ChRiS> ..
" thanks to H-T ...I had a discussion at the weekend with a visiting business man in his mid-thirties -

despite his travel & experience, he , like most of them (Sheeple) has bought into all the BS ,
and so many just swallow the "mainSCREAM " PRopoganda - so cant get their heads round the idea that they have been fooled and conned by "the few"
whether it was the king who made a mercenary army to steal the peoples land then make them pay tax to live on it !

or industrial / corporate leaders , who sell you your land, make you sick and sell you medicine & insurance,
or MARKET war and make you fight each other FOR THEIR PROFIT.
and sell billions of dollars of weapons orders to all to keep the FIRES burning and their money coming in to their pockets..

WHILST the poor kids and an estimated 29000 die daily from selfish govt & corporate policies ...

and the sheeple discard refugees/migrant families as if they have no value as human beings!
.. or politicians who lie constantly , because they want to keep their jobs, solving problems makes them irrelevant..

or lawyers who want you to dispute & divorce, to gain from the made...
and my personal campaign .. to clean out the Lfc boardroom of the "SHARKS" who stole our club and infested our socialist club with right wing policies , money mercenaries and fsg clones & fans who sold their soul...
2018/06/rednet-steps-into-star-trek-lbird-is (they reduced the size of text on this so that you can hardly read it. - they must be SO scared of our success?????
Whilst even intelligent "good guys" like Tony Evans & George Sephton have been tricked into "dumbing down" those on social media who know that its simply a continued "COVER UP" by the establishment .. "the 96 (Hillsborough" .."bloody sunday" and my own family... virtual murder by the state ..and people i respected ..
enable the BS to go on, and on & on.. as another of the guilty goes free...
WTF is it going to take to wake them up from the drug of being overfed BS via social media "info" they are stuck , with their noses in their mobiles.. and hardly an intelligent word passes amongst the masses...

how many chances does this human race require , maybe they dont want to survive>
internal note to Media team (from H-T)
(friends @
YOU should also understand ...really NEED to take time to understand the contents @
* harveysclog./2018/07/missionary-position-august-18-confusion.
* harveysclog./2018/07/230523-lbird-has-landeda-massive-profit.
* harveysclog.2018/07/campaign-and-missionary-position-summer.
also #censoRED
however..... <SMILE> and....