MY take on the current sheeple hysteria..
"mad cow disease part 3" .. (although maggies gone!)
is that Pres. donald (duck) trump-et decided to spark the madness, because he dont want to travel or shake hands with "foreigners...of colour"
see the BANNED blog which dares to question the "establishment manipulation of the global sheeple.."
calendat of more "ron" info, a.k.a. mainSCREAMedia, a.k.a .. MFN (mommy faker news )
somalian (people) exactly?? killed by US(elrss) drone, OBAMAs men say
"all militants" no other casualties! .. ?? considering the drones
employed since 09 have only hit between
5-10% of their "targeets" and the US fail to identify who else they
hit...(no surprise!) I suggest anyone who pays tax to the USA govt,
FUNDS a TERRORIST ORG?????…/nobody-knows-the-identity-of-th…/
been inculcated to view the world the way a 6-year-old watches
cartoons: Bad Guys should be killed, and that’s the end of the story. more "blasts from the past " below..*
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name IF I lay my vengeance upon thee.
fear BS trendy virus that might just be another flu or meninGITis that they have you no longer able to "gather in public" and stop the human greeting, no more shaking hands, .. "polakovirus" ?
no... it is "mad cow" or " crown virus" or really ;
... idiotsheeplevirus... ?
with ..
greetings also from friends of MEd1A TEAM of groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV/ and SUPPORT from REdNET.Sclog/ and associated groups..worldwide (anon)
Sponsoring : plus
"Scouser abroad" (censoREdS) via #REdGEM
..........200308 and, ... Lfc players also stopped from shaking hands, next they will have them wearing Petr Cech helmets & masks and "protection" like those pathetic USA rugby players .. ha ha ha ..
how easy people are conned into panic..
Mark A>
Many years ago I needed a hammer drill. There were no hire shops and no-one I knew had one so I had to buy one. Cost me over a ton at the time. I've still got it but have never used it since. What a waste. People are so obsessed with ' owning ' stuff these days and the concept of sharing and being a good neighbour seems to have been lost. Remember back in the day when your ma's friend used to knock to ' borrow ' a cup of sugar? 😁.
This is what we need to rediscover. I have no faith in this government to deliver anything whatsoever but that doesnt mean we are helpless. When you see a homeless person why dont you just stop and say hello. Even if you cant help out financially, simple social interaction can in itself be a great help. Feeling isolated and lonely is not a great state to be in and we certainly dont need government to express our humanity.
The creation of food banks ,no matter how they came about, to me is a tangible expression of our humanity and should be embraced and used as a rallying point and to help forge a better way of living without being slaves to consumerism.
If our government wont help us then there is nothing stopping us helping ourselves.
Chris > cannot rely on anyone except our own "Liverpool way" Good to re- form the sort of society I enjoyed as a kid, my Ma always left our back door open, to neighbours who came in and she would make a cuppa and deal with their problems like a voluntary councilor, I learnt so much from those days and our footy team all used to go to the cafe after playing the game, and if anyone one of our team needed help we were there, no need to be asked, same later when traveling to watch games, one lad lost(!) his wallet ,at barca (2007?) we all chipped in 50e in the pot and found him a ticket .. it was "natural" thanks to the conditioning of politics, business & selfishness its seen as :strange" ... uptight negative "political correct" and "mad cow type virus panic" all need over coming... I wont stop shaking hands wishes to all who come l here... be SUPPORTERS!
..................200304 ...
....Daniel '
doubt JK will risk many key first team players he prefers them to have repair time (4 days) i f possible,,and doesn't Chirivella also deserves to continue in FA cup.?.. I propose ; giving hungry & fresh players the game and let the first team sort themselves out for the home game saturday , dont want to lose 2 on the run.. and get form back pre Atleti.. Adrian; Nico, Matip, Dejan , Milly, Chirivella, Lallana, Naby, Minamino, Curtis, , and play Origi in his preferred CF role ..(not on the wing) pre chelski v LIVERPOOL res.
with greetings also from friends of MEd1A TEAM of and SUPPORT from and associated groups..worldwide (anon)
Sponsoring : plus
"Scouser abroad" Access North West
ChRiS> sure, its clear/// (replied to Frank Carlyle 's show ) the "winter break" hasn't helped the Team performances, JK said it was not a "surprise" but he didn't expect this, well, with one shot in the first half, he needed to make a dramatic change, I get it that he has mastered a "controlled performance: by the team in most games, but surely he can "unleash" the undoubted talent in this squad against such opposition that need to be attacked with energy and positive action,
too many "neutral passes" which is ok it needing to take steam out of a game, but our team are at its best when at high tempo all out attack, we can afford to lose goals if we are scoring plenty, lets see some "full throttle " footy again... ... and it is no good fans simply blaming one player, the whole team were at fault, Robbo , at least showed :"fight" and the lack of energy is worrying..
Mark Anthony Ed Gilchrist i am quite capable of attack v fascisTORY rule or USAcorp or anyone else, ta very much.,..
for the Mark & Ed show... have either of you LIVED abroad? do you know what its like to be an imigrant? do u ever wonder how THEY see such comments? anyway, whatever your intentions are, you portray the aspects that i cannot recognise in the multi cultural LIVERPOOL society I grew up in..
....... .. what about the Lfc Team, "foreigners" employed instead of english ? used to refer Enoch Powell, tory racist of the time, using cheap IRISH workers as a reason english were unemployed, whilst pakistani/indian workers were doing the jobs the english who woudlnt lower themselves to do, you get the society your sheeple deserve? the UK "colonised" half the planet, raping foreign states of their riches and imposing "christian rule" ... und...
that is now a sort of "karma" that people from around the world want the UK to take care of them...sort of poetic justice IMO
...............200225 ..
I am ... Nikole Tesle ..without the tech,, Ghandi, without a Religion,, Lennon, without the tune,
Mandela, without the nation, Martin L-K, without the colour, "the kop" ..without the (modern) fans...
Robin Hood, without arrows, Geronimo, without a horse, Shanks, without a club, I am a leader without an army, A general without a war,
an advocate, without a law, A Rebel without his flag, and ...A father, without a child,
with best wishes & greetings from friends at groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV
----------------------- *
access N/W "community" radio station.. ; atten mr. Jason P..
truly relevant at a time when it seems this station will also get "censored" .. its bad enough on f book, where if they claim we "break the community rules" they just refer us to their "standards" with no other explanation... imagine you are stopped in your car by the police and have your car confiscated ...and the police station just shows you a law book? why do sheeple accept todays daily violations of rights..."Good men & women doing NOTHING and accepting even voting for facism.. my parents are not alive to see the decline ..they fought against with their lives..
______________________________________ (also "censored" too often
Updated pre Liverpool rezzies v blues MERSEYside derby FAcup
best wishes to all true REdS & updated
still true & still banned.. by the mindless goons that YOU, the sheeple empower!
oh so its another chance
for another little poem, no dance
as you @Tamara Dekker too far away..
so i hope you have the best day...
& more x
p.s. still waiting for your visit !! ..????? :p
![]() |
still wanting to get tickets for this?????? |
just how stupid are YOU? sheeple on this planet, shining rocks called "diamonds" u kill for, OR "gold" is just metal that shines?
December 30, 2016 ·
Subject: tears through a closing door
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 23:36:18 +0200
From: "ChRiS"
To: "team yafoy"
in my arms for a minute
in my view for an hour
forever possessing my heart
thats my little girl
today in the rain
i surpress the pain
to be with her again
before she leaves on a train
what does a woman know
how a father feels
denied his flesh and blood
wounds my soul and never heals
how can humanity survive
is anyone alive
caring about the future years
has cost me more than five
losing time is bad enough
whilst time passes me by
her tears cut me in half
as we once again say good bye.....
through a closing door...
ChRiS Smith
- yafoy assoc.
WorldChild Initiative
"For the sake of the Children"
so Emma a little birthday "poem" for you..
so I used to see you there..
at the cafe of Linda , and dare..
to say "hello' on matchday..
so you might know..
that I do i exist, but i too, like to have fun,
and I am sure i am not the only one..
in your fan club and anyway,,
i hope you have a great...DAY!
x ChRiS
p,.s, sending "2lips" (dreaming) because u didn't like the roses that i sent ha ha ha..
more.. Memories: ......................
March 6, 2015 at 8:44 AM ·
watching Camelot tv show last night (with Claire Forlani and Joseph Joseph Fiennes?) ..
a fictional Reminder how (if legend or not) that the TRUE community concept ( violated by those pretending to apply "communism" which has never BEEN APPLIED on this planet by any nation...... the idea of a ROUND table where every member of the community has equal status..

: "
Your love life heats up all of a sudden, with unexpected romantic opportunities flying fast and furious. You and your partner are filled with energy and enthusiasm right now. You may be thinking about a more formal or secure relationship soon." ,,,,keep on talking about "my partner" where are you ???? ha ha ha.... :"
March 6, 2017 at 9:19 AM ·
statement from ChriSmitH .."Self declared "global public enemy number ONE"
... " not sure that any of the fake politicians, sheeple or mainscream pop-media can count above, 1, so i chose a number ypu can remember when you crucify me...BECAUSE... i have spent time with MANY Russians and other known criminals.. I DECLARE , I also once had a friend from Iran who used to discuss anti-establishment thoughts with me..i formed a facegroup called Chris smith v the U S of A .. (stands for United Slime of a&&holes) ..
i think the TV series "homeland" is almost realistic in showing the cunning stunts of the security agencies and c1a , NSA and fbi etc ... I believe the USA and UK have become fascist states and should build walls to keep Don T, Tw&t May, 2 Pence, and Mad Boris and their followers INside it... (and the same goes for adolfs fans in the EU)
.. I regularly have FOREIGN people to stay in my home... yes even Muslims and "christians" and an Israeli too... .. i am anti-war (sorry if that offends all the N a T o and military business puppets ) and still searching for intelligence of this mess of a planet... and openly believe that an intelligent for of SOCIALISM,, (I call it " community-team" ) is the only chance for a positive future to survive the "American dream = global nightmare"
I have evolutionary ideas to stop the POLLUTION of the air, water , land and minds of our children as young people still join the "system" the equivalent of a 3rd class ticket on the titanic " I do not accept that the state and their goons are able to read, delay, delete or censor my communications...
therefore I am just sitting drinking tea whilst waiting for the goon squad, to cut me off and break down the doors... so if I disappear, you all know why....
and I vote #noneoftheabove
March 6, 2017 at 8:37 PM ·
Monte Crvena
March 6, 2017 at 8:28 PM ·
Leslie , Julie, Sarah & Ayoub, Hosted in Podgorica, (Pg)
visit to Virpazar, boat on Skda lake, ,
cooked in CS kitchen
nd 2 nights drinking & dancing at "Caffe Berlin" (Pg)
...and emotions.
. then farewell brunch burek & yoghurt
before leaving to unknown locations in "Monty"
March 5, 2016 · Podgorica ·
recommended viewing ; "the insider" ...accurate recount of a TRUE story of the "whistleblower" who dared to expose the ADDICTIVE POISON within cigarettes... & the USA tobacco industry making profit out of killing YOU! ... (oh when will they censor me permanently?) ;) ... educated people are making canabis LEGAL in THEIR countries , but those who dont simply want to TAX you on the poison you voluntarily consume... ha ha ..intelligent Life on this planet?// ?? unlikely...and rare!
March 3, 2016 at 11:57 AM · Tesla
and the USA business powers destroyed his legacy due to commercial greed and public ignorance
Image may contain: 1 person
John A. Harris
US History
January 20, 2016 at 12:36 AM
The Voice of Prophecy
Anyone out there "brave" enough to join the respond to their continual interference with emails, sms, websites, facebook, Abnb, couchsurfing or any of your communications? ...." Monty" reminds me of the "magnificent 7" story... only when the "farmers" (YOU!?) stand up and fight back does the oppression end...
(they even block charitable inititaives FFS!)
its always up to YOU!!
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
March 2, 2017 ·
hello MJF .. I became a pro "strategic manager" and studied the tactic of "leaders" , generals,politicians and "advisors" before I "dropped out" and formed my own F & U mission i met many who manipulate and turn the sheeple one way or another...they are considered to be the evil cause of the mess this world is in...however, since challenging a ll aspects of society in the last 20 years, and through charity and voluntary initiatives dealing with grass roots issues...... blame the sheeple... #noneoftheabove is a worthy banner to associate and anon too,....... but fear rules even the keyboard warriors who are scared to take responsibility... and those in power know and use that......the names change, the location changes but BS reigns supreme, i have experienced many different cultures, but behind the cultural camouflage, are the same villains , and sheeple, but fewer and fewer heroes who will stand up purely because its what needs to be done, , and for no other reason!…/could-our-future-nurses-caregive…
Goodness save us from technical stupidity, already humans rely FAR too much on technology
rather than developing artificial "intelligence" as the local and global society becomes more stupid.
man should develop natural abilities and become stronger instead ....
Human empathy is being lost, in the "fast food, commercial obsession, stop feeding the monster that will kill you.
drop out of the system, work less and take care of your fellow human being dont give power to machines or
the madmen that invent more of them ... ! its madness!
March 1, 2019 ·
Friends, come & join members of the Kipa's dojo ...a very special place to be..
admission for new members from Monday, March 4.
See you!
Kip's judo
King Nicholas 73 / next to lovcen insurance / across the way old masinske , Stara Varos, Podgorica,
Montenegro ("Monty")
February 28, 2019 ·
Dad would have been 85 today, loved, missed and thought about by us every single day, happy birthday dad ❤️❤️
5 Years Ago
See Your Memories
REdNeT added 32 new photos to the album: Istanbul , memories and FIVE times! :).
February 26, 2015 ·
Team at BEsiktas/..Mignolet, Toure, Lovren, Skrtel, Moreno, Ibe, Can, Allen, Sterling, Sturridge, Balotelli. bench : Ward, Manquillo, Lallana, Borini, Brannagan, Williams, Lambert.
February 26, 2017 ·
watched "Founder" film ....
based on the story of the 2 mac donald bros and "franchise" Roy (Croc *adile) ? the start of factory fast food and as jamie exposed the rotten prodcuts and business it became, based on the usual USA style of biz,... quantity over quality! same as the politics ,,, winning is everything... no matter who they hurt , local or global...
talking of ham..
. the Mancs are the football equivalent...FAN chisers
fcbusiness Magazine
Manchester United Appoint New CEO Of Media
and J W Henry (F ecking S limy G roup ) is following in the same money mad way! faker or fanchisers...?…/How-McDonald-s-founder-cheated…
February 26, 2015 ·
"if we stick together" "and stay loyal" they can never beat us//" :)
ther idiots blocked the "RED nose charity initiative " this morning STUPID ..buGG&rs!!
Gem> Daily Horoscope
"You may have had some hard words with a loved one recently, perhaps even your significant other. Yet despite the disagreement there is a greater understanding possible. All you have to do is keep an open mind, and be accepting even if you don't agree....25/26th..."You are definitely looking at a vacation, and it seems that the planning is getting away from you a little bit. Your dreams are pretty big, and a sudden bargain may come your way because of someone else's misfortune. You might be able to find travel deals online"
Ordinary Decent Criminal Trailer
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