As I write this update for MonTV (Monty V?) i take this chance to remind those who do not know, that this week we will have another summer "solstice" the daytime changes and the days are shorter for another 6 months..
...my celebration is aimed at being a SOUL stice, last sunday i shared a lunchtime with several jazz muscians who also play "SOUL " in their music,, SOUL is being lost ...get it back people and do NOT be "sheeple"

so, Instead of repeating my own
"mantra" i will link you up , logs from past & present with a (hopefully brief ) reminder of the valued content...
the "phenomenon" REbTv Gem Phenomenon
June 1 ..for LIVERPOOL , people , supporters ; True REdS
5 plus WON = six... after a "miracle comeback" in the semis...
v the aclaimed Barca & Messi ... with unexpected brace of goals from "Genie" Wynaldum and Divvy Origi ... and the 4th goal and winner made by 2o year old SCOUSER Trent.. who upstaged Messi & all the other "names" with his intelligent moment.. the final wasnt a great game, probably waiting 3 weeks took away both teams "momentum" but... "lets talk about SIX, baby" talk about Bill Shankly & Bob paisley..lets talk about SIX ..
/2019/06/rednet-hungover-but-5-plus-won-six- ![]() |
with 100,00 in Madrid, still around 750,000 welcomed the Team home! |
previewed at
this was my preview ...the final phase of games.. ended with the 6th European CHAMPIONS trophy and 97 league points, which surely put the blue mancs in the shade..
the home coming ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHOmIeFVZ8w
within mY own "Campaign plans"
one of the original videos
updated with Explanation at this video made earlier this (#19) year .https://vimeo.com/325497763 an explanation
.. with REdNET-REDS abroad members linking around 500,000 via groups worldwide , also at
https://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com/2018/06/a-very-angry-lbird-true-red-global.html (banned by f book?)
previously ;
and how much time USAcorp goons spent on blocking (and bugging) our comms such as;
YNWA/J-96+30 5 plus WON = SIX!!!
"what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity"
:) and the local & global co-operative initiative
@ https://vimeo.com/342419188
Radio version ;
initiatives which mostly was born out of.. F&U! ;)
2014/05/maydays-fu-freedom-e-union-team and
HEART as BIG as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcl5AWgHpoY&feature=youtu.be
so many REdNET logs also restricted by f book/twatters etc
UNSUB (banned) @ https://unsub-b.blogspot.com
more MON TV .. https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2019/03/and-with-sound-censoreds-rednet.html and @ https://vimeo.com/342419188
Radio version ;
initiatives which mostly was born out of.. F&U! ;)
2014/05/maydays-fu-freedom-e-union-team and
HEART as BIG as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcl5AWgHpoY&feature=youtu.be
so many REdNET logs also restricted by f book/twatters etc
UNSUB (banned) @ https://unsub-b.blogspot.com
LISTEN to :SCOUSER abroad and other GOOD programmes at
more stupidity (and worse, without empathy)
how is it so EASY to blame... "those"
If this fiction ever was realised it would stop the war business machine (USAcorp)_ and YOU? from allowing the continued POLLUTION of our air, land, water, food and minds of our children...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Day_the_Earth_Stood_Still_(2008_film)
and of course the "brexit farce" ... what a mess the UK is in, pointing fingers at the EU , which we know is faulty, wont make life better .. when 2 tories run a campaign full of lies, ignorance and without explanation of "leave consequences" was typical and of course DISTRACTED the public from the BRUTAL cutting & privatization by the fascists in the tory government.. ( a reminder by Brian ; https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/leading-brexiteers-trying-con-working-8219854
If you want to know something about ME (ChRiS)
2018/03/miss-ion-ary-position-interview-with from early last year..
and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBjKU9rlY_g <smile>
and even more personal (banned) @ https://unsub-b.blogspot.com/2013/06/13610-funny-blog-dedicated-to-funny.html
evolving,..... too ; https://vimeo.com/322743410
and whom I met at the Jazz lunch .. Charenne
https://www.chareneewade.com the NEED is great because we lost so many (original) greats like..
Bowie ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D67kmFzSh_o&pbjreload=10
petty claim via H-T
off on the record casual discussion for Scouser abroad /Rebtv #REdNET etc https://soundcloud.com/dawn-crvena/rebtv-190619-intern-plus-discussion-mountain