so WHAT should WE do...? THIS;
OUR initiative is to connect an existing 160+ groups on social media (direct connection with 900k worldwide, who in turn probably have an expanded contact with say 10, million..?)
*Evolve ideas from the community, not from :the pyramid of govt/business exploitation
*Equality, with intelligence, encourage ideas that benefit the whole.
*Share & care for all Human BEings, no discrimination or frontiers
*Apply #eco-logistics (see propsals) @ groups/ ..note f/book dont like "anti-establishment" initiatives
*BOYCOTT ; large industry, elections, politicians, FREEZE credit, rent, mortgages, halt construction for profit & property speculation..
EVERYONE should have the true CHANCE of living, with home & food ..without prejudice.
see previous MONtv at /2020/03/montversus-nazti-trending-virus-global.
REdS+ opinion
THE pollution;
A.k.a fakebook > obviously many wont (want to) understand the point i making that since more than a month, INJECTED into the minds of the sheeple is that #trendingvirus is MORE dangerous and requires more precautions than the WARS, Cancer, Aids, Ebola, drive-by shootings, road / travel deaths, ALL of which kill a larger percentage ..and questions the manipulation and early sale of shares etc ... and asks whether thi is "co-incidental? caused by you the sheeple, or deliberately aims at removing costly care of the elderly/weak of society ... (a sott of hilter-virus)
apparently New york have over 30k infected ; 12 died!
matter of perspective.. the effort to counter #trendingVirus versus the effort to stop WAR, Cancer, malnutrition among kids (kills over a 1000 every HOUR worldwide?) ..aids etc etc ... logic questions the status quo!
"Scouser abroad" community radio via #REdGEM_LbiRD
use your time ; be POSITIVE? see MED1A @
.. i do not like piers morgan, ..but it is BS! .. that's 3 times the USAcorp sharks have done something similar, when will u wake up? LIVERPOOL Teams success is down to the players & Juergen , fen way are fraudsters , remember the ticket scandal or when they tried to TRADEMARK "LIVERPOOL" henry-werner & co showing their true-blue colours again, FFS! ...
with greetings to all TRUE REdS from friends of MEd1A TEAM of and SUPPORT from and associated groups..worldwide (anon)
Sponsoring : /groups/ plus
"Scouser abroad" community radio via #REdGEM_LbiRD
use your time ; be POSITIVE? see MED1A @
CSdix> a lot of excuses about the Lfc/fen way sharks in their bored-room who are all well experienced in making money
...this is the first time the TAW kiddies have come out to even question the USAcorp policies since the "brand Liverpool scandal" .....
.....but anyone with intelligence knows what type they are, they are the same as the fascisTories who denied the nurses, they will destroy social services and any opposition and still want to be bailed if THEY fail.., WAKE UP and join :) our GLOBAL co-operative...........
or should be.....
JOIN ; on Video ; (visual launch)
ok ? am just starting to get my contacts on board OUR "positive train"
JOIN at /groups/ , if u agree, tell your friends too?
& "like" ...please at com/me.without.limits
make a positive effort with your time ;
ChriS Dix >
Feck their soul-ed out EPL trophy, this needs a break and a "sort out" ..for everyone's sake..
ChriS Dix>
Only a week away from Hillsborough plus thirty - ONE years... and a REMINDER of the people in govt, I am disgusted that Jean Mills of Liverpool wanted a ""clap" for mad boris, there's only one "clap" he deserves ..they are fascisTORIES the nemesis of all TRUE REdS
of course its a risk, Mark Anthony
our point though, is how many deaths are being listed that are
ailments from winter flu & other un-named viral complaints? and if
we are going to counter death how about stopping govts going to WAR, how
about countering Cancer (which killed
10 million last year worldwide) by legalising .. stop 25,000 kids dying
daily by sharing the worlds resources instead of capitalist/fascist
polciies? you are entitled to your comment.. !!
Chris Smith-Mypod greetings also from friends of MEd1A TEAM of and SUPPORT from and associated groups..worldwide (anon)
Mark Anthony> Chris Smith
I never thought I'd see the day when death becomes a matter of news worthiness.
As soon as the grim reapers next cull comes along this current ' crisis ' will be soon forgotten about but its consequences will live long in the actions of governments around the world by their systematic watering down of what little freedoms we have left.
I never thought I'd see the day when death becomes a matter of news worthiness.
As soon as the grim reapers next cull comes along this current ' crisis ' will be soon forgotten about but its consequences will live long in the actions of governments around the world by their systematic watering down of what little freedoms we have left.
Chris> yes Mark Anthony
i would like to agree that the mass will .. but the sheeple,
throughout history have a habit of repeating the same mistakes over
& over, giving responsibility of their lives to the few, i have been
around through many "crisis" and at times thought so often :"this will
wake them up, surely?" but steadily the idiocracy grew & grew
...however I felt always nature will cure it if humans dont .. and
whilst its quite possible this was "by design" i wont surrender just
yet, and it is allways that i hope that "positives" will be adopted by
human beings .. its my "don quixote complex" , keep on offering your
opinion , especially when it may be UNpopular ... ! "i may not agree
with your opinion , but I will fight for your chance to state it" :)
THIS is the global Co-OP ; ...
kiddies vlog ; reflecting the poor attitude ; apologies for sharks
in the Lfc/fenway boardroom who know well what to do for financial gain,
they are backign down because SOME Supporters "caught it" and told
them so,,, they will continue to try it on, like they did with tickets,
with "owning Liverpool brand scandal" and this , and many other dirty
tricks that have been covered up because fan nies dont care if the team
are winning,,.
Moores is their smokescreen, one of the richest clubs in the world have been saved by Juergen and the players winning on the field despite still being a virtual "sell before buy" outfit with one of the lowest net spends of the top sides.. Paul & Chris YOU DO NOT speak for us all when you claim "our morals are a bit loose" especially one week before hillsborough plus thirty one Years .. the Directors have the same attitude as the fascisTORY govt / business sharks FFS! WAKE UP!
( ? )
Moores is their smokescreen, one of the richest clubs in the world have been saved by Juergen and the players winning on the field despite still being a virtual "sell before buy" outfit with one of the lowest net spends of the top sides.. Paul & Chris YOU DO NOT speak for us all when you claim "our morals are a bit loose" especially one week before hillsborough plus thirty one Years .. the Directors have the same attitude as the fascisTORY govt / business sharks FFS! WAKE UP!
( ? )
"football should only return when its safe" ??? well do u know that footy continued through WW2 ... I would suggest that bombs are more dangerous than the #trendingVirus?
ChriS Dix>
Pejak |integrity in sport" the premiere is about MONEY, tv income and sponsors etc ... they should decare LIVERPOOL champions , give everyone time to get over this mess, have a proper summer , pre -season and start fresh... but cancel ALL , including EUROPE , which means we remain European & World Champions...
the contracts and any aspect that needs time, mean its cleaner to start fresh.. why does mark bang on about "freedom of movement " for players when virtual "martial law" has been imposed by most govts.. FFS!
100 subs before the end of quarantine>
A virus is contagious and because of mutts like you we are on lockdown so just stfu mate
No it's not, because full stadiums allow the virus to spread massively, and being in a stadium didn't change anything about the war
ChriS Dix>
@Incognito missed the point completely !! never mind go back to sleep sonny
@ChriS Dix it's speaking of a time after this ends. Like that's such a bad thing 🤣
ChriS Dix>
@Incognito ... point is that WAR time (WW2) it was indescriminate danger, that my parents generation survived as they didnt let that stop them from living as near a normal life as possible..despite the bombing,, WAR is a bigger threat, Cancer is a bigger threat child malnutrition is, so GO and staop those things before making a #trendingVirus seeming more dangerous..

My wife, mum & sister died young due to Cancer, where is the urgency to stop that which killed 10 million people worldwide last year, morons!
make a positive effort your time ; ..
email to Mr, Anderson about domain and intranet / social media for #REdGEM_LbiRD

make a positive effort of your time ;
Diary from a local & global prison; and memories
F.O.(uk) they have not replied since....
Enquiry Submitted
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Your name Chris SMITH
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what are you doing to help those based here , who are immobile or told to be immobile by local state notices?
also on behalf of our N.G.O cc: email
Country or Territory Montenegro
Submitted to British Embassy Podgorica
If any of these details are wrong contact us on
+382 20 420 100. (no answer)
What happens next
We've sent your enquiry to a consular officer.
We respond to written enquiries as soon as we can.
If you need immediate help call the embassy phone number above. It's best to call if you need help because of an assault, accident or arrest.
Return to the GOV.UK homepage.
NO answer ; NO care ; the FascisTORY govt will make rich!
i do not need the sharks to tell me..their EPL trophy suits the manu fans , blue mancs & rent boys ..i didnt want KING Kenny to be their "sir" ..the "establishment " are a bunch of selfish power mad hypocrites.. 25 points clear not enough?? feck em!
so WHAT should WE do...? THIS;
OUR initiative is to connect an existing 160+ groups on social media (direct connection with 900k worldwide, who in turn probably have an expanded contact with say 10, million..?)
*Evolve ideas from the community, not from :the pyramid of govt/business exploitation
*Equality, with intelligence, encourage ideas that benefit the whole.
*Share & care for all Human BEings, no discrimination or frontiers
*Apply #eco-logistics (see propsals) @ /groups/ ..note f/book dont like "anti-establishment" initiatives
*BOYCOTT ; large industry, elections, politicians, FREEZE credit, rent, mortgages, halt construction for profit & property speculation..
EVERYONE should have the true CHANCE of living, with home & food ..without prejudice.
William Waugh > The progress of an epidemic looks like a logistic curve. The first part of a logistic curve looks like an exponential curve. Until we see the curve starting to bend the other way in the middle of its "S", we don't know the parameters of the logistic. In the US, the rate of new detected infections and the rate of death is still looking exponential. This is in fact true in every country except China and South Korea. So I don't agree with you when you downplay the seriousness of this pandemic.
ChRiS> missed the point that OTHER "threats" WAR, Cancer kids dying from malnutrition etc are GREATER!
A.k.a fakebook > obviously many wont (want to) understand the point i am making that since more than a month, INJECTED into the minds of the sheeple is that #trendingvirus is MORE dangerous and requires more precautions than the WARS, Cancer, Aids, Ebola, drive-by shootings, road / travel deaths, ALL of which kill a larger percentage ..and questions the manipulation and early sale of shares etc ... and asks whether thi is "co-incidental? caused by you the sheeple, or deliberately aims at removing costly care of the elderly/weak of society ... (a sott of hilter-virus)
apparently New york have over 30k infected ; 12 died!
you are too focused on what the "establishment " does not what we COULD do, Ghandi brought down an empire with a call for boycott, general strike & committed non violent disobedience - it has to be clear that its a decision …
Rodney Wilson > A.k.a fakebook : At least everybody knew what Gandhi was doing. Simply failing to vote doesn't say anything to anybody, and is easily mistaken for mere apathy.
A.k.a fakebook above> " Rodney Wilson well of course it depends on HOW the movement is applied, but u can always find a reason for doing nothing radical to save this planet from further sliding into the swamp ..& globalman made suicide.. i agree that you would mistake it for apathy, but thats also a reflection of your own...?
![]() |
WHO is "wagging the dog"?????? |
any true REd will cherish the original episodes of M.A.S.H. ... held the horrors of WAR, before USAcorp politics destroyed the "american dream" completely and SOLD WAR instead.. now billed IMO as the "world's nightmare" sadly copied by sheeple, lemmings, monkees & "rons" worldwide ...
use your time ; be POSITIVE? see MED1A @
& etc
cc; ngo@mypod-net
FA, UEFA, FIFA all corrupt!!!
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
if USA and Nato keep pushing russians as the new old enemy... and
"supertrump" ... keeps reneging on "no war promises" ... an
"accident " like this..might happen and we all disappear from the face
of this planet...
Safe is a 1964 Cold War thriller film directed by Sidney Lumet, based
on the 1962 novel of the same name by Eugene Burdick and Harvey Wheeler.
It portrays a fictional account of a nuclear crisis. The film features
performances by actors Henry Fonda, Dan O'Herlihy, Walter Matthau and
Frank Overt...
Chris >
April 5, 2016 at 2:02 PM · Podgorica ·
;) watch out ..I am coming get YOU!
its "nature week" planting and reaping and sowing...fruit and vegatable seeds, yesterday at the "eco plot" (Dg) and today Toms upside down :) and cutting the garden at Spuz, ... theres so many beautiful wild plants ("weeds" ) that i consider how a "god" might "cull " the beings on this planet , as I was "schything" through the high grass... "well theres that many of you , I just cant save you all" ...LMAO! .... and a bike ride in the sun , sunglasses on, shorts and flip-flops, with the scythe strapped to the bike brings some curious looks from the "natives" ha ha ha.... "CS = "the GREEN reaper" ha ha ah ha
Chris >
April 5, 2015 at 12:09 PM ·
disgusted with BR match report..its all been said before .. Brent is not effective at the highest level.. and only ONE f s g "buy" of 40 odd signings IS effective ..Phil..
The Systematic Removal of TRUE REd SUPPORTER Heroes.. http://rednet-alien./…/the-systematic-removal-o…
Since G & H & Henry's f SS g took over the board of Lfc..its gone bad,,,
European REd loyal Supporters Club a.k.a "REdS abroad"
April 5, 2015 at 12:08 PM
8 years ago
Chris > added 67 new photos to the album: Humour, Slogans, Sayings & such — at Planet Earth.
April 5, 2012 at 11:10 AM ·
67 Photos
april 4 was birthday of Margit Streifeneder the german mother of my daughter NOELA, now 18 years old, stolen from my life at age 3 ; more at
MORE about ChRiS
mainSCREAMedia ;
happening or not with cr*p head/bin lining
What’s not ha ha pp ening | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ha ha p pening | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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ReplyDelete1918 Spanish Flu historical documentary | Swine Flu Pandemic | Deadly plague of 1918
Liverpool place some non-playing staff on furlough
John Oliver latest..
Mark A; Up to now the mortality rate of the Corona virus is 0.00712%
ReplyDelete🤨. Fast forward 12 months and all the figures surrounding this ' crisis ' are going to be very interesting indeed.
Andrew Williams
I know several people battling this right now, some at home, some in hospital. A bit insensitive this.
Ed Gilchrist
Ed Gilchrist 12 months from now nobody will be concerned by it.. there will be too many other things on our minds. The new queues will be for getting vaccine jabs so that we can get permission to go shopping or see our families.
One of the most intensely discussed questions about Japan’s anti-virus strategy is why, despite having growing capacity, the authorities carry out so few tests. A meeting this morning with a senior official of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party offers a answer to the mystery.
ReplyDelete3:15 AM · Apr 3, 2020 from Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo·Twitter for iPhone
Richard Lloyd Parry
Apr 3
Replying to
The official answer is that Japan chooses to test people who are at particular risk or showing symptoms (not just people who are worried) and then aggressively isolates “cluster” infections when they occur.
Richard Lloyd Parry
Apr 3
Still, WHO advice is to “test, test, test”. What harm would there be in using more of the daily capacity of 9000 tests (at the moment there are usually around 1500 tests carried out, lower than most comparable countries)?
Richard Lloyd Parry
Apr 3
The answer is not medical, epidemiological or political (covering up a “hidden epidemic”) but bureaucratic. Because of the status of Covid-19 in the official hierarchy of diseases, anyone found to have it must go to hospital.
Richard Lloyd Parry
Apr 3
No matter your state of health - whether you just have the sniffles, or no symptoms at all - if the test is positive into hospital you go.
Richard Lloyd Parry
Apr 3
Consider what would happen then if Japan did carry out mass, “drive-in” type testing such as South Korea did. Tens of thousands of mild and asymptomatic infections would be be revealed - and each one of them would by law have to be quarantined in a hospital bed.
Richard Lloyd Parry
Apr 3
Other countries worry about their health care systems being overwhelmed by a surge in pneumonia cases in ICUs. Japan would be overwhelmed by a surge in people who have nothing wrong with them. No surprise at all then that they would want to test as few as possible.
Richard Lloyd Parry
Apr 3
It is, of course, an absurd example of the tail wagging the dog that pandemic strategy should be determined by an excessive bureaucratic rule (that’s me talking, by the way, not the senior LDP official).
Richard Lloyd Parry
Apr 3
The rules are going to be changed soon, lapparently - this is something that will happen within local government rather than at the national level. After that, my source expects that rates of testing will quickly increase...
Richard Lloyd Parry
Apr 3
UPDATE: The rules have apparently changed today - mild cases can now remain at home or in designated facilities (there’s talk of Tokyo acquiring a hotel).
Isabel Reynolds
Apr 3
Replying to
Yup, the policy changed today. Health Minister announced mild cases will quarantine at home. Tokyo will use hotels for some.
Tokyo Outsider
Earth globe asia-australia
Flag of European Union
Face with medical mask
Apr 3
I'm confused - if the problem was due to a law, how did they address it with just a change in policy (and if that's all it took, couldn't it have been done sooner)? So many questions about this. People have died because of these decisions. Badly needs much closer scrutiny.
6 more replies
Marc Yanofsky
Apr 3
Replying to
Thank you so much for this. It is incredibly helpful.
intro to REdS _+ C-OP via #REdGEM_LbiRD