Tuesday, December 28, 2021

CGnet22- new PROVOCATIVE LOG; have a HAPPY ChRiSMITH !! ? 211228

 previous at MonTV: Code; CgamePLAN NOW! (montv-chrislog.blogspot.com)

CGnet22-CGnet22- new PROVOCATIVE LOG

... usually blocked by YOUR govt or THIER GUest-apo goons //// i wonder how many of THEM call them selves "CHRISTIAN"  and shout GOD BLESS america when their drones kill more kids ... or their pollution kills some more weak or old sheeple, selling C19 instead of natural immunity ///,,, mind you the only local "CHRISTIAN" who is at church every sunday, hasn't even bothered to check in via email, certainly NOT visited for coffee, never mind a "ChRiSMITH (xmas) lunch" ... to think i was considering backing him for MAYOR...no its "ZERRO" not Zorro..

 (ChRiS > also CHIEF editor of this current version of MONtV_)

for the 1 in a thousand intelligent life

tol survive their F U B A R game of THORNS

support REbEL-lions

join via

email @ "FREEDOM & UNIION" ;

ngo@mypod-net.org   / fumission@ursun.net

1ChRiSlive ; surVIVA campaign .....22/23  Video link  https://youtu.be/vAPM2vkZq2Y

more resistance groups *anon-UNsub " activate CgamePLAN; via mewe.com/i.dawncrvena


 BS continued  hacking and dictatorship....local & global, all the pollies words mean nothing except lies * more corruption war & pollution..

you fund the sponsors of big biz media & govt corruption but if you networked your funds as communities (see our video CHANNEL ; TEAM...( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIQvmvMzHUEuflxHs5_cDIQ you could fund your own xxxxx/local community co-ops own football clubs ..their war biz, big pharma, and pollution pollies moneys comes from YOU!! 

(selection for sunday pic  "sport" first in this MONTV issue.. after all it affects more people than your C19 bug (yes ,  really!)

.........made up for KELLS! hope he gets more starts, (AB is a bit off?) ( ... irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40772169.html ... " “Like we always show, we never give up and always keep going until the end and like you saw, we got that goal at the end again because we never stopped believing and the crowd just kept pushing us on.” " 

 ChRiS> crowd was too quiet IMO ? ?) & theguardian.com/football/2021/dec/22/liverpool-leicester-carabao-cup-quarter-final-match-report & "Steven Gerrard to miss next two  Villa games".irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40772982.html  ) .... and https://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/liverpool-v-leeds-united-postponed


..its JUST a game ? what ? sport? football ..or their "game of THORNS" ? (more maliscious even than "TV "s game of thrones" !!)

....as threats of more lockdowns & pathetic masking (whaT IS the point when so many wear them on their chin, or vaXing (ineffective on YOUNG pro sportsmen apparently??)  the tsunami is actually their global SWAMP of BULLSHYTE!  and I will also allow this barbed/caustic comment on our recent game in the CORRUPT CAPITAL of FUBAR CAPITALIST (London..or anywhere in the world now..!) https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40769571.html  "  Everyone could protest and fight for a fairer sport, but that’s suspiciously like hard work and requires a moral spine football folk no longer need. Interferes with profits, y’see.....selfishness which now infests the game...  " 

understand Pep BUT   what IS surely absurd that sheeple worldwide are  being " blackmailed " into vaxing but when pro footballers with highly paid medical staff controlling their health still get excluded from playing , whilst capt. Hendo had a flu , and its all being marketed by big pharma and fascist govt ( irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40770759.html ) & ( irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40771449.html   stevie stick from chelski fannies & the slightly less corrupt (this time) elimate the spurs so they were fitter v LIVERPOOL? . ,,,( irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40769781.html ? )

Watched the last James Bond film (opinions included at cser5.blogspot.com ) at Dan's ... one film too many?. seems they attempted to pack in as much as possible..

to an extended film (2hrs 40m) ,,to appeal to all.. : at the end they state "James Bond will return" I doubt if the quality will do anything other than decline..

.. i really hope they dont get some young toy boy BOND to sure the current superficial generation..

and PLEASE DO NOT re launch with modern versions of Dr. NO, From Russia with love, Goldfinger, Thunderball etc

or with a Roger Moore joker...this last one was just about watchable... but shows they struggle with keeping the quality

for the sake of making a few more million dollars...just RESPECT something, for a change, and let it BE! //

(oh and please no "political correct " black female 007...it was a comedy act unworthy of the BOND series..

see also


as the socialists are so soft in UK when UK is controlled by a faschjo-PM  but the sheeple voted them into power and now have the society their weakness deserves? ( counterpunch.org/2021/12/22/ukanias-tories-on-the-skids ... ) a reminder that the tories govt previously massacred (bloody sunday) ...and this " ( counterpunch.org/2021/12/24/the-dead-and-the-living-britains-dirty-war-in-northern-ireland ) any one voting for tories deserves the shyte of hell they make..

USAcorp and the apathy of capitulated global sheeple are a bigger threat than the russians

https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/12/22/war-with-russia/ nato i s a bigger risk to u all!  the hypocrisy of western "leaders" is greater than the words of the former soviets..(who are now  committed to also destroy the planet with obsessive commercial pollution too


its really too late to change the sheeple who are all GUILTY for the destruction of nature and soon humanity itself...

https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/12/22/rivers-are-protected-when-we-protect-our-forests/ writers are still to USAcorp focused .... its a global issue that us beyond an  emergency!

the USA corp regime is so corrupt they still wont release details of the JFK assassination!!  whilst they crucify Julian ASSANGE! ..and as Amazon, Walmart, and Starbucks has retaliated against workers seeking to organize a union, either sacking or intimidating them!

from CP>   @  "

The JFK assassination is like a gigantic jigsaw puzzle. Imagine a really complicated puzzle that has 1000 small pieces to it. Your kids have lost 25 percent of the pieces. You decide to put the puzzle together anyway. You finish it. Even though you’ve only got 75 percent of it completed, you can still tell that it’s a picture of the Eiffel Tower. Then, you find several more pieces. You now have 80 percent of the pieces and you’re able to see the Eiffel Tower more clearly.

That’s the way it is with the Kennedy assassination. With around 75 percent of the pieces, one can see that this was a national-security state regime-change operation. What those remaining records will do is disclose several more small pieces that make the regime-change picture even clearer. That’s why they are hiding them. That’s why they have hidden them for 58 years. That’s why they will continue hiding them, even past Biden’s December 22, 2022, deadline for disclosure. It’s because those still-secret records contain additional incriminating pieces to the puzzle that further fill out the regime-change mosaic.

Permit me to address three factors regarding the Kennedy assassination.

The first one is what I call the Inconceivable Doctrine. It holds that it is just inconceivable that the Pentagon and the CIA would conduct a regime-change operation against President Kennedy.

Really? How can it be inconceivable

given the fact that Pentagon and the CIA engaged in regime-change operations against presidents and prime ministers of foreign countries, both before and after the Kennedy assassination?

Their violent coup in Iran in 1953 that ousted the democratically elected prime minister, Mohammad Mossadegh, from office.

Their assassination of Congo leader Patrice Lumumba.

Their regime-change operation in Guatemala in 1954, in which they ousted the democratically elected president, Jacobo Arbenz, from office and also targeted him for assassination.

Their repeated assassination attempts against Cuban president Fidel Castro.

Their kidnapping and assassination of General Rene Schneider, the overall commander of Chile’s armed forces.

Their violent coup in Chile against the democratically elected president, Salvador

Allende, which left him dead.

Their participation in Operation Condor, the top-secret kidnapping, torture, and assassination program in South America.

Given those regime-change operations and Operation Condor,

how can it be inconceivable that they would do the same to a democratically elected U.S. president,

especially one whose policies they are convinced pose a grave threat to national security.   "   .....  " George Kennan once compared US foreign policy to a brontosaurus, a large prehistoric beast that wreaked havoc with its powerful tail, which went unrestrained by its very small brain. The image has never been more appropriate than today.  "  (ChRiS> enabling Israel to get "holocaust revenge" not on the Germans but on arb civilians living in what should have been independent Palestine" ..Israelis have worn out empatjy from WW2 whilst : JOHN Wayne America is ju=ts cene as a BULLY with more GUNS that anyone so does not care to follow "rules" it oppreses other folk with...

...........a new Union member at the fascist "starbucks "  ;  "  “When workers get the notion that this giant boss who seemed like a colossus a year ago can be beaten, when they see that, then they begin to organize,” says De Leon. "  there is NO starbucks here in Montenegro TIVAT ..is parking for over a 100 luxury YACHTS ...whilst a manual worker may only get paid 1 EURO PER HOUR, the rich who stole MAMULA island from the people dont even pay when (OFTEN) weather STOPS such low-paid working form doing their jobs!

more links; (with brief comment)   (channel; via faschotube; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCch1T5h6tBMsW44tY7fMX2Q )

MUST see videos:

ChRiSlive 1TEaMnet (VITAL) Common BONDing at ;    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbs0Q8h7lFA

the radio intro from the original SCOUSER broad radio prog ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dV16RhmCeug

(i have the perfect face & visual image ..for radio (audio) comms !  ha ha ha

......................previous MONtV;  montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2021/12/part-3-no-time-for-empathy-nor-good.html (see comments?)  and ;


Stevie at Anfield...(just visiting though,,, hmmmm) irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40764303.html

Juergen & Conte, ??? why should anyone be forced to VAX (its a virtul blackmail OR be "alien-hated" by societ

y ?

(WHEN FIT YOUNG SPORTSMEN ...are excluded from playing despite all the vax etc protocolls at their clubs??



........i wonder if the average USAcorp enslaved sheeple know what a "neoliberal" , "progressive"  or even "democrat" is or what "corporatism", or "paradigm"  IS? :p too many labels and not enough simple communication in their FUBAR world...!

.................. (  counterpunch.org/2021/12/23/stop-blaming-progressives-for-right-wing-corporatism/ ) ..

.........when the Wales & Dolphins are gone I hope man(UN)kind disappears too.  ( counterpunch.org/2021/12/16/whales-could-save-the-worlds-climate-unless-the-military-destroys-them-first)

P.P.S .... is there a reason for me wanting to :save:  YOU???? any of you???


Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Code; CgamePLAN NOW!

 to dec 21...    Code; CgamePLAN NOW!

............ChRiS > ."code CgamePLAN ...( if you dont know who I am... well... in football terminology MO Salah is a right winger who comes inside to score goals..  well alternatively I am usually on the LEFT field defending but happy to come inside to SCORE against....right-wingers ha ha ha

-----------------------------------------  see  part 3  NO time for empathy nor GOOD will to ANY! .

. in your F U B A R world?  ( https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2021/12/part-3-no-time-for-empathy-nor-good.html )

ChRiS> if you are 1 of the 1 in a thousand who understand "activate CgamePLAN"  message of UNsub Anon (which provokes the local & global

anon /UNsuversive to "action" to oppose the "game of THORNS"(system) of USAcorp & co, war biz, BIG pharma, & the pollution / selling off of OUR LAND, water, AIR, seas , food and minds of our children, local or global...and promote the ideals clearly produced , initiatied or promoted by ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN videos & REd GEMnet (GEM net REd ) LbiRD co-operative.. you dont need to be remninded.. so if anyone else is absorbing this.. (who is not one of their GOONS, or perverted spies ..) get yourself up to date...local (see CSERS LOG) and global..

videos at : (see links)

.............btw its over 2 decades ago when I started changing from Video networking to local "audio media" (radio)  .. www.youtube.com/watch?v=dV16RhmCeug ( ScouserAbroadi81004intro test ) ...the original intro to SCOUSER abroad (from Monty)  ChriS Dix

having previously coordinated a series of progs for Radio Drei Eck land ( in Colmar, Alsace & Freiburg( this was the Intro for Access North west (LIVERPOOL) 3 1/2 years ago...

and....            FOOTY & more:

.........ok all your VAX=faschos who insist WE all MUST get vaxed, masked & distanced to protect the 0.01% at fatal risk (?) ..


when will journos & "footballs leaders"  have the BALLS to admit that the "c19 restrictions" are an exaggeration & exploitation of a risk not even in the "top 10" of dangers to humanity & nature,, the death rate (pre "marketing of c19) of various anon bugs, flus, heavy colds, pneumonia, meningitis, bronchitis & other winter ailments that affect the elderly & weak among us  was greater that all these symptoms that are NOW bunched together and labeled  : "coroNATION fatalities"  if this C19 or other product of the fear-media ...is SO contagious, how come, during the increased social contact of summer holiday months the numbers declined ???? (worldwide) ...you are part of the problem if you are not part of the solution...tell the feckign truth for once! it is a CON!

instead ..show all the biz sharks, govt ministers & other  jackals OUR REd CARDS

report ; spurs v LIVERPOOL and pre leicester v LIVERPOOL

...report ; https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/dec/19/tottenham-liverpool-premier-league-match-report

..................regardless of the result in London;  I do not feel Thiago "is a REd" ..he seems , whilst not quite a "poser" that he is playing "to the audiance" .and i wanted Kells anyway to rest AB who is not at his best (IMO) ..my team for Leicester is ;  


                                                 Joe         KonG

                                         Neco          Hendo    

                                             Ox              Thiago 


                                                   Origi  DioGO 

Juergen seems to have been conned by the VARce and by the "game of THORNS" VAX regime (a touch naive Klopp? or a fen way yes-man?         theguardian.com/football/2021/dec/19/jurgen-klopp-fumes-at-referee-and-two-wrong-decisions-after-liverpool-draw ... Juergen should be FUMING at the BS of the UK coroNATION swamp...

the writer of "terrace talk" has also capitulated ... 

typical of modern f s g clones fannies; irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40764303.html

                MEd1ATEAM  ... go to mewe.com/i/dawncrvena  for links to resistance v USAcorp and other sharks (inc fen way infestors of Lfc)

...........ChRiS> whilst we recommend www.counterpunch.org for articles, its PRO-VAX stance seems to be in contrast to the content , which is unfortunately far TOO FOCUSED on the U seles  S tates of A merica and its criminal regime and corrup war biz/big phama/polluting culprits..

overall notes :

......interesting artcle on cuba .." pre-revolutionary national census revealed almost 26 percent of Cubans to be illiterate. A major literacy campaign took place in 1961, (!) ...Some 100,000 young people, (!) went into rural areas and taught  farm people how to read and write. The teenagers lived in their houses and did farm work. plus 20,000 volunteer factory workers and large numbers of regular teachers ( (assisted  the youth...). Soon Cubas literacy rate was among the highest in the world. ..." other govts prefer a stupid sheeple population.!

who feed profit for the  United States monsters , their :game of THORNS" government-subsidized manufacturers who are making huge profits – $18 billion for Moderna in 2021... "the only true pandemic is how stupid the global sheeple are!!!  " ... (ChRiS a reminder even with a ll the Fraudulent manipulation of fatalities the actual rate of fatalities is less than 0.01% (worldwide) and for this YOU allowed them to dectate movement, masking, destruction of society and enforced VAXIng (or be a victim of their APARTHEID!!) ..

C-P's David Rosen.. is stating the fecking obvious again about big tech (as he posts on his f book/twatter/google account? ..and (as stated above) cant see beyond his (walled up by trumpism) continent... as Koohan Paik-Mander needs to get on the street to protest against the US military and the slaughter of "more than 100,000 Whales, Dolphins & such sea life so that the US can develop its "defence and ‘Smart Ocean’ technology  and the JADC2 and the expense of nature and OUR world that USAcorp continue to destroy without reaction from YOU the sheeple , local or global!

Saturday, December 18, 2021

part 3 NO time for empathy nor GOOD will to ANY! .. in your F U B A R world?

   part 3  NO time for empathy nor GOOD will to ANY! 

.. in your F U B A R world? 

                        MONtV  to 18 Dec; 

 (inc supporters club LOG ; with Celebrating ChRiS ;  50 years supporting the REdS;  u tube ; Video link https://youtu.be/ubaoQpT7lGk )

see previous ; https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2021/12/is-this-goodwill-season-part-2.html


......ChRiS> ........dont u question your govts/media info???? 

........a) if C19 is such a CONTAGEOUS risk, why when there was much more social contact in summer time, that it spikes only in Winter (worldwide)

........b) check the accumulated fatalities in recent uyears (pre C19) of the weak & old ; heavy colds, flus, anon bugs, pneumonia, bronchitis, meningitus, atmosphere (traffic etc) pollution ; and then call it ALL " a coroNATONal disease..and you may just wake up to their CON!

,,the BLUE list of the GUILTY perpetrators; of the F U B A R society, that YOU, the sheeple allowed by your capitulation to DICTATORSHIP/fascism commercialisation of WAR/atmosphere/health ; "president" ha ha ha Biden. PM (even more laughs?) Boris Johnson. Scott Morrison. Teresa May. Lenin Moreno. Donald Trump. Barack Obama. Mike Pompeo. Hillary Clinton. Lord Chief Justice Ian Burnett and Justice Timothy Victor Holroyde. Crown Prosecutors James Lewis, Clair Dobbin and Joel Smith. District Judge Vanessa Baraitser. Assistant US Attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia Gordon Kromberg. William Burns, the director of the CIA. Ken McCallum, the Director General of the UK Security Service or MI5...  " “not the lesser evil, but the more effective evil.”

..................a jump to (Footy) related aspects as the UGLY CON of C.19 gets aired by Juergen & co.. and considering FOOTY affects much of the global population I wont apaologise for including it here,...a couple of seasons ago HALF of a london teams squad got a "BUG" but willy Gates and co had not YET "marketed" C19... so the PANIC was limited to their fans...its all feckinh BS & biz / media / govt (what an easy way to keep the sheeple controlled??? ) exploitation and for me..

Juergen and co need to come out and say so !!!   ...but IF he really thinks that a group of young healthy men need to be VAXED I REALLY cant help thinking that , "yeah he is AN EMPLOYEE OF THE FEN WAY SHARKS, HAS HE EVER GONE AGAINST THEM???" ( iirishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40766709.html )  

................whilst on a similar subject the CORRUPT (multi billion Euro funded ) UEFA are critical of FAI ..( mismanagement of " Financial Management Programme " by corrupt UEFA mis-managers?  see : ( irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40760625.html _) ..you cant make this sh&te up!  ... so..

BLUE list ; UEFA 's corrupt officials ..and ; just ABOUT every national & local government who enfoorce; masking; distance & VAX-ing..YOU HAVE ENABLED FASCISM BY MAKING THE POPULATION WEAKER..THEY WERE ALREADY SOFT, NOW THEY ARE NO MORE THAN BARELY WALKING dead??              ( counterpunch.org/2021/12/06/227693 ) ..  YOU ..YES YOU, BECAUSE YOU HAVE ALLOWED THE DESTRUCTION OF SOCIETY ; AND;  

(1) the freedom to move away,

(2) the freedom to disobey, and

(3) the freedom to shape society in a way that we choose.

            ( CHRISALTHOUGH the writer only "gets" part of the danger ; counterpunch.org/2021/12/08/marxism-anarchism-and-the-dawn-of-everything)

{{  Dean Yates can tell you what UScorp “assurances” are worth. He was the Reuters bureau chief in Baghdad on the morning of July 12, 2007 when his Iraqi colleagues Namir Noor-Eldeen and Saeed Chmagh were killed, along with nine other men, by US Army Apache gunships. Two children were seriously wounded. The US government spent three years lying to Yates, Reuters and the rest of the world about the killings, although the army had video evidence of the massacre taken by the Apaches during the attack. The video, known as the Collateral Murder video, was leaked in 2010 by Chelsea Manning to Assange. It, for the first time, proved that those killed were not engaged, as the army had repeatedly insisted, in a firefight. It exposed the lies spun by the US that it could not locate the video footage and had never attempted to cover up the killings.

The Spanish courts can tell you what UScorp “assurances” are worth. Spain was given an assurance that David Mendoza Herrarte, if extradited to the US to face trial for drug trafficking charges, could serve his prison sentence in Spain. But for six years the Department of Justice repeatedly refused Spanish transfer requests, only relenting when the Spanish Supreme Court intervened.

The people in Afghanistan can tell you what U.Scorp “assurances” are worth. US military, intelligence and diplomatic officials knew for 18 years that the war in Afghanistan was a quagmire yet publicly stated, over and over, that the military intervention was making steady progress.

The people in Iraq can tell you what UScorp “assurances” are worth. They were invaded and subject to a brutal war based on fabricated evidence about weapons of mass destruction.

The people of Iran can tell you what UScorp “assurances” are worth. The United States, in the 1981 Algiers Accords, promised not to interfere in Iran’s internal affairs and then funded and backed The People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran (MEK), a terrorist group, based in Iraq and dedicated to overthrowing the Iranian regime.

The thousands of people tortured in UScorp global black sites can tell you what US “assurances” are worth. CIA officers, when questioned about the widespread use of torture by the Senate Intelligence Committee, secretly destroyed videotapes of torture interrogations while insisting there was no “destruction of evidence.”

The numbers of treaties, agreements, deals, promises and “assurances” made by the UScorp around the globe and violated are too numerous to list. Hundreds of treaties signed with Native American tribes, alone, were ignored by the US government. ""

THE UK and most other governments ARE NO BETTER ; (  counterpunch.org/2021/12/15/the-chaotic-evacuation-from-afghanistan-has-distracted-from-the-uks-deeper-failures-during-the-war ) the empires from Roman to english have all BEEN EVIL ; and YOU make it SO>>> ("BlowJO" is a sick joke and anypne who voted tory at any time, deserves the hellish swamp they are slipping into!)

They shall not return to us, the strong men coldly slain

In sight of help denied from day to day:

But the men who edged their agonies and chid them in their pain,

Are they too strong and wise to put away?

Shall we only threaten and be angry for an hour?

When the storm is ended shall we find

How softly but how swiftly they have sidled back to power

By the favour and contrivance of their kind?

Their lives cannot repay us – their death could not undo –

The shame that they have laid upon our race.

But the slothfulness that wasted and the arrogance that slew,

Shall we leave it unabated in its place?

– from ‘Mesopotamia’, by Rudyard Kipling

more at montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2020/04/montv-solution-v-pollution.html

additional from USAcorp mainSCREAMedia.and counter ;


....counterpunch.org/2021/12/15/revolutionary-reconstitution-or-common-ruin  (the left is too soft, democrat/labour party is also at fault)




                                FOOTY (inc Supporters CLUB log)

Celebrating ChRiS ;  50 years supporting the REdS

u tube ; Video link


............sunday next 211219 ;  (pic Liverpool selection as per last?) 

........the oldest memory on youth that stays in my head (apart from winning THE CUP in "65 ) was our young TEAM losing the final in "71 to arsenal again, and  the last game of the season 71/72 when we "WON the league" (also at arse nal) with a goal falsely declared offside in the last minutes... and a GREAT run and Screamer ..by capt EMLYN ("Crazy horse") ...pic?    from box to box before smashing the ball past Spurs GK Jenninngs (world class GK) ... sunday just feels like part of a marathon whereby the english plastic league sharks overload fixtures (in March we will have half as many!!?) ...(my selection says it all ..its just about keeping a balance of "fresh" players & MOMENTUM; 

Report ;    LIVERPOOL 3  newcastle 1  and preview spurs v LIVERPOOL  ...london away day sunday for TRUE REd SUPPOrters

...............  " REdS get their KICKS with Trent 66! "   

   3 REdS goals by DioGO , Mo (of course) and TRENT (screamer) v ex-REd JJ Shelvey 1

Pos Team         P GD Pts

1 ManC shitty 17 31 41

2 Liverpool 17 35 40

3 Chelski 17 27 37

4 Arse nal 17 1 29

5 WHam         17 7 28

..................Jk slected a stronger line up than we wanted (Joe still benched) 

                                               A B

                                            Matip  "KonG"


                                                      Thiago    Robbo

                             Trent    Ox




JK post match : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiG9ha43hJE

..............match report (guardian as it happened?) ... theguardian.com/football/live/2021/dec/16/liverpool-v-newcastle-premier-league-live-score-updates ;  ... TRENT (66) "  “We limited them to little chances. We dominated possession, but they made it hard for us.  () scoring an early goal made it harder. Disappointed with the lack of a clean sheet, but three points at this stage of the season is always important. I’ve been waiting to score a goal like that for five years now! I caught that one sweet, and it put the game to bed.”   "


and ..previous story (from guardians view) https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2013/oct/18/joy-of-six-liverpool-newcastle-united

..................U tub link to OUR previous video ; ______________________ (only for True REds)

and Inter Team community video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbs0Q8h7lFA (join the Channel?)


..........TERRACE TALK ; https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40764303.html (LIVERPOOL) 


.........THE VARce/VAX bs ..GOES ON AND... (this by their (manc?) FASCIST writer JOHNNY NICHOLSON  ( " ...(see above) ...this C&NT writes; " Clubs should give their staff a vaccine mandate, if you don’t take the three jabs, you don’t play, you don’t get paid. If they want to sue, let them. Club lawyers can easily argue that by not getting vaccinated they are wilfully making themselves unavailable and as such it is they who are in breach of contract.The second half of the season, given the speed of the spread of Omicron, (OR "oh my what a CON") ... "  (  irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40764705.html ) ..

............at least (the over Dramatic spurs coach) Conte said last week " “I think everyone takes (their own) best decision and is a question for the medical department about people that whether they are vaccinated or not.” (  irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40761879.html  )

...................ChRiS> no apologies for repeating my opinion of YOUR F U B A R world and the global sheeples capitulation to C19 etc 

.......we SUPPORT REbEL REdS and the UNIVERSAL trbunal FOR HUMAN BEings!!!!  if you made a holywood film of this shyte - no one would believe it! pure FICTIONAL..a rich DICTATORs planet!


Monday, December 13, 2021

is this the Goodwill season? part 2

 (scroll down) ..or blocked.. Inter Team community video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbs0Q8h7lFA


title ; is this the Goodwill season? part 2 ...ha ha ha? (new?)  previous at ; https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2021/12/is-this-goodwill-season.html

...................   "  “Let us look at ourselves, if we have the courage, to see what is happening to us”

– Jean-Paul Sartre      " 

..........(all I see/hear/read are COWARDS; local & global! ) obedient sheeple as the rich sharks & their jackals eat up OUR world!

...................let me be clear about MY stance; I SUPPORT REbEL-Lions..  i am enemy of your local/global APARTHEID state https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78Ma6CbVjJ8

and at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu9k_JqLr_I

join  worldwide groups linked to mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059 

email campaign@ursun.net


my log also  updated to 007 dec at https://cser5.blogspot.com/2021/12/the-season-of-my-goodwill.html

...................OVERall ; as guest writer-in-chief ("Geronimo" ?  ha ha ha... in exile ) i continue with this (probably banned ,

 hacked or blocked  LOG to include REd GEM net / LbiRD co - op  

( i split up the words to make it slightly harder for the local/global BORGOONS to do their dirty & cowardly jobs 

... mind you, they wouldn't exist if the world was not inhabited by several billion cowards, would they?

TRUE REd (football supporters) REbELS  ; note ; section (you may scroll dow !n) but inform yourself of the sh&te going on elsewhere?

.............send me your "candidates' for my BLUE list ?? (naming names of the Sharks, jackals & a-hole children of evil ; F U B A R world order ...


straight onto MY blue LIST is the Uk/USA anti-justice partnership!! at ( www.counterpunch.org/2021/08/13/a-day-in-the-death-of-british-justice

            ChRiS>  hello C-P it died back in the 80, news to you??? (the english C&nts gave my enemies an "anton pillar morava injunction" in 86 BTW!)  surely Pilger knows not to expect empathy from prosecuting barristers & their establishment buddy= high court judges , they go to the same club....and exist in a privileged world far from truth of humanity...IMO "health" was a weak defence.(however true) ,,RISKY ;

 but i WOULD HAVE SIMPLY ARGUED THAT THE COURT must not give up Assange to a nation which itself operates outside the law, his own wikileaks IS HIS PROOF of that!  as Pilger adds ; "   ... "confession of a crucial FBI informant and prosecution stooge, a fraudster and serial liar, that he had fabricated his evidence against Julian was ignored. The revelation that the Spanish-run security firm at the Ecuadorean embassy in London, where Julian had been granted political refuge, was a CIA front that spied on Julian’s lawyers and doctors and confidants (myself included) – that, too. was ignored. " (  counterpunch.org/2021/12/10/the-judicial-kidnapping-of-julian-assange  ..." spy cameras – installed, as we now know, by a proxy of the CIA, the world’s most enduring criminal organisation. "   ))

blue listers  also ;  (USAcorp jackals; assasin attorney Lewis ; sick pollies; Avril Haines, C&nt Nuland , Thomas Massie,  Marjorie Taylor Greene, Paul A. Gosar ,Michael Flynn  , Tucker Carlson,  etc etc plus " Moms for Liberty's Robin Steenman " as ,,,USAcorp = IS the 4th (evil ) REich !

READ THIS !!!! ;  and HONOUR (and without a religious shield of "plowshares"  too ) improve upon TRUE HEROICS of Leadership for prisoner justice / protests ;

 sister (shouldn't all women with HEART be MY sisters??? )  Megan Rice, (died in october aged 82 ACTIVIST!!! ) 

with Montgomery, Platte, Gilbert and Hudson v a threat to humanity which again makes you 

(and c-ps obsession with c19 capituation seems PATHETIC in comparison...nukes are THE risk, as is nuclear power (btw this ???

 (  counterpunch.org/2021/09/24/the-record-breaking-failures-of-nuclear-power/   

" “Nuclear energy is the most expensive way ever conceived to boil water and Bellefonte 

just shows once again how unreliable this technology really is  .... cost of the project itself eventually ballooned to more than $9 billion before collapsing "  ),  


and "fossil fuel" pollution that you all contribute to by your selfish way "of life" :p

..................nuns practise CIVIL resistance .. and their bible calling " nation shall not lift up sword against nation "  

nukes are a human right violation ,,,since 1968 ..(LAW) ...article doesn't name her 2 male companions... 


 FOR HYPOCRICY (SEE   counterpunch.org/2021/12/09/why-poorer-nations-arent-falling-for-green-washed-imperialism   

... "  AND WHILST The U.S. per capita energy use is nine times that of India, while the UK’s per capita energy use is six times more than that of India. If we consider countries in sub-Saharan Africa such as Uganda or the Central African Republic, their energy consumption is even lower, i.e., the U.S. consumes 90 times, the UK 60 times more energy than these countries! Why should we then talk only about which fuels need to be phased out and not about by how much countries need to immediately cut their carbon emissions?   ) BUT ... AS COLLEAGUE Michal, donated 5 euros to my "candle power" i deal with energy cuts (up to 16hrs without electricity) WHY CANT you? AND you, AND you AND YOU, YOU , YOU SHEEPLE LOCAL OR GLOBAL?///??

 AND .... (                  ).... OF COURSE factory farming is poisoning, land , water & cultures but this writer goes off on another tangent

"""  "!!! the overwhelming majority of climate impacts come from domestic livestock

. Nonetheless, a research focus on the climate implications of cattle and sheep or their impacts on western public lands is nowhere to be found. "& " ,

 overgrazing by cattle and sheep is the primary cause of the destruction of deep-rooted perennial grasses   " 

 their USAcorp govts (rep or dem) are simply F U B A R!

of course their :game of THORNS is a charade..it always was and so is c19...!!! wake the feck UP!!!!

...........btw USAcorp; " + 84% of the men who commit sexual violence against Native women are non-Native. Yet federal and state laws strictly limit (and often prohibit) the Tribes’ ability to prosecute non-Natives, even on their own land.... "  ChRiS > hello??? ALL of the fecking  continent is THEIR lamd...............!!! feck ameriCANTS!

adds all the POlly-ticK jackals to MY "BLUE LIST" ????

...//////and some "alternative writers at C-P .. well now you are funded write something adventurous... NOT ; counterpunch.org/2021/12/05/millennials-the-generation-in-waiting/  (too much USA focus in this mag ...mostly do NOT know  or dont think ... much outside their BIG TRUMP walls? ) .,,,,and the"ameriCANTS" should clean up their (shitloaded) back yard before they contemplate their BOGUS role as "new world order gUEstapo-police"  ... " Putin’s reference to the collapse of the Soviet Union as a “geopolitical catastrophe.” HE was   RIGHT..the soviet collapse gave "carte Blanche" to USAcorp polly-generals to escalalate war biz (for Biden read;  Johnson, Nixon,Reagan, Clinton, 

Bush x 3 , Clinton, Obama or trumpet!counterpunch.org/2021/12/09/bidens-650-million-arms-sale-to-saudi-arabia    ) "  ... 

 (USAcorp) National Defense Authorization Act (“NDAA”) for Fiscal Year 2022 is $768 billion.  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

..............if you still have the stomach...consume Eva' s excellent/ironic ; ( counterpunch.org/2021/12/10/dangerous-games-western-militaries-on-the-doorsteps-of-russia-and-china    ) ChRiS> HOW COULD A HUMAN BEING not tear up their USA passport (; "membership of a viscous bully club") ?????????????????

and their "game of THORNS" worldwide..  ( counterpunch.org/2021/12/08/the-united-states-can-solve-the-ukraine-crisis ;;;;;; that THEY helped cause BY staying the feck away! )  ,,btw *add to address book ; Charles Pierson is a lawyer and a member of the Pittsburgh Anti-Drone Warfare Coalition. E-mail him at Chapierson@yahoo.com.  ,,, but wont be inviting the writer of (   ...however sympatico Sudip may be ..government (the "state")  is fed by weak sheeple, a monster, I am AGAINST ..( www.counterpunch.org/2021/12/09/the-state-friend-and-foe,,,especially the U seless S tates of A mericant! ;) ...and whilst (  counterpunch.org/2021/12/10/right-wing-authoritarianism-and-the-crisis-of-education has many relevant references it is LONG-WINDED..over long and again wrongly features coroNATION BS! ) ... 

ChRiS> >>>>>

I HAVE MUCH BETTER, more intelligent methods, YOU may ask via fumission@ursun.net or ngo@mypod-net.org.... the concept requires common sense; "inter-networked Team-community bonding ; local & global..!

 Inter Team community video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbs0Q8h7lFA

.........                                Local 

 (see https://cser5.blogspot.com/2021/12/the-season-of-my-goodwill.html ) (add memory/flashes)



pre LIVERPOOL v newcastle..

ONLY for TRuE REbEL REdS ;  inc REbEL-LIONS updated ; new link at  https://youtu.be/lhnM4vFZqxk    Dawn to add recent pics to FB groups? ;  REdNET / EuRED and worldwide groups LINKED to mewe.com/i/dawncrvena

..........Supporters CLUB log / REd NET reports & opinions updated pre game v geordies ! at https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2021/12/is-this-goodwill-season-part-2.html

taken over from ; https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com  supporters CLUB LOG (ScLOG) to May 2022!

Liverpool 1 pen v Stevies lads ...0 fair? Gerrard is more honest than anyone in the Anfield offices/boardroom;

...........   theguardian.com/football/2021/dec/11/liverpool-aston-villa-premier-league-match-report

guardianmedia ; " Stevie> There was certainly contact from Alisson on Danny Ings and, if you follow it, there is a two-hand shove on Ollie Watkins [from Trent Alexander-Arnold],” said the Villa manager. “We thought that deserved the referee and VAR taking another look but it looked like they wanted to move on quickly. Ultimately we have lost the game to the other pen which we felt was a foul first on Tyrone [Mings]. It feels harsh but penalty box to penalty box Liverpool were better than us. The plan was to try to take it to the latter stages and then get more of our attacking players on. We’ll analyse and I’ll look at myself and whether I should have done it earlier. We didn’t want to get too gung ho.”

Gerrard’s appraisal was fair, although there was no denying the merit of Liverpool’s victory or the quality of their response to losing to West Ham on 7 November. All seven matches since have been won, Liverpool have equalled a club record of scoring in 31 games in succession and Salah’s latest strike took his tally for the season to 21.....

.................more at : 


                 LIV XI: A B; Trent, Matip, VVD, Robbo; Fab, Henderson, Thiago; Mo, Ox, Mane  (3-4-1-2)

AVL XI: Martinez; Cash, Konsa, Mings, Targett; McGinn, Nakamba, Luiz; J Ramsey, Watkins, A Young

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AND ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

....................written pre LIVERPOOL v Stevie's villains ?  

pre LIVERPOOL v newcastle..

ONLY for TRuE REbEL REdS ;  inc REbEL-LIONS updated ; new link at  https://youtu.be/lhnM4vFZqxk    REdNET / EuRED and worldwide groups LINKED to mewe.com/i/dawncrvena

..........Supporters CLUB log / REd NET reports & opinions updated pre game v geordies ! 

? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iESsxkeOimk  or ??? 

...........................as I have high regard for Gerrard , and none for the fen way infested BUSINESS aspects of Lfc

 ..I will not moan if Stevie gets a result at Anfield. his departure was less than graceful , fen way (dont plame B renda n!) didnt offer him another season until after the decision to go across the atlantic had been made, mind you that experience may have taught Stevie much about "boardroom sharks" and their loyalties which lay purely and exclusively in their billionaire bank accounts...

.............all credit to the TEAM-squad and Juergen, Pep L and co for 6 wins out of 6 ..which backs up my expectation of landing 7th HEAVEN in St Petersberg next May.. 


Pos Team         P GD Pts

1 Liverpool 6 11 18

2 Atletico Madrid 6 -1 7

3 FC Porto 6 -7 5

4 AC Milan 6 -3 4

(hope) rather than the english PLASTICmoney BULLsh&te slytv dominated league.., report ;


media comments ; 

             "“Impressed by Liverpool’s intent, despite already being through to the next round,” writes Colum Fordham. “They’re giving Milan a proper match even with some second-string players. Loved Oxlaid-Chamberlain’s dribble and shot to creat the equaliser-but Mo Salah’s finish? Sublime or exquisite?”"


my MOtM ;  Nath Phillips who I propsed to start (or Joe ) alongside BIG "KonG" (Konate) ...Nath didnt look out of place in the San Siro

and had a "moment" on the ball that left 2 milan forwards embarrassed...GOOD lad, deserves the contract extension ..


 media ;   " a chance for Krunic, but he loses control of the ball on the edge of the area just as he seems set to burst through on goal. Phillips takes control of it, and with Milan players closing him down from left and right he turns past both and plays the ball out. "

 (BTW why are the sharks fecking about with Mo's contract??? )  ...because he is around 30 years old...boardroom C&NTS, as usual! 

..Tako didn't impress,(at fault for Milans goal?) but Ox did again, and must wonder what he has to do to earn a regular slot, his drive, dribble & shot set up Mos equalizer and had come close several times in recent games... almost back to his best..he needs selection ; it feeds his character,,,unlike ORIGI...

(keep reminding you that his name spelt backwards put the world in lockdown... well the exploited reaction to the bug did)  really IS (more than) the SUPER SUB

...but I said many times, that he is a CF ..Juergen started him too often on the left,,, 

a 2 finger salute to the fannies who wanted him and Nath sold off... (Ox & Tako too)  ...

................. I am not convinced I should do the "usual suspects" PROPOSED selection for saturday v Stevies lads,,,

 especially as Juergen will probably ignore Ox's claim,  and will probably not play Joe, but Matip & VVD at CBs..

Naby is back in contention too, but with so many games to play this winter I also propose ; a familiar line up ...does Sadio need a rest?  

Mo seems to refuse one,, as they may be absent in January (national "duty") ? ...anyway,,, without conviction;

                                                     A B

                                          (Matip)no Joe? & VVD


                                      Trent                     Robbo

                                            Hendo       Thiago


                                           Mo      DioGO

as stated before ; if Stevies lads get a result, and you moan, exclude yourself from any contact with me!

................you will NEVER walk alone WITH HOPE *and REbEL-LION in your hearts!

...p.s. feck fen way &  the USAcorp sharks who infested my CLUB ( feck theM and f s g cloned fans,,,,) LIVERPOOL!  your days are numbered! 

ORIGI wins it at the last at Wolves!

