This is MoN TV @ MoNtY-LoGiC...
........The brave may not live forever but the cautious do not live at all....
preparing MoNtV:
Its been a special time,
launched the REdNET v
F S G campaign, (in Bg & UE..) .. ("We are the CLuB, came not to PAY" campaign )

& ... promoting "MontY - Logic (charitable) CLUB and the " within wires - withOUT frontiers... friendship weekend" .. and the last days hrs catching a few hrs rest in between please join the friendship weekend, and bring your friends, group or "own team" too & benefit y-our kids future too.

FRiEnDsHiP ...& IdeaLs

Petar B> The last game of the (*Freedom)season is scheduled for 27th of May! So, any time after that date is ok. You can choose whatever date is good for you. And you are very welcome for the tour and everything else that is in my power.

ChriSmiTH> dates proposed 31 may->2 June, with extras & extensions ...& for those who want to enjoy this beautiful region..(& after the friendship party....make more friends.. with nature!) u can stay for more days with us...

friday 31 may ; welcome party,
- saturday; 1 June ; main event & grill party ;
- sunday 2nd June final day
& extra activities for those who stay ..!

we can promote our
event via this...

Chris (East-west Invest) Ursun;-
Natha, it would be great if u could come to the best REdS meeting outside of LIverpool..and help develop this "international friendship weekend" worldwide

ChRiS>-F-D > to "DaX" ...<*>
... its a wet & windy.grey & rainy sunday ...(it just doesnt fit this sunny land!) got up late, left my warm bed and miss the cuddles
I used to have with my wife..distracted myself & made a big brunch, a mixture of cultures... cevapi, fried onions & eggs, toast, & a little
bit of the sauce i made for dinner yesterday.. tasted fantastic...then I thought about "her" and for some reason "DaX" ;)
could i let someONE back in my life..? 3 years...& counting...(or rather not counting) :)
please join the friendship weekend, and bring yr group friends or team too
(,remembering our "first contact" ; ..." i suppose u are a bit tired, & i was a bit emotional last night, ...if u are interested,i want to tell U that U made me feel t very good when U put your arm in mine..and put me into bed, (even if i didnt want to stop talking to U!!! ha ha have some very attractive qualities..but u surely know that! laku noc! ChriS" )
- tried to call u about an hour ago, I am planning travel next week , so i would like to know if party 25th january is "on" ?
- Saturday 19:16
- ChriSmiTH> Hiya <>, I am in touch with "MG" it seems yr party is 26th ? i want to be there... I tried to phone you.(again)..NOT to "control you" but..... if i understand correctly . tomorrow is your "glory" (saints day?) ??? if so, I wanted to send my best to you... enjoy your time.. cuvaj se!
===== - Today
laku noc ! cuvaj se !
..what i HOPE seperates YOU from THEM, is to take ONE MINUTE out of FOURTEEN THOUSAND , in the last 10 days (only One of you did that) I may not be around that much longer.. ... will you regret when I am gone from this "dimension"..we will know only in the future "
Dj> I will be here for my birthdy, but the prob is that my mother is comming on 25. Are u planing to be <*> guest?
ChriSmiTH> is she nice?...sorry with respect, only joking..I will probably break the long journey with a stop over @ Uzice so lets see, I think Dani s party is on the saturday, so we can work it out.. (the "memories" are also for some day my kids might want to know who their crazy Dad was & did,.) keep in touch... the "campaign" is starting to have effect and F S G is about to go "belly up"
... bring a group from NS ...its will be a special weekend..- Ćiki Nasilnik>I really like that part of the country, zlatibor and tara mountains, but i've never been to uzice, and i'd really like to.

... the mess in this world is fed by the apathy of the people,
and writing and talking about it is just "mass-debating" ..take responsibility !


ChriSmiTH > Hiya "Dax" I am in touch with "MG" (Bg) it seems yr party is 26th ? i want to be there...
I tried to phone you...NOT to "control you" bur if i understand correctly . tomorrow is your "glory" ("saints day" ) ??? if so, I wanted to send my best to you... enjoy your time.. cuvaj se!

The "days after"(end of the world) party "CrAzY"13116 | AnTiChriS

Djordje L> i am starting reading
Nice way to keep memories

CS> i'll dance on the roof, i'll dance anywhere, with or without music!
New MagicGarden Belgrade
Lucky you..we envy to you on that,xaxaxa
CS> hello Ms Harvey!
- Romilos Lfc Fronimides I did before even started, love.
I HATE THE "YANKS", who ever they are - not just our chairmen! Fenway. We Come Not To Pay > ok then will U please get your group to print the poster and distribute, & support the campaign worldwide?? ..(like we did with the "Tom & George not welcome here" poster campaign..(CS) we made a start this weekend...
- Charles Reynolds What you have to do to support it
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay > Charles all you have to do (NOW) is the same as we did v Gillet and Hicks..are u a new fan? just reprint the poster, your own version as u like and post a picture of u or with your local fans , mates on the net ..(CS) if u want to do more read other posts on this site.. (boycott the offical stores etc)
- Charles Reynolds >sound
- Fenway. We Come Not To Pay > i suggest u start with the poster campaign, involve yr mates, then either make yr own "We are the club " t-shirts locally (see photos on this site) or wait until you can make them with other fans, we shall have them on line,7:19pm Fenway. We Come Not To Pay> I am away from my computer chris. What's this you sent me? Happy new year to u Today 12:26am >chris. set up youtbe account gmail is fenwaywecomenottoplay@gmail.comusername: fenwaywecomenottoplay password: +++++++++**** youtube is the same when logging in.
CS>who are u ? :)
F-way>. <We Come Not To Pay > Hey folks... I think its really time to step up to the plate here, even for myself as a disgruntled Liverpool supporter/fan. Some of you are away of a Irish Reds gathering in March which unfortunately I will be unable to attend, however, we are looking for people to represent the group, take videos of the event and peoples opinion of fenway. We are setting up a youtube account where we will post these videos up. However the rest of the admins will pull together and make this happen. There are a lot of fans or as chris would say fannies, who still feel FENWAY or FSG are the saviors of this club and they are only adhering to UEFA FINANCIAL FAIR PLAY rule. Time to give these people an education and get them to wise up... cause while FSG are managing their expectations to settle for mediocrity, this club is slipping further into decline. (SEANOC)

EduCaTiNg the mass-debaters?
the Film, i was just watching "JFK" (film) again.... which exposes the lies to cover up how Kennedy was killed ,,,there are people in USA who would do anything for power, and to keep the business machine rolling (9/11?) no one will ever know the (whole) truth, but just look at what FSG have done or not done, and forget transfers...they sacked Kenny, I would spit on them for that ALONE! .Kenny gave his heart and soul for us, for the 96... to break his contract?/..or lets talk about snubbing Rafa, or ignoring the hillsborough memorial, or donating to Bush's campaign, no less a murderer , people back in the 60's had excuses, they relied on mainstream media

..NONE of our "fans" ..whether in Bootle or Bankok..can say they dont if the club continues this way, and becomes a mere commercial "FANchise" dont point at anyone else except yourselves..because talking does nothing..we have to act as militantly as we did v G & H, we have t-shirts or just distribute the "Came not to PAY" posters..but the time for talk is gone..long gone..we have had 5 years of decline, since Moores selfishly sold out to the first lot of yankers...get wise, and get up and get them OUT! WE ARE THE CLUB..act like it!! (CS)
F-Way> Times confirm Assaidi to be shown the door out of lfc.
this club is a fooking joke if that is the case. they bought this guy during the summer and like most of our recent signings, only lasts one season.

Nathalie Abu Kheit and McDick Head like this.
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay > Rodgers has no clue about the kind of player needed no more than he has tactics on the pitch..........................all of his 'signings' have been wasteful = this is the same shite with Hodgson, Dalglish and now Rodgers... under Fenway.. there is no direction. they havent a clue and they need to sell the club before they run it further into the ground
CS> NO , WE need to take it over , otherwise we will just go from one "owner" to "another" and go down the drain...its OUR money that funfs their fanchise ..its OUR CLUB, start believing it!
F-way.> We Come Not To Pay shared a link. Yesterday
Ian Ayre comments on Liverpool's transfer strategy
Talk is cheap and coming from him, means little!

(the amount of Yanker BS is covering the city in mist?)
Fabio Borini AS Roma £10,400,000 13.07.2012
Joe Allen Swansea City £15,000,000 10.08.2012
Oussama Assaidi Heerenveen £3,000,000 17.08.2012
Nuri Sahin Real Madrid On Loan 25.08.2012
Samed Yesil Bayer Leverkusen £1,000,000 30.08.2012
Michael McColl > nevermind
Sunday at 9:54pm ·
F-way. > We Come Not To Pay ive just mailed u
Liverpool FC Ins and Outs under FSG / NESV
Following the deadline day debacle, much discussion has now opened around FSG's financial strategy placed upon Liverpool

Francis Lawton> posted to Fenway. We Come Not To Pay (LINK)
I have it on 100% 'Real McCoy' from the 'horses mouth' good authority that BRENDAN RODGERS 'nick name' among the playing squad at LFC is ... DAVID BRENT !!! ( The Ricky Gervais character from the OFFICE !! ) lol !!! Apparently, BRENDAN often goes off on one at Melwood with all the .." There's no 'I ' in the word Team lads !! lol I'm not happy to hear this to be honest. Apparently the young players take the piss out of him behind his back. A manager should have 100% respect and a certain amount of fear from his players. One of the players told me and there's no way I'll reveal who it was, other than to say he's a 1st team regular.. As I say, I wasn't happy to hear this....
F-way. (We Come Not To Pay) CS> If that is true, its a result of allowing Yankers to ruin our club, fans are as much to blame as anyone, for thinking that money solves everything..and for not defending Rafa and Kenny better! (CS) ..join the "poster campaign" and stop fans from moaning, get them to be active and get FSG out like we did with G & H!!!

Ione Di Freitas> Very good :)))' Confirmed: Liverpool have agreed to meet with Ajax 23 year old attacking midfielder Siem De Jong later this week for contract talks, according to Ajax chairman Hennie Henrichs in a interview with Dutch paper Telesport. (D.D)
?(P.M.) by: Hillsborough 1989 - Don't Ever Forget.
ChriSmiTH >really?? why another "squad player" when we have already a good basis of senior players and thanks to Rafa & kenny a lot of youth coming through to add to the "squad players" we already have with another? IF WE spend OUR money (its not FSG because they have invested NOTHING) on players its better to have ONE special world class than another 2 or 3 "squad level"..
CS> well why waste our time with the comments of Ayre?/.everyone with intelligence knows that he is a commercial puppet..he didnt stand up for Rafa or Kenny.. nor the supporters buy out when G & H were being forced out by us.. i dont believe a word that comes out of henry, werner , ayre or any office employee of F S G ..they only care about money.. and dont understand what our club is about..and BR was the wrong choice, hes out of his depth and why should we pay him to educate himself to get a level Rafa was when Benitez was forced out... the fans are as much to blame for the apathy as the yankers.. join the"we came not to PAY" (WE are the club") poster campaign and get FSG out..(CS) take red sections from antichris blog.. & answer ... (pathetic!)

F-way. (We Come Not To Pay ) > · LIVERPOOL FC have adopted a new approach to players’ contracts with lower basic salaries and more performance-related bonuses.The Reds have been stung in recent years by the kind of lucrative deals handed out to flops like Joe Cole and Alberto Aquilani (CS> NOT a "flop" when he recovered from injury conman Purslow & fool Hodgson lent him out and signed the likes of Pullsen and cockney Cole) .Now contracts are being structured in a different way to ensure there is a greater incentive to be a success at Anfield.MD Ian Ayre said: “The attitude I’m trying to put forward when we’re negotiating with agents is that we want to do a contract which is fair for both sides. Ian Ayre - why Liverpool FC's youth policy is right for transfers“Fair often means the right amount of reward for a player who delivers. Everyone we bring through the door we expect to perform and and do the best they can. As long as any player does that they should be rewarded for it.“I’m not one of those who subscribes to the idea that players are necessarily overpaid. I think they make a huge contribution to the biggest league in the world.“From the football club’s perspective, our view has to be that people are rewarded for contributing towards what we achieve. As long as contracts are structured in that way then everyone wins.“If a player performs then he will be rewarded. That’s the philosophy of the contracts we are offering and signing.”

Ayre admits there is “a bit of a legacy” when it comes to negotiating deals now with clubs and agents knowing what kind of inflated figures Liverpool have previously been willing to pay.“It’s a bit of a legacy we have to deal with as agents always seem to know what every player is earning and what every contract structure is,” he added. Liverpool FC will tackle agents' fees“But it’s not something that’s causing us too many problems. It doesn’t matter what has gone before, it’s about what’s happening now.“We have good relationships with the agents we are dealing with. I’ve found in the main most agents are prepared to listen and find the best solution for both sides.“Like any negotiation, if you give someone the opportunity to have it all their own way then they will. That’s not going to be the case here."We are being open, honest and fair in making it clear that the real reward comes from performance.” Read more: Liverpool Echo

CS> well why waste our time with the comments of Ayre?/.everyone with intelligence knows that he is a commercial puppet..he didnt stand up for Rafa or Kenny.. nor the supporters buy out when G & H were being forced out by us.. i dont believe a word ...
F-way.> ( We Come Not To Pay ) are they not all relevant and all part of the same shite that are keeping liverpool in the sh*t??? (seanoc)
Francis Lawton > The £12M fee for Sturridge from Chelsea was secured with the balance still outstanding on the transfers of Torres £50M, Meireless £12M and Benayoun £5.5M from Liverpool to Chelsea. Therefore, LFC should be able to buy another player or 2, if FSG permit them to !!

Francis Lawton> The balance still outstanding from Chelsea on the sale of those 3 players was around £15M ...That's why FSG did the business with Chelsea...It cost Fenway nothing !!! and with 2 more players on the way out FSG have cut the over heads once again....

Mick Myers> I told you what these characters were about Frank when they took over.....Hedge fund managers who have no love for anything but their wallets
<snip> It came up on my newsfeed lad....thats the thing about facebook, you cant fart and they let everyone is true though.....i told you what these shower were about <snip> I told you about these yanks lad....i was right wasn't i ?
Gerard Kenny> it is a business to them Michael, as it is to any foreign owner...and will be the same if everton get a foreign owner. is that not correct ???...Name me one owner who had an affinity or connection with the club they purchased before it was bought. The main thing is how they conduct themselves once they become the owners.

this group is to focus on removal of F S G.. otherwise its just hot air.. chatting about problems got into the mess with G & H... talk is cheap..FFs, soon Henry's "empire" will be in freefall.. and then fans will moaning that we didnt do anything. to save OUR CLUB. (CS)
Supplier sourced for "we are the club" t-shirts, and Supporter-to supporter "campaign" scarves caps etc .. expect to be on line within weeks and boycott off official shops made public in global media... Sean, we can make a video at the irish REdS gathering in March, but the media may be chasing us before then!! ;)

Liverpool boss reiterates need for more players
F-way.> (We Come Not To Pay) >. well done dunk from koptalk.
CS>(East-west Invest ) Ursun > dont need "more players" ... just less Yankers" (CS)

Liverpool want Wesley Sneijder if he takes pay cut (
F-way. > (We Come Not To Pay) > They are dreaming, the current plan regarding club wages and deals just sucks.................nobody else with ambition in PL has considered this ridiculous notion. m
CS>( East-west Invest) Ursun the only "cut" I want is to CUT FSG away from OUR CLUB! (CS) ====================================
REdNeT v F S G ;

within / without frontier ;

dates proposed 31 may->2 June, with extras & extensions
Ivan> Interim programme;
- friday; 31 may ; welcome party,
- saturday; 1 June ; main event & grill party ;
- sunday 2nd June final day
& extra activities for those who stay ..!
...& enjoy this beautiful region..(& after the friendship party....make more friends.. with nature!) can stay for more days with us...
The tournament for the whole of Serbia, Balkans and Europe
![]() |
FIVE a side??? |
![]() |
OR ..... Six A SiDE??? |
Flash Media coverage, news, sports journal, First Tv, B92, several sites
Europe's big clubs ...
Friendship fan clubs and fans, showing the true image of Serbia, the Serbian fans in the European media (after Krusevca)
Humanitarian (All money raised children who need help)
question ; 5 or 6 - a side???? ...the girls are a bit prettier than previous winners ; Scousers "RobY Fc" from Liverpool ;
![]() |
"RobY Team departing from EindhovenAirport after winning the "NOt WithOUT ME" (Europe) CUP (again) |
Subject: Ref; Supporters kit - for global REdS Network..

there shall be NO "sponsors" or commercial logos on our supporters to supporters (not for profit) kit,
& propose to start with 5 items
1) a simple t-shirt low - cost
2) a polo shirt - nice style
3) a "retro" shirt (as seen in an attachment)
4) a plain but stylish winter cap (Tatijana's boyfriend Ivan wears) and in summer a summer cap.
5) a "Global REdS" scarf..
I have attached a couple of indications of what we have done in a small way as a basis for your consideration and i propose to visit you end of next week..
Tijana will also inform you of an event planned in Uzice that we hope also will be a further launchpad of our supporter "campaign" for ownership of our club..
p.s. without making definate quotations , please acknowledge receipt of this email, and I hope Tijana may be able to accompany my visit to your offices, (I also wish to know if your bank has expecttation of "paypal" facilities this year?)
Tijana B>As for the best company for LFC fan 'supplies' - in this part of Serbia it is Miteks, they are located in Arilje (nice town near Uzice, well-known by cotton industry).<snip>

Luis's performance, skill & control was without fault, superior..
Debut goal for Sturridge, early days but 3 goals in 3 games is a decent start
(although I wasnt too keen before he joined..)
Stevie Goal..the sort u expect from the best ,, a great team performance
not only possesion but cutting passes in the most important areas..
VERY pleased for Hendo, thats the boost he needs to build on.
like Lucas when he joined us, I feel Hendo needs that ..
Glen, in his best ever was "only Norwich, and a shame we didn't
attack the scum like that last week, we could and should have beaten that cr*p
@ old toilet..
but let us focus on positives, Brendan, forget Henry & F S G
come & join the "holy trinity" ... F S G are on the way out..
they are the dark side..
Brendan Rodgers has agreed with Steven Gerrard and Luis Suárez that Liverpool need greater experience in their squad, but denied that there is conflict between the dressing room and boardroom over transfer policy.
"There is no doubt that they want to look at young players,
those who can develop over the next seven to ten years. But I think it is healthy not to agree.
I have got to where I have at such a young age
by not saying yes all the time.
I know how I have wanted to help the club improve. We will disagree and we have disagreed before.
The most important bit is the owners have been brilliant.
Tom Werner, John Henry, Mike Gordon, the people who I deal with most, have been supportive and they understand the things when I say we need to improve.If we bring in an experienced player of the right quality and the right sort, there is absolutely no question it gives Steven Gerrard a boost that he needs — Luis Suárez, Daniel Agger and the young players feed off it.”
Rodgers believes 28-year-old Wesley Sneijder has the potential to have a similarly positive effect on Liverpool as Van Persie has had on Manchester United. But with a transfer fee of €6.5 million and a salary of €6.5 million (about £5.4 million) per year, Sneijder is likely to prove beyond Liverpool’s financial reach.
“Affordability is the other part of it,” Rodgers said. “There are players who may be available but can we afford them? I can identify players who will help us improve and make us better, who will fit in to our work here, but it is the owners’ money.- Ćiki Nasilnik
Well, it's not that he stood up against them, but at least, he has
gone out and said to the public that he disagrees with their "Wengerish " transfer policy and that he can't do nothing about it.
on the other hand, I don't see 25m punds for borini and allen failure being paid off, ever. - CS>
Ciki... i dont believe him... for me , he says "popular things" that we call "lip service" he knows that fans opinion at the moment is moving against F S G and hes been in the firing line, he was picked by Henry because he has the "young image" to relate to young fans worldwide and to appeal to british media .. this is a "token gesture" and most likelly the script was agreed with F S G before he said it.. if he had said this 2 months ago I might have believed him..(might) ..from what i hear (although i agree he is a quality) Sneijder is a mercenary....and its easy to make this statement, when its almost certain Wesley will go elsewhere... ...Ciki, always look deeper...
- Ćiki Nasilnik
i know exactly what your point is, but I also believe that Brendan
is angry because owners won't allow him bring experienced players, even though he doesn't speak of itseijder is a cunt as i told you beforebut we need a great #10 at the moment as it seems that gerrard is settled down in a deeper role, and plans to stay there. - CS>
i dont think u do... and i dont agree, (sunday 20th Jan) SG switched well with Henderson (who is in form this last few games) , with Lucas getting stronger theres no need for a "number 10" Luis will drop off into "the hole" too if Sturridge is selected , the team can be more fluid.. , i dont agree about BR, I feel that Henry controls BR and BR plays the media game.. he isnt angry with the owners, they brought hin in, and he knows they will kick him out if he break their policy
.. he has probably agreed with Henry exactly what to say , to get the fans on the side of BR, u really dont get it, how devious yankers think do you?? Brendan is playing their game...not ours,...

Contacts with earthings & other beings,,,,

Vanja> A good manager is a man who isn't worried about his own career but rather the careers of those who work for him. I need someone who is doing right!
- Vanja Felske Genauso, und ich kann nur arbeiten mit seriösen Menschen, mit Erfahrungen, weil ich genauso auf diese Art denke. Ich arbeite hart, und schreibe meine Lieder, ich kümmere mich um meine Produktion auch, deshalb brauche ich jemanden der ein Wind hinter meinen Rücken sei könnte. Kontaktieren si mich per Inbox bitte.
- Robert Bowers A good manager thinks of his pocket , if he doesnt you arent making nothing
Vanja Felske As I said, I need someone who is doing right. It doesnt matter how, only right! I´m waiting for the right one @ Please contact me per Inbox... - Shahid Saleem WOW!!
- CS>( Forb Dix )The best "Managers" know instinctively what and when..and know-how. some aspects may be improved but management is a skill that cant be learnt , its within nature..
- Paul Sena Make me Rich and Successful but do it right! !
- Chris Forb Dix my advice is to learn to Manage yoursef Vanja, "being rich" is a state of mind" many "fanous & succesful people" are deeply sad.. enjoy yourself and be honest and u can work it out!ChRiS> the only contact I had from U , Triin, was a "complaint" ????
i sent this to 4 of you that i "trust"...
"lovely Ladies, according to "facebook" I have about 3000 "friends ..what i HOPE seperates YOU from THEM, is to take ONE MINUTE out of FOURTEEN THOUSAND , in the last 10 days (only One of you did that) I may not be around that much longer.. ... will you regret when I am gone from this "dimension"..we will know only in the future

January 16th, 2013 - 3:15 pm
Hi Chris !
We should be in Podgorica around the 30th of January, but we don't know the exact day because we are coming hitchhiking. If you're not available, could you give us the adress of the hostel ? Thank you and we keep in touch by e-mail !
Marie and Adrien !
ChriSmiTH> January 19th, 2013 - 1:11 pm
as i said , unless u speak perfect balkan language , its best u tell me yr phone number and if i am not here , i can help,via sms, u can go to the sister of the house owner @ Tripa Kokola 15,Podgorica.. (talk to Saska) and ask for (her sister's husband Velibor) "Toloshi hostel" (via ChriS) but better if i send them sms when I know for sure when u are coming, ca va?
13119 ============= Hiya "DAX"

I ca
UE " In Wires and WITHOUT frontiers" = friendship weekend @ UE
In planning .. forming organising committee, date expected long weekend early June 2013 for the first "friendship event" to bring people together , grills, party, Fun & footy tournament ; for kids charity

New MagicGarden Belgrade> Ok.Tnx.
CS> Hiya, is the party next weekend , 25th january "on" ?
"MG"-Bg> Yes but that party date is at Saturday,26th
CS>ok , !! i'll do my best to be there!!
8:22pm"MG"-Bg> Cool.We are expecting you,already.CS>9:39pm
"warning" i'll want to be dancing,,make room , MOLIM
==============DaX> now I dont have time to write, I must go to work( again) and when I back, I m gona write to you:)
CS> Dobar Dan
I Ca .. I am looking forward to that, are u working @ "magic garden" again..? I plan to come to yr party next week.. (?) and stay some days _ i hope we can visit the kids charity and make plans .( ) . this is my "censored-edited " version of the last few days /...
Today 8:18pm
CS> I tried to call u about an hour ago, I am planning travel next week , so i would like to know if party 25th january is "on" ?
13118 6:55pm
CS>Dobar Dan

13116 There will always be a feeling of "protection" for you, as a "soul-mate" should , and i ask you to accept this and not see it or feel "controlled"...(in prizren, but u were drunk...i was not..) I would even protect my friend or "guest" and use my body as a "wall" to protect someONE I "care" for....<snip>... you may never understand...but i always live in hope...that you will...<SMILE> before i leave this mad planet..I want to pass to you my knowledge and abilities and with GOOD will we shall..make a "miracle".. "love" is not a word..its badly used...too easily...but when trust between us is will know, and I hope.. <SMILE>
"BEing Crazy....Continued ...The "days after"(end of the world) party .."new Now" , white city repair with Ms Harvey..
and an UUUUUUUUEEEEE new years party...with In & without (UE) Wires? SHALL BE GOOD!! :)===========================================================p.s. within the project I will provide U with an email address "DaniS@M-L" you change it and make your own password later.. and take time from now until september to think what can be goodness and health for kids now and the future,,and when I am gone from this dimension..continue..
Vanja F> Time for Mr.Right. , at first one Shortcut...?
11 januari om 23:49 ·
Vanja F> Prijateljice moja, ti najbolje znas kako je lijepo u svijetu sa notama..
11 januari om 23:52 · Vind ik leuk · 1
Vera Perovic> Da mila moja mnogo lepo....Ti si najlespse bice u tim notama ...
Vanja > Sto mogu kad ih volim...
Vera Perovic > Daaa i tebe draga moja vole mnogi mnogi..
CS> (F Dix)>I am "almost right" because I am often on the left ...vidimo se?
Vanja F> I hope one day you will be for one woman, very "Right"! Best wishes..
CS ( F Dix) ha ha , Vanja, what will be , will be.. perhaps I am meant just to BE, u see? cuvaj se!

Subject: CS13116 Vesna..take care,..,.
Hiya Vesna, I am back in Pg,
good to cu again, and meet yr friends Rada & Anna (?)
I had a really great time, in UE and I intend going back in spring or even before...with some "co-operative plans" ... :)
... I notice the thread , with Matthias from NL asking about Balkans..
..I dont say anythign against him or his enquiries but my winter "in box" has been FULL of enquiries which seem like they ar being compiled for tourist guides and travel agents, MNE especially is being listed in national UK newspapers and other western countries as one of the "top hot spots" to visit in 2013... obviously want to help "genuine" CSerS but i would suggest..just to "examine" the way people ask to see if its a real or reasonable request... but of course its your own time ..
take care/ cuvaj se! :)
ChRiS x
Sevilay S> yes we went to skiing together last weekend. I red her blog she also wrote some about her stay with me we went out with my friends two nites and to hamam.
i just got a message from her, i was thinking of coming to Istanbul whilst she was there but I didnt know.. its a bit cold here. but you are always welcome
i want to check cheap flights and find out how long Raz stays there... then I will contact U, if i can find host..c1ao for now..

CS> Hiya Raz..
I have sent several messages, without reply, because I was considering coming to Istanbul if u are staying there for a while (are u still in contact with sevilay?) ..and have requested "friends" on yr FB account..too! :)
thanks for thinking about me, of course , u are welcome to stay here & if you are interested in our "house-telling" project and club events or just for gun , welcome to visit Podgorica.,.
POSTAL address; Tripa Kokolja 15 81000 Podgorica Montenegro
take care
ChRiS x
NICRAZ wrote:
>Hi Chris
>>How you doing?
>>I have a pretty big stack of postcards here and one has your name on but no address . . . can you send me it so I can test the turkish-montenegran postal systems!
CS> please join the friendship weekend, and bring yr group friends or team too
Subject: CS 13116 LIna Timo,Re: informacion
hello Lina, I suggest u write to DaniS@monty-logic ***** or check the "balkan mafia" group on couchsurfing... as it seems u are constructing a tourist guide more than a visit....! :)
good luck
Lina Timo wrote:
>On june our family will have a road to your country. Can you help me with informacion? About the road nr.9. Is it nice view to go by this road? Do you recommend to go by this road from Macedonia to BIOGRADSKA national park? Do you have some maps national parks of Biogradska gora or Durmitor? And informacion about them? Can you writte the prices of diesel? Where it is the best: Albania, Makedonia, Bosnia,Montenegro, Croatia? Is there no problems to changing euros or using a credit cards for buying diesel, food and else?
Acel > Thank you so much Chris ...I hardly open m,y facebook really how are you ...I will have THAI FOOD NIGHT.. hope you can come . take care !
Acel Palma Gallardo
ChRiS> Hiya Acel, where is that restaurant.. I might be in Bg that weekend,
let me know yr current phone number? want to organise something for ....REd NOSE day:


cowards are many and make us ALL sick..
Give me dignity when this journey is at end,
if i am broken and cannot mend..
i argue with the world & even with fate,
but there may one day be an unavoidable date
then, with a smile on my face,
i can leave this (wo)man made mad place (space) :) "
CS 13119 @pg
(butch & Sundance) tell the truth.....
postcard from planet earth
N E P A Kids
Monty blog (link) & photos ;-

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