catch up ... with the Campaign ..
I am ... Nikole Tesle ..without the tech,, Ghandi, without a Religion,, Lennon, without the tune,
Mandela, without the nation, Martin L-K, without the colour, "the kop" ..without the (modern) fans...
Robin Hood, without arraws, Geronimo, without a horse, Shanks, without a club, I am a leader without an army, A general without a war,
an advocate, without a lwa, A Rebel without his flag, and ...A father, without a child,
a husband without a wife..I am ME, without you!.....Alone and all one.... complete.!
and ..
REdS+ local & global
- do you support the concept of a supporters owned Liverpool fc, shared with the estimated 50 million or more worldwide support/fans & followers , managed by our choice of professionals in the office , voted at an open AGM , and say , when JK leaves, the Team on the field , to be managed by Stevie with Rafa as sporting director ..? something like hybrid version of Barca/German clubs where supporters have at least half the ownership! https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com
( #censoREDS #REdGEM)
highlights ;
CALENDAR jan.#20

........my own management initiatives & success on or off the field in or out of football , apply many of his "socialist/team ethic"
... .and the subsequent "bootroom" crew ...I have added something from Rafa , whom I met and studied in their swiss training camp ..and a few aspect of Juergen who has copied & updated the original Liverpool methods (pass&move/hounding - now refers as "pressing") I have often tried to apply with youth / kids teams I supported/sponsored/managed ..however harder to apply when only part-time attendance & occasional training schedule....
thanks for picking me up & back Michel , I dont know what happened with "Sanna" & N;s GK..
... after a late start, (with me in Goal, with a damaged left thumb..) it took most of the game to get any understanding.. basics... if you go forward, get back..
on the rare occasions WE had an extra man we did not use it, obviously Edwin's team know each other well.. and often it was myselft & the stand in GK (Robert) alone against 3 of there players .. fitness issues and a couple of extra players can be sorted,,, better next time..
perspective on? http://businessmirror.com.ph/2020/01/27/liverpools-campaign-in-perspective/
tacti.... as explained several times before its NOT 4-3-3- .. its 2-3-3-2 .. as Trent & Robbo are wing halves NOT FULL backs, Bobby is a virtual midfielding false 9, joining , (in this game) Ox & Gini & Hendo (Holding) in midfield ,, so arguably u could call it 2-6-2 with MANE & Mo the often inter-changing "forwards".. the problem with all these modern "techie" blogs is that only an experienced HUMAN brain REALLY SEES the game! :) and ... a valid point, the REdS finishing, if better (and De Gea made some excellent stops) it could have been a 5 goal win, the advantage of having the players who know the system and cover with sheer hard work, & mentality is not "tactical" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffTmlf-SUz0
whenever i think of the REdS in the fa cup , back when it was a real trophy worth winning.. and I was the old wembley when we won the double..,.(12 mates , 8 RedS & 4 blues went to the game together..when it was MERSEYPRIDE...) see also "match of the 80s" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drmpAYIxcRw&t=27s
-----200120 ..
YNWA/J-96+30yrs /2020/01/redgem-rednet-bootroom-update-
* https://vimeo.com/325497763 *
....please share our video?
#REdGEM #colouREDS #censoREDS #thankSHANKS #LbiRD
............ 200119
updated for matchday
pre LIVERPOOL v manu
good wishes
& hope you enjoy the matchday tomorrow
updated LIVERPOOL v manu
https://www.facebook.com/events/199709951185849/ Tuesday ..
anal ysis
too much dependence on "stats" by modern "pundits" ..common mistake...so many internet
kids & their obsession with stats,,,...
just watch the game , its simple... Maureen surely realised (and he is canny still) to open and "have a go" could have exposed his (currently) "weaker spurs" to a battering.. the REdS should have won it easily in the first half, which left spurs with a "chance" of getting a point when they started to attacjk a LIVERPOOL side that lost its own momentum late on.. this is not rocket science.. https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2020/01/rednet-update-liverpool-v-man-u-mancs.html
capturing the LIVERPOOL waY: ??? great statue of Bob with my boyhood hero Emlyn... but ....
Bootroom discussions...
a) exploiting the Bob & Emlyn statue
"sponsored by standards corrupted bankers"

capturing the LIVERPOOL waY: ??? great statue of Bobh
- REdNeT they are still sharks , Joe, and i dont smoke :) ...and standard chartered , like the hedge funders behind fen way are corrupt.. i dont like the idea of them exploiting the emotions that Bob & Emlyn have with our supporters ..Lfc should pay for the statues not "sponsors' Lfc is one of the richest clubs in the world and should pay from own pocket for such memorials.. ..btw the likes of Henry & co didnt get rich by being nice guys,.. the success if done to the football staff , not the directors who failed to back a potential winning team for a decade ..seems like everyone has amnesia now we are winning all the time..????
Joe de Leonardo
The directors , FSG, Klopp , the whole Liverpool squad seemed to get
it right. Actually not seemed but definitely right. The ckub is now
worth upwards of £1.8 billion. Winning everything in sight. Who gives a
fuck if the owners are making a good buck from the club. Isn't that the
aim of every club owner in football ? Let it be as long as we keep on
the right track....winning trophies.0h

REdNeT Joe de Leonardo
Joe, NO, sorry isnt the name of this group is Shankly;s army... ????
therefore I woudl expect the members to respect the ethics of that man..
?? he would not want core ("working class/family) supporters priced
out of the ground.. he would NOT want "hedge fund crooked
billionaires: to profit from the efforts WE , from that geneation help
to build up worldwide, "make a buck"? from a negligable outlay fen way
have a 2 bn dollar asset... and chose NOT to invest in the team in the
last decade ...it was a continuation of G & H , sell before u buy, a
net outlay of 70 million in the last 4 years is nothign when u consider
f s g are backed by severall billionaires ... I will not bond the
squad, Juergen with the boardroom sharks , as I quoted whyone of the
richest clubs in the world need a corrupt bank to "sponsor" a statue
which raises emotional ties OUR generation have with what was "our club"
and CLUB is the opperative word, LIVERPOOL was not established as a
busines, but to provide community & football to the people.. its
global yes but that does not mean we have to accept that the lack of
global morals leave a capitalist stain on the ethics .you , of all
peoples , should understand!
: capturing the LIVERPOOL waY: ??? great statue of Bob with my boyhood hero Emlyn... but ....
not with Lfc boardroom sharks & sponsors feeding of it.
they exploit EVERYTHING that WE made ...
Shanks, Bob, Joe, Ronnie, Kenny, Rafa and.. Juergen connected with the TRUE REd SUPPORTERS ... the boardroom just sold it, again & again under your noses,...
...200202..updated from February 2, 2019 ·
a clear point as we APPROACH THIRTY years since the "legalized MURDER" of 96 of my REd bros & sisters.
. I appreciate & thank very much for the committee etc and those informing of the relevant (lack of) progress .....
the "censorship" concerning Hillsborough is simply false... .... opinions are a right of free speech, and are already in the public domain.., 1000;s of times " ....and decent prosecuting Barristers should easily destroy any ridiculous pleas
stated about the known participants ... "defence" .....ever since HILLSBOROUGH (15.4.1989) the establishment, media, state , police and the FA have obstructed and delayed justice......"JUSTICE delayed is JUSTICE DENIED" : Every TRUE RED knows the truth,...
.." a herring which is not REd" ...i am also concerned about the youth/loan policies of Lfc/Fsg.. ... YNWA/J4t96th!
Ian Golder > Chris Smith , Goid documentary on BT sports about Man Utd late 60’s to mid 70’s.
Chris > Ian Golder oh Ian I triy to limit that sort of pollution in my life! ha ha ,, anyway we dont get BT here .. :) best wishes though & thanks for the info,.another 3 points .. and for me i will never celebrate a title until its mathematical over, i used to do the same when we were chasing or winning trophies by the way there is a good series "match of the 70s" which u might enjoy too :) YNWA! J-96+30yrs ...
Chris Smith-Mypod
updated spurs 0 LIVERPOOL 1
(thanks to "the Firm" )
chrislog /// 0-2 wham LIVERPOOL Mo Ox (Jan 29) London
LIVERPOOL v soton updated
: capturing the LIVERPOOL waY: ??? great statue of Bob with my boyhood hero Emlyn... but ....
not with Lfc boardroom sharks & sponsors feeding of it.
they exploit EVERYTHING that WE made ...
Shanks, Bob, Joe, Ronnie, Kenny, Rafa and.. Juergen connected with the TRUE REd SUPPORTERS ... the boardroom just sold it, again & again under your noses,...
...200202..updated from February 2, 2019 ·
a clear point as we APPROACH THIRTY years since the "legalized MURDER" of 96 of my REd bros & sisters.
. I appreciate & thank very much for the committee etc and those informing of the relevant (lack of) progress .....
the "censorship" concerning Hillsborough is simply false... .... opinions are a right of free speech, and are already in the public domain.., 1000;s of times " ....and decent prosecuting Barristers should easily destroy any ridiculous pleas
stated about the known participants ... "defence" .....ever since HILLSBOROUGH (15.4.1989) the establishment, media, state , police and the FA have obstructed and delayed justice......"JUSTICE delayed is JUSTICE DENIED" : Every TRUE RED knows the truth,...
.." a herring which is not REd" ...i am also concerned about the youth/loan policies of Lfc/Fsg.. ... YNWA/J4t96th!
Ian Golder > Chris Smith , Goid documentary on BT sports about Man Utd late 60’s to mid 70’s.
Chris > Ian Golder oh Ian I triy to limit that sort of pollution in my life! ha ha ,, anyway we dont get BT here .. :) best wishes though & thanks for the info,.another 3 points .. and for me i will never celebrate a title until its mathematical over, i used to do the same when we were chasing or winning trophies by the way there is a good series "match of the 70s" which u might enjoy too :) YNWA! J-96+30yrs ...
Chris Smith-Mypod
updated spurs 0 LIVERPOOL 1
(thanks to "the Firm" )
chrislog /// 0-2 wham LIVERPOOL Mo Ox (Jan 29) London
LIVERPOOL v soton updated
MORE ...................
JP & slavery to your phone?
Dictators are becoming "popular" due to dumbing down of the sheeple.. fascism is easy to SELL. just focus on FEAR //.."they will take your homes/jobs/[lives if u have one!) and greed they will stop u getting all the stuff u think u need!
February 2, 2015 ·
or... join ME here on the 14th Feb...x or ...
ha ha ...so, anyway.... events 14 March ..RED nose day, and on 22 April and weekend of 23 May. (also celebrate Stevie and istanbul 10 years...bring your friends to "LIverpool Night" ) and a group to weekend party...
this is our project at Danilovgrad. (Montenegro) . rednoses etc to help orphans and homeless children..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-c8ggq6FQc&feature=youtu.be
WAKE UP to this...
the most common way sheeple give up their power (and its you who give corporate, religeious & politica leaders their power) is by thinking you dont have any,,., turn the fecking swith OFF!
the world is sliding into a swamp and YOU are guilty!
to BB.......//////......just having a quiet night watching netflix, wondering how you are, in company with your various complex issues, and nerosis, i know its not "appropriate" to tell the truth in "crna gora" which i will re-name "RED heaven" when I am president..but i fely like annoying you, , so will you marry me (i know what a big shoick that would be to your family, friends and the rest of the montenegrin village..:)
" The Report " ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Report_%282019_film%29
YET another recommended of an example of how the "authorities in USA or Uk or just about any state..will cover up violations of Human BEINGS/.. just like Hillsborough in Uk or the story of "official secrets" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKPL6fDjxQw another based on the true story of another cover up..
but... the sheeple voted in Donald duck as US president and ugly boris's fascisTORY govt,,, i woudl like EVERYONE to know, on any MEd1A that i am BIASED... in favour OF THE TRUTH!
p.s. WE, (at LIVERPOOL, home or abroad) are Scouse NOT ENGLISH!
MORE ...................
JP & slavery to your phone?
Dictators are becoming "popular" due to dumbing down of the sheeple.. fascism is easy to SELL. just focus on FEAR //.."they will take your homes/jobs/[lives if u have one!) and greed they will stop u getting all the stuff u think u need!
February 2, 2015 ·
or... join ME here on the 14th Feb...x or ...
ha ha ...so, anyway.... events 14 March ..RED nose day, and on 22 April and weekend of 23 May. (also celebrate Stevie and istanbul 10 years...bring your friends to "LIverpool Night" ) and a group to weekend party...
this is our project at Danilovgrad. (Montenegro) . rednoses etc to help orphans and homeless children..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-c8ggq6FQc&feature=youtu.be
WAKE UP to this...
the most common way sheeple give up their power (and its you who give corporate, religeious & politica leaders their power) is by thinking you dont have any,,., turn the fecking swith OFF!
the world is sliding into a swamp and YOU are guilty!
to BB.......//////......just having a quiet night watching netflix, wondering how you are, in company with your various complex issues, and nerosis, i know its not "appropriate" to tell the truth in "crna gora" which i will re-name "RED heaven" when I am president..but i fely like annoying you, , so will you marry me (i know what a big shoick that would be to your family, friends and the rest of the montenegrin village..:)
" The Report " ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Report_%282019_film%29
YET another recommended of an example of how the "authorities in USA or Uk or just about any state..will cover up violations of Human BEINGS/.. just like Hillsborough in Uk or the story of "official secrets" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKPL6fDjxQw another based on the true story of another cover up..
but... the sheeple voted in Donald duck as US president and ugly boris's fascisTORY govt,,, i woudl like EVERYONE to know, on any MEd1A that i am BIASED... in favour OF THE TRUTH!
p.s. WE, (at LIVERPOOL, home or abroad) are Scouse NOT ENGLISH!
EMotions & poems
Just now ·
Hello "Star of the story" ....
Four years ago I wrote that (below)
I care , you know
missing you still after all this time
so again I send a rhyme...
I hoped that i had a place
and hope I see your face
again, because even if you stay away
I wish you the best in every way...
Christopher Richard Smith x
for Danica Stancic for you "Dax"..on your birthday..
another day, u say that u hate..
but my wish is always too late
that u stayed and knew better
but now i dont even get a letter! :)
(or sms , email etc) ha ha
I wish YOU ALL the VERY best
I live now in Dg , who would have guessed?
it reminds me every day
that "Dani love" got away..
i hope u get all you deserve..
and one day find me.. if u have the nerve:)
Chris x
BIlja dinner, Biljana Malta... (my GF 20 years ago... keeping the balalnce past present & future)
Best wishes & birthday greetings Yulia Kulikova :)
hope you have a great time\
and I make a little rhyme
just wanted to say
enjoy your birthday
and if you come again..
i will be pleased to host you x
sending a rose with 2lips... too :)
Hello Leticia García Hernando
a little poem for you on your Birthday
its a while since I saw you here
do you remember , is it clear
anyway I wish you all the best
Good times and all the rest
hope u come back another day
I am pleased to host your stay
so enjoy the fun ...
i know you are someone
ChRiS x
\its your day Anna Lukshina
and i think of what to say
birthday greetings, anyway
you came and visited my home
when around the region you did roam
we talked a while ,
you showed some style
and talent that should never be ignored
of which i am nver bored
so enjoy the things you do
and I wil not forget you
made some sun, not rain
come back and see me again
be honest good & new
and I will always support that , its true
ChriS x
oh so its another chance
for another little poem, no dance
as you @Tamara Dekker too far away..
so i hope you have the best day...
& more x
p.s. still waiting for your visit !! ..????? :p
just how stupid are YOU? sheeple on this planet, shining rocks called "diamonds" u kill for, OR "gold" is just metal that shines?
December 30, 2016 ·
Subject: tears through a closing door
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 23:36:18 +0200
From: "ChRiS"
To: "team yafoy"
in my arms for a minute
in my view for an hour
forever possessing my heart
thats my little girl
today in the rain
i surpress the pain
to be with her again
before she leaves on a train
what does a woman know
how a father feels
denied his flesh and blood
wounds my soul and never heals
how can hiumanity survive
is anyone alive
caring about the future years
has cost me more than five
losing time is bad enough
whilst time passes me by
her tears cut me in half
as we once again say good bye.....
through a closing door...
ChRiS Smith
- yafoy assoc.
WorldChild Initiative
"For the sake of the Children"
13 mins ·
so Emma a little birthday "poem" for you..
so I used to see you there..
at the cafe of Linda , and dare..
to say "hello' on matchday..
so you might know..
that I do i exist, but i too, like to have fun,
and I am sure i am not the only one..
in your fan club and anyway,,
i hope you have a great...DAY!
x ChRiS
p,.s, sending "2lips" (dreaming) because u didn't like the roses that i sent ha ha ha..
more Memories: ..
February 3, 2017 ·
extremists, whether "promoting" one or other religion damage humanity, the enemy is the one that tells u to kill "the other" support NONE... nor be selective, not one! dont follow anyONE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F69PBQ4ZyNw
February 3, 2016 · Podgorica ·
for the "INFESTORS FANS" ....take note..
UEFA club rankings...
1 Real Madrid CF Real Madrid CF ESP 36.171 29.542 39.600 33.042 22.700 161.057...
ha I notice some "trumpism" has been sown in the comments... the above writer may be wrong.. IF the INTENTION IS TO GET SUPPORT FROM THE PUBLIC, MOST people on here are considered educated, even if educated badly by their system. obviously trump is already campaigning for more and continued power, his inaugural acceptance speech was for a campaign rally,
and this will encourage MORE terrorism, thus giving justification for building more walls,,,
i just wish that he kept the people of the United states IN with this wall.. the rest of the world DONT NEED your example that Mohamed quotes..
if this ban hinders the operatives of the IMF and (fake) world bank...so be it, I will applaud..
extremists can react
and those peoples obstructed SHOULD react, all those nations should remove USA embassies, and forbid USA business... if Trump wants to play at "John Wayne" then his voters should see the consequences...
Live somewhere else, you will not regret it... the USA is a rubbish bin with ALL the wrong styles of life... they
do not seek equality of people
they do pollute the air, water, land , food and minds of children..
they punish anyone who dARES to oppose their war4biz regime.. even their own President!
and should all go to hell for suggesting that any just GOD would " bless america"
Mohamed , the ban will be productive, it will produce what the USA always wants, more war and more strike.. so they can play "cowboys" with our planets peoples..
Chris SMITH 170201
February 1, 2019 at 2:26 PM ·
just to distract u from laughing at "President Donald Duck" ..this ...old one... comedy based, of course on the english version of BS! (oops i mean "politics" ... )
with greetings from friends of /groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV
February 1, 2019 at 2:38 PM ·
a clear point as we APPROACH THIRTY years since the "legalised MURDER" of 96 of my REd bros & sisters.
. I appreciate & thank very much for the above efforts of the committee etc and those informaing of the relevant (lack of) progress .....
the "censorship" concerning Hillsborough is simply false... .... opinions are a right of free speech, and are already in the public domain.., "
.." a herring which is not REd" ...i am also concerned about the youth/loan policies of Lfc/Fsg..
January 25, 2015 ·
150125 , quiet sunday (emails blocked .again!) ... but anyway,,,
Gem?> "Daily Horoscope
January 25, 2016 ·
The USA and the global poodles of the "new world order" dont want you to know their manipulation of your lives???? http://www.takepart.com/pivot/truth-and-power
A new investigative docu-series from director Brian Knappenberger. Narrated by Maggie Gyllenhaal. Premieres Friday, January 22nd at 10e/p on Pivot.
Watch Truth and Power on Pivot (Promoted)
A new investigative docu-series from director Brian Knappenberger.…
January 25, 2017 ·
break up the big corps, invest in local enterprise, not stock market, close the banks, and support especially start ups, and stop going to state/private schools that are teaching kids to buy a tciket for the titanic.. the world dont need another lawyer, banker, factory worker, doctor, computer engineer , reporter or soldier , exchange value, abandon currency,, dont need to teach kids to dream, just stop filling them with rubbish and the rest comes naturally. ... https://www.linkedin.com/…/we-dont-need-teach-our-kids-code…
I wrote this for GQ. Despite other pieces I’ve written being picked up and going viral, this is my favorite piece I’ve ever written. I hope you like
About this website
We don’t need to teach our kids to code, we need to teach them how to dream
I wrote this for GQ. Despite other pieces I’ve written being picked up and going viral, this is my favorite piece I’ve ever written. I hope you like
Chris Smith-Mypod
January 16, 2018 at 11:58 AM ·
"american dream" = world nightmare!
Terrence Daniels
January 15, 2018 at 5:44 AM
Welcome to Orange County California. You had enough inequality yet? Enough b.s. trickle down economics, enough gutless heartless capitalism, are we ready for a better world or are we going to let this nightmare continue? The choice is ours... #Resist
January 16, 2015 at 9:54 AM ·
but we can share the community.., we dont have to take the pain alone, ....I was blocked, ; ) = ( banned?) from the net yestrerday, but this my fav positive pic of the day...Gem ... (daily...horor scope ha ha =) "You may be tempted to take a chance on someone who is not your type. Differences can make good sparks, as long as you are not secretly considering trying to change or train your prospective partner into being someone other than who they are....150115...If you are single, this is a good time to strut your stuff. You are coming across as hot, sexy and exciting right now, and you may find that you are attracting a lot of interest and attention, especially among friends of family and coworkers" :D . and people who want to block me..ha ha ...
January 16, 2018 at 12:08 PM ·
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
January 16, 2018 at 12:06 PM ·
... https://unsub-b.blogspot.com/…/unfair-ununited-nations.html…
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Some readers of this blog have contacted Google because they believe this blog's content is objectionable. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For…
Some readers of this blog have contacted Google because they believe this blog's content is objectionable. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger Terms of Service.x = CENSORSH*TE
in the :mommy faker news...
... "
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name when I lay my vengeance upon thee."