/2020/05/montv-stop-doing-nothing- ?
most govts have stopped the public from their daily tasks, gatherings have been banned , with risk of arrest, schools, shops, cafe/bar/pubs and sports/entertainment program discarded .. ii IS a "global state of emergency"
BUT, is there any reason for the public to believe the "info" the cause or origin or validity ..when..
The same governments kill more people through WAR, and the business of war, polluted the land, air, water & food with industry & chemicals.. (which may be the cause) ...we probably will never know,.
what is CLEAR is that the average person ("lower to middle class" ) will suffer and our rights (UN/ECHR) are now being openly violated ..daily..
therefore we call for a local & global "class action" ... with;
*suspension of stock market trading
*freeze of all rent, credit & mortgage payments
* boycott and investigation of government & corporate leaders
(prevention of the movement of millionaires, billionaires or above..and their assets frozen, as claimed culprits of current situation)
* equal distribution of food & related products, energy & resources
* ban on weapons production, export and any POLLUTING materials.
this class action will therefore effectively SUE govt & business entities who have either enforced this violation of our lives OR benefit in anyway from public suffering.
feedback welcome..
note ; an INTERNATIONAL peoples court to be set up to initiate and execute said claims - equally supported by all peoples
(qualification made by consensus in open discussion)
and for all True REdS
ChRiS ..week mid-may daze #20.... NOW;

got "buzzed" by 2 HELICOPTERS so gave them the "old one-two" finger salute , continental & scouse style... (see above) & (left)
the traffic is back to normal so now the sheeple can POLLUTE the industrial chemical infested air ... which carries more deadly viral infections

and dare remind you of this; news C dawn post which as with my own WARNED to Challenge the state/business mis managment from day one of this FIASCO...
I keep fit, but I had to pull up because I felt a strain of a calf muscle , a consequence of too much time spent immobile in the "open prison" ....and my latest LbiRD video (to offer 1 million chances to take back control of OUR CLUB...is banned by
f(fascist)book , fen way (USAcorp) sharks in Lfc boardroom
and https://vimeo.com/415764371 wake up!!!!!
some links of the recent months; to wake up BOTH sides of your brain... DO YOU UNDERSTAND that it is ALWAYS good to QUESTION ("them")
another from new C dawn
REdNET intro to co-op & Karma1
Homeland Star ...? human rights for asylum seekers?? wow!
Pot calling kettle (a.k.a. don duck trump-et) "black"?
media/2020/may/04/don-lemon-trump-cnn-coronavirus-conspiracy-theories CNN journos ARE prime FAKErs :p
and https://vimeo.com/415764371 wake up!!!!!
exiled Scouser (not "SCOUSER abroad" ;) latest...
connected with this, but take care of ALL "media" ..(motives?)
https://harveysclog.blogspot.com/ see "missionary position" posts
more fascism on the net?
HENDO repairing some of the fen way sharks scandals?????
NO vacc?
Harv / CRS opening paranoia ?
yet another #trensyvirus opinion...?
DReamer v SLY tv...!
The "missionary" series of Montv... ..the global nightmare
(was "amerucan dream")
The story of "Anti-ChRiS" v fubar
&personal "ChriStory" ; https://eured.wordpress.com/2010/01/26/chris-tor-y-book2-culture-08-chapter-5-btears-noela/ ...........
#REdGEM_LbiRD Global Co-OP initiative ; REdS+ JOIN if you dare to CARE..???????
polticis * and mainSCREAMedia are DEAD, no trust!
#REdGEM_LbiRD #censoREdS
our MEd1ATEAM supports charities alternative ACTION ,OVER 160 SOCIAL GROUPS WORLDWIDE (ANON), "Scouser abroad" launching Global REdS+CO-OP initiativeNET;
Images.. and IMAGINE (J Lennon)
What’s (not) happening....
Diary: Memories ; PLUS...
plus @22h
23h local

Jason Pinnington toAccess North West Community Radio
Monday on www.accessnorthwest.org.uk
8am : Once Upon A Time In The North – An hour of the finest music from across the North West.
9am : Radio Radio with Cliffo...
See More
... what is so often SORELY missed by many UK sheeple is questions v establishment or media or "alternative" comment will attract state goons, clones and saboteurs who distract true & honest opinion from improving society !! BECAUSE ..........UK is 2nd only to USA in modern weapon production and investment and more money spent in UK on weapons and military involvement abroad than on UK schools, homes or welfare.. whilst UK sheeple are feeding a war machine killing 1000s of civilians when they vote tory...!
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
.... what is so often SORELY missed by many UK sheeple is questions v establishment or media or "alternative" comment will attract state goons, clones and sabot...
See More
Sergey Tereshchenko is with Natalie Pro and Chris Smith-Mypod in Montenegro.
The country I want to get lost in
" Gem> "Daily Horoscope
You might find out that your partner had been keeping financial secrets from you today but the upside is there is more money in the bank than you thought. If you are single, you may find that your financial advisor was right about a key piece of advice, or that you have a raise coming soon. " hmmmm just be honest with ME people......!!!!
I Love Sufism is with José Landero and 11 others.
Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.
~ Shaikh Saadi
That's all for today
if you think you have problems, or "suffer' watch the film "55 steps" ...this film is based on the true story of Eleanor Riese. & a rare advocate Collete Hughes who fought for her individual right to be carsed for as a human BEing.
.. in these days of such fickle sheepls who are so felfish, it needs telling again & again..and more than that it needs APPLICATION in your own lives, day & by day.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/55_Steps
and a fantastic performance by Bonham Carter playing the role of Eleanor..
Enfin le clip du road-trip au Monténégro !
des souvenirs, du paysage, des sourires et du Rakija !
bon film !

"observing the mainscream"
its a strange planet,
60 people lost on a plane
crash occupies the main
SCREAM news all day,,,
60 people lost on a plane
crash occupies the main
SCREAM news all day,,,
but all u do is play
thousands of kids are dying
(and parents crying)
daily because u cant stop the madness,
if only the rich wanted less
thousands of kids are dying
(and parents crying)
daily because u cant stop the madness,
if only the rich wanted less
starving, disease or drowning
I look in my mirror , and I get old by frowning
tryng to get to somewhere else
(where U are building walls to keep them out!)
i just want to stand by your ear and shout
I look in my mirror , and I get old by frowning
tryng to get to somewhere else
(where U are building walls to keep them out!)
i just want to stand by your ear and shout
,,"EVIL is winning and most of yousheeple just stare"
(*, at me ..)
are you really so unaware?
(*, at me ..)
are you really so unaware?
or just "careless".....?
ChriS SMITH 19th May 2016
and for Lfc fans ..& Herr Klopp..
" I'm a Loser baby"
but no one will kill you
2 finals but no medals
look good on tv
entertaining the media ,
being witty ,and earthy I see
2 finals but no medals
look good on tv
entertaining the media ,
being witty ,and earthy I see
so Henrys Linda sends a message
bet she never slept on in a station
following the team
do I seem so mean?
bet she never slept on in a station
following the team
do I seem so mean?
i never was that type ,
But, I am tired of the hype
of the rich club
and heres the rub
But, I am tired of the hype
of the rich club
and heres the rub
They took the Anfield Kop
and sold it , Herr Klopp
now they make profit
in the pockets of that infesting g*t
and sold it , Herr Klopp
now they make profit
in the pockets of that infesting g*t
I cant stand all the Bull sh&t..
so today I listen as they my house
most understand what it means to be "scouse"
laughing at my Liverpool flag
Feck them, but its a drag....
most understand what it means to be "scouse"
laughing at my Liverpool flag
Feck them, but its a drag....
Celebrated the loss last night
with a couple of locals, avoided a fight
came home with headache
and thought "I could be dead" ,,instead I am awake!
with a couple of locals, avoided a fight
came home with headache
and thought "I could be dead" ,,instead I am awake!

ChriS SMITH 160518
(i just wrote this "stuff" in the last 10 mins , ha ha , I am most creative when "dark")
to all it may concern!!!!! smile
change of program : weekend event @ MONTENEGRO s wild beauty 

friday 22 may "bring a bottle"
21h WELCOME party @ "Casa ChRiS" Dg
21h WELCOME party @ "Casa ChRiS" Dg
(and birthday party "for the man with no age") smile
saturday 23 may"community project REdAWN LiveBIRDS club
16h at Spuz ... fun and friendly actions for all ages,,,
20h reception and party at : "Lav" Restoran Spuz
16h at Spuz ... fun and friendly actions for all ages,,,
20h reception and party at : "Lav" Restoran Spuz
Sunday (time depending on previous nights drinking... Biking and Picnic (Zeta River) ...
That's all for toda
supporting local & global charities alternative ACTION ,via 170 SOCIAL GROUPS WORLDWIDE (ANON), "Scouser abroad" launching Global REdS+CO-OP initiative NET;
intro to 5 year plan; https://vimeo.com/405773065
#REdGEM_LbiRD #censoREdS you are being conned .. do not call it "social distancing" because it IS ANTI-social! .. be HONEST! "open up the safe, move your BODY, be STRONG = FIGHT the Virus ; NO SURRENDER! and join https://www.facebook.com/groups/Monty.Viral.kind/
I agree with CS & co that it will be fake to play without supporters & to "repair" the season after 3 months break will be only due to the money & tv revenue , which is wrong and INSULTING to all who have suffered this phase... have a proper summer an early pre season starting beginnign July and fresh season , .........AND hopefully bury the EPL dominated by money & SLYtv return to Football Laegue structire and make sense of the whole thing because its OBSENE with the amount of money spent on players when so many struggle just to survive!!
move your BODY, be STRONG = FIGHT the Virus ; NO SURRENDER! and join https://www.facebook.com/groups/Monty.Viral.kind/
...........200506/7/8 LIVERPOOL 4-0 barca #19
do not call it "social distancing" because it IS ANTI-social!
CS tells ; "are more people at sports park today in Pg than normal sunday",kiosks & betting shop open? ha, typical "monty-ppl" :p
1 Comment
Crvena Dawn CS says ... "needs a come back to our youth..ice-cream vans & milk-men" ?? would be good idea in current situation,...
v twats
I am no fan of Anderson , but there are many new cloned fannies in recent years, who fail to grasp the essence of our socialist club, and do not see how much the Fen way sharks in Lfc boardroom have conned the fans , (ignoring the ticket price, "Liverpool brand" & furlough scandals" ) so whether of not fans should celebrate is mute... I do not think it makes any sense after such a long break to attempt to "finish" a broken season, and if UEFA/EPL dont agree to award the REdS with the title (as the french have done with psg) then they can stick the money-mad, SLYtv dominated "establishment" trophy..where the sun dont shine..
p.s. s.o.s has NOT the "Spirit of Shankly"
p.p.s what is "maverick" about this site? https://lfcmaverickfans.wordpress.com/2020/04/30/spirit-of-shankly-slam-joe-anderson-after-comments-about-liverpool-fans/comment-page-1/#comment-2181
Versus twats ....
....greetings from our MEd1A TEAM be well but BE STRONG
@ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV
supporting ACTION GROUPS WORLDWIDE (ANON), Global REdS+CO-OP initiative NET;
intro to 5 year plan; https://vimeo.com/405773065
#REdGEM_LbiRD #censoREdS
_________________________-may memories______
May 3, 2019 at 9:22 AM ·
.. Look out for "Host with a Most" ;)
uk time 15h , local (c..e.t. in Montenegro at 16h )
connect at http://www.accessnorthwest.org.uk/listen.html...
Crvena Jackking Red is with Chris Smith-Mypod.
May 3, 2019 at 9:17 AM
.. Look out for "Host with a Most" ;)
uk time 15h , local (c..e.t. in Montenegro at 16h )
connect at http://www.accessnorthwest.org.uk/listen.html
featuring Chris Smith-Mypod and more ..including "Stara"
(a.k.a. Ch-ai Dora ha ha and its alter ego )
visual at
support community radio
Good wishes all true REdS+ https://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com/2020/04/karma-1-our-local-global-c0-0p.html
and .... https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2020/04/rednet-redgemlbird-update-still.html
flowery twats
REd-friends @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV MEd1ATEAM supports local & global charities alternative ACTION ,OVER 160 SOCIAL GROUPS WORLDWIDE (ANON), "Scouser abroad" launching Global REdS+CO-OP initiativeNET; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM
intro to 5 year plan; https://vimeo.com/405773065
https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com #REdGEM_LbiRD #censoREdS
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