the BEing.. was a "Man"..
He was a (my?) "Mentor" .. from our family... I shall call him "W.S." .. appeared from a celtic ancestry and at a mature age in your years became employed as a manager, of a virtual public institution, ran by a local family that affected the lives of at least half the population a medium size city and others abroad whose connections with the institution.. (i shall call it "eLKay" ) had deteriorated due to the decline in fortunes around 60 years ago...
eLKay was in a bad way, employees depressed, & the service provided to the public 2nd class... despite a reasonable history, rivals were way ahead ... the physical structure was old, & in need of repair, hardly anyone in the institution could muster any idea or vision of a positive future... WS was the "great hope" as he already had a reputation as an innovator...
The Changes..
WS .. changed the way EVERYONE felt about eLKay ... from the employee with the simplest job, to the most imprtant .. and told the public his intention was to make eLKay the best in the World.. by joining the public , the employees and himself as Manager in a sort of "Spiritual Bonding" so that all would move as ONE ..
whether training , working or in recreation..
5 years...on!
Not only had eLKay achieved success .. but due to Tv and other media the mantra of WS was being noticed word wide .. a "theme tune" from popular music from a local musicians adaption of an old but emotional song, was being sung by all concerned ..and its title became a slogan, due to the public becoming supporters who conveyed his mantra which somehow simultaenously absorbed the dogma of this "force majeur" ..a phenomenon which encompassed popular music made by certain members of the local public,,, everyone started to sing from the same "song sheet"... local & global..
10 years on...
WS had loyalty towards his employees, though it seemed his positive trinity & ideals were clear & true .. maintaining freshness and enthusiasm was vital to ensure the success could continue ..
and often the biggest opponents were within the boardroom of the institution.. as eLKay was supported by the public, Directors often didnt see the need for his constant evolving & application of his ethics...WS sought and found employees as replacements.. WS had an excelletnt relation with the public and often extended hiself using his own free time & resources to make or keep the people happy.
15 years on...
eLKay was again, with new employees, succesful again.. but WS, after 15 years of giving MORE than "his all" had become tired of in-fighting with directors and others to keep the ethics true .. success , home & abroad, could have ensured his employment without limit, at eLKay or at the rivals ...........
... however, as sometimes happens with great men of vocation... his private life suffered , he felt it was time,, and recommended his assistant take over as WS was sure (and it was confirmed by his latest success in May 74) that he had arrived at a basis for almost global domination in their "market" eLKay were superior & more progressive than any of their rivals..so WS stood aside, but still was connected to , loved by and supporter of "eLKay"
20 years on..
.. success beyond belief of the local public, 2 decades earlier was achieved now, year in, year out.. new employees came and somehow each year eclipsed the previous, with a sustained consistency that despite the relative simplicity of the method of WS adopted by his assistant, rivals were in awe, of the level of constant success..
and in spite of economic problems of the community, support from the public, local AND global, increased.. arguably the "collective" was at its peak.. virtually unbeatable..
25 years on...
Another management change had not affected the success, however, commercial elements became noticeable, the logo became subordinate ... and other parts of the public, who , at least it seemed, withOUT loyalty to the ethics of WS, nor tied to the locality , materialists without SOCIAL, ancestoral or prior emotional links started to "follow" eLKay.. impressed by and gaining from their new association with eLKay ... started to affect the "perceived atmosphere" ..something changed..and this was in parallel with the growing materialism of the general society in the world of the 1980's.. the start of the "rot" ?.. that WS left the planet in this period.. is significant...
30 years on...
and so it was.. within a further 5 years , TWO major disasters affected eLKay , the public and its supporters who were vilified by the media and often by the general public, local success continued to an extent whilst global activity was reduced, forcibly..
... the collapse of the "Soviets" led to a swing towards capitalism, elfish materialistic methods enabled a manipulation by the many by the few , and began a different form of "control system: that had been put down in the soviet system.. the "new world order" forming had a more suble way of controlling the world population through selfish exploitation, pollution; poisoning of the air, water, land, food and minds of the youth, through "addictive americanism" (see "USAcorp" ) threatening any opponents with the USAcorp "war business machine" and invasive hacking / surveilance of individuals by govt or private agents,
40 years on..
The decade in between was a virtual "non event" the elements of the "WS way" being watered down by resignations and affect of commercial attractions to employees, with only exceptional individuals retaining the original ethics of the "collective trinity" and its hybrid mantra/dogma..
45 years on..
Fresh management early in the following decade had flirted with success, but it was not maintained as more and more of the "market" was at mercy to money-men and media influences .. now the "mantra" was image, based on material success, "greed is good" ..the "me , me , me" generation , with "loadsamoney" made life difficult for even the best intentioned at eLkay" .. managers who seened to respect the idealism of WS could not sustain any consistent success.. and the sharks started to get their teeth into ELKay
50 years on..
A surprise, against all odds ... a manager took hold of the daily management and despite "USAcorp" infesting the boardroom and business aspects of eLKay.. RB had a plan,, being a strategist, he , like WS ..
..... required total control of ALL daily management , training, employment, action, and future policies..he had a 10 year plan, and despite USAcorp restricting his access to funds becaun to compete with the big money rivals , at home and abroad ....bringing success in the biggest event since 20 years before..
and a status comparable with any major rival , home or abroad.. winners..
NOTE , even during the "barren years" supporters continued to prmote eLKay and became a main reason how the intituation was & is perceived world wide, after the absence of WS, his triniy & spirit deleiverd through wit and creativty of supporters ensured eLKay became & retained its gloabal ICON status..
55 years on...
However "USAcorp " & their boardroom sharks, (part 1 or part 2) do not want Managers who "know their plan" or who stand up against the money men.. RB had gone AND there 3 THREE more managerial changes, within FIVE years (an unheard of turnover since the formation of eLKay) ...all the staff turnover that went with it disrupted any true chance of progressive movement towards success to please the public,,, OWNERSHIP (property & materialism) were now the priority .. for the sharks benefit..
the public have been conned by controlled media, threats, removal &/or hacking, enforced against any opponent, which reduced any challenge to their PROFIT PLAN, employees were moved on, perceived success was in material terms and few in the public could see through their plan to increase assets at the detriment of the public;s hopes & dreams..
60 years on,,, NOW!!!!
the "ultimate CON" is complete... a major success this summer and a year of mostly positive results, with attractive employees and a dogma, that resembles the original ideals of WS, covers up the 2 billion dollar asset achieved by "USAcorp" through the commercially selfish policies of their boardroom sharks..
the best employees were let go, a ta price, USAcorp sponsors cash in on the retained loyalty of supporting public that is at an estimated 30 million , perhaps increasing to 300 million plus "followers" any business could thrive without much effort with this size of "LOYAL customer base" the public have been foolwe again & again.. but in the wake of a massively public celebration this summer, who cares about the TRUTH..??????
WE do.. and we have a solution...
(link)..if you dare :)

the BEing.. was a "Man"..
He was a (my?) "Mentor" .. from our family... I shall call him "W.S." .. appeared from a celtic ancestry and at a mature age in your years became employed as a manager, of a virtual public institution, ran by a local family that affected the lives of at least half the population a medium size city and others abroad whose connections with the institution.. (i shall call it "eLKay" ) had deteriorated due to the decline in fortunes around 60 years ago...
eLKay was in a bad way, employees depressed, & the service provided to the public 2nd class... despite a reasonable history, rivals were way ahead ... the physical structure was old, & in need of repair, hardly anyone in the institution could muster any idea or vision of a positive future... WS was the "great hope" as he already had a reputation as an innovator...
The Changes..
WS .. changed the way EVERYONE felt about eLKay ... from the employee with the simplest job, to the most imprtant .. and told the public his intention was to make eLKay the best in the World.. by joining the public , the employees and himself as Manager in a sort of "Spiritual Bonding" so that all would move as ONE ..
whether training , working or in recreation..
5 years...on!
Not only had eLKay achieved success .. but due to Tv and other media the mantra of WS was being noticed word wide .. a "theme tune" from popular music from a local musicians adaption of an old but emotional song, was being sung by all concerned ..and its title became a slogan, due to the public becoming supporters who conveyed his mantra which somehow simultaenously absorbed the dogma of this "force majeur" ..a phenomenon which encompassed popular music made by certain members of the local public,,, everyone started to sing from the same "song sheet"... local & global..
10 years on...
WS had loyalty towards his employees, though it seemed his positive trinity & ideals were clear & true .. maintaining freshness and enthusiasm was vital to ensure the success could continue ..
and often the biggest opponents were within the boardroom of the institution.. as eLKay was supported by the public, Directors often didnt see the need for his constant evolving & application of his ethics...WS sought and found employees as replacements.. WS had an excelletnt relation with the public and often extended hiself using his own free time & resources to make or keep the people happy.
15 years on...
eLKay was again, with new employees, succesful again.. but WS, after 15 years of giving MORE than "his all" had become tired of in-fighting with directors and others to keep the ethics true .. success , home & abroad, could have ensured his employment without limit, at eLKay or at the rivals ...........
... however, as sometimes happens with great men of vocation... his private life suffered , he felt it was time,, and recommended his assistant take over as WS was sure (and it was confirmed by his latest success in May 74) that he had arrived at a basis for almost global domination in their "market" eLKay were superior & more progressive than any of their rivals..so WS stood aside, but still was connected to , loved by and supporter of "eLKay"
20 years on..
.. success beyond belief of the local public, 2 decades earlier was achieved now, year in, year out.. new employees came and somehow each year eclipsed the previous, with a sustained consistency that despite the relative simplicity of the method of WS adopted by his assistant, rivals were in awe, of the level of constant success..
and in spite of economic problems of the community, support from the public, local AND global, increased.. arguably the "collective" was at its peak.. virtually unbeatable..
25 years on...
Another management change had not affected the success, however, commercial elements became noticeable, the logo became subordinate ... and other parts of the public, who , at least it seemed, withOUT loyalty to the ethics of WS, nor tied to the locality , materialists without SOCIAL, ancestoral or prior emotional links started to "follow" eLKay.. impressed by and gaining from their new association with eLKay ... started to affect the "perceived atmosphere" ..something changed..and this was in parallel with the growing materialism of the general society in the world of the 1980's.. the start of the "rot" ?.. that WS left the planet in this period.. is significant...
30 years on...
and so it was.. within a further 5 years , TWO major disasters affected eLKay , the public and its supporters who were vilified by the media and often by the general public, local success continued to an extent whilst global activity was reduced, forcibly..
... the collapse of the "Soviets" led to a swing towards capitalism, elfish materialistic methods enabled a manipulation by the many by the few , and began a different form of "control system: that had been put down in the soviet system.. the "new world order" forming had a more suble way of controlling the world population through selfish exploitation, pollution; poisoning of the air, water, land, food and minds of the youth, through "addictive americanism" (see "USAcorp" ) threatening any opponents with the USAcorp "war business machine" and invasive hacking / surveilance of individuals by govt or private agents,
40 years on..
The decade in between was a virtual "non event" the elements of the "WS way" being watered down by resignations and affect of commercial attractions to employees, with only exceptional individuals retaining the original ethics of the "collective trinity" and its hybrid mantra/dogma..
45 years on..
Fresh management early in the following decade had flirted with success, but it was not maintained as more and more of the "market" was at mercy to money-men and media influences .. now the "mantra" was image, based on material success, "greed is good" ..the "me , me , me" generation , with "loadsamoney" made life difficult for even the best intentioned at eLkay" .. managers who seened to respect the idealism of WS could not sustain any consistent success.. and the sharks started to get their teeth into ELKay
50 years on..
A surprise, against all odds ... a manager took hold of the daily management and despite "USAcorp" infesting the boardroom and business aspects of eLKay.. RB had a plan,, being a strategist, he , like WS ..
..... required total control of ALL daily management , training, employment, action, and future policies..he had a 10 year plan, and despite USAcorp restricting his access to funds becaun to compete with the big money rivals , at home and abroad ....bringing success in the biggest event since 20 years before..
and a status comparable with any major rival , home or abroad.. winners..
NOTE , even during the "barren years" supporters continued to prmote eLKay and became a main reason how the intituation was & is perceived world wide, after the absence of WS, his triniy & spirit deleiverd through wit and creativty of supporters ensured eLKay became & retained its gloabal ICON status..
55 years on...
However "USAcorp " & their boardroom sharks, (part 1 or part 2) do not want Managers who "know their plan" or who stand up against the money men.. RB had gone AND there 3 THREE more managerial changes, within FIVE years (an unheard of turnover since the formation of eLKay) ...all the staff turnover that went with it disrupted any true chance of progressive movement towards success to please the public,,, OWNERSHIP (property & materialism) were now the priority .. for the sharks benefit..
the public have been conned by controlled media, threats, removal &/or hacking, enforced against any opponent, which reduced any challenge to their PROFIT PLAN, employees were moved on, perceived success was in material terms and few in the public could see through their plan to increase assets at the detriment of the public;s hopes & dreams..
60 years on,,, NOW!!!!
the "ultimate CON" is complete... a major success this summer and a year of mostly positive results, with attractive employees and a dogma, that resembles the original ideals of WS, covers up the 2 billion dollar asset achieved by "USAcorp" through the commercially selfish policies of their boardroom sharks..
the best employees were let go, a ta price, USAcorp sponsors cash in on the retained loyalty of supporting public that is at an estimated 30 million , perhaps increasing to 300 million plus "followers" any business could thrive without much effort with this size of "LOYAL customer base" the public have been foolwe again & again.. but in the wake of a massively public celebration this summer, who cares about the TRUTH..??????
WE do.. and we have a solution...
(link)..if you dare :)