but Lucas Does..!
.... Kfc or Lfc ?
even when you cut through all the BS, and JK up beat "renovation" ..this; 3 years ago Lfc chased the title, now Kfc chase FOURTH ( Kfc Kloppite Footy chicken)
posted in European REd loyal Supporters Club.
it WAS an excellent and outstanding strike, and yet I cant resist thinking , having watched CAN many times, how he is reluctant to HEAD the ball,he must have been so HAPPY that the chipped ball in from LUCAS allowed this superb action...
Such a big lad should forget his hairstyle and boss corners (attack or defence) is now adding work rate, physical presence and tackling to his inconsistent but undoubted talent and for Lfc its a shame that it wasnt evident in January or when Phil, Lalla, & Mane have been absent, he started playing only in March? ...
posted in European REd loyal Supporters Club.

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Love Kenny, and I wonder how many "modern Lfc fans" realise that our generation who "made" the trinity, during the Dynasty of Shanks-Bob-Joe-Kenny,, realise that (although its a word virtually "banned" in your society) we (and on the KOP especially) were 99% "Socialist" ..? until the 80's when the domination of footy by our club led to more London/southern based "Fans" jumping on the success bandwagon, (which incidentally, but no insignificantly led to them being n the "neutral zone at Heysel....)
,,, that many lads were involved in the anti-establishment music scene during the Thatcher regime..(and Riots in Toxteth) ...or that most football gangs/"ultras" were/are of right-wing / fascist /conservative type... reflected in your politics today, business & military & such influences your daily input of info.. and that "tastes" of the G&H/Henry-werner "business" style .. goes against basic instincts of Liverpool community and "working class heroes" .. 🙂
Liverpool was almost always a Social-Liberal community, with co-operative societies etc that certainly trumpites would call "commie" .. this was our domain .. Anti- Thatcher, through to Anti-.Cameron (he and Boris are of "them" too...
the struggle concerning HILLSBOROUGH a typical struggle to get "Justice" from a right wing conservative/business govt// whose poliicies were a main factor in the manslaughter of 96 of "ours"
... I wouldnt mention Serie A, because many clubs are business owned, but in the UK the "problem" is that many Football chairman/directors were "of that ilk" too .. and "smart sharks" were / are able too "flash the cash" and appeal to their greedy mindset too easily,,, Germans had always , in football and everything , of re-structuring their clubs from "fresh start" after WW2
,, because the business / aristocracy had been "cleaned" out.. (mostly) and could make clubs fro the fan based community ... whereas the english model, still had too many "old boys " .. its the Socialist heart that kept these people fighting for the 96...for justice... however its too late for many of our people..
posted in European REd loyal Supporters Club.

never ceases to amaze , in spite of awards and popularity of this intelligent film , that schools , students and and their parents never learn the lesson of this story! day after day, in school after school, in village, town and city all over the world the :" education system" simply continues to supply human fodder to the system... how stupid is this "human race" ....?
This Saturday, Trump will mark his 100th day in office. In January,
HRW’s Executive Director Kenneth Roth stated that Trump’s inauguration
opened up a “dangerous and uncertain” new era for rights in the United
States. Join Ken in conversation with Maria McFarland Sanchez-Moreno,
co-director of our US Program, to discuss threats to human rights under
the Trump administration.
french-election-voting-under-way-in-first-round-livethe "home of Liberty , Eqauality and brotherhood" ..now contested by a french supertrump impersonator and a fascist witch...
posted in Black sheep & Monty - knee-GRINS.
Things to do in wild beauty - sta mislis raditi u zemlji divlje ljepote.
May 1 2017
how many of today s sheeple understand significance of today?? , ; Beltane , laBour day, and formation of F & U mission ; ,
how many of today s sheeple understand significance of today?? , ; Beltane , laBour day, and formation of F & U mission ; ,
1 MAY. , 2000
This "sort of poem" is dedicated to..
MAY(be) DAY...
"heart of 17 years
... + 1000 tears, billion mind but no fears..
On sun-dunce-day, hearing sounds outside..
of the "family way"..
its someone else's "reality"
all seems to distant to me..
so I imagine that hatrick of "wee Luis"...
they are all gone, mum, dad, son,
kids, dad & sis, & "wives", especially Jacqui
& I cant find a GOOD "sub" you see?
too many ants, borg (bored)barbies & "fannies"
No one wants my guidance
...cant even find a lass who will jive-dance...!
So, it MUST be time "to go"
to leave this planet..?
This SPIRIT too strong and heart too young..
shame others dont feel thaT!
women dont (want to) know what they are missing
so..no more kissing..
sometimes they just remind me of cats..
...constantly "hissing"
THIS was once MY world..
but you all spoilt it..
you stole my beautiful planet
dumped your sh*te and made it unfit..
I am no jesus, ghandi Allah or other Messiah
Just a "naughty boy", who went much higher
than any of you, & because it made me see all
that you do...
......... that hurts too much
there is no human(e) touch
Heart of a boy ,17 Years,
and over a thousand tears
mind of a billion, eyes of an AlieN
but have no fears ..because My Soul is indestructible!"
MAY(be) DAY...
"heart of 17 years
... + 1000 tears, billion mind but no fears..
On sun-dunce-day, hearing sounds outside..
of the "family way"..
its someone else's "reality"
all seems to distant to me..
so I imagine that hatrick of "wee Luis"...

they are all gone, mum, dad, son,
kids, dad & sis, & "wives", especially Jacqui
& I cant find a GOOD "sub" you see?
too many ants, borg (bored)barbies & "fannies"
No one wants my guidance
...cant even find a lass who will jive-dance...!
So, it MUST be time "to go"
to leave this planet..?
This SPIRIT too strong and heart too young..
shame others dont feel thaT!
women dont (want to) know what they are missing
so..no more kissing..
sometimes they just remind me of cats..
...constantly "hissing"
THIS was once MY world..
but you all spoilt it..
you stole my beautiful planet
dumped your sh*te and made it unfit..
I am no jesus, ghandi Allah or other Messiah
Just a "naughty boy", who went much higher
than any of you, & because it made me see all
that you do...
......... that hurts too much
there is no human(e) touch
Heart of a boy ,17 Years,
and over a thousand tears
mind of a billion, eyes of an AlieN
but have no fears ..because My Soul is indestructible!"
greetings from "Reds Abroad" supporting footy evolution @