14624 ... BBC shows
its BIAS again, featuring 3 young Brits going off to fight in Syria,
and the family asking media to stop them ...YES stop all war, but focus
on the thousands & thousands of Brits & American teenagers sent
to fight "political-business" war since WW2 ... should THEY be stopped
from being killed and killing many more civilians than any "terrorist"
has?.....and we see John Kerry ... = ABSOLUTE PROOF that all USA
politicians (wherher they call themselves "republicans" or "democrats"
are OBLIGED to be A**HOLES ?
14623 ..................... todays
thoughts.... the people in power are corrupted..by that power, but
the sheeple deserve no better because of their apathy and are content to
chew the cud and let their lives be manipulated by the few, so THEY
can blame soemone else for their hell, ...Meireles looks funny, Al-J
Jounros given 7 years prison for telling wrong news ...hopefully CNN
& BBC reporters will be given life sentences.. ... the various forms of C 1 A block my communications.. but ...are wasting their time,....TOO! they really dont understand "Spiritual Strategy" and for those of you who KNOW and just care for yourselves ..this is your hell.. 14622 antichrismith.blogspot.com/2014/06/csvee-14617-equality-plaint-v-uk-gov.html for Kristina ..."worth the waIT"
So I waited for girl from the Baltic
drinking at "Berlin" (Brail) but that didnt make me sick
arrived at 03 and she still looked great
but still in a bit of a tired state...
next day off to Oestrog (I thought she went)
but to another place she & others were sent
very angry as I waited for Kristina
more than 2 hours late, I finally did see her
but we had a meal, a talk, a drink and a dance
decided we give it another chance
and another day and what a special form it did take!
a bus , a boat a swim and much more on Skadar lake
a BIG storm , a sky , a smile and the russians they hid
But not Kristina! she stayed up top,.... we both did! :)
and then a dinner on silesija, specially to share this heaven ,
Kristina ... WORTH the wait, "you ll never need a home"
you will always be welcome wherever I am.. :) cuvaj se!
Just like he helped the yankers ruin our club, "woy" shows how to motivate......opponents!! http://www.sportinglife.com/football/premier-league/news/article/312/9355657/suarez-roy-hodgsons-words-inspired-my-performance
Uruguay and LIVERPOOL have Luis, england have the worst manager LFC ever had in its history, but, I feel sorry for Steven "managed" by that fool "hodge the bodge" ... the not so gradual end of the United (nation ) state ... "national patriotism is crumbling..."
AS the lies of the USA-UK governments overshadow the lies of the Russian-Ukrainian "players" ...a Canadian girl visiting me was proud of her "french connection" had met the British (columbia) canadian girl who left the day before...all talk of their differences, Marianne goes back to her belgian base - where flemish , having better economy want to split from french speakingt Walloon, the C1A - invented "AL Kabab AL Ka1 dada-..and its supposed (CR)ISIS army are "murderers" according the (feemale "reporters") of CNN-BBC propaganda, (of course dont mention that the USA-capitalist colonization murdered so many thousands more) yet...
there was no blood on the pile of "victinms" as the boys t-shirts showed no way of knowing if this was ANOTHER Kerry "conjure up" by the west or other factions who want to escalate intervention, and again "justify" a bigger war (budget) to divert YOU from the flooding around the world, (brazil and balkans and parts of the USA..too) whilst the UK court chinese NUCLEAR power, (despite the risk) AND amid the collapse of the world economy...THE AVERAGE price of a London house is 750 THOUSAND! ...( thats the peoples land they speculate * INFLATE = "all property is theft" ) ...and all of you are THEIR sheeple... ask yourself if you are smart or if U are just a slave of your meda-iphone...(q)
14616 [CS Reference written: Frany Grecco] NEW reference
Frany Grecco has written the following reference about you on your profile: >
Chris is such a nice man!! he was really kind with us. He is an amazing
host,so warm and easy going. He cooked for us and made us feel very
comfortable. We shared a funny night in a bar in Podgorica, and had really
interesting talk about life perspectives! Thanks for everything Chris, hope
to see you again someday :) To see this person's profile, go to
Zdravo Mila, ako sam čini "daleka" to je zato što osećam da mi ugovor samo u poslednjem trenutku, i ja slušam sve vaše probleme i ono što želite učiniti, ali vi dont briga mnogo o onome što mi treba, i ja treba mi neko kome je stalo do mene, jednako, a mi pokazuje previše. Ja sam još uvijek ovdje, ali licemjerje mi ako ne osjećaju me. Chris x
non-rules for y-our life
rule number 1 - never follow the rules
rule 2 - always obey rule number 1 :)
be yourself, the wonder of life is enjoying the journey to a dream that you may never arrive at
learn the language and rules of the "system" so u can break them
strive for freedom & let freedom be your mentality yet always accept the consequences of your choices
dont intend to hurt anyone or anything, unless in honest self-defence
sing your song , say what you mean and mean what you say...
Have empathy for others, but know when and where to draw the line of generosity
be to others as you wish them to be to you, dont be led by the herd or "popular opinion"
enjoy what you have, or it too may disappear whilst you chase more...
Laugh, joke and dance whenever you can, because one day your legs may not move at all.
search for intelligence and when experience talks, listen, you have twice as many earholes as mouth-hole :)
dont read too much of others stories, make your own adventure
be a player, not just a spectator
If you dont liek your life, change it, dont waste time on blame, state your truth and move on.
get out in the sun, and through wind or rain, add you own positive message, to this mad , wonderful, tragic strange & beautiful life ...............................and QUESTION or CHALLENGE everything and EVERYONE!
p.s. Make a Miracle every day..
p.p.s add your own "wisdom" to the above. if u dare? ;)
14309 Harvey > The main problem is the lack of personal identity, if u are limited by the walls & fences of bias built by politicians & religious leaders, the wrold belonged to all the people before it was dissected by flags, nations & groups.. shame that the sheep just allow this to continue.. "when will they ever learn" .. ?
Creative.. https://www.facebook.com/groups/528227287287190
forever justifying your failed society,,, the selfish rules of capitalism that encourage the few to live off the many, that have enabled crime by rich that would put the poor in prison, so that less than1 % own the property and wealth of more than half the world,...your titanic sunk, and your financial system is a fraud,,. keep on telling yourself its ok, whilst thousands of kids die every day because business & politics failed to distribute the means evenly, and would rather destroy food than share ... "logic" you have none; NONE! ..
the SYSTEM is wrong, and YOU do NOTHING to improve the world for other human beings.. one day when u too are drowning , in floods or polution, remember what i told you today!
oh....about 25 THOUSAND kids DIE EVERY DAY thanks to the global food business distribution politics , and corruption, yet you all keep voting for the capitalist system??? .. Vincent van der Heem > There is less poverty and hunger at this moment in time then any moment since 1990. Your argument would suggest the capitalist system is working. Unless you are contributing distribution politics and corruption to capitalism, which is faulty logic. There is politics and corruption in any system. Chris> ah Vincent, forever justifying your failed society,,,
the selfish rules of capitalism that encourage the few to live off the many, that have enabled crime by rich that would put the poor in prison, so that less than1 % own the property and wealth of more than half the world,...your titanic sunk, and your financial system is a fraud,,. keep on telling yourself its ok, whilst thousands of kids die every day because business & politics failed to distribute the means evenly, and would rather destroy food than share ... "logic" you have none; NONE! ... the SYSTEM is wrong, and YOU do NOTHING to improve the world for other human beings.. one day when u too are drowning , in floods or polution, remember what i told you today!
Chris > Capitalism, increases property ownership and speculation ; increasing costs, and selfish attitudes ; lack of care, higher wages to pay credit and higher rents; inflation which begets higher prices ;
and distances the haves & the "have-nots" and then dont wonder if those who become dis-advantaged eventually Rebel, against you, the "spoilt rich kids"
thanks, :) bad spelling but, the dark side is strong in u, luke :) go to rehab.. u are sick, as most of you money-kids are... u are blind deaf and sadly dumb...
every time u point a finger at me THREE point back at u confirming the truth of your sick "idiocracy"...you are sunk, deflation is coming ...start learning to swim son, or u will drown..I understand how the rich, politicians, business or other "modern leaders of civilization" and media moguls, cling to their "system" ..and infect u with their lies and manipulated "stats" and biased media ..
they will do ANYthing to protect the profits made by continuing the "rules" , feeding the governments, universities & schools around the globe with the same stupidity that keeps you IGNORANT..
arresting bribing, discrediting or even "disappearing" anyone who dares expose their "game" and the matrix - like slaves that you are..
, u have become a cold-hearted robotic slave of capitalism
such as you; young Vincent a dutch student, spoilt rich kid, who has been conditioned to spread the BS, that people should just look after their own interest, these sort of people wouldl kill each other whilst the titanic is singing, EXCEPT THAT THE SYSTEM'S TITANIC HIT THE ICEBERG A LONG TIME AGO, THEIR PAPER YOU CARRY AROUND IN YOUR PURSE OR WALLET IS WORTH NOTHING..and then what will you do? ah Vincent, btw- sure there is no "mastermind" any one with intelligence should be able to see how STUPID your "system" is, to year by year destroy the land, water & pollute the land for the sake of accumulating "money" which itself has no true value, is INCREDIBLY Stupid, its a shame that, like the german youth, to many youngdutch are no more than "2nd hand americans" attempting to "justify" a selfish society, but, as I am in a generous mood, and as i really dont care about your opinion, you can have the "last words" :) ...
REdNet Bootroom 2
Ulli Hoeness , a buddy of Mrs (adolf) Merkel defrauding the state by hiding more than 20 Million euros from their taxman, all the bavarian boasters about their "great bayern" ..BUILT on cheatinbg (as was much of the german "wirtschaft wunder" - the german business machine was contructed using foreign money and cheap labiour of "world war 2 zvangsarbeiters" (slave workers) and cheap yugo & turkish workers = who later were considered "scum class" by the german snobs who judge people by "status"... be careful Lfc fannies , because when all is exposed about Ayre and Henry - Werner and the way F S G funds are "made" you wont have much to shout about either!
the (capitalist owned) ex BBc now have 5 million facebook "friends" ("likes") boasting on the news tonight
as much as i dislike the "official (bored-room propaganda) Lfc" Liverpool FC ; 16,508,049 likes
TRedS> ha ha seems u have just proved the point made by chris......
5 of our lads in the team that shd have had a result v italians |
watching the repeat of eng v Ita game today, not because I am an england fan (i am not, I am a LIVERPOOL SUPPORTER) but wanted to take in the Liverpool players performances (calmly).. it was typical england first half even perhaps the better side, but without taking chances , Hart shd have done better fot the first goal, Stevie should have had a pen, local-italian-biased crowd influenced dutch ref ..(IMO) Studge looked sharp, ...but it u want motivation , just facing the ugly mugs of Hodgson (the WORST ever "manager" in the history of LFC) and Gary Neville must be enough to want to do well.. didnt really rate the italian team, thought english defence (Baines & Cahill) shd have cut out cross from Pirlo to "superPrat"

... Raheem Sterling looked in his element often skipping past players, Glen had more shots than most italian forwards, Hendo did ok, Stevies distrbution excellent as usual... the usual italian dirty tricks hasnt changed much since the first time i saw them as a kid... they dont need the snidey , sneaky stuff, but that just the way it is, hope Suarez is fit to stuff em... want Costa Rica & Uruguay to go through ... then our group of RedS can get a decent summer rest (n.b. Monty-CGTV commentator biased for italians) — met ChriS SmiTH.
Play beautiful footy https://www.facebook.com/groups/wild.beautiful.footy/

Danny AGGER is OUR CHOICE , take note BR!
and either Skrtel/dAGGER or Skrtel/Kelly NOT Sakho
...and leave cissokho out too
the shame of "social media" is that too many "fans" grew up only knowing this short-attention-span jargon, with very little "wit" involved, theres a contradiction in Rimmer 's(son of ex manc goalie? ha ha?) article ... playing down the "jibes" whilst exagerating the "super" status of our club? ..
- our team was arguably as good or better compared with the quality of the (then) league in 2002 & 2009
- both GH & Rafa more experienced at winning trophies
- in 2002 we still hadnt "souled out" to the first bunch of yankers
- "bottle" it? maybe not, BUT to let a 5 point lead slip away with 3 games to go would raise comment had one of our rivals done that!
lets be honest
considering some of the things F S G have done and the shaky status of Henrys finances in the USA, its not impossible that he wont "do a G & H" .. higher prices , 3 new kits every season and advance cash ticket sales, Chang & etc dont fill me with confidence
nor should the F S G (& thus BR's) transfer/loan/youth "policy" stand up to scrutiny - 2 gems Coutinho & Studge are likely to be regulars, none of the others "stand up" 100% ..
"banter" is what it is, we should support our TEAM (not the boardroom) and not let other fans (especially mancs) obsession distract us, ..I was next to a lad during the game v citeh and discussed "mancs" he said he could decide what was more important ... seeing Utd go down or us go upwards... I told him , IMO we should focus on our own...
however, seeing the mancs 20 points behind ...makes me smile.. :)
thanks to Stevie & the lads for this season...
Daniel Sturridge named top Premier League goalscorer on EA Sports' FIFA 14 video game
The Reds striker has scored almost 34 million goals in the hands of trusty gamers
(but FAR too many Video gamers think that the human (phyisical) game is the same as a video game, it is NOT!)
which will go direct into Henry-Werners via F S G pockets , a) their transfer ability is poor as they dont know footy, and b) they have made record income from 3 new kits every season and advance ticket sales - sponsorships mean they have NOT had to make any NET investment since day 1...
Greg Kerins this summer is their biggest test...
REdNeT > how can it be a test? they dont know football - its a miracle that we did so well.. thanks to Stevie..
REdNeT http://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/.../dream-on-hold-keep...
Chris East-west Invest Ursun heeft hierop gereageerd · ongeveer een uur geleden · Vind ik leuk
Greg Kerins > it is a miracle..i hate the cunts but i do have to remind myself at the end of the day them cunts decided Rodgers was the man...they chose right
ongeveer een uur geleden · Bewerkt · Vind ik leuk
REdNeT > no, ...they chose wrong.. they shd have brough back Rafa, who would have won the title twice by now, and anyway u know my opinion of Henry - Werner, how can we even discuss their decisions when they know nothing about our culture or our game ?http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/.../rednet-update-plus...
SCLOG: REdNET , update ... Plus Pic Review ...and PRE......deja vu?
which will go direct into Henry-Werners via F S G pockets , a) their transfer ability is poor as they dont know footy, and b) they have made record income from 3 new kits every season and advance ticket sales - sponsorships mean they have NOT had to make any NET investment since day 1...
@thisisanfield @EuRED09 @RedAlieNeT @RedAndWhiteKop @LFCTS myth is that u understand footy :) Stevie not BR made team http://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/2014/05/dream-on-hold-keep-on-being-bold-we-go.html …
Harvey : :> http://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/475848/Liverpool-receive-STAGGERING-97-5m-Premier-League-windfall
F S G not Supporters will gain, Henry-werner have NOT invested a net amount in Lfc ...they didnt when they gained control of the business and they still have not, instead introduce higher prices , new sponsors , advance ticket sales and 3 new kits EVERY season to benefit F S G not our team or supporters WAKE UP!
H/T: either u, the media or BR is full of BS ....if either Agger or Lucas is on the list to let go, whose "reports" are being leaked, or is it usual media BS? anyway isnt BR subject to a committee of F S G (none of whom know footy) so probably Henry just checks what some idiots say on twitter... as he also knows FA (proven by 8 bad signings so far) that Allen got selected by BR in front of either Hendo Or Coutinho shows BR is no genius... Kolo , Aspas, Moses & Sakho can go none of whom good enough. Kelly wasnt given more than a few minutes by BR (but then BR knows very little about defensive tactics or set ups....) I congratulate Stevie and the lads ...and wish the youth to come through and use the money to allow cheaper accomodation of supporters, rather than bad signings or more money in Henry-Werner s pockets
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=635960653123747&set=vb.266103676776115&type=2&theater Celts player gives gong to kid..
after the season only a couple of days , the idiots & Fan nies are spreading more Bull SH*te ... they dont dare post it on my blogs or FB walls!
and the most goals conced by a team finshing 2nd???
Harvey >why oppose F S G= ? its easy..... if YOU can see! ....
J W Henry= what truth is there in the board room?
= Henry introduced by the same broker as G & H
= Attend Hillsborough memorial AFTER we complain
= did not inject NET cash
= advance ticket sales and THREE new kits every season makes them cash
= "transfer policy" sees half the academy talent from 2010 diappear, loaned players never return
= 8 out of 10 transfers in not good enough
= back stabbed kenny 2 months after giving him vote of confidence
= replaced Dalglish with media - friendly young coach - who has won nothing ("woy junior"?)
= F S G employed "communications man" Chang who monitored fans and threatened supporter
= Henry-Werner know NOTHING about football - so how can they decide on policy?
The "american dream" and their business tactics have become the global nightmare - now so many young people think that ONLY "money matters"
May 14
"Dream on hold, keep on being bold" -
Stevie, Please let us truly GO (for it) again...
I am back in Pg, after a weekend "pilgramage" to my mecca ; Anfield, although i dont enter the church thats been violated by the yankers...their commercial violation
of the "Holy Ground of my Liverpool home".. it was a sunny day, standing the shade of the departure lounge as I watched the Ryan air plane taxi - wondering if fate
would fulfil the dream of another league title, so long after the last one.. with mixtures of feelings .. as I have never cared much for the (SLy) money - obsessed = tV dominated "premiere league" ..
Stevie is the reason, I have always admired his complate game, ability that, for me raises him above Messie & the other "superstars" as a man , and his ability to carry the responsibility
, even during heart-breaking moments (when he slipped v chelski) I will never forget the PUBLIC motivation after the win v Citeh.. shame that the coach of Lfc is not capable of securing a lead when we were FIVE points clear with 3 games to go, ...anyway..I always have "HOPE IN MY HEART" ...
thE weather warned me as torrential rain greeted me as I pciked up the economy rental @ Stansted... and was still wet when I parked in the Brum "bull ring" saturday evening (as I wasnt sure of the hostel location) I bought 2 shirts for Igor (5) & Marko (8) from sports direct, as I was uncertain if I would have time to get them on sunday in Lp before the game,
The directions were confusing... but I had bought also a cheap jacket to keep the rain off, 10 people I asked either were from out of town or were ignorant of the city streets, even a "bizzy" gave me loose direction...but I eventually found "snow hill station" and the hostel, nearby...
checked in and met "Jim" (french-african) got a kebab take-away (with chilli -sauce!) and watched some "Dave" (ironic the TV prog . was "not goign out", which i wasnt) I'd booked this Brum. hostel for saturday due to the highly expensive explotation of accomodation in Lp this weekend..) FIFTY PER CENT INCREASE...!!...
The american dream = the global nightmare of commercial corruption.
Met irish Tony (a friendly spurs fan who wishe dus success..) no communicative ladies; so an early night ...and an early departure with "drama" _ I shared a taxi (due to the rain) with Jim
and foudn the "Bull ring" closed at 08h !! (opens 11 h) but the "security" showed me (with Jim's help) the access to parking...which cost as much as the bed & Breakfast!..
No traffic and I parked outside Hatters in Liverpool (mount pleasant) at around 10h.. nice and early - but couldnt check in until 14h ..so decided not to "park up" but go tot he LFC shop to get "names & numbers" for Igor & Markos shirts , a Scarf for "Berlin staff" and a match prog. ...then parked at the public library..to use the internet free as I am a member.
Then off to Anfield - there seemed to be a million people in the streets already at mid-day , and my usual cafe brekki opposite the KOP end, and gave pretty Emma one of our t-shirts (she said she would "show off" at the Sandon pub after the game.. (flirted, joked , especially about brown sauce...she is "saucy" VERY! :)
I was talking to a Danish man, who brought his wife and 3 kids to Anfield, who did NOT know about Lfc or the points situation or what it was all about. Got his tickets from "Thos. C(r)ook" travel agency.. its a disgrace that even loyal fans cant get tickets - IF they want them./..
Picked up a scarf at GBP 8, noticed some sellers were asking for 10 quid - thats also 40 % more than a couple of years ago, ..then to the Arkles (I wont buy tickets from the yankers @ F S G) and waited half - an - hour to get IN, it was packed,, but the atmosphere was moer like the crowded "standing KOp" than the current stadium
"KOP Atmosphere.."
A reflection of what the commecial obsession has done to OUR CLUB,, the Arkles emptied of Geordies.. who support their team despite no trophies, and filled up with locals & visitors who made a "Kop Atmosphere" singing and shouting and chanting at the cinema-size TV "screen" on one wall, with TVs scattered around the pub, it was packed shoulder-to shoulder
I ushered a little lad to stand in fronty of me to get a "spec" as if on on the KOP of our best days & nights...
strangely the REdS started slowly, and not as we should have always done, pressed and fought for each ball, too tentative in the early part, and the FA ref (Dowd) WRONGLY disallowed a GOAL by Luis, who brilliantly chipped straight into the net after a few minutes, following a foul. Surely the "spirit" of the game is to award advantage to the team who has been wronged,
NOT hinder a moment of sheer "magic" by Suarez, which COULD have given the REdS a an early lead and led to an onslaught that MIGHT have un-nerved the rivals in manchester. So many referee decisions wrong this season (again) at vital times, helping our opponents...as Shanks said "referees know the rules, but dont know the GAME" but for mr the BIAS goes against us, has deeper origins - "they" (FA) dont like our J4t96 protests that expose their corruption and Liverpool always opposed the London snobs & their cronies..
of course , in such situations "luck" is reversed and Newcastle got a freak break off of Martin's shin for an "OG" and 0-1 ... making it hard work, but I felt that the balace of the team looked better with Agger, not Sakho, and Prefer Hendo (and dont agree that BR keeps playing Allen , when Coutinho is fit..creativity that could have unlocked Chelski too) ..
Where were all these "day -trippers" during the season, ?? inflating the prices and making a "party" ...these are "fans" not SUPPORTERS...
I looked at the stunned audience at Anfield and the difference was remarkable,. sitting watching , not chanting nor singing , whilst we, in the pub , stood and shouted, and sung and urgfed on OUR team...
Stevie, Magnificent all season delivered THREE free kicks into the box , TWO of which Danny & Danny (Agger & Studge) converted to goals..
When the Geordies lost one and then 2 players through REd Cards BR should have been shouting instructions to push up ? but we had 6/7 players defending against 2/3 or max. 4 of theirs, its also "defensive" to press & defend in THEIR half and more likely as Shanks, Bob, Joe, Kenny & Rafa knew, to produce a quick route to goal via opponent error under pressure from our team...

I know people disagree, the emotions are strong, but I believe "stand up for the 96!" means proving it was NOT US that caused it, but the murder was by police / stadium neglect and FA politics.. safe standing would PROVE it and IMPROVE the atmosphere that "SOULed out" to the middle class/business class market of the yankers...safe standing is better than seating (because true supporters WILL STAND, automatically)
"Au Revoir" (to my Dream)
.... the Dream
" i dream of her skin.....as smooth as silk
of her lips as drinky as milk
...I dream of her breast , as hard as a pebble..
..and her loins ..oh so vital...
I just hung around Anfield, just to say "farewell" or rather "au revoir" to the dream...because My "casual date" stood me up (family crisis?) so I went for a ("Halal") Indian meal and an early night, Hatters had over-booked and greedily exploited the demand by doubling the beds and increasing prioces by 50% - four in our room that should have been TWO, hardly enough room to squeeze by to get in my bed, and impossible to sleep due to the movement of 4 people in such a small space. I had a "night cap" in the reception bar, that too was expensive, and the noise leval high but the mostly young hanging around are obviously "immune" such is the noise they are used to in their daily lives?
The party went on, and most Fans celebrated 2nd.. I did NOT... as I felt we had lost it not that the Citeh had "won it"..(5 point lead with 3 games to go?) ... but Liverpool pubs that night awash with people on the streets, however,I felt .. a strange tiredness, like I have decided to leave a big birthday party, without anyone getting a present..
The bathroom door had a broken lock, the breakfast room was closed when I check out at 07h, I just wanted to get "on the road" monday morning traffic on the M6 typical..and I cut off across country from the M1, (a 507) to Stanstead.. a fast and effective shoirt-cut.
I had "distributed" t-shirts from our TREdS/FSE charity/anti-discrimination event (Sept. 5-7) to..
Pablo (Alamo, who was friendly & helpful)
Jim, because he insisted on contrtibuting to my taxi costs & helped get me OUT of the car park ! :)
Emma - (cafe) because she is "saucy"
Andy @ Alamo - who found my mobile..
Mariola (at the lodge, as i woke her up at 06h) :)
after I took the rental back, and bussed to the village, had a rare pint of "real ale" at the crown, I had then found the lodge (B & B) , Mariola greeted me and a comfortable room costing the same as hatters ; but with private bathroom, 2 beds, Tv and no noise.. the indian take-away didnt accept my VISA .and the atm didnt work in the corner shop, so I had brekkie that evening..:) and early taxi, (50% cheaper than the airport) and sat at the airport starbucks cafe looking for flight info on the departures screen (not buying their expensive "boutique drinks") then a prompt flight back , sat next to first time tourist; Jasmin, who chatted to her girlfriend non-stop , happy that Pedar was there to take me back to my Tolosi abode.. and a "siesta"...
WE go again..Stevie too, not BRodgers
The BS brigade told us Stevie was "too old" , he is now IMO as good as ever in his influence, similar to Souness ..can dominate the park,, and 2 years younger than Lampard made the MOST "assists " this season.. in the EPL!!! so FU "pundits & fan nies"
Brazil...Stevie....should Hodgon allow the Team to play and not "coach" the creativity OUT of them ..Stevie would accept a small consolotion of the ...world cup? :)
PLEASE dont award BR any trophies or awards. for coming from 7th to 2nd, F S G aND HE were "managing expectations" from day 1 of his employment, we should have finished higher last season, and IMO had Rafa or Kenny continued we would have! He could/should have got us to 4/5th , and then this season a) would have been more "difficult" and b) a jump (mostly thanks to SG) would not have seemed so "great".. Lfc, like many fan nies have been "conditioned" by TV pundits and the commercial media to think "qualification" is a worthy target - I maintain that "we should aim for the starts" (Shanks) ... WE are LIVERPOOL = WE are the club and WE GO AGAIN...
back from Anfield. Liverpool awash with people on the streets, even took half an hour sometimes to get INTO pubs.. a strange tiredness, like I have woken up from a big birthday party, but without anyone getting a present.. http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/162699-review-how-the-reds-made-us-all-dream
Stan lodge (avalon & ...)
the room and stay was comforable, shame we didnt have more time to talk, take care Mariola, hope you will come visit in Montenegro, and test my "hosting abilities" - you are welcome (very cheap ryan air flight from Stanstead) email cs@monty-logic-club.org or tel +382 686 144 27 if u want a nice holiday in the "wild beauty country" lakes mountains & beaches ..good food & wine..
back from Anfield. Liverpool awash with people on the streets, even took half an hour sometimes to get INTO pubs.. a strange tiredness, like I have woken up from a big birthday party, but without anyone getting a present.. http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/162699-review-how-the-reds-made-us-all-dream
14511``@Anfield, sunday, hoping for a minor miracle..
For the 96 , for Stevie, & the TEAM..never surrender https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eqOWpwlEqk
We'll fight and no surrender,
We'll fight for the boys in Red,
We'll fight the fight for Liverpool,
The teamS that Shankly bred.
We fought for Kenny Dalglish
We'll fight for Stevie G
We'll fight the fight for Liverpool,
The pride of our REd Army
Two, three, four,
Listen to the Kopites roar,
We dont carry bottles
We dont carry lead
We only carry h*tchets to bury in your head
We are loyal supporters
Fanatics everyone
We all hate MANCS, citeh, leeds and everton
We are the pride of europe
The pride of merseyside
We fight for no surrender
We fight for shanklys pride....
We hate Tottenham Hotspur
we hate Chelski too
& all hate the sh*te across the park ,that play in shirts of Blue
CSE-W> Tomkins ..I agree with some of yr blog, but a) the EPL was much stronger in 09,, b) IF it were possible ;) Rafa's team would have battered BR's startiing 11 last night.. its been a strange season, when fortune has favoured BR not least having Stevie, Luis, Studge & Raheem fit for most of the season had Rafa been that fortunate with Stevie & Torres and had that partnership played a full season together we would have won the league.. but of course BR didnt have to contend with G & H either... BR changed the plan A...which was "barca b" when it didnt work, and he tried "counter" and the credit i give him that he more or less let the team form its own plan around Stevie, but hes young and a novice without having won anything
..my basic arguement always was that had we employed Rafa after the disasterous woy, we would have a manager that wins,..Benitez was half way through his 10 years contract.. anyway, too many obvious errors, Sakho instead of Agger, often Allen instead of Hendo or Coutinho.. when Lucas became fit surely Stevie can move forward.. and cause more damage..defensive set ups and tinkerign just expsed BR and his assistants as naive defensively, but ok if the "fans" want a "cavalry charge coach" then they shouldnt moan when we get it wrong

... as Rafa always said, games are won or lost on attention to detail.. no fans care about that , because their attention span is too limited, they want us to go and spend money and make a team like its a video game.. it isnt and thankfully our TEAM and Atletico (and Dortmund last year) show that success is not dependent on dollars - if we had used and improved the 25 talented kids we Rudolfo & Rafa had accumulated at the academy by 2010 , we could have a Team for the next 10 years playing the LIVERPOOL way, instead thats been dispersed ; Rudolfo & Mcparland sacked and FS G s yes men employed... as always ever since I was a kid our Team has suffered from the boardroom errors bias spin, and even fraudulent behaviour,,. I love our club and more than anything OUR Team.. but it seems only when the financial crisis catches up with footy will "fans" wake up to what we were and what we could be..

I DID predict a top placing BECAUSE the other teams were/are not at their strongest; Citeh, Chelski Spurs & Arsenal all with "problems" and that we may finish something liek 30 points above last seasons's "champions" says more about the decline in the league than our own success, back in 09 We and other EPL sides were regularly in the final stages of the "champions league" BR has been fortunate and I rate the Teams success as an award to Stevie on the field and in the dressing room (as we saw at the end of the citeh game) not BR!
Marie B)(He's got it tactically wrong last 2 games. Every supporter has this season remarked on our poor defence, yet it does seem that the coaching staff and Rodgers didn't have the same opinion. Maybe now they will open their eyes. Also, he never had a plan B which I always considered necessary...........and has been unable to change t hings when necessary.
Chris FD> HE changed the plan a...which was "barca b" when it didnt work, and the credit i give him that he more or less let the team form its own plan around Stevie, but hes young and a novice without having won anything..my basic arguement always was that had we employed Rafa after the disasterous woy, we would have a manager that wins,..Benitez was half way through his 10 years contract.. anyway, too many obvious errors, Sakho instead of Agger, often Allen instead of Hendo or Coutinho.. when Lucas became fit surely Stevie can move forward.. and cause more damage..defensive set ups and tinkerign just expsed BR and his assistants as naive defensively, but ok if the "fans" want a "cavaltry charge coach" then they shouldnt moan when we get it wrong... as Rafa always said, ganes are won or lost on attention to detail..

no fans care about that , because their attention span is too limited, they want us to go and spend money and make a team like its a video game.. it isnt and thankfully our TEAM and Atletico (and Dortmund last year) show that success is not dependent on dollars - if we had used and improved the 25 talented kids we Rudolfo & Rafa had accumulated at the academy by 2010 , we could have a Team for the next 10 years playing the LIVERPOOL way, instead thats been dispersed ; Rudolfo & Mcparland sacked and FS G s yes men employed... as always ever since I was a kid our Team has suffered from the boardroom errors bias and even fraud,,. I love our club and more than anything OUR Team.. but it seems only when the financial crisis catches up with footy will "fans" wake up to what we were and what we could be..

I DID predict a top placing BECAUSE the other teams were/are not at their strongest; Citeh, Chelski & Arsenal all with "problems" and that we may finish something liek 30 points above last seasons's "champions" says more about the decline in the league than our own success, back in 09 We and other EPL sides were regularly in the final stages of the "champions league" BR has been fortunate and I rate the Teams success as an award to Stevie on the field and in the dressing room (as we saw at the end of the citeh game) not BR!
Marie, i dont blame the defence (apart from that I would always select Agger before Sakho ) a Team has to defend as a unit, the responsibility lays with BR, "cavalry tactics" always bring a consequence.. True REDS are never happy with "qualification" WE are LIVERPOOL - as Shanks said "aim for ther Stars" ..BR took the credit when we won, now tell the truth.. hes been lucky that Stevie was behind the Team and that Luis Studge & Raheem caught fire at the same time... http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2014/05/palace-000-liverpool-six-no-sick.html
palace NIL Liverpool SiX? no, SICK! ...
naive BR! ..exposed his tactical naivety in last 2 games ... leaving Agger & Coutinho on the bench.. playing Sakho & Allen ..wrong!
I will be unpopular, again, i know..
No one ever wants to hear the truth, but I have said this since day 1, not just now, in bitterness and shame of probably throwing this title away..
I am still old enough to remember the glory days of May, but somehow, this hurts even more.,..because it WAS in our hands 2 games ago...
BR has been found out...
@ 0-3 Palace were nothing, but, Luis looked jaded, so take him off, I shouted at BR (via TV) no one listens to me!, or Allen, yes, he scored a goal but ...nothing else.. I can pass sideways too... the referee gave us nothing but it was still possible to chalk up a big scoreline and put pressure on mercenary citeh..
and Sakho, made ONLY one decent forward pass in 45 mins, Danny Agger must be spitting blood...? ...he is 10 times the player Sakho is..
with Studge back, dont U want Coutinho on, to supply those slick cutting passes, which Allen cant do...

Jeez, we had more possesion in THIER pen area in the first half than the Palace goalie...
Yes, Luis , you should cry, you wasted a LOT of chances, but, I cry for all the supporters that went to London, some without a return train, thanks to the "sly tv Premiere league"
I keep saying BR is a novice, tonight i wish he'd have proven me wrong...and Moses for Studge??? if Studge had one leg he woudl be more effective than Moses
sick, but ...miracles are needed... its not over, but FFS, true REdS , supporters, when will you wake up and realise F S G & their employee is not OURS!???
the "experts" against us ? could be a good sign, f*ck the b'stards @ the SLY premiere league that force our supporters to go to London on a monday night .. WE are LIVERPOOL and we dont care about YOU! stuff yr "billionaires club"http://www.sportinglife.com/football/news/article/165/9296548/reds-claims-are-crystal- (barnes???)
I am, as usual getting the adrenalin flowing, always the same, but good to be so close with just days to go, we need a "minor miracle" but its OUrs - whatever happens we are the team of the season.. thanks to Stevie more than anyone.. and for him alone as mcuh as myself , I hope we get the dream
I was discussing this last eventful week with my printer, (Lfc Fan), and wondered just what went through Fernando Torres 's mind having played his only two previous clubs inside a week, assisting one crucial goal against our REdS, and scoring another (without celebration) against his boyhood club ;
Atletico , whom he captained from the age of 19! .. then saw them proceed to th champions league without him, and perhaps Lfc also suceed absent Nando.
I am one of the few that dont hate Torres, he gave me wonderful memories of conquering Europe in Madrid, Marseille, or Milan .. had Rafa had a fit Torres and Gerrard for a FULL season we would have won the league, by 2010. and the yankers would not have been able to force him out mid-contract, so easy. Nando could have left int he same summer as Rafa, who signed him,
We had already lost Alonso, because of G & H "policy" ..
Nando stayed on during the dark days of Purslows spinning the boardroom and dressing rooms politics, aparently back-stabbing Rafa and Kenny & foreign players he didnt like, enabling the disasterous "woy".. Mascherano also couldnt stomach the "BS in the office!"

& Hodgson playing route 1 "alehouse football" was unlikely to keep Torres at our club, especially as Torres left A.Madrid because "I dont wanto be the only match-winner and I want to win trophies"..must today see the irony of last night, good luck Atletico for smashing Jose's bu (btw _ i dont blame the tactics, but Maureens "nasty tricks brigade" that are part of Chelski) and GOOD LUCK Atletico!
but most of all Torres must look at Stevie, and consider "he might just have had it all"
Our Captain, OUR MAN , our club; OUR TEAM ; our DREAM!
p.s. and let us hope everton beat citeh and we too get 3 points @ palace..
just watch how "results" and PR can cover up basic errors and obvious business.. its easy to promote a club with 30 million customers, its to the detrement of Lfc (boardroom) management of the last 20-30 years that they didnt take advange and promote LFc products etc, easy to get sponsors now, F S G have off-loaded about 20 promising young players that Rafa/ Rudolfo / Kenny developed at the Academy, F S G's committee have signed...?
(apart from Coutinho & Studge?) not one that U could say is certain to be a regular whilst they offload Pepe, and play games with Agger, and Glens Contract... what makes u think that Ayre & co will not waste money again this summer?? who is really gonna make a difference.. may as well trust the kids.. ... dont get fooled again?
Harvey T> Aspas? came on (why?) would make more sense to play a quality man like Agger , Aspas passed the ball TWICE ..to blues... (and of course BR continues to play Allen....his boy..)
greetings from ; https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041
supporting ;
J4t96! - YNWA!
.... the Dream
" i dream of her skin.....as smooth as silk
of her lips as drinky as milk
...I dream of her breast , as hard as a pebble..
..and her loins ..oh so vital...
CHRIS 14425 :)
Blues View http://www.espnfc.com/blog/_/name/relegationzone/id/1848?cc=5739
WE GO AGAIN v maureen's chelski, Steve Gerrard ; Gerrard, whatever will be, .....will HE?....Lift the legaue trophy?
Pos Pld Pts
1 Liverpool 35 80
2 Chelsea 35 75
3 Manchester City 33 71
4 Arsenal 35 70
5 Everton 34 66
Our NOTrich Team is a Away @ Norwich Final 5 Finals one done - four to play..& Keep the DREAM alive
final 5..finals 1 down 4 to go…
"there must be a better wor(l)d
there must be a better word
"anniversary" seems unworthy & absurd
the 96 we lost fron that day
cant tell me what I should say
@ this special time,
I dont want to rhyme
I wont do them "justice"
no one else did, after all.
Justice delayed means justice denied
Thatcher is dead, she never cried
I lost my family and all I love
but I move on, dont ask if they are "above
I live in heaven - a land of wild beauty
spontaneous people, dont worry about "duty"
its a long way from Sheffield or the 'pool
but I dont ever want to be "cool"
I met someone for whom I care
should I persue, should i "Dare"
in this cold world, dont want to be "old"
So deep is my story, that never will be told
ChRiS SMITH 15th April 2014
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.248627188528743.59611.245954208796041&type=1 (REdS v Citeh pics)
see RedNET .....names read out by players & others
Stevie & Studge - filming on Mars :)
Bootroom Opinion
Skrtel ""We will look forward to that challenge. We know the atmosphere created by our fans will be amazing."
Daniel Agger praised the Liverpool fans for their support as many Reds turned up early to welcome the team bus to Anfield v soton and create an better atmosphere at Anfield.
"It was amazing. It reminded me a bit of the Champions League days. It just shows how good a support we have and we have to give everything to try and win these games, because when you get support like that, it's difficult to describe. "We wanted to close the game earlier - it was unnecessary to let them into the game. But sometimes it's like that and you have to defend and we did that. "Every game we go into, we believe we can win. But we don't look further ahead - we look to the next game and try to go out and win that. It's actually quite simple - don't look ahead. Look at what's in front of you."
The Team must start strong, and not let the opponents settle, 100% commitment, and please, BR not "tinker" especially with defence..
(Sinatra often said "its lonely at the top, because so many give up!)
My Best Selection
Flanno dAGGer / Skrtel Glen
Stevie <-> Hendo
Studge Luis
(although Raheem was worthy of his selection v Spurs)
having "managed expectations" down to aiming for 4th position, dont expect true REdS not to aim for number 0ne,WE never bought into F S G & Henry's BR policy of "qualification" is good enough, we are not arsene/arsenal WE are LIVERPOOL = winning is in OUR Spirit... the TeaM is worthy of the league, thanks to Stevie & co, not BR!..REdNET
3-6@ Cardiff ! Allen gave Cardiff a head start with sloppy pass and lack of cover for bother goals BR's cavalier style will always offer opponents chances, dont Blame our current defence, Allen gave Cardiff the first goal, and failed to cover for their 2nd, Lucas is much better equipped to support an attacking line-up and also experienced enough to release Stevie, to use his EXISTING passing and LONG-RANGE shooting ability, wise up, REdS! - BR putting Cissohko on for Flanno = WRONG, Allen instead of LUcas = WRONG! (Sahko on for 5 mins didnt "bolster the defence"
one game at a time, not boasting, the Liverpool way, full commitment and play strong from the start, and lets keep on with "the Dream"
join @ REdNET
IMO, it took BR far too long , to accept that Skrtel/Agger are the best CB pairing and made too many "experiments" with Sahko and Cissokho.. BR is decent attacking coach but the cavalier style will always give others "chances" - however the Team when playing as a unit, as it did v Spurs and @ OT defends as a unit and Stevie is becoming a captain capable of dominating games at the highest level. http://www.thisisanfield.com/2014/03/liverpool-4-0-spurs-latest-clean-sheet-key-liverpool-victory
=================================================================================3-2 & Birthday greetings from ; https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041
================================= and

Allen gave Cardiff a head start with sloppy pass and lack of cover for bother goals BR's cavalier style will always offer opponents chances, dont Blame our current defence, Allen gave Cardiff the first goal, and failed to cover for their 2nd, Lucas is much better equipped to support an attacking line-up and also experienced enough to release Stevie, to use his EXISTING passing and LONG-RANGE shooting ability, wise up, REdS! - BR putting Cissohko on for Flanno = WRONG, Allen instead of LUcas = WRONG! (Sahko on for 5 mins didnt "bolster the defence" U really talk CR*p Paul!
Empire>Torres debunked. Even at his peak Torres didn't score as many goals as Sturridge has. class=CS> @empofkop u are REALLY stupid, Studge is great, but dont do down Nando who won games at the highest level for us & OUR CLUB
one game at a time, not boasting, the Liverpool way, full commitment and play strong from the start, and lets keep on with "the Dream"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_of_the_South_Bronx I hope all MONTENEGRIN PARENTS SEE THIS ...... and shame them into supporting MY initiative at Brcelli ...
supporting ; https://www.facebook.com/groups/wild.beautiful.footy/
================================================ http://cser5.blogspot.com/
http://now2balien.blogspot.com/2014/06/intermission-csing-diary-may-days-2014.html personal comment; CSerS; Cesar & Cleo
2 naMES from history
came Pg & ChRiS to see
went on the lake
tasted Burek, Cevapi and Baklava cake
shared my party first
helped me quench my birthday thirst
saw a traditional dance & (VP) music fest
left me now, to discover the rest...
enjoyed your company and discussions :)
p.s. belated Happy birthday Cesar & from; https://www.facebook.com/groups/wild.beautiful.footy/
Cleo> thank you to chris for all the great times that we share, for the nice and
really captivated stories that we had around a drink an boilled egg or fish
dish. Chris is full of energie and you will never get bored with him he
also knows a lots of great places in podgorica and in montenegro. thank s
chriss!!! ChRiS> Hiy Ste and Luiza ..after a couple of weeks of birthday-partying...its all gone quiet and flat, & I am pissed off, but just a "party hangover" that i have to deal with Alone, (MY problem) my chinese visitor cancelled at the last moment, oh, I gave her sh*te, I just want to say I am so glad u were BOTh here, and you look so good together, i am ALMOST jealous.
serious for a moment,. I dont know if we ever see each other again, but you are the only one that knows a LITTLE bit about me,
and i really do think of you as "little Brate" ... I lost all famaily and the people I ever cared about, one way or another, so better stay away from me!, :)
I am feeeling sorry for myself...
so dont try to write anything to cheer me up..... its just how it is, and I really dont think I'll find someone that fits ME, like Luzia and you,
so , take my advice, for Fecks sake, hang on to her, she obviously is worth it, and there aint many around like her! adios, ChRiSSte & Luzia, its probably good that i had no sleep and still drunk this morn, as soon as yr taxi left i choked up, its difficult to let anyone in to my life after so many years & losing everyone I cared for, so take care of each other! BOTH! or else! Y.N.W.A ! brate ChRiS :)
happy birthday to all REdS, from https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041