA (as many as 90!) thats more than killed In Paris AND Brussels...in year 2015 the USA murdered about 12000 AMERICANS! ... by making guns easy to acquire and use..and a violent society! Intelligent people should come together and WISE up the sheeple! .. do not trust the media! (nor ANY politicians) ,,,,(they "co-incidentally" arrested a "leader" called "allah Ab De Slam" (?) on the SAME day of the incident in Bruss els..??? hmmmmm)
Without Prejudice
Christopher Richard Smith v United Kingdom & others
cc: media ; Human rights watch ( * & others)
.... this is considered as an "Anonymous action" (within the ECHR protocol) v the U.K thus the details shall only be released should the ECHR fail to act upon it OR should CRS be further damaged, disabled, disappeared or cease life (according to the terms of his will.)
Details have been lodged at the British Embassy Podgorica (who also refused the extension of the plaintiffs passport) and with varous government officials and the ECHR via email and "snail-mail"
Articles violated by the United Kingdom or its Ministers, officials, officers, agents and/or citizens:
Article 5 - Liberty ; - at various times between 1986 - 2016. Article 8 - privacy ; - various instances between 1986 - 2016.
Article 9 - freedom of thought, conscience and religion ; obstructed between 1995 -2016.
Article 10 - freedom of expression ; obstructed between 1995 -2016. Article 11 - freedom of assembly and association, including the right to form trade unions ; - obstructed between 1995 -2016.
Article 12 - marry and establish a family. Obstructed at various times between 1986 - 2016.
Article 13 - effective remedy = Failure to compensate for violations between 1986 - 2016.
Article 14 - prohibition of discrimination; violated repeatedly on numerous ocassions between 1986 - 2016.
Article 16 - treatment of aliens, despite holding Brit. Passport, treated as "Alien" by UK offcials and their departments.
The Article 17 - abuse of rights & Article 18 - permitted restrictions , the abuses of articles by the state and the inclusion of MNE state and its citizens as witnesses to verify the plaintiff claims shall be included should CRS deem it necessary to correct the violations committed by the United Kingdon or its servants, ministers, officals, officers and/or citizens. Christopher R, Smith Montenegro email =====
end 160323

UNfake UNsub, FUBAR ..UNcontinued...
its all SO fake, that I struggle to find Any believable media : so I make my own...
![]() |
Brian " dont follow anyone: .... sheeple; "we are all individuals" |
even FB groups that appear to be "anti establishment" are infiltrated with goons who distract and divert honest opposition... get them to moan about one or other politician, (including the accepted clever comedy comment of Oliver )or business leader, nation or religion, when they are ALL, repeat ALL fake..
by the way,,,,Net guest apo ? why is this image banned?? (guy fawkes mask)

some MORE......

interesting there has been a greater increase of white nationalists(Nazties) than IS is followers online??
??? Did you know, that your governments ARE duty bound to allow you FREEDOM of movement? (UDHR / ECHR article text) ??? careful, as they have now "marketed" the original articles to fit the "new world order" s media...
WHY a ir B n B*llox?
a corrupted org, who decide who you host, who they allow to host, and "control" payments to make their profit?
instead ; make a Fakebook group and exchange contacts and info about your spare room, and avoid the sharks who spoilt the original idea???? (i delisted but that dont stop them SPAMMING my inbox with offers and bogus enquiries)
? same with "trip advisor" I have 6,728 "followers" who have read my advices about places to go, visit , enjoy.... tripadvisor want me to stay online so keep offering me bogus "award status" working on my ego to become some special top advisor for the balkan region etc , blah blah..
? you have a brain? do you use it to communicate? or have you got a SMARTER PHONE THAN YOU?
..JP is having a moan....

(If Liverpool improve their playing unit ,... can beat anyone..too..:)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrwvOyJXY2I barca fans will probably say this is "fake news"
more clearing out the inbox..

people (especially parents) should support local community and grass routes events , not help the big boys monopolize all aspects of your kids sports life? "Sir Richard Branson's new company Virgin Sport to run festivals centred on fun exercise" MORON!
.....$4.5 Billion Will Be Wagered Illegally On Super Bowl 51. ... so what? its just another "drug" ..better, (legal) is everywhere, i am disgusted to see it promoted on some of the Lfco. training kit, distract the sheeple, get them wasting their time and money on betting, the money they could use on "backing their own ideas" make that a group....! . (in a mall town called Spuz with a few thousand inhabitants,, they have 1 baker no state sports facility but FOUR betting shops!)
JP" almost live from "Lp" (the "pool of life" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkJs-tK2vak
keep supplying fake stuff (and the occasional truth) to www.facebook.com/a.k.a.fakebook
if you need to be reminded why you shouldn't support industry, chemical business and the corporates cumbags, watch "erin brokovich" based on a true story , one of many examples where you the public are exploited by lawyers and business manipulators or those who pollute the land, water , air and the minds of your kids,.. anyone who joins the system now is simply buying the equivalent of a 3rd class ticket to the titanic !
ReplyDeleteThe Daily Show Tweeted: We made a browser extension that converts Tr ump’s Tweets into their rightful s tate: a child’s scribble. Download:
ReplyDeletePetition to Liverpool Football Club.
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REdnet support this IF at least 51 % of shares are controlled by true REd supporters and offered non voting shares to 30 million+ global Lfc fans...
ReplyDelete(this communication is banned!) ????
air bn Boll&x ,,,We believe in a world where anyone can belong
ReplyDeleteEveryone deserves to belong. But for too many, it's a dire need. So our five-year goal is to make sure 100,000 people have short-term housing during urgent times. Please join us.
CS> A bn b X are a bunch of exploiters, a good idea pereverted and corrupted ! hypocrites! (took 6 months and about 30 emails to get Dejan R. paid!
Liverpool chief executive Ian Ayre will leave the club at the end of February to join German side 1860 Munich..
ReplyDeleteREDnet> and dont let the door hit u on the way out!
sad that women want to join a system and "boss" when the pyramid structure is a major cause of the worlds mess. thousands of years and still people are devolving ... scrap the corporate structure and become human , sme startups and networks and put big business and the market in the bin! ... p,s, women can be more cunning & evil ... dont forget all major dictators were first influenced by...their mothers ! :) https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/its-2017-why-we-still-telling-women-act-like-men-work-krawcheck?trk=eml-email_feed_ecosystem_digest_01-hero-0-null&midToken=AQEiwznX5FeTZQ&fromEmail=fromEmail&ut=1rqAXXcom4fTE1
ReplyDelete"world class" really dont impress me, wearing suits and ties and lacking original thought and serving a system that pollutes the air, land, water & minds of your children , FUBAR!https://www.linkedin.com/groups/1868007/1868007-6235875089234173953?midToken=AQEiwznX5FeTZQ&trk=eml-b2_anet_digest_of_digests-hero-12-view%7Ediscussion&trkEmail=eml-b2_anet_digest_of_digests-hero-12-view%7Ediscussion-null-tvq9z%7Eiz2i7zoh%7Eqi&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Aemail_b2_anet_digest_of_digests%3BNiW755I1QRCF0r1s35MpwA%3D%3D
ReplyDeleteBREAKING: US calls for collective action to hold N. Korea ‘accountable’ for nuclear & ballistic missile tests http://on.rt.com/834b
ReplyDeleteAkaFB> BUT WHO will hold France Russia UK & USA "accountable" for their W M D ???
Step by step, here's how the thorough U.S. refugee vetting and resettlement process really works: http://bit.ly/2lszEpw
ReplyDeleteCS> irrelevant : the UDHR staes we all have "freedom of movement" you should resign from any govt that violates that article!
Step by step, here's how the thorough U.S. refugee vetting and resettlement process really works: http://bit.ly/2lszEpw
ReplyDeleteCS> irrelevant : the UDHR staes we all have "freedom of movement" you should resign from any govt that violates that article!