> Subject: F&Ungo 220830 COMPLAINT at ECHR v MNE?UK (C.R.S versus)

> From: ngo@mypod-net.
> MNE & UK) ) are in VIOLATION of the European Court of Human Rights
> (ECHR) articles of the "council of Europe"
> Furthermore;
> Further to press release and list of missing items thus far (25th August 2022 )
> the additional personal items of C.R.S are also missing
> * International Round table directory
> * Booklet with numerous confidential visiting/business cards
> * One official size football
> * Several large & small bathroom towels
> * an old mobile phone without sim (& unused prepaid simcard packet)
> (this list may be further updated)
> F&Ungo220925;
> report ref property at Miriste location
> Police did not attend to this aspect on 20th august
> * left 4 days on open (external) ground floor terrace exposed to elements, wet weather & theft
> - missing (presumed stolen by SERGEY (Spevak) "Mr.Budva" or neighbours;
> -sheepskin rug
> -turkish carpet
> - several bathroom towels
> - 3 bed covers
> - 2 blmkets
> -several bed sheets
> -severalpillows
> i coffee table (small)
> -2 bottles Rakija
> -couch
> -business cards
> -confidental documents
> -sth American backpack.
> to be updated after further investigation of items recieived!
> International conventions MUST be APPLIED,through PROPER JUSTICE
procdedures otherwise VIOLATIONS shall continue!
> On Wed, 24 Aug 2022 19:31:52 +1000, campaign@ursun. wrote:
> for the RECORD this day 24th August 2022
> TO OPPOSE MNE membership of EU?
> & remove all corrupt officials, policemen & others from state office
220903 for the URGENT attention
of the OMBUDSMAN (ECHR) Strasbourg
PLAINT ChRiStopher Richard SMITH
v Montenegro & United Kingdom
FAST=TRACK application
Having made complaints via local lawyers, via my own F & U ngo
and directly with courts, police director, supreme courts
it is more than obvious that the state apparatus is doing everything to prevent my complaints being heard in public or through any institution resembling "Justice"
At this time I find myself as a virtually "outlawed REFUGEE"
After THREE enforced EVICTIONS which have clearly violated not only the local constitution but have political intent as they have occurred since MNE joined NATO (my ngo & myself having been public critics of NATO "WARbiz policies"
Local cort ref: PP br. 1997/22-A SUD ZA PREKRSAJE BUDVA <Herceg Novi>
in brief ;
i) several years ago In Danilvgrad I was evicted (by the locks being changed whilst away from the houseI was BUYING) after asking the previous owner (P.Ivanovic) for a tax receipt for my on-time payments.
ii) On May 7th 2021 I returned home from lunch to find that(despite rent being paid to end May) that Podgorica apartment owner (policeman Alexsa Recevic) had changed the locks, gave me FIVE minutes to recover my belongings the next day.
iii) On August 2oth violent entry was made to property OWNED by F&U ngo (which I manage as humanitarian volunteer, unpaid) where I live, by the former owner Spevak (MHail, a.k.a."agent SERGEY" ; an employee of Slovakian M.O.D & NATO) an anonymous thug, and a local policemen who collectively FORCED their way into the (Miriste,HN) apartment, after threatening me for 2 hours.
I WAS then detained, interrogated, and oppressed without phone call to lawyer, without food or water until release (without sleeping accommodation) at 23h that night.
Subsequently I have regained some of my belongings, but have no facilities or home. and threatened with further arrest after surviving the period of COVID restrictions since early 2020 which destroyed the activities of F & U ngo, youth & community projects & my daily life & society.
The state of MONTENEGRO (with,I believe compliance of the UNITED KINGDOM govt. whom I asked to assist with emergency travel to Ireland, where I have relatives) have not onlly violated their own constitution but several ECHR articles;
= Interference in my right to LIFE
= violating family life
= by a form of psychological TORTURE
AS I do not have an office I am unable to download the application forms & have highly limited online access & funds.
please reply to ;
email ngo@mypod-net.
ChRiStopher Richard SMITH
more rons
“a people mentally poisoned by the adulation of royalty can never attain to that spirit of self-reliant democracy necessary for the attainment of social freedom.” funeral will cost British taxpayers £6 billion...whilst millios of uk oldies in poverty!!!!!!!
would much rather Honour Gorby (counterpunch.org/2022/09/13/on-the-life-and-legacy-of-mikhail-gorbachev-an-interview-with-richard-falk/ ) than the rich old B**** who occupied buck palace & her windsors who got rich on the back of land theft!
" Queen could be faulted for never once acknowledging, let alone apologising, for “those centuries of colonial plunder and cruelty that made her position and wealth possible.... estimates that goods stolen by the British between 1765 and 1938 from the Indian subcontinent alone were worth $45 trillion "
"use of concentration camps to break the Mau Mau rebellion, or the suppression of Communists in the Malaysian Emergency? ” Clare Daly, Member of the European Parliament, put it well in expressing her “deepest sympathies and solidarity with republicans living under British rule.” < 2022/09/14/cool-subjects-the-other-side-of-elizabeth-iis-reign > " Charlie 111 " nherits all the wealth of people who die in Cornwall without making a will. His estate, worth £1billion now passes to Prince Willy. "
that many UK sheeple with millions in poverty conmtinually ripped off by her rich capitalist buddies RESIST? as these DO???
< counterpunch.org/2022/09/14/well-meet-them-out-in-the-fields-challenging-the-pipelines-to-nowhere >
AS the SOFT "labour party" .. (mailchi.mp/1c386b691a8a/take-30-secs-to-tell-liztruss-people-before-profits?e=28ebe3981f )
"insist"on adding names INSTEAD of a CALLto arms ; to boycott, demo , protest OBSTRUCT & RESIST ...??? cowards?
..this should mention that a) property construction escalation, obsession with ownership & speculation is core cuase of inflation b) products should be cheaper now than 30 years ago due to automation! c) will only stop the rot when sheeple educate themselves to understand they are ALL slaves to the currency which in itself is FAKE!..."
every phone call, email, tweet, Instagram post and letter is or can be monitored and without even a court warrant or order by myriad government agents, local police, & private corporations " < counterpunch.org/2022/09/14/trumps-legal-troubles-bare-secret-government-run-amok>.." demand an end to secret government. " & worldwide : < 2022/09/14/colombian-intelligence-operations-with-us-backing-are-bad-for-peace-2 > NO PERSON is ILLEGAL!..."AmericaNT’s system of immigration controls is favoring a system that comes with the deaths of innocent people. " ( 2022/09/15/americas-immigration-death-machine )
whilst this is a confused contradictive waste of space & time ( 2022/09/15/russias-underperforming-military-and-our-own )
based on western PR_opaganda WHIST I AM NO FAN OF PUTIN, had he not sent troops into UKRAINEs fascist regime (a puppet of USAcorp / C1A policy since 2014) there would have been a NAzTO base & USAcorp missiles pointed at MOSCOW on the border by now!!..this NGO ("Freedom & Union" has been challenging their corrupt"system" since may 2000..
cop watch shows intelligent resistance!
as a former "victim" activist & advocate I wouldlike to suggest a progressive international co-operation to raise
awareness (inc the artciles of ECHR/UDHR originally expected to protect the individual)
how about it?
rather MOURN Gorby than their rich old windSORE lady!
USAcorp continue policies of "BIG violent genocidal brother".... Health consequences, loss of control of local roads, and racist border policing —"
"O’odham people never consented to the United States’ construction of the border in the mid-19th century. The international boundary bisected
traditional O’odham land, which reached hundreds of miles to the south
into Mexico" ( counterpunch.org/2022/09/07/aft
) .... " contract had expanded to a total of $218 million.to the isreali installer" ..(to mirror apartheid Palestine?) era of the IFT—and other
surveillance towers, cameras, robots, and drones, and resistance to them—just beginning...
whilst United States spends as much on its military and intelligence community as the rest of the world combined. (
the rockets are not reusable "... " Churchill argued, “jaw-jaw is better than war-war.”
Melvin A. Goodman is an example of another C-P writer who cant see the positives of a non USAcorp alliance of OTHERS"..
......"PIlger> we live in a Media Society where brainwashing is insidious and relentless, and perception is filtered according to the needs and lies of state and corporate power?....The United States dominates the Western world’s media. All but one of the top ten media
companies are based in North America; internet and social media – Google, Twitter, Facebook"– are mostly AmericanT (USAcorp)....
( counterpunch.org /2022/09/08/si
" United States has overthrown or attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, interfered in democratic elections in 30 countries.
dropped bombs on people of 30 countries, poor and defenceless. attempted to murder the leaders of 50 countries & fought to suppress liberation
movements in 20 countries... is largely unreported, unrecognized; and those responsible continue to dominate Anglo-American political life. "
..<AmericaNT>exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide
while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even
witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.’< Pinter> ".the brainwashing is so thorough we are programmed to swallow a pack of lies. If we don’t recognise propaganda, we may accept it as normal and believe it. "
most profitable ‘forever wars’: Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and now Ukraine. based on a pack of lies.Iraq is infamous, with "WOMD" , Nato’s destruction of Libya in 2011 justified by a massacre in Benghazi ...Afghanistan revenge war for 9/11, <how evil the Taliban are?>
Biden’s theft of $7billion of their reserves is causing widespread suffering. Recently, Washington devoted two hours to Afghanistan – and 30 seconds to its starving people.
Madrid, June, Nato,<controlled by USAcorp>'strategy document militarises European continent, war with Russia and China. proposes ‘multi domain
warfighting against nuclear-armed peer-competitor. In other words, nuclear war; says: ‘Nato’s enlargement has been an historic success’."
Russia invaded Ukraine as a response to almost eight years of killing and criminal destruction in the Russian-speaking region of Donbass on their border...<USAcorp> sponsored a coup in Kyiv that got rid of Ukraine’s
democratically elected, Russian-friedly president and installed a successor <C1A approved>...
‘defender’ missiles have been installed in Poland, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, almost certainly aimed at Russia, accompanied by false assurances all the way back to James Baker’s ‘promise’ to Gorbachev in
February 1990 that Nato would never expand beyond Germany....
invaded ..(25 april; General Lloyd Austin, flew into Kyiv and confirmed that America’s aim was to destroy the Russian Federation..none of this was explained to Western audiences...
May 2014, veteran reporter James Mates, shelled, along with civilians in the city of Mariupol, by Ukraine’s Azov (fronted by neo-Nazi Beletsky) dozens of
Russian-speaking people were burned alive or suffocated in a trade union building in Odessa besieged by fascist thugs, the followers of the Nazi collaborator and anti-Semitic fanatic Stephen Bandera. The New York
Times called the thugs ‘nationalists’...
In less than a decade, a ‘good’ China has been airbrushed and a ‘bad’ China has replaced it: from the world’s workshop to a budding new Satan. ..as are 400 (USAcorp)military bases that surround most of China,
an armed necklace that reaches from Australia to the Pacific and south east Asia, Japan and Korea....
* Palestine has been misreported ignoring Isreali apartheid policies
* stricken people of Yemen barely exist...
Pilger >" When the dark state objected and demanded the destruction of hard drives and the assassination of Julian’s character, he was made a public enemy. Vice President Biden called him a ‘hi-tech terrorist’.
Hillary Clinton asked, ‘Can’t we just drone this guy?’ "..
And when will writers stand up, as they did against the rise of fascism in the 1930s? When will film-makers stand up, as they did against the Cold War in the 1940s? When will satirists stand up, as they did a generation ago?"
