blocked from amending OUR group name, as WE wish YOU to support the small stores, the friendly store, the local store, especially if they do not MASKerAID you... their "gameofTHORNS" is making the BIG business owners RICH, and killing off the independents, YOU MAY PAY A FEW % more , BUT we suggest you JOG around your local area to get what you need , maybe at 3/4 different stores ...BUT you will improve your FITNESS in mind, body & HEART knowing that YOU are fighting a GOOD fight against their POLICE/PRISON state tyranny...
this is part of the #LbiRD co-op via REdGEMnet worldwide
( https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com )
Born out of challenging the social media goons who CON & TROLL our posts..
this is connected to all types of groups worldwide ..for YOU to react not only exposing their BS but PROPOSING with ideas, comments or even humour a better way of life
my "twin": says this recent BS is a manure that spreads a FEAR virus much more DANGEROUS than any other risk, past or present.. the choice is TO BE or not...
its no longer a question.. ChRiS ; I estimate 2-4 % of the global co-operation will join ..what ? something better ,,its a bit like the old Matrix question REd or blue pill? do you want to live like a matrix mushroom? hooked up 24/7 and fed on BS?
like this which shows there is no big mortality jump;
or are u like the traitor who doesn't care if its all a FACE ADE via their MASK ..er AID CON & TROLLS??????????????
the story I like to repeat ... about a young street gang leader , who hated the old man who sat in the town square & always had an answer .. told his gang members.. : I know how to catch the old man out... I will take a bird in my hand, behind my back>> and if asked the old man says "its alive; I will squeeze the life from it " ....if he says its dead I will produce it and show him wrong!!! " the gang boys cheered ,,, so HE goes to the old man in the square ... asking ..."HEY old man ..you who knows everything, (sneer) the bird in my hand behind my back, is it ALIVE or dead??? "
the old man , looked him in the eyes , smiled and carefully replied...'THE ANSWER, MY SON, IS IN YOUR HANDS!''
so ..its is for YOU ..we can have fun and make something good out of this mess..
we believe we could take this chance to make a new lifestyle..
no offices, no schools ,, 12 hour period
"working"(online?) from home base max 4 hours a day
4 hours a day focused with family/friends
4 hours investing time in local or global community ..for everyone's sake..
the rest, to rest, to sleep and dream :)
and remember how fascisTORY govt caused the MURDER of 96 of our bros & sisters;
absorb previous ; 2020/12/review-no-2020-vision-ony-more-rons.there is a rumour of some sort of threat to the "human race"?
so we investigated...
several million have died or are dying from nuclear accidents..etc
(not inc WW2 bombing by USAcorp)
and the sheeple accept that nuclear is ok to supply their homes or that USAcorp & the former soviet states still have more than enough nukes to destroy the total population, but DO NOTHING TO STOP OR REMOVE THE THREAT TO HUMAN LIFE AND NATURE...
10 million died last year from cancer, probably some from the above radiation? what have you or your govt done to stop this death toll//?????
food poisons
no stats but watch from 2005 ???https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthlings_(film)
sheeple mostly take no notice of the contents of the packaged foods consumed... so dont care about their own health/?
it is well known that govt and corporates DUMP chemical poisons and waste *inCLUDING NUCLEAR...
but the sheeple dont complain?
.... over SIX BILLION TONNES of poison is pumped into the air you breathe, from traffic, alone, every year, but most sheeple still use cars, selfishly, instead of sharing , cycles, or their legs..
more than 10 million die EVERY YEAR but there is no total ban , you may smoke or drink but could be fined or even jailed eventually for not wearing their anti social MASK..?
war,,, WELL, why should i mention that sheeple vote for govts who then kill other sheeple in your name?????????????
how many times have i heard ' THERE IS A BUG GOING AROUND~!?" ,,,....without shutting down society!!!!!!!!
so...befoe...YOU DON A MASK, OR BLINDLY OBEY ANTI-SOCIAL DISTANCING..NAZTY STYLE ENFORCED CURFEWS, LOCK DOWNS AND LOCK OUTS ,,ASK WHY IT (THEIR 0.01% high risk "bug") DICTATED A LOCAL & GLOBAL SHUT DOWN.. (except for the few rich & large corporates,,,??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
best wishes from mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmed1Àteam @ /groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV/:((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( #gameofTHORNS

#LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet
: (((((((((((((((((((
i watched again https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Contender_(2000_film)
last night, its "holywood politics" but the theme is interesting and
the best line of this and many others is true : "principles ONLY have
meaning when you are ready to hold on to them when inconvenient"
at a time when so many are so weak and fail to fight the dewstruction of
freedom & humanity on this planet
, the combined wealth of the nine wealthiest is
now more than a trillion. whether they contrived it or exploited the
lockdown-MASK_ER-AIDS, you, sheeple, have made rich richer via your blind obedience~~!
protect the weak, & very old, but true that
the sheeple are conned into the :munchauser club, worldwide, or if they really
buy into the exclusive HYPO condriac club (first class seats in the idiocratic
govt) ,,can inject yourself with your fav poison.. a.k.a. vaccine... because it
takes them too long to absorb this,,
jan 8
an original KOPite song…
(updated &
re-invnted )
We’ll DRINK, a drink, a drink
To BILLY the KING, the king, the king
Creator of the greatest TEAM(s) ..
And that’s why we won the (19) leagues
(and Champions of Europe…)
our MEdÀTEAM selected this on
wednesday before the bogus buggaer tests removed villa's first team,
now the key players can get
refreshed for the game v mancs,,
see more from REdGEMnet bootroom
opinion plus at
extra opinion of your IDIOCRATIC #gameofTHORNS mainscreamedia
Andrew Stewart: Ratf**ing in the Vatican. |
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Jeffrey St. Clair: I want a riot of my own. |
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Jonathan Cook: Even if the death of Assange is not their goal, what they are doing makes it more likely. |
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Rob Urie: The cynical D.C. farce around $600 versus $2,000 ‘stimulus’ checks. |
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Nathaniel St. Clair: They stormed the Capitol for a lie, to fight for a president that is a fraud. |
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Ariel Gold: Vaccine leadership? I think not. |
As I write this, pro-Trump protesters have stormed the U.S. Capitol building seeking to impose Trump’s attempted coup on America. Trump’s hand in stoking the coup is apparent on multiple fronts. He’s been disseminating and mainstreaming baseless electoral fraud conspiracies for months – years really.
He encouraged these protesters to head over to Capitol Hill. Once the attacks on and invasion of the Capitol began, he refused to condemn them. And then in his first address to the nation, he poured more fuel on the fire by continuing to traffic in electoral fraud conspiracies. To be perfectly clear, this is not only a coup effort, but one that is being directed by the President of the United States. How did we get here? And why is any of this a surprise to the legions of fascism deniers in the U.S. who have long insisted that the U.S. is not falling into authoritarian politics?
Nothing about what’s happened in the capital should be a surprise to those who have taken a sober look at the rising fascism that now characterizes American politics. Trump told the nation that he would not accept the results of an election he lost before a single ballot was counted on election day. And he has been leading an effort on countless fronts to overturn the results for the last two months, in the states, in the judicial branch, in Congress, and now in the streets.
Noam Chomsky & Vijay Prashad: The issues we need to address to 2021. |
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Paul Street: The noxious Republican Congressional challenge. |
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Rick Baum: Why has the wealth of the Big 10 increased during the pandemic? |
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Rebecca Gordon: Trump didn't end the wars, will Biden? |
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Luis Rumbaut: This is what it will take for Biden to revamp US foreign policy in Venezuela. |
Jonathan Cook: The crushing of press freedom. |
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Patrick Cockburn: The balance of power has tipped against it. |
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Seiji Yamada: The racism that undergirds global public health. |
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Ariel Dorfman: America cannot hide from this drastic reckoning. |
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Peter Crowley: The motivation for president’s empty rhetoric. |
Matthew Stevenson: Biden-Trump-Clinton Game Theory? |
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Vijay Prashad: A future without reefs. |
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Joshua Frank: Here’s what helped me most in wading through the muddied waters of 2020. |