_______________ previous MontV update ; ^22 jan 05 ; the sheeple mutate quicker than their c19 ..into BUG-GERS https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2022/01/montv-update-22-jan-05-sheeple-mutate.html
I still WEAR my "JUSTICE CAMAPIGN" scarf as long as i can until it falls APART ...BECAUSE THERE IS no JUSTICE THEN, NOW, HERE OR ANYWHERE!
EXCEPT IN THEIR HELL..THEY MUST PAY for .... so MANY reasons I cant FORGET, dont WANT to forget,,, and 6 years (15th April) later I fell into a coma on the 14th April (!) from other reasons..I woke up,
97 of my REd brothers & sisters never did! IT WAS MURDER, by the policies of right WING govt..I will not associate with ANY ONE who votes , for any of the UK, USAcorp or any such government , then OR NOW after the global CON of 2020 just shows how sick YOUR society IS (parody by "dont look up: which only goes part of the way to show HOW sick people are & its nothing to do with a contagious FLU bog ..C19 etc ) BTW! had it NOT BEEN for the actions of our SUPPORTER, the deaths would have totalled MORE than 300!!

YOU must watch "ANNE" ................... itv.com/news/granada/2022-01-03/anne-everything-you-need-to-know-about-itvs-new-hillsborough-drama ...significant as "safe standing" returned to the London game. & The Truth about Hillsborough - CHANNEL 5 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O5lFCZ7Z4Y ) ... you should ADD Hillsborough, "bloody Sunday" .."birmingham 6" etc to the atrocities of USAcorp in Vietnam etc etc since "wounded Knee" when WILL MORE REbELS awaken and stop the ROTTEN swamp of your World!
FOOTY;..............................................THIS IS NOT JUST ABOUT SPORT ITS ABOUT nazty govt officials, FAKe , BS, CORRUPTION & EXPLOITATION OF you, sheeple!
at time of writing (5 jan) it seems that the arse nal v LIVERPOOL league CUP semi-final in LONDON may be called off (6 jan) ..(since re-arranged to end of jan)
Klopp and apparently several staff & up to 9 of the first TEAM squad are out,, i dont care about the english (preniere) plastic money league,,,but I do have a leaning towards Europe and cup finals.. (so many memories) ...but I repeat the comments I made in OUR previous LOG;
.........in their "nanny state" Lfc players are coddled to extremes, their medical status constantly supervised, they are MASKED, and VAXED to the nth degree, so HOW COME THESE HEALTHY YOUNG PLAYERS GOT "bugged" could IT BE THAT , A) AS IN EVERY WINTER there are "bugs going around" that sometimes casue a family, a group, co-workers to het it and B0 THEIR VAXING IS FECKING USELESS!!! ..EITHER WAY there is still no reason, unless you are weak, previously ill or extremely fragile/old to trust the govt or their medical experts (sponsored by BIG pharma trillionaires-elect ) at all, I WILL NOT put their chemical poisons in MY healthy system! (ha ha Klopp ; oh Juergen , u are such a school prefect ... ( mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/liverpool-arsenal-carabao-cup-postponed-25854721 ) and ( www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40776105.html )
..as for the TEAM ;
LIVERPOOL have played these games AT THE SAME as competing for the WORLD CLUB Trophy ..with kids.. the EPL might make that point ? .....VVD comments about Kells, well, IMO neither VVD or Allison have been at their BEST recently, I feel VVD is still feeling the effects (subconsciously?) of the near career-ending horror assault by Pickford (which the normally decent ref did nothing about! BTW)
/www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40777035.html ..bugs are too damaging to JK , he & his staff struggle with too many games as much as with the :phantom variants:..
Why didbt OC+X start at chelski, 2 draws in LONDOn and a narrow, but predictable defeat by Brenda, as the MainScreamedai focus on. wow ! guess what? there is a WINTER FLU bug at the "axa" BS tarining centre! but hey, the game at chelski was like a cup tie, mistakes by all and great goals. all 4 of them!
GLOBAL ; ChRiS v USAcorp...
....their F U B A R regime of WAR-biz, pollution, and big pharma...has, even before ww2 been violent, right - wing entity, biased back to the days of the (previously adored by hollywood) 7th cavalry murder of many of the NATIVE men , women and CHILDREN whose land was / is STOLEN by the immigrants who now apply immigration restrictions to "foreign refugees & migrants" ( counterpunch.org/2022/01/04/remembering-wounded-knee-1890-1973-an-interview-with-bill-means/ ) ; even "I love Lucy 'Lucile Ball" (TV series which was almost as popular in the UK ,,) was hunted by the fascist GOONS witch - HUNT led by fascist macarthy * and FBI chief Hoover !! in the 60, (we recall the assasination of JFK, Bobby, Luther King, Malcolm X and many others whose stories will never be told due to C1A/FBI cover ups & lies! so it goes on to this day!! ,,,,
...............ADDED TO my BLUE list of GUILTY (see previous MonTV articles) ; "SIR" Norman BETTISON, Paul Middup , Peter Wright (SOUTH Yorkshire Police) "SiR" Irvine PATNICK, (Tory MP) .coroners & judges etc ("trusted with enquiries" by C&NT Thatcher, then UK PM!) . supreme a-hole mckensie (of the SCUM (s&n) "newspaper" ..RIGHTLY *banned" in Liverpool..& FA chairman David BERNSTEIN! ..
additional CUP review and pre view
LIVERPOOL 4 shrewsbury 1 (facup)
KG, Fab (2 inc pen) Bobby
Liverpool starting with ;
62 Kells, 84 Bradley. 5"KonG" 4 VVD, 26 Robbo, 45 Dixon-B, 3Fab. 80Morton, 49Kaide Gordon 82 Woltman, 17Curtis.
report: theguardian.com/football/2022/jan/09/liverpool-shrewsbury-fa-cup-match-report
more mainSCREAMedia ; www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40781001.html (JK return! ha ha what BS!)
more match reaction: https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40781505.html
pre LIVERPOOL v arse nal (league cup)
JK gave 5 youth players a start in the weekend's cup match (with "young " Curtis, Kells & "Komg" (Konate) must have been one of the youngest selections on record in Lfc FA cup history...with 2 more kids on late (typical JK late sub fun) ...but expect REdS Strongest available line up on thursday, guessing due to recent BS (c19 blah blah) (see above opinions) JK " we had a lot of false positives " what a farce in AND OUTSIDE FOOTBALL
I do not know why Joe wasnt even on bench, but if available I go with; (proposed NOT predicted)
Joe KonG
( Matip or VVD in if Joe unavailable)
Trent Robbo
Hendo Ox
(Curtis & Tako on after 60m! as needed)
(Kaide if Origi still injured)
..............yes , I would test Kaide Gordon, he will be full of it, and showed some "signs" of maturity already
Mowen & Fowler (and going back Alun Evans) were "kids" when they started scoring at the highest level (Robbie 3 v arse nal, remember?) ..
_____________________Jan 11;
p.s ...catching up with recent mainSCREAMedia BS...
ChRiS notes;
* as I am currently challenging the MNE "CONstitution" due to power corruption; USAcorp via trumpism clones shall confront their CONstitution to ENABLE POWER corruption..mind you at least with the REPTILEPARTY WE KNOW WHAT THEY DO, the others are simply plastic DEMS, also financed by vested interests, and fund WAR-biz, pollution & their big pharma CON!
(scroll down)
* sad & ANGRY that an Intelligent writer ("Covid Colonizes the Future" BY EVE OTTENBERG ) still, as her colleagues & most mainSCREAM journos DONT GET it that the winter BUG risk to weak/old was ALWAYS with us, but YOUR pollution/bad diet/obesity in USA/UK etc leads to greater risks. no one dies of FLU, pleuracy, meningitis, pneumoneia etc any more because the jackals MARKETED C19-fear & docs/clinics etc list it all as the coroNATION bug & our previous "just watch out mate, another bug is going around this winter, this one could kill u" was NORMAL until 2019!
(p.s. "a strong, central WORLD government " Eve?? are you fecking drunk! (EVEN MORE power in fewer hands, really??)
* the same USAcorp jackals, who advocated use of bio-warfare i the many "USAcorp police actions" worldwide now vote to reduce benefits to the numerous (low class) invalidated young men they sent into illegal war zones etc ; fighting for THEIR game of THORNS is insane...! your govt is SCUM! as with ROMAN empire, third Reich ..etc U.S. rise to great power status rested on genocidally driven ethnic cleansing of Native Americans combined with economic prosperity for a land-based settler colonial white elite that owed its high standard of living to the racist and exploitative benefits of slavery and applied VIOLENT policies!
SCAM? oh no .,that is "conspiracy BS" ! but..+ The richest 500 people gained $1 trillion in wealth last year.
+ Meanwhile, according to a UN study, another 150 million people fell into poverty in 2021.....as ..+ Israel rang in 2022 in their traditional manner…by bombing Gaza....+ 357 Palestinians were killed by the Israeli army and settlers in 2021, including 79 children and 169 women. The youngest Palestinian casualty was 1-year old and the oldest 90.+ 547 Palestinians Israel has sentenced to life in prison...
(C-P>) " Putin cannot tolerate a true peace on his borders. He needs conflict and subordination; in stark contrast to USAcorp presidents, demanding conflict and subordination at least 15,000 miles away!..HERO Assange has now been locked up inside Belmarsh prison for more than 1000 days... support Wikileaks, but NOT a “scandal” that -B liar got “knighted”. Isn’t "blue tony" precisely person who is eager to cross every moral, legal and ethical line in the service of english empire?...
& As of 2019, there are an estimated 2.3 million behind USAcorp bars...however none of them are GUILTY presidents, WAR-biz/chemical poluting/big pharma or C1A chiefs....PLUS ; a BIG fecking Hello TO; all you MIGRANT HATERS/ refugee blockers! ; over 4,000 people lost their lives trying to reach Spain by sea in 2021. In a majority of cases, their bodies have not been retrieved. 628 women and 205 children are among the dead.!.........+ RIP Sidney Poitier…& Director RIP Peter Bogdanovich,........(&..whilst the film "dont look up" ..doesn't come close to; Life of BRian, Dr Strangelove, or :wag the dog: its better than much of the crap coming out on film/series in the last decade!
previous MontV update ; ^22 jan 05 ; the sheeple mutate quicker than their c19 ..into BUG-GERS https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2022/01/montv-update-22-jan-05-sheeple-mutate.html
THIS PLAINT is A challenge TO THE "State of Montenegro"; its constitution, officials, officers & its people, all, joint & several;
I and on behalf of my N G O "Freedom & Union" formed as a european region based entity for ecological & humanitarian improvement, local & global on the 1st of May 2000, and first registered at the Ministry of Justice, Stuttgart, at that time, make this claim;
Following over a decade of contact with all levels of state "authority" "officials" and more importantly, CITIZENS of the state of Montenegro , I do NOT believe the average person is informed, nor mature enough to take part in an institution such as the "EUROPEAN UNION"!
.... ... 3.
Furthermore, despite several communications with officials & officers of the state & its courts IT IS ABUNDANTLY CLEAR THAT ANY CRITICAL CLAIM IS IGNORED AND THE MNE CONSTITUTION IS NEITHER FAMILIAR TO MNE CITIZENS AND PARTICULARLY not APPLIED by ITS OFFICERS..or anyone!
........ 4.
...........THE STATE KNOWN As " Montenegro" associates, for financial benefit to the few, with NATO, is an abuse of the wishes of a majority of local people who do NOT wish to be part of that military regime (manipulated by "USAcorp") .......!
............It is clear that this state has been controlled by a corrupt DICTATORSHIP for much of the last 3 decades , however, there is nothing other than "words" to show any positive change in the mentality & attutide of either government officers or local citizens who continue to be part of corruption, ecological pollution and numerous violations of humanity, such as racial & other prejudices, fostered by its own society's bias!
..........with reference to their MNE "constitution":
........Article 1 ... a) It is suggested that USAcorp BOUGHT influence into local govt via cash injections (30 million USD recently, details on file) as did Russian business in the past, and chinese alledgedly via the "BG-Bar mootorway' how :independent" can a state be when its ministers, police etc can be easily purchased? b) there is NO ecological education, and an absence of JUSTICE, the application of "LAW" depends solely on influence of any "suspects"
........Article 2..."ELECTIONS" have been (certainly since 3 decades) and ARE manipulated (details filed elsewhere)
........Article 3..."unified" is a matter of opinion, depending on whether the citizen "believes" in Montenegrin or SERBIAN identity..i would suggest that the EU would have to accept SERBIJA if accepting MNE! considering the role of NATO (tied to the EU) in murder/bombing of both nations" there is an ill will still evident. Also, this state is ANTI-immigration (unless the applicant is "rich" ) see other F&U claims/ items: !
.........Article 4..no comment.
.........Article 5..the imbalanced focus on Podgorica, has resulted in many "ghost villages" and deserted property , which could have been renovated for the benefit of less advantaged of this society, the "city peopel" tend to have an arrogant nature in relation to the rest of the MNE population.
.........Article 6,,in reality and APPLICATION; THIS IS SIMPLY UNTRUE; in fanily, education And society prejudice & bias is rife, apparent in policies, mentality & activity of officials & CITIZENS, this is a CORE ISSUE!
.........Article 7..also NOT applied...INTOLERANCE & HATRED is fostered by the above-mentioned PROBLEM!
.........Article 8...DISCRIMINATION is everywhere in this society, religious, gender, racial, status, or other prejudice is common, and this society is commercially obsessed, which adds to bias, the abuse of less advantaged is clear. working practices favour the riCh in all situation, there is a virtual slavery of the weak, in this region. This article is a farce in real life!
.........Article 9 ..from personal experience , international law, (UDHR/ECHR etc) is ignored by officLESs, police and others and certainly the majority of citizens have no grasp of the basics of those articles. (details of incidents filed elsewhere)
.........Article 10, Obviously AS THERE IS NO APPLICATION nor motivation to provide JUSTICE to all occupants of this region, this article is also made irrelevant, as those in power, or the rich, or commercially influential are able to ignore the "law" as applied to the poor or weak. (personal comment; I am keen to receive a TRUE interpretation of the word "law' from any government official, policeman or lawyer of this state!)
.........Article 11. It is difficult to resist ironic comment concerning "powers" in MNE, see above!
.........Article 12. Considering that a number close TO, if not 50%, of the locals consider themselves SERBIAN, I wonder how significant this article IS!
.........Article 13...No comment (see above)
.........Article 14...No comment (see above,,this is an ISSUE due to the religious quarrel)
.........Article 15 (see above) this state, its officials & citizens violate the UDHR/ECHR articles daily..i cannOt resist adding that they should simply add to this article "IF THEY PAY US"
.........Article 16 CLEARLY THERE CAN BE NO :TRUE LEGISLATION: as those emplyed are either CORRUPT or inept. with dubious associations with biased or criminal bodies. This article and its 5 notes are a FARCE!
.........Article 17 ..People are NOT treated equally in this society, due to bias & prejudice, especially concerning status, appearance & financial wealth or connections to those in power.
.........Article 18..as with above, NOT TRUE HERE, feMALES are often considered 2nd class, and/or simply for sexuaL GRATIFICATION.
.........Article 19 Also UNTRUE, police here, for example, protect the powerful and their property, not the peoples equality!
......,,,Article 20..Only true for those in power, of financial wealth or connected to political/business influence (see Aleksa Recevic/Ivanovic Predrag examples)
.........Article 21...ONLY TRUE IF aid is of at least equal worth to that of the prosecution, and without bias or influence from thoise in power!
.........Article 22 ..(see F & U Celts cultural status)
.........Article 23...(Personal comment) ...I would have offered eco logistic education (gratis) but the attitude of locals (*and tourists) disrespects nature and disposal of waste / rubbish is a disgrace!
.........Article 24..the "MNE "get out clause"... their "LAW" and its officers are corrupt and/or inept, so can always find excuses to avoid JUSTICE!
____________________________furthermore ; opinion & comment in addition to above claim (to clarify ***** )
.........Article 26...the death penalty comes via stress from an unequal society?
.........Article 27..."experiments" include foreign vaccines?
.........Article 28... :slavery: exists when society favours the few!
.........Article 29... : Unlawful deprivation of liberty shall be punishable." including LOCKDOWN without cause!
(see above article 25)
.........Article 30.... ***** MNE police can detain for 24 hours without explaining the charge? and a further 48 hours before a court can decide if a detainee is innocent of charges ..WHICH MEANS AN INNOCENT MAY BE RETAIND 72 HOURS! AND THIS IS IN A STATE WHICH EMPLOYS CORRUPT OR INEPT POLICE AND COURT OFFICIALS. !!!
.........ARTICLE 31 ... ??? ***** (check witness)
.........ARTICLE 32 ... " impartial court established by the law..." (see above) local court is unlikely to be LEGAL nor "IMPARTIAL" especially when dealing with poor or foreign defendants!
.........ARTICLE 33 ... see above (*****)
.........ARTICLE 34..... (*****)
.........ARTICLE 35 ..... (check with witness *****) this society presumes guilt due to engrained prejudices!
.........ARTICLE 36 ......(*****)
.........ARTICLE 37.......right to Defence (check witness *****)
.........ARTICLE 38 ......(calculate claim to date v MNE & officiers/citizens plus 10 Million E)
.........ARTICLE 39...refer to UDHR/ECHR "freedom of movement" (*****)
.........ARTICLE 40.... (Privacy) violated by Recevic family/Ivanovic P & others)
.........ARTICLE 41......(Home) as above ... (note MNE reference to "property' over people)
.........ARTICLE 42......(Correspondence) ...totally violated due to amateur postal system/opened mail! (+emails)
.........ARTICLE 43......(personal data) ///>>>??? *****
.........ARTICLE 44 .....(Asylum) what external influences? (*****)
.........ARTICLE 45.......(Elections) direct or indirect bribery/blackmail is know.
.........ARTICLE 46.......Freedom of thought etc ...(*****)
..............Article 47:
: Freedom of expression by speech, writing, picture or in some other manner" is IMPOSSIBLE in a state where, oppression & threats or exclusion (alienation) are a result!
Article 48: Objection of conscience
Everyone shall have the right to objection of conscience.
No one shall be obliged, contrary to own religion or conviction, to fulfill a military or
other duty involving the use of arms. !
Article 49: Freedom of press
....." right to a response and the right to a correction of any untrue, incomplete or
incorrectly conveyed information that violates a person's right or interest and the
right to compensation of damage caused by the publication of untruthful data or
information shall be guaranteed...." such as this UNTRUE "constitution" ?
Article 50: Prohibition of censorship
"There shall be no censorship in Montenegro."
However flyers destroyed, publications, posters & websites are deleted? (*****)
Article 51: Access to information
: " Everyone shall have the right to access information held by the state authorities and
organizations exercising public authority.
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The right to access to information may be limited if this is in the interest of: the
protection of life; public health; morality and privacy; carrying of criminal
proceedings; security and defense of Montenegro; foreign, monetary and economic
policy. " ???????????????????????????????????????
Article 52: Freedom of assembly
..." freedom of peaceful assembly, without approval, with prior notification of the
competent authority shall be guaranteed.: "...."The freedom of assembly may be temporarily restricted by the decision of the competent authority /////... " ( blah) this must be challenged THERE IS NO COMPETENT AUTHORITY" AND THE RIGHT OF ASSEMBLY IS / AND SHALL ALWAYS BE OURS! (WITHOUT CONDITIONS) WITHout APPROVAL!
Article 53: Freedom of association
Article 54: Prohibition of organizing
.... "Political organizing in public bodies shall be prohibited." ?????? (*****)
Article 55: Prohibition of operation and establishment
cHAELLENGE THEIR INTERPRETATION OF "subversive organization" ?
Article 56:
Right to address international organisation
Note " Everyone shall have the right of recourse to international institutions for the
protection of own rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution." (WITNESS? POST DESTROYED TO ECHR) : :
Article 57: Right of recourse
: Everyone shall have the right of recourse, individually or collectively with others, to
the state authority or the organisation exercising public powers and receive a
response. (NO RESPONSE almost a month..)
Article 58: Property
NOTE ; the peopls land, coastal areas owned by the peoples (in total) sold off to private busines & for the profit of the few (Adriatic coast, Mamula etc)
Article 59: Entrepreneurship
" Freedom of entrepreneurship shall be guaranteed" ...: however MNE demand registration via limited notars (corrupt) and corporate structures of EU are NOT allowed by local banks..
Article 60: Right to succession
The right to succession shall be guaranteed.
Article 61: Rights of foreign nationals
: " A foreign national may be the holder of property rights in accordance with the law.
Right to choose occupation
Right to work
Right to safe work environment "
However, is subject to prejudice in all aspects of daily life (*****)
Article 62: Right to work
" fair and human working conditions and to protection during unemployment." (see above many low paid are virtual slaves without sick pay etc)
Article 63: Prohibition of forced laboUr
: " Forced labor shall be prohibited." many low paid are virtual slaves without sick pay etc)
Article 64: Rights of the employed ; DO NOT EXIST in many caes of working class/contracted workers
Right to rest and leisure The employed shall have the right to limited working hours and paid vacation.
The employed shall have the right to protection at work.
Article 65: Social council
what ??????????????? (*****)
Article 66: Strike
"employed shall have the right to strike." ...but re often opressed if they wish to form a union..so.. (*****)
Article 67: Social insurance
Social insurance of the employed shall be mandatory. (*see above) *****
Article 68: Protection of the persons with disability
Special protection of the persons with disability shall be guaranteed.
Article 69: Health protection
Everyone shall have the right to health protection.
Rights of children
State support for the elderly
State support for the disabled
State support for children
Protection of consumers
A child, a pregnant woman, an elderly person and a person with disability shall have
the right to health protection from public revenues, if they do not exercise this right
on some other grounds. (including "foreign residfents?) *****
Article 70: Consumer protection
The state shall protect the consumer. ) ha ha ha ha the Sharks here are not in the sea!
Article 71: Marriage
Marriage may be entered into only on the basis of a free consent of a woman and a
Article 72
Family shall enjoy special protection. (explain "special") *****
Rights of children
Parents shall be obliged to take care of their children, to bring them up and educate
Children shall take care of their own parents in need of assistance.
Rights of children
Children born out of wedlock shall have the same rights and responsibilities as
children born in marriage.
Article 73: Protection of mother and child
Mother and child shall enjoy special protection.
The state shall create the conditions that encourage childbirth. ? *****
Article 74: Rights of a child
A child shall enjoy rights and freedoms appropriate to his age and maturity.
Limits on employment of children
A child shall be guaranteed special protection from psychological, physical, economic
and any other exploitation or abuse. ??? MNE society teaches them to be SPOILED commercially obsessed brats!!??? *****
Article 75: Education
Children should NOT be obliged to be "eductred" (conditioned" to join a failed establishment that has resulted in a world of WAR-business, pollution and "legaklised drugs"!! *****
Article 76: Freedom of creation
" freedom of scientific, cultural and artistic creation shall be guaranteed.
Provisions for intellectual property
Reference to art
Right to culture
Reference to science
The freedom to publish works of science and arts, scientific discoveries and technical
inventions shall be guaranteed, and their authors shall be guaranteed the moral and
property rights. " however govt /business
mafia restricts the application of this! *****
Article 77: Science, culture and arts
"state shall encourage and support the development of education, science,
culture, arts, sport, physical and technical culture." ONLY if the person/group is connected to the chosen power-group/lobby ... ***** " state shall protect the scientific, cultural, artistic and historic values." (Ditto) *****
Article 78: Protection of natural and cultural heritage
( " Everyone shall be obliged to preserve natural and cultural heritage of general
interest.& " ..The state shall protect the national and cultural heritage." by allowing the sale of key locations & property of the people??? this is another FARCE! *****
THERE are NO SPECIAL - MINORITY RIGHTS ! ***** MNE is anti immigration/refugee blocks/immigration! anyone who lives here knows this/...
Integration of ethnic communities
Right to self determination
Right to culture
**** CORE reasons
to refuse entry to EU!
Article 79: Protection of identity *this does NOT EXIST in REALITY!!!! *****
Persons belonging to minority nations and other minority national communities shall
be guaranteed the rights and liberties, which they can exercise individually or
collectively with others, as follows:
1. the right to exercise, protect, develop and publicly express national, ethnic,
cultural and religious particularities;
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2. ?????????? 3,4 5 6 7 own culture &
8. Protection of language use
First chamber representation quotas
the right to use their own language and alphabet in private, public and
official use;
the right to education in their own language and alphabet in public
institutions and the right to have included in the curricula the history and
culture of the persons belonging to minority nations and other minority
national communities;
the right, in the areas with significant share in the total population, to have
the local self-government authorities, state and court authorities carry out
the proceedings in the language of minority nations and other minority
national communities;
the right to establish educational, cultural and religious associations, with
the material support of the state;
the right to write and use their own name and surname also in their own
language and alphabet in the official documents;
the right, in the areas with significant share in total population, to have
traditional local terms, names of streets and settlements, as well as
topographic signs written in the language of minority nations and other
minority national communities;
the right to authentic representation in the Parliament of the Republic of
Montenegro and in the assemblies of the local self-government units in
which they represent a significant share in the population, according to the
principle of affirmative action;
10. the right to proportionate representation in public services, state
authorities and local self-government bodies;
11. the right to information in their own language;
12. the right to establish and maintain contacts with the citizens and
associations outside of Montenegro, with whom they have common
national and ethnic background, cultural and historic heritage, as well as
religious beliefs;
13. the right to establish councils for the protection and improvement of
special rights.
Protection of language use
Right to culture
Integration of ethnic communities
the right to choose, use and publicly post national symbols and to celebrate
national holidays;
Article 80: Prohibition of assimilation
"Forceful assimilation of the persons belonging to minority nations and other
minority national communities shall be prohibited. " *****
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" state shall protect the persons belonging to minority nations and other minority
national communities from all forms of forceful assimilation. " (*****)
Article 81
" protector of human rights and liberties of Montenegro shall be independent and
autonomous authority that takes measures to protect human rights and liberties.
(**** International law????? which? )
" protector of human rights and liberties shall exercise duties on the basis of the
Constitution, the law and the confirmed international agreements, observing also
the principles of justice and fairness. " (as there is no "fair & hoinesdt JUSTICE system" who is this?????)
ADMINISTRATION of Government etc..
Articles 82 through to Article 132 .,,,concern Mandates, structure ..(apart from Article 101: Decrees with legal power (emergency) ...) & Refer mainly to Govt administration & bureaucratic controls and are BEING reviewed elsewhere!
Article 133: Proclamation of the state of emergency
The state of emergency may be proclaimed in the territory or part of the territory of
Montenegro in case of the following:
1. Big natural disasters;
2. Technical-technological and environmental disasters and epidemics; (*****)
,,,,(REFER to article 25 reaction; NONE was declared in 2020/20212022 (concerning their PLANdemic!)
articles 134-through 136 seperately review *****
Article 137: Functional immunity
" The head of the state prosecution office and the state prosecutor shall enjoy
functional immunity and may not be invited to account for an opinion given or a
decision made in performing their duties, except in the case of a criminal act" - WHY not account for a decision?
through to article 158 and APPENDIX ..
these consit mostly of constitutional structure , administration and details that are BEING reviewed seperately..
Christopher Richard SMITH F. inst D
for F & U mission and all the people
end mail.