2,.. post . #23a....
so .... should I explain this opening to the "flashback" ????
" * How a previous unknown but genius wizz-kid with a socialist background started an international enterprise in 1979 and within 6 months had
GPB 250,000 on overnight deposit*, attracted attention from Mi5/6/KGB, goons from the c1A and "Banker Barry"
(*equivalent to several millions euros now) "
As far as I recall I was a "quiet child" ... I had to :grow up: quick ay 5 years...i had not yet started school...i think
..I loved ice cream, still do, today I had a vanilla cornet before writing this, but nothing could compare with Rossi 's vanilla
(well I didn't even call it vanilla, because it was the only flavour we knew) ... i know the sound of the ice cream tune,,
ohh and the biggest treat, if I had enough pocket money for a "99" ... why did my cracy mind just reflect on a "69" ? hnmmm
(sexually 99 would be simple spooning?) ... anyway ... a "99" of my youth was Rossi cornet with a cadbury chocolate "flake" stick in it!
Before the neighbourhood of my childhood become a housing estate, I could run across fields ...and between our house's back garden..
and the road with the Rossi Ice cream van-man was a dutch built Dyke (not a lesbian) to drain the water,
it was wide and dry, as I ran down one side, in my hurry, tripped and fell face first into a broken bottle..
a jagged piece went through the side of my left eye and just below my brain, i dont recall pain or fear, until my ( departed)
much older brother by more than 10 years ... , cam to find me and I WAS SCARED ,,by the HORROR on HIS face..
After emergency surgery removed the glass, I was sent to a specialist (moorfields??) London eye hospital.
and spent 6 months in the men's ward, the only child.. BLIND for the first 3 months with BOTH eyes covered,...
it was distant for my parents, I remember though touching mum's face.. and feeling the tears on her face,,
but the men in the ward, were great, every night telling me stories, and when the doctors uncovered my "good eye"
one cockney (londoner) taught me to WINK at the nurses ;) /... that I will NEVER forget as he left a space ship toy
, he left before I could see him...
I had travel sickness & massive MIGRAINE atatcks , missing a lot of school, but when I did go , I carried a tennis ball in my pocket..
NOT for Tennis, a game for the rich and for TV watching wimbledon finals.. TO PLAY FOOTBALL, in the playgroup. and i was GOOD with
my small feet and the small ball.. (funny I now recall scoring a great goal with the same type of ball in U - haft exercise hour..decades later...
( with my back to goal , flicked with the inside of my foot , instep ..the Balkan team "mates" called me a :hero" ha
(one of them had played for Mainz , Juergens previous club) /...
the migraines etc stopped with puberty, but I already decided that school was not for me, "NO , I wont stay on and apply for university!")
... at 16 my best (& only true ) friend ; Denis , from my childhood, left with his family to Australia.. again an IMPACT ..alone ...
Something in me was restless, driven, I went to London, mum paid for the travel, first interview with a family owned wine & spirit
shipping co (Porter John & Harold, upper class twit/arsehole) ... an adventure in London... of that time, was still an important port
and all the important trading companies were based in London,, I had to learn the whole of London, I soon knew how to cross
the whole city without getting wet during rainly days,, I took customs papers to the docks , collected wine samples from the customs officers and took them to customers for testing..(and often was given a taste my self by the friendly officers,,,(so different then)
lunch time with a sandwich in the summer on Tower Hill laughing at the tourists & their funny clothes,..
I was messenger boy/post-assistant, then "managed" their post dept, with banter from the office workers many only 20-30 years old .. taught Ron Cornell to take over
when I was promoted to the order dept.... handwritten orders (with literal carbon copy) for the warehouse or dock, with a cope for the driver ,
with dock address, ship name, consignment details, customer name/address & our refeence...all day long, but the elder colleahues, a couple
like Terry Mahoney were like a father, and another was old enough to be my granda... ha ha ha made funny jokes...
Within 2 years , when I was 18, i was again promoted to logistics assistant to the Transport manager, but not before I was taught a lesson
by Albert Vaughan (he was Company secretary and sort of general manager as he was "related" somehow to the Porter family.. a weird
and menacing character, who didnt like going in the lift, ordered me to bring some wine caes from their office cellar to the boardroom..
I had just saved up to buy my first business suit (my first salary was EIGHT pounds per week, with which I paid tarin ticet, a record album or shirt, and gave 3 to my family
after tax...!) .. it was dark blue, conservative to match my job... but the shyte from the wooden cases from the cellar was all over it,
i "carelessly" mentioned it to "Albert" and he replied... 'IF YOU DO NOT WAMT THIS JOB THERE ARE PLENTY OF BOYS THAT DO!" ..
HMMM...I learnt about the "upper class" quickly.. SO i GOT on with it.. next time i wore a warehouse-mans apron...! ... after several months of enjoying the LOGISTICS dept..
working with Manager (Bill...he had a damaged finger constantly at an angle probably considered obscene on the continent..) and
the drivers who would all make jokes, especially when I left to catch my train "have u got to catch the ferry boat tonight, ChRiS?"
(as I then lived on a Thames Island , less than an hour away...) .. Gus, (blustere) Pop - Pop (stutterer) , and , and, and (i can see their faves ..names will come later
and their "shop Steward"...whose favourite comment when given his orders for the day would be "I dont want to make obsticles..but..! "
Then Bill went on summer hols... and I was IN CHARGE, the drivers were ok, at that time.. helped me a bit, only GUS (Bowen?) tried to trick..
..and I enjoyed the responsibility , although a biy nervous at first, I soon worked out my methods...then, (we had a wooden paneled
general office , partitioned dinto sort of office cubicles , with frosted glass from half way up... early afternoon,
I was reading a book, with my feet on the dek... when (nasty) "Mr. Harold" burst in (owner/co-Managing)... "SMITH...what
the hell is going on here????" ... I replied " er its all organised!: " ... he "SHOW ME!" ... no computer, a huge ledger
with the listed deliveries planned; driver, detination, order details.....all done & routes planned for THE NEXT TWO DAYS,,
"Mr Harold" went very quiet... then said sternly "and DONT put your feet on the DESK, biy!" ... (guess what I thought...?) ;)
Im also thought... "oh.. shhh I am in trouble.." and when Bill cane back after 2 weeks instead of a "rollicking" //..
he started putting his personal items from his desk into his briefcase,.,,I asked " whats happening?" he relied.. "I am sacked" (fired)
"oh, sorry"//// then "who is the new manager? /// "YOU ARE!!!! " ...said Bill... and I learned more about the rich ...
and later realised not only was i better, i was CHEAPER, so, me, a kid , got the job, and a family man was kicked out on to the street..!
.. I was GOOD, VERT GOOD, and soon realised TOO GOOD for the Porters... despite warning from "Albert" (Adolf impersonator)
I went to IsiS shipping IN Barking, commercial assistant manager, more opportunities and .. nearer to home. I could drive
(even without a licence, ha ha) a little cheap mini van...to the office, I was hungry.. (ambitious?) more of just a desire
to know everything.... (shall I tell about the "one armed bandit revenge" ?? ..ask me later...!)..and I got more than very GOOD
I knew the company, the shipping, the commercial tariffs, which I made, the shipping programme, (still all without computers)
but an exclellent organised dossier system... i dont need a computer, MY brain is faster and can SEE & visuaise "organised plans" ..in my mind's eye //... ;)
To cut a lonh long story short, I enjoyed Isis (yes ISIS) so much I worked 6 days , saturday just to keep on top of it all./..
and learn more, I was first in & last out every day, but my wife (who I married also at 19) she (G) also had a 6 month old baby from a departed BF,
who had run off when she hot pregnant by him.. at 19 I had become a dignified (if somewhat naive) organiser of life,
so we had a House, then Adam joined adopted Sarah...)/// but..
G ...in my Dad's opinion, which I later shared, was a gold-digger (but at 19 i wasn't listening) ///.. she took both kids
to her mothers one weekend.. met a YOUNGER man at a disco ..and ddnt come back.. so i was DIVORCED at 21,,
(thin was , she left a "dear John letter:) BEFORE going to her mother that weekend, "BECAUSE , ChRiS , YOU WORK TOO MUCH, I am bored)
so a third of my pre tax income was deducted form my salary until BOTH kids wre 18...consequences,,,
the RESULT on my career was DYNAMIC, the ISIS owner-managers were informal "John & Allen" (not Mr..) worked ... and communicated..
except...one saturday I drove into Barking..20 mins driver with ot without license .. ( i am no good with exams , i got my licence after
THREE attempts) ... I had a man to man with Allen Mitchell, told him I have to do something with this Adrenalin, angry energy,
so I will put it into my career... Peter, my direct boss, made some mistakes, but at the time i was already doing his and MY job..
... he knew when to quit before being fired although JOhn & Allen were usually fair (see above :revenge story yet to be told..)
MY world became fun again... I soon traveled for Isis, visiing agents all over europe. by car, train or plane, 20-to 24 or 25 years old..expenses, top hotels, business class travel, & entertained, whilst tasting the best wines (*and foods) of Europe..
a girlfriend (Gaye, not gay) who like football too and even came to watch me until my career made it harder to be captain
of the amateur Team.. (NOTE RIGHT now, as I wrote this ; the local radio plays "19" ..reminding us that the average age of the US soldier in VIETNAM
was...NINETEEN!..) I was YOUNG but an efficient organising manager, and accumulating knowledge & experience at a fantastic rate..
When I was at home fromas early as I can recall. the whole family helped MUM, (local general secretary of the labour party at election time,
I hated posting the flyers , in houses , with gates & a path to the door/letterbox, with dogs...) but MUM talked to me like an adult
about life issues, about my much older (by more than 10 years or so, sister (cancer) & 2 bothers, ... gone now) and social issues.
how to treat girls ("as if they are your sister")... I had and have (intelligent) socialist ideals.. its not politics its just how a community should SHARE
through good & bad times,, Lennon & Shanks my mentors,,,
Although , I was seeing the other ("dark") side through my career, dared to challenge mum on some issues, bless her...
she gave her life s energy to help people, sometimes "the oldies" she helped were YOUNGER than her, I think I got some of my endless
reserves of energy from her... a potential fireball , with a Scots temper if u got on her wrong side.. she scared by brother
who was at least a foot taller and who boxed for the english national ARMY team... (a little side story, maybe)
its was well know that " SMITHS are a socialist family.. " ... so i was an ODD one in the rich upper class SNOB circles of the wine
trade & their many social clubs & events..but somehow my youthful charm was "accepted" ... the next drama, after being handed my
first NEW company car (albeit only a Ford Escort "Ghia") /.. I took Gaya over to France, our first stop after landing In St Malo was
to visit the Scottish manager of a local transporter, who had been friendly though our work togther... (L'Haridon?) ..
a wet lunch with excellent seafood and white wines, and a drive in the (Bretagne) countryside..a greasy road after rain,
I took the curve a bit too quick and wide, the grassy verge just drew the car into the field and flipped it (several times)
... the car was twisted , like screwed up paper, WE were ok, Gaye had small scratches, I had NOTHING.. because just months before WEARING
SEAT belts had become compulsory, and this new "habit" had saved us..
a woman at the fence was screaming because the radiator was steaming (it wasn't smoke) both our passports had landed
NO cell phones, but there was a nearby phone box, the Scot (also Alan?) , came to collect us and called the police ("before they come looking" he said)
so we were getting ready to make our way home, cancelling our holiday, whem Alan said, first my boss (L'haridon owner) wants you both at dinner at his (big) house ..with his lovely so-feminine wife,..entertained and said " NO holiday is important, I will share my wife' car this week, take mine (a Citroen CX) ... to Bordeaux, where weplanned to visit Danielle Duniau(>?) & her family.. (another story)
and at the end after a great time in Bordeaux and the Pyrenees with them..we returned the car and caught a faery back from ST Malo to Postsmouth and monday went into the Isis office ( I was returning with "attitude" as Allem Mitchell, was IMO TOO concerned about the new car, than OUR health)
I was VERY (over?) confident in myself.. after all I knew their company better than both of them...
(and they had made me "staff association organiser after an incident on a saturday prompted me to go head to head with them, a year earlier (* another side story to expand on?) , which gave me more insight on owners AND the "herd" as I was placed in between//by that role.)
I demanded a replacement car, it was an accident..Allen was reticent (i think he thought i needed a "lesson"///..but)
so I walked out...
A football friend , our team coach, Graham Pennyfather, working for a general shipping & forwarding agent,.
("International Express") in London said they were hiring a commercial manager, so I borrowed a neighbours car (a friend of Gaye)
got the job, but a truck with trailer pushed me (and the car ) onto the centre reservation on the dual carriageway..
he pulled into my lane as I was in the overtaking lane, and perhaps had a blind spot, didnt see I was level with his trailer,
the towbar hooked under the car wheel-arch and i was on the centre heading for a lamp post without any chance of steering or braking away..
I wiped out the post, the street lights went out the car bonnet was almost cut in half, car written off...and I was...without a scratch
again.. (this happens THREE times in my car driving phase, THREE wright-offs, me; NOTHING, not a scratch.. )
Anyway I start the job, but their general manager (JIM ) Petch? said I "MUST call him Mr. Petch" I said no and called for txi home//
Then came CALBERSON International,.i got the job, the biggest logistics company in Europe, developing new services..
so I focused on wine trade customers...and soon was doing very well. but then i was called to a meeting (i dint dream this did i?)
do a meeting with the GROUP chairman in the Paris boardroom (10,000 people worked in th head office naxk then) all the other managers were
middle aged, at least, and french...looking at me in surprise or mild disgust..and the meeting started with boring reports ...
until after a short while the Chariman's personal secretary interupted the meeting, saying there is a call from one of the nig company bosses
they want to get as client... the Chariman said, "ok, its him, buy tell him it will be my first call after this meeting!"'''
She seemed embarrassed, and replied, "NO sir, not for you, but for ChRis SMITH!"///....
I knew the man socially ... he phoned to wish me luck, and I took the call and made an appointment, and got his business at that appointment
dor Calberson... I was made up and immediately had a "reputation" every thing was going well, lots of new business.. wine services
from Burgundy & Bordeaux I initiated alone.. until a call..." Hello Chris ... this is Roy..of Essel" S & L = Essel...wine agents..
new rich, 3 owner / directors, each with a Rolls Royce.. Rolex & gold stuff hanging from them... "we want you in London"
I replied.."I am fine here.." he said : yes but come here saturday, we will pay any expenses, let us talk... ( I then realised that
much of my new business had been in completion with Essel..) .. so I agreed "without obligation" ..
a 3 hour, 5 course lunch the next Saturday , i listened as we talked about everything,,except..why i wsa there... " so (I asked)
what is this really about..?" , Roy; "WE WANT YOU, maaaate@" (cockney style) ... : "I am happy" Roy " yeah but/// what if...
what sort of salary would you like?" ./// so I thought to my self (I am happy I dont need or want to change..so i will suggest a figure which
IS DOUBLE my existing salary...!) ... Roy " ok what else?" ( oh dear....now what so I said Ilked tje new ford sport car just on the market)
Roy replied " well that more than our general manager, but we will do it if that means you are with us, we WANT YOU, maaate!"
I told John Hopkins my direct boss (UK related operations) AND he nearly choked ..i was 24/25 and already breaking all records..
He came back to me and said something like "the group Chairman wants to keep you , we will match the salary, BUT with hundred thousand staff members
in the european operations, that car would cause problems ..for the other managers , can u imagine.? "
I understood... and said to everyone I wanted to consider,,both sides,,
then I reflected;
a) with 10,000 in the head office, and so much politics in a massive company, would I have to wait for promotion..not just salary..but
I was always HUNGRY for new opportunity, responsibility & Challenges!
b) in Roy had not called how long would it have taken the Chairman or John Hopkins to realise my (apparent) value????
I wen to Essel.. a mistake...?
well, in away, because I was appointed commercial manager, but they had a youngish Sales Director who ... jealously guarded client contact,
I had enough of my own contacts, but was a bt stifled, and before getting bored I was re considering my role..
when I noted how their general manager (SEabrook) only 3 or 4 years older than myself, (25?) was running around the office like an idiot,
doing everyone's job for them (except mine of course) we sat at adjascent desks so I saw all he did...so I quickly invited him to lunch..
"we need to talk , Mike) ....
SO me, the "supreme strategic organiser" it was childs play to organise him and show him how to organise his staff,,,
so we soon were going out to the coast, or to the best restaurants in London, 3 hour lunches which the office worked like
a swiss watch (a good one) ;) ... then..yes..then... Pan European (french transporters) asked me if I would open their UK
office and manage it for them, EVEN more money, 5 year contract, sport car, & house in Poole , Dorset ( I was now about to be married to Jacqui
, Gay's work colleague, and BEST Friend..yes ANOTHER BIG "side" story...)
Mike was in panic, :you cant leave, ChRiS: ,,.. i didnt want to become bored , I was still too hungry at 26 for challenges, travel *
and OPPORTUNITIES to TEST my abilities in a new situation..so Mike replied " so lets start our own WINE Services?" //
There was mini recession, so we agreed to take 3 customers out for a drink after hours in our own time at our own expense
and simply ask "do u think there is room or if its a good time for a new wine service///?? " ...
THEY ALL REPLIED ; " no, do NOT DO IT!!!!!!" ...
Then I got a call from the financial Director, he gave me my money, would not discuss anything and the company sec took
me to my desk whilst i (like Bill..at Porters) placed my personal items (only!) in my briefcase,,, and took me to the train station (still no cell phones)
Mike was confused so I made a hand gesture that I would call,,but when I did, from the station he said " I got the call from upstairs too
I am OUT!" ... I was Ok, I still had Pan European's offer,,, financially sound,.. Jacqui also had a job...
but MIKE their FIRST employee when they started the still relatively new ESSEL>> was out, a heavy mortgage, baby on the way,..
another reminder of the rich ,,, from Snob families or cockney new boys,,, lose their empathy as they accumulate the cash..
SO I am angry, and Said to Mike,, " ok we invest 250 quid each form a new company, I know who will back us, we borrow cars
we find a cheap office ..and GO for it...F*ck them all "
Next ..the Enterprise ,,, and who betrayed us,, and despite sabotage,,, our rocket took off...and I was a :name:
in the media..in the trade,,and many wanted to know how this "socialist boy" accumulated 250,000 GNP CASH i side 6 months
( so ,,,now.. .... should I explain this opening to the "flashback" ????
" * How a previous unknown but genius wizz-kid with a socialist background started an international enterprise in 1979 and within 6 months had
GPB 250,000 on overnight deposit*, attracted attention from Mi5/6/KGB, goons from the c1A and "Banker Barry"
(*equivalent to several millions euros now) " )
..my first Enterprise ,,, and who betrayed us,, and despite sabotage,,, our rocket took off...and I was a :name:
in the media..in the trade,,and many wanted to know how this "socialist boy" who accumulated 250,000 GNP CASH inside 6 months !!!!!!
( so ,,,now.. .... should I explain this opening to the "flashback" ????
" * How a previous unknown but genius wizz-kid with a socialist background started an international enterprise in 1979 and within 6 months had
GPB 250,000 on overnight deposit*, attracted attention from Mi5/6/KGB, goons from the c1A and "Banker Barry"
(*equivalent to several millions euros now) " )
so, 2 young men, Mike almost 30, and myself with 26 earth years, albeit with 10 years of accelerated experience with
FOUR vastly different operations, methods & mentality... and despite my rapid departure from them all..
I respected ISIS the most, and just writing those words will set alarm bells off in "THEIR electronic big brother " software,, :p
feck em and all of them...
on the street, jobless, although I still had the Pan European "sweet offer" in my pocket... I WAS motivated, and some..
... we signed on as unemployed...whilst working on MY plan... the first , last and ONLY time..i ever received "social support"
from any government in my whole life, however, one way or another I paid more than enough to various governments..
income tax, of national insurance tax, import tax, value added tax, tax , tacks & tin tacls ...and what have they done
with a;; the money collected from the global population... ? they have made a BIG feckin' MESS pf it, ...
and its the fault of the sheeple..
all of you...
any way ... 500 quid started the enterprise, Mike got "star billing" as Seabrook & SMITH seemed a better sound than Smith & seabrook,
i wasn't that bothered, nor that Roy (not sims ) of Henry Harris offered to guarantee us as 40 % silent shareholder and ZERO
involvement in our operations.. neither of us expected the enterprise to grow so quick, in those aspects, corporate management,
Mike was Clueless, and I had managed OTHER peoples companies, but I learnt fast... as managing director / shareholder..
Nike still acted like an employee... but he was a good administrator..
I could administrate, but my value was in my own methods added to taking bits of experience from the companies who had previously
employed me, and all the personal contacts I built up...
I had used Container operator ; "Seawheel" before and they offered us their upstairs office, small than the rooms I am using now to write this...
and their shared TELEX machine... (which, if you dont know , WAS a combined typewriter/phone machine, when you typed you printed a thin tape,
called the receivers telex number (like a phone number) and sent it the tape runs through the machine and prints a paper at both ends
..the major advantage, TO THIS DAY,, that (unlike tax or email or even snail mail) TELEX WAS 100% secure , reliable and was a LEGAL contract,
no one could deny receipt.. (this proved very useful)
SO, we borrowed cars , mike from his wife's family, and I got (from Roy of H Harris) a big Ford coupe ...which we used on our first
pre operational business trip abroad... to visit potential agents in the wine region of Bordeaux.. I led the meeting with french and
english for Mikes sake,, and our ladies , Mike took wife Pat, and I took Jacqui..of course the food & wines were excellent..
a good meeting..we couldn't afford a long trip but decided the girls also deserved a stop at La Rochelle on the return..
Mike was a white skinned red-Ginger sh&thead... so at the beach, Jacui, who could speak a little french language, went off to find
ice cream with Mike.. leaving me with his wife (Pat) on the beach... as they left she turned to me and stated, rather than asked...
" YOU DONT LIKE ME, do you ChRiS? " ... I replied "NO" ..she ; "why?" ... I replied " BECAUSE... of Mike, he is out of his comfort zone
..we haven't made a penny profit yet, and ALL the trip, you are going ON and ON, and On about what you are going to BUY
as a "boss's wife" ... the CLOTHES you want, the house etc etc etc ...AND THAT PISSES ME OFF!! '' ..Pat went red in the face and quiet...
but 2 years later her "revenge" : would help destroy the "partnership" between Mike and myself...
I was having FUN again...
we took turns in answering the one phone which sat on the one table between us.. but I went for the Stars..
I made a list of 6 of the biggest clients that I wanted to get .. and got them all within six months,...
including MARKS & SPENCER...(M&S) we shipped 750,000 CARTONS that next year for them alone.. mostly from Trento..
a region which I knew...
I took a chance on the first test order for M & S, because I knew if I could boast that we provide wine services dor M & S
then other customers would want to do business with S & S ;) ///... (i preferred to call us "S & S " ha ha ha... sorry Mike!
If my memory is correct the driver had to deflate his container-lorry tyres to get under the London warehouse that
M & S exceptionally wanted delivered, usually everything went to Faversham, in Kent.. I got their support by calculating fractions
in my head, no laptop, no email. no GPS when I traveled all over europe..you are all so "soft" ..so many times i see shop assistants
and bar staff struggling to add a few items up in their head... I could do a deal at 02/03h in a night club on a serviet
in those times.. mind BETTER than a computer, I could charm & negotiate... and INITIATE..because..
Mike panicked, "we need staff" I cant cope with the shipping admin, answer customer calls etc on my own", he said//...
but, I was WAY ahead of him... " Mike I am going to tell any & all our clients, most of which are or will be big enough to
have their own telex machines.. that "you dont have to call us for the status of your order" ....."we will send YOU...
EVERY FRIDAY MORNING , a TELEX, on your desk with the status of EACH order:, ... its was beautiful, the only time the phone ramg
was from a new customer, and an occasional transporter or dock agent, but with the shipping also, it was all done on Telex..
next moan from Mike, "I need someone to make out the import docs.." ..I replied, " NO Mike. we telex everything to a doc agent,
we pay them 5 pounds each time for doing that and POST a cheque for the import tax/duty ...(around 10k each container)
which delays the money leaving OUR account..."
and /// " Mike , we send the customer an INVOICE for the services and the duty when we get tbeir order" (in those days big companies paid up
when their accounts got the invoice, as long as their reference was on our invoice (and it always was, ha ha) ..they paid immediately
or by the end of that month...which might be months before the actual shipment date!. understand?" ,,he did, and liked it..
after several months of our operations , Jacqui (working for an insurance broker) asked me how many shipments we were moving...
i told her "between 10-20 containers in a busy week.. that's a value of 100-200,000 GBP... " (which we insured as part of our service)
Jacqui then said : : "you can make a contract with Lloyds of London" as if you are a broker for an OPEN CARNET..
then cut your insurance COSTS in half " , also increasing OUR profit on order...
and "Banker Barry of Barclays" (asset mole of mi6) gave us 15 per cent intrest on our 260 K overnight deposit.. and I got a deal on finding M & S new business..
The most wonderful , loyal , attractive , warm & lovable person I have ever met in my life, I was lucky to have had her 12 years
in my life... and so I should INJECT her into this part of mhy story now...
after my divorce, I met Gaye, who was younger sister to Julie, who was dating MIke Wood, a friend from my teens..
I loved Gaye.. she was also my : "best mate" as already by 21 years old, I was in my own world. ,, no close friends possible...
and MY success changed everyone around me , more than my own SOUL>>> Gaye came on holiday with the football Team,
watched me play .. in the rain... and worked with HER best mate; Jacquie (*Greaves a distant cousin of the famous footballer &*TV pundit;
Jimmy Greaves ) ... ( I called her Jacqui not Jackie... she was my "first lady" ha ha) ..everyone loved her,..
( music FEEL by Robbie Williams now playing....hmmmmmmm ,,,lyrics that hurt..)
... Their boss was a virtual alcoholic, loved me, because of my trade,. and at their firms next "XMAS party" i was also invited..
with Gaye as her "other" and of course Jacqui was there, with HER FIANCE...
( music playing "addicted to love, funny video... Robert Palmer r.i.p?) //// anyway...
Her BF was a bit loud, drunk & offensive.. (arguably was saying the right things about the rich, and the chique place we had this
party expensive west end restaurant , live band, big banquet,, snons, well we played the game too...) so i took him into their
garden, told him to breathe some fresh air and "calm down: ...
(ha ha more music ; Rod with "every picture tells a story" ... (some raw sound and lyrics to match.. ; "the women I have know I wouldn't let tie my shoes..oooh!
but...she knocked me off my feet, man i was glad i found her ... I sincerely felt i was some kind of elite.. make the best of a bad job
you didnt ask to come here (to life) anyway " ....) ....
so, I came back into the restaurant... Jackie (!) was near to tears... some fast music was being played, so I nodded to Gaye,
and said " come on Jackie, lets have a dance..." I AM a good mover...:) ... but withing a minute they slowed down the music...
so I felt so protective ..took her in my arms.. and lost myself... magic,,,, i can never describe that feeling of being lost in her eyes,,,
so ooops,,took her immediately back to her seat,,, and at the OTHER end of the table said to myself " you cannot do this,..jackie,.
is best friend of Gaye,,,!! no way,,,cool down...and I managed to dance my energy away that night...and at home with Gaye...!
(music ... i ve been "Roundabout" ..(by the great Brit rock band.. YES! ....ha ha ha..)
then,,a few months passed .. British rail strike,, I drove my car to the offuce from the suburbs around London, Gaye & Jaqui..
took the train... I am in the office (no mobile so must be there..) call from Gaye, " I am stuck at home.. but Jacquie got to work but there are no trains
to get her back to her parents house (Wickford, essex, 50kms out) ... what should I reply.. "NO I cant help your best mate,
in case i am in love with HER?????" ...so I pick her up and because of the extra heavy traffic...THREE Hours (and I was getting chickenpox, I didn't care
I was falling again...) but I got her home..( and told myself again & again..."NO NO No" ).
(music Santana " no one to depend on"... TRUE!! ) and "Samba Pa ti" which i am convinced is the most sensual dance music
( with Jacqui is certainly was..)
and so...
we start our enterprise ..S & S and after the Bordeaux trip I have to go to Ipswich (meet Seawheel container boss, I think) good meeting, good deal for S & S..
and on the radio the motorway back to London blocked..)accident).. so I take small country roads through essex, and halfway..
a road sign Wickford... so I JUST HAVE TO GO THERE...not knowing what I will do... I arrive at her parents house, know on the front door..
he mum comes to open it, looks at me with a disapproving stare, (she knew me because of Gaye) "and what are YOU doing here, ChRiS"_??
me " I need to talk to Jaqui" ..she reluctantly brings her to the door, and Javqui looks at me with a quizzical face..
" I LOVE YOU" I almost shout at her...
The worst thing was then to inform Gaye that I am in love with her best friends...lots of tears... but Gaye was also wonderful//
I was married to Jacqui within a year, Gaye hlped me choose the ring, and there was a holiday ...with us all.. Jaqui & me.
Julie & Ronnie (not Mike Wood) and Gaye with Trevor...a football team mate of mine who worked for a bank...with a villa on the north spanish coast... 2 years later..
the difference,, I loved Gaye, i was (deep) IN LOVE with Jacqui...my only regret...of my life...to lose her not to save her form cancer,,
(music KISS from a rose...Seal!!!! ) yes....she was...
so even though first years sales were around a MILLION gbp ( with at least 50& profit..) we bought 2nd hand BMW 735 each at zmas...
( new cars lose a lot of value, so we bought 1 year old cars,..still almost new and half the price)// we were still "careful"
but some money into a fund for the future (*tax deductible") ..
|( Music ; Crazy ..Seal!!) I am and hopefully always will be ... Crazy to survive this global insanity...
"only some want to fly: )...
fist day of the new Year ... i drive my :new car: into the office,,Mike with his others old car,.. "where is the BMW, Mike"///..
answer , mike " Pats using it , its ok.. " ..hmmm//
(music If you dont know me by now....." Walk on by" ... SEal... I dont know if anyone full knows anyone..BUT dor sure, NO one knows me,, not even a bit..
they may get a "window" even a big window if they stay long enough... but it would take them too much time to catch up and my SOUL is
always..moving... :) ???
so I decide Jaxqui and I deserve a summer holiday, firts real once since i started career 12 years before..
Trevors' banks villa with half a KM of private beach near San Vicente de la Barquera (basque country)/..
a small arguement (Rumoroso side story?)
(Music... "Sexual healing" (Marvin) ...recall dancing to this in a London night club (:"Knights 55" ?? ) with a Parisian girl "hostess"
she was so close to me, I thought SHE was wearing my suit..ooooohhhh unforgettable.. (I used to take Stuart the M & S wine buyer out
all night once a month... the "full monty" (whole thing) /.//.. Langhans Brasserie...(the best In London) then..clubbing..I could
drink spirits all night..champagne, and still think, : "what else could we do for M & S?" so differnt life style
..that I cant recognise i was more than a computer..
anyway we employed Steve (Markey, his older brother Paul ran a small marketing agnency and it was fun thinking up new "slogans"
and adverts like "less is more" (as we were small) I also got interviwed by Kathryn McQuirter (daughter of the guiness record books editors)
for "WINE & SPIROT" (world trade mag)///, ,... to help cope with new business & later Jacqui's younger sis Karen, so I could holiday.
(funny video Shania, feel like a woman..) then .. in contrast,,, small faces... "Lazy sunday afternoon" & "itchycoo park" my music of my youth..
(althogh my hair was like their , or Eric Burdon..of the Animals).."its all too beautiful"///...
... in the middle of my holiday (still no vell phones...) i called Steve, "how's it going"///he confided in a soft voice"//
Mike has gone POWER mad,.. seems to be changing everything..come back,..!" I couldnt , wouldnt I promise Jacquie to have at laest one
proper holiday (we had no time for "honeymoon" after the wedding (4 october 1980) .. BECAUSE of starting S & S...
When I got back, (the 2nd week was a blur) I pinned Mike AGAINST the office wall when we were alone on the monday .." Mike I have a list
of customers asking me whats goung on, even asking "who is mike, and why is he changing agreements// ??? " ,,"why Mike.why?"
(hmmm music.. AS by Stevie Wonder, for you, Jack -jox..( xxxxxxxxxxxx)
..I will always love you , in whatver dimension or dream I find you again...
...and :Star of the Story " ...George BBenson... angelic sound.. could I ever fall again...slim chance..but iam not hungry..just lucjy to
have had so much love in my life until now..
... so Mike replied... "Pat"... me : "what? : mike :"Pat rold me i must asert y self , YOU go to all meetings with agents, clients, travel
and clubs.. so should i, I am equal.. ! " ,, me: Yes Mike you were equal, equal rewards, I never asked for more even though
YOU would have been in debt on the street, if I hadnt done this, with my ideas, because it works, we are differnt, you operate
I make it happen...generate,,, I never asked for more money or benefit than you, and if you think that I dont have nights when I would rather
be home with Jacqui than entertaining some rich **** you are sadly & badly WRONG! " (I could have killed him, ) "I am NOT in partnership with Pat,
its you Man, not her... "
(music :Nature boy" by Benson.. more suits my life now...)
but my trust was gone,.all the fun was draing out of me,, so a few days later I told him I wanted an extra share.. so that
I had the control on major decisions, because ...but I knew in my heart, it was , "over"/..
of course Mike was naive about the actual aspects of a company, shareholding rights so consulted Roy (Harris) who had no profit from
me.. and then a lawyer,,, well I suppose that Shark must have seen money signs cascading from his eyes when Mike contacted him
and told him to refure to give me 1 share..."all them shares are yours" ... like a marriage when it divorces ...the end starts
when they talk to a shark...
hmmm ( music ... "Masquerade" by George too ..fits...)
THEY did NOT want this boy to be successful.. (note the ages in this series are also :negotiable: but the events are TRUE!
The entity behind the traitor ho betrayed us, the [person who "educated " Pat... I know whp was behind it,.. and who wanted
to stop the "socialist wizz kid" who had built a 250,000 cash deposit of an "international enterprise" within 6 months.
who manipulated banker barry to approach us. "lets go to lunch: whoa is S & S? " asked Barry ...
The damage was done, the S & S accountants whittled away at my cash departure to only 25,000 pounds...
( and my share of the investment fund, luckily put in my name for tax deductions) //...
I left, and took Jacqui out every night ; dinner and or dancing.. with her friends,,. until I had "burnt it"
all 25k spent, because it represented a "broken dream" but I learnt another LESSON in my life...
Before I move into the next part of this flashback #23c.. I want to tell you that "Seabrook & Smith Ltd survived 25 years
but Mike employed six people to replace me.. (?) ...but never even came close to making that profit percentage again,,.
I only saw him once again...(banquet of wine & spirit) but he featured in another drama.. to be told..
just a funny aspect to conclude this part.,.. it was really FUN , sometimes, to go out during that 6 months dancing with
the lovely Jacqui...in the west end of London, and once I suggested we take a Hotel...
we had no bags, and the snob at the reception looked (like her mum that day) as I cane to the desk of their POSH hotel..
and as i signed the registration card : MR & MRS SMITH... I asked Jacqui " you expect HOW MUCH to sleep with me?" ..
however many drams you have in life, please look to find HUMOUR whenever , where ever you can, LIFE is too short without FUN!
to be continued...
( oh,,just as I end writing of this part, music "Baker street" by Gerry Rafferty...plays,.. Marks & Spencer's London office was in...
Baker Street,,,,!
Then "Crazy " by Gnarles Barclay" ha ha ha "I just knew too much" (a clue for you...??????????????????_)
whilst writing this ....https://antichrismith.blogspot.com/2020/07/remember-this-from-2020-2020blindumb.html appeared on my
on this day notifications... !!
from previous.....How a previous unknown but genius wizz-kid with a socialist background started an international enterprise in 1979 and within 6 months had
GPB 250,000 on overnight deposit*, attracted attention from Mi5/6/KGB, goons from the c1A and "Bamker Barry"
go to (if you are invited ) to mewe.com/join/chrislivestorytheantea-chrisinmontea for more exclusive extracts,,
episode ; #23c ,, " The LOST years - 1983 to 1986...
When I listed some key events I feel the pain of these 3 years (not only to myself) and somehow blocked them form memory ..
but they include:
from the high court injunction, Mike washing his dirty linen in public to stop me taking all the Marks & Spencer orders
for my "S & S wine services ... S this time was Steve ... Markey whom I made Director, until he too let me down..
Employed my Brother Mike (Mick) ... and his sister in Law Linda.. ( what happened after that was like a TV "soap")
so many betrayals ...by 2 of the 3 people.. i would have died for...
"Jones the B"W"anker (and m15 asset) introducing PIddel the builder 30 % of Weargrove Ltd... (
valued at a million buy worth zero eventually because...)
and the games with Nockolds solicitors
, his partner Rodger dies myseteriously in a plane crash? ...and the WAR of Stanstead,,
(we had a 16 unit shopping precinct in Stansted village planned before the airport was extended ... "What Win Bar" ?
I owned 8 companies... via C S Holdings off shore..
bought my parents home for them..but...
Heysell and I wanted to quit football when i saw our club and supporters name tarnished by the "new elecmen"
and the Juve ultras escape punishment...
(chasing our success ) ,,, Shanks had gone.. Lennon murdered..
I drifted from Jacqui,
teh car chase by London police,,, lost my license to drive..
MY family ..parents poisoned against me...
the parasites were everywhere,,, I became a bigger ISLAND... more remote from those who wanted a piece of me..
and every aspect was poisoned, by "them" in teh fiction of writer John Le Carre's book "absolute freinds "
he clearly identified the dirty tricks of M15/6 , KGN, amd the C1A... but the problem goes much deeper
as provate agents are subcontracted to "dirty" someone, or remove them and other methods used to discredit..
Hamburh bank years later took the house from Jacqui at a later date (that caused her Cancer as much as smoking/birth control or ME?)
being a "house man" came later too.. the night of the betrayal 6 october 1986 was my "Pearl Harbour"//...
everything gone, 8 companies, a warehouse full of wine, the wine bar, our private accounts and no recourse
because the bent/stupid high court judge had granted their "anton pillar" ///... so I was forced to defend myself (and Jacqui)
against my Brother & Linda but who were acting for MY 8 companies... against me.. counter claim was impossible..
(music Floyd .."all right now" ...) Linda called 5 yaers later with "sorry"
but everything was the consequences of my choices ...my risks and the "hidden establishment" who hated me & my ability ..
to over come each adversity...
that night... I will not write in detail about here (its already been scripted for the "series".. so much drama and pain
excitement.. and "advenrure" murder? death threats... poison & sabotage...
and Lyn Kitch 19 of wine & Spirit, cousin Shelley.. and the french student girl..
(Music "star of the Story, Benson..again) /
* the question ; Was wine agent Pedrini instructed by Europol ? (and paid off with a Trentino vineyard)
* why Mi6 told the accountants to limit his payoff when splitting from Seabrook..
* and when CRS started his service, they poisoned his container shipments and blamed "methanol"*
(*equivalen to several millions euros now)
* Was wine agent Pedrini instructed by Europol ? (and paid off with a Trentino vineyard)
* Mi6 told the accountants to limit his payoff when splitting from Seabook..
* and when CRS started his service, they poisoned his container shipments and blamed "methanol"
* builder Piddel introduced By Banker Barry to distract from shipping (Mi6)
* the M16.C1A anton pillar morava high court INJUNCTION that froze him for 3 months..
* the lies that provoked a Brothers betrayal, and the "Linda affair" helped by Seabrook
* the Jacqui/Linda/Chris (&...) triangle, after the Bizarre London police car chase,
..to be continued (window about "that night" ...)
-----------more episodes to be explanded ;
* How a previous unknown but genius wizz-kid with a socialist background started an international enterprise in 1979 and within 6 months had
GPB 250,000 on overnight deposit*, attracted attention from Mi5/6/KGB, goons from the c1A and "Bamker Barry"
(*equivalen to several millions euros now)
* building the 2nd empire...(investing for clients & Strategic consulting - plus "Video security" (international directory)
* the final answer ; the Gemnet & secret networking & confidential projects...leading to
* Poison at a belgian resaurant, simulated "meningitis coma" but after 1 week ; awake!
* the alternative vision, checking out of bIz & hospital, reaction and "extreme alternative" causes attention AGAIN!
* THE DEMOS, ACTIVISM, 54 complaints, the kids, and 12 detentions = 24 months & "they" owe me several millions..
* The LIVERPOOL / Irish connection (IRA suspect) ... and the LbiRD co-op initiative mutates into REdGEMnet Worldwude..
* & of course various goons suspected "Mafia connections" because I was so often in the Italian & Matese meetings (given Honorary RTI memver)
* 32 years of J4t96 campaign and absorbing all into #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN... #Lbird via REdGEMnet...
* Reaction from USAcorp/cia "must hook into Brits/Euro soccer (football) con their way into Manu & then Lfc...
* the M16.C1A anton pillar morava high court INJUNCTION that froze him for 3 months..
* the lies that provoked a Brothers betrayal, and the "Linda affair" helped by Seabrook
* the Jacqui/Linda/Chris triangle, after the Bizarre London police car chase,
* building the 2nd empire...(investing for clients & Strategic consulting - plus "Video security" (international directory)
* the final answer ; the Gemnet & secret networking & confidential projects...leading to
* Poison at a belgian resaurant, simulated "meningitis coma" but after 1 week ; awake!
* the alternative vision, checking out of bIz & hospital, reaction and "extreme alternative" causes attention AGAIN!
* THE DEMOS, ACTIVISM, 54 complaints, the kids, and 12 detentions = 24 months & "they" owe me several millions..
* The LIVERPOOL / Irish connection (IRA suspect) ... and the LbiRD co-op initiative mutates into REdGEMnet Worldwude..
* & of course various goons suspected "Mafia connections" because I was so often in the Italian & Matese meetings (given Honorary RTI memver)
* 32 years of J4t96 campaign and absorbing all into #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN... #Lbird via REdGEMnet...
* Reaction from USAcorp/cia "must hook into Brits/Euro soccer (football) con their way into Manu & then Lfc...
#23ca ,,, another "flashback window" expanding on "that night"
when I truly realised that my only "true friend" was Jacqui...betrayal by the closest and dfeat to the enemies and
a massive abuse of english law as a mthod of destoying my aims & initiatives..
BUT. before I tell more of the night , Oct0ber 6 1986,,, a little reverse return to "NOW"
not that other dimensions are UNREAL... i mean, what is reality when the atoms that make "ME" and we... are always moving and we stand on a planet spinning around the universe with an invisible magnet & atmosphere miraculously
stopping us from floating off into the darkness... ;)
I am based (here on the "paradise coast") as is "Freedom and Union" NGO / initiatives & charitable actions.." without much choice...
circumstances gave me little choice when the corrupt policeman locked me out of the house I paid rent for..
"5 minutes to take out your personal items " and "other things must be collected in the next days or will go on rubbish dump"..
MARK MY WORDS , It wont be "instant" but KARMA will GET Aleksa & his "Family Recevic" one day, sooner ot later ... and I will smile..
In the 80s (and I talk about the "lost years" between '83 to '86 in the previous chapter (#23c) ...the rot had started,,
the "Soviet Union " declined and USAcorp celebrated that "capitalism won the war" ( and the world...)
and the global sheeple all followed..more like lemmings... (mutations could be "lemple" ? ) ...
even our idolised Team; with players starting to wear BIG letters of Sponors names on the FRONT chest of their shirts??
how is this possible? ,, that the name of a kitchen applicance or Beer, or bank has a bigger name than LIVERPOOL??
what short - sighted people run football clubs... until now of course , the sharks employ their masters of spin
but they market their products ,,their sponors , their backers
..WE TRUE REd supporters PROMOTE the TEAM and "OUR CLUB"...
The hooligans hooked themselves up to our "european wagon" as we were the Eupean champions (4 times between 1977 - 1984)
and MONEY influenced everything , more than ever,,, I was starting my freelance Strategic management, but "Jones the banker" defrauded my new S & S wine services,. the remaining companies in my group were being managed by Steve, Jacqui, Michael (bro) and Linda (as Sales Director) whilst I moved betweem the House (of Jacqui, because thats how it felt ) and French coast & Trentino apartments..
Still later half the savings fund went into Salus , and the 2 "plants from Manchester" (making the Salus group Video was fun, though,,
in the early nineties ..after the Videotronic/Bischke joint venture (forming one of the largest electronic security outfits
in europe.. see 1993 directrory, Videotronic International; 12th Largest with, CES, Videotech, all introduced by myself..)
that was mostly government contracts, and of course got sabotaged,, by....."them".,,,)
UEFA contributed to the change in fortune by selecting the decrepid Heysell for the '85 final.... the lack of segregation or management
of ticket distribtion, were a recipe for a disaster , though not forgetting how Juve fans ignited the fire by throwing bottles at our lads,
just as a year before Roma fans had thrown stones at OUR supporter buses leaving their stadium after we won there in '84
(women & kids wre on board those stoned buses too!) ... arguably, the 39 Juve fans killed by the collapse.paid a high price for history
when the old stand collapsed,,
but of course..
its always easiest for the authorities to blame the convenient target, and the SCUMedia,
who now control the minds of the "lemple" do the rest,,, ..but we knew, at core,
just as we knew in 1989 when they murdered 96 of "OURS" at Hillsborough...
Just as "they" were not going to allow a genial socialist "wizz-kid" take over their show. (the world of enterprise) "they" also
were not going to allow a 10 year British club domination of european football to continue, ..they CANT have "working class boys"
going about the world, when their London clubs & UEFA favourites of the spanish or italian leagues were no longer winning the big trophies..
I digress, as usual... if in the "80s things were going bad, I would never have imagined (or would i?) that a global society
would fall for such an obvious exploitation of fear , inciting the willy gates funded :W.H.O: and the various "coroNATIONS"
to join in their "gameofTHORNS MASK+er_aid.. ... and shut down the whole FECKING PLANET,,, but i watch neandathal tourists pour into this coaSTAL(l) resort,. in their big cars , not caring about pedestrians, and like the locals, THROWING their rubbish all about them, their loud voices....
and banal chatter, white skinned men with big beer guts in tiny speedos. fat women in thongs, (although a tight bum looks ok), I also dont want to see a herd of them when I am eating at a beach caffe/bar/restoran...
and still idiots are saying "stay saFE' and someone i offerd to teach , "I havent got time" IF I offered her a million quid,
I would bet she would make time..
well, MY free course is worth a million, but here as with most of the world , if its given free , the FOOLS dont value it..
OCCUPATION of our world (all propery is theft)
i was going to start, when I had the urge to go to the "wild beach" for a sun bathe or swim..
I had both , (after giving Bojana at "contact" my "TIME" ... ) ... had an expensive choc-ice from the shop..
and fancied sitting at my favourite location with a view of the bay and the penisula, the Island and the croation coast in distance..
there is almost NO sand on these beaches, but a lot of fecking rocks...
but it was "crowded" ... not as much as Zanjice or Mirista, but i was hoping for fewer tourists after a very windy night..
... but it seems this "secluded" side , now ..isnt..! but what annoys the most is the way someone has put a rusty old fence around
one section of this side of the rocky bay,
now,..most of these sheeple claim to be "orthadox christians" well, I am sure Jesus wasnt proclaiming
land possesion or excluding others from enjoying "his father's lands" after all, IF YOU BELIEVE IN GOD , U CANNOT JUSTIFY CLAIMINGANY PART OF IT FOR YOURSELF, CAN YOU?
Please understand, i HAVE NOTHING againt having a plot for yourself and building yourself a hut for you & your family...
i MASSIVELY object with sections of OUR planet beinf fenced off for one or other family, group. religion, or (artificial) nationality
.. ... IMO the sale & re- sale of our land by the professional or amateur speculators is obscene, and causes inflation
../. after all if the price or RENT of a house, land
or a factory increases , so does the need for salary or product to accomodate that cost..
if ANY property built could ONLY carry a ONE-TIME profit of a ceiling of 20% then costs of living, the pressure of life, and arguably a lot of stress - related disease such as CANCER, which killed 3 of my closest... would be radically reduced.. BUT "they" want you under pressure, stressed and without TIME to question why you are enslaved to a job, mortgage etc etc ..
When I first started living in Freiburg ("black forest city") ... i still had an office in Hamburg and took the "I C E " (Inter-city Express) I enjoyed it as I could have a brunch or lunch in the restaurant wagon, enjoy the scenery and make notes about my project plans..
(still no mobile phone s!)
However, should I wish to NAP en route , I had to make sure I had RESERVED a place as It was "typical" of the german passengers to spread there clothes & bags around the carriage..Adolf would have been proud of the modern german's need for "expansion" :P
... once , especially, however, I got my revenge , during the early part of the "83-'86 phase, Jacqui and I were managing the remainder of my "savaged empire" and yet the only time we could "trust" to take a holiday was between xmas and new year, we decided on the Canary Islands ...
(Lanzarote) as it was still warm, and Jacqui needed "warm" holidays,,, we drove to London airport, with drama as the electrics of the BMW 735
(reg "CRS7") ..cut out .. anyway we made the flight, and a taxi from the airport on the Island, took us along the coast then slightly inland to an apartment , next to a noisy building site,,, I called the agent immediately & we were transferred to a nice hotel, with nice views,
a nice swimming pool... and full of germans... except from a Scottish woman, her child..and us...
Well, Jacqui and I liked to sleep in, especially on holiday , we didnt care about the hotel breakfast, but fancied the loungers by the
pool, later in the morning,, but when we arrived at the pool, day after day, EVERY lounger was covered with a towel, a GERMAN towel..
after 3 or 4 days of this...the next evening I said to Jacqui " lets go dancing" (Jacqui knew I LOVE to dance...and she liked it too..)
so we had a lot of dancing, a lot of Sangria, and came back to the hotel after about 02/03h ...
I Saw the pool. and the loungers "sans towels" .. and told Jacqui to go to bed, as I would sleep outside this night..she guessed ..but
she didn't object, so I moved one lounger out of the way and dozed, until just before 7 a.m. when I heard the Germans coming down to the breakfast
room and a group of them carried all their towels and proceeded to cover EVERY lounger,... then joined their "kameraden" in the breakfast room..
I so i waited a few moments , then threw ALL their towels in the POOL..(they couldnt prove it was me)
so, Jacqui, myself and the Scottish lady seemed to be able to find a free lounger for the rest of the holiday... ;)
so, That night....
Jacqui and I were almost alone in "What Wine Bar" ... which got its name from the idea of replying "what Wine Bar?"
if any of the locals accused us (Then Gorge Piddel, Rodger Watterson (r.i.p , in mysterious private plane crash..)
and myself... as Shareholders of the 16 unit Stansted Mountfichet village shopping precinct.....
I had also called our wholesale wine warehouse (also cash & carry) "What Wine Warehouse" and filled it with wines
mostly from Trentino, .but we also had some Lambrusco (it was like adding a bit of vino to cola..but the ladies liked it)
some "beaujolais oldveau". (*there are too many side stories ...so I will focus on that night...) ..
I think it was a monday night the 6th of October 1986.. Jacqui was managing the Bar, and I was managing the group..
but I liked to join her behind the bar and exchange with the customers, as we were EXCLUSIVELY about wine (and some bar food)
It was fun, offering them to "try this one, try that one, and we sold by the bottle a a good price mostly 5 quid.
but i was shipping as an importer, so the cost was low...
Often I was away for 3 months at a time, back for a week or 2, then packed my bag, then off again, (which is why I told someone recently that due to modern travel complications, delays, and my objections to them, plus; I am so SICK of packing & unpacking & packing; I am reluctant even
to pack an overnight bag these days,,) ... so we would catch up on news and although I phoned or faxed home most days when away,
it was always "fresh" between us, when i was back. and my first wish would be to eat some basic meal, to make a BBQ on the next weekend.. and talk together..
no hardship to look into that lovely face and heart, but hard if she had problems whilst I was away.. and sometimes i brought my
troubles home too...!
Then, a man in a dark business suit came in and looked around, didnt say anything , and just used the cigarettes' machien and left..
something in my head remarked that he didnt look like a "usual customer" but carried on talking with her... and around 10 PM ..we started to clear up
as it seemed unlikely that anyone else would be coming in the bar again that night...
but then the same man in the dark came back in... and a policeman was standing outside,,, gave me a pile of documents about 6 inches thick..
and , astonished , as Jacqui came behind me, to ask what was going on... I started to read the first pages...
" S & S wine services, Smith-Markey international, what wine warhouse, What wine bar, etc etc..
... VERSUS....
Christpher Rochard SMITH & Jacqueline SMITH.... "
the "suit" said " I am an officer of the court, and outside is a policeman to ensure there is no violence...
..and although you may want to read all those documents first, I propose to you, or especially to Mrs SMITH , may wish to just hand me the keys
of this Wine Bar, as per the court order now, amd return home.. as my colleagues also also removing documents etc from your Home ..!!!!
(2, Wick lane, Wickford ) ... (half an hour drive) ...I saw Jacquis face... HER HOME? being "raided" by arseholes like this "suit"?
"Let's go Jacqui" she reluctantly gave him the Wine Var keys and we headed home...she drove (i couldnt ** other side story..but relevant)
Now I have to tell you a bit about Linda, who had been our Sales Director for all the companies.., had informed us (Jacqui and I were also her friends, and more...)
one year before that she had "one cell anemia" (a form of cancer) so quit her role in our companies.. she was my elder Brother's sister in law...
she was about 5 years older than me, 10 years older than Jacqui... but I had trainer her, to be a sharp & effective marketeer and very clever
sales woman.. and we had got close (*too close.. which I will also come to later) ///... but prior to this night...there were
THREE people , & only 3, who were close to me.. and for WHOM I WOULD HAVE GIVEN MY LIFE TO SAVE THEM; Jacqui.. my BROTHER Michael (Mike,
NOT seabrook nor Mike Wood) ... PAY ATTENTION readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We arrive at the house, its about 11h, but mild weather (golden october) ... more "suits" are carrying out boxes..with papers, files.
and about 20=30 boxes of wine that were stacked in the hallway..send to me by producers for testing.. (sometimes when I returned
from a trip I would make a BBQ (grill) in the garden invite neighbours Brian & Christine Keene.. and test new wines on them..
then after they were gone, Jacqui and I would finish off another couple of bottles , listening to Bill Joel "scenes from Italian restaurant" album
I loved those nights....) ...
We were just standing outside Jacqui's car, looking at the nughtmare scene.. when I saw Linda standing on the other side of our driveway,
(the suits vehicles had blocked the driveway, so we had parked in the street outside...
(Music ; would it be good to be on your side" Nik Kershaw... " wouldnt it be good to live without a care"//// ha ha ha
Then "Owner of a lonely heart" by Yes...hmmmm )...
I moved towards her, when another "suit" handed me ANOTHER document, "you are not allowed within xxx metres of THAT lady"
("Lady" wasnt what I was thinking about her... she wsnt sick... and I then looked again at the main order given to us in Stansted..
"as instructed and witnessed by PLAINTIFFS; Michael James SMITH (brother) and Linda Peackock-Brown (former "best friend')
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then it hit me... Jacqui just collapsed into tears,,, a "sting" in the manner of the cleverest criminals..
BETRAYED by the closest ...this STUNG and STANK ..but why...?
,,, 2 *quite friendly local policemen stayed behind ... i made a pot of tea, and as the four of us sat in what was left of the
"home office" part of the quite big 2 story house... looking at the empty shelves as I glanced at the pile of "accusing" documents
on the desk in front of me... "one of them said "HELL hath no fury like a woman SCORNED" ( an old saying aimed at Linda,..
she had got revenge,, which i shall explain...****) but that night.. we hardly slept whilst my "strategic brain" dealt with
...ok so, what NOW????
The "suits" had raided the groups accountants...(Jewish Melvin ....er?)
they had taken everything belonging to any of our companies ... and from the companies's lawyers..
(the firm of Richard Baruch ..who was later committed to prison for fraud...!!! :) ... )
The warehouse emptied and transfered to be held for account of "Linda's companies (my companies) ...in SEabrook's warehouse..
The error was that I had formed a trust Holding company OFF shore which controlled majority of all the group companies...
Brother Mike, Linda & Jacqui were UK officers of all companies so were able to act daily on our behalf..
but I drew cheques for my costs from the various companies, BUT unless you knew I owned them, it could look like it was a fraud..
taking money out without authorisation which is what Libda accused me of, in the court order , using Mike as witness..
my brother, who also decided to also take 6,500 pounds cash out of one of the companies and resign...
SO I lost 8 comapnies worth about a million pounds in 1986.. and was accused of fraud, with Jacqui as the only one by my side,...
(music ; Golden lady, Stevie Wonder...)
...our personal bank accounts were frozen too...i had no car, Jacqui's was later taken too...so..a new plan..
whilst we had to defend a HIGH COURT INJUNCTION... we had NO money.. going from "rich to poor" in less than 24 hours..
Jacqui went back to work at the insurance broker office in London.. I was "house man" cleaning, shopping.. and preparing the
dinner for when the "breadwinner" came home from working.. .. there was a funny side, I found my humour when neighbour
Christine drove me to the supermarkets to fo the weeks shopping, I made her laugh exaggerating my search for "this week's bargain"
we had NOTHING to defend ourselves withm the high court judge had allowed the suits to take ALL files, coped, documents everything
thus..I could not prove anything...but ... /// ,,, as Time passed, we had 3 months until our "BIG court date, at the OLD bailey,
the fanous & highest court in the land..
(where they wear the wigs & all..) .. then I remenbered; the lawyer I had used before forming the group, when I was younger
(Mike George), .. I called him, he just asked " how is Jacqui? :.. and "you sort of fell into this by your own fault" ...and he was right...
(probably the only honest solicitor I ever met! and I met hundreds ;) ... ... but I had, for a reason I could not recall , had sent
Mike George (too many "Mike's ) a document which showed that my off shore trust company "ChRiS SMITH HOLDINGS " owned all the UK companies
by majority sharholding...
after 3 months. we went to the old bailey, (I keep thinking of the old tv barrister ; Rumpole of the Bailey) the HIGH court of england..
(the highest) ... Mike George was a SOLICITOR, he was not acting IN the HIGH court, .... a BARRISTER, is like a legal technician, he avoids the
emotive parts of the story,, just deals with the technical arguements & legal :facts: our "trust document of C S holdings and
some statements from myself were enough to show Linda was lying..'WE WON ". ...but,,, I asked Mike George; "what about recovery? counter claim..?
and why has this "Anton Pillar Morava injunction" been used in this case???
Mike said " a) it should not have been used b) the judge who gave the order was wrong (well, he was manipulated by :them: wasnt he>?)
c) AND the way HE ALLOWED the court order to be scripted in this way which means IF YOU COUNTER-CLAIM IT WILL BE TO SUE AGAINST YOUR OWN COMPANIES..
SO that is POINTLESS, ... ME : "and what about Linda.. ?" ... Mike Gorge: "the ONLY thing you could do is to claim against her
for malicious damages, as she CAUSED this..!" .. and d) this injunction is the "NUCLEAR WEAPON" of english law, it was never ever, NEVER!
used in such a case, ..... someone manipulated this .... (them!)
Footnore I employed a detective ; Jacquis brother in law (Dave Clarke) , and after chasing Linda from address to address
and more or less spending my remaining personal cash saving of 20,000 on legal fees dealing with this mess & paying Mike George's firm,
we had a meeting at his office and he and his partners said "we made a mistake" (but I could nt sue the only lawyer trusted with this case)
..so I let it go, let them go and let Linda go..
and I know Jacqui never really recovered...
I had challenged my brother, and he made the excuse that he thought I was setting him up (Melvyn too, the mole of :them: helped Linda?)
,, but it was Linda who manipulated him .... ( with a push from :them:)
all my enemies profited, Seabrook profited, I lost my shares IN WEARGROVE (STANSTED , A 30 % OF A MILLION POUND SHOPPING PRECINCT)
Seanrook had gained profit from warehousing my wine stock (and probabaly other share of the profit) my brother had 6,500 pounds cash..
the corprate lawyers & accountants (Melvin plawner?) got paid, as did the crooked crew of "suits: who were supposed to have copied and
returned vital documents to me, didn't !! but because the original high court judge was criticized by the new judge 3 months after..
... they escaped without sanction..
She was managing a petrol station near where Jacqui & I lived.. and I filled up my tank there one day, and heard her ,
i think, how she handled a difficult customer, she was calm, clever, strong, attractive & charming.. at the time i was looking for someone..
because I wanted to focus on Strategic management and international expansion of our group.. she was 5 years older,than me,
I knew her as sister in law of my much older brother, ...she was raw in our type of enterprise & trades ,
but I could train her into becoming "bloody dangerous" .. so i kind of trained her how to beat me, and she did..
and she was enthusiastic, and when someone is willing & enthusiastic, I can be a king (or queen) maker... ;)
stap by step, she was introduced to clients & customers... brother Mike as operations manager (which was a bigger mistake, probably,
employing HIM, you see, ...because when I was a kid say only 10 years old, HE WAS MY HERO, he was more than 10 years older , in the Navy ,
a sailor, and then in the army boxing for the national team... (yeah challenging him didnt go well for me!)
..he used to bring home toys & fancy clothes (I recall a japanese jacket made of silk with dragons on it..)
and of course no one wanted to pick on me who knew about my brother,
although I had knocked a boy out in my first school day at 5 years.,..(before the accident?) ...
Linda was younger sister of my Brother Mike's wife (Carol) ... several years younger than him... and he certainly had a "thing" for her,
although I supposed it was platonic... any way, I involved Linda in events , social functions, wine trade meetings ..
we added the Peacock-Brown thing to appeal to the wine snobs/... he husband Graham was so young in comparison...she dominated him..
their marriage was in trouble as Linda spent more time away from him..
Then we had a tble at the the Wine & Spirit benevolent banquet.. 1500 wine trade people from all over the world at the GROSVENOR HOUSE HOTEL
dining hall...(see previous episodes) and the drama of me losing my drivers license (afterb the James Bond style
race through the Hendon district, in an IRISH registered car, a SET up to make me a target, luckily the police chasing me did NOT have guns..
..(my BMW 735 in for service, and the sports car provided for the day. was like a moving target for the police as it was
at the times of the "Irish troubles" and there had been pub bombings in London.. I lost my license..
Linda became my driver, for the next 18 months, home & away (europe) she was looking for it, I i was open too.
it was the classic "7 year itch" Jacqui and I had some arguements, i was probably to blame.. ceratinly for the "affair.."
The crazy thing for me is when we three met at Jacquis house to talk it through (the company had bought Linda a house, Carshalton? Oxon? )
Linda was still Jacquis best friend, I was in between the too.. I loved them both... they had a crazy talk without me,
even considered... a shared arrangement!... but rightly told me I must decide , one OR the other... I knew Linda was
the wild adventure, we had passionate times , in all sort of places, but Jacqui was THE one... so I went back to her,,
AND I found out that my brother had backed her move against me, because ...he loved her too... and thats the weakness of a man..
someone i had admired all my life...betrayed me for her charm & manipulation... so dont ever tell me about how "hard it is for women"
( because i will list a thousand more examples)
... some have difficult lives, yes, but many modern fee-males are calculating monsters,.
however I got what I deserved, Jacqui did not...
and thats my biggest regret...
to be continued... : #23d... building the 2nd (or was it third "empire"///...) ..will they ("them") stop the next..?
(answer ; partly! ) read on...
to continue... episodes to be expanded ;
* How a previous unknown but genius wizz-kid with a socialist background started an international enterprise in 1979 and within 6 months had
GPB 250,000 on overnight deposit*, attracted attention from Mi5/6/KGB, goons from the c1A and "Banker Barry"
(*equivalent to several millions euros now)
I have said; this before as GOOD v evil or (your GOD versus your "devil") is a constant theme...throughout these series of episodes or.."chapters"
... that there is no such "thing" ... prophets & writers, scribes etc used words that they believed would "visualise" the black & white
sides of existence,..but IMO the word GOD, should be spelt G O O D, it would make the various "holy books * gospels much easier
for young folk to understand (or just teach them their basic human rights, which govt officials are the LAST to apply..)
as for "the Devil" its an image, "Satan" etc ...but the :Devil" is just a word ; D'evil.. OF EVIL.. and spell it backwards;
E V I L = L I V E ..so its the opposite of "to LIVE"/.. makes more sense that conjuring up "images" to scare the weak minded??
explaining (for the first time, continually, rather than in pieces on various sites, many blocked) these episodes is FUN too.
however hurtful to tell , with pain comes also smiles... we MUST find hunour in our lives... NOT as much enjoyment as ..
*playing football
* dancing
* Making love..
but ... could make this series go on forever without a climax ?
"making love" tends to lead to a climax, then ..............
playing football as a boy , all day and evening too, if I ddint get called in my mum.... non stop energy...
very game had a "result"... but a new game could start after a short pause...
but Dancing.. to my favourite songs and especially with a good damce-partner or a group of visitors who wanted to have fun..
could go on forever... until they turn the lights or music off... the last time I went to the "Cavern" (world fanous for being the
venue when the local LIVERPOOL born BEATLES band became world famous.... and still are.. i danced almost non stop 9 hours!
It is full at 19h (1 quid for entrance, even recently) GREAT live music, and great local bands who CONNECT with an audience made up of locals, tourists, football fans there for the weekend...old or young.. who WANT to have FUN!...and dance!
I sat with 2 local girls.. "are U dancing?" /// ...("Liverbirds on TV") ... one after the other until around midnight,..
then 2 girls , I think from Barcelona , tourists, sat down ,,, "are u dancing?" .. one after the other..I draNK one LARGE BEER
ALL NIGHT.. AND would have continued, but the music went off and the lights on at 04h ...
(i should now tell the side story about singer Sophie & the student band from Groeningen??
... ok;
a decade later , I had a GF , Jose, in Zwolle, I had moved there after the "Freiburg campaign"///..
(resulting in 56 complaints at the ECHR, Strasbourg, against Police, judges, attornies, "beamte" and other germans..
not least the 2 mothers Annika & Margit..who were protected by the corrupt german state apparatus)
but after a while with the "Van Loo family" and some period in Flemish Belgium etc I took a small room (attic flat)
in Zwolle... (pre Jose. mentioned in previous episode)
I had a bike, and took a ride to a small town about 10 kms , in the middle of the week , around mid-day...
the main centre cafe was deserted, except for Sophie, who served me, but looked so bored!
So I asked her if she was studding,. she was, "What?" i asked ... "Psychology" (or Philosophy..) /...
either way, these are subjects that are wonderful to discuss with a fresh mind...for me, at least!
She said that she would gladly join me, share a beer or 2, and have a discussion when her shift finished at 14h..
(Sophie pic NOW... & unmentioned in her "inspiration" not me) of course?)
We talked , non stop for about 2 hours , exchanging opinions, more fun... and before leaving , I asked her...
" so what is your DREAM, right now, what would you MOST like to be doing?" ... Sophie (Le Titre?) replied..
"I am leader of a student band, my friends are at UNI in Groningen, we have done a few student GIGS ...
but I would really like to perform in front of an adult audience , somewhere different , and play OUR music",
(she/they had produced their own, but could also do "covers"...)
I asked her " when will you have a pause from studying?" (as the cafe job was just for the summer) , she said
"oh in October, as we have exams in September" So I asked if they had any "funds" ..and she replied about
euros 500 in the pot.... "ok, I will do something, keep in touch" ...she didn't believe me..
until I went there again,, and asked for the names etc of the band, and then at the next meeting told her
they were booked on easyjet from Schipol (Amsterdam) to LIVERPOOL...
I was there a day earlier, the flights were very cheap, which helped, and I booked cheap rooms at the big pun
on everton park (where I used to go running sometimes) ..and walk across on my way to games at Anfield..
so I met them at the arrival gate of "JOHN LENNON AIRPORT" ... Sofie with her keyboard and the lads with guitar
cases etc.. looking a bit tired , a suiley greeting, but looking a bit worried about catching the express bus to city centre
then a long walk to everton park... so I ignored questions and just said " the BUS stop is this way!" ..
but the bus polled out...without us... happily for the band, my associate GEORGE was standing the other side with a big smile,
and the big black limousine (smoked windows & all) ... I had given him 50 quid from my pocket, to make their first day a special
one.. so like "music celebrities'" George gave them "the show" driving around Liverpool city centre , a couple of times..
(with people trying to see in! as we stopped for tarffic lights) ., Sophie & the boys were "made up"///...( a Scouse expression
of happiness!)
We spent a few days at the Studio I had arranged with a Pro technician , who kindly agreed to record & master a CD for them..
for ONLY 200 Euros... and I had been to visit the Cavern Club Manager to organise a GIG for the Friday night..
(but, he wanted "nostalgia music, as usual)... then we had an amusing interlude...
I used to be a member of the LIVERPOOL chamber of commerce... and by this time I did have a (basic) mobile phone..
& got an sms from a member who informed me (she was part of the "08 committee for european capital of culture_)..
"ChRiS, I hear you are in town, I have tickets for the "do" (posh dinner) at the Adelphi HOTEL (most expensive in the city)
tonight , I cant go, please take my place +1. of you wish, no charge ;) "..
Sophie and I had been watching the boys, as the technician was sometimes recording the band together, sometimes individually..
and at this moment, Sophie was not required...so I turned to her and asked "are you hungry?" ..."YES, shall we order a pizza?"
So I said " No , something else, come with me" , Sophie, a smart attractive lass was wearing a casual track suit, for comfort in the
studio, I was wearing Jeans, T-shirt and had a jacket with me..
We arrived at the posh Adephi... reception, a lady checking names,, I said "Good evening, we are taking place of xxxxx's tcikets..!"
she replied.. "oh ues, we are informed..." and then looked at Sophie... " and you are a guest?" I cut in " Yes Sophie here is a singer
from Holland...! " ( well, true, the lady didnt know much about dutch musicians, i was pretty cure.." and we went in..
everyone else in Dinner suits, bow ties or smart business suits, ladies in evening gowns and we two ..ha ha ha..
I had a big smile.... as a couple of business contacts offered us aplces on their tables, I spotted an empty table
in the corner of the room. next to a piano player, playing some soft background music.. I took Sophie there...and she asked "why?"
I said "the wine is included, and there are 10 bottles on the table, more than enough to keep us happy.." through the mayor's boring speech " and I even managed a coherent comment on the Mic about Liverpool's future.. whilst slipping glasses of wine to the piano player...ha ha!
We had a funny evening and I took a photo of Sophie sitting in front of a HUGE chandelier ...in her trackies... nice moment..
being the vlack sheep, without cares...
...Sophie and the band had a GREAT night at the Cavern, even though I got into trouble with the manager as I told them to play
their own music...the crowd liked it...anyway... I got a bit emotional when Sophie was on stage their, like sje was my daughter,
and she had a great voice... on the last night of recording and the last night of the trip, we went nack to the pub late
and they also had a stage with a guy playing guitar & singing pop tunes.. I asked the manager (who i also knew because of staying there several times before) if Sophie could sing a song... The guitarist was a nice guy and conceded his spot for one song...and she sang/..
"In the summertime" solo... the whole place gave her a standing ovation,,,i was choked up... a great trip,,.
Sophie even got the channce to "tinkle" on Chris (Coldplay) 's Steinway piano, as we made a "stop" in George's limo on the way to the airport
if it hadn't of been for "Ron the drummer" causing me problems at the departure, I might have managed them again,,
but i followed Sophies progress and last time I checked, she is doing well,, as singer/songwriter,,, solo!
(on you tube ; Sophie Letitre - Real (Infuze Remix) - YouTube
* building the 2nd empire
...(investing for clients & Strategic consulting - plus "Video security" (international directory)
So after our Lanzarote holiday , we had Karen (not sis, but a different Karen,,) and an office in Manchester
(enemy Territory) Trafford Park.. its foggy..
it came of that social event, the boxing evening.. where I met John Portsmouth , the "moaning electronic genius"
and managing his company & Nexus, but his partner in Nexus, and the ice detector (winning a contract to retro fit these
advance warnign systems on all the essex police cars,, ) ...I was then contracted and somehow a join venture with
Videotronics / Uwe Bischke GmbH in Neumunster...
Uwe was a bit of a shark.. and a number of things happened (simultaneously according to my foggy memory of this time)
* Natlie L"HUissiez , a french student joined us, a sweet character, who stayed in our guest room. . and "fell in love with me"
..she used to excite the installation Teams, by wearing skimpy "boob-tubes" in the office, making us laugh (but...)
as she used to pat the computer like it was a dog, and say " be nice today" as she started in the morning...
also I let her join a management meeting, and her fresh outlook helped find a solution to a company problem...
but , There was one moment I shall always recall vividly... one saturday morning.. I had a meeting with everyone
around the big table at (Jacqui's) house in Wickford, the office where the group I was managing bas in nearby Basildon...
I was goign through the plans & projects for the coming week (security, Telecommunications & electronics...)
when I noticed that the eyes of the Male managers had flazed over and they were looking past me..
Well, we had the living room and the room connected to the conservatory/garden knocked through with a "spanish arch"
(which made it a large room.) ,,, so the sun would shine right through from the garden/french windows in the morning..
,,I turned around ..and I just saw Natalie.. move into the kitchen , as she had come down into the room from the upstairs
bedroom.. with a see-through nightdress, which hid nothing... I explained this to her...after!
and then I took her when I went to Bischke's office and the female export manager was talking to us, in quite good english..
and Natalie asked her "where if you learn your english" the young woman replied "on the street" ..we resisted laughing..
but in the care after leaving sang " Roxanne, you dont have to put on that RED LIGHT!" (Sting) ,, ha ha ha..
how did this happen? into Electronic security ...which obviously worried "THEM" although during this time I also gave a
presentation on Electronic Security at a conference in LONDON for a group of the mosy SENIOR commanders of AIRPORT & SEAPORT
police,, but ... As I started , I notice the aufience was distracted and NOT paying attention (these were mostly middle-aged
men..from all over europe...) .... so I asked/.. "OK everybody ..put your hand up WHO USES a COMPUTER?? ... one man said he did..
for accounting... the rest said that their secretaries did all the computer work, so I had to explain to these "senior police
commanders" as if they were 5 years old! ..
but they thanked me .. I received a plaque for my office wall and an official letter.. and one was going to ivite me to join :THEM:
but ..I ddint , I cant remember if he withdrew or i refused,,,
how did this get so far?
Well there was John.. (electronics) ... then Jeff Binks became a client...
btw. I had taken a special course , being on the end of "the laws nuclear weapon" made me want to increase my knowledge of THEIR "rules"..
so I hooked up with the SAS... ha ha.,.. well, recalling S and S (wine ) services ... no! was I with "THE SAS" ..? hmmm
this S & S was "SUN ALLIANCE Services.. and I picked up considerable info on AVOIDING tax (for my clients) without needing..
to register an OFFshore trust company... and one hard-headed salesman reminded me about asking questions to get your aims..
do you understand? ;)
and as they had various good performing funds I placed so many clients with them, I got a special commission ..which helped fund
a new BMW 635 CSi (sports) Car... and the new "empire" ... then, AS i said recently , I am a "drama magnet"
..I had helped out a man with some problems with his small environmental (cleaning * refuse collection) service..
and he said ... "my daughter has a problem, and we dont know who to talk to ...can we send her to you..?"
I replied that , without knowing the problems ..I wasnt sure, but would listen to her , at least..
Therefore, she showed up at the door one day.. and told me , in details.. how her husband was joint managing direct & owner
of a Telecommunications company, that had won BIG private contracts , from banks & government, in comms & SECURITY..
but she told me, he & his partner were actually only "super salesmen" and the admin & organisation was a mess. they also
employed a lot of young people, without any disciplne, who all had big salaries and company cars.. and...
the big secret, she was convinced that her man & his cohort were goign to sell of a large part of the (CES) group..
for a million pounds (but like "only fools & horses TV comedy) and disappear to Bermuda I never foudn out WHY they chose
Bermuda..,but anyway.. I started to investigate,..
(MUsic : "Instant Karma" John Lennon ... & "its probably me" Sting)
... and discovered.. she was right.. in the next days , the news broke, they had done that, sold a part off for a million & disappeared,,
but also
That J L P electronics (John) supplied electronics to C E S for telecom and SECURITY systems
Jeff installed their systems.. hmmmmm
" C.E > Security & associated operations" was put on the markey by a firm of big city chartered accountants..
it was in legal terms .."in administration" ...managed by these accountants until sold off (they obviously hoped to a bigger corporation!)
( music " Iris " Goo GOO dolls... "I just want you to know who i am!"////... unlikely!)
Because of the situation with JOhn & Jeff both supplying to "C E S" I could plan our strategy and VISIT their offices
and see their operations by accompanying the installation teams or just with John...
- step one, get all outstanding invoices paid up...
- Step 2 , Increase rates, put pressure on the non-operational accountants..
- JoHn & Jeff make friends with C E S customers (who already knew them..)
- Inform the accountants
- Take it over...
Several large corporations made visits to C E S, but somehow teh word got our that C E S didnt own the technology..
so I waited until they were probably becoming desperate, as the accountants only cared about their own (expensive)
time & coats being paid... it was still offered at a million pounds on the market.. far too high...
So I eventually called them.."we are interested in a meeting" ..then explained who I represented,, with the father of the environmental company...
also being a supplier of services to "C E S" i held all the aces.. so I took a lawyer, for fun, (i cant remember his name ,
but he was a character who had once administered a whole Caribbean island for the government) and told him.. "just follow me, whatever I do, go with me"...
so we went to the "C E S" office in Basildon, and went up to their boardroom, there were 6 (at least) accountants & lawyers on their side, (of the table) ... and Myself and "my legal eagle" on our side... its started about 9 am ... they bored us with details of all
the private & government contracts "C E S" owned.. I just kept saying : " yes I know.."... then over lunch explained we are the
suppliers of ALL of the technology and do all of the installations and maintenance of those contacts, and soon they were down to
about 200,000 GBP... .. and their "chief" said : "that's the lowest we can go" ....so I just put my notes into my briefcase and
walked out with "my man" scrambling after me, trying not to laugh.. as we got to the reception area, one of them , in a squeaky voice called down.. "could you come back?"
.. I got it (C E S) for 70,000 GBP... a steal which just about covered the accountants costs..
... it coudl have become a gold mine for the new owners ( and myself) had their not been a recession the following year with manycontacts cancelled or suspended and many new cheap competitirs slashing costs to get business.. (and who seemed to kmow all our
offers & tenders ( because of :THEM: they still didn't want any thing I was managing to get too big,,
**** I had to use a similar tactic In Seoul, after spending a week waiting to agree a contract to distribute a special security camera
via various european electronic distributors, I performed a drama on the last day, with Malcolm, a technician I had taken with me playing the "straight man"
::"" and as I became more and more "known" in the high tech world & of government contracts,,.worldwide,, I met a Japense - american i think, after a round table event (new years eve event, empire state, statue of liberty boat party,,etc etc)...
He was a consultant for Toyota, who wanted to develop their own electronics company, with security products, and asked me if i could create a european distribution network, of course could.. I had by then contacts all over europe..
At the time I was based (professionally) at an office in Hamburg.. (Bramfelder chaussee, City Nord) ...
and they day before the Japanese Directors arrived , I got a fax from NY, ... confirming their group's arrival the next day
him & 3 Directors, and their need to stay in best hotels, reserve first class travel, and EAT ONLY IN JAPANESE restaurants???
ouch, I hadnt seen that coming... and then I thought ok, In Hamburg, ok, Paris, London, Frankfurt, ok..but my choice of agent for the Italian market was not in a big city.. oh well. lets see if we can get through the contract negotiations first, as it was the last
part of their trip ..
... So I met them, meetings In Hamburg, London, Frankfurt & Paris went ok, (my time was at my own risk) ...
the commision prize was , i think, half a million with a similar amount for me after product launch,..
( the personal gain was my last thought when it was an advnture...as it usually was..) ..
Then we flew from Paris "Chas de Gaul" airport) to Venice.. and Enzio sent his secretary to meet us at the airport with Limo..
and on the way I explained (quietly in Italian) the "problem" she whispered.. " but Enzio, you KNOW how PROUD he is of our local kitchen
and he was pre warned the best restaurant in the area... ChRiS! .."..
Well it was another Good meeting.... until Enzio said " al pranzo; (go to eat)... and the Japanese looked at me ..their man from NY
asled " there is a Japanese restaurant here?" ... No I said but I am sure with the many fish & meat or other dishes this fine restaurant Enzio chose there will be something for the "gentlemen" to enjoy... THE 3 claimed not to speak a word of english.
but I saw they had noted the "ironic tone" of my response,,, they chatted quickly amongst themselves.. and the NY man said..
could your Limo please take us to Venice ? Enzio was shocke.. I let them go and tried to calm him down...
it was an insult, I felt and said that they should try a bit of european cooking..and especially italian..but no...they were
being "polite" but rude & stubborn...inflexible..
I stayed in the same area, and met the group at Venice airport and flew back with them to Paris.. I had booked all hotels & reserved their european flights, everything done and planned. except the last thing... I wAS quiet on the plane, considering if I truly wanted
to be involved with these people..
So when we cleared immigration at the Paris airport, we went to taxi rank, I gave the driver of the first taxi In the rank a note
(with the address of their location that night ...and told him : " Vite vite, Allez" (quick , go)....he looked at me, I winked...
he smiled,
The next morning I picked up my car from the Paris Car park, having had a comfortable night in a nice Parisian hotel i knew..
and when to meet "the group" as I arrived , they were standing outside the MOTEL "formula one" the cheapest most basic form
of overnight accommodation in France... "this was an insult" they shouted at me, in perfect english... hmmm..
I told them, :you insulted someone i respct (Enzio) how do you like it? : and left, walked aaway from them, the conttact and
the "prize" ...
7 years
* the final answer ; the Gemnet & secret networking & confidential projects...leading to...coma!
I had collected a mass of contacts & know-how already whilst still considered by many as "young" ..
& had been round half the planet...good & bad decisions, good & bad results...but always an "adventure"
but .. I wanted a challenge that would keep me , my energy & imagination occupied.. forever..
so I put together a consortium to back my "GemNet initiative"
with Siemens, IBM, German, French * Belgian Telecom companies & a couple of small software companies..
the budget 6 billion dollars...
to create a satellite based system with mobile laptop access in 45 countries, via 300 business partners
providing 500 "lines" (each line a product or service that collectively covered all needs of all users..)
= a completely independent network..
so I learned about "multi media networking" before anyone called it "multi media" and this took over my life
from "88 to 95" ..
I hooked all the significant electronic / telecom companies ; and DREW a "visiual" of the whole thing inside of an
hour In my apartment in Freiburg,,,..where I moved to in "93..
( explain separately about after separating from Jacqui, still friends.. Franziska, Bernd, Tanya.. Maria and...)
In 1989 the english murdered 96 of my REd Brothers & sisters at Hillsborough..
in 1990 the Berlin wall came down..
in 1991 I was "european Round tabler of the Year" ...
in 1992, I was already "sure" about the success of my initiative, and was being sent "beta" computer/video camera media devices
to test...
again drawing ATTENTION from M16, (the soon defunct KGB, and the CiA and its offshoots in private security & forerunners of NSA etc..
* & of course various goons suspected "Mafia connections" because I was so often in the Italian & Maltese meetings (given Honorary RTI
membership ..see the Round Table Italy pennant signed and
commented " to ChRiS, you, the best") ;)
commented " to ChRiS, you, the best") ;)
(Maltese because I later met Maria ...after checking out another Round table meeting with their president ,see also european RTI Presidents pennant
I also knew Malta from working on finding an electronics factory for JLP Electronics , the Portsmouth company)
I was invited to work also for the "saxon development corporation" in Dresden , where lawyer Michael Sadlo , whom i kmew from the Bodensee meeting, (also Franziska when she was with Erbst..very ernst).. where I played football in the tournament..
I was driving the Videotech leased COSWORTH from Bielefeld in just a few hours at speeds at almost 300kms per hour
...it had a formula 1 racing engine.. I got , I think , about 20,000 dm donation for just a few hours contacting & bringing
swedish and italian companies to look at totally outdated and virtually unusable old factories in Dresden//
But this gave me the opportunty to use a hall FREE in Bautzen (?) on the german /polish border ...
it was 1994? and Tanja helped ( a south african student who also spoke english & german , I was by now fluent, myself..)
I Invited all the techies... to a meeting titled "Gemini Network" (GemNET)...to discuss the next statges of development
dont miss this it will be worth 6 billion USD.. ... "
(and then they were all informed , by fax.. that they must all sign CONFIDENTIALITY agreements, meaning the intellectual property
would remain in MY name..)
supposedly experienced professional...
NO one excluded themselves
NO one (of these companies) investigated me or my origins, or credibility)
they ASS umed....
Only Nokia , didn't post back their signed agreement...
and on the day of the meeting , a chief Nokia (technical ) director.. arrived at the door, Tanja came rushing into me , just a few mins before we were due to start the "brainstorming"//..."he wont sign it" .. Me : "then he dont come in" ... Tanja, " NOKIA" ..
Me; " no signatuire, NO ENTRY!" ... he signed .. I started the meeting..
I had a plan, but as far as technical progression , hardly a clue, I am a driver, not a mechanic...
so I stared at a blank nobo chart, and just said.. "you know, I am not sure how we should start... "
and one of the smaller techie comanies boss,, said.. "like this.." he was showing off... and in a few minutes they
were competing with each other, scribbling on the chart.. and completing my "technical wish list"
I thanked them all, they thanked me , and they started to send me Video conferenve prototypes and I filled the pent house
in Freiburg with several hunderd Euros worth of "kit"... testing...
( story of the Finnish sofrware wake uo call when I was naked, ..the crazy one talking to his computer...)
Tanja was amazed, me too.. so them in april 1995 I went to Kiev to negociate a contract with their Ukranian Space Agency
to convert the former soviet satellite defence network into the communicator of our data & video signals..
by then I already had 3 systems in the Freiburg apartment with random images on screeen sometimes even a good visual streaming..
I told people that at some stage everyone could have a mobile video-phone, I got a printer to design & copy my rough images
in a presentation I made for the project.. 7 years and all from my own pocket. I sold all my remaining assets, the apartments
in Villazano & Hardelot went, even my car...sold..
I spent a week in Kiev, the last time, In april, "95... with a meeting every half an hour from 08 to 20hrs... 5 days..
then went out with "the boys" former KGB generals etc who were now the "new business" (mafia...well everywhere is mafia..
by another name.. ) ...at very special night clubs... ! drinking vodka until 02/03h every night...
We (with Jean Paul) who offered his office in de Panne ("breakdiwn") as one of the test sites, with one station at a "business hotel"
in London and another at my apartment in Freburg.. met on easter sunday (april 14th,,1995)? /// .. and he told me
" ChRiS, its easter sunday, I know you are obsessed with this GemNet, but today i willl share dinner with my family, go and
find a restaurant, and we can still meet tomorrow , its still easter, but I will coem to the apartment, where U will sleep..
and test the equipment before anyone (the top engineers of the conortium?) arrives on tuesday... "
I NEVER got sick at the time, I think I had only EVER missed 5 working days , I just "moved on" shook off flu
..or virals.. etc... just wouldnt allow myself to stop... BUT...at the restaurant, I was feeling drowsy /..
AS IF I HAD BEEN DRUGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tHAT NIGHT i had a Fever,,,, easter Monday came, I told J-P "you never heard this before and probably never will again..
I am too tired and weak.. please ask your wife (if she dont mind) to bring me some paracetemol & orange juice and
I will go back to sleep and we should meet at 07h tuesday morning...
J-P told me what happended . I must have been delirious on the night of 15th April (same date as the 08...6 years earlier)
He came to the door before 7 am, no answwer, used his own key, and found me delerious in the corner of the bedrooom.,
which looked like a hurricane had been through it.. I was in the corner, eyes rolling... he called his usual doctor to come..
the doctor asked "drugs?" ... J-P " dont hink so, he drin"s a bit but never seen drugs.." they looked at my passpirt,
i had been "everywhere".. so the doc said,,,"maybe he caught something strange" (not co vid 1995 ha ha )..call the ambulance..
quick I think he is dying... NO i remmeber NOTHING.. only a weird dream where 3 evil faces were dragging me to helll..
well it took THREE para-medics to get me from the bedroom , down to street level, all the time trying to cover up my naked body with a blanket... J-P told me .. " just as they were hauling you from the office doow at the street , a few metres to the ambulance..
you looked like a lunatic, the chief engineer of I B M came round the corner, you just had to see the horror on his face..
the man responsible for a 6 billion USD project.. being hauled off like a rabid mental patient " ///
...and ....what happened next?
having PREVIOUSLY covered, more or less...
* the M16.C1A anton pillar morava high court INJUNCTION that froze him for 3 months..
* the lies that provoked a Brothers betrayal, and the "Linda affair" helped by Seabrook
* the Jacqui/Linda/Chris triangle, after the Bizarre London police car chase,
but before I expand on the periods from "87... to ... '95..
return to the "dimension that is NOW"
on ME WE? GROUP for new episodes; with link to
ChRiSliveCampaign..."the AnTea - ChRiS in monTEA - land ...Celts homeland... episode 23a-> book-too7
Jul 22
linked in Marina...?
and why do I keep setting myself up for the "NO GOOD DEED going UNPUNISHED" scenario
as I wrote to "Nana Kokomo" ;
" ON REFLECTION ...i WOULD BE insulted if you believe that I have some other "ulterior motive"
for you sharing my place.. IF you come with the right mentality & attitude it could be FUN , for us both..
I honestly have no friends due to my life choices since i was 16, (I have attached some of my story
and I INSIST you read these attachments IF you intend to stay with me, BEFORE you do...
BUT I am NOT "begging you" ...
since 26 years, as in 1995 when I "quit the system" (we used to say "dropped out" I prefer to think it as an uplifting improvement in my life)
I have;
Voluntarily, without profit ..
formed my own NGO..
Intiated humourous (and numourous) charitable ecents & Initiatives in several countries..
made 54 human rights complaints in Strasbourg court of human rights..
initated "medinetz" ... a free health care net for refugees (based in Freiburg)
formed K.i.T ... (kids in Trouble) to help...kids..in Montenegro
raise money for "KICK" ( charity for kids with cancer)
organised several REd Nose day charity events (and at Dg, the first ever in Montenegro)
Managed a teenage youth football Team in Pg
modestly sponsored t shirts for 3 junior "soccer schools" in Spuz & Pg.
Helped several people with the Insurance money I got from Jacquis life polciy
(not least 1,500 e loan and about another 1000 helping Isabela in NS!)
and lastly half funded the renovation of a girls Dojo in Pg.
various other individual types of assistance - mostly in MNE, without repayment..
I am NOT rich... i am well organised, i rarely waste , and i used my funds ..
I am prepared to help , without any "sexual" relationship..
Through CSing, Trust roots & Be WElcome and some face book contacts I have HOSTED (from my own pocket)
more than 350 during the last 10 years in MNE.. 70 of these were single girls or youngish women..
NO one had reason to complain or feel threatened..
and thats It...
I wont ask you again,. if you still distrust or have other reasons to reject my honest offer,
I WILL NOT MENTION IT AGAIN,,, because if your INSTINCTS are not screaming at you to come here..
then you are NOT the PERSON I hope you are, and it wont work anyway..
There are conditions and aspects of respect & social obligations to discuss,,but no more via email..
best wishes
and I hope you have a good and healthy life if you decide otherwise
1 year ago
(Juergen promised the fans a bus tour, and fecke d this up ...he should have organised a bus tour anyway ...)
Feel THAT if TEAM agree Supporters are vital part of success, put trophy in showroom & wait to party TOGETHER! OUR LIVERPOOL way!
from our
REd SOUL & Best wishes
to all true REdS @ facebook.com/groups/eured.supporters ;
join the REdNET; REd Evolution links c 650,000 now estnted at over 3 million,,,via groups worldwide
this is NOT one of mine.. fromMitch Fletcher (about scousers, LIVERPUDLIANS)
We've always been a maverick lot,
we're no one else's fool,
never followed in other footsteps,
in the Republic of Liverpool.
Then 'Thatcher' really pissed us off,
she started closing industries down,
the only thing that we had left,
was made of 'leather' and kicked around.
It goes back to the arl days,
traveling away to watch our side
and the best result you could get,
was coming back from it alive.
Footy was really mad back then,
each trip a hill to climb,
as soon as you set foot in their town,
some 'wool' asked you the time. (oh Mitch , and vice verca)
We'd travel on the special's,
like we were going into battle,
marched along like criminals,
and treated like fuckin' cattle.
The 'bizzies' used to smack you,
for stepping off the kerb,
and every 'divvy' from every town,
wanted to test your friggin' nerve.
So we started going on the ordinary,
long before the rest caught on,
with a little help from persil,
you could go with a plus one.
We used to make our money stretch,
a platform ticket was the key,
a train down to 'the big smoke',
on the half six 'bright and early'.
Then we went to Europe,
at the start of our conquests,
filled 'head bags' to the brim,
dressing 'the part' before the rest.
We brought back clobber and trabs,
that'd never been seen before,
stuck out like 'Scouse sore thumbs',
right across old Blighty's shores.
We used to cross the channel,
almost every other week,
with a little help from a rubber,
'Transalpino' was our treat.
The sussing game was easy,
we didn't need to open our mouth,
the three star jumper and airwair brigade,
were awash from North to South.
We had a good few years,
before our clobber went the morgue,
pretty soon all the 'wools',
were dressing like Bjorn Borg.
But this was all part and parcel,
of the price we had to pay,
but Scousers were the originals,
way back in the good old days.
Mitch Fletcher
2 years ago
Serena Labauve
3 years ago
C.R.S added 13 new photos to the album: UNSuB non fake opinion plus..... by Gloria Wenslove and 7 others
.reacting and informing the sheeple on the madness that thousands of years of stupidity has DEvolved...
(Campaign for ChRiS F & U Mission to follow ,..target elections 2022!)
Jul 21
linked in COMPLAINT just proved that they are just another bunch of fascist book goons... no discussing
just "community standards" BS!
Case #:
..because is it WRONG to block opposing opinion... and if i have to explain (free speech) to you, you should not be alllowed to manage any form of social media!
Marina of Linked in?
yet war in a distant land is not news? or still 25,000 kids dying every day from malnutrition because of selfish govt/corporate policies ... rich germoney can easily recover from this.... and its also avoidable..GET your priorities right sheeple!! 😉 with personal greetings! & to all TRUE REbEL REdS!
Marko Grujic leaves Lfc for Porto...
Marko was a good lad, Juergens first signing... but after almost 6 years was hardly given a chance ... several decisions recently could well come back to bite the bum... anyway 😉 with personal greetings Arty Davies ! & to all TRUE REbEL REdS!
#J4t96_32yrs (no JUSTICE yet on earth!) #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN @ mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059
or see youtu.be/W1MXU5m2DVA ; EQUAL shares for all #LbIRDco-op via REdGEMnet;
ONLY future offering shares to over 30 million SUPPORTERS with True GLOBAL SUPPORTER power
2 years ago
this SUNNYday morning , at the "Gulf (not golf) of Kotor, Montenegro ...if there is a more beautiful, "in a postcard" scene...i'd like to know... lucky boy, I am . I am..
even when they are jealous... of what I will do.
....if they only knew 😛
a happy group photo from Saturday's International evening......
20 different nationalities ! = one smile!
https://vimeo.com/281050868 (blocked of course)
5 years ago
I had a bad night (*sleepless) ...but a good day,,,Biked to Tolosi... then to Spuz ...about 40kms in the sun!
then the lads won the first tournament game 2-1 ,,,
we scored first,and agauin in the 2nd half hard fought,
(everyone played well)
join INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
..the "Trinity InatTeam" won first tournament game 2-1 in a hard fought battle with "Premiere"
Vuk scored an early goal then...2-0 in the 2nd half..by .🙂 ....,
the opponents scored near the end to make it a bit "exciting"
Illya is my "man of the match" he was perfect!
....then "celebrated" with a drink and some snacks at "Lav" caffe on the river Zeta,,, 😃
..training in the morning then bowling tomorrow afternoon....
5 or 6 years ago (pic of 1TEam?)
7 years ago
1 Team...
once you are registered , tested, and grass cut again, we will start.. where are the balls?? 🙂
to come...post Coma..#23e? ... anti-climax ha ha ha ... no nd in sight...!
* Poison at a belgian resaurant, simulated "meningitis coma" but after 1 week ; awake!
* the alternative vision, checking out of bIz & hospital, reaction and "extreme alternative" causes attention AGAIN!
* THE DEMOS, ACTIVISM, 54 complaints, the kids, and 12 detentions = 24 months & "they" owe me several millions..
* 32 years of J4t96 campaign and absorbing all into #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN... #Lbird via REdGEMnet...
* Reaction from USAcorp/cia "must hook into Brits/Euro soccer (football) con their way into Manu & then Lfc...
* Poison at a belgian resaurant, simulated "meningitis coma" but after 1 week ; awake!
* the alternative vision, checking out of bIz & hospital, reaction and "extreme alternative" causes attention AGAIN!
* THE DEMOS, ACTIVISM, 54 complaints, the kids, and 12 detentions = 24 months & "they" owe me several millions..
* The LIVERPOOL / Irish connection (IRA suspect) ... and the LbiRD co-op initiative mutates into REdGEMnet Worldwude..
* & of course various goons suspected "Mafia connections" because I was so often in the Italian & Matese meetings (given Honorary RTI memver)
* 32 years of J4t96 campaign and absorbing all into #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN... #Lbird via REdGEMnet...
* Reaction from USAcorp/cia "sharks must hook into Brits/Euro soccer (football) con their way into Manu & then Lfc...
(mainSCREAM fear - media )
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