it is y-our.....
MON TV !!!!! ..but....
...will it also be "Banned"
by Yankers??
?..THE DAY AFTER ; special show".... ?
As we prepare the Independent True REdS Network via "MOn TV"
"REdAlieN" articles are "blocked" facebooker messags are deleted and
emails or sms delayed up to 48 hrs getting to their destination or also
"cut & distorted"..
WHY much has been done over time to get power ??? our network
potentially with over 10 million CSerS & REdS to connect...could
influence a 100 million or more people, and with at least half the world
affected by the "culture of football"
access to it or DENIAL of it to YOU is power.."they" (the dark side of
the system" have killed people for much much less) , but today its not
necessary, they can discredit you or simply block you from...the
The system sunk..did U notice??? |
.. but if we stand up and use alternative methods of communication,..we"IM-=possible..
for example WE have highlights & clips from ...our PRE-view of ...
the "Day AFter the END of of the World
- special" programme:
high & low lights ..2012
justice collective = awareness?
1989 The field @Anfield covered by flowers in honour of the 96! |
Both CLUBS combined to Support the campaign.. |
Kenny , Despite Yankers ; Always OUR NUMBER 1 |
AGE- discrimination small ways perhaps but it is a "human rigjht" as per the UDHR/CofEu. articles!
no less than colour, creed, nationality status or gender....
increasing ...?
talking of "age"... :)
...The Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Mayans left many clues related to what happened to them...
REdNET has left
a new comment on your post " end?...
NOt for TRuE REdS! ..but it might be.....":
"Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the
round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re
not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify
them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change
things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the
crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that
they can change the world, are the ones who do."
Alone, ? YES. but last year I was hobbling in snow with a broken ankle.. |
and its my birthday
I QUIT the SNOBS @ "internations" in 2012, and therefore no more flirting or even damcing with these ladies ! |
Alternative Vino..?
Alternative food...!
Latest updates as
police respond to a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown,
????????????? Evita for 13? |
a CSer Birthday..(Pirhan(ha)I can remember...........xmas I dont want to remember |
Carlyle updated his status: "In the not too distant past, people used
to say heartily 'Merry Christmas'. Now today, they say forlornly 'Hope you have
a decent Christmas'... Things have changed haven't they? Ah Well...." |
this "fairy" sort of "visualizes" my xmas,,(ChriS) | .. | |
"G" the Host in Prizren |
"G" Not the host of Vilnius ; haircut in Pg! |
"The Albert" ; see below ; a favourite for "Kopites" |
And i need a miracle to find a GOOD lady..on this planet! |
The "we came not to PAY - POSTER
CAMPAIGN" starts next week...Worldwide..JOIN!
Rafa ...lost to us, helping chelski, its all wrong, but wish him well.. |
Billy Bragg -
Scousers never buy the Sun
Stevie reached 600 for them & 100 for them |
the REd NOSE invasion
is where YOU are! be warned!
Hi Chris,
Nice to hear from you. I am in Greece and look to be arriving in Istanbul in
the middle of January. Apocalyptic rain yesterday made walking impossible and
local floods too but now back to being cold!.
Glad to hear plans for hostel tolosi are coming along.
Take care
Raz (Walking to Istanbul from Cornwall..she stopped a few days in Podgorica with me)
ChriS SmiTH wrote:
, am in process of moving stuff so that my place can be renovated so,,,, hows
things going....? i dont know if yr website is up to dat we had some slight
flooding (streets( in Pg) and
I was offline..
Hi Chris,
I won't be going to Thessaloniki for the new year bash, i'm pushing on to
Istanbul for an early2013 arrival. Got a few people to meet there too who have
walked there so hopefully lots of tales to share. Have a good christmas where
ever you spend it. Guessing it will be a white one if your are in Podgerica.
Hope you're well
Take care
and its my birthday
From the early days of
Punk, to Rio with with the Rolling Stones! We are proud to announce the
participation of Brian Rasic, a story of doggedness, following one's passion
and humility.
Monday, December 31 at
10:00pm at Podmornica beogradski rnr podrum
Aleksandar Carevic and
the party people
The python trade is worth
$1 billion every year. Too bad a lot of that profit comes from illegal (and
often cruel) poaching of snakes...
Authoritarian regimes are
pushing for governmental control over the internet in a binding global treaty. If they succeed, the internet could become less
open, more costly and much slower.
We've stopped threats like this before, and
we can again -- but only with a massive global outcry. Sign the petition and
share with everyone you know:
To date, 102 Tibetans have
given their lives in protest of the oppressive Chinese Communist Party's
policies. Now, The Huffington Post has insensitively posted a graphic video of
a self-immolation
Namaste', I travel and live
for free worldwide and I gift people where ever I go... I love giving things
away. I'm an activist globally and I love locating resources that uplift
people. I'm not advertising or selling anything! As a Tantric Wellness
Sustainable Teacher I teach up to 5,000 women annually to be sustainable, off
the grid and be free! Free from the demands of life, financially and
spiritually. Send me your email and I'll send you my video (that I produced
and own) on How to Live & Travel for Free... it's easier than you think!
I believe in a bartering and shared economy... not solely based on money.
Please no angry or fear based email. I'm a verified member on Couchsurfering
for 2 years... Love
2014 Brazil Qualifying
Montenegro 4 3 0 1 12 2 10
England 4 2 0 2 12 2 8
Poland 3 1 0 2 5 3 5
Moldova 4 1 2 1 2 7 4
Ukraine 3 0 1 2 1 2 2
San Marino 4 0 4 0 0 16 0
And give the Kids a chance..stop ruining their World! |
5-side footy in Monty @ at the irish meet?????
im going to be doing a
few radio interviews in the new year once we have the date sorted to promote
it further
Well, there's New Year's Winter Camp in Thessaloniki..
Wherever you find the
hardest, sleaziest, dirtiest music you will find Dusko Damjanovic
photographing it! For this presentation he turns his lens on the audience.
MultiMonTV, check out the latest video from your channel subscriptions
for Dec 10, 2012.
think you'd
more time" .."make the best of a bad lot & laugh it
off-huh?" "Happy ChRiSmItH - reloaded" ..
Cicmil added a photo of you.?
Frank C>Hi
gang, just a little update..order on or before this Tuesday to make sure you
get your Book or Liverpool Streets and Statues DVD in time for Christmas.
check out the latest video from your channel subscriptions for Dec 17, 2012.
Like Katie Stack modelling on
Facebook Seán
Ó Cléirigh has invited you to like his new Page Katie
Stack modelling..
Tony E>I’m
excited to announce that Bill, our Community Product Manager, and I will be
hosting the first in a series of monthly webcasts this Thursday, December 20th,
at 10am PST. I’ll address feedback and concerns, answer questions and talk
about where we’re headed together in 2013.
has been a year of many changes for Couchsurfing. Many of you have taken the
time to provide us with feedback, ideas and concerns. We want to keep hearing
from you. We know that in order to succeed in evolving a service that the
community loves, we’ll need to be even more connected. We’re committed to that.
join us Thursday. The webcast will be open to the entire community, and I hope
you’ll be there.
Submit your
questions ahead of time in the Discussion
Forums or on Facebook.
You can also ask them live during the webcast with Twitter hashtag #cswebcast.
Hillsborough Justice Collective - FULL SONG - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
from itunes Order now from HMV Pre-order by texting JUSTICE to 80010 NOW.
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