Whilst politicians make grand statements and national governments promote or "protect" their borders I REMIND YOU THAT WE ARE IN THE YEAR 2015
ISnt it TIME that you started to be " HUMAN (E) BEings????
use the many hundreds of empty houses in the Balkans...
(for example) as there are many migrants and refugees travelling through the region...
refugees, and homeless immigrants could renovate, with little or no
costs, as we have done with 3 houses here in Dg, MNE, and they could
live in them, thus avoiding the deterioration that is happening ,
SAVING the money wasted on new construction... and bring LIFE to
viallages and communities that have declined in the last 20-30 years...
and perhaps in the process HONOUR the promises and agreements made by
your national "democracies" after the horrors of WW2 ( UDHR 1948)
break down the borders, open your frontiers, your doors , and your hearts and minds..
and BE Human BEINGS! NOW!
ChRiS SMITH 150909
15 09 11 the girl from Pancevo is yet another unreliable traveller, I hosted more than 120 foreign guests, backpackers and "couchsurfers" here, but almost as many made requests to stay then didnt turn up or cancelled late.. Balkan people should stop expecting "foreign help"
.. the USA, or EU (via Nato etc) will expect "compensations" for every cent invested ..so whenever u hold out a hand, they will make a chain to your fingers,,and its time all people took care of themselves.. running and escaping is only a temporary relief... ? take care.. :) , http://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2015/09/renovation-mission.html the TRUTH is rarely "popular" ..:p ?https://www.facebook.com/chrismith.csema JOIN??
via Monty Logic blog..
))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))150910 INVITATION to.....?? YOU>>?
this is not the Rakija talking, I joke often but...
if u want to take this up, i would train you, u would live locally or at my place or I would live elsewhere..
three months training , and learning language u would get free accomodation and meals and a little pocket money
then choose either 1 , 2 or 3 years project , income negociable , but based on average income here, there is a lot of time for involvement in my social programme too, a lot of fun..but with a responsibility to have positive effect on people..
Eco-logistics is a general term, for improving the society, there may be some involvement with help for refugees if they are allowed into MNE...
i only offer this to persons who have visited me, because I have to feel i can get on with them
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ChRiS SMITH 150909
15 09 11 the girl from Pancevo is yet another unreliable traveller, I hosted more than 120 foreign guests, backpackers and "couchsurfers" here, but almost as many made requests to stay then didnt turn up or cancelled late.. Balkan people should stop expecting "foreign help"
.. the USA, or EU (via Nato etc) will expect "compensations" for every cent invested ..so whenever u hold out a hand, they will make a chain to your fingers,,and its time all people took care of themselves.. running and escaping is only a temporary relief... ? take care.. :) , http://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2015/09/renovation-mission.html the TRUTH is rarely "popular" ..:p ?https://www.facebook.com/chrismith.csema JOIN??
via Monty Logic blog..

this is not the Rakija talking, I joke often but...
if u want to take this up, i would train you, u would live locally or at my place or I would live elsewhere..
three months training , and learning language u would get free accomodation and meals and a little pocket money
then choose either 1 , 2 or 3 years project , income negociable , but based on average income here, there is a lot of time for involvement in my social programme too, a lot of fun..but with a responsibility to have positive effect on people..
Eco-logistics is a general term, for improving the society, there may be some involvement with help for refugees if they are allowed into MNE...
i only offer this to persons who have visited me, because I have to feel i can get on with them

150910 IF the power is not connected today at SPUZ, the claim will increase
by the hour , and malicious damages added together with a claim at
the EU v MNE!
On 10/09/2015 09:39, ChRIS wrote:
Ref House: "Perovic Dragan" Spuz, Danilovgradlocal residents * and employees of FCO (UK ) also as witnesses
Pretplatni/naplatni broj : 19665355
Citacki kod: 97-115 0350000
Broj brojila ; 97209648
Poziv na broj : 71-019665355-1506
Paid invoice 06/2015 (231.09) and connection "tax"
General Claim
The formation of a positive community initiative has been blocked and/or damaged by the parties named below!
at "Spuz clubhouse" wednesday night (9th september 2015) at 17h there was no electricity...
The Campaign mission via FU Org. shall now commence with a formal complaint...
Joint and several "with prejudice"
Causes : Fraud, violation of human rights. prejudice, discrimination, "profiling" and malicious damages ;
V family Perovic , in particular causing expenditure on property in Spuz, without proper authorization.
V Sasa Stanisic FRAUD in the sum of 225e for football kit and other expenses caused by broken agreements.
V EPG , obstruction and fraud. With reference to employees in the EPCG offices in Dg and Pg.
V region Danilovgrad, its Mayor and others for discrimination, fraud, and various prejudicial policies
V the State of MNE through its state ministers. for participation in corruption &
oppressive acts versus the people, fraud, and violation of ECHR & UDHR (1948)
nominal sum e1166 , excluding malicious damages.
Campaign for Christopher R. SMITH F.INST D.
Montenegro 9th September
plus e50 advance to Club Sec (expenses( and e100 + investment in Mrdjenovic "football pitch" and associated costs.)
On 08/09/2015 11:52, cam-PAIN wrote:Claim v ???
Roof e70
paint etc e30
Footy Kit for kids CLUB e225
Elec 231e
balloon training Kids etc / taxi-bus etc Dg - Spuz e290
Re connect e20
carpet /fitting e150
news is usually bad news here, so I will check again
hours ago

was in Pg again and they promise to me that they will
conect electricity in club house!!! If they dont
conect by fridey I willgo to the news paper because
this is shame what are they doing.. Because we paid
tex for activation of electricity but Dg electric
company ignore us because Pg electricity company send
2 to turn on electricity to the house..
asked Marko, for a name,, ALL THESE COMMUNICATIONS AND
PROve you spoke to them??? !!, over 1100 e has been
invested in Spooz, AND TOO MUCH OF MY LIFE, , there will
be no more delay, a formal compaint is now being sent ..
people will soon find out that i am not an atm or "soft
touch" for them to exploit...