Mid January 2020, and its ironic as the global sheeple get MORE blind ... to the stupidity , corruption and mess made , by "the human race" (similar to lemmings charging towards the end & self--destruct) that may worry the goons & the manipulatros who want all you sheeple alive to FEED their version of the "matrix" :p
#REdGEM update..
.... with GOOD wishes , from my "academy" and y-our methods of personal evolution,& individual abilities naturally enhanced within team , collective and/or community, local & global!
there is no fixed programme ... it depends on the individual , what their own status is and what he/she wishes to achieve ...
:) with Good wishes from Global REdS
challenging with social REd soul ; (#REdGEM) Evolution links c 800,000 via groups worldwide
& please take time to absorb...
#censoREDS #colouREDS #LbiRD #thankSHANKS
16 points clear and 17 ahead of the blue mancs... could win it .... :) ..the english money league 19/20 ha ha ha
#censoREDS #REdGEM
MY MEd1A...a year ago...
antichris /2018/01/the-missionary-position-updated
and ....
The Report " ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Report_%282019_film%29
YET another recommended of an example of how the "authorities in USA or Uk or just about any state..will cover up violations of Human BEINGS/.. just like Hillsborough in Uk or the story of "official secrets" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKPL6fDjxQw another based on the true story of another cover up..
but... the sheeple voted in Donald duck as US president and ugly boris's fascisTORY govt,,, i would like EVERYONE to know, on any MEd1A that i am BIASED... in favour OF THE TRUTH!
p.s. WE, (at LIVERPOOL, home or abroad) are Scouse NOT ENGLISH!
best wishes all, Jason and the volunteers & visitor-friends .. its Bozic (xmas) here, all is closed , very quiet and i am just catching up on message, i wrote to Jason on the 28th , and have commented here ...i respect all the comments and i remind everyone that volunteers get nothing in reward for the effort.. the intentions are right .. and I included a message to @Jason Pinnington in the opneing paragraphs of https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2020/01/redgem-montv-2020-vision-1.html hope fully that wont be blocked.. as i am pretty sick of the apathy of the general public to the increasing removal of "freedom" in the modern society ... thankfully Mr Jones and the kids yesyerday made my week.. :) wishing you all a :happy chrismith" :) may u get all u deserve in the coming years..
hub ..... ... just a short note to THANK all those who supported my events in the last year, and who appreciated the efforts made , i am overwhelmed with messages of gratitude.. so srecan bozic and may your god go with tou, wherever u are going now.. :)
The policies of USAcorp .. continued by the war business president Donald Duck ..and his buddy ugly boris & the fascisTORIES , and other leaders of the "civilized" world ....have murdered via war & polluted the air, land, water, food & minds of our childrem... but you, the sheeple gave them power... so you are to blame for the swamp you are all sinking into..
aren't you?
Celebrating the "Julian" date 20 007 yesterday with our UN-secret agent Chris Smith-Mypod .. shared on line if not in person///thanks to "Scouser abroad" (featured on Access North West Community Radio ) CS also a founder member & initiator of #REdGEM with now over 800k via 160 groups ... worldwide..
and why not celebrate EVERY day you breathe? (before USA corp completely poison the air) ;) ... and special for REds JOIN the party hosted by #censoRED Radio & REb TV
LIVERPOOL fest in "full Monty" :)
with......surprises ...end of May/beginning June #20
Monty-HUB FC3 The FRANK CARLYLE Fan CLUB (& more)
More than 'Word of Mouth" FREE info4 the Balkan resident (Monty) & visitors Play footy in Podgorica
Fri 7:40 PM
#REdGEM_20_1 combo -NJ
now #REdGEM combining the most recent visit from Ahmed ,, (a brother of the "Egyptian King" and local Tadia at FK Katun after a winning game ..in accord…
P F A ... Profi FootBALL Addicts (Anon)
Sat 2:26 PM
history of.... "coincidences" for C.R.S
"all REBELION is built on HOPE..Y. N W A..." ..... It was quite a while since we interviewed C.R.S … and the subject is,... "Coincide...
Do I give my response to this here?
Is this the same blog as yesterday? Yeah, give the response we spoke about yesterday...
I have a personal view and the station's stance on the whole thing, which I feel needs to be reiterated. We need to clear this up asap
Yeah that’s great Jason...
1:23 PM
my opinion is well known, i have to put up with "censorship" and worse since i "dropped out" in 1995 after the meningitis coma actually woke me up to the world we live in.. the old cliche about evil wins when GOOD men do nothing <9or little> in order to "keep the peace" applies... i encourage discussion, but with an equal platform../ @Crvena Dawn stated it quite clearly the "world war 3" is not with guns & bombs (we have enough of those anyway around the planet) its via MEd1A .. for hearts & minds of the masses , and that why I fight the USAcorp and such and its hurts to see how easy they conned their way into Lfc .. i lost everyone along the way whom i loved and who loved me, LIVERPOOL, its culture, its people and OUR football club succesful on the field, has been sold off of it.. if the station goes the same way it will be yet another tragic loss..
@ access N/W ;
truly relevant at a time when it seems this station will also get "censored" .. its bad enough on f book, where if they claim we "break the community rules" they just refer us to their "standards" with no other explanation... imagine you are stopped in your car by the police and have your car confiscated ...and the police station just shows you a law book? why do sheeple accept todays daily violations of rights..."Good men & women doing NOTHING and accepting even voting for facism.. my parents are not alive to see the decline ..they fought against with their lives..
https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/ (also "censored" too often
more of MY Memories...
January 12, 2019 ·
Shanks... applied the "sweeper keeper idea, pass and move (that barca copied) applied 2 CBs with Tommy Smith alongside Yeats and later Emlyn with Phil and mixed "route 1 and "continental passing possession..(the showcase for that was the 1974 final) ..also "hounding that he, Bob , Joe perfected that Juergen calls gegen - pressing.. Bill was beyong comparison, even though stats will claim Bob as the most successful in trophy winning.. .. Shanks truly was the man who MADE Liverpool into the global entity that become a dynasty that goes on in our heart & REd soul.
January 12, 2015 ·
video updated , to include promo of Dani community charity and fun events ..coming soon! :) .... Gem> Daily Horoscope
"If you want to spark up a flagging romance, flowers and chocolate might not hurt, but it really is all about communication right now. You may be doing too much talking and not enough listening. Being paid close attention to can be a powerful aphrodisiac."
January 12, 2014 ·
a great day , the lads won @ stoke, 3-5 despite a shaky defence with Kolo & Cissohko giving me nightmares, and our 6-a side team battered the opponents 9-3 ..absolutely exhausted, and happy... :)
January 12, 2017 ·
if you dont like the BS, IMPROVE the world you live in and stop "watching" the sheeple destroy it......!
as the award-winning reporter John Pilger stated recently "There are no proper reporters in the mainstream now", they just echo rumour and sponsored propaganda...
(this is about the ONLY time i agree with der Drump)
January 9, 2016 · Podgorica ·
Birthday greets Lucas . one of the most under rated Lfc players of the last 10 years, deserves more respect from fans and should have been vice capt before Milner (or maybe even capt in front of Hendo) if Klopp plays him at CB he could, (Like Masch at Barca) show more value for the team, as Lfc lack someone who plays from the back since they forced out Agger.
any Scosuer / or Liverpool supporter anywhere who votes tory or on the right , is already in hell https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/news-opinion/poverty-shaming-cruel-chants-sad-17480504
. if u feel sorry for yourself ... recommended by @ "Scouser abroad" Chris Smith-Mypod
Crvena Dawn
Black sheep & Monty - knee-GRINS
January 10, 2017 at 11:16 AM
the mainscream media will continue to make you "hate those others" and build fear (or greed) as per the establishment since 2000 + years! they will point at selected people to make you hate the "group" that they want you to hate, to "justify" the policing , the "1984" policies and massive military budget that dwarfs the other aspects of life (such as pollution and poverty and discrimination) that you SHOULD be caring about,.. but you the public are also OVERfed with fast food and fast information to fill your head and body , to ensure you dont think too much about what they are doing to you, your neighbours , your friends, and more important what they are doing to those THEY accuse of being your "enemy" ..
‘We fled this kind of terrorism and it is following us here,’ says one Syrian in Berlin after Christmas market truck attack
About this website
Refugees plead with Germans: don't suspect all of us
‘We fled this kind of terrorism and it is following us here,’ says one Syrian in Berlin after Christmas market truck attack
January 9, 2017 ·
the core is honesty, the media, politicians have led u into wars, and the destruction of social justice, the greed and worship of material rather than values of humanity, how many people have been educated in the values of that? the artciles of human rights, 20 easy to understand statements, should be the FIRST thing taught to our children, not the LAST thing applied by governments & authorities,,,here, there or anywhere! you cant cure a heart attack with band aid plaster, and thats what every "master-deabator" :) (inc "pie/walker" videos ) are attempting.. too many complaints and not enogh creative problem solvers , everyting is about selling,, and the Uk is now a poor version of the failed american dream turned - nightmare!
Chris Smith-Mypod
December 29, 2015 at 3:59 PM · Podgorica ·
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vstNm5xzuKM again? (misunderstood)
December 31, 2017 ·
https://unsub-b.blogspot.com/…/unsub-dont-happy-be-worried-… .
.. W.M.D game over...NO "restarts"
December 31, 2017 ·
2 Years Ago
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
December 31, 2017 ·
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh-Samvut-E ... 20 years old , but even more relevant than its uncanny (pre levinski) timing..
A Political Spin Doctor and a Hollywood producer create a fake war to get a President re-elected, who is dealing with a sex scandal, by distracting the voter...
Scene from the movie Wag the Dog (1997)
Jan 10, 2014 at 4:01 PM ·
its NINE (9) years since Jacqui died , and the B*stards @ Phoenix Life in the name of "Diligenta Ltd" still finding ways to delay paying me... no scruples.. these people need a good dose of Karma...
January 10, 2016 at 7:45 PM ·
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
January 10, 2016 at 7:44 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4aJp4WeEcA thi is just ONE reason why the President (Perez) of unReal MADrid should be ashamed ,, Benitez is 10 times the man you will EVER be!
Christopher is with Petch Thekop Overdiamond and Robbi S.
January 9, 2019 at 9:11 AM ·
nostalgia ..for Liverpool scenes and the view from my home-base this morning .. and some images from the year..
POEMS.....(see.....previous logs) and,,,
just how stupid are YOU? sheeple on this planet, shining rocks called "diamonds" u kill for, OR "gold" is just metal that shines?
December 30, 2016 ·
Subject: tears through a closing door
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 23:36:18 +0200
From: "ChRiS"
To: "team yafoy"
in my arms for a minute
in my view for an hour
forever possessing my heart
thats my little girl
today in the rain
i surpress the pain
to be with her again
before she leaves on a train
what does a woman know
how a father feels
denied his flesh and blood
wounds my soul and never heals
how can hiumanity survive
is anyone alive
caring about the future years
has cost me more than five
losing time is bad enough
whilst time passes me by
her tears cut me in half
as we once again say good bye.....
through a closing door...
ChRiS Smith
- yafoy assoc.
WorldChild Initiative
"For the sake of the Children"
so Emma a little birthday "poem" for you..
so I used to see you there..
at the cafe of Linda , and dare..
to say "hello' on matchday..
so you might know..
that I do i exist, but i too, like to have fun,
and I am sure i am not the only one..
in your fan club and anyway,,
i hope you have a great...DAY!
x ChRiS
p,.s, sending "2lips" (dreaming) because u didn't like the roses that i sent ha ha ha..
from 5 years back.. when they blocked our videos, we made another blog ha ha ha;
best wishes from TRUE REd-friends @ /groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV
and...OUR MEd1A TEAM supports https://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com
from members of https://www.facebook.com/redrockfc.montereds/ and from our members @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/URSUN/ and , of course, "REdS abroad" @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters/
============================== extras
from mainSCREAMedia, mommy faker news;
#REdGEM update..
.... with GOOD wishes , from my "academy" and y-our methods of personal evolution,& individual abilities naturally enhanced within team , collective and/or community, local & global!
there is no fixed programme ... it depends on the individual , what their own status is and what he/she wishes to achieve ...
challenging with social REd soul ; (#REdGEM) Evolution links c 800,000 via groups worldwide
& please take time to absorb...
#censoREDS #colouREDS #LbiRD #thankSHANKS
16 points clear and 17 ahead of the blue mancs... could win it .... :) ..the english money league 19/20 ha ha ha
#censoREDS #REdGEM
wake up!
Simplified Version
This simplified version of the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been created especially for young people. (ha ha ha)
CS> its TRAGIC that its the LAST thing applied by officials of the state your in, and not the FIRST things taught you your children, BY YOU!
and although all "democratic" state leaders Worldwide signed to apply this, NOT one state keeps the promise...
HAVING "rights" is one thing GETTING your rights is unlikely unless you STAND UP for yourself against the abuses & violatiosn that affect EVERY person, EVERY day!
1. We Are All Born Free & Equal. We are all born free. We all have our own thoughts and ideas. We should all be treated in the same way.
CS> Well, if you dont have a political lobby, media connections or are rich, you WONT get these rights promised to you...
2. Don’t Discriminate. These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences.
CS> Every policeman discriminates, due to the social pressures and dictators that the business, religious or political powers enforce!
you simplyDONT get the rights, and if officials or civilians discriminate, for example, treat you with disrespect, because you are poor,
its unlikely that anyone will care, its now almost impossible to live in their world, without a credit cars or mobile phone, let alone
if you happen to support the "wrong" poltics, religion or be in an "alienated" minority..
3. The Right to Life. We all have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety.
CS> The state and/or private agencies control your movement and interfere with your communications, and will detain you on "suspect" grounds
without impartial cause or process, you are segregated by borders & fences and the rich and powerful demand payments for you to "live" so,
WHERE is the "freedom" ????? and with them now employing robot drones that may kill you or someone in your neighbourhood, who is "profiled"
WHERE is the "safety"???
4. No Slavery. Nobody has any right to make us a slave. We cannot make anyone our slave.
CS> You are all slaves to the system, because if you try to escape from it, or drop out, you are made to feel "wrong" and your children are taught to feed the system, so you all "learn to be slaves" !!!
5. No Torture. Nobody has any right to hurt us or to torture us.
CS> Yet state "security" agents USE torture on "suspects" and openly admit it. YOU will do nothing against that !!! (until they do it to YOU!)
6. You Have Rights No Matter Wh
ere You Go. I am a person just like you!
CS> You have no rights, if you are considered, without trial or process to be "subversive" or criminal, anywhere.
7. We’re All Equal Before the Law. The law is the same for everyone. It must treat us all fairly.
CS> The lawyers, politicians and their policemen are biased, you are treated as guilty until proven innocent. NO ONE gets " a fair and impartial treatment".
8. Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law. We can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly.
CS> So who do YOU ask, when its the "law" who violate, y-our rights???
9. No Unfair Detainment. Nobody has the right to put us in prison without good reason and keep us there, or to send us away from our country.
CS> Yet your state or the state who occupy the land you travel, can and do it every day to thousands, and find excuses to detain you, as they wish.
10. The Right to Trial. If we are put on trial this should be in public. The people who try us should not let anyone tell them what to do.
CS> The system is biased in favour of the prosecution, so what if it is "public" the state can and does present the "facts" it selects.
11. We’re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty. Nobody should be blamed for doing something until it is proven. When people say we did a bad thing we have the right to show it is not true.
CS> YOU May believe you are innocent, but once you are arrested the "system" deals with you as "guilty" denies you contact with your people, restricts movement and correspondence,
(thus making you "stressed" before they "process you") if you canot afford "bail" or the accusation is serious, they may keep you in severe conditons without visitors or outside contact.
12. The Right to Privacy. Nobody should try to harm our good name. Nobody has the right to come into our home, open our letters, or bother us or our family without a good reason.
CS> Sounds Good, BUT..in reality, prosecutors can and do bend the truth to suit their accusations against you, and will convince lazy & (many) inept judges to invade your privacy
nowdays "in the name of security" you have NO PRIVACY!!!
13. Freedom to Move. We all have the right to go where we want in our own country and to travel as we wish.
CS> BUT you have to pass through borders, and frontiers, have to have "correct papers" and state officials can and do decide to refuse you passage, without explaining why.
(see "discrimination" you forget that this world once belonged to all its inhabitants, not, as now, conntrolled by the few!
14. The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country, we all have the right to run away to another country to be safe.
CS> Where in the world is safe when the super powers can use satellites and drones to find & kill you? refugees are also treated worse than criminal by most state officials,,,
15. Right to a Nationality. We all have the right to belong to a country.
CS> Which nationality respects these 15 articles? None , so why would you want to belong to any of them???
THE REALITY OF THE PERVERTED "UN DECLARATION" ( and its ECHR equivalent!) has been diluted by fear and greed, by the "powers that be"
( the irony that these articles were sent into the Universe to show or "trick" "Intelligent Aliens" that
this planet is "civiized" , well...this "civiliyation" is destroying itself, so my Alien friends, stay
way, because the so called "Human Race" will pollute your atmosphere too..) THE people who shoudl be
serving these aims are the ones who in fact escalate negativity and form a global DIS CRIMI NATION ..
that I dont belong to...in fact most of the "terrorists" are in suits, ties and uniforms...or employed by them!
IF you act "different" they dont protect you,, they PROFILE, discriminate, violate, alienate, and eventually persecute you,
in the way (aparently) they did 2000 years ago to "JC" or to anyone who dares tell the truth.. Ghandi, Mandela
Che, or whoever, and me
are you part of the problem??? , or part of the solution... because when you sink like the titanic..with them..
who is going to offer YOU a "life-boat?"
Simplified Version
This simplified version of the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been created especially for young people. (ha ha ha)
CS> its TRAGIC that its the LAST thing applied by officials of the state your in, and not the FIRST things taught you your children, BY YOU!
and although all "democratic" state leaders Worldwide signed to apply this, NOT one state keeps the promise...
HAVING "rights" is one thing GETTING your rights is unlikely unless you STAND UP for yourself against the abuses & violatiosn that affect EVERY person, EVERY day!
1. We Are All Born Free & Equal. We are all born free. We all have our own thoughts and ideas. We should all be treated in the same way.
CS> Well, if you dont have a political lobby, media connections or are rich, you WONT get these rights promised to you...
2. Don’t Discriminate. These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences.
CS> Every policeman discriminates, due to the social pressures and dictators that the business, religious or political powers enforce!
you simplyDONT get the rights, and if officials or civilians discriminate, for example, treat you with disrespect, because you are poor,
its unlikely that anyone will care, its now almost impossible to live in their world, without a credit cars or mobile phone, let alone
if you happen to support the "wrong" poltics, religion or be in an "alienated" minority..
3. The Right to Life. We all have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety.
CS> The state and/or private agencies control your movement and interfere with your communications, and will detain you on "suspect" grounds
without impartial cause or process, you are segregated by borders & fences and the rich and powerful demand payments for you to "live" so,
WHERE is the "freedom" ????? and with them now employing robot drones that may kill you or someone in your neighbourhood, who is "profiled"
WHERE is the "safety"???
4. No Slavery. Nobody has any right to make us a slave. We cannot make anyone our slave.
CS> You are all slaves to the system, because if you try to escape from it, or drop out, you are made to feel "wrong" and your children are taught to feed the system, so you all "learn to be slaves" !!!
5. No Torture. Nobody has any right to hurt us or to torture us.
CS> Yet state "security" agents USE torture on "suspects" and openly admit it. YOU will do nothing against that !!! (until they do it to YOU!)
6. You Have Rights No Matter Wh
ere You Go. I am a person just like you!
CS> You have no rights, if you are considered, without trial or process to be "subversive" or criminal, anywhere.
7. We’re All Equal Before the Law. The law is the same for everyone. It must treat us all fairly.
CS> The lawyers, politicians and their policemen are biased, you are treated as guilty until proven innocent. NO ONE gets " a fair and impartial treatment".
8. Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law. We can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly.
CS> So who do YOU ask, when its the "law" who violate, y-our rights???
9. No Unfair Detainment. Nobody has the right to put us in prison without good reason and keep us there, or to send us away from our country.
CS> Yet your state or the state who occupy the land you travel, can and do it every day to thousands, and find excuses to detain you, as they wish.
10. The Right to Trial. If we are put on trial this should be in public. The people who try us should not let anyone tell them what to do.
CS> The system is biased in favour of the prosecution, so what if it is "public" the state can and does present the "facts" it selects.
11. We’re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty. Nobody should be blamed for doing something until it is proven. When people say we did a bad thing we have the right to show it is not true.
CS> YOU May believe you are innocent, but once you are arrested the "system" deals with you as "guilty" denies you contact with your people, restricts movement and correspondence,
(thus making you "stressed" before they "process you") if you canot afford "bail" or the accusation is serious, they may keep you in severe conditons without visitors or outside contact.
12. The Right to Privacy. Nobody should try to harm our good name. Nobody has the right to come into our home, open our letters, or bother us or our family without a good reason.
CS> Sounds Good, BUT..in reality, prosecutors can and do bend the truth to suit their accusations against you, and will convince lazy & (many) inept judges to invade your privacy
nowdays "in the name of security" you have NO PRIVACY!!!
13. Freedom to Move. We all have the right to go where we want in our own country and to travel as we wish.
CS> BUT you have to pass through borders, and frontiers, have to have "correct papers" and state officials can and do decide to refuse you passage, without explaining why.
(see "discrimination" you forget that this world once belonged to all its inhabitants, not, as now, conntrolled by the few!
14. The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country, we all have the right to run away to another country to be safe.
CS> Where in the world is safe when the super powers can use satellites and drones to find & kill you? refugees are also treated worse than criminal by most state officials,,,
15. Right to a Nationality. We all have the right to belong to a country.
CS> Which nationality respects these 15 articles? None , so why would you want to belong to any of them???
THE REALITY OF THE PERVERTED "UN DECLARATION" ( and its ECHR equivalent!) has been diluted by fear and greed, by the "powers that be"
( the irony that these articles were sent into the Universe to show or "trick" "Intelligent Aliens" that
this planet is "civiized" , well...this "civiliyation" is destroying itself, so my Alien friends, stay
way, because the so called "Human Race" will pollute your atmosphere too..) THE people who shoudl be
serving these aims are the ones who in fact escalate negativity and form a global DIS CRIMI NATION ..
that I dont belong to...in fact most of the "terrorists" are in suits, ties and uniforms...or employed by them!
IF you act "different" they dont protect you,, they PROFILE, discriminate, violate, alienate, and eventually persecute you,
in the way (aparently) they did 2000 years ago to "JC" or to anyone who dares tell the truth.. Ghandi, Mandela
Che, or whoever, and me

are you part of the problem??? , or part of the solution... because when you sink like the titanic..with them..
who is going to offer YOU a "life-boat?"
MY MEd1A...a year ago...
antichris /2018/01/the-missionary-position-updated
and ....
The Report " ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Report_%282019_film%29
YET another recommended of an example of how the "authorities in USA or Uk or just about any state..will cover up violations of Human BEINGS/.. just like Hillsborough in Uk or the story of "official secrets" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKPL6fDjxQw another based on the true story of another cover up..
but... the sheeple voted in Donald duck as US president and ugly boris's fascisTORY govt,,, i would like EVERYONE to know, on any MEd1A that i am BIASED... in favour OF THE TRUTH!
p.s. WE, (at LIVERPOOL, home or abroad) are Scouse NOT ENGLISH!
best wishes all, Jason and the volunteers & visitor-friends .. its Bozic (xmas) here, all is closed , very quiet and i am just catching up on message, i wrote to Jason on the 28th , and have commented here ...i respect all the comments and i remind everyone that volunteers get nothing in reward for the effort.. the intentions are right .. and I included a message to @Jason Pinnington in the opneing paragraphs of https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2020/01/redgem-montv-2020-vision-1.html hope fully that wont be blocked.. as i am pretty sick of the apathy of the general public to the increasing removal of "freedom" in the modern society ... thankfully Mr Jones and the kids yesyerday made my week.. :) wishing you all a :happy chrismith" :) may u get all u deserve in the coming years..
hub ..... ... just a short note to THANK all those who supported my events in the last year, and who appreciated the efforts made , i am overwhelmed with messages of gratitude.. so srecan bozic and may your god go with tou, wherever u are going now.. :)
The policies of USAcorp .. continued by the war business president Donald Duck ..and his buddy ugly boris & the fascisTORIES , and other leaders of the "civilized" world ....have murdered via war & polluted the air, land, water, food & minds of our childrem... but you, the sheeple gave them power... so you are to blame for the swamp you are all sinking into..
aren't you?
Celebrating the "Julian" date 20 007 yesterday with our UN-secret agent Chris Smith-Mypod .. shared on line if not in person///thanks to "Scouser abroad" (featured on Access North West Community Radio ) CS also a founder member & initiator of #REdGEM with now over 800k via 160 groups ... worldwide..
and why not celebrate EVERY day you breathe? (before USA corp completely poison the air) ;) ... and special for REds JOIN the party hosted by #censoRED Radio & REb TV
LIVERPOOL fest in "full Monty" :)
with......surprises ...end of May/beginning June #20
Monty-HUB FC3 The FRANK CARLYLE Fan CLUB (& more)
More than 'Word of Mouth" FREE info4 the Balkan resident (Monty) & visitors Play footy in Podgorica
Fri 7:40 PM
#REdGEM_20_1 combo -NJ
now #REdGEM combining the most recent visit from Ahmed ,, (a brother of the "Egyptian King" and local Tadia at FK Katun after a winning game ..in accord…
P F A ... Profi FootBALL Addicts (Anon)
Sat 2:26 PM
history of.... "coincidences" for C.R.S
"all REBELION is built on HOPE..Y. N W A..." ..... It was quite a while since we interviewed C.R.S … and the subject is,... "Coincide...
Do I give my response to this here?
Is this the same blog as yesterday? Yeah, give the response we spoke about yesterday...
I have a personal view and the station's stance on the whole thing, which I feel needs to be reiterated. We need to clear this up asap
Yeah that’s great Jason...
1:23 PM
my opinion is well known, i have to put up with "censorship" and worse since i "dropped out" in 1995 after the meningitis coma actually woke me up to the world we live in.. the old cliche about evil wins when GOOD men do nothing <9or little> in order to "keep the peace" applies... i encourage discussion, but with an equal platform../ @Crvena Dawn stated it quite clearly the "world war 3" is not with guns & bombs (we have enough of those anyway around the planet) its via MEd1A .. for hearts & minds of the masses , and that why I fight the USAcorp and such and its hurts to see how easy they conned their way into Lfc .. i lost everyone along the way whom i loved and who loved me, LIVERPOOL, its culture, its people and OUR football club succesful on the field, has been sold off of it.. if the station goes the same way it will be yet another tragic loss..
@ access N/W ;
truly relevant at a time when it seems this station will also get "censored" .. its bad enough on f book, where if they claim we "break the community rules" they just refer us to their "standards" with no other explanation... imagine you are stopped in your car by the police and have your car confiscated ...and the police station just shows you a law book? why do sheeple accept todays daily violations of rights..."Good men & women doing NOTHING and accepting even voting for facism.. my parents are not alive to see the decline ..they fought against with their lives..
https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/ (also "censored" too often
more of MY Memories...
January 12, 2019 ·
Shanks... applied the "sweeper keeper idea, pass and move (that barca copied) applied 2 CBs with Tommy Smith alongside Yeats and later Emlyn with Phil and mixed "route 1 and "continental passing possession..(the showcase for that was the 1974 final) ..also "hounding that he, Bob , Joe perfected that Juergen calls gegen - pressing.. Bill was beyong comparison, even though stats will claim Bob as the most successful in trophy winning.. .. Shanks truly was the man who MADE Liverpool into the global entity that become a dynasty that goes on in our heart & REd soul.
January 12, 2015 ·
video updated , to include promo of Dani community charity and fun events ..coming soon! :) .... Gem> Daily Horoscope
"If you want to spark up a flagging romance, flowers and chocolate might not hurt, but it really is all about communication right now. You may be doing too much talking and not enough listening. Being paid close attention to can be a powerful aphrodisiac."
January 12, 2014 ·
a great day , the lads won @ stoke, 3-5 despite a shaky defence with Kolo & Cissohko giving me nightmares, and our 6-a side team battered the opponents 9-3 ..absolutely exhausted, and happy... :)
January 12, 2017 ·
if you dont like the BS, IMPROVE the world you live in and stop "watching" the sheeple destroy it......!
as the award-winning reporter John Pilger stated recently "There are no proper reporters in the mainstream now", they just echo rumour and sponsored propaganda...
(this is about the ONLY time i agree with der Drump)
January 9, 2016 · Podgorica ·
Birthday greets Lucas . one of the most under rated Lfc players of the last 10 years, deserves more respect from fans and should have been vice capt before Milner (or maybe even capt in front of Hendo) if Klopp plays him at CB he could, (Like Masch at Barca) show more value for the team, as Lfc lack someone who plays from the back since they forced out Agger.
any Scosuer / or Liverpool supporter anywhere who votes tory or on the right , is already in hell https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/news-opinion/poverty-shaming-cruel-chants-sad-17480504
. if u feel sorry for yourself ... recommended by @ "Scouser abroad" Chris Smith-Mypod
Crvena Dawn
Black sheep & Monty - knee-GRINS
January 10, 2017 at 11:16 AM
the mainscream media will continue to make you "hate those others" and build fear (or greed) as per the establishment since 2000 + years! they will point at selected people to make you hate the "group" that they want you to hate, to "justify" the policing , the "1984" policies and massive military budget that dwarfs the other aspects of life (such as pollution and poverty and discrimination) that you SHOULD be caring about,.. but you the public are also OVERfed with fast food and fast information to fill your head and body , to ensure you dont think too much about what they are doing to you, your neighbours , your friends, and more important what they are doing to those THEY accuse of being your "enemy" ..
‘We fled this kind of terrorism and it is following us here,’ says one Syrian in Berlin after Christmas market truck attack
About this website
Refugees plead with Germans: don't suspect all of us
‘We fled this kind of terrorism and it is following us here,’ says one Syrian in Berlin after Christmas market truck attack
January 9, 2017 ·
the core is honesty, the media, politicians have led u into wars, and the destruction of social justice, the greed and worship of material rather than values of humanity, how many people have been educated in the values of that? the artciles of human rights, 20 easy to understand statements, should be the FIRST thing taught to our children, not the LAST thing applied by governments & authorities,,,here, there or anywhere! you cant cure a heart attack with band aid plaster, and thats what every "master-deabator" :) (inc "pie/walker" videos ) are attempting.. too many complaints and not enogh creative problem solvers , everyting is about selling,, and the Uk is now a poor version of the failed american dream turned - nightmare!
Chris Smith-Mypod
December 29, 2015 at 3:59 PM · Podgorica ·
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vstNm5xzuKM again? (misunderstood)
December 31, 2017 ·
https://unsub-b.blogspot.com/…/unsub-dont-happy-be-worried-… .
.. W.M.D game over...NO "restarts"
December 31, 2017 ·
2 Years Ago
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
December 31, 2017 ·
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rh-Samvut-E ... 20 years old , but even more relevant than its uncanny (pre levinski) timing..
A Political Spin Doctor and a Hollywood producer create a fake war to get a President re-elected, who is dealing with a sex scandal, by distracting the voter...
Scene from the movie Wag the Dog (1997)
Jan 10, 2014 at 4:01 PM ·
its NINE (9) years since Jacqui died , and the B*stards @ Phoenix Life in the name of "Diligenta Ltd" still finding ways to delay paying me... no scruples.. these people need a good dose of Karma...
January 10, 2016 at 7:45 PM ·
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
January 10, 2016 at 7:44 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4aJp4WeEcA thi is just ONE reason why the President (Perez) of unReal MADrid should be ashamed ,, Benitez is 10 times the man you will EVER be!
Christopher is with Petch Thekop Overdiamond and Robbi S.
January 9, 2019 at 9:11 AM ·
nostalgia ..for Liverpool scenes and the view from my home-base this morning .. and some images from the year..
POEMS.....(see.....previous logs) and,,,
just how stupid are YOU? sheeple on this planet, shining rocks called "diamonds" u kill for, OR "gold" is just metal that shines?
December 30, 2016 ·
Subject: tears through a closing door
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 23:36:18 +0200
From: "ChRiS"
To: "team yafoy"
in my arms for a minute
in my view for an hour
forever possessing my heart
thats my little girl
today in the rain
i surpress the pain
to be with her again
before she leaves on a train
what does a woman know
how a father feels
denied his flesh and blood
wounds my soul and never heals
how can hiumanity survive
is anyone alive
caring about the future years
has cost me more than five
losing time is bad enough
whilst time passes me by
her tears cut me in half
as we once again say good bye.....
through a closing door...
ChRiS Smith
- yafoy assoc.
WorldChild Initiative
"For the sake of the Children"
so Emma a little birthday "poem" for you..
so I used to see you there..
at the cafe of Linda , and dare..
to say "hello' on matchday..
so you might know..
that I do i exist, but i too, like to have fun,
and I am sure i am not the only one..
in your fan club and anyway,,
i hope you have a great...DAY!
x ChRiS
p,.s, sending "2lips" (dreaming) because u didn't like the roses that i sent ha ha ha..
got to hope that ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2b24Ewk934g (*censored)
the evil, the stupid, the banal, the moronic sheep-like waste of generation after generation of kids chained to feeding the system...
"students chain themselves to university
suited workers herd to offices of their city
nuclear families in "little boxes"
religious fans in stone houses
the evil, the stupid, the banal, the moronic sheep-like waste of generation after generation of kids chained to feeding the system...
"students chain themselves to university
suited workers herd to offices of their city
nuclear families in "little boxes"
religious fans in stone houses
the hypocrites go on & on
politicians you can NOT depend upon
women now throw away their gender
forgetting how to be tender
politicians you can NOT depend upon
women now throw away their gender
forgetting how to be tender
big cars , biz and money
shopping is their honey
drive their kids to school
fashion is their tool
we must overcome
whether we win or lose
nature will unleash its karma. soon
enjoy your day , sun and moon.
ChriS 140113"
Pete Seeger-We shall overcome
We shall Overcome
it dont have to be this bad
dont want to make you all..sad
so lets wake up and fight the strife
after all this is your ONLY life!
shopping is their honey
drive their kids to school
fashion is their tool
we must overcome
whether we win or lose
nature will unleash its karma. soon
enjoy your day , sun and moon.
ChriS 140113"
Pete Seeger-We shall overcome
We shall Overcome
it dont have to be this bad
dont want to make you all..sad
so lets wake up and fight the strife
after all this is your ONLY life!
from 5 years back.. when they blocked our videos, we made another blog ha ha ha;
best wishes from TRUE REd-friends @ /groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV
and...OUR MEd1A TEAM supports https://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com
from members of https://www.facebook.com/redrockfc.montereds/ and from our members @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/URSUN/ and , of course, "REdS abroad" @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters/
============================== extras
from mainSCREAMedia, mommy faker news;
Human rights, country-by-country:
World Report 2020 is Human Rights Watch’s 30th annual review of human rights practices around the globe. The 652-page volume reviews human rights practices and trends in nearly 100 countries. We launched the report today at the United Nations in New York.
What happened before the launch:
On Sunday, Hong Kong authorities denied Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, entry to Hong Kong, where he had planned to launch our World Report 2020.
“I had hoped to spotlight Beijing’s deepening assault on international efforts to uphold human rights,” Roth said. “The refusal to let me enter Hong Kong vividly illustrates the problem.”
A major trend:
The big news of the past year is the growing opposition to authoritarian trends around the world.
This pushback can be seen in efforts to prevent a bloodbath in Syria, bring justice to Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, and stop the Saudi-led bombing and blockading of Yemeni civilians, as well as convince Democratic Republic of Congo President Joseph Kabila to accept constitutional term limits.
Where you live:
What are the top human rights concerns in your country?
World Report 2020 is Human Rights Watch’s 30th annual review of human rights practices around the globe. The 652-page volume reviews human rights practices and trends in nearly 100 countries. We launched the report today at the United Nations in New York.
What happened before the launch:
On Sunday, Hong Kong authorities denied Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, entry to Hong Kong, where he had planned to launch our World Report 2020.
“I had hoped to spotlight Beijing’s deepening assault on international efforts to uphold human rights,” Roth said. “The refusal to let me enter Hong Kong vividly illustrates the problem.”
A major trend:
The big news of the past year is the growing opposition to authoritarian trends around the world.
This pushback can be seen in efforts to prevent a bloodbath in Syria, bring justice to Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, and stop the Saudi-led bombing and blockading of Yemeni civilians, as well as convince Democratic Republic of Congo President Joseph Kabila to accept constitutional term limits.
Where you live:
What are the top human rights concerns in your country?
What does it mean to “have control”
a lot of confusion over my previous post, where I agreed with Jeffrey
Hummel’s claim that the Fed has relatively little control over interest
rates, at least in the way that most people envision the concept. (Of
course they can create high nominal interest rates through persistent
inflation,... Read More
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Should we fear this country?
2027, they will have a bit more than 1.4 billion people. Their economy
is growing at 6%/year. They are becoming increasingly nationalistic and
increasingly authoritarian. They have put more than a million Muslims
into concentration camps, for no good reason. They have nuclear
weapons, and occasionally... Read More
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US Still at Risk of Iran Retaliation on Oil and Other Fronts
has been made of US claims to energy independence and how that reduced
US exposure to Iran using oil infrastructure as an avenue of
retaliation. The fact that US gas prices have increased after perceived
or actual threat to Middle Eastern supplies shows that the US is far
from decoupled from... Read More
Selling Options? Don't Get Stuck Paying Dividends
Many trading strategies involve options writing (selling)
where the primary risks are market movement and volatility. But there’s
another risk if you happen to be writing options on dividend-paying
equities like SPY ETFs—early assignment. Learn more.
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12 Signs That The Economy Is Seriously Slowing Down As 2020 Begins
by Michael Snyder Read More
Just a Friendly Heads-Up, Bulls: The Fed Just Slashed its Balance Sheet
Just a friendly heads-up to all the Bulls bowing and murmuring prayers to the Golden Idol
of the Federal Reserve: the Fed just slashed its balance sheet--yes, reduced its assets.
After panic-printing $410 billion in a few months, a $24 billion decline isn't much, but it
does suggest the Fed might finally... Read More
Comments on December Employment Report
headline jobs number at 145 thousand for December was below consensus
expectations of 160 thousand, and the previous two months were revised
down 14 thousand, combined. The unemployment rate was unchanged at
Earlier: December Employment Report: 145,000 Jobs Added, 3.5%
Unemployment Rate
In... Read More
Meet the Man Who Found SIXTEEN 1,000% Winners
If you’ve ever wondered how legendary investors find stocks that shoot up 10X – and how you can do it too
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The Fed Can't Reverse the Decline of Financialization and Globalization
For two generations, globalization and financialization have been the two engines of
global growth and soaring assets. Globalization can mean many things, but its beating heart
is the arbitraging of the labor of the powerless, and commodity, environmental and tax costs
by the powerful to increase... Read More
IEA: The Oil Glut Is Going Nowhere
Global oil markets will remain well supplied this year, with a
possible overhang of some 1 million bpd, the head of the International
Energy Agency, Fatih Bitol, told Reuters.
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