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Adios Phiklippe (& Carolina) and "ciao" Editch & Marina? |
..because its "ChriSmitH time" (@xmas)
I have been called many things in my life of extremes, "SubVerSive" is one, but this "UnSuB" is only slightly....collective current events around me whilst I still am in "recovery mode" hoping my broken ankle gets repaired so i can resume my footy "career" and dancing with the girls (if "allowed" ).... ha ha...but i am searching for the "SPIRIT" ..of xmas...?
see also
Searching for the "Spirit"..

Sanja.. don’t understand this but I am angry, because she never ask about me,or tried to visit and yet I still supported her any way I can, I recently recommended her for a gig, in the new year..but in 4 weeks since I broke my ankle, only a medical student (offering advice) and Kaja (who took me shopping) came to visit me…so what is a "friend" ???
...the weekend is not a big problem, because i can hopefully get a taxi and meet in a pub to watch LIVERPOOL on sunday, its the weekdays which are worse, apart from the shopkeeper and the house owner (and that's for a few seconds) i havent seen anyone to talk with since 6 days! ..if it wasnt for writing I would --------------------------!
L de R from HN…Maybe u don’t understand this either because u never ask about me,or try to visit or even reply to me.. and yet I was still ready to support you any way I can, I recently was asked about a gig, and nearly recommended u ..but I honestly think I need to show u how to be a "manager" …(not many ppl here understand how to do this effectively..but also are too stubborn to want advice from ME!) ...Usually ADG phones me to ask me to "sit with her" before her concerts, (although she actually doesn’t talk to me, because she usually is doing her "extended sound check"..but neither of you bother now, to reply, so are u "freezing" me?.. is this your interepretation of "the spirit of xmas" …I was sad I didn’t have the chance to say "goodbye" to Philippe (& Carolina) but…I will have to find other ways to make this a "Happy ChriSmith" ;) as I cant count on my "friends" ...
Slobo's birthday ...13/12/2011
i once knew a guy called "Slobo"
he tried to live up to his name - oh!
then he worked at nags head
his brain went to bed..
and was never seen again laughing out loud..oh! "
(Koko's "botfriend" "joe king" had a birthday this day...)
up to her waist in snow, up to her ears in lies & broken promises |
[14/12/2011 11:48:54] wanting me to delete the pics she sent me, which are now irrelevant as they cant be deleted(! thanks to FB!?) another 100 have been added to make them virtually insignificant ,,her little spy can confirm that as it worries her SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!
she dont deserve ONE minute of my time, to "placate" her wishes..is she stalking slobo too?...if she had "bothered" with FB when I wanted we MIGHT have stayed in "touch" instead of this "bitterness" that she CHOSE! ...she SENT those pics , they are not "property" ...and u cant be seen unless you "spy"...(?) ..but of course she never want to "give" anything towards a "relationship"...thats why you are SELFISH! ..theres a decent girl somewhere inside "koko" , but she spout so many lies ("i rejoined FB to keep in touch friends abroad" balh blah blah...")...u could even send a short sms to me, and I live HERE!!...f**king joke!

see http://unsub-b.blogspot.com/2011/12/unsub-xtra-getting-by-fire-and.html 01/12/2011, 11:03
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Whistleblower recommend this film to those who dont ever want to "rock the boat" ..(by the way, the boat is the TiTanic!) ...
ChriS SmiTH posted in E-Balkan.Net
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeROnVUADj0 CAPITALISM: A LOVE STORY - TRAILER Michael Moore's next film explores the root causes of the global economic meltdown and takes a comical look at the corporate and political shenanigans that c... ChriS SmiTH> and....still idiots aROUND this stupid planet buy into the "TIT(m)anic" (£the american nightmare"..)...when will YOU ever learn....????
and I get fed up with reading rubbish about "space exploration" when we cant solve basic problems of family, or when "ethnic cleansing" (in either obvious or indirect form) is going on everywhere.. |
about 10 years ago I co-formed the "Human Shields initiative" resulting in getting several bus loads of europeans to Baghdad pre-invasion to "protect" schools and hospitals from "allied" bombing...(that certainly resulted in my "comms" being "monitored" ever since)
ChriS SmiTH > bigger question is IF there is intelligent Human Life ON THIS planet (REds Excluded) ;)
Luqman Al-Hakim yeah that's nice idea cris , maybe, you want to be a volunteer... It's amazing
Tim Oakes Its also unreachable by man so it makes no odds really lolLuqman Al-Hakim i support you by my way cris , maybe by using other way to reaching that expedition?Christine Beesley Keane Ya timo it is unreachable by man but not for a space craft, nasa doesn't no much about the planet yet but u never know it could have life!!
Tim Oakes Its like 35 million light years away lol we're never getting there! Its not even in our solar system. If we cant get to Pluto how the hell are we supposed to get there?
ChriS SmiTH be lucky if we can get to the next state soon, when it all breaks down..ha ha..we cant even distribute our resources so that peopel are still dying of starvation and sickness.....so its typical that ppl want to go and ruin another planet???
Pasted from <http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10150515934330831&id=510465830¬if_t=feed_comment_reply>
The family secret has hit the fan and not everyone is happy, but trust me, there is great value in the old clichй "The truth shall set you free". You just have to remind your loved ones that hiding the truth never works for very long and it almost always makes things harder.
Your big brain is the center of attention today, no matter where you are. It could be that you’ve got someone new to impress, or that you’re trying to make a splash before starting somewhere new.
Trust in your love and affection, they will never let you down. You should also consider changing your environment to a more lively and active one. Take care of yourself because there are too many things you have to do. In the coming months, only spend on what you need.
You need to put some of your great ideas into action today — things are looking up for you, and that could mean that you’ve got some new ways to move that should startle the competition!

NOW, let me make it clear I SUPPORT the team..and believe in what we called "The Holy Trinity" the almost magical BONDING we created back in the early days of "Shanks" (Bill Shankly) ..between Players, Manager and (true REd) Supporters..THE "SPIRIT" ...but TOO often those in "office" have been a problem ..certain "owners" directors, or those in the ticket office and some officials & staff who decide about others off-field matters... this is that story...u can scroll down.... ;)
These are the extracts from "dialogue" ..the LFC "office" dont understand the "Spirit"
CS> see ref 111211-000008] thanks ,for eventually processing the order, after 10 emails and 5 international calls... but u should know that yr colleague (michael) didnt understand anything about quoting "DU xxxx" , and had to explain all over again...there many problems that need to be brought to the attention of the management, I hope Leon gets this in time for xmas, but I will be making a complaint to lfc..(and via the fans committee , for what its worth!) - ChriS SMITH, u.r.s.u.n.
Dear Leon
Apologies you had trouble reaching us,
I can confirm the order has gone through with the correct details.
Merry Christmas and i hope you have a lovely time.
Kind Regards
Sianah Lowry
Customer Experience Team Customer By Email (Leon Hartmann-Smith) 14/12/2011 10.28 AM Original Sent From Address :fair@
trying to sign in for online shop
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Leon - a few years ago! now 15! an "Lfc adult" |
Communication History
Customer Leon Hartmann-Smith via CSS Web 14/12/2011 10.12 AM
I tried again just now (CS on behalf of Leon, because he is at school) and got through to "Michael" who manually processed the order (i hope) PLEASE check that the order details sent match the details earlier quoted to YOU!! thanks
Customer Leon
Hartmann-Smith via CSS Web 14/12/2011 09.33 AM
i have phoned again twice and after the announcement and a wait of a couple of minutes i get "all lines are busy" phone back....please phone us!!
Customer Leon Hartmann-Smith via CSS Web 14/12/2011 09.27 AM
heard u call , about 09hrs Uk time, unfortunately in bathroom the first time, and the 2nd time, u rang off quickly, I have dialled that number, but waited but its full y occupied, can U PLEASE phone here again?? (all the details of the order are on this communication.).so dont know what u need now??)
Response Sianah Lowry via Email 14/12/2011 09.05 AM
Dear Leon
Thanks for contacting Liverpool Football Club
I apologies for this situation.
I have tried to contact you a number of times this morning but was not successful.
Please see international phone line number - 0044 151 907 9500
I have up an account for you on our system so that when you call all you need to quote is your account number - xxxxxx
Then my collogues do not need to
ask you for address details and this will make the phone call a lot quicker as we will only need to take the product codes of what you would like to order and the payment details.
once again please accept our apologies on this matter.
Thanks for your continued support
Kind Regards
Sianah Lowry
Customer Experience Team
----- Original Message -----
[Incident: 111211-000008]
another Complaint against the "lip service" Lfc fans "committee" ..no response to complaints made via U.r.s.u.n. and now they block this complaint, its bad enough i am estranged from my son, Leon, but when they make it almost impossible ....the "office" at LFC has ALWAYS been a "problem" and IS NOT part of the "Holy Trinity"...AYRES and Karen Elizabeth Gill take note...
From: "FAIR" <fair@>
To: "Supporters Committee21" <
; "Nasser Aboobakar" <international-east@liverpoolfcsc.com>
Cc: "ana. M" <ana.maras@
; "Liverpool FC" <contactus@liverpoolfc.tv>
; "media" <media@
Subject: FAIR 111213 MORE complaints v Lfc Office ; (Leon Hartmann-Smith)
Date: 13 December 2011 09:40
Membership package etc///......
Please see the complaint by Leon Hartmann-Smith fair@ursun.net - (member ref 10369748) son of ChriS SMITH (u.r.s.u.n.) this complaint written for Leon by CS!
a) The "incident" 111109-000064 which resulted in payment as adult membership for Leon (who is 15!)
b) the delay in getting online buying the first ticket after renewal (the pause between renewal because no renewal email received)
c) the phone connection being cut at the TO, the eventual delay resulted in ONE "restricted view" ticket..!
d) The refusal to amend details (even though the details were incorrectly recorded by Lfc!)
e) The complaint AGAINST the new "BLOCK bookings" ..favours the rich
f)"Robot reply" from "fans committee" representative
g) online account created (again) by Lfc for fair@ursun.net (the new password was set by 28th november with a "welcome to Lfc online"))
h) a new reference for complaint 111124-000260
i) last weekend (CANT LOGIN with fair@ursun.net on ANY part of the website..wanted to make purshase for xmas present (for Leon paid by CS)
- new "incident" 111211-000008
j) yesterday evening registered fair@ursun.net (again ) THIRD time, with shop account K) NOW the shop account rejects CS's Visa electron ("invalid!")- details sent back to the above incident on lfc!! (111211-000008) the card IS valid , in good credit and being used currently.
copied to CS / u.r.s..u.n. for future reference/..
Response Via Email (Vickie Glover) 12/12/2011 06.32 PM
Dear Leon
Thanks for contacting Liverpool Football Club
I have checked our records and you do not have an account registered with us under the email address you mentioned.
Membership log in and online store log in are totally separate, therefore, you do not necessarily have an online store account if you have registered as a member. I would advise you to register with the email address mentioned to create a store account.
Thanks for your continued support
Kind Regards
Vickie Glover
Customer Experience Team
Customer By Web Form (Leon Hartmann-Smith) 11/12/2011 02.21 AM
I have tried to sign in to make a purshase today, but the email address and password dont work, in case I typed the password wrong, I clicked to get it sent to me again..BUT...the system dont even accept my email as on your system (fair@xxxxx.xxx) how can this be ? as you confirmed it when you confirmed the membership renewal??? (xxxxxxxx)
Question Reference #111211-000008
Product Level 1: Online Store / Merchandise
Product Level 2: Membership Discount
Date Created: 11/12/2011 02.21 AM
Last Updated: 12/12/2011 06.32 PM
Status: Completed
Thank you for taking the time to contact Liverpool Football Club. Your reference number is 111124-000260.
We are improving the way in which we provide help and assistance to you and as a result moving forward we will be closing down this direct email address. For a faster response next time you need assistance please use our help and support website located at http://help.liverpoolfc.tv/ We regularly post and review frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) and if you cannot find what you need here, you can use our contact us question form which asks specific questions to assist us to route your question to the right team; this can be found directly on http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/contact.
An account was created automatically for you, but you can't log in until your password has been set. Please note that this login is only for the help centre (http://help.liverpoolfc.tv/) and not the main Liverpoolfc.tv website. **PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL as replies will not be read.**
Your username is: fair@xxxxx.xxx
Your registered email address is: fair@xxxxx.xxx
Thank you for your email.
I will not be able to respond to every email however I will look to
raise your point and if necessary will contact you in due course. For
day to day contact with the Club please use the contact form with link
Regards and thank for your support
"Nasser Aboobakar"
Response Via Email (Louisa Baxter) 11/11/2011 08.46 AM
Dear Leon
Thanks for contacting Liverpool Football Club
Firstly, I would like to apologise that you have experienced difficulties purchasing tickets through our website this week. Unfortunatley, due to high demand for tickets, our website and telephone lines have been extremely busy over the past week.
After checking your sons account, I noticed that since your email you have managed to purchase a ticket for the Stoke game through our website yesterday.
Unfortunatley, we are unable to change the address which your sons membership pack will be sent to. We can only send membership packs to the address which we have on record.
Thanks for your continued support
Kind Regards
Louisa Baxter
Customer Experience Team
----- Original Message -----
From: Liverpool FC
To: fair@xxxxx.xxx
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 11:10 AM
Subject: Membership package [Incident: 111109-000064]
Liverpool FC - Auto Email Response
Thank you for taking the time to contact Liverpool Football Club.
As the Club means so much to so many people, we receive many hundreds of email enquiries every day. Therefore it is not always possible to provide supporters with an instant response to their enquiry. We try to reply to the majority of emails within 24 hours. However at our busiest times this could take up to 5 days and this will be done in an order of priority.
If your enquiry relates to any of the topics below, please use the links provided to access the information you need.
For our FAQ’s please Click Here
Purchasing Tickets / Ticket Sales please Click Here
Membership please Click Here
Online Store please Click Here
Hospitality please Click Here
Please do not reply to this email as replies will not be read. If you need to contact us again please use the contact form at http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/contact
Thank you for getting in touch.
Liverpool Football Club
Question Reference #111109-000064
Summary: Membership package
Product Level 1: Membership Department
Product Level 2: Membership Ticket Sales
Date Created: 09/11/2011 10.10 AM
Last Updated: 09/11/2011 10.10 AM
Status: Open
Discussion Thread
Customer By Web Form (Leon Hartmann-Smith) 09/11/2011 10.10 AM
I just renewed my sons Leon's membership upgraded to adult..
and I tried to book at ticket for the home game 14th october 2012 v Stoke ..
a) there is NO connection via ticket sales so far after waiting TWO hrs on the net ..
b) I telephoned and although I got through the person at the other end could not hear me, can I sort this out via email? or phone me (as kathryn in yr office did regarding the membership renewal..?)
c) I also noticed that the address was incorrect on the previous membership _ I have corrected it and changed it to (c/o) my personal address in Montenegro however I want the membership package to go to my son in Freiburg;-
Leon Hartmann-Smith
D79106 Freiburg
all other correspondence c/o C. Smith, xxxx--------- 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro!
? 2011 Liverpool Football Club
All pictures and content remain under strict copyright of the publisher and should not be used without written permission.
Support Home Page
ChriS SmiTH
a> after 10 emails, 5 international phone calls I eventually sorted it out manually over the phone, with "michael" (who didnt know anything about the "problem" despite me quoting a specific reference etc...my card and Leon's fancard was "accepted...
b) that DESPITE my calling for this since TEN years, there is no integration of the systems used...in fact theres 4 different systems ..!!! so a "native speaker" takes a week to sort out, what chance someone whose language is not so fluent? its complicated ...
c) "out sourcing" means more problems and less "trouble-shooting" ..i suggest better co-ordination would help19 minutes ago · Like
d) I hope my son gets it, and i hope the order is correct!!
e) as MY card & Leons membership details were the same over the phone as quoted online, my "paranoia" is justified? again..
Thanks for your continued support
Sianah Lowry
Customer Experience Team Customer By Web Form (Leon Hartmann-Smith) 13/12/2011 02.29 PM
attn Sianah, you are the 4th DIFFERENT person to deal with this problem at Lfc??? its really a problem as LFC have made this more difficult than it should..your system doesnt work, checked again this mornign with a valid visa card, "rejected" ..you gave me an ENGLISH phone number but you MUST realise that I am from ABROAD...considering all the problems (which have NOW been reported to the Lfc (fans) "committee" dont you think YOU shoudl phone us = so that this order can proceed in time for xmas? - tel 00382 XXX XXXXX Response Via Email
other "news" ("Torres return")and various comments ..
ChriS> @empireofthekop said it last Year that FT will return to Atleti, but...i'd have him back on loan/option for the rest of this season, class!
see universal Reds group too..http://www.facebook.com/groups/URSUN/
A lass I knew in Novi sad
her names is Izzy, got a dog I call "dizzy"
and she is always FIZZY! ;)
have a great day and night!!!
i once knew a guy called "Slobo"
he tried to live up to his name - oh!
then he worked at nags head
his brain went to bed..
and was never seen again laughing out loud..oh! "
silver surfer.....(about a being searching the Universe . ha ha ha..)
about LIVERPOOL (the place)
ChriS SmiTH :) I always come back for a "scouse culture injection" ..its necessary when i am abroad being a REdS missionary in the darkest parts of europe lol!

ChriS SmiTH Maria, there are beautiful places all over the world, Ive been to half of it..and i have met some warm and interesting people, but i;ve never met people as warm and friendly,giving and emotional as in Liverpool! even if the society as a whole, has changed that a bit everywhere..i take a bit of "scouse" wherever i go, i feel like a missionary ;)
MUSIC Intermission... playlist;)
Happy birthday dAGGER...
THIS is the SPIRIT....
They may be gearing up for one of the busiest periods of the campaign, but Liverpool's first-team players and staff took time out of their preparations for the Festive season to bring some Christmas cheer to Alder Hey children's hospital on Monday. The Reds took on the role of Santa Claus for one very special afternoon to make their annual visit to the local hospital and spend time with youngsters who are facing up to the prospect of remaining on the wards for Christmas and beyond. The team were collected from Melwood shortly after midday by Ellison's Travel, who provided the use of a fleet of mini buses free of charge as they have done for several years, and they arrived clutching goodie bags stocked full of LFC merchandise to hand out to the kids.
To ensure as many children as possible were given an opportunity to meet their heroes, the players and staff were split into groups and set off around the hospital to visit the wards. Though hospital staff tried to keep Liverpool's visit a surprise, news quickly spread and the groups were greeted by beaming smiles on the faces of the excited patients and their families, who were not only given gifts but also the opportunity to pose for photos with the players, have a chat with them and collect their autographs. It was certainly a poignant occasion for the Reds party - and manager Kenny Dalglish insists it's important the squad make their annual visit to Alder Hey and try to bring some holiday cheer to the children.
"We're here today because we have a responsibility to the community of Liverpool," the boss told Liverpoolfc.tv. "It's an unfortunate time of year for people who are in hospital, especially children. "It's a traditional trip for us to come to Alder Hey and every one of the boys is here. It's great for
them to come along, it's great

the USA lost the "spirit" 50 years ago!...
Joe>US flies a high tech unmanned Drone 140 Miles into Iranian territory (an act of war). Iran captures the drone and plans to reverse-engineer it, which means that trillions of $$$ of high technology is now in Iranian hands. This could render a lot technology useless as the Iranians and others develop counter-measures learned from this drone.
...Obama's response?: Please give us our Drone back!
Joe Burns http://www.presstv.ir/detail/214664.html
( Iran airs footage of downed US drone ; www.presstv.ir )
ChriS SmiTH> sure, its bad enough that the morons run the "legal system" soon the "executioners" will be computerised, and not even "bother" with any "process" ppl really must wake UP, and see that others are not the problem but the "above" (leaders of the system) ARE ..time for waking up is long gone, the titanic sunk a long time ago, folks!
Joe Burns We are still the 99% Chris!
ChriS SmiTH but 99,9% of the 99% act like sheep!
ChriS> now also on... http://lnkd.in/46XZVq

...... I am strong because I am weak. I'm beautiful because I know my flaws. I'm a lover because I am a fighter. I'm fearless because I have been afraid. I'm wise because I have been foolish. & I can laugh because I Have known sadness.
Jasmina M> and this is perfect ! one hell of a definition !
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