May 2012 End of an Era,
("the Liverpool way)
not many words, but the pictures tell the story .. the greatest love of my life..The LIverpool way ; Built upon blood , sweat & tears by Shanks, The players who gave their all for the LiverBird & the Best Supporters in the World made up that Holy trinity
... was broken over the years, by the FA, the govt, the media & our own modern "fan(ie)s" ...G & H, the chelski Chairman & money-man Purslow & latest yankers; Henry-Werner & their F ascist S tazi G*ts , their poodle ; Ayres who failed to stand up for Rafa, for Kenny or for us...

he took it with typical good grace, but Dalglish is too kind to "them"..the day that "they" broke (OUR True Legend) Kenny's contract, without a fraction of his dignity, then stand up & 2-faced "thanks" whilst they market another new shirt & the 3rd manager within 2 years..is the end of OUR "Liverpool way" I will not give them one CENT more in their official shops & I will boycott Anfield until WE take back OUR CLUB...from yankers & fan(ie)s,...
"They didn't care about Rafa
GIVE us OUR football (CLUB)
some say..the Liverpool (players) way... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJyOMOjilGY&feature=plcp