Campaign 22/23 (Universal president)
much has been written by "ghost - writer" (H-T) about "ChRiS" ....
and if you asked him directly he might reply.. with the famous line from "life of Brian" (monty python succesful comedy hit film)
" He is NOT the messiah, HE IS A VERY NAUGHTY BOY" ..but the suggestion is that its a "double bluff"...
some of the reasons the "yan kers" & boardroom sharks of USAcorp (a.k.a. fen way/Lfc billionaire backers) hate him and block & discredit CHRIS
are @
and.. gives a "window" into his world..
as does a degree..
so whilst he makes his CAMPAIGN seem like a joke...should you question more about his agenda, local & (eventual) UNIVERSAL "agenda"..
which may be seen in this MEMO which got a worse reaction than "Jerry Maguire" in the film of the same name..
Manifesto=Agenda 2022-2023
to " president of Vice ", post election may 2022..
to be enforced ; agenda in first year;
Clean up Lands, water, air, and people
(ban plastic bags! & no burningnature!)
Anti-establishment - equal society for all.
Freeze on food imports - encourage own food production
Environmental improvement ; renovation before new construction
Car FREE zones in all cities and towns
- Pg free from traffic between City qvart / Stari Grad
borders -
- open to all visitors & Migrants who wish to contribute/share are welcome
- Closed to all Military, (inc NATO) foreign corporations (above SME status)
- close all embassies - open co-operation with ALL peoples who co-operate with "Monty"
Hemp & Canabis production allowed by all private/home farms (gardens or terraces)
managed via Monty - co-operative
Shares in MOnty co-operative for all people - profit share
All income from "nature parks" to be shared
- 50% used to improve environment
- 50% for improved /free facilities for youth (culture, sport, social, music & arts)
find job for "the duke" (Milo)
Universal President Elect 2022/2023
add .......from
K i T (Kids in trouble) charitable initiative ; part of F & U mission ; CRS Campaign ; Montenegro 2022 intro video @
5 year plan ; and campaign ; true REd Evolution see also
my academIA
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name when I lay my vengeance upon thee."
all spontaneous.. instant, with no time for prep, they came together within minutes,all of them..what do THESE tell you about "ChRiS".....?????????
U are trouble to me, and I provoke the see?
I understand you, but do not agree
i need honesty...
sure many "loves: in my life
and not only one wondeful wife...
I want u to know who i am
no one comes even close.. but wham
is it because u are distant
that I should think u cant?
no I do not give in
without or within
i wont leave this planet as it is
or walk away from you
i see you are lost
i accept the cost
to be here true
and to be here ..for you
December 1, 2016 at 8:10 PM ·
December 1, 2013 at 11:56am ·
In Memory of Jacqui SmiTh (left this planet 23may 2005)
"it’s the first of December, my girl,
And I celebrate your birthday
Today the team I love play again
And I will also play "away"
Here in the balkans I wish I could share
With you a new life
You know I win, because , I dare :)
But if I lose or if I win
Its not the same, if together
We don’t play in this life's game
I have feelings for another
That she has yet to discover
Forgive me what I have broken
Feelings for you are more than some "token"
I found a "nica Star" in the Balkans sky
The Universe must connect us will know why..
I say and write No more words, only spirit remains
Wherever you are… I love you always
Jacqui, be at peace
Your ChRiS"
February 21, 2014 at 12:55 PM
once upon a time
women were feminine
they cared about the world
warm and feline
now its about power
and who will win
they want a car
and deal in sin
once upon a time
a man was a man
kept his word
and carried responsibility, all that he can
now they are weak
and sad, and lost
women have choices
at many mens cost
modern fee-males claim the kid
many men just donate and then are"got rid"
women please be carers, dont lose the best
men, find your dignity and remember the rest
ChRiS 14221
February 4, 2016 ·
for Danica Stansic for you "Dax"..on your birthday..
another day, u say that u hate..
but my wish is always too late
that u stayed and knew better
but now i dont even get a letter! :)
(or sms , email etc) ha ha
I wish YOU ALL the VERY best
I live now in Dg , who would have guessed?
it reminds me every day
that "Dani love" got away..
i hope u get all you deserve..
and one day find me.. if u have the nerve:)
Chris x
February 2, 2015 at 11:19 AM ·
Honesty, so rare, no one will dare,
to care , so there!
....the consequence ; u will be gone
...the planet and I are then alone...soon.., u dont help,
but, I just needed to make.... Teams ....
the most intelligent society , is a good football team ,
when members take responsibility or pass it to another when preferable., for the sake of the collective
Hopes, U will be..or .to be?
• Be my soul-mate...
• Be my equal.
• Have faith and trust in me, please don’t lie to me....
• Want to know who i am (not what I have)
• Respect and exchange my experience and culture
• Enjoy my humour & hospitality
• Will care how I feel & be kind to me when I am low..
• Be my “mate”
• Stay loyal to each other ...and stand by me against all.
• To be the only one, who TRULY knows me!
• Lots of cuddles & kisses (not only on sms!)
• Sensual MORE than sex, and Dancing together when ever possible,
= A spiritual connection..
again.. so soon this day
for Zhujeta
i still cannot forget her
13 people I hosted
had a party, the most did...
no mention of chicken
that story is done
but if you visit me again
we could start another one..
Take care & best wishes in my mothers homeland..
x Christopher Richard Smith
title: dont waste my time........
there is not a much bigger crime
than to waste my time
dont be a bore
i dont have much more
this life is all I have got
so dont let me rot
whilst I am waiting for you
and if you havent got a clue
what I am talking about
a smack in your ear
will solve your doubt!
(ex: is it such a hard thing to do? respect another person enough not to keep them hanging around?…we only have so much time, its a disgrace to waste it, but for another person to waste it for us is a crime, and if its part of some political/business/or sexual
manipulation, then shame on you!…)
A man can’t be too careful in the choice of his enemies.
Oscar Wilde
"a poem just something came into my crazy head this morning... :)
"dedicated to my "Virtual Girlfriend" ; Ms P. Il-low"
she wont leave me, or betray me
she is keen,
she only departs briefly, to stay clean :)
when I wake up , and its cold or rainy outside
i hold her close, and I know with pride..
we will stay together
no matter what weather..
she don't lie, cheat or steal
do i care if she is "real" ?
yeah, those modern fee-males are an actual muddle
my girl, just wants a cuddle..
is she asian, her name kor-ean?
Caucasian? , i just know where she has been :)
i am some way through such a beautiful life
...once I had a wonderful wife
but now they are mostly mean,
need their shopping and to look lean,
Ms P, is not like those stupid girls,
with straight hair, or in "cute curls"
with curves that make a man dream,
but inside them, they aren't what they seem....
so i hold her tight, i cant call it love
I don't ask anything from some one "above"
even if i sleep alone..
i am never the only :)
Best wishes Snezana Vucurovic
"although we never met
its a pretty safe bet
that I would like what you do
you like football , very much too"
so have a very good day
and I like to say
(i am not looking for a wife) :)
have an even more special life
ChRiS 191202
--------------not a new year for me
i live somewhere else, you see
its a place i know well
where it is , i wont tell,
my universe has wall
a roof, so very tall
you cannot come inside
when hurts , its where i hide
these days are different
families and others seem bent
to do at one time
oops i almost forgot to rhyme.. :0
why cant you be , all year round
caring, loving and profound..
i miss the ones i love
don't think if they are above
i will survive this pain
and win through, again
yesterday, now and tomorrow
i will survive all sorrow,,,
ChRiS 190101 00.30h ..some of my uni-verses
-----------------suM? of my Universe..............
there is the duty to care
and the chance to dare
only the old forget
the people one has met
selfish beings inhabit this earth
do not know what is worth
pollute each other with greed
and say , "its what I need"
me me me , is all I hear
its ok to shed a tear
be happy in what you do
but remember i am connected to you
we are all one,
in the rain or under the sun
" I think of her skin as smooth as silk,
and her lips as drinky as milk,
.... her breasts, as smooth as a pebble...
I dream of her form , oh so vital..
but most of all, I want the Title..!!!!! " ... again #19
greetings to all true REdS worldwide ..
__NEW IN Monty iinternational Group events
a marathon week ...
for crazy ideas..
a winter grill party..
a birthday party for people not here
a party for people whp do not usually go to parties
"find a dance partner" dancing night
live music night,.,
..a running meal
& much more,,,
confused ? you wont be if you join,, its fun ... and you get to meet people that you WANT to see again :)
no BORING meetings allowed!
contact ChRiS for details and to get your personal invitation
international friends & potential members welcome
Fee-males #19
GK from Istanbul,,, after many smaller "let downs" I had an impression from the day at Skada...lookign for MR. Rich, she had a dis-appointment with BF in Bologna? but never opened up, maybe as a sales person she didnt have much depth to open upmto..?
anyway, despite agreeing to attend , she missed the party on 20th (postponed) without explanation.. and then despite being my "plus 1" for the Charles/Nneoma.Cole xmas day party.. decided (the day before) to go to he boss;s dinner for the new firm.. my last comments..
I cant depemd on you, so "have a nice life" CU next time..
BB, from Pg/BP? ... turn up at the changed indian meal, without telling me, lots is onvites ..the song by Billy Joel...fits her;
"She s alwaus a woman to me" (played at Berlin whilst I was waiting for her not to turn up as other "plus 1 " (same party) ... more like stilletto, told her I dont like her, but i did like spendng time with her,.,, she was chasing a married french :Silvain" >?
...She: "I do not follow your rules." blah blah...
...... THE RULES of the modern fee-male (Monty version)
................dont post on my profile... so that my married BF can be jealous
.... or do not send me mails on the inter nations.. because i only wanted to meet you when I am bot busy chasing married men...
do not invite me to anything..... because then I can show up without having to confirm I am attending your event.. (a Montenegrin concept; an invitation is an insult NOT a "compliment"))
.. dont send me emails.. because you may tell me the truth and the truth is FORBIDDEN i our culture...
...................ChRiS> I told you before , you will realise , probably when it is too kate that I could have been your ONLY true friend...
Princess Nn... seemed very good, and took her to new indian restoran, ok, spicy hot, then cooked but left early, walked her home..
BF (Cole coming) planned coffee 18 december (she cancelled :urgent prof meeting at Uni?) ... Friday promised to help during afternoon (20 dec)
...apaolgy, she HAD to go to CT uni? ... i postponed party (Bozi=c or new year?) ... I missed her/Cole/USA charles river .. (no FB friendship
with him ....Driver didnt come... nor did bB to caffe... Nn didnt come to brunch at Il Forno...
Kristina Von P
things seem to be developing, saturday night drinks (late at berlin) wok.walk..sunday, then dancing with her ^ Nneoma, Valentin & Naomi (arg)
then took NN to 1928 instead of my event.. I was NOT impressed..(irish night) came late, then went early with ayet , nor attitude towards my offer (refugees) footbal//and I dont believe she comprehends my blog (s) all!
Diane B,
Promised to assist with A.K.A da me (Academy) came to coffe and dinner and I made cards for her biz, then suddenly saif she wanted "distance" and a fee-male promnise has a shelf life of warm ice cream..
Funda (& hubby kamil) invited them into my group, supported their "work hub" and mich more, but nothing returned , to do for me was too big a chore? sad...
AND Andjella (*and sick son Lazar) i sponsored her travel to Belgrade to halp her sone get treatment.. so she invited me for a boxing evening dinner, I cooked at her apartment, her BF and her were "seperated" but his mother lived upstairs, and she came in un- invited, then suddemy; Andjella stopped contact.. and also no contact to the kids footbal club where i had met her "friends: Milos etc (see 190101 memories)
=====, be careful what you wish for?
When you wave the "feminism flag" think how much power you already have..
...the power to say "NO" be a build a family , or NOT!
- the power to give birth to another Human BEing...consider that gift..!!!!!
- ..the power of influence to a new born and usually 5 years at least alone in your care..!
(? how many realise this before conception?)
... the power to be a single parent, if that's what you want..
..and the power to be a woman, to be feminine, care and love...or not! bond with nature...or ruin it by repeating the mistakes of man?
so , I repeat ; be careful what you wish may get it the responsibility & consequences that accompany power... are huge...!
The REdS # 19
as I write the REdS TEAM , now crowned world CHAMPION club , go to brenda n's leicester , who have been in special form and are 10 points behind at 2nd place.. however LIVERPOOL, shoudl have plenty of adrenalin and momentum after the game in qatar,, apart from a question about Gini (& Fab, although Hendo was MotM at DM v flamengo...should be able to start with "First team" ..
see all links end of the decade....we still have a plan for supporters...
add... random blogs..
with greetings from friends of : all and...
191202 He aint heavy..
( see videos )
ChRiS/F&U mission YNWA/J-96+30 "what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity" if you CARE about OUR club...LIVERPOOL belongs to OUR people,.(#REdGEM)
& please take time to absorb...
* *
and share our video?
CRS Campaign ; Montenegro 2022 intro video @
5 year plan ; and campaign ; true REd Evolution also @
OUR REd Evolution! 5 year plan ; and campaign ; true REd Evolution
integrating 5 year plan to achieve True REd Global Supporters power - L'biRD initiative includes campaign video to remind supporters of our original LIVERPOOL… vALENTIN PLUS ?
SUPPORT from and associated groups..worldwide (anon)
sponsoring plus
end of decade MEMORIES ..past, present....FUTURE
I am ... Nikole Tesle ..without the tech,, Ghandi, without a Religion,, Lennon, without the tune,
Mandela, without the nation, Martin L-K, without the colour, "the kop" ..without the (modern) fans...
Robin Hood, without arraws, Geronimo, without a horse, Shanks, without a club, I am a leader without an army, A general without a war,
an advocate, without a lwa, A Rebel without his flag, and ...A father, without a child,
a husband without a wife..I am ME, without you!.....Alone and all one.... complete.!
7:44 PM
AL<>> Happy New year
Just entered in messages
How are you?
CRS> i am getting better by the day, i will always survive , no one and nothing will stop me from achieving what i will, as i said before , you owe me nothing now, if u hreally do ave more important people there to deal with or guests to care for , we can go on with out you, laku noc!
CRS> I wanted to help you , because of you & Lazar & to co-operate with K.i.T - and perhaps we could have some form of "friendly - relation" (but my target is NOT to get inside your pants, like the others do..)
but you are full with other things, there is no kids party, no co-operation response or "invitation" promised with "football-Milos" , (flirting didnt work.... as you said the handsome "Gazda" was sceptical) ,... nothing done, on my list with you, ?
.....not even "winter boots" ... i see you are busy fashion posing, (a new business on face book) its FOUR days since my injury, you did NOT ask if i needed HELP, you did not visit me ..and you dont want to come because you have "guests" more important to you... I helped you & Lazar and I have no regrets..
ciao..Cuvaj se ! ChRiS
...? Andjella... (part 2)
CRS> I wanted to help you , because of you & Lazar & to co-operate with K.i.T - and perhaps we could have some form of "friendly - relation" (but my target is NOT to get inside your pants, like the others do..)
Christopher Richard Smith
January 22, 2016 at 8:54 AM ·
no matter how many things I live through and life experience I have its STILL amazing how quickly someone , especially a modern "feemale" can "change... like 720 degrees! ..." just over a week ago, someone I did my best to help , who was in a difficult situation, asked me to be her BEST friend forever, and called me "guardian angel" ...(marija) so I told her the truth about her situation, I offered to go with her to "womans rights" so she could collect advice about what she can do...(without obligations) and ME being me , when I thought she (and another person she was with) was wrong TOLD her my opinion and the consequences, because thats how I live and survive this mad world, bu telling it as it is,.
I have my ego too, and I dont like being used...

and when that person I help turns aganst me .."bites my hand" I ask myself ,,,why?? ...ANSWER; because its easier to attack me , AND to admit my truth ,THAN TO DEAL WITH THE THINGS IN HER LIFE! c'est la vie! she wont be the first to do this and probably not the last, BECAUSE I WONT CHANGE BEING ME!
December 19, 2014
before the Dawn iD ark...
Hell is in fury in a chicken scorned
bad ID ea has been warned
ive been through part 1 of dark times
dont know if any of this rhymes
"NO GOOD deed goes unpunished"
that is what i am often told
but didnt want this fee-male problem again
she now seems like the worse ever hen..
I normally stay alone with my grief
and yet her anger was a strange relief
instead of mourning Noela, Jaqui and Adam
spent my dark time arguing with the bitter madam
Our club has finally won a game
getting rid of the yan kers is my obvious aim
and showing people that they need to wake up
the system is choking you all, but let us win the cup! :)
its close to "solstice" and the darkest day
but then it changes and In sun, I will do it MY WAY
if she wants to kill me, do I care?
i lived through hell, i can say I died, & have "been there"..
and before I go, I wish you .. "a happy ChriSmitH" :) <train pic..)
..Hy, I would ike to invite you NoT to come and join the party at "obala" <Dani.> tonight... but if U want to enjoy it...I wont object..
happy solstice weekend, & a "happy ChRiSmitH" aha ha
December 10, 2015 at 12:39 AM ·
todays Poem...
just before I go to sleep.
its difficult not to weep
of the good people that have gone
left behind those who seem like moron (s)
there s donald , (the duck sounds more intelligent)
trying to be next president
but when u look at their population
its clear hes not the only (trump-chump)
europa is not much better
they bomb more kids in Syria
in revenge ...
when its all over the world will look like "stonehenge"
sometimes the scientists warn about this or that
some virus, some risk or look for life on another planet
seems when I look at the 7 billion
on this planet , I havent found that!
but keep your humour , if there is anyone there?
my ideas I would like to share
but considering the C 1 a will track you or spread more scare
I wonder if you really dare?
Chr15 151210
Christopher Richard Smith
December 10, 2018 at 9:10 AM ·
why did anyone think things in Uk had "changed for the better" ?? a fascist tory leader/government & the rascist policies of Ukippers STINK of the nazty side of the sheeple.. not only in uk but everywhere,,, Global REdS a.k.a. "REdS abroad" must show we care & DARE to be different..than their neanderthal herd...
Christopher Richard Smith
December 16, 2013 at 12:22 AM ·
The 16th of december would have been my sons birthday, he died suddenly, in a coma, in 1999 , a result of neglect, indirectly caused by a selfish mother and a careless society, I didn’t save him and that I will carry..all my life, respect each other and time, and when you are shown humanity, treasure it because it’s the only shield u have against the evil that is within & outside of us,,,all..
For my son, Adam ;-
"And Karma shall be my friend before I leave this planet…my spirit will live forever, in this and other dimensions.. And in those i have known, who may have forgotten, but who have never known me
..and to paraphrase..
The journey of an honest man is attacked on many sides by the injustice of the selfish and the evil within people. Be protected, in the name of charity and good will, when guiding weak through the darkness, be true and a supporter of this worlds family, and save its lost children. Or be striken by Karma and great storm , and know this, those who would poison and destroy humanity. you WILL know my name IF I must resort to vengeance, because Without respect , your words mean nothing…honesty is its own reward… What we do in life echoes in eternity…"
for Adam.. on 16th December 2019
20 years hAVE passed, and so you did
you were so young, just a kid..
I remember when you were born,
and all the times you were torn
between us , that is on me, on us..
you didn't ever make a fuss
it should have been a birthday
on this december day
and its hard to say ...
as a man, if you would have foubd your way
too gentle for this world, i know
and I did not save you from Glo.
i recall playing footy with you
but not enough other things, did we do..
my fault, i was somewhere else,
when they caused you pain,
and I hope your soul is free ...
i deny that nation, as they voted for the nazties again..
for you my son.. hidden, but in my heart, i wont forget you, ever.
December 16, 2017 at 11:16 AM ·
one of my earlier "life lessons" was when I was only 19, and although an excellent organiser, team captain, (i was a magnet for "responsibility" from around the age of 10, ...
... I took on a teenage GF who already had a 6 month old child (Sarah) ... (her BF had run off and left her alone)
we had a son ADAM born after a year or so of marriage, then my wife got bored with my working too much, and left me , taking both children to have a new "adventure" with another younger man...
I was distraught, but it made me stronger and even more committed to the other aspects of my life...
I did my "duty" via a court order paying A THIRD OF MY INCOME to support my ex/& 2 children..
and regularly had them stay with me in my home with my next partner... my ex insisted that I take all responsibility for their character development...she was weak... too weak to have them it turned out..however, my "ex" had a a string of BFs
about 10 years later Sarah broke down at school, and told that one of the BFs was a monster who violated, not only her, but her brother (Adam) 5 years previously..!
She was strong, it affected her , of course, however Adam became introspective, and would run away, also from my home to be with older boys.. and into trouble...
When he was a teen, he was at a "house party" with older boys who took pills and drunk a bottle of whisky, ...
he got sick, and was diagnosed schizophrenic! and got into more troube, i asked him to live with me or in MY mothers house, (my father had died) however some members of family were against it,,
then when I was active in Freiburg, I got a call from his sister (Sarah) to say that Adam had died... something had gone wrong during a hospital visit for drug use, he had been a short time in coma, and had gone...
Lesson?... always take care of people... whoever they are!
wherever you are!
his birthday would be today... 16th December!
December 16, 2017 at 10:35 AM ·
a young lady (L P de P) who has spent some time in the states, took a paidtravel etc, their teaching continues to preach the mis-guidance of their system, just after she was offered a chance at our "akada ME-JA! ;)
so it has been since 2 decades a) those who know no better are blinded by material assets & "perks" rather than true evolutionary value, and b) the purveyors of lies and cheating wish to steal all which is good in our lives... "totally" expected ..!
Christopher Richard Smith
December 14, 2013 ·
I was walking back from the sports Centre this evening.. Full moon behind me , and ONE single STAR , shining bright in the sky….I FEEL THE RESPONSIBILITY TO HELP YOU BECOME WHO you SHOULD BE ,,,TOO, .. THEN I AM ALSO ME!
December 13, 2015 ·
last nights "blind date" ended at 22h! ha ha after i took her home, went "drinking alone" at irish pub and found 4 ladies group to dance with , the singers BF wanted to fight me, but i was too drunk to worry about him after vino guiness and irish whisky ..ha ha danced with nice girl at "berlin caffe" too met a neandathal from niksiCK outiside but need t get "wasted" to rid myself of the "dark time demons" ...just woke up 12h sunday .....
Sunday, Dec 13, 2015
(*Gem stars)
"You have a pleasant day ahead. Optimism and creativity prevail. You can avail yourself of all the freedom necessary to encounter happiness. Indeed, that newfound happiness may come in the form of a new person who makes your heart beat faster. Don't fall in love too quickly! There are plenty of opportunities now. A deep and fulfilling commitment will take time to build."
Chr15> ok i am here ...ready!
December 6, 2016 at 3:23 PM ·
Where on the planet is "Justice" ????????
,, now that the nations we once used to rely on, to "save humanity" are spinning out of control and swinging towards fascism>? the nazti goons & fundamentalists must be clapping with glee....
Harvey Tuttle
Black sheep & Monty - knee-GRINS
December 5, 2016 at 5:04 PM is tragic, and a violation of the memory of my fathers generation, his friends and brothers in arms, who laid their lives down for the liberation of europe in WW2 from fascism now to see the control of media and the masses leaning towards book burning, , spying on the public, destruction of personal freedom and oppression, witch-hunts, discrimination, and oppresssion by fascism in USA, Uk, and many parts of europe,,, "when will they (*sheeple) ever learn?"
December 11, 2013 ·
more ABSOLUTE BULSH*te for the g8 summit..
They intrioduced HIV, now they will sell YOU ..the sheeple of the world a drug to reduce dementia ... which itself caused by "modern lifestyle & diet" case you are really stupid, i will explain it like this,,the business interests behind the G8 see less and less chances to profit from major war and wepons, will profit instead , directly or via taxes from the general public being sold "legalised drugs" to CURE you fools of the diseases they gave you.. WAKE UP, FFS!
................. Some are upset with the uruguayan initiative to legalise growing of maijuana crops, but governments everywhere have sold you drugs (in nice packets of pills & boxes ) their rugs helped kill my son and wife who trusted prescription drugs,, if weed etc is legalised (it will kill less than 1% than the people who die from alchohol, btw!) It will also reduce drug crime, (& the black market attraction to kids,…)
G & H / fen way are not much different, they are sharks, just the latter are cleverer at conning the fans .. they have achieved a 2 billion dollar asset, with NO personal investment ..(backed by a group of dollar billionaires who ddint get rich by being nice,,, and could have easily financed Lfc equal to the blue mancs... Henry & Werner have NO emotive interest .. .. and YOUR FOCUS SHOULD BE ON STANDING UP & SHOUTING OUT FOR THE 96 = NO justice = no hush up!
December 2, 2013 ·

Stephen Sackur, on bbc, reacting to the claim by EU rep who says UK becoming "nasty" ..well u just have to read some xenophobic comments on FB to get the feeling of going back in time, adolf manipulated the mass and Cameron & co do the same, in a "modern democracy" fed on biased media , Uk failed to provide any evidence that states that "strangers" are more pro rata fraudsters than english ppl ..and if anyone is honest enough to consider the TRUTH of history ; GB grew economically over time, by raping the resouces of other countries using cheap and slave labour to build an empire, that Karma now brings the eventual children to claim some support is a small price to pay.. the 1948 UDHR was signed but never fully applied by any "democratic" state. ... those who shout loudest are usually those who never shared a life away from their "little england" ..
December 1, 2014 at 10:46 AM ·
This was before it all fell apart between us , Jacqui , I miss U and for sure, only realised after we seperated how good U were to me...
for U!
" it is NINE years since U left this earth,
the best person I have known since Birth
Jacqui, the only regret of my life
that I didnt do more for my wife
we were still married when U died
i met so many others , to me they have lied..
modern women are so cruel and cold
dont know what a good man is
they dont see the boy in me
they only think I am getting OLD..
I am very fit, play footy and ALL
I party when I can, & still having fun with football
yes I have many years, of experience
but the only one that ever made sense..
was YOU
ChRiS 141201
December 1, 2013 at 11:56 AM
In Memory of Jacqui SmiTh (left this planet 23may 2005)
"it’s the first of December, my girl,
And I celebrate your birthday
Today the team I love play again
And I will also play "away"
Here in the balkans I wish I could share
With you a new life
You know I win, because , I dare :)
But if I lose or if I win
Its not the same, if together
We don’t play in this life's game
I have feelings for another
That she has yet to discover
Forgive me what I have broken
Feelings for you are more than some "token"
I found a "nica Star" in the Balkans sky
The Universe must connect us will know why..
I say and write No more words, only spirit remains
Wherever you are… I love you alway,
Jacqui, be at peace
Your ChRiS"
1 ShareChris Smith-Mypod shared an episode of We Need This.
December 1, 2018 at 1:36 PM ·
how about replacing the (empathy neutral) almost 7 billion sheeple with ,, HUMAN beings, who care about people , local & globa, l and the planet we exist from.. >????????????????? & "happy chrismith"
from friends of
We Need This
Shampoo Bars
ATTN: posted an episode of We Need This.
June 9, 2018 at 5:45 PM ·
These shampoo bars could replace the 552 million shampoo bottles we throw out annually.
Check out ATTN: on Instagram:
December 1, 2017 at 7:02 PM ·
... none of the fakers care, as "christian" society looks in the other direction, making money not charity during the "holy-day season" fakers your "democratic dream which became a world nightmare" "christians" who ignore the example of their "christ" ... and believe me, GOD doe NOT "bless america" or UK!
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
December 1, 2017 at 6:59 PM ·
none of the fakers care, as "christian" society looks in the other direction, making money not charity during the "holy-day season" fakers your "democratic dream which became a world nightmare" "christians" who ignore the example of their "christ" ... and believe me, GOD doe NOT "bless america" or UK!
the UN UDHR....
whats important?
an estimated 25,000 kids die worldwide due to selfish govt & corporate policies (every day) no pics, because no white people dying!
CS> Which nationality respects these 15 articles? None , so why would you want to belong to any of them???
THE REALITY OF THE PERVERTED "UN DECLARATION" ( and its ECHR equivalent!) has been diluted by fear and greed, by the "powers that be"
( the irony that these articles were sent into the Universe to show or "trick" "Intelligent Aliens" that this planet is "civiized" , well...this "civilization" is destroying itself, so my Alien friends, stay way, because the so called "Human Race" will pollute your atmosphere too..)
THE people who should beserving these aims are the ones who in fact escalate negativity and form a global DIS CRIMI NATION ..
that I dont belong fact most of the "terrorists" are in suits, ties and uniforms...or employed by them!
IF you act "different" they wont protect you,, they "PROFILE" you, discriminate, violate, alienate, and eventually persecute you,
in the way (apparently) they did 2000 years ago to "JC" or to anyone who dares tell the truth.. Ghandi, Madela Che, or any "whistleblower" or whoever challenges the "matrix" , and me :)
are you part of the problem??? , or part of the solution... because when you sink like the titanic..with them..
who is going to offer YOU a "life-boat?"
nO Justice for the 96 after 30 years...its up to the people to expose them, they only get away with it if we stay quiet.. all of the REdS of that generation were affected.. and our brothers & sisters IMO were murdered by the state... what I want people to realise that its useless expectuing the state to punish their employees .. then and now .. tories government policies are anti-social and anti justice.. we must "stand up for the 96" in the stadium AND in our daily lives...
i am considered by the worst of USA to be "anti-american" and its more or less true BUt..
a lot of GOOD came from NORTH AMERICA, Geronimo, Sitting BULL :)...most of MOTOWN music, (Stevie Wonder , Temptations, and many great artists) ..George Benson, Luther Van Dross (r.i.p) ....Eagles, band not birds,
. MARVEL comics; Xmen, Daredevil etc.. (Stan lee,....NOT the films) .,,, Matt Damon (Good Will, Bourne etc) .. Nicholson .. Cuckoo's nest, As good as it gets etc) .. and many other actors ..mostly from the "older generation" ..De Niro, Pachino, Godfather, .."Any Given Sunday (and I dont like americam rugby) .. Burgers (pre macdonalds) ..Casablanca & Bogart.. mind you apart from the first 2, are they AMERICAN, or imports?????)
much has been written by "ghost - writer" (H-T) about "ChRiS" ....
and if you asked him directly he might reply.. with the famous line from "life of Brian" (monty python succesful comedy hit film)
" He is NOT the messiah, HE IS A VERY NAUGHTY BOY" ..but the suggestion is that its a "double bluff"...
some of the reasons the "yan kers" & boardroom sharks of USAcorp (a.k.a. fen way/Lfc billionaire backers) hate him and block & discredit CHRIS
are @
and.. gives a "window" into his world..
as does a degree..
so whilst he makes his CAMPAIGN seem like a joke...should you question more about his agenda, local & (eventual) UNIVERSAL "agenda"..
which may be seen in this MEMO which got a worse reaction than "Jerry Maguire" in the film of the same name..
Manifesto=Agenda 2022-2023
to " president of Vice ", post election may 2022..
to be enforced ; agenda in first year;
Clean up Lands, water, air, and people
(ban plastic bags! & no burningnature!)
Anti-establishment - equal society for all.
Freeze on food imports - encourage own food production
Environmental improvement ; renovation before new construction
Car FREE zones in all cities and towns
- Pg free from traffic between City qvart / Stari Grad
borders -
- open to all visitors & Migrants who wish to contribute/share are welcome
- Closed to all Military, (inc NATO) foreign corporations (above SME status)
- close all embassies - open co-operation with ALL peoples who co-operate with "Monty"
Hemp & Canabis production allowed by all private/home farms (gardens or terraces)
managed via Monty - co-operative
Shares in MOnty co-operative for all people - profit share
All income from "nature parks" to be shared
- 50% used to improve environment
- 50% for improved /free facilities for youth (culture, sport, social, music & arts)
find job for "the duke" (Milo)
Universal President Elect 2022/2023
add .......from
K i T (Kids in trouble) charitable initiative ; part of F & U mission ; CRS Campaign ; Montenegro 2022 intro video @
5 year plan ; and campaign ; true REd Evolution see also
my academIA
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name when I lay my vengeance upon thee."
all spontaneous.. instant, with no time for prep, they came together within minutes,all of them..what do THESE tell you about "ChRiS".....?????????
U are trouble to me, and I provoke the see?
I understand you, but do not agree
i need honesty...
sure many "loves: in my life
and not only one wondeful wife...
I want u to know who i am
no one comes even close.. but wham
is it because u are distant
that I should think u cant?
no I do not give in
without or within
i wont leave this planet as it is
or walk away from you
i see you are lost
i accept the cost
to be here true
and to be here ..for you
December 1, 2016 at 8:10 PM ·
December 1, 2013 at 11:56am ·
In Memory of Jacqui SmiTh (left this planet 23may 2005)
"it’s the first of December, my girl,
And I celebrate your birthday
Today the team I love play again
And I will also play "away"
Here in the balkans I wish I could share
With you a new life
You know I win, because , I dare :)
But if I lose or if I win
Its not the same, if together
We don’t play in this life's game
I have feelings for another
That she has yet to discover
Forgive me what I have broken
Feelings for you are more than some "token"
I found a "nica Star" in the Balkans sky
The Universe must connect us will know why..
I say and write No more words, only spirit remains
Wherever you are… I love you always
Jacqui, be at peace
Your ChRiS"
February 21, 2014 at 12:55 PM
once upon a time
women were feminine
they cared about the world
warm and feline
now its about power
and who will win
they want a car
and deal in sin
once upon a time
a man was a man
kept his word
and carried responsibility, all that he can
now they are weak
and sad, and lost
women have choices
at many mens cost
modern fee-males claim the kid
many men just donate and then are"got rid"
women please be carers, dont lose the best
men, find your dignity and remember the rest
ChRiS 14221
February 4, 2016 ·
for Danica Stansic for you "Dax"..on your birthday..
another day, u say that u hate..
but my wish is always too late
that u stayed and knew better
but now i dont even get a letter! :)
(or sms , email etc) ha ha
I wish YOU ALL the VERY best
I live now in Dg , who would have guessed?
it reminds me every day
that "Dani love" got away..
i hope u get all you deserve..
and one day find me.. if u have the nerve:)
Chris x
February 2, 2015 at 11:19 AM ·
Honesty, so rare, no one will dare,
to care , so there!
....the consequence ; u will be gone
...the planet and I are then alone...soon.., u dont help,
but, I just needed to make.... Teams ....
the most intelligent society , is a good football team ,
when members take responsibility or pass it to another when preferable., for the sake of the collective
Hopes, U will be..or .to be?
• Be my soul-mate...
• Be my equal.
• Have faith and trust in me, please don’t lie to me....
• Want to know who i am (not what I have)
• Respect and exchange my experience and culture
• Enjoy my humour & hospitality
• Will care how I feel & be kind to me when I am low..
• Be my “mate”
• Stay loyal to each other ...and stand by me against all.
• To be the only one, who TRULY knows me!
• Lots of cuddles & kisses (not only on sms!)
• Sensual MORE than sex, and Dancing together when ever possible,
= A spiritual connection..
again.. so soon this day
for Zhujeta
i still cannot forget her
13 people I hosted
had a party, the most did...
no mention of chicken
that story is done
but if you visit me again
we could start another one..
Take care & best wishes in my mothers homeland..
x Christopher Richard Smith
title: dont waste my time........
there is not a much bigger crime
than to waste my time
dont be a bore
i dont have much more
this life is all I have got
so dont let me rot
whilst I am waiting for you
and if you havent got a clue
what I am talking about
a smack in your ear
will solve your doubt!
(ex: is it such a hard thing to do? respect another person enough not to keep them hanging around?…we only have so much time, its a disgrace to waste it, but for another person to waste it for us is a crime, and if its part of some political/business/or sexual
manipulation, then shame on you!…)
A man can’t be too careful in the choice of his enemies.
Oscar Wilde
"a poem just something came into my crazy head this morning... :)
"dedicated to my "Virtual Girlfriend" ; Ms P. Il-low"
she wont leave me, or betray me
she is keen,
she only departs briefly, to stay clean :)
when I wake up , and its cold or rainy outside
i hold her close, and I know with pride..
we will stay together
no matter what weather..
she don't lie, cheat or steal
do i care if she is "real" ?
yeah, those modern fee-males are an actual muddle
my girl, just wants a cuddle..
is she asian, her name kor-ean?
Caucasian? , i just know where she has been :)
i am some way through such a beautiful life
...once I had a wonderful wife
but now they are mostly mean,
need their shopping and to look lean,
Ms P, is not like those stupid girls,
with straight hair, or in "cute curls"
with curves that make a man dream,
but inside them, they aren't what they seem....
so i hold her tight, i cant call it love
I don't ask anything from some one "above"
even if i sleep alone..
i am never the only :)
Best wishes Snezana Vucurovic
"although we never met
its a pretty safe bet
that I would like what you do
you like football , very much too"
so have a very good day
and I like to say
(i am not looking for a wife) :)
have an even more special life
ChRiS 191202
--------------not a new year for me
i live somewhere else, you see
its a place i know well
where it is , i wont tell,
my universe has wall
a roof, so very tall
you cannot come inside
when hurts , its where i hide
these days are different
families and others seem bent
to do at one time
oops i almost forgot to rhyme.. :0
why cant you be , all year round
caring, loving and profound..
i miss the ones i love
don't think if they are above
i will survive this pain
and win through, again
yesterday, now and tomorrow
i will survive all sorrow,,,
ChRiS 190101 00.30h ..some of my uni-verses
-----------------suM? of my Universe..............
there is the duty to care
and the chance to dare
only the old forget
the people one has met
selfish beings inhabit this earth
do not know what is worth
pollute each other with greed
and say , "its what I need"
me me me , is all I hear
its ok to shed a tear
be happy in what you do
but remember i am connected to you
we are all one,
in the rain or under the sun
" I think of her skin as smooth as silk,
and her lips as drinky as milk,
.... her breasts, as smooth as a pebble...
I dream of her form , oh so vital..
but most of all, I want the Title..!!!!! " ... again #19
greetings to all true REdS worldwide ..
__NEW IN Monty iinternational Group events
a marathon week ...
for crazy ideas..
a winter grill party..
a birthday party for people not here
a party for people whp do not usually go to parties
"find a dance partner" dancing night
live music night,.,
..a running meal
& much more,,,
confused ? you wont be if you join,, its fun ... and you get to meet people that you WANT to see again :)
no BORING meetings allowed!
contact ChRiS for details and to get your personal invitation
international friends & potential members welcome
Fee-males #19
GK from Istanbul,,, after many smaller "let downs" I had an impression from the day at Skada...lookign for MR. Rich, she had a dis-appointment with BF in Bologna? but never opened up, maybe as a sales person she didnt have much depth to open upmto..?
anyway, despite agreeing to attend , she missed the party on 20th (postponed) without explanation.. and then despite being my "plus 1" for the Charles/Nneoma.Cole xmas day party.. decided (the day before) to go to he boss;s dinner for the new firm.. my last comments..
I cant depemd on you, so "have a nice life" CU next time..
BB, from Pg/BP? ... turn up at the changed indian meal, without telling me, lots is onvites ..the song by Billy Joel...fits her;
"She s alwaus a woman to me" (played at Berlin whilst I was waiting for her not to turn up as other "plus 1 " (same party) ... more like stilletto, told her I dont like her, but i did like spendng time with her,.,, she was chasing a married french :Silvain" >?
...She: "I do not follow your rules." blah blah...
...... THE RULES of the modern fee-male (Monty version)
................dont post on my profile... so that my married BF can be jealous
.... or do not send me mails on the inter nations.. because i only wanted to meet you when I am bot busy chasing married men...
do not invite me to anything..... because then I can show up without having to confirm I am attending your event.. (a Montenegrin concept; an invitation is an insult NOT a "compliment"))
.. dont send me emails.. because you may tell me the truth and the truth is FORBIDDEN i our culture...
...................ChRiS> I told you before , you will realise , probably when it is too kate that I could have been your ONLY true friend...
Princess Nn... seemed very good, and took her to new indian restoran, ok, spicy hot, then cooked but left early, walked her home..
BF (Cole coming) planned coffee 18 december (she cancelled :urgent prof meeting at Uni?) ... Friday promised to help during afternoon (20 dec)
...apaolgy, she HAD to go to CT uni? ... i postponed party (Bozi=c or new year?) ... I missed her/Cole/USA charles river .. (no FB friendship
with him ....Driver didnt come... nor did bB to caffe... Nn didnt come to brunch at Il Forno...
Kristina Von P
things seem to be developing, saturday night drinks (late at berlin) wok.walk..sunday, then dancing with her ^ Nneoma, Valentin & Naomi (arg)
then took NN to 1928 instead of my event.. I was NOT impressed..(irish night) came late, then went early with ayet , nor attitude towards my offer (refugees) footbal//and I dont believe she comprehends my blog (s) all!
Diane B,
Promised to assist with A.K.A da me (Academy) came to coffe and dinner and I made cards for her biz, then suddenly saif she wanted "distance" and a fee-male promnise has a shelf life of warm ice cream..
Funda (& hubby kamil) invited them into my group, supported their "work hub" and mich more, but nothing returned , to do for me was too big a chore? sad...
AND Andjella (*and sick son Lazar) i sponsored her travel to Belgrade to halp her sone get treatment.. so she invited me for a boxing evening dinner, I cooked at her apartment, her BF and her were "seperated" but his mother lived upstairs, and she came in un- invited, then suddemy; Andjella stopped contact.. and also no contact to the kids footbal club where i had met her "friends: Milos etc (see 190101 memories)
=====, be careful what you wish for?
When you wave the "feminism flag" think how much power you already have..
...the power to say "NO" be a build a family , or NOT!
- the power to give birth to another Human BEing...consider that gift..!!!!!
- ..the power of influence to a new born and usually 5 years at least alone in your care..!
(? how many realise this before conception?)
... the power to be a single parent, if that's what you want..
..and the power to be a woman, to be feminine, care and love...or not! bond with nature...or ruin it by repeating the mistakes of man?
so , I repeat ; be careful what you wish may get it the responsibility & consequences that accompany power... are huge...!
The REdS # 19
as I write the REdS TEAM , now crowned world CHAMPION club , go to brenda n's leicester , who have been in special form and are 10 points behind at 2nd place.. however LIVERPOOL, shoudl have plenty of adrenalin and momentum after the game in qatar,, apart from a question about Gini (& Fab, although Hendo was MotM at DM v flamengo...should be able to start with "First team" ..
see all links end of the decade....we still have a plan for supporters...
add... random blogs..
with greetings from friends of : all and...
191202 He aint heavy..
( see videos )
ChRiS/F&U mission YNWA/J-96+30 "what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity" if you CARE about OUR club...LIVERPOOL belongs to OUR people,.(#REdGEM)
& please take time to absorb...
* *
and share our video?
CRS Campaign ; Montenegro 2022 intro video @
5 year plan ; and campaign ; true REd Evolution also @
OUR REd Evolution! 5 year plan ; and campaign ; true REd Evolution
integrating 5 year plan to achieve True REd Global Supporters power - L'biRD initiative includes campaign video to remind supporters of our original LIVERPOOL… vALENTIN PLUS ?
SUPPORT from and associated groups..worldwide (anon)
sponsoring plus
end of decade MEMORIES ..past, present....FUTURE
I am ... Nikole Tesle ..without the tech,, Ghandi, without a Religion,, Lennon, without the tune,
Mandela, without the nation, Martin L-K, without the colour, "the kop" ..without the (modern) fans...
Robin Hood, without arraws, Geronimo, without a horse, Shanks, without a club, I am a leader without an army, A general without a war,
an advocate, without a lwa, A Rebel without his flag, and ...A father, without a child,
a husband without a wife..I am ME, without you!.....Alone and all one.... complete.!
7:44 PM
AL<>> Happy New year
Just entered in messages
How are you?
CRS> i am getting better by the day, i will always survive , no one and nothing will stop me from achieving what i will, as i said before , you owe me nothing now, if u hreally do ave more important people there to deal with or guests to care for , we can go on with out you, laku noc!
CRS> I wanted to help you , because of you & Lazar & to co-operate with K.i.T - and perhaps we could have some form of "friendly - relation" (but my target is NOT to get inside your pants, like the others do..)
but you are full with other things, there is no kids party, no co-operation response or "invitation" promised with "football-Milos" , (flirting didnt work.... as you said the handsome "Gazda" was sceptical) ,... nothing done, on my list with you, ?
.....not even "winter boots" ... i see you are busy fashion posing, (a new business on face book) its FOUR days since my injury, you did NOT ask if i needed HELP, you did not visit me ..and you dont want to come because you have "guests" more important to you... I helped you & Lazar and I have no regrets..
ciao..Cuvaj se ! ChRiS
...? Andjella... (part 2)
CRS> I wanted to help you , because of you & Lazar & to co-operate with K.i.T - and perhaps we could have some form of "friendly - relation" (but my target is NOT to get inside your pants, like the others do..)
Christopher Richard Smith
January 22, 2016 at 8:54 AM ·
no matter how many things I live through and life experience I have its STILL amazing how quickly someone , especially a modern "feemale" can "change... like 720 degrees! ..." just over a week ago, someone I did my best to help , who was in a difficult situation, asked me to be her BEST friend forever, and called me "guardian angel" ...(marija) so I told her the truth about her situation, I offered to go with her to "womans rights" so she could collect advice about what she can do...(without obligations) and ME being me , when I thought she (and another person she was with) was wrong TOLD her my opinion and the consequences, because thats how I live and survive this mad world, bu telling it as it is,.
I have my ego too, and I dont like being used...

and when that person I help turns aganst me .."bites my hand" I ask myself ,,,why?? ...ANSWER; because its easier to attack me , AND to admit my truth ,THAN TO DEAL WITH THE THINGS IN HER LIFE! c'est la vie! she wont be the first to do this and probably not the last, BECAUSE I WONT CHANGE BEING ME!
December 19, 2014
before the Dawn iD ark...
Hell is in fury in a chicken scorned
bad ID ea has been warned
ive been through part 1 of dark times
dont know if any of this rhymes
"NO GOOD deed goes unpunished"
that is what i am often told
but didnt want this fee-male problem again
she now seems like the worse ever hen..
I normally stay alone with my grief
and yet her anger was a strange relief
instead of mourning Noela, Jaqui and Adam
spent my dark time arguing with the bitter madam
Our club has finally won a game
getting rid of the yan kers is my obvious aim
and showing people that they need to wake up
the system is choking you all, but let us win the cup! :)
its close to "solstice" and the darkest day
but then it changes and In sun, I will do it MY WAY
if she wants to kill me, do I care?
i lived through hell, i can say I died, & have "been there"..
and before I go, I wish you .. "a happy ChriSmitH" :) <train pic..)
..Hy, I would ike to invite you NoT to come and join the party at "obala" <Dani.> tonight... but if U want to enjoy it...I wont object..
happy solstice weekend, & a "happy ChRiSmitH" aha ha
December 10, 2015 at 12:39 AM ·
todays Poem...
just before I go to sleep.
its difficult not to weep
of the good people that have gone
left behind those who seem like moron (s)
there s donald , (the duck sounds more intelligent)
trying to be next president
but when u look at their population
its clear hes not the only (trump-chump)
europa is not much better
they bomb more kids in Syria
in revenge ...
when its all over the world will look like "stonehenge"
sometimes the scientists warn about this or that
some virus, some risk or look for life on another planet
seems when I look at the 7 billion
on this planet , I havent found that!
but keep your humour , if there is anyone there?
my ideas I would like to share
but considering the C 1 a will track you or spread more scare
I wonder if you really dare?
Chr15 151210
Christopher Richard Smith
December 10, 2018 at 9:10 AM ·
why did anyone think things in Uk had "changed for the better" ?? a fascist tory leader/government & the rascist policies of Ukippers STINK of the nazty side of the sheeple.. not only in uk but everywhere,,, Global REdS a.k.a. "REdS abroad" must show we care & DARE to be different..than their neanderthal herd...
Christopher Richard Smith
December 16, 2013 at 12:22 AM ·
The 16th of december would have been my sons birthday, he died suddenly, in a coma, in 1999 , a result of neglect, indirectly caused by a selfish mother and a careless society, I didn’t save him and that I will carry..all my life, respect each other and time, and when you are shown humanity, treasure it because it’s the only shield u have against the evil that is within & outside of us,,,all..
For my son, Adam ;-
"And Karma shall be my friend before I leave this planet…my spirit will live forever, in this and other dimensions.. And in those i have known, who may have forgotten, but who have never known me
..and to paraphrase..
The journey of an honest man is attacked on many sides by the injustice of the selfish and the evil within people. Be protected, in the name of charity and good will, when guiding weak through the darkness, be true and a supporter of this worlds family, and save its lost children. Or be striken by Karma and great storm , and know this, those who would poison and destroy humanity. you WILL know my name IF I must resort to vengeance, because Without respect , your words mean nothing…honesty is its own reward… What we do in life echoes in eternity…"
for Adam.. on 16th December 2019
20 years hAVE passed, and so you did
you were so young, just a kid..
I remember when you were born,
and all the times you were torn
between us , that is on me, on us..
you didn't ever make a fuss
it should have been a birthday
on this december day
and its hard to say ...
as a man, if you would have foubd your way
too gentle for this world, i know
and I did not save you from Glo.
i recall playing footy with you
but not enough other things, did we do..
my fault, i was somewhere else,
when they caused you pain,
and I hope your soul is free ...
i deny that nation, as they voted for the nazties again..
for you my son.. hidden, but in my heart, i wont forget you, ever.
December 16, 2017 at 11:16 AM ·
one of my earlier "life lessons" was when I was only 19, and although an excellent organiser, team captain, (i was a magnet for "responsibility" from around the age of 10, ...
... I took on a teenage GF who already had a 6 month old child (Sarah) ... (her BF had run off and left her alone)
we had a son ADAM born after a year or so of marriage, then my wife got bored with my working too much, and left me , taking both children to have a new "adventure" with another younger man...
I was distraught, but it made me stronger and even more committed to the other aspects of my life...
I did my "duty" via a court order paying A THIRD OF MY INCOME to support my ex/& 2 children..
and regularly had them stay with me in my home with my next partner... my ex insisted that I take all responsibility for their character development...she was weak... too weak to have them it turned out..however, my "ex" had a a string of BFs
about 10 years later Sarah broke down at school, and told that one of the BFs was a monster who violated, not only her, but her brother (Adam) 5 years previously..!
She was strong, it affected her , of course, however Adam became introspective, and would run away, also from my home to be with older boys.. and into trouble...
When he was a teen, he was at a "house party" with older boys who took pills and drunk a bottle of whisky, ...
he got sick, and was diagnosed schizophrenic! and got into more troube, i asked him to live with me or in MY mothers house, (my father had died) however some members of family were against it,,
then when I was active in Freiburg, I got a call from his sister (Sarah) to say that Adam had died... something had gone wrong during a hospital visit for drug use, he had been a short time in coma, and had gone...
Lesson?... always take care of people... whoever they are!
wherever you are!
his birthday would be today... 16th December!
December 16, 2017 at 10:35 AM ·
a young lady (L P de P) who has spent some time in the states, took a paidtravel etc, their teaching continues to preach the mis-guidance of their system, just after she was offered a chance at our "akada ME-JA! ;)
so it has been since 2 decades a) those who know no better are blinded by material assets & "perks" rather than true evolutionary value, and b) the purveyors of lies and cheating wish to steal all which is good in our lives... "totally" expected ..!
Christopher Richard Smith
December 14, 2013 ·
I was walking back from the sports Centre this evening.. Full moon behind me , and ONE single STAR , shining bright in the sky….I FEEL THE RESPONSIBILITY TO HELP YOU BECOME WHO you SHOULD BE ,,,TOO, .. THEN I AM ALSO ME!
December 13, 2015 ·
last nights "blind date" ended at 22h! ha ha after i took her home, went "drinking alone" at irish pub and found 4 ladies group to dance with , the singers BF wanted to fight me, but i was too drunk to worry about him after vino guiness and irish whisky ..ha ha danced with nice girl at "berlin caffe" too met a neandathal from niksiCK outiside but need t get "wasted" to rid myself of the "dark time demons" ...just woke up 12h sunday .....
Sunday, Dec 13, 2015
(*Gem stars)
"You have a pleasant day ahead. Optimism and creativity prevail. You can avail yourself of all the freedom necessary to encounter happiness. Indeed, that newfound happiness may come in the form of a new person who makes your heart beat faster. Don't fall in love too quickly! There are plenty of opportunities now. A deep and fulfilling commitment will take time to build."
Chr15> ok i am here ...ready!
December 6, 2016 at 3:23 PM ·
Where on the planet is "Justice" ????????
,, now that the nations we once used to rely on, to "save humanity" are spinning out of control and swinging towards fascism>? the nazti goons & fundamentalists must be clapping with glee....
Harvey Tuttle
Black sheep & Monty - knee-GRINS
December 5, 2016 at 5:04 PM is tragic, and a violation of the memory of my fathers generation, his friends and brothers in arms, who laid their lives down for the liberation of europe in WW2 from fascism now to see the control of media and the masses leaning towards book burning, , spying on the public, destruction of personal freedom and oppression, witch-hunts, discrimination, and oppresssion by fascism in USA, Uk, and many parts of europe,,, "when will they (*sheeple) ever learn?"
December 11, 2013 ·
more ABSOLUTE BULSH*te for the g8 summit..
They intrioduced HIV, now they will sell YOU ..the sheeple of the world a drug to reduce dementia ... which itself caused by "modern lifestyle & diet" case you are really stupid, i will explain it like this,,the business interests behind the G8 see less and less chances to profit from major war and wepons, will profit instead , directly or via taxes from the general public being sold "legalised drugs" to CURE you fools of the diseases they gave you.. WAKE UP, FFS!
................. Some are upset with the uruguayan initiative to legalise growing of maijuana crops, but governments everywhere have sold you drugs (in nice packets of pills & boxes ) their rugs helped kill my son and wife who trusted prescription drugs,, if weed etc is legalised (it will kill less than 1% than the people who die from alchohol, btw!) It will also reduce drug crime, (& the black market attraction to kids,…)
G & H / fen way are not much different, they are sharks, just the latter are cleverer at conning the fans .. they have achieved a 2 billion dollar asset, with NO personal investment ..(backed by a group of dollar billionaires who ddint get rich by being nice,,, and could have easily financed Lfc equal to the blue mancs... Henry & Werner have NO emotive interest .. .. and YOUR FOCUS SHOULD BE ON STANDING UP & SHOUTING OUT FOR THE 96 = NO justice = no hush up!
December 2, 2013 ·

Stephen Sackur, on bbc, reacting to the claim by EU rep who says UK becoming "nasty" ..well u just have to read some xenophobic comments on FB to get the feeling of going back in time, adolf manipulated the mass and Cameron & co do the same, in a "modern democracy" fed on biased media , Uk failed to provide any evidence that states that "strangers" are more pro rata fraudsters than english ppl ..and if anyone is honest enough to consider the TRUTH of history ; GB grew economically over time, by raping the resouces of other countries using cheap and slave labour to build an empire, that Karma now brings the eventual children to claim some support is a small price to pay.. the 1948 UDHR was signed but never fully applied by any "democratic" state. ... those who shout loudest are usually those who never shared a life away from their "little england" ..
December 1, 2014 at 10:46 AM ·
This was before it all fell apart between us , Jacqui , I miss U and for sure, only realised after we seperated how good U were to me...
for U!
" it is NINE years since U left this earth,
the best person I have known since Birth
Jacqui, the only regret of my life
that I didnt do more for my wife
we were still married when U died
i met so many others , to me they have lied..
modern women are so cruel and cold
dont know what a good man is
they dont see the boy in me
they only think I am getting OLD..
I am very fit, play footy and ALL
I party when I can, & still having fun with football
yes I have many years, of experience
but the only one that ever made sense..
was YOU
ChRiS 141201
December 1, 2013 at 11:56 AM
In Memory of Jacqui SmiTh (left this planet 23may 2005)
"it’s the first of December, my girl,
And I celebrate your birthday
Today the team I love play again
And I will also play "away"
Here in the balkans I wish I could share
With you a new life
You know I win, because , I dare :)
But if I lose or if I win
Its not the same, if together
We don’t play in this life's game
I have feelings for another
That she has yet to discover
Forgive me what I have broken
Feelings for you are more than some "token"
I found a "nica Star" in the Balkans sky
The Universe must connect us will know why..
I say and write No more words, only spirit remains
Wherever you are… I love you alway,
Jacqui, be at peace
Your ChRiS"
1 ShareChris Smith-Mypod shared an episode of We Need This.
December 1, 2018 at 1:36 PM ·
how about replacing the (empathy neutral) almost 7 billion sheeple with ,, HUMAN beings, who care about people , local & globa, l and the planet we exist from.. >????????????????? & "happy chrismith"
from friends of
We Need This
Shampoo Bars
ATTN: posted an episode of We Need This.
June 9, 2018 at 5:45 PM ·
These shampoo bars could replace the 552 million shampoo bottles we throw out annually.
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December 1, 2017 at 7:02 PM ·
... none of the fakers care, as "christian" society looks in the other direction, making money not charity during the "holy-day season" fakers your "democratic dream which became a world nightmare" "christians" who ignore the example of their "christ" ... and believe me, GOD doe NOT "bless america" or UK!
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
December 1, 2017 at 6:59 PM ·
none of the fakers care, as "christian" society looks in the other direction, making money not charity during the "holy-day season" fakers your "democratic dream which became a world nightmare" "christians" who ignore the example of their "christ" ... and believe me, GOD doe NOT "bless america" or UK!
the UN UDHR....
whats important?
an estimated 25,000 kids die worldwide due to selfish govt & corporate policies (every day) no pics, because no white people dying!
CS> Which nationality respects these 15 articles? None , so why would you want to belong to any of them???
THE REALITY OF THE PERVERTED "UN DECLARATION" ( and its ECHR equivalent!) has been diluted by fear and greed, by the "powers that be"
( the irony that these articles were sent into the Universe to show or "trick" "Intelligent Aliens" that this planet is "civiized" , well...this "civilization" is destroying itself, so my Alien friends, stay way, because the so called "Human Race" will pollute your atmosphere too..)
THE people who should beserving these aims are the ones who in fact escalate negativity and form a global DIS CRIMI NATION ..
that I dont belong fact most of the "terrorists" are in suits, ties and uniforms...or employed by them!
IF you act "different" they wont protect you,, they "PROFILE" you, discriminate, violate, alienate, and eventually persecute you,
in the way (apparently) they did 2000 years ago to "JC" or to anyone who dares tell the truth.. Ghandi, Madela Che, or any "whistleblower" or whoever challenges the "matrix" , and me :)
are you part of the problem??? , or part of the solution... because when you sink like the titanic..with them..
who is going to offer YOU a "life-boat?"
nO Justice for the 96 after 30 years...its up to the people to expose them, they only get away with it if we stay quiet.. all of the REdS of that generation were affected.. and our brothers & sisters IMO were murdered by the state... what I want people to realise that its useless expectuing the state to punish their employees .. then and now .. tories government policies are anti-social and anti justice.. we must "stand up for the 96" in the stadium AND in our daily lives...
i am considered by the worst of USA to be "anti-american" and its more or less true BUt..
a lot of GOOD came from NORTH AMERICA, Geronimo, Sitting BULL :)...most of MOTOWN music, (Stevie Wonder , Temptations, and many great artists) ..George Benson, Luther Van Dross (r.i.p) ....Eagles, band not birds,
. MARVEL comics; Xmen, Daredevil etc.. (Stan lee,....NOT the films) .,,, Matt Damon (Good Will, Bourne etc) .. Nicholson .. Cuckoo's nest, As good as it gets etc) .. and many other actors ..mostly from the "older generation" ..De Niro, Pachino, Godfather, .."Any Given Sunday (and I dont like americam rugby) .. Burgers (pre macdonalds) ..Casablanca & Bogart.. mind you apart from the first 2, are they AMERICAN, or imports?????)
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