This is NOT an episode of
"the ANTI-ChRiS in Monty land!" (bookT007!)
"Amandla! Awethu" ;)
Intro by ChRiS, > it is about 19h on thursday 2nd spetember, and I am sending this MONtv log , despite all the sheeple, sharks & jackals
and the banned posts and the apathy & capitulation of the world to an exaggerated & exploited risk that my late parents
would have scorned and rejected within seconds of the fear-media "warnings" its an insult to them who survived WW2
as we now find ourselves in a "virtual WW3" because THEY (whoever they are, and I can name more than a few suspects)
are killing society, humanity and the reason to someone posted "i can keep my ship SAFE in harbour,but that is
not what a ship was meant for" and the same applies to human BEings ..BEING is the operative word, all life is risk,
you cant hide from it, the nuclear radiation or traffic pollution cloud will find even your deserted island paradise..
its a day to also honour my Mentor Shanks, who , together with John Lennon, & my beloved parents inflienced my youth
and therefore the basic truths of my life ..the core ideals, principals and aims to be a GOOD man.. and spread positivity
any way possible.. Shanks made LIVERPOOL a global entity with more supporters worldwide than the population of many nations
(former Yugo included)
I am on the "tomato republik coast" an exclusive area for the rich and those who want to be...
....................i just walked from Miriste (exiled base) to Tici then down the "footbath: to Zanjice
..ha ha ha,,,mind you, you have to be a virtual explorer/rock climber to a) find the paths and b) use them
the Tici access (after a 5km walk from Miriste) was almost hidden, and i dont recommend you take this "path"
alone... and there is NO entry to the path from Zanjice.. the message is clear from the money grabbing sharks here
"back packers.hikers: dont spend enough money and may even have the BALLS to question WHO GAVE THE LOCALS THE "RIGHT"TO DESTROY AND SPOIL ANOTHER COASTLINE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL PLANET...???
... you could easily break an ankle or fall down, and not sure then the next :hiker: might find you..
I "celebrated" with a couple of NIksichko draft beers & a sandwich which tested my teeth ..ha ha
but the sunset panorama of Mirista bay/lucista bay compensated, EVEN WITHOUT A HUMAN BEING TO SHARE WITH
especially with the absence of tourists, hostile serbs from BG?NS?SA or PLAGUE OF wasPs ;
all equally irritating and annoying this summer..
Hope you "GET" the aims of MONTV!
ChRiS 210903
see previous at ;
montv- /2021/07/flash-back-window-23-fis-for-freedom.
so.. (with all the fascist restrictions & media blocks to truth ) this;
what is MONTV?
so many videos & vido channels made are blocked by the jackals on the net
(vimeo, u tube, fascist book, TWATter or by the googly goons...
so this is text & image based takes longer to make & even longer to understand (it seems) :p
I claim that you, if you are one of the several billion slaves who capitulATED to a BUG that threatened 0.01% of the Global population
but was exploited to persuade YOU to imprison yourself.
the problem, since forever is the lack of responsibility, awareness,, honesty and local/global management
who ? why trust trust the judges court or in footy...
take football for example they cant decide the rules, now the refs are TOLD how to referee
last years VARce caused too many delays they just let the players but as we saw at Anfield saturday they just cheat!and local,
.. this is a beautiful country , and visitors wont see how deep & normal their "soft corruption" goes, funded by USAcorp (as usual)
as a local judge allows crooks to escape judgement because he is re lated to their family..
ignorant people point to terrorism of the Taliban "must be stopped"
...whilst USAcorp arms its airforce john wayne pilots with 20 new super nukes at several billion dollars enough to destroy us all! (again)
...guilty of perpetuating war BIZ and you are for voting for them over & over again since time began...,
and every day another 25,00 kids die somewhere (else) because of selfish corporate & your govt policies too or do they stop commercial wasting policies where you live?
on this MONTV issue;
first a link to ;
REbel REdS MEdiA TEAM ; "
Amandla! Awethu" ;)
& at
the latest video you are probably blocked from..or will be... just in case you want to check out my channel ;
(not yet banned!!!)
(and extension to the story ..if you are interested) "interview " at
and if you want an insight & exclusive access to ChRiS's NON-BOOK ;
interview with C R S?
.... quiet apart from the other neighbours (HN) girls running behind the house via my terrace and banging on the window
(during my siesta) spent last 3 afternoons on Mirista beach bar , coffees snacks & laptop for company
sometimes with Zorro for coffee in the morning Mirista or Porto Adriatic ... (Olga now smiles * Mirista Jasna gives me ciggies)
and just in case you want to check out my channel ; my latest video
(not yet banned!!!)
(and extension to the story) ..(if you are interested) "interview " at
aug 26 .. Terrace Talk - Liverpool: Keep this nonsense up and they might rediscover football without fans
I expected the atmosphere to be ramped up on everyone’s return, but it was remarkable how everyone sank into the old routine.
ChRiS on the Tomato republik ; the next or last episode??
aug 20///
only thoughts are with Terry Mac's family of the important players of our greatest Teams (from 77-84 we were european champions 4 times!) Terry Mac ; a a telented player who also served Liverpool & Newcoastle on & off the field! best wishes La! ..only thoughts are with Terry Mac's family of the important players of our greatest Teams (from 77-84 we were european champions 4 times!) Terry Mac ; a a telented player who also served Liverpool & Newcoastle on & off the field! best wishes La!
... 😉 with personal greetings! & to all TRUE REbEL REdS!
! J4t97_32yrs (no JUSTICE yet on earth!) & ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN @
or see ; EQUAL shares for all &LbIRDco-op via REdGEMnet;
ONLY future offering shares to over 30 million SUPPORTERS with True GLOBAL SUPPORTER power
Ron Paul ?> August 22, 2018 ·
America's Founders sought to create a government that protected the liberty of the citizens.
But alas, around 1900, a new definition of government was adopted.
Government would forcefully insert itself into every nook and cranny of American life. The elites would "scientifically" and "technocratically" order human life around to their liking.
Liberty and freedom would get the boot.
We can see now, after a good 120 years of "expert" rule, that they've created nothing but trouble, and have literally bankrupted what was once the land of the free.
America's Founders had it right.
Government is not a problem solver, but a MAJOR problem creator. The only thing standing in the way of re-establishing the America of Liberty are the ideas that American citizens hold.
The ideas of Liberty are waiting in the wings.
Seize them. ( ha ha ha was it ever "the America of Liberty" for the natives of that continent???
so much for a promise of "calm" here THREE storms ... full of wasps & hostile serbs ...will u come DAYtime to meet with HT on 24th ?
uncensoREd videos on mewe all groups & contacts , especiall TRUE REbEL REDS ; the only ones with courage on this stolen planet!
"Amandla! Awethu" ;) is this episode the end of the series ; of first chapter of HUMAN BEing?
Anti ChRiS in tomato republik episode NEXT 10k ;
....and a reminder from a year ago;
I am here for "the mission" not for money! CRS 🙂 9999999 RED balloons!
missing = empathy! ..and I'm still searching for it!
DC> >>>> ... 😉 "Amandla! Awethu" ;) (blocked?)
Y N W A = Justice for the 97 + 32 years ...
pre LIVERPOOL v burnley ;
EQUAL shares in the new LIVERPOOL (by end season 2022/2023)
aug 19 at acer ..
aug 18 no net at mir ? in morning
The a -hole next door blocks me now from using the Combi delivery van which parks on the Serb racists property..
at Linked in Draga perisc
you cannot evolve without courage...and the most of you have none... intelligent non violent boycott & strikes deny the monster its "fodder! you need educating... but lucky for you I am here ;) Draga! ... 😉 with personal greetings! #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN @ EQUAL shares for all #LbIRDco-op via REdGEMnet;
& have YOU any concentration? ;
so the fascade buch goons cnat blcok me or U , tihs is how to fcek tehm! ah ah 😉
#ChRiSliveACTON_Campaign & true REbEL REdS LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet!!
with lots of stupid tourists , still having some good visitors who DONT buy into the c19 PLANdemic BS!

Aug 11 ...Hello If there is anyone INTELLIGENT still out there??? its my ESTRANGED son's birthday , and he has been separated
from me most of my crime be involved in this type of action; "hey Mr willy Gates, u fecking nerd & Mark Zucker..
and all the generals & presidents who make war on someone weaker...when you win this planet what WILL you GAIN..
aug 09
(05 montage)
...... absolutely the BEST of anything that sky have done, EVER
... the REds, Team & supporters ; Rafa, THE BEATLES song & Sean! what a GREAT TEAM !
could watch this a 1000 times (and i am getting close ha ha ha)
😉 with personal greetings! & to all TRUE REbEL REdS!
#J4t97_32yrs (no JUSTICE yet on earth!) #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN @
or see ; EQUAL shares for all #LbIRDco-op via REdGEMnet;
offering shares to over 30 million SUPPORTERS with True GLOBAL SUPPORTER power
with over 300 supporter/fan groups informally connected, that means an estimated 3 million
users on social media /// YOU "only" have to persuade 10 other fans each to join our campaign
and we could all be shareholders in the New LIVERPOOL (supporters owned) foot ball club by end season 22/23 !!!
& see updating...
*from Cs ,,
Poem for Dacha & Sladga (Ana) ;)
....... "to BE or not that still a questiion?
.........honesty is my suggestion
......... as the Bees are dying and W A S P s are not
...... the planet surface gets very VERY hot..
as the yanks build 20 more super nukes
4 billion makes me want to puke..
25,000 kids die every day
but dont worry, they die so far away..
so we meet in coastal paradise...
translated from "tomato" it has a high price
we exchange information & stories
and I cant tell u about the 97th victim of the fascisTORIES
or about the 4 children I almost had
because it would make us all feel sad..
so I really did select the ones I told..
some are quite new and others so old..
I had a difficult day "in the hood"
I really only want to make GOOD
but the eternal conflict is here to stay
evil v GOOD, darkness is always their way,,, a big thanks for the window of sunshine
the 3 brought to me, I dont want to whine (prefer to wine)
(and I mean you both & Iva ;)
even though I enjoyed his Sliva ;)
...i think i wont get an invite to Sabac, he is a bore
because of my no longer friendly neighbour (Georg)
but I will , always alone , survive
because my energy is always in "over drive" this a "goodbye" adios, au revoir, who knows????
the sun will still shine, rain falls & sever wind blows
we sing " you will never walk alone" end , middle & start..
but the most important line is "with HOPE in your heart!"
.......... Dacha impressed me, knowing the lyrics of " working class hero"
Sladja made me smile with a tipsy birthday "too much vino?"
so avoid the neggies , and whatever, find a way to laugh & again begin
as my way of life, is clearly identified, within John's "Imagine" ;)
may your GOOD go with you..
ChRiS 21 08 0(0)7 ;)
Natalija , is it possible to bring your son here?
if he doesnt "eat like a horse" and can learn it would be possible for me.. I dont think you realise what a decision it was for me to share my place with you (not just another "visitor" do you want to test it..
On 2021-08-06 20:52, Natalija Kovacevic wrote:
> I am working a lot to provide for my son enough, I had some offers for
> a job but it’s not enough for that kind of work. I am not sure when
> I will come to Montenegro but I will let you know in time.
pic; CRSREbELj4t97
me &.........
Aug 007 (and -----aug 06)
Me> Flag on Terrace to send a FU message to invading RAC IST Serbs & their big cars driving fast everywhere here
(with out care for pedestrians or little kids, as there are no foot paths, even the local govt lies about that)
sort of message Graeme. one of my Favs of my era when at Fenerbache with the Gala flag!
he had mistakes as a coach, but still talks more sense than 99% of ex players / pundits
ChRiS in exile in MOnty-land!
*see below also for ME com contacts;
on me with mew dawns log
and in response via email from chris @
and f book...comment on dawns,,
""in 1995 when I "quit the system" (we used to say "dropped out" I prefer to think it as an uplifting improvement in my life)
I have;
Voluntarily, without profit ..
formed my own NGO..supportes & initiates campaigns stil and for J4t96+1 after 32 years..
Initiated numourous * and HUMOUROUS charitable events & Initiatives in several countries..
organised First REd NOSE day (100% from zero ...) in NL and MNE!
made 54 human rights complaints in Strasbourg court of human rights..
imitated "medinetz" ... a free health care net for refugees (based in Freiburg)
formed K.i.T ... (kids in Trouble) to Montenegro
raised money for "KICK" ( charity for kids with cancer) in Zwolle (NL) via f00ty tourny
organised several REd Nose day charity events (and at Dg, the first ever in Montenegro)
Managed trained and educated a teenage youth football Team in Podgorica (Pg)
modestly sponsored t shirts for 3 junior "soccer schools" in Spuz & Pg.
Helped several people with small loans from the Insurance money I got from Jacquis life polciy
(not least 1,500 e loan and about another 1000 helping Isabela in NS!)
rescued Gorans "Obala" pizzeria/caffe in Dg.. )2000e)
assited Nemanka Ljumovic , with getting his driiving licence, forming a compapy,
the repairs to his car , meals, fuel & shoes for his little girts birthday..etc etc (about 1800e)
provide an interest free loan for the taxi driver (Ranko) to build his own house..(Pg)
and helped Dejan Rojovic s club in Spuz with a 2000e loan to him * his family..
and recently half funded the renovation of a girls Dojo in Pg. (2000e)
various other individual types of assistance - mostly in MNE, without repayment..
I am NOT rich... i am well organised, i rarely waste , and i use my limited funds ..
I am still prepared to help almost anyone, without any normal obligatory relationship.. from a limited budget
also through CSing, Trust roots & Be Welcome and some f book contacts I have HOSTED (from my own pocket)
more than 350 during the last 10 years in MNE.. 70 of these were girls or youngish women..
NO one had reason to complain or feel threatened.. i simply expect (or demand) the respect i deserve!
or you can go to hell.. or maybe you are already there if your intent is to cheat me.. ""
and several websites, numerous sociaL MEDIA GROUPS
WITH #Lbird CO-OP via REdGEMnet
see (*and associated logs & articles banned by F book, twatters, googlies & fen way shark clones
& have YOU any concentration? ;
ChRiS210805 for personal contact @
aug 05 / 04... beautiful country heaven filled with people from hell! local and global....
& see
Me we .... post s (have to write like this other wise your "friendly face book fascist goons block me.. "community standards" my arse!!
your modern world is a fascist dictatorship!!!
😉 with personal greetings! & to all TRUE REbEL REdS!
#J4t97_32yrs (no JUSTICE yet on earth!) #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN @
Me we .... post CSers blog - copy to Michal, the idiot next door and his THUG came onto the place where I live
(trespassing) and ignored my calls to get off the terrace...and thats a threat... I defended this place and I will do so against an army...
after the violations of Ivanovic (Dg) & Recevic (Pg) i will not accept any more excuses or BS from ANYone, ANYone !!!
and the world will know about the problems I have & had!
and all./
Hello again NataliJA
Let me guess ... you have a separate offer and have decided not to come here..?
I understood your difficulties but do not accept the absence of communication..
as 2 weeks have now passed...
to Kathryn Spencer ;
Kathryn, if you think that the governments have NOT exploited a risk MINIMALLY (in fact) greater than any other viral disease, flu, meningitis, etc etc that I have experienced in 50 years since a kid, IT IS YOU THAT IS IN "cowardly KOO KOO land ? surely you cant believe govts & corpIrates that profit from your FEAR!
=---------------------aug 03 /02
Hiy NataaliJA! whats the latest situation with you? I am at Mirista often for coffee etc ...didnt u tell them on 24 july u would be available in 10. or 12 days/?
see interview at ...
share on pages... remaining (YNWA/Ind done...) a-z ??
. & ...with personal greetings ... Do NOT let face book block this!!!!
.. attention PLEASE ! the global ... LIVERPOOL PEOPLE !!!
WE all need to find courage to stand against the dictatorship running the UK & the rest of the world... too much capitulation to fear media & scare tactics, exploiting in order to do whatever the few want... and denying their complicity in human abuse & violations... go to
there should be only ONE aspect on the minds & HEARTS of all TRUE REbEL REdS ... J4t97 + 32 years..
#ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN @ mewe .com/i/chrissmith1059
to all "REdNET friends & REdS abroad Members @
in this plan all REdS are equal , wherever you come from,
if you support our team, then you have chance to share in the power and eventually the club..! ok?
go to
& on rednet & redrock videos
and me&we ;
on ME WE? GROUP for new episodes; with link to
ChRiSliveCampaign..."the AnTea - ChRiS in monTEA - land ...Celts homeland... episode 23a-> book-too7
the biggest CON in world history since 2000 years... already happened 18 months ago..
and,, it happened worldwide
"hello Mark Anthony sorry but just looking at the comments a reminder
.. how can u take the UK seriously when it s sheeple voted this conman - bufoon into power
... after the election there can be no worthy comment, the UK has the govt its stupidity deserves..
with OUR best wishes & from REbEL MEd1A Team resistance at #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet?
FFS! move on so . JK got it wrong..
Christopher Richard Smith added 35 new photos to the album: REBEL.
& GOOD wishes to all TRUE REdS who respect Shanks
= + OUR ORIGINAL "LIVERPOOL way" ideals..
,,, .../media_set...
TRUE REdS global 5yr PLAN>>>>> (blocked)
and more than 20/20 vision ..look into my window into stardate 23523 ? 😉
"when I was still just a TRUE REd KID
this is what WE did;
+ BEST TEAMS that anyone has SEEN
& our chants & rhyme
WE are LIVERPOOL, this club
WILL BE OURS again, in TIME!"
ChRiS have YOU a REd SOUL? (blocked)
August 30, 2015 ·
SREdS ("InatTeam @ REdawn LiveBirds) Foootball & Social community Club.
introducing "INatTEAM NOMADS" ....
Join or play against us, match costs are "sponsored" meet for "gratis welcome drink"
at "Caffe Berlin" Pg, "Lav" Spuz, or "Obala" Dg.
Tel 067 528 911
Football, social activities, party and community events for all.
join also at :
and various advanced motivational training programmes
(for children 6 to 14 years. )
other events at
Zeta: .com/groups/DaniLOVER
Crvena Dawn Campaign; equality & anti DISCRIMINATIoN, local & global people's JUSTICE
August 28, 2015 ·
SS & Italsports Marko "highjacked" the INatTEam Kit CRS sponsored for the kids , and "luckY " dont want to share the "5th element" ..yet, wonder why CRS was cut off?? for tellign the truth again???
2 years ago
greetings, @ REd Friends 🙂 ...
with REd SOUL & Best wishes
to all true REdS @ ;
& join #REdGEM ; REd Evolution links c 650,000 via groups worldwide (target 20 mil.)
J4t96 +30yrs - sign @ if you care about LIVERPOOL? "what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity" 9banned)
#REdNET #censoREDS #colouREDS #LbiRD
REdNeTMulti-cultural ; Footy, Fun & International friendship party
April 26, 2014 ·
greetings, @ REd Friend 🙂 ...
with REd SOUL & Best wishes
to all true REdS @ /groups/eured.supporters ;
& join #REdGEM ; REd Evolution links c 650,000 via groups worldwide (target 20 mil.)
J4t96 +30yrs - sign @ if you care about LIVERPOOL? "what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity" … See More (blocked)
REdNeTMulti-cultural ; Footy, Fun & International friendship party
April 26, 2014 ·
August 28, 2016 ·
Just posted on New York Lfc fan group ... a clarification...
Neil (oh Rich buy a sense of humour). .. so u think u have me "sorted" ?? i complain that he USA have the most hypocritical (correct spelling Spencer !) REGIME in the world! and affects the love of my life ; Football and especially Liverpool - is probably too much to expect u to understand what Shanks did, inside and ouside of he club, or to understand OUR true socialism (banned in USA) that we had ,Not exclusive to our football club , but simply he way of caring and sharing of a community without material objective yet still enjoying and striving to win against the odds , Liverpool was a target during war and in "peace" first as a port for german bombers
then by tory governmemt (thacher is still hated, not only because of Hillsborough) to destroy unions , any form of socialism, and ensure almost fifty percent unemployment, (and our enemies still sing "sign on " 30 years later) the capitalism USA spread like a disease has failed , the US led banking system failed, time and again (and is rescued by the masses!) H enry failed also, ( 1 2nd class trophy in 6 seasons and too many changes in staff) and yet the illusion goes on... and needs alernative opinion to balance he constant propaganda of Lfc media... btw I have lived most of my life abroad, but I have and will always maintain and campaign for Shanks original and true LIVERPOOL way... not any infestor nor any Fb groupie will stop me,! yes thats my "agenda" ...! now JustinE u can remove me...because as Groucho once said " I never want to be in a club that would allow me in"
August 28, 2016 ·
the Missionary positon : "throwing YOUR babies into the bath water?"
Such is the stupidity of sheeple of his mad world that the exaggeration of t errorism , is masking the atrocities of all government suits & their uniformed mercenaries
many more civilians are killed by various government forces or their killing machines (drones ec) than so-called "criminals"
and an estimated 25,000 CHILDREN die daily because capitalism does not share the food resources fairy and efficiently
(they would rather those kids die than lose their marked up profit _)
and you continue to SELL your kids jnto the system??
The "irony" of social media is that it develops "fast food - sms - instant superficial! " ANTI_SOCIAL mentality
people dont exchange (their own) opinions,, they repeat others or comment with "knee jerk" (misguided or ill informed reaction)
when watching the mainstream "news" i was convinced it was still APRIL 1,
and the reporters were presenting a sick version of "april fool" jokes
Obama (oh Bomba?) warns against Russia or of "nuclear threat" (another excuse for a "Baghdad - style invasion" somewhere else?)
cant be serious? ... the US(eless) states of America are the most danmgerous owners of WMD!!
( watch the Brit Docufilm "Road to Quan tan amo" ...>link<) only a FOOL would trust them!
French government forces (who made a great campaign for global sympathy for the att acks on their capital)...
alledged to have sexually / physically violated young african girls (resulted in 1 death)
.. whilst on "UN peace-keeping duty" .... only a fool would dare to inform the public of this??
( people only care if "westerners" are hurt??? )
your mad , sad, world!
added a new photo to the album: filMs.
August 28, 2013 ·
August 20, 2016 · Shared with Your friends and friends of anyone tagged
Firstly I am PROUD of our team..
this club is only 6 monhs old...if before this tounament , i had been told that we would be top of the group
and in he final , I would have been happy...
but its a bad feeling now, being so close to winning the final,
losing 3-2 (on penalties) is a sick feeling...
i am disappointed in club members who didnt support the team
we played every game "away" the crowd (and sometimes referee) being on the side of the locals..
Martinici were not better than out team, they were fouling all the time,
because they could not compete with you fairly...
but if you want to compete in league and cups you must expect that tough treatment.
you all can play better, defensively you were strong..all of you..but can be better!
and IF the organisers had said that we playso late friday night,
I would not have arranged the practice game at 19h ,, because
a) you didnt keep shape in the training b) you had too much "hanging around"
I was not ready for penalties, the selection should have been discussed with me
no by players for players,
and please (note to parents) ... dont make tactical decisions, thats for me..
so, you had a chance to play all games 4 group, semi and final...thats good experience
and tomorrow i will find out more about the league... but I already told you at
so , you made the final, you lost on pens, remember
? Video projection ; (blocked?)
(not yet banned!!!)
(and extension to the story ..if you are interested) "interview " at
EQUAL shares in the new LIVERPOOL (by end season 2022/2023) ?
Liverpool football club (2022) is now owned by supporters venture (#REdGEM-Lbirdcoin ) and John Henry is in prison for fraud, Rafa is back with Stevie as assistant coach and I am general manager of "LiverBird enterprises" the community own global network with 50 million members worldwide sharing the profits as the REdS do a League and European champions double!
J4t96 +30yrs - sign @ if you care about LIVERPOOL? "what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity" (blocked)>
August 27, 2019 ·
🗣 "The UK has experienced its hottest spring on record. Donald Trump is midway through a second term as US president
and Liverpool has just won a Premier League and Bitcoin Cup (League Cup) double."
What will life look like in 2022? Particularly if Jürgen Klopp takes a rumoured sabbatical from football? Dan Morgan gives his take. 🔴🔮
Jurgen Klopp’s sabbatical, what will Liverpool look like by 2022/23?
Rumours continue to grow about a possible year out of football for the Reds manager at the end of his current deal.
,, YNWA with HOPE & greetings on your day;
..may you LIVE to the full. take risks, not "play safe"
be your best & dare to care about your World's HUMANity
campaign; ( blocked)
& GOOD wishes to all TRUE REdS
REBEL REdS! ; have YOU a REd SOUL? (banned)
support & evolve;
#LbiiRDco-op via #REdGEMnet & #ChRiSlive
5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
8 years ago
yesterday, I watched footy with Fab & Milos and the lads from 13h, we end up later @ "Berlin " drinking "pivo"s ..(i usually dont drink beer)
@ about 22h we were ready to go home.. but..
M. surprises me and arrives there ...she talks with Fab. until he leaves
and I suggest we go inside listen to music, (i am a bit "drunk" but aware that I need to "move" (dance..maybe)
.. the music is not so great, but M. makes no effort to smile or talk with me , just staring blank..
... but a song comes on that we could dance to, but she "dont want" so
i (as usual ) am direct, "why dont you want to dance with me"? ,,no respnse, she wants to go,
I ask "do you want to go home with me?) no response..
so i say " if u dont talk, dont dance , and dont want to come home with me?
what are you doing here ? so she storms off...thanks very much for nothing ! M, I can be miserable with or without you! = without you is cheaper, and less pain. because you are a just another "user". goodbye ChRIS
Christopher Richard SmithW.M.D = "Weapons of MALE destruction" LMAO! :D
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
to EVOLVE you need to be fit, body & SOUL, TRUE REds LIVE LIFE, no hiding behind walls Nor their MASK_ er ..AID? #ChRiSlive_ACTion
TEAM; Adrian; Matip, VVD; Trent Gini Robbo; Milly, Ox; "the Firm' Mane, & Mo, .
2 years ago
f book biased against TRUE REdS .. blocking posts, but NOW claim a post I made 1 year ago, violated "community standards" ..FFS!
5 years ago
Our MonteREds Fc "Trinity Inat Team" had excellent result 2-0 , (goals from Vuk B and Bozo pen) dominating the game with unified pressing and effective counter attack. .....apart from a loose shape and a panic at the last 5 minutes ... after Balsa got a harsh red card ... everyone did well (even Vuk...!) 🙂 Djole, Illya, Bozo, and Stefan (fouled many times that the ref "didnt see") Filip ..and Balsa both came on and dont forget Andy who was good goalie in the first games of the tournament ... but if i had to say it ..Lazar was "man of the match" 🙂
ok,,,,so friday let us prepare wirh a "training game" to make sure all of you are ready to WIN the final"!!!!
Christopher Richard Smith INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
Our MonteREds Fc "Trinity Inat Team" had excellent result 2-0 , (goals from Vuk B and Bozo pen) dominating the game with unified pressing and effective counte… See More
6 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
the Truth?, well, sometimes fiction is truer than the "virtual reality of planet earth"
(Films 5th element and "Constantin") crossing spiritual frontiers...! 🙂
that you think u LIVE IN... this is (was) Heaven.....but YOU are making it into hell..
& everyone must share responsibility for the mess the world is ...
primarily that U allowed "modern society"; the "American (Material) dream" to become y-our worlds nightmare...
and "dances with wolves ( ) remind me that I left the "system" behind, but I wonder
if there is a woman who dares to share, and " go native" with me , // ?? ha aha...!
the System's goons are absolutely denying that they profile and obstruct me?
then they surely do so! haha ..what a sick society! ..ChRiS 154814"
7 years ago
Robin gone, a genius at , 63 .. i cant believe it, like a friend has left my life..
Anna Grace Taylor is with Stacy Krotky and 29 others
Rest in peace dear Robin Williams. Thank you for all you shared with us. ❤
2 years ago
do U know why "Shanks" TRUE REd "socialism" , the (honest) football community is more than a religion, its a way of LIFE!, read;
Christopher Richard Smith added 34 new photos to the album: Silly summer...continues..updated '18 to very silly #20/21 #19.
the heat goes on.. Tara, Rafting, Plav , young Filip and u.....updated with CSers from"17 and pics of Podgorica by Raquel Adaia 11th august. 2018.... and... Hosting Steffi... ...
3 years ago
Steff Ohkay
We're in wine country now! Christopher Richard Smith "survival is a good thing. 2000m above sea level.
Get your body Fit & find your soul, clean it, & climb out of their swamp, FIGHT their virus, their Rules
& FIGHT to party 😉 … See More (blocked)
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
not English ..SCOUSEr in Europe
multi cultural , anti establishment,
Pro intelligence (if I can find it on this planet)
8 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith added a new photo to the album: filMs.
Good Will Hunting ·
"You're going to marry some rich prick who your parents will approve of and just sit around with the other trust fund babies
and talk about how you went slumming too once."
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith added 110 new photos to the album: REBEL — with Stefan Bubanja and 2 others
every picture tells a story?
...... ,,, YNWA with HOPE & greetings on your day;
..may you LIVE to the full. take risks, not "play safe"
be your best & dare to care about your World's HUMANity
campaign; (blocked by them?)
& GOOD wishes to all TRUE REdS
REBEL REdS! ; have YOU a REd SOUL? (now blocked?)
support & evolve;
#LbiiRDco-op via #REdGEMnet & #ChRiSlive
Christopher Richard SmithINaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild·
Grujic celebrated the fourth goal v barca at wembley yesterday
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith added 89 new photos to the album: "odd flashbacks I had today!".
too many stories ... just a few ..glimpses :
2 years ago
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
sharing greetings
with;: True REd supporters ; @ #REdGEM via c 650,000 worldwide (now 3 million plus?)
important to consider the future of OUR CLUB at (blocked)
0:10 / 0:13
updated his profile picture. (capt)
4 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith added 17 new photos to the album: ME.....
legs still working , after a 1000 games later..
Honesty, so rare, no one will dare, to care , so there! ....the consequence ; u will be gone ...the planet and I are then alone...soon.., u dont help, but, I just needed to make.... Teams .... the most intelligent society , is a good football team , when members take responsibility or pass it to another when preferable., for the sake of the collective
Hopes, U will be..or .to be?
• Be my soul-mate...
• Be my equal.
• Have faith and trust in me, please don’t lie to me....
• Want to know who i am (not what I have)
• Respect and exchange my experience and culture
• Enjoy my humour & hospitality
• Will care how I feel & be kind to me when I am low..
• Be my “mate”
• Stay loyal to each other ...and stand by me against all.
• To be the only one, who TRULY knows me!
• Lots of cuddles & kisses (not only on sms!)
• Sensual MORE than sex, and Dancing together when ever possible,
= A spiritual connection..
6 years ago
a Free Balkans HOSTtel Net for REdS and friends of... ME 🙂
7 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith added 3 new photos to the album: Silly summer...continues..updated '18 to very silly #20/21 #19.
hcAtSugiupust c5,os ngsnodm2red0tr14rig ·
with lots of stupid tourists , still having some good visitors who DONT buy into the c19 PLANdemic BS!
the heat goes on.. Tara, Rafting, Plav , young Filip and u.....updated with CSers from"17 and pics of Podgorica by Raquel Adaia 11th august. 2018.... and... Hosting Steffi... ...
CSers are welcome;
Mathilde PONS & Coline ;
anyway ... also when you are in Podgorica ; my favourite (and relaxing ) Caffe is "Berlin" (address; Njegoseva 24 in the old town (Stari Grad) area ... ask Nebojse (NEB-OY-SHAH) the quiet but friendly owner (he always wears a black t -shirt & is of "my generation" ;) ... for a special ashtray (with the no smoking sign inside) ... dont forget Niagara (on way to Tuzi) if u have time ... and please send me your photos via email .. sending GOOD wishes, ChRiS x
Red Livebird>
ah well the "Doggy bag" from yesterday more than compensated (although I will miss the honey in my coffee , and the 2 honey sleeping in my couch and wonderful company these 2 days,,,
poem ; a key is in trust
I got emotional last night
and leaving this morning was a difficult sight
the only time i trusted a key
to anyone , except me ;)
so St.Etienne & Marseille
2 places I know well because of my Team too
but we dont talk football ,
meeting you both made me feel "new"
i opened up my domain for this visit
and you stole the key to my heart
we met just 2 days ago..
but it already started to hurt
but I am a survivor & much more
a Rebel, an Alien some might call me "outlaw"
i didnt want to share my "difficult" stories
but i also wanted this time together, to FREEZE!
I know its unlikely that you return
but I really hope you do,
nothing to do with sex
but I sort of fell in love with the both of you
Coline, with an irish sounding name
none of the silly & stupid game
a kids teacher ( we had a DANCE at Mirista ! ) & a caring nurse.
my memories of this visit may be a curse.. ;)
I wish you GREAT times , be well
and just remember if you ever go through Hell
..just KEEP going ... no need to hide..
and just maybe.. I will meet you both again.....
......on the other side
ChRiS xxxxx
p,s, if there is anything i can help you with , you have my email, ..please send me the pictures and any news of your travel..
of course if you have a problem I am here , and a place for you is permanent wherever I may be ...
take care and BE the GOOD of this world!
Sorry, I found your last message just now ...
Hello Dani & Leo
I enjoyed reading your request
its good to see you make an effort ..(you know already my opinion about many modern CSing tarvellers!)
I would like to host you those days , I only say "Maybe" because I am not sure about the connections
at the moment Pajo have a few boats coming here (Miriste/Zanjice) in the morning and one last one at 15h
when you arrive at Herceg Novi check with the kiosk at the jetty (near old town of HN)
alternatively my skipper - friend "Zorro" .. levaes HN every morning on his small boat "Kristina" ///. at 06h !!
(do u need your sleep?)
so I suggest as soon as u arrive you check with Pajo, OR tell me u want to come at breakfast with Zorro!! ;)
ChRiS (REd)
Dani & Leo >
Dani & Leo requested: Fri Sep 10 - Sun Sep 12
Hi ChRiS, how are you? We are Dani and Leo, from Argentina.
First of all, sorry for this large request, we divided it in different parts to make it easy for you 🙂
We left home to travel the world in the beginning of March 2020, just before that the pandemic starts in Europe, so we have had a lot of complications and changes of plans, including getting "stuck" in Belgium for 3 months during the first Lockdown, and 6 months in England in the second one. But here we are, in the road again, traveling around Bulgaria right now and planning continue it for Croatia and other countries during the year.
Last year we were traveling through Spain and we decided to use Couchsurfing because we believe that it is the best way to truly know a place, through its people. Today we are convinced that it was and is a wise decision because we enjoy it very much and we love meeting new people on our way and sharing our time.
Couchsurfing is, without any doubt, the best part of our travel experience ✨.
We always read a lot of profiles before send a request. We are very selectives because we want to have the best possible experiences, so, if we write you is because we really like your profile.
It's clear that you are here looking for the same things that us. Meet new people, learn from each other, sharing things... It's the most important (and the only) thing that we need to have in common to have a nice experience.
But anyway, we have to mention that I (Leo) also love football, play and watch. I'm not a Liverpool fan, my team in Argentina is Velez Sarsfield and I declare myself as a super fan lover of Lionel Messi, so now I'm supporting PSG.
Your team broke my heart in small pieces in the semifinal of CL 2019, 4-0 against Barça 💔 haha. We can talk about it 😅. (And of course we can watch a match together! ⚽)
We like that you look very happy with your new place in the coast! It would be very nice to share some days together there. Since you put in your profile (and repeat it) that you are here because you want to share, have nice chats and enjoy the spirit of the concept of CS, we know that we are looking for the same thing.
It's a shame that you have to remember that this is not a free hotel, but we understand you because a lot of people think that. You have not to worry in our case, you can check in our profile and also in our references that we are here for meeting new people, make friends, learn and share our time.
After reading your profile we were sure that we wanted to sent you a request but, just because, we read the comments and we found a lot of references of people that left your home happy and wanting to see you again in the future. Thank you for that, you are one of those people that make this community great! 🥰
Well...We could continue writing much more, but we don't want to bore you. If we are lucky enough to meet, we can talk much more :)
We plan to go to Herceg Novi on Friday the 10th and stay there at least 2 nights. Our plan is very flexible, so, if we have any change of date we will let you know immediately.
If for some reason you cannot receive us, but you would still like to spend some time with us, do not hesitate to let us know, and we can coordinate to tour the city or sit down to eat/drink something. For us, the most important thing is to be able to share. Tell us if you are available and are interested in the proposal.
A big hug!
Dani & Leo.
So, Conny, your "maiden voyage" with CSing
a first reference; a poem and some tips
So Conny arrived early sunday via Tivat air port
Dejan brought her, a quiet sort
and a bit of a shock may be
first of all to chat with Bart & me... ;)
had little sleep, obviously tired
whereas we were already "wired"
a quick dip at busy Zanjice beach
i want to guide not her to "teach"
from Paderborn & "George & Mary's hut"
er cant find that on my map, BUT
no matter, after a short time at the beach bar
had sieta then to wild beach fortress, its not far,
made some pasta, drank some local wine
still tired but Conny seemed fine
and in the next morning, a swim
me catching me mails, its not a whim
then training "around the "block"
up the hills, ignore the clock
back down the russian steps too
sat in the shade , the herd of tourists (baaa & moo?) ;)
she chews her coffee (did she say>?)
and studies paints & numbers , likes her own way..
a special dinner, a last night at Mirista
off to ROSE this morning, sort of missed her
take care Conny
watch out for those snakes & sharks (with 2 legs)
check everything twice at least...
enjoy the hiking , early and late in the day..
but not at night, I would say,
... Skada lake (check with kigfisher boats tell Pedja the boss)
Tara river & Canyon, dotn forget Caffe Berlin...(say heel to Nebojse & staff) Niagara (falls on the way to Tuzi)
Biogradske on the (north/east ha ha ) is a rainforest lake
(near Mojkovacs) train from Podgorica also to the lake or coast at
Sutemore... Durnitor / black lake if you go to the other end of Tara..
anyway if you wish to return email chris@ vvvvnet or if you any problems..
i wish you a happy & adventurous holiday & best wishes for your future,,
Conny, with best wishes, I like your persistence but MonTy cant be researched fROm distance , I have lived here 11 years and that's another thing i discovered the hard way,,,,
its not just about being a "local" its about knowledge APPLICATION & experience of the situation
its still a problem to find my apartment , and there is no footpath between Radovici and my place..
you cannot plan my time from there.. SO I PROPOSE YOU WALK TO RADOVICI THEN CALL DEJAN OK????
but I dont want to insist ,, BUT ;)
* The heat over 20+ kms with back pack is not recommended
(I found out the hard way)
without acclimatization, you may not agree but as host
I am responsible, within my own ethical code to take care.
( a young polish man came to me with sunstroke last weekend... it ruined his visit..)
* I do not use a mobile (*handy) so even if you are tough
and attempt this , there is no way of informing me of your e,t,a, if u have problems
* it is difficult to find my apartment, and u really do not
want to be searching for me, in 38c ,,,
* I dont like wasting MY time, whether to stay at home or go to a cafe
,, so it just makes sense to arrange with Dejan to bring you FROM radovici! then I can be at apartment waiting for u between 12 noon and 13h!
is this ok with you??
best wishes & srecan put!
ChRiS (REd)
p.s ...if you can, please bring me a box of (milford)
"Ingwer Pur" ginger tea! :)
pps and Conny, I think it would be more logical to go to Kotor from here, afterwards its much nearer than returning to HN??
Conny >
Yes, I did some research on the bus thing and found that out in the meantime.
I know I'm not a local but to me it looks pretty okay to take a taxi to Radovici and then walk the 3 hours from there. This way I would manage to get there by 1pm. If you really see danger in that tell me.
We can also set up a time a little later (3pm) then you don't have to waste time while waiting, I can be as punctual as you want and spend my time outside till then. And I can also tell you my phone number, so you can call if you're concerned.
Red Livebird's >
Conny, .... Dejan is a friendly taxi driver I know;) (who doesnt rip me off) ...and there are no buses that bring you here.
there is a saying " when experience talks ..listen!" ;) you can walk all the rest of the holiday, because i dont want to worry whilst waiting for you to arrive , at whatever time.., ok?
please take my advice
its my time too
-----CSing REfs? (ia vacer) _________________________CSERS #20/21
Conny Piontek
Paderborn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
1 reference • Member since 2021
Aug 2021 2 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
![]() |
the RECOMMENDED footpath to Rose??? |
Chris and I had good walks/talks and ate and drank a lot together. With his bunch of stories he could be an entertainer as well. He was also always in for a Siesta and for running up and down the hills with a heavy backpack at 5am. He invests his money in the café/restaurant down the road everyday and sometimes he even takes on a jeans when going for dinner ˜„
Chris seems very passionate about having people stay with him. What I found most impressive was that he likes staying at one place and having visitors more than visiting anyone else at another place. I think it's a different stage of life (I'm looking forward to being there myself).
I never had to worry about anything there: no pressure, no stress. I needed much sleep when I was there and it was never a problem, even if we had to change plans a little bit.
It was the best place and best person to meet in the beginning for arriving, travelling-/lifeadvice and orientation. I might have to come again in a few years.
Nikunj Verma
Warsaw, Poland
45 references Member since 2016
Aug 2021 1 night
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
It was very generous and kind of Chris to host us. He made our trip to Montenegro (to Herceg Novi) memorable and we discovered Zanjice also because of him. He has heaps of stories to tell, all of them will take your full attention, one can't be bored with him. Our stay was super comfortable at his house. He has a very good terrace to chill. He made us breakfast also. Very nice host who truly knows the spirit of Couchsurfing. We definitely recommend Chris to other surfers to surely stay with him and host him. Best, Nick and Ania.
Milosz Latosi
Luboń, Wielkopolska, Poland
7 references Member since 2018
Aug 2021 1 night
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
Red is a really nice guy. He welcomed us despite being extremely late. I actually do not recommend to do that but I come really sick at the begining of food poisoning so He made an exception. He was caring all our stay and saved me with his gingerbread tea. He gave us a lot of tips for the trip and was happy to help. Thanks for the hosting. Hope to see you in better condition!
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Bart Zomerdijk
7 references Member since 2016
Jun 2021 2 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
He is just an amazing man. We are both a bit complex sometimes and that gives wonderful situations
Sophie Bittner
Bavaria, Germany
90 references • Member since 2019
May 2021 1 night
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
Unfortunately I didn't get the chance to meet Red because my plans changed. But communication with him was very good and uncomplicated. He seems like a relaxed and flexible guy.
Once you submit a response it cannot be edited or deleted.
Bart Zomerdijk
7 references • Member since 2016
May 2021 1 night
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
Red is becoming a friend , a nice guy I really liked my time with him.
victor perez's Photo
victor perez
Uvita, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
24 references • Member since 2014
Mar 2020 2 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
All good, short stay since there was already another CS. Watched a soccer game and had breakfast together.
Daniel Afrin
Herceg Novi, Montenegro, Montenegro
52 references • Member since 2013
Feb 2020 1 night
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
Chris is a real one. Real in everything. And every word. I truly enjoyed our time and conversations and jokes. And my spirit was really up after my stay with Red Livebird) Sooooo much thank you Chris!!! Big hug!
Stefania Pineda
London, London, United Kingdom
13 references • Member since 2014
Feb 2020 3 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
Where do I Start?
I mean Chris has managed to be the perfect host from start to finish, when i first inquired for the stay he was very helpful and gave me accurate information besides offering to pick me up. Once I met Him at the Airport we clicked, he made me feel safe and welcomed! He not only shared his wonderful/exciting/crazy/overwhelming/inspiring stories along my visit but he also showed me his beautiful Montenegro! The only thought in my head is WHY AINT I MoVING to MONTENEGRO!
We shared laughters, little tears here and there, the best food!! And cheesecake!!!, long rides to places, songs and even a dance!
Chris you are a wonderful person and I Thank God he made you part of my life, i enjoyed your companionship and your advice, your movies and quotes about life.
You give so much and never expect anything back, I wish you luck for all the projects you have in mind ;)
I hope to come back soon
Ps if i would of stayed a little longer you would of definitely made me a Fan!
Red 's response
well done! .. u were good company, keep in touch, happy CSing!
Chiara Menon
Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark
14 references Member since 2012
Dec 2019 3 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
Oh Chris what to say! Firstly of all my rhyming game is not on point so don't have expectations please haha.
Thank you so much Chris for everything! You have been such a caring and fun host. From the talks on your couch with tea to the fun dancing to TRADITIONAL Montenegro music to long walks in Skadar Lake, it has been a true pleasure and honour to have spent it with you!
It has only been the first of many trips to Montenegro, still so much to see and do there, also with the Monty band!
Alex Demas's Photo
Alex Demas
Moscow, Russian Federation
0 references • Member since 2019
Dec 2019 1 night
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
Good People!!
Chen Cici's Photo
Chen Cici
birmingham, the uk
16 references Member since 2017
Oct 2019 2 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
We stayed with Chris for 2 nights. He happily hosted us and showed us around the city. It was interesting to see how a foreigner settled down in a country and came to be known by a few people around the city. He is really laid back and happy to have conversations about practically anything haha. Would definitely stay with him again. Would definitely write more as there is lots to say although we have been traveling and never found the time or internet to write a review, soooo it’s the last day and don’t want to miss out on sharing our thanks.
Irina Roven
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
38 references Member since 2010
Oct 2019 5 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
I spent very calm and comfortable days at Red's house. He is an active and interesting person and a big fan of the Liverpool football team. I wish great victories to your beloved team!
Red 's response
well today u left me , again, for the 3rd time.. (on matchday !) i am getting used to you being here, so you are no longer a "CSing guest" you are "IN" :)
Alena Keßler
Bremen, Bremen, Germany
33 references Member since 2017
Sep 2019 2 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
I enjoyed the time at Chris place, he has loots of interesting story’s to tell and in general we had nice conversations:) We spent some time together while going to the Skutarilake for a boattrip. This was actually really nice because i just got the opportunity to go for this Trip cause of Chris connections. :D
Also i stayed longer than i planned because i just felt comfortable and wanted to hear more of this adventurous lifestorys😄 I have to say thank you for all the nice food and beer i got and that i could occupay the hole house with my clothes to let them try😂
Just can recommend to stay with Chris when you go to Podgorica, you will not get boring with his company.
Wish you all the best,it was nice to meet you😊
Amy V
Ricany, Czechia
115 references Member since 2011
Aug 2019 1 night
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
Chris was a great host. I was supposed to stay 1 night with him, but ended up spending 3 nights! I was lucky enough to be hosted by him at the same time that he had organized a boat trip, so I was able to join. The boat ride was fun and I got to meet a lot of people. Then the next day I went with him and another couchsurfer to Kotor. It was a nice day. He has had a very interesting life and is full of many stories. Be ready for sarcasm, it's his second language. His place is a bit far from the center, but it's great because it's spacious and I had my own room.
Thanks for everything Chris, I really appreciate it all. Future CSers, if you confirm with him make sure that you actually stay with him. Since he will often make his schedule around guests it's frustrating for him when people who have confirmed don't show up and don't communicate. It's common courtesy and I'm surprised how people do it and even seasoned CSers have done it. It's important to respect people's time.
Carla Benito
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
5 references Member since 2018
Aug 2019 1 night
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
Chris waited for us at a bar without knowing exactly what time we would arrive. He showed us everything he could and we went also to a live club. We stayed only for one night in Podgorica but we enjoyed it a lot because the sites were perfect but the conversations were even better!
Viktoriia Boichuk
Berezne, Rivnens'ka oblast, Ukraine
32 references • Member since 2015
Aug 2019 1 night
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
Chris is incredibly kind person, all the time we've spent with him he was very friendly and funny with big knowledge and interesting stories. Home is cool, we stayed in private room with comfortable beds. We are so thankful for this great opportunity to stay in such nice company. And thanks a lot for showing us around and for that tasty breakfasts:)
Fanny Btl
Paris, ÃŽle-de-France, France
1 reference â Member since 2019
Aug 2019 1 night
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
Nous avons découvert des super endroits dans la ville de Podgorica et il nous à beaucoup aidé pour rejoindre la gare de train. Le contact était facile!
Anna Lukshina
Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
6 references Member since 2014
Aug 2019 2 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
Chris is such a nice person.
You`ll never be bored cause he`s talking all day long))
He is very kind, supporting, easy.
We visited Skadar lake together, had a great lunch in a village near this lake, took a graffiti train back to Podgorica, walk around the city center, spend evening in Berlin (pub).
It was great time!!!
P.s. but be careful! bedding may be not so fresh.
JaKyeong Lee
Seoul, Seoul, Korea, Republic of
46 references Member since 2012
Jul 2019 2 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
He is such a considerable guy. He took care of me from the beginning of our meeting and he even brought me to the bus station, in the evening :) He gave me lots of tour tips around Podgorica, so I visited Ostrog Monestry with small budget and hitchhiking. He served me special food, I loved it. We talked a lot about various topics and I love his insight. I really hope to ba back and meet him again. Enjoy your summer holidays :)
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
96 references Member since 2013
Jun 2019 4 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
we stayed with three of Chris. And for 3 nights. He has a clean cozy home. Thank you Chris, you were very kind to us. Thanks for the morning coffee and delicious scrambled eggs
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Vitalii Koshelev
Moscow, Russian Federation
237 references Member since 2015
Jun 2019 2 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
Chris is an awesome guy with a lot of energy. He knows what life is all about and he enjoys it every moment. The world should be full with people like him. All the best from Russia!
Ane Legarra
San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain
3 references Member since 2018
Jun 2019 1 night
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
He's been a great host! Firstly, he arranged our arrival from the airport to his house, sending a friend of him to pick us. Later, after meeting him and leaving our bags in his house, he kindly showed us the most important parts of the city and we had dinner. After, he invited us to take a coffee , as well as a shot and we took a taxi back home.
Finally, he took a traditional breakfast for us and prepared everything for our goodbye.
Long story short, perfect host and very nice person!! We are really happy he was our first host ever. Thank you so much!
Elena MarÃn Sarasúa's Photo
Elena MarÃn Sarasúa
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County, Romania
4 references Member since 2019
May 2019 1 night
Confirmed Stay - Would Not Stay With Red Again
I didn't go finally because he wasn't responding at all
Red 's response>
responding to what? you had not written since 2 weeks before the expected arrival.. I asked you to keep in touch, BUT you did not..your fault , not mine.. i think you do not respect hosts.
Hugh McCorkle III
Saint Charles, IL, United States
155 references Member since 2008
Apr 2019 3 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Red Again
It was great getting to meet Mr. Liverpool! He actually replied to a public trip of mine, and offered to host me at his place. We first met in a really nice bar in the center, where we had some really nice discussions about Liverpool, politics, and Montenegro, and it was a interesting time. After that, he hosted me on his clean apartment, a bit away from the city center, but in a nice and quiet location. I left the next day, but was glad that we met and he hosted.
Don't be fooled by his lack of references! He has hosted a lot of people on other platforms, hundreds actually, hitchhikers in particular. He just has disagreements about the commercialisation of couchsurfing, something I totally understand and agree with. So don't hesitate to request to stay with him if you are in Montenegro!
Viktoriia Yankelevska
Kharkiv, Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine
28 references Member since 2015
Jul 2021
Chris, during these 2 days, you have become a true friend to us !!! He even gave us his soccer ball !!! We are very grateful to You for your hospitality, for Your open soul, generosity, humor, interesting stories that You told us and for all the treats and beautiful places !!! Well, how could it be without dancing and music, it was not without them !!! We are very happy to have met You !!!
Red 's response
it was sincerely my pleasure to host you! and as we say & sing @ Liverpool... Y N W A (You'll Never walk Alone with HOPE! are always welcome to return. and we should make those online language exchanges this winter ok?
Jamal Huseynov
Baku, Baku National Capital, Azerbaijan
14 references Member since 2013
Jul 2021
Recommends Red
Wow, what an interesting man! This was completely different experience for me, I mean in positive way. It was nice to spend time with him, talk to him, and listen his interesting stories. He showed us his hospitality and cook for us very delicious pasta for a dinner. I say "us", cos we met there another 4 young backpackers from France. And, we became really good crew. I will remember these days all the time. Hope to meet you again, Chris! Take care! :)
Red 's response
a pleasure to host you! and the "revolutionary 4" ;) as we say & sing @ Liverpool... Y N W A (You'll Never walk Alone with HOPE! are welcome
Yaprak Civan
Ä°stanbul, Cihangir, Turkey
45 references • Member since 2013
Jul 2021
Recommends Red
I will talk about the positive and then the negative points, read until the end:
I’ve met so many people from Couchsurfing and each one is a different experience. The week spent with Chris was one of my most interesting Couchsurfing experience.
He’s really interesting Scotish guy. The GREATEST STORYTELLER I know. He has dozens of funny and dramatic stories to tell. He is familiar with different cultures and languages, as he has traveled to many places. I’m sure you’ll hear a lot from him and get a lot of inspiration.
Losts of stores, conversations on different toics, more than 20 kilometers of walking, laughter and dancing…
P.S. for Surfers:
In the other hands, we had some problems…
The location of the house is quite close to the sea and is an incredibly beautiful place. You will have a pleasant time that place with him. Just keep in your mind, Chris doesn’t prefer to share the key of his place to surfers. Thats why you are adhere to the hours of entry and exit to him. This can be difficult of course. When I offered to go to his house to change my clothes, he made various excuses for me.
I am an online worker. I usually work 2-3 hours a day, but sometimes it can take 5-6 hours. Chris didn't respect that and didn't find the 6-7 hours we spent together enough. He accused me of being disrespectful and arrogant, stating that he was not a "free hostel". I am sorry to say that this is the first time I have encountered such a problem.
He doesn't have a washing machine in his house, I washed the clothes by hand and he told me I was using "electricity, heating, water and costâ€. If you have to get hung up on such things, don't host anyone in your house.
When I got home on my last day, I saw all my stuff in front of the door. Although he said, "I'm not kicking you out of the house," it's "being kicked out of the house" in all cultures.
There is no transportation to where his house is. That's why I had to walk 5-6 kilometers after 8.30 am. And it was starting to get dark. Luckily I have friends in Tivat and they picked me up by car.
It was nice meeting Chris even though I had some problems.
Red Livebird's Photo
Red 's response
disgusted as am reasonable & experienced host, told she would work 2/3 hours per day (but worked all day! my reasons for hosting on my profile, I dont give out keys like a hostel, she is a clever USER ( "grafter" cost me 200e,) be warned!
Bart Zomerdijk's Photo
Bart Zomerdijk
7 references • Member since 2016
May 2021
Amazing guy !! We had a great time together.
Good host to stay.
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Felicia Crețu
Chișinău, Chișinău, Moldova (Republic of)
23 references • Member since 2013
Aug 2019
My plans changed too many times to have stayed with Chris, but he was absolutely understanding and more importantly even stayed up half a night to wait for me coming. I felt most welcome and I believe this man has a kind heart and interesting story. All the best, Chris!
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Chicago, IL, USA
282 references • Member since 2014
Aug 2019
As an experience couchsurfer, CS City Ambassador **I DO NOT NOT NOT RECOMMEND Chris /Red as a guest, host or even a person to hangout with.
He is extremely annoying, rude, disrespectful and a lier.
He needs to educate himself more about COUCHSURFING VALUES, which he does not know about.
Red Livebird..couchsurfing is more than " trying be popular, or a collection of references." Chris/Red STOP trying to force people to stay with you or to hangout.
That didn't work with me.
Educate yourself please
** your house can't be 200 meters from the Monastery if you live in Podgorica ***
The Monastery is outside Podgorica..
Your reference towards me..a big lie ...that's a FACT
Red 's response
sad sad sad, Lorena, I knew you would not accept your faults... so,when a so called CSing "ambassador" contradicts herself so obviously... if anyone wants I have a copy of our communications , then you can decide yourself.. WHO is LYING!
Mia Wiebke Thies
Braunschweig, Germany
12 references • Member since 2019
Aug 2019
Meeting ChRiS was like meeting several people who have lived their lifes! There are so many stories to listen to, so much music to talk about, so many decades to discuss...
His openness to life and people is iNcoMparAble and I'm so glad I was able to get a glimpse into his life!
Jup, ChRiS, I'm going on:)
Malena Busso
San Juan, San Juan Province, Argentina
Jul 2019
I did not stay with him because at 4pm he told me that it was late, that I better pay a hostel. I don't know how he is as a host but if you travel with hitchhiking like me or if you are flexible with your schedules maybe it is not the place for you.
Red Livebird's
Red 's response>
Malena +3 people, to TENT in the garden. & agreed to arrive by 15h, she went to Pej instead was LATE by 3 hours, SHE had a map from us during a HEAVY storm, could not tent, anyway!... RIDICULOUS!
Hostile neighbours and more rons are NOT;
The ,,, (song "would nt it be nice to get on with me neighbours!" (small faces)
...third storm this week at the coast & damages ... (for Michal's attention) Aug 29meWE? cHrIs>
@aug 28
the family from Hell left today, but with a lot of noise (as usual) and stress as artho - the - arsehole was " coaching "
the bigger boys to do damage to my things.. I counted 4 boys & at least 3 girls.. so that was 9 or 10 upstairs
making excessive noise (including their parents) throwing things down , spitting over their balcony ..
... they stol a small plastic ball from my terrace, and sundry items of my visitors ... (but no evidence)
I told their father this morning, he "doesn't understand" of course..
NOW it seems the WATER is off... so I see there are numbers on the meter switch-handles..
can u tell me how to check it, if the water is turned off at the back of the building?/??
It is quiet now, but dont expct my thanks to you, you knew about this family, as they own upstairs, Michal
Thats bad!
please come here in the morning on 4th september, we may need to visit TV , with your bank details..
to decide how we proceed this year,,or at all...
I want to also check the bus schedule (off season Radovici-TV)
PLEASE Bring those SEVERAL water bottles i gave you!! (full with your Pg tap water)
and your apology??
this summer with electric cuts, water cuts, plague of WASPS ... mosqitos, HOSTILE neighbours
and the most expensive area of the coast was NOT my plan after being cheated of my home in Podgorica
and 2000 euros pf furniture and personal property/souvenirs
Michal Spevak
hi chris. everythink is ok there now?
Fri 8:28 AM
You sent
no the family from hell is still upstairs ..u should come here on 4 depi (Tv bring your bank details ) DAYtime !!
Fri 5:56 PM
You sent
& the arsehole arto ...they steal things..a ball & things off the terrace!
you need wacum cleaner ?
You sent
no a machine gune , ...come on 4th september and we clear the deal for the last period or... discuss alternatives, daytime saturday (4th august)
ok I will come 4 september
You sent
i am tired, no sleep with the noise from upstairs every day & night!
maybe they go home very soon
1 st september school started
You sent
that didnt help me much!!!!!!
cu on 4th spetember ... daytime as we must visit bank in tv!
they went this morning , with noise & a lot of confrontations and interferenec by artho the arsehole! and thats 2 weeks without sleep ...!! YOU owe ME!! u knew this family because they own the apartment upstairs!! see u next saturday MORNING!
.Aug 13/14
ME > Hello Michal , another incident ... yesterday I had visitors from Poznan, and this afternoon we were sitting quiet on the terrace..
one of them was taking a nap, because he HAD A BIT OF SUNSTROKE, and the Serb racist (Djordje) started to shout over at next door
(artho-arsehole) ..then the a-hole comes and sits in from of their apartment on the parking and were load (as many times they have done the past
week..) then a-hole shouts across to his wife? next door...and stands in front of the terrace shouting ..
..then after the visitors left, I decided just to have a quiet evening listening to my music , from the laptop, whilst on the terrace
(low volume - less than 50%) ...then Djordge decides to stand in front of the terrace and shout to the a-hole next door..
so I said "hey cant you walk round to next door and discuss your business with him there" so he makes a dismissive gesture with his
hand towards me, so I repeat...BUT , he ignores me and talks louder I said "hey arsehole dont do that!" so then both of them
swear loudly at me, for a few minutes then it calmed down when Djordjes wife came to usher him back to their apartment..
the idiot next door continued swearing so i answered him with "scouse" ..then after lots of muttering stopped/..
then when I went inside this evening, they shouted at each other!! ...amazing ignorance..
Michal, do not know why the Serb racists (Djordge? from NS? & his daughter Alex came to me,, the water & electric
WITH BWTEEN 8 AND 10 STAYING THERE AT THE SAME TIME! ...why should u pay for the extra they use???
see (*and associated logs & articles banned by F book, twatters, googlies & fen way shark clones
& have YOU any concentration? ;
ChRiS210805 for personal contact @
.........Georg, Dacha & Sladge (Ana)
...........about 10 days ago (it seems longer ) another Serb moved in next door .. ...................
post Liverpool v chelski (lost 1-1!!) ;)
ignoring the BS national break!
LbiRD co-op SUPPORTERS opinions
join resistance v fen way sharks & the USAcorp led global fraud
European draw ; Milan , Atleti & Porto
....YNWA with hope
from OUR REbEL REdS MEd1ATEAM! ... updating pre LIVERPOOL v chelski ..
selection proposals, reviews, opinions & more by our REdS REbEL MEd1ATEAM
.... if you dont like the fen way sharks !!
on REdNET (here we shall feature the European campaign 21/22) domestic (english plastic "premiere" league) league & cups at
Supporters club LOG ; latest at ... (link)
the media is owned by "them" and the minds of the apathetic sheeple are full of the BS! just be sure that whether the truth comes out or not, you are on the good way.. : Mark Anthony justice doesnt always get its reward,,, from REbEL MEd1ATEAM
& v uSAcorp sharks & v fen way frauds!....
and join FREE! to be a part of...
EQUAL shares in the new LIVERPOOL (by end season 2022/2023)
it happened world wide because of the SCUMedia as much as the FascisTORIES ... and via footy ...
2107 007
"Congrats" to the "mighty eng_ur_lund" fans , an own goal & a soft (saved from that w"nker kockney Kane) pen against a poor Danish side of bacon, from one of the smallest nations in europe..( who BTW have won this trophy more times than eng-ur lund) ...
\9 your pathetic coach Nigel needed Hendo so get through)
home advanage and 90% of the wembly (unmasked) fams on your side.... come on the "forza azzuri" in the final ;) .. ...
with ... best wishes & from REbEL MEd1A Team at /groups/Union.BrEdS and join resistance at…
See More (engurlund) rons??? not here ...SUPPORT true REdS at E.L(s)S.U.N: "Balkan REDS" (Union of Reds Supporters) Global
... best wishes & from REbEL MEd1A Team at and join resistance at…
E.L(s)S.U.N: "Balkan REDS" (Union of Reds Supporters) Global
Peter Locke>
Crvena Dawn I'm beginning to think you are not really a Liverpool fan or you've not been one for long. If you think our owners are shite. What's all these links your putting up? Don't you think for yourself?
Crvena Dawn>
" Peter Locke cant you read them? u said u want to see alternatives to them! ..., or is fen way cloning you too>??? ha ha ha we have been campaigning against the yan ker sharks since day 1 ...or .are u one of those Lfc fans who didnt believe our … See More
Are YOU a TRUE Liverpool SUPPORTER_____.mp4
resistance groups at if you dont like the fen way sharks !!
I think we will see a refreshed Bobby , whose form is better when stadia are full... but Ox getting into central shooting positiion from outside the box is a good option..
best wishes from REbEL MEd1ATEAM
and good luck Rafa..
With thanks to Geniene Azalea for sharing
Pandemic or plandemic ?
Well lets see, lets look at the evidence, starting with the build up to covid over the last few decades.
Whistle blowers have long warned that the Elite and their ‘puppet governments’ were planning to fake a global pandemic, as a pretext to justify making sweeping changes to our entire way of life.
With this in mind red flags should have been raised when the WHO altered the definition of a "pandemic", lowering the criteria several times over the last 20 years.
Then following these changes of definition, in 2009 we got Swine flu.
Big pharma & puppet governments around the world all agreed behind closed doors upon a mass global inoculation campaign.
The campaign however needed to be plausibly sold to the public, so the agreement was conditional upon Swine flu being declared a pandemic by the WHO.
Unsuprisingly as they effectively own the WHO this declaration was swiftly forthcoming, and Neil Ferguson of Imperial College dutifully predicted 65000 UK deaths, the mass vaccination rollout began.
Then just as now antivaxers were denounced, the vaccines were declared fully tested, safe and effective.
As NHS workers and parents of children brain damaged by narcoplexy and catoplexy will confirm, they were anything but!
This wasn't the only issue, elements of the media which were at the time not fully controlled, soon began an investigation.
Before long rumours began circulating that the WHO had faked a pandemic purely to justify the vaccine rollout. Well who would have thought it ?
The Swine flu "pandemic" ended with a final UK death toll of 457, a mere 64,543 deaths fewer than Fergusons dire prediction.
Im not sure exactly how many NHS workers & children were brain damaged by the vaccine, but I do know the government had to pay out £60 million of tax payers money in compensation.
The first attempt at a plandemic had failed, clearly lessons had to be learnt.
The elite wasted no time, with the Rockerfellers modelling a future draconian "pandemic" response, called @peration L@ckstep in 2010.
Further red flags should have been raised over the next decade as Gates via the BMGF invested heavily in vaccination rollouts in the 3rd world.
Gates and others also predicted a coming global pandemic several times, especially notable being Fauci's 2017 prediction of a "suprise outbreak during the next presidential term".
Then in 2019 Gates and John Hopkins university ran Event 201, once again modelling the response to a suprise corona virus outbreak originating in China.
The simulation stressed the need to control the media & social media & the need for unprecedented levels of propaganda & censorship, rogue elements of the press were not to be allowed to sabotage their plans again.
Now as any self respecting conspiracy theorist will confirm exercises almost identical to the "real event" usually just happen to coincide with, or just preceed, the said real event.
They are also used, as with Event 2@1, as practice runs to iron out any potential flaws.
Towards the end of 2019 Gates tweeted in that he was excited about his best investment for 2020....... vaccines.
Then coincidentally we got Covid, soon accompanied by terrifying footage from China of people just dropping dead in the street.
Ferguson was back, despite being wildly wrong with every prior estimate he had ever made, grimly predicting 500 thousand Uk & 2 million US deaths.
Pretty soon though it became clear that the terrifying footage from Wuhan, Italy & New York was faked and that things didnt quite add up.
Anyone who looked past the propaganda soon came to the conclusion that this so called pandemic was being used to justify the creep towards the following;
Digital IDs, mass surveillance & tracking.
Cashless society.
Mandatory vaccinations & vaccine passports.
A Chinese style citizen credit system.
Destruction of the financially independant middle class and an increase in state dependance.
The eventual destruction of the economy and the imposition of a new financial system.
The reduction of civil liberties and rights.
Population reduction.
The gradual repossession of private land & property.
The imposition of UN agenda 21 and a huge reduction in international & national travel.
The gradual erosion of national sovereignty, heading towards one world government.
The majority of people instead bought the official narrative, believing that the government having the best interests of the nation at heart was truly trying to save us from a deadly virus.
As time went on we predicted that they would claim the virus had mutated, requiring vaccine after vaccine and justifying never ending restrictions.
Nonsense we were told, a vaccine is our fastest way back to normal, one vaccine and thats it.
"Our little bottle of hope" ... remember that ?
Ok that was a year ago so what has happened since, who was right ? Well lets see ...
1/ Using official statistics it is clear to see that for the average person covid is no more serious than a bad dose of the seasonal flu, for under 70's it is actually less serious.
2/ Lockdowns, masks etc have been catagorically proved not to work & to do more harm than good.
Even the WHO last year produced a statement saying they could no longer recommend lockdowns, around the world the begining & end of mask mandates has made no difference.
Still our government continues to use these measures, with Whitty recently claiming we may need to be back in lockdown in as few as 5 weeks, just after his holidays then, how convenient.
3/ Huge conflicts of interest have come to light, with government ministers & sage members possessing shares in vaccine companies, while the MHRA, GAVI, WHO, CDC, BBC and others have all also recieved considerable funding from Gates.
Trust the science, they say, ommiting to mention that Gates funds the science, Imperial College alone has recieved £330 million from the BMGF.
4/ As predicted they have claimed the vaccine has mutated into variant after variant, with the first "variant of concern" arriving just after the vaccines, regular top ups will be required after all, suprise suprise.
Dr Mike Yeadon has repeatedly explained that no variant differs from the original sequence by more than 0.3%, meaning that top up jabs would not be necessary for around 40 years.
5/ There is nothing novel about this virus, every single aspect had previously been patented over the last 20 years. See Dr Martins interview with Reiner Fuellmich for further proof of this.
6/ Two Pfizer factories specifically equipped at the cost of millions to produce covid vaccines and nothing else were fitted out in 2018 & 2019.
7/ Agenda 21 now repackaged as the WEFs great reset is now openly admitted, globally leaders are all declaring the need to build back better, while all even wearing the same badge.
8/ NHS waiting lists are predicted to reach and possibly exceed 12 million, many hospitals are currently very busy with a backlog of patients & adverse reactions. Protect the NHS ?
9/ The economy is now over 2 trillion in debt to the very same banksters driving the agendas.
10/ Record numbers of jobs and independant businesses have gone under after being forced to close. Owners who objected have been repeatedly harrassed by over zealous jobsworth drones from local councils.
Meanwhile elite owned corporations have remained open throughout profiting immensly.
11/ The war on cash was obvious from the start, immediately cash was declared dangerous, conveniently our bank notes had all recently gone plastic.
12/ Elderly people were booted out of hospital and back to care homes untested, then placed prematurely on end of life pathways, meaning nil by mouth, before being injected with midazolam. Saving lives ?
13/ Mandatory vaccinations have now been introduced for care homes after a 90 min snap debate, of whch the public were largely unaware, & despite the governments failure to produce promised impact assessment.
They have really crossed the Rubicon with this, if they mandate one vaccine they can mandate them all. If they can mandate vaccination for the greater good, how long until they mandate medication in general for the greater good ?
Those who have had both vaccines may not care or even support this, that is beyond shortsighted. You are only as good as your last Jab. What of those who were bedridden for weeks following their last jabs & genuinely cannot face another ?
Then we have the planned u turn on vaccination passports, initially for international travel, then for domestic use large events, now once again we have talk of requiring them for pubs & restaurants.
14/ look at all of the cancelled treatments for serious conditions last year, after a deliberate decision to focus on covid alone. Saving lives ?
‼️ All of this for a virus with a survival rate of 99.8 percent, is this logical ?
Is the mandation of experimental vaccines that have no proven effect on transmission logical ?
Is a vaccine that supposedly only reduces symptoms logical, when the biggest threat (so we are told ) is asymptomatic transmission ?
Is the continued use of tests proven to have huge false positive rates logical, when resulting isolations of perfectly healty people are bankrupting the country ?
Does it make sense to have the NHS testing 1.2 million healthy symptom less people everyday when up to 12 million people who are actually ill are on waiting lists ?
Does it make sense that the MHRA is apparently not investigating any of the 1 million adverse reactions reported to its own yellow card scheme ?
Of course not, none of it is logical or proportional,
none of it is about stopping a virus, and most importantly they have not simply got it wrong.
It only makes sense when people recognise it for what it is, a controlled demolition of our entire society, our entire way of life. You only need to look at bills currently passing through parliament to see this for what it is.
The police crime & courts bill, the covert services intelligence bill, the online harms bill, and the counter state threats bill are all aimed at control, oppression, suppression and censorship.
Look at Cuba, look at France if you want to see whats coming, all puppet governments are reading from the same script, they are just at slightly different parts of the script.
Macron recently went almost the full hog declaring that everyone needed to be vaccinated to enter pubs shops resteraunts and so on, in short be vaccinated or be an outcast from society.
The option was to be available to pay €80 for a pcr test valid for 48 hrs instead, but no doubt that would soon be removed and in any case it was unrealistic financially to be a viable alternative.
Customers breaking these rules faced 6 months in jail, shop owners who fail to check status 1 year in jail. How democratic.
Fortunately the French did not take this lying down, forcing Macron into an embarrassing partial u turn, for now at least.
So what next ? Well a brief respite to allow mps to have their own holidays uninterrupted, without fear of being caught breaking their own rules, then back to it.
Winter will bring more lockdowns, more restrictions, more variants, more vaccines, more job losses & more lies. Expect snake oil mandates and passports to creep & creep as the frog boils.
Combating climate change will be used as the pretext for bring in yet further reductions on travel, we already have talk of 20 minute cities and climate lockdowns.
Holidays forget it, vaccine passes are just a carrot to increase up take, noones going anywhere, certainly not for much longer.
In addition expect food shortages, power outages, and periods of internet shut down, all intended to cause maximum devastation. All will blamed on covid, which will of course be blamed on the unvaccinated.
As has been noted the elite through front companies and financial institutions have been buying up land and property on a vast scale, driving up prices yet further, remember you will own nothing and be happy.
Savings ? Rising prices & inflation can soon put paid to them in the majority of cases, and lets not forget who controls the central banks, who controls the money supply and sets the interest rates
In any case when the economy and current financial system finally collapses you can be sure savings and pensions will go with down it.
This country currently faces its biggest threat since our armies were trapped at Dunkirk, and at least then the enemy was clearly identifiable while the country was united in opposition.
This time the enemy is insidious, and the real danger is that the majority of people are still naive enough to believe that these people are on their side.
Chris Wakefield
210728/29 see HT blogger?? interview with C R S?
more OTHER;
hello again, Ms K, we know about your condition, BUT,, have you called Mirista?????
CS gave your name to the bosses ( Lazar Marovic +382 96 515 485 )
because YOU TOLD HIM YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A JOB! (why ask if you are NOT ready to start??)
and I am looking for a local part time translator/Interpreter
for "Confidential Internatonal Security & Protection Services" thats why CS his emails copied me !!
do you READ his messages, PROPERLY???
FU> Hello Natalija, ChRiS gave your phone number to Marko of Mitista last night, anyway,
although it seems Lazar ( +382 96 515 485 ) employs new staff, Marko told ChRiS they need someone now?
so if you have OTHER reasons for not staying with ChRiS you MUST inform him and Harve HONESTLY now,
or misss your chance? because your reluctance font make sense ...
DC/F&U mission MEd1ATEAM
p.s. u for sure never met anyone like CS before!
HT> Ms.K, it seems that CS sent you an impressive list of his recent voluntary actions,
dont you think? > which as far as I know is inxomplete)
As I understand it, last month before YOU left Zanjice, you agreed to stay with CS in the apartment at Miriste,
CS did NOT ask for rent, or moeny, he never does, if you or any visitor / guest wishes to contribute food, drinks or shopping
thats his usual :deal: he only expects mutual respect, and his experience, if you saw his hosting profiles
it is clear that over 350 people cane from all over the world and had a positive esperience, with him!
in THIS aspect , i am aware ONLY Locals (Serbian/Montenegrins) abused his hospitality or cheated him during the last decade...
for him to spend his time explaining to you, with your apathy, is astounding! i am looking for someone to relate my plans to
the locals, but this makes me want to back off...
btw ..
the " recruitment " person at Mirista is not Marko, but one of the Marovic family.
(Lazar) whose family is well extablished on that peninsular... CS recommended you to Marko,
but you should call Lazar _ + 382 60 616 485
mind you, I would not employ anyone via a phone call,
would you? (its not a "Cuba Libre cowboy outfit" at Mirista,,,)
Good luck
consultant "Confidental International Security Protection Services"
p.s. its a pity, as I KNOW how much fun it is to share time with CS.
I hope you are not like the others there;
It seems "Porko" , Vojin, young Novak & his girlfriend Ivana all bit his hand of friendship..
? Lena? Мой первый каучсерфер. Опыт)
I do not think so, as I told you I am expecting a guest at the weekend..
..and I make it clear in my profile that I dont want to be a hostel B & B
...this is an important part of my social life I travelled half the world and I am pleased to HOST the world coming to me ;) ...but with respect...
if you decide to come tonight.....,
this is the message I prepared to send you this morning.
(as I am usually only on line early) the rest of the time at the coast, or writing..
" Hello again Ilya ..& Mila...
firstly, I respectively require to see all visitors profiles now (* also as this is the home of my NGO)
so please direct me to Mila's profile or face book,
I may be generous depending on the mentality of my guests, my hospiyality has been abused again recently
so I am particularly careful who i allow into my trust
I await you tonight at " Contact" caffe (Zanjice beach) after 20h..(car parking by the caffe)
p.s. I have few provisions at home, as the caffes & shop are relatively expensive..
please bring some vegetables..and please (as you pass many markets, some GINGER tea ("INGWER PUR")
as part of your contribution to our "collective" :)
vidimo se ...
p.s. i am usually only on line for a short time in the morning..
Hello Novak,
I share this profile with someone we are mutually acquainted to..
..the founder of our Freedom & Union mission..
the creator of REdGEMnet, now linked to over 300 social media groups, worldwide.
the former european co-ordinator of International Round table..
an honorary member of Italian Round table..
who asked our "MEdiATEAM" to assiast you with future contact for your career..
however, it seems you and your GF (Ivana?) ignored, then insulted CS??
(even ignoring his emails. which is VERY rude in our culture..)
Do you still expect oursupport for your career>>??
the biggest loss is the 12th man due to really fecking ridiculous lock outs, WILL YOU EXPLAIN HO|w IT IS "allowed" to shop in an enclosed store, but not sit in a massive open air stadium??? BS!....... so many young & scared of govt. or too weak , who fail to stand up against idiocratic rules.. ....,,pre LIVERPOOL REdS v blue manc fraud klub..
210206 re tomorrow... the illogical absence of our "12th man" is more important than any player injuries.. HUGE ASSumption by the fannies kiddies on redmen & TAW etc ... Guardiola may well play 8 at the back like the other mancs or spurs because a draw is what he would take keeping 7 points plus a game advantage , he did it before and it got a pont that arguably won them the league... LIVERPOOL REdS v blue manc frauds via @YouTube a compact video previewing the match LIVERPOOL v man sh&tty
with TRUE REdS SUPPORT via ChRiS & our MEd1ATEAM
see also
and :
sent via ht 210207
cc: Head of Department for Organisation of Justice
Directorate for Judiciary
Ministry of Justice
Vuka Karadžica 3, Podgorica
+382 20 407 504
momir.jaukovic [at]
Basic Court of Podgorica
13 July bb street, Podgorica
(+382) 20 481 200
osnovnisud [at]
zoran.radovic [at]
corrected text:
INJUNCTION versus MFI Alter Modus Re; Mr. Nemanja
Ljumovic your ref; 39-10-207/2021
Due to a Force majeure;
This injunction is made on behalf of Mr. Nemanja Ljumovic,("NL") a
resident of Podgorica, who has been unemployed for the duration of the W.H.O / UN stated
The public precautions applied by the state of Montenegro prevent NL
maintaining a consistent employment
of any meaningful level. NL is married with 4 dependent children
Therefore as the MFI Alter Modus are also registered within the same
state of Montenegro they are also bound by the articles of the COUNCIL
of Europe & the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) convention.
This injunction invokes the convention articles 8,11,12 & 14, and retain
the right to add other articles contained within the United Nations UDHR
1948, should the plaintiff wish to proceed with any further relevant
This injunction therefore blocks MFI Alter Modus or any other party,
institution, or individual making financial claims against NL until such
time that the pandemic is cleared by the W.H./UN/ECHR, plus a period of
3 months.
for & on behalf of F & U legal claims department
(a bona fide Union registered on 1 may of the year 2000 at Stuttgart Justiz ministerium)
Christopoher Richard SMITH F. inst D.
81000 Podgorica, Montenegro
from : ChRiS SMITH
re: any HUMAN BEing v ALL nation states group link:
...., as "mentor-manager"(strategic) i often have to calculate time/value ; it applies to others as it does to myself,
as in this modern idiocracy, local or global, finiabcial calcultaions are seen, time given is not, therefore i feel, as I would
if i was in charge of a youth TEAM or a global network, that i must allow my "members" to solve their own problems..
Me(we?) v bug BS! is clear after a year of "bug panic" that this apparent "danger" is NOT a "death plague" that will see the public dropping dead on the streets..
as was portrayed by the UN, w.h.o. & mainSCREAMedia ... it is clear to anyone with half a brain that;
whilst there is a threat, it is not much greater than any other we have lived with in my lifetime,. and that govts, medical "experts" & media
have deliberately inflated & SPUN "stats" which has been exploited by so called "authorities"...
the ONLY connsistency has been the INCONSISTENT "mis-managment" of the situation and the ultimate damages caused by REACTION has & shall far
outweight the "identified (fatal?) risk" (0.01% of global population)
that whether contrived ("CONspired") or incidental, profiteers; vaccine producers, ZOOMers, ISPers., f book, & twatters etc
(not least the 200 BILLION usd mask business of 2020) have had a "best year" this seems obscene , doesnt it?
IT IS Tragic that WAR, weapons sales by your govts, the industrial / traffic pollution (pumping 20 BILLION tonnes of poison into the atmosphere WE BREATHE)
has continued, alchohol/tobbaco abuse, POISONOUS pharma drugs & deaths from cancer & other viral threats have not been dealt with by the same "enthusiasm" as theIR "bug"!
an alternative "theory" that the poisoned air is so BAD that govts were told to lockdown to reduce the intake of the sh*t THIER policies made,
to reduce travel, construction, and traffic would actually have some merit, however, I doubt the intelligence of "those in power". #gameofTHORNS
it is intelligent to REbEL, you , as a human BEing, have as much power as you wish, to challenge the "rulers" who FALSELY placed you in a local/global prison/police state.
the (potential) good, may be that you learn to stand up to BE someone worthy of the LIFE given, the wonder of this universe and ALL!
BE the GOOD! #LbiRDco -op via REdGEMnet @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN
ChRiS SMITH 210314
hello Margarita
I wrote this on the event ;
only "good news" from you? Jane ha ha..(you never intended to join us?) ....NOTE. the latest news is the W.H.O info is being trashed by the international court after 500 doctors in Berlin have said the bans etc are criminal.. violate HR, & anyway weather is looking better for sunday 25th...14-19h ... hope to see you then Margarita ... please tell me your email so I can send you a plan,,, OR you can call 069 571 171 , new local member will join , and there is sort of "Slava" ..
and extracts from the ir game of thorns ;
| ||||
from u tube '
ReplyDeleteand ; Welcome to THE GREAT RESET (great re-sh&te>)
by whatsher face
Opioids III: The Sacklers: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)