stop the #trendingvirus - make a positive..
so WHAT should WE do...?
OUR initiative is to connect an existing 160+ groups on social media (direct connection with 900k worldwide, who in turn probably have an expanded contact with say 10, million..?)
*Evolve ideas from the community, not from :the pyramid of govt/business exploitation
*Equality, with intelligence, encourage ideas that benefit the whole.
*Share & care for all Human BEings, no discrimination or frontiers
OUR initiative is to connect an existing 160+ groups on social media (direct connection with 900k worldwide, who in turn probably have an expanded contact with say 10, million..?)
*Evolve ideas from the community, not from :the pyramid of govt/business exploitation
*Equality, with intelligence, encourage ideas that benefit the whole.
*Share & care for all Human BEings, no discrimination or frontiers
............. so many experts, "leaders" politicians, scientists & expert doctors..
perpetuating PANIC attacks across the globe.. surely that an obvious reaction is to stop a death that could be avoided ...however.. there are some inconsistencies... in New York , a city of 15 million, more than 30,000 have been listed as infected , with 12 dead, but in the italian regions the news seems opposite.. extremely ..
:) and some things that are more likely to kill you than #trendingvirus (contrived man made?)
whilst president donald duck reckons it will all be over by easter....!!! ...some "killers";-
' WAR, but you still fund governments who sell weapons or sanction it.
* Cancer - how about the same effort to combat stress ("legal-eyes")?
* pollution & chemical poison from industry, infected water etc
* Aids, pneumonia, meningitis, "common flue" other virals etc (ebola?)
* air, sea & road traffic accidents ..(but you still travel, dont you?)
*drive by shootings , especially if u live in USA, or manchester?
just some "perspective" please...?
an ALTERNATIVE opinion.
*Apply #eco-logistics (see propsals) @
.note f/book dont like "anti-establishment" initiatives
*BOYCOTT ; large industry, elections, politicians, FREEZE credit, rent, mortgages, halt construction for profit & property speculation..
EVERYONE should have the true CHANCE of living, with home & food ..without prejudice.
Our #REdGEM_LbiRD local & global co-operative...
and Consider; CAREfully...
by H-T about... FUBAR (&me?)
initiative.. from #REdGEM_LbiRD worldwide
never surrender your freedoms (oops you already did !!)
with more from OUR MEd1ATEAM @ groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV support (blocked by F-book & twatters?)
#censoREdS #colouREdS_co_op #REdGEM_LbiRD
perpetuating PANIC attacks across the globe.. surely that an obvious reaction is to stop a death that could be avoided ...however.. there are some inconsistencies... in New York , a city of 15 million, more than 30,000 have been listed as infected , with 12 dead, but in the italian regions the news seems opposite.. extremely ..
:) and some things that are more likely to kill you than #trendingvirus (contrived man made?)
whilst president donald duck reckons it will all be over by easter....!!! ...some "killers";-
' WAR, but you still fund governments who sell weapons or sanction it.
* Cancer - how about the same effort to combat stress ("legal-eyes")?
* pollution & chemical poison from industry, infected water etc
* Aids, pneumonia, meningitis, "common flue" other virals etc (ebola?)
* air, sea & road traffic accidents ..(but you still travel, dont you?)
*drive by shootings , especially if u live in USA, or manchester?
just some "perspective" please...?
an ALTERNATIVE opinion.
*Apply #eco-logistics (see propsals) @
.note f/book dont like "anti-establishment" initiatives
*BOYCOTT ; large industry, elections, politicians, FREEZE credit, rent, mortgages, halt construction for profit & property speculation..
EVERYONE should have the true CHANCE of living, with home & food ..without prejudice.
Our #REdGEM_LbiRD local & global co-operative...
and Consider; CAREfully...
by H-T about... FUBAR (&me?)
initiative.. from #REdGEM_LbiRD worldwide
never surrender your freedoms (oops you already did !!)
with more from OUR MEd1ATEAM @ groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV support (blocked by F-book & twatters?)
#censoREdS #colouREdS_co_op #REdGEM_LbiRD Global REdS+ CO-OP initiatuve NET..
#1r1 NA 1deas #NAZti_trendy_virus old Adolf would be happy, co-incidental? man-made? anyway that kills the old & weak, gets everyone voluntarily under curfew top-treningvirus-make-positive-chris-smith Global REdS+ CO-OP initiatuve NET...#REdGEM_LbiRD #censoREdS #colouREdS
Liverpoo lFC News
Millionaire claims Liverpool owners FSG made 'recent' Rangers approach.
Via @TheoSquiresEcho.
Replying to @LivEchoLFC and @TheoSquiresEcho
@spiritofshankly @RedAlieNeT @EuRED09 @RedAlieNeT of course, whilst an average REd lives in "open prison"; rich sharks look to exploit the inevitable "fire sale" ! support launch of Global REdS+CO-OP initiative NET #REdGEM_LbiRD
...........Join the local & global REdS+ initiative.. from #REdGEM_LbiRD worldwide
YNWA/J-96+30years "with HOPE in OUR HEARTS"
never surrender OUR MEd1ATEAM @ groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV support
#censoREdS #colouREdS_co_op
see previous from
... diary from a local & global prison;
CRS ...............200230
so WHAT should WE do...? THIS;
OUR initiative is to connect an existing 160+ groups on social media (direct connection with 900k worldwide, who in turn probably have an expanded contact with say 10, million..?)
*Evolve ideas from the community, not from :the pyramid of govt/business exploitation
*Equality, with intelligence, encourage ideas that benefit the whole.
*Share & care for all Human BEings, no discrimination or frontiers
*Apply #eco-logistics (see propsals) @ ..note f/book dont like "anti-establishment" initiatives
*BOYCOTT ; large industry, elections, politicians, FREEZE credit, rent, mortgages, halt construction for profit & property speculation..
EVERYONE should have the true CHANCE of living, with home & food ..without prejudice.
William Waugh The
progress of an epidemic looks like a logistic curve. The first part of
a logistic curve looks like an exponential curve. Until we see the
curve starting to bend the other way in the middle of its "S", we don't
know the parameters of the logistic. In
the US, the rate of new detected infections and the rate of death is
still looking exponential. This is in fact true in every country except
China and South Korea. So I don't agree with you when you downplay the
seriousness of this pandemic.
- A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above" obviously many wont (want to) understand the point i making that since more than a month, INJECTED into the minds of the sheeple is that #trendingvirus is MORE dangerous and requires more precautions than the WARS, Cancer, Aids, Ebola, drive-by shootings, road / travel deaths, ALL of which kill a larger percentage ..and questions the manipulation and early sale of shares etc ... and asks whether thi is "co-incidental? caused by you the sheeple, or deliberately aims at removing costly care of the elderly/weak of society ... (a sott of hilter-virus)
apparently New york have over 30k infected ; 12 died!
😍JOIN the GLOBAL REdS+ C0-OPerativeNET😍
OR at
BE positive ..stop WAR, Cancer, road deaths, malnutrition (kids!) homelessness; shootings; all more likely to kill u! #trendyvirus
freeze rent & credit ! stop property construction and pollution
..with Global Greetings :)
GET on with life .. and that is how we live , we OVERCOME , and should look for the positives..
"with HOPE in our HEARTS" ...You'll never walk alone..J-96_30yrs.!
.... with GOOD wishes , from my "academy"
& manager of
CARE, staying at home, without mobility, makes u weak, if u dont go out , do 10min of "5 tibetans" to improve energy/resistance
(google it) and
......................200326 ..........
isn't this the Time for human BEings to grow up? ...
NO more borders & frontiers between human BEings? WAKE UP!!
Monte Crvena > games without frontiers invites members to consider a world with NO borders, this planet once belonged to everyone , and its very silly to accept that some "leader" from the past drew a line and said that you can only cross it with permission from another group that is also made up of human beings, isnt it time to grow up and take responsivility local & Global with co-operation of freedom e union group supported by @Christ opher #REdGEM_Lbird with greetings from MEd1A TEAM & friends of groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV/ wake up call yet again!
its spring , I am in shorts , t-shirt & flip - flops .... on the other side i GET .."hay fever" ..sneezing, itchy throat & eyes streaming, BUT I move on, GET on with life .. and that is how we live , we OVERCOME , and should look for the positives..
"with HOPE in our HEARTS" ...You'll never walk alone..J-96_30yrs.!
March 22, 2019 at 10:33 AM ·
also from ChRiS supporting
Montv_crs_akada ME Ja
Yosef Whisper
Dawn Robinson
Monte Crvena
Lorna Proctor
Ronnie Dawson
March 22, 2017 at 12:12 PM ·
Sharon Snow>
March 22, 2017 at 10:27 AM
R.I.P Ronnie Moran YNWA
scorpions in a bucket; blue mancs, UEFA, FIFA & the FA/EPL one is innocent here ; they only think about TV money... no to playing in empty stadiums its unreal without supporters,,, if they had any honour... or cared about players & supporters,, give LIVERPOOL the trophy and have a long summer break & proper pre-season ... /man-city-uefa-champions-league-ban-premier-backlash-united-liverpool-chelsea-
Rodney Wilson Chris Smith-Mypod : I was responding to what you put here, not to your profile.
If you wish to look up "Voter Apathy" you will see that it is indeed linked go the rate of non-voting. And why would it not be. If there is an election, and a significant portion of the public effectively says "No comment", or just makes a silly joke, such as by writing in "Mickey Mouse", then they feel they can safely disregard that section of the populace, as having nothing to say about the issues at hand.
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"> Rodney Wilson you are too focused on what the "establishment " does not what we COULD do, Ghandi brought down an empire with a call for boycott, general strike & committed non violent disobedience - it has to be clear that its a decision #noneoftheabove .. not a case of "apathy' IMO its "apathetic" to simply vote according to some party allegiance or fake "duty" instead of taking responsibility.. and I would suggest next time before aiming at a moderator, you check out the profile, u obviously dont want to be considered lazy do you? seems u are more "negative" in applying obstructions to a worthy cause,? so I aks why did you join this group?
...............200328 wag the dog....
F ever you need a REMINDER how easily the sheeple can be turned into lemmings (lemons) or "rons" watch
"wage the dog" ... if its not banned by USAcorp and the rest of the corrupt govts of the world...?
:) and some things that are more likely to kill you than #trendingvirus (contrived man made?) president donald duck reckons it will al be over by easter....!!!
...some "BIG killers";-
' WAR, but you still fund governments who sell weapons or sanction it.
* Cancer - how about the same effort to combat stress ("legal-eyes")?
* pollution & chemical poison from industry, infected water etc
* Aids, pneumonia, meningitis, "common flue" other virals etc (ebola?)
* air, sea & road traffic accidents ..(but you still travel, dont you?)
*drive by shootings , especially if u live in USA, or manchester?
just some "perspective" please...?
lfc groups... any one here voted Tory???? the government who rejected a pay rise for nurses!
more people killed in civilian shootings in USA than by any current vral threat! ..who are the terrorists?
..........The economy gets a trillion-dollar stimulus, Amazon asks for donations during the pandemic, and Trump wants to re-open the country by Easter. #DailyShow #TrevorNoah #Easter
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u really trust all those capitalists to "share appropriately" ... ?
feck the airlines, here people cant go into small shops. cafes & restaurants, but they can fly together????
March 27, 2017 ·
the most evolutionary solution to the worlds problems is to distribute people back to the village, reduce city congestion, reduce pollution , reduce the stress of long working hours and its affects on family, and ...remove the likes of IBM and their CEOs old fashioned hierarchy invest in local and small enterprise, stop cloning sheeple , support and evolve human beings with their own creativity and share the wealth of this planet INSTEAD !…/innovative-ibm-kills-working-fro…
thanks to "brexs*it" and #sheeplepanicvirus the GBP is now devalue to the euro /..congrats ukippers! what a win that was! and u have the "isolated island" anyway
..................(bkc -1kpbg @1.06) ...
I like your posts Ian Golder .. mostly because U & Mark Anthony seem to be the only ones daring to question the "establishment" but it keeps coming back and hitting me in the face, when I do my utmost to offer an alternative opinion in a world where 2 of the "leaders" mostly in the public domain (& anti-social media) ..are President domald duck & mad boris etc etc.. its difficult not to burst into an insane laughing fit in the middle of the madness, its like the whole world is a mental asylum , and I have somehow been caught in it with the curse of being awake ... best wishes to you
from"watching the hawks" f-book group...
Admin · March 17 at 11:12 AM
listened in to Frank Carlyle 's show last night, in Monty its like a ghost town,, .. everything closed; schools, shops, cafes , and the irish pub, My parents survived the blitz would laugh at the way modern sheeple are in panic about a "trending bug" that allegedly COULD kill 2% ..!!
Adolf, bombers, "the troubles" could not have stopped a party on "st paddys day" but this... is typical of the hype either one way or another of how "the leaders: deal with a "so-called" c...
Ekim Pandolfo > I can't post
ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines
Rodney Wilson No vote is equivalent to a No comment. It does not say anything.
Chris Smith-Mypod > no, thats wrong..BECAUSE IF.....if enough people boycott, it says NO trust in your system; no confidence in you to lead us... and its well overdue...or are u going to follow it again and again over the cliff... into the abyss?
Rodney Wilson Chris Smith-Mypod : there are already elections with voting rates lower than 50%. The non-vote is still ignored.
Gail Burke > Chris Smith-Mypod your an idiot . Hey a life please before Covid19 get you. Sincerely from a sheep in Australia.
Chris Smith-Mypod> hello Gail, ... your? do u mean you are? "hey a life" ? .. ok O, z because u have such a great time there in YOUR "eco heaven" :P p.s. what are u doing trolling this group? are u a "hawk-grouppie?
Chris Smith-Mypod> Rodney Wilson i realise I have a "don Quixote complex" that doesn't make me wrong , just makes the majority insane, ..isnt that the standard defination of INSANITY? doing the same thing over & over again... expecting a different result (i.e. giving power to a few "leaders" with their own agenda, and expecting an intelligent global society , or even a sane one,,, !
Rodney Wilson > Chris Smith-Mypod: If you want to make changes you have to have positive ideas. Just saying that the government and opposition are both no good, and therefore refusing to vote, is a negative approach, and offers no real solutions. It just lets the politicians continue unfettered, thinking that people are too apathetic to be bothered to vote.
Chris Smith-Mypod> Rodney Wilson before making a knee-jerk reaction I suggest that you could have checked my profile and various groups I moderate worldwide u might enlighten yourself to"the positive " side ... when you say "thinking the people are too apathetic to vote" ??? who said that? they VOTED for donald duck in the USA and mad boris in Uk, etc etc.. if you are goign to argue with me take a bit of time to check otherwise the sheeple might not get you ... and It is the mass that needs to make changes ..not me
a she a sheeple... people who follow without question...:p
Lemming, see above but move faster over the cliff edge,.!!
if all the curfews etc & fear & quarantines are because people are scared of dying, why dont you stop war (business) ? (kills 17 million per year)
and NOW you have the chance to change your way of life so that stress/pollution - causing cancer is stopped too , (killed 10 million last year) ... its clear that the majority should have taken their own personal precautions and the high-risk percentage kept in quarantine & protected if it is true..? stop fear-mongering and start being POSITIVE...
..................200324 ;
REdGEM#20_ScouserAbroad LIVing in anOpen PrisON of a local & global Police state
Chris Smith-Mypod > and please do NOT drive your car ever again, road deaths cause over 1 million fatalities a year... and vehicle PUMP 6 BILLION tonnes of poison into the atmosphere..
..................200323 _____________
Hello Mark, clearly we do not agree on some things (such as Brexit or Lfc :) but
I feel our basic aims are similar as is the "enemy" .. I wont give it a name,
I support such groups as "foodbanks" at the same time question how (the sheeple allowed)
it came to this state.. as we currently exist in a virtual opne prison of a global police state
.it is extreme, so whilst i am not sure about broadcast via access north west, we are part
of a global social network of 160 (REdS) groups worldwide linked to 900k..who in turn have their own contacts... so if you agree I would like to somehow ("we transfer"?) send you
a program (30 minutes) made on simple PC voice recorder today..and get your perspective
in an equal 30 minutes (also on Mp data file) to complete the program to be broadcast.
of course if you do not wish to do this, i will accept your bried response, without further discussion. "with HOPE in OUR hearts" ChRiS
Cs 200323 JP ref access n/west (Scouser Abroad)
From chris@ursun
Cc dawn.crvena@
Bcc mc
Reply-To inatteam@mypod
Hello Jason,
I am not sure what your status is, as we here are living in a "police state of emergency"
JK sent you a drop box program weeks , we could not tune in friday - we suffer also power cuts & off line interference constantly..
anyway, you may ,or someone at the station, at some stage wish to check this attached file to check if it complies (it may not)
the sheeple have mutated to lemmings seeking the sign " this way to the cliff edge" and everyone is "chatting on line" as the edge nears.. its karma, a world led by the donald duck president & mad boris etc doesnt deseve anything better!
loved Torres , gave me some of the best times, when scoring for RAFA's REdS ... ... all types of goals and DID not need it "put on a plate" (e.g. see slalom at marseille etc,..and many other similar... this echo BS is typical of "cherry pickers"" the people to blame for his going to chelski; the Lfc board, woys alehouse footy, and fan nies like u lot.. ..p.s. Aquilani same,, was injured almost all the first seeason,, then the a-holes removed Rafa.... but u forgive Naby for being "injury prone? FFS! look up the word "consistency" ?
Don (duck) trump-et, or mad boris (uk) mac ron , ..neither Obama (he who promoted drone attacks on civilians) are capable, YOU the people have to stop acting like lemmings .. where were you last year when 10 MILLION died from Cancer , or 6 million kids died worldwide from malnutrition related sickness etc ..and of course USAcorp/UK exported billions of usd of weapons so that more civilians died in wars than are likely to die from this "ternding virus" the hypocrisy is too LOUD , but the sheeple just ignore it and feed the fear monster,,
March 30, 2019 at 10:28 PM ·
at times like this, i really dont think yr "sheeple's human race" IS "humane" nor social..ha ha &..deserves its selfish suicide
1 year ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 30, 2019 at 12:15 PM ·
so all I have to do, is "promote" something to get it started by "them" ..because they arent as GOOD as me :p
Chris Smith-Mypod
Play footy in Podgorica
March 30, 2019 at 12:13 PM
ever since I recovered from a life threatening week in coma '95, every idea is "copied" & co-operative person, "seduced" .. LMAO!
1 year ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 30, 2019 at 10:08 AM ·
grow people ..first .. and join REdNET media team ..linked via unlimited numbers of groups worldwide to c 500,000 REds... and...
because... the most inventive people i know are "mavericks" the odd ones, who do not fit the box.. who risk despite the sheeple's disdain .so,,.join OUR friends at
For REdS supporters by REdS Worldwide, footy,…
For REdS supporters by REdS Worldwide, footy, Humour, music and more (
1 year ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 30, 2019 at 10:00 AM ·
grow people ..first .. the most inventive people i know are "mavericks" the odd ones, who do not fit the box.. who risk despite the sheeples disdain
Image may contain: possible text that says 'For a fair selection everybody has to take take the same exam: please climb that tree Our Education System "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." -Albert Einstein'
Grow Food, Not Lawns
March 29, 2019 at 2:14 PM ·
2 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 30, 2018 at 11:24 AM ·
For REdS supporters by REdS Worldwide, footy,…
For REdS supporters by REdS Worldwide, footy, Humour, music and more (
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 30, 2017 at 11:22 AM ·
Media/News Company · 680 Likes
REdNeT's photo.
Ian Golder
Chiara Menon
Harvey Tuttle
John Thompson
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 30, 2015 at 5:18 PM ·
another hacker 1.92 .. :) cant stop me ...and "that Karma virus" will get u in the end! :)
Image may contain: 1 person
2Juli Paskali and 1 other
1 Comment4 Shares
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 30, 2015 at 4:54 PM ·
Do something more than exist!
Image may contain: 1 person
No photo description available.
1Juli Paskali
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 30, 2015 at 10:28 AM ·
No photo description available.
Listya Evans updated her cover photo.
March 28, 2019 at 11:26 AM ·
The garden is coming along.. : "Edi M" has been joined by Rosemary and her flowery friends :) they survived the" wind & rain" and ..neighbours & their cat? ..
2 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 28, 2018 at 1:24 PM ·
a reminder how UK has joined USAcorp in the swamp.
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
March 28, 2018 at 1:04 PM ·
a reminder how UK has joined USAcorp in the swamp...
We caught up with a cast of political protagonists from UKIP’s Nigel Farage to the boss of Britain’s biggest union, Len McCluskey, as well as Jeremy Corbyn’s...
About this website
GE2017 Results: Jonathan Pie, Theresa May’s failures & who are the DUP? 485
We caught up with a cast of political protagonists from UKIP’s Nigel Farage to the boss of Britain’s biggest union, Len McCluskey, as well as Jeremy Corbyn’s...
1 Share
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 28, 2017 at 3:56 PM ·
Image may contain: text
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 28, 2017 at 3:24 PM ·
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
> lets "celebrate" ... See More
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"'s photo.
FRI, MAR 31, 2017
Celebrating 20 years of "WAG the Dog" and FUBAR media
You like A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 28, 2017 at 3:02 PM ·
... today as the BBC spend more time on a feminist rant about the old hags TM (almost the same initials as the B&tch MT>??_ ) than the destruction and murder of people by "allies" in Allepo and Mozul ...
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
> lets "celebrate" 20 years since I laughed my socks off at this.. and now i cant laugh any more at this sh&te and that YOU, the sheeple swallow anything your govt, / business sponsored media...
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above" added 41 new photos to the album: Fubar World.
March 28, 2017 at 2:52 PM
news a "news" more ridiculous than fiction ... "wag the dog" (film) is now "normal media ...
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 28, 2017 at 2:49 PM ·
thank you for that!
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
March 28, 2017 at 2:48 PM ·…/fubar-anti-chris.html thanks H-T!
the true story of "anti-ChriS" due to so much and so many of his communications being blocked, deleted, sabotaged and otherwise censored I...
About this website
Fubar + anti ChriS
the true story of "anti-ChriS" due to so much and so many of his communications being blocked, deleted, sabotaged and otherwise censored I...
1 Comment3 Shares
4 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 28, 2016 at 3:47 PM ·
No photo description available.
Chris Smith-Mypod
Not WWW0000fffing FREE Eco farm Montenego
March 28, 2016 at 3:45 PM · Podgorica
great "work " <sorry monty knee grins > for swearing!! ......... this morning, turned over soil and cleared away deadwood from the small plot in Dg...
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 28, 2015 at 2:40 PM ·
Chris Smith-Mypod
Play footy in Podgorica
March 28, 2015 at 2:40 PM…/confirmed-the-final-gerrard-a…
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 28, 2015 at 12:17 PM · .
Chris Smith-Mypod
Zeta Internationa1 Social & Cu1ture Club <org>
March 28, 2015 at 12:16 PM
"You decide now, to win & LIVE as a team or die as indivisuals " /.....
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 28, 2015 at 12:13 PM ·
spoilt by lazy Monty sheeple!!
Things to do in wild beauty - sta mislis raditi u zemlji divlje ljepote
May 29, 2014 at 7:31 AM
the beginning of something "beautiful" ? ..Y-our club at the Village
1 Share
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 28, 2015 at 12:10 PM ·
and by Dg in May 23 event ? river race....
Image may contain: 4 people, outdoor, water and nature
Sanja Vujovic is with Mico Blagojevic in Scepan-Polje.
August 10, 2013 at 5:35 PM
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 28, 2015 at 11:57 AM ·
Gem > Daily Horoscope
"Power and generosity of spirit make your heart centre open today. You have an opportunity to make a big, positive change in your love life. You may learn something new about your partner. If you are single, you could find yourself attracted to someone dramatically different...."
danced with "the girls" last night and forgot my pullover,,,,thanks Kristina , Andela and the "pettite dancer" :) good time, music ok but too full at the end (to move ..) so i came back to Dg
..........wag the dog...PLUS!!
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above" — Dialogue Amy Cain: But there isn't a B-3 bomber. Conrad Brean: Where'd you go to school, kid? Wellesly? Cain: Dartmouth. Brean: Then show a little spunk. There Is no B-3 Bomber. General Scott, the best of your knowledge, is not in Seattle to talk with Boeing... Winifred Ames: It won't hold, Connie, it won't prove out. Brean: We don't need it to prove out. We've got less than two weeks till the election, so we just need to distract them. Ames: What on Earth would do that? Brean: Well, I'm working on that. Ames: Why Albania? Brean: Why not? Ames: What have they done to us? Brean: What have they done FOR us? What do you know about them? Ames: Nothing. Brean: See? They keep to themselves. Shifty. Untrustable. Brean: What's the thing people remember about the Gulf War? A bomb falling down a chimney. The truth: I was in the building where we shot that shot, with a one-tenth scale model made out of Legos. Stanley Motss: Is that true? Brean: How the fuck should we know? Take my point? Brean: You can't tell anyone about this. Tracy Lime: It's, like, a union thing? [pause] What would they do if I did tell someone about this? Brean: [smiling] They could come to your house in the middle of the night and kill you. Brean: Let me ask you a simple question: Why do people go to war? CIA Agent Charlie Young: I'll play your silly game. Brean: Okay. Why do people go to war? Young: To ensure their way of life. Brean: Would you go to war to do that? Young: I have. Brean: And if you went to war again, who would it be against? Your ability to fight a two-ocean war against who? Who? Sweden and Togo? That time is passed. It's over. The war of the future is nuclear terrorism, and it'll be against a small group of dissidents who, unbeknownst perhaps to their own government, have... blah blah blah. To go to that war, you have to be prepared, you gotta be alert, the public has gotta be alert. Because that is the war of the future, and if you're not gearing up to fight that war, then eventually the axe will fall, and you're gonna be out on the street. You can call this a drill, you can call this job security, you can call it anything you like. But I got one for you: You said go to war to preserve your way of life? Well, Chuck, this is your way of life. And if your spy satellites don't see nothin', if there ain't no war, then you can go home and prematurely take up golf, my friend. 'Cause there ain't no war but ours. Motss: It's all, you know, thinking ahead, thinking ahead. That's what producing is. Brean: It's like being a plumber. Motss: Yeah, it's like a plumber: do your job right and nobody should notice. But when you fuck it up, everything gets full of shit. Motss: As long as he gets his medications, he's fine. Ames: What if he doesn't get them? Motss: He's not fine. Motss: What do you think about lining the President up for the Peace Prize? Brean: Our job's over come election day. Motss: Yeah, but c'mon... Brean: What, just for the symmetry of the thing? [Motss nods] Well, if Kissinger can win the Peace Prize, I wouldn't be surprised if I woke up and found I'd won the Preakness. Motss: Yeah, but our guy did bring peace. Brean: There was never a war. Motss: All the greater accomplishment.
March 28, 2017
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A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above" — Added an album
March 28, 2017
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A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above" — ... today as the BBC spend more time on a feminist rant about the old hags TM (almost the same initials as the B&tch MT>??_ ) than the destruction and murder of people by "allies" in Allepo and Mozul ...A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"> lets "celebrate" 20 years since I laughed my socks off at this.. and now i cant laugh any more at this sh&te and that YOU, the sheeple swallow anything your govt, / business sponsored media...and I havent even mentioned Don T !! :p
March 28, 2017
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March 27, 2017 ·
the most evolutionary solution to the worlds problems is to distribute people back to the village, reduce city congestion, reduce pollution , reduce the stress of long working hours and its affects on family, and ...remove the likes of IBM and their CEOs old fashioned hierarchy invest in local and small enterprise, stop cloning sheeple , support and evolve human beings with their own creativity and share the wealth of this planet INSTEAD !…/innovative-ibm-kills-working-fro…
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 26, 2019 at 12:54 PM · I am not a a fan of "american rugby" but,, the film is by oliver stone and well made... the part i like most is .. speech by "coach Domato" (Pachino) " we win as a team and lose as individuals reminds of Shanks ..and is a messge that should be used by teams, clubs , communities , local and global.. smile emoticon and the last sceen with Tony and Willy ..about the feeling of going through it together, in my life my teams were always this way...
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Chris Smith-Mypod
E.L(s)S.U.N: "Balkan REDS" (Union of Reds Supporters) Global
March 26, 2015 at 11:33 AM I am not a a fan of "american rugby" but,, the film is by oliver stone and well made... the part i like most is .....
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1David Hudson
1 year ago
Monte Crvena
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 26, 2019 at 9:55 AM ·
shame the live video (yesterday evening from Podgorica) didn't come out properly due to wifi connection breaks , NL tried to keep connected but it was a pity because Chris Smith-Mypod had a great footy discussion with the lads ; fans of Roma, Partizan, Wham ...and ManU !!
not eng ur lund fans , who insulted Celts so got excuded - will do this meeting again , probably pre record radio if not vid (as ChRIS says " I 've got the perfect face... for radio!" :)
Image may contain: 1 person
Monte Crvena
March 26, 2019 at 9:54 AM
shame the live video didnt come out properly due to wifi connection breaks ,supergirl-monday (NL) tried to keep connected but it was a pity because Chris Smith...
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1 year ago
Monte Crvena
2 Comments2 Shares
2 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 26, 2018 at 7:24 PM ·
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
March 26, 2018 at 7:24 PM ·
More information and credits can be found on IMDb I have filtered comments containing links to Twitter and phrases like ...
About this website
The Secret Life Of Brian: Documentary on the Monty Python film
More information and credits can be found on IMDb I have filtered comments containing links to Twitter and phrases like ...
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 26, 2015 at 11:33 AM · I am not a a fan of "american rugby"....
E.L(s)S.U.N: "Balkan REDS" (Union of Reds Supporters) Global
March 26, 2015 at 11:33 AM I am not a a fan of "american rugby" but,, the film is by oliver stone and well made... the part i like most is .....
See More
6 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 26, 2014 at 3:09 PM ·
probably one of my 2 lifelong friends...! (can u guess the other?) never alone when I have music!
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The Amazing Facts is with Cristian Sepúlveda and 6 others.
March 25, 2014 at 3:15 PM ·
Join Our Page ☛ The Amazing Wild Nature
1Sanja Raičković
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 24, 2019 at 9:05 PM ·…/it-is-y-our-mon-tv-da… 2012
this is still , even more, true that when written 7 years ago, as the Hushed up talk of the murder of 96 of our brothers & sisters 30 years ago, at Hillsborough by government that continues to destroy the rights of social equality..
March 23, 2019 at 3:56 PM ·
Evolving #REdNET into REdGEM alternative social media ..
1 year ago
Monte Crvena
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 24, 2019 at 3:34 PM ·
and they cant sing like LIVERPOOL supporters do ! :)
Monte Crvena
March 24, 2019 at 3:31 PM
my local
caffe is "entertaining" about 100 eng-ur-lund fans .. party until 04h this morning (Podgorica Montenegro) :(
1 year ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his status.
March 24, 2019 at 1:45 PM ·
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
1Rhoda McCaughey
1 Comment1 Share
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his cover photo.
March 24, 2017 at 9:52 PM ·
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4 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 24, 2016 at 10:56 AM · Podgorica ·
. I can not message , because the "friends at US agency" block me ...IN A "FREE society" ask yourself why they "censor" alternatives...!
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No photo description available.
6 years ago
Viajando de Sur a Sur is with Flor Fuer and Chris Smith-Mypod.
March 24, 2014 at 4:15 PM ·
Flor, Chris y Baggi
See Translation
Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, sky, car and outdoor
6Lola Zarate, Seka Radojevic and 4 others
6 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 24, 2014 at 11:00 AM ·
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Robin Rice And The Body Beautiful
March 23, 2014 at 12:21 PM ·
A little smile for your day!
6 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 24, 2014 at 10:55 AM ·
Things to do in wild beauty - sta mislis raditi u zemlji divlje ljepote
25 Members
Christopher Richard Smith's photo.
Harvey Tuttle
Sebastian Ourracariet
David Novak
Margareta Pavlovic
7 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 24, 2013 at 1:40 PM ·
The last person to enter parliament with honest intentions was Guy Fawkes.
March 24, 2013 at 11:38 AM ·
Hear that Tories? Hear that America?
Words from a man who was democratically voted in, in landslide victories 4 times.
7 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 24, 2013 at 1:39 PM ·
No photo description available.
I fucking love science
March 22, 2013 at 11:04 PM ·
Poor, misunderstood spiders.
8 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod added 65 new photos to the album: More+.
March 24, 2012 at 2:07 PM ·
65 Photos
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8 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 24, 2012 at 1:39 PM ·
No photo description available.
8 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 24, 2012 at 1:36 PM ·
every day....dictators (on facebook or other aspects of the net) ruin your lives...every day corrupt people make this planet dirtier, every day corrupt "officials" get away with it, every day the mass looks away, the public ignores their friends who cheat, every day people get weaker and every day more kids suffer, and their future goes down the toilet with the choking of the air...but s its ok, enjoy yr weekend..its sunny! ..come on U REdS ! ;) wink wink!
March 23, 2019 at 4:12 PM ·
March 23, 2019 at 3:56 PM ·
Evolving #REdNET into REdGEM alternative social media ..
2 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 23, 2018 at 11:31 AM ·
Crossed the "dimensions" last night.. waking up from a dream in a dream , 5th time in my life... somethings going to happen soon..;)
Image may contain: cloud, nature, text and outdoor
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 23, 2017 at 5:56 PM ·
or London... dont trust the media... London... kids killed in "distant places" are ignored ... but the whole of the western media stops with breaking news when 1 policeman is stabbed in London ( then 3 others allegedly killed) .. all the experts interviews have prepared statements .. London in :locl down" as if it was a drill.
.. the London police chief "ASS U ME S it was IS il " .. and its exactly 1 year after the "Brussels" att a ck... (that they broad casted) ...and coincides with the alternative news release ..quoted THE UK IS NOW THE WORLDS 2ND BIGGEST SUPPLIER OF WEAPONS... AND GUESS where the weapons go....
later "is is claim it was do we know ?? do they have an official spokesmen at mainstream media? western governments and business fund the wars and sell weapons most to the middle east, its not even Karma, because you cant believe ANYthing the govt or media tell you, unless you are REALLY stupid, sheeple!!
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his cover photo.
March 23, 2017 at 11:23 AM ·
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his profile picture.
March 23, 2015 at 9:29 AM ·
5Snezana Vucurovic, Juli Paskali and 3 others
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 23, 2015 at 8:10 AM ·
that hurt!
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1Jakkirt Sangnoi
8 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
March 23, 2012 at 12:23 PM ·
late night , early morning with "Wyatt" at Berlin Cafe, ;) sunny day, brunch in the garden,,, no office ...!
CRS; Montv six memories...too ;
June 6, 2014
Eco Village - design TEST ... others to consider...
March 26, 2019 at 12:15 PM ·
Stevie G!
;).......for #19 "I think of her skin as smooth as silk,
and her lips as drinky as milk,
.... her breasts, as smooth as a pebble...
I dream of her form , oh so vital..
but most of all, I want the Title..!!!!! " ... again #19
but if she is so much trouble, why not dream of the double?"
greetings---------@RedAlieNeT -updated-censoREDS;-
for ALL REdNET friends (500,000?) linked worldwide
European REd loyal Supporters Club a.k.a "REdS abroad"
Red EVolution
; weekly @
"what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity"
#censoREDS #LbiRD #REdNET
Si..dol Dol
March 26, 2019 at 12:52 AM
Geerard memang ok
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2Kenny Long and Chuka Nwokoro
2 Comments2 Shares
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 26, 2019 at 5:05 AM ·
what's on my mind this morning.?? you ask me???
.. hatred by ignorance , racism, walls , the human race into stupidity, fixit instead of Brexit, selfish / idiot politicians and sheeple following them.. WAR! .(.is a deliberate.. business.)..POLLUTION , wasted kids ... ...and THIRTY years of Hillsborough, with NO JUSTICE! for anyone .."civilization" what a sick joke...
Image may contain: 1 person
5Lorna Proctor, Sitompul Edwin and 3 others
2 years ago
Gloria Cario Saludo Galamiton
Christopher Richard Smith
March 26, 2018 at 1:41 AM · Cagayan de Oro, Philippines ·
Good morning — at Salay mis.or.
Image may contain: outdoor, water and nature
3 Comments2 Shares
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith is with Мијајловић Јован.
March 26, 2017 at 9:00 PM ·
my youth team are at the game Fifa WC qualification Montenegro V poland tonight
... typical over exaggerated paranoia of FIFA/FSCG
, Podgorica is in "security lock down" as if football fans are enemies of the state (guarantee their bent president will claim the fame, if they qualify... ) ... See More
Image may contain: 3 people
7Goran Cosovic and 6 others
4 Comments11 Shares
5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith added a new photo to the album: filMs.
March 26, 2015 at 11:12 AM ·
Image may contain: 5 people, text
March 25, 2018 at 6:45 AM ·
I am ... Nikole Tesle ..without the tech,, Ghandi, without a Religion,, Lennon, without the tune,
Mandela, without the nation, Martin L-K, without the colour, "the kop" ..without the (modern) fans...
Robin Hood, without arraws, Geronimo, without a horse, Shanks, without a club, I am a leader without an army, A general without a war, a Manager without an office...:)
an advocate, without a law, A Rebel without his flag, and ...A father, without a child,
a husband without a wife..I am ME, without you!.....Alone and all one...without limits .... complete.! ..
Christopher Richard Smith updated his status.
March 23, 2019 at 8:19 AM ·
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
1 Share
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 23, 2019 at 7:43 AM ·
with Best wishes all true REdS; ; @ REdNET via c500,000 worldwide
& See More
Crvena Dawn
Christopher Richard Smith
March 22, 2019 at 1:08 PM…/update-hating-pau…
interim Supporters CLUB log (hating the pause) @ UPdate REd NET ...
About this website
Update; Hating the pause )pre Spurs) and puasing for INTELLIGENT REdS ..evolution!
interim Supporters CLUB log (hating the pause) @ UPdate REd NET ...
1 Share
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 23, 2019 at 7:26 AM ·
Best wishes all true REdS; ; @ REdNET via c500,000 worldwide &
SUPPORT REd Evolution!
YNWA/ J-96+30yrs... See More
LFC Online
March 14, 2019 at 5:13 PM ·
Bobby Firmino song in the Allianz Arena after Liverpool's victory over Bayern Munich. (vid: Wil Wilson)
3Sitompul Edwin, Ye Mya Naing and 1 other
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 23, 2018 at 5:46 AM ·
No photo description available.
Image may contain: 1 person
Christopher Richard Smith
March 23, 2018 at 5:43 AM
A Moment..... B....Quiet ... C.. consider.... D...Dream
and E.... Evolve your universe!
Christopher Richard Smith
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 23, 2018 at 5:43 AM ·
A Moment..... B....Quiet ... C.. consider.... D...Dream
and E.... Evolve your universe!
Christopher Richard Smith
No photo description available
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 23, 2017 at 9:43 AM ·
Christopher Richard Smith
European REd loyal Supporters Club a.k.a "REdS abroad"
March 23, 2017 at 9:43 AM…/…
modern Lfc Fans = FUBaR! A DECADE ... 10 years , wih ONE 2nd class cup on show... (& ywankers duly sacked Kenny ) 10 years of USAcorp...
About this website
modern Lfc Fans = FUBaR!
modern Lfc Fans = FUBaR! A DECADE ... 10 years , wih ONE 2nd…
modern Lfc Fans = FUBaR! A DECADE ... 10 years , wih ONE 2nd class cup on show... (& ywankers duly sacked Kenny ) 10 years of USAcorp...
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 23, 2017 at 8:56 AM ·
the sheeple are so easily manipulated by bogus & fake media on BBC, CNN, RT and all major Tv channels.. its Fecking exagerated to distract you from what going on,,, in other parts of the world where non white kids are being killed or starved by govt and business interests that your money funds,,,
FFS! wake up!
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3Rita Nair, Ero García Fernández and 1 other
4 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 23, 2016 at 10:33 AM ·
just a few words about "media and political perception" during "global knee - Jerking" because the average person is bombarded with mis-leading information about the world you live in, when US media people ask why Europe is not on "high security shut down mode" ?? ...ask them how many people are MURDERED by GUNs daily in USA (as many as 90!) thats more than killed In Paris AND year 2015 the USA murdered about 12000 AMERICANS! ... by making guns easy to acquire and use..and a violent society! Intelligent people should come together and WISE up the sheeple! .. do not trust the media! (nor ANY politicians)
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1 Comment14 Shares
5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
March 23, 2015 at 8:30 AM ·
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Christopher Richard Smith
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
March 23, 2015 at 8:29 AM
The unbelievable & immediate exit of Stevie at the start of the 2nd half left a massive hole in this match, the effect of Atkinsons decision to delete Gerrard from the game virtually handed the 3 points to the mancs... and for me a sick and bitter feeling ...anyone who follows the REdS who is not filled with EMPATHY for Steven in his last season with OUR club, is NO SUPPORTER...
I feel for THE MAN!.... dont you??????????
The Liverpool team didnt look ready at the start , but...the mancs started better, with a defensive structure and Rooney their danger man..
I proposed in pre match notes that Stevie should be in the game from the start, (I am sure Rooney and co were pleased when he didnt start!) .BR must note that Stevie was obviosuly attempting to "make up" for the previous 45 minutes,...
OF COURSE, the REd card was extreme, and Atkinson IS yet another Ref who rarely does us favours, we lost the imputus from the kick off..(its the usual BS, diego Costa (who is a " known baddie" )escaped in our match v chelski after stamping on CAN AND SKRTEL in the SAME game!) . I wanted Studge and Raheem up front , these 2 course hurt any defence , Sterlngs danger blunted by his deeper role.. and despite Allen doing fairly well, no way should he selected in front of Stevie..
the mancs were first to the ball, we didnt show "fight" until late in the first half and 2nd half..too late, Utd had the confidence by then , the 10 men looked desperate and although Studge scored a fine goal our creativity was deminished..
Skrtel and co defended well and the mancs had few chances.. i didnt see any replays to show if Mata was on side for the second... but ... for me anothet "desperate" move putting on Balo, just meant we relayed too much on long balls which their defence mostly coped with.
what contribution did "Joe the Hobbit" offer? Phil was crowded out of a packed midfield where Hendo and Allen struggled..
Lalla should have buried the only clear chance Lfc had in the first half with Studge setting it up..
We should have had Studge and Sterling strking and pushing the mancs back from the off , but we had less than 40% possession in the first half, and no corners at HOME!... improved in the 2nd half after the "freak Red card" ..consiferding Jones "took out" Hendo and only got a yellow. and falation was , as usual , fouling everyone in sight,,,
it was obvious even at H-T that Allen (with a yellow against him) shoudl make way for Stevie..I could accept Lallana staying on because of his energy , but of course BR always sees a different game to me..
even towards the end we were far too deep to "damage" them, and for me BR gets "done" in too many big games against experienced managers who "suss us out"...
Carra and Didi were wrong... and the "qualification" mentality that is now embeded in our once "Champion club" is lost.... too many just see "getting to europe" as the target,,. and again "managing expectations" will be the theme of BRs excuses ...
oh sh&te how to ruin my sunday and due the fecking international weekend we must wait.. to go to arsenal... and with Stevie probably missing the next 3 league games.. we need to win the cup replay to win a trophy....WE are LIVERPOOL ?? well someone needs to inform the "management"..
TEam ... Mignolet, Can, Skrtel, Sakho, Henderson, Allen, Moreno, Sterling, Lallana, Coutinho, Sturridge
bench : Jones, Johnson, Toure, CApt STEVEN Gerrard, Lambert, Lucas, Balotelli
6 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith added 21 new photos to the album: March without Madness NOW madness here #20!
March 23, 2014 at 12:16 PM ·
with worldwide Greetings :) in the midst of madness LIVING in an OPEN PRISON of a local & GLOBAL police state..
+ from REdS abroad members, with almost 900k linked via 160+ groups + worldwide & friends of & all TRUE REdS!
be well ! be strong, WE TRUE REdS are the CLUB; WE are LIVERPOOL
its spring , I am in shorts , t-shirt & flip - flops .... on the other side i GET .."hay fever" ..sneezing, itchy throat & eyes streaming, BUT I move on, GET on with life .. and that is how we live , we OVERCOME , and should look for the positives..
"with HOPE in our HEARTS" ...You'll never walk alone..J-96_30yrs.!
"what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity" if you CARE about OUR club...LIVERPOOL belongs to OUR people,.(#REdGEM) ..worldwide....
& please take time to absorb...
and share our video with your friends ?
.... with GOOD wishes , from my "academy"
& manager of…/the-world-is-full-of-rons-sh…
banned ;
reminders ;…/montv-series-missiona…
March without Madness NOW madness here #20!
21 Photos
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3Mugabi Rush Elijah, Maria Ko and 1 othe
plus mainSCREAMedia;
BS-ing #mommy-faker...
...whilst the fan nies and fen way cloned will mostly select scorers ; I would have Emlyn in my TEAM OF ANY DECADE .. HE was Stevie & Hendo & VVD in one CAPTAIN (Shanks on the field) ..Clem, Cormack, Kevin? ..Ray, Macdermott, SOUNESS, Hansen, DALGLISH, Barnes, Macca, Robbie... and there are 30 more than could qualify as first team players..easily..![]() |
scorpions in a bucket; blue mancs, UEFA, FIFA & the FA/EPL one is innocent here ; they only think about TV money... no to playing in empty stadiums its unreal without supporters,,, if they had any honour... or cared about players & supporters,, give LIVERPOOL the trophy and have a long summer break & proper pre-season ...