MonTV... the audio - visual channel, that USAcorp > t/a fen way & a.k.a feck book, twatters & googlies...
well they blocked the previous @ 2020/10/mon-tv-not-updated-fu2.
If you were around when tricky dicky
& moRONald Reagan ruled your world. Could u have imagined the MESS YOU enabled with your apathy and repetitive voting errors of the last 50 years?
so that the Useless States of American sheeple
have a choice between MIGRAIN & toochache (Donald duck trumpet v Biding his
time ) …
"FUBAR" , was apparently first used almost a
century ago, but they didn’t have a clue it would come to this? Anyway even comedy was better back then wasn’t it? :p
ChRiS> a core problem is that we have suffered FOUR decades of CAPITALISM FASCISM ,,.. THE majority of those sheeple on ANTI - social ME dia have had the dictatorship rammed down their throats 24.7 now with mobile ADDICTION! ,,, simulateously told that "communism/socialism is bad"... CONTRARY to my youth , when our LIVERPOOL REd ARMY was social - ISH ..based on Shanks philosophy...
WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but you are obedient anyway??????????????????
their Idiocracy???
happening??? blocked by ....see above! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
well dont Geordies now boycott their e.p. HELL? is this happening??? and why obey their Idiocracy???
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/.. seems the RONS have been conditioned by one of King nerd s vaccines? ,..... with best wishes and from MEd1ATEAM & TRUE REd friends worldwide @ and MON TV @ #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet