Previous ; montv-chrislog./2021/08/is-not-episode-of-anti-chris-in-monty.
just to "warm you up" ha ha ha ... Welcome to THE GREAT RESET;
from REbEL (REdS) MEd1ATEAM (LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet & MONtv)
"Our "Leader" who denies the role, and if made president says " if ever that happens, (and i suppose , if they can elect donald dduck as USA president and Bozo the clown as UK PM, anything is possible!) ;) I would have a party , disband all government , TELL the people to take responsibility for their lives, their children and OUR planet, then resign!... wrote an intro column recently for MONtv he also wrote to a lawyer * and counter the "non counter-punch of columnist David Rosen (see below) .. causes this supportive reaction:
>>>>> have you ever heard of the expression getting your PRiorities right"
Anti ChRiS in tomato republik episode NEXT 10k In this extracts from "the anti-ChRiS in Monty - land" he offers the possible "global disasters" being 99.99% of the global population being wiped off the planet
by OUR own pollution (traffic/industrial poison & factory-farming caused diseases) ..OR .. a Natural "re-set" by the universe punishing the global population
with a TRUE death plague/bug... ...OR (as the USA john wayne airforce is armed with 20 new SUPER NUKES...a radiation "CLEANSING" of the sheeple..
Chomsky seems to bet on the latter in
whilst the VARce that the UK has become is within;
...we are not joking
and neither is this article ... (which fails to list the numbers that USAcorp & co have either "disappeared" OR using =gameofTHORNS media tactics "DISCREDITED"
(which is sometimes even more INSIDIOUS and effective in removing opposition or resistance...(see pic)
many of the USAcorp cloned sheeple blame chinese for c19 (see pic) whilst the c1A are not blamed???????
and with ChRiS also covering the CONSUL of LIVERPOOL republic in the Balkans...
......points at the corrupt local business & govt manipulating sharks (and their USAcorp backers ) who have virtually SOLD OFF the coastal region..... to which the chinese built motor route connects to.. and laughs at the suggestion that this is GOOD or not when THE MAJOR ISSUES
concern the destruction of a beautiful region (his Celts ancestry could claim) by the greedy few and proposes an alternative community for the locals to support
(see ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN)
(ChRiS letter copied via FU mission ;
for attention of the Mayor - Opstina Herceg novi
Having spent some considerable time in HN and MNE in general, I claim ; YOU should be ashamed
* By the lack of JUSTICE in your region and in MNE nation wide! ( corruption is everywhere )
* At the pollution and rubbish strewn everywhere, ruining a beautiful country*
* That the best aspects of OUR land & coast are being sold to profiteers & for commercial Exploitation
* That YOUR local & national government continues the ridiculous & illogical restrictions, with egageratiuon & exploitation of the PLANdemic
* The advertised "footpaths" are a joke, they are for rick climbers , not hikers!
Because the reputation of your people is being destroyed , by the greedy few.
or is your intent for this coast to be simply a rich mans playground & to hell with the rest, of nature & society, sold for profit!
I myself have been constantly picking up litter etc strewn by tourists & locals (absence of environmental education
at home or school) there is almost no proper rubbish bins or disposal service at Miriste/Zanjice
and in consideration of this lack of services I have invited my associates in environmental & protection ASPECTS
to apply themselves in this area.
This is an open letter, distributed to our global network.
Christopher Richard Smith, F Inst D
F & U Mission (NGO)
email also ;
responding to david rosen on counter punch
Hello David Rosenfear
after reading your "PR_opaganda article" on "counter" i wish to oppose the claim that this article and the agenda of that publication is "counter" ????
using KFF (or KKK) text ..blaming non - vaxers on the right wing & for being "uneducated" is the sort of language used by the right wing
...but it seems that so-called democrats of USAcorp (modern Useless Staes of American dogma" are virtual fascist to apply VAX passports
which fascist! no less than wearing "juden" on the arm sleeve DURING the holocaust pre & during WW2 ?
whilst its clear than counter, like so many based in the USA is fixated on USA based policies & "news" ..
the rest of the world is FULL of "socialist" (yes I used the S-word!) REbELS who refuse to swept along by the fear - media
and / or believe in their own bodies capacity to create natural immunity, I am a "senior" who keeps fit and has a healthy diet
... I haven't (touch wood) had a heavy cold or flu for the last few years..
sure there have been numerous viral scares in the last 50 years.some at least as potentially dangerous as c19
(the "marketed virus" which produced an estimated 500 billion usd bonus for your corporate buddies in 2020)
in the Uk.. there was no dramatic increase in the death rate lst year, whilst many deaths were listed as "cor ona" or "with cor ona"
... without any evidence and numerous scandals of cancer patients dying and also being "listed"
... its disgusting to read the sort of PR_opaganda in a "counter" publication that attempts to link anti-vaxers with the right wing,
whilst you use the rhetoric of fascists who wish to give everyone a "dog licence" (vax passport) it stinks...
surely, even you, must recognize that the global capitulation to any FEAR ,
is against the basics of FREEDOM (supposedly promised by the UDHR!)
and that virtually all modern governments will use such fear to scare (and they did) the public into submission , which kills off ANY protest..
However, such negative force has a reaction, and your sort of article is likely to add the the "force majeur" of a "2nd order "
(our "lower class" becoming a global REBELLION against the sheeple)... and the anarchy that may bring will be contributed to by such unscrupulous articles as yours!
F & U Mission
Europe (thats on the other side of this planet, BTW!)
so with 7,000,000 on the whole planet... a new Dawn... (REd) ..
no need for the titanic to be salvaged...
a REdGEMnet .. connected to local & global comunity co-operatives; a "Team Network" ... see #LbiRD and bideos on
A good "Team" (community or collective) ;
- shares the collective GOOD and works to overcome the bad..
- Allows the individual to score for the benefit of the TEAM/collective
- (like a good family, carries the sick during their weak times, but expects the same in return)
,,, passes the "ball" (responsibility) when one of the collective is in a better position to "score" for the TEAM..
.......respects the environment that made its existence possible!
D-days(Djune ) DEja Vu Decisions Daze! ..
69 years since "d-day" liberating europe
( didnt u know u are free?)
69 is a signigficant number
between the genders (a key?)
avoiding the missionary , unencumbered?
each minority fights for majority (rule)
democracy is just a name...
anyway why should i trust the mass?
none of whom understand the "game"
"Monty pythons life of brian"
challenges the way u think,
i want to show u a similar film,
because sheeple, u stink!
who is intelligent on this planet?
one, i have longed to meet
question, what? how and which?
who can be strong, and not bitch?
how can sheeple still vote for suit and tie?
they lie!
its my planet, so i ask U why?
u follow the ignorance, the media too,
are u too blind to see?
the only question is..
to be ... or not to BE!
whats her face ;
and extracts from the fear PR_opaganda & MASKerAIDS of their GAME of THORNS! ;
I am writing to you personally as the leader of more than 500 Indigenous nations. I'm at the world's largest conservation summit, fighting for Indigenous rights and the goal of protecting half the planet. But ambition is being throttled by politics, and we're only a handful of indigenous leaders here, but if millions of citizens back our call, we can wake them up! I will personally deliver our voices to all Members of the IUCN, calling on them to protect our homelands and at least half the planet to ensure life on Earth thrives. Add your name now and share with everyone: |
Daniel Raventos & Julie Wark: Where are you, Cleisthenes? |
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Patrick Cockburn: Washington's doomed new way of waging war. |
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Dave Lindorff: Cat 5 hurricanes, floods, rising temps, this is just the start. |
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Prabir Purkayastha: Can the US really gain from China's pain? |
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David Rovics: The American immigrant story. |
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Paul Street: Capitalist chickens come home to roost. |
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Elia Vasquez: The failure of New Mexico's public education. |
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Dear Members, The next meeting of the F+Collective for female fans will focus on the topic of women in sports journalism, and take place online on Thursday, 9 th September at 19:30 CET. The evening will include interactive elements, such as the much beloved "speed dating" (getting to know one another) and an open discussion at the end. The highlight, however, will be a panel discussion with three female sports journalists: Georgia Bernardini is an Italian author, journalist, and passionate AC Milan fan living and working in Berlin. She writes several columns and hosts various podcasts on the subject of women in sport, such as Goleadora, which explores women's football in Italy and beyond. Reflecting on her work, Georgia commented: "I played basketball for years and nowadays I'm a busy kickboxer, so I write mostly about boxing, basketball, and football, always with a feminist perspective." Sophie Cook is an English author and activist, as well as the first transgender woman to work in the Premier League as a television presenter. She has been a fan of AFC Bournemouth since she was a child and now works as the club's photographer. Sophie also enjoys watching Whitehawk FC, a local football club in her hometown of Brighton. Speaking about hate speech on social media, Sophie said: "The reality is, every time somebody attacks me, I get a hundred people standing up in my defence." Mara Pfeiffer is a German author, columnist, and podcaster. Her "heart beats for Mainz 05 and for making the world a better place." Mara launched the Frauen reden über Fußball (Women talking about football) podcast along with other women in 2018. Explaining the purpose of the podcast, Mara stated: "Our focus? People who society classes as female in football, our view on the sport, and the fight against prejudice and misogyny. I regularly talk about football and its role in society, as well as football and feminism, at events and on discussion panels." If you would like to participate, please send an enquiry email to fplus[at] -- The F+Collective is committed to equality, diversity, and inclusion and is open to non-binary and transgender people. |
Melvin Goodman: America doesn't know the difference. |
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Jeffrey St. Clair: Revenge Tragedy. |
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Joshua Frank: Revisiting the witch hunt of Ward Churchill. |
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Roy Eidelson: Two decades of the APA following 9/11. |
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Farrah Hassen: Exiting Afghanistan is only a piece of the puzzle. |
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Adrian Kuzminski: Why we shouldn't take racism for granted as an intractable reality. |
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Robert Hunziker: The Amazon and the implications of drought in Brazil. |
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Dave Lindorff: Biden plays tough guy. |
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Jeffrey St. Clair: The retail carrion feeders of rural America. |
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Michael Hudson: Turning China into a neoliberal grabitization. |
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Jonathan Cook: The Jewish Chronicle's libel. |
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Anthony DiMaggio: The origins of the conspiracy. |
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Medea Benjamin & Nicolas Davis:Ending America's empire of war. |
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Gregory Elich: The project the West wants to derail. |
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"NHS Workers are mobilising & fighting back against the Tories' continued attacks on us."
SPREAD THE WORD: Watch & share Holly's video here // Retweet here GET INVOLVED: Follow the campaign on Twitter here & sign the petition for a 15% pay rise here
"Before the TUC & Labour Conferences, I'm pleased to be at the Fight the Tories - for socialism, not barbarism rally, an agenda-setting event for the Left. I'm going to be speaking about how NHS workers are mobilising & fighting back against the Tories' continued attacks on us. Join me!"
Holly Turner, NHS Workers Say No.
RALLY: Fight the Tories - for socialism, not barbarism
We need YOUR help to make this massive! RSVP, share & invite here // Retweet here to spread the word // Plus register here
Online rally, 2pm, Saturday September 11.
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SPREAD THE WORD: Share this graphic here // Retweet here // Sign petition here.
We are writing to let you know that over 50,000 people have now signed out petition against the Tories' cruel Universal Credit cut. Thank you to everyone who has signed.
Now lets amplify our collective voice and see if we can get to 75,000 - please share on Facebook here and Twitter here.
Labour Assembly Against Austerity Volunteer Team.
Also coming up...
RALLY: Fight the Tories - for socialism, not barbarism We need YOUR help to make this massive! RSVP, share & invite here // Retweet here to spread the word // Plus register here
Online rally, 2pm, Saturday September 11.
With: John McDonnell // Diane Abbott // Richard Burgon // Jon Trickett // Shami Chakrabarti // Sarah Woolley, BFAWU General Secretary // Dave Ward, CWU GS // Holly Turner, nurse & NHS Workers Say No // Matt Wrack FBU GS & LRC Chair // Mick Rix, GMB union // Cat Hobbs, We Own It // Matt Willgress, Arise // Dave Allan, TUC Disabled Workers' Representative & Unite EC // Jess Barnard, Chair, Young Labour // Chair: Christine Blower + more to be confirmed including special international guests including Bhaskar Sunkara, founding editor of 'Jacobin,' & former vice-chair of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Prior to the TUC & Labour annual conferences, at our annual Arise rally we are bringing together Left MPs, trade unionists, movements & global guests to say now is the time to fight the Tories & to rally the Left for the struggles ahead. Put it in your diary today!
Hosted by Arise - A Festival of Labour's Left Ideas. Supported by a range of left groups & publications including the Labour Assembly Against Austerity.
ReplyDeleteas "redmen" TAW & daytrippers trot out the same pro-fen way PR_opaganda,,
and obediently follow the rulers of "bozo the clown's UK govt!"
for all the REbEL REdS sick of scared sheeple still wearing face masks and chanting "stay safe"
according to the gospels of silly gates & mark suckerbug
whats her face singing too :) there is some intelligence on this planet
The Little Charade - Far From This World
Conspiracy Fun Facts With WhatsHerFace
Rise of the VARIANTS ;
censoRED (whats her face ) Who is Robert Malone?