MONtv #REdGEM #2020 update ... this universe in need of HumanE BEings and no more "RONS" ..
previous MONTV play at catch up at,,,
OUR media via
listen in to "Scouser Abroad"
monday nights 22h uk or 23h c.e.t & friday afternoon 15h uk or 16h c.e.t
Videos of #REdGEM via Christopher Richard Smith
on vimeo.com
among other activities ha ha ha...
a supporter, a media creator, "he is NOT the messiah, he's a (sometimes) very naughty boy..."
WE are the club local & Global REdS+ evolution
I am m previewing ....
IMO, i'd like to see an adventurous, slightly risky line up v wham & atleti ; oh & rest VVD (shhhh) & Bobby (sayit softly)
, to start the game with Joe as sole CB, with Fab covering CB/Holding, Gini central, have Trent & Robbo in usual wing half mode, Ox, Naby, Mo & MANE running @ + Div as CF in among their Cbs!
Trent Gini Robbo
Ox Naby
February 21, 2014 at 12:55 PM
once upon a time
women were feminine
they cared about the world
warm and feline
now its about power
and who will win
they want a car
and deal in sin
once upon a time
a man was a man
kept his word
and carried responsibility, all that he can
now they are weak
and sad, and lost
women have choices
at many mens cost
modern fee-males claim the kid
many men just donate and then are"got rid"
women please be carers, dont lose the best
men, find your dignity and remember the rest
ChRiS 14221
February 21, 2019 at 8:50 AM ·
..& best wishes from organisers of
K i T (Kids in trouble) charitable initiative ; part of F & U mission ;
CRS Campaign ; Montenegro 2022 intro video @
/F.and.U.at.ME/videos/... See More
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When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
February 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM ·
once upon a time
women were feminine
they cared about the world
warm and feline
.......Grandma why is weed illegal?
dont forget the multi billion Alchohol & Tabbacco industry & corrupt lobby dont care how many lives are destroyed by THEIR products..
.... https://vimeo.com/392443301 = our own media
& at ///////////////////// 200216
/2020/02/rednet-update-after-n0-which-before. #censoREDS #REdGEM
....Ga,e at Z??
Just now ·
Hello "Star of the story" ....
Four years ago I wrote that (below)
I care , you know
missing you still after all this time
so again I send a rhyme...
I hoped that i had a place
and hope I see your face
again, because even if you stay away
I wish you the best in every way...
ChRiS x

for Danica Stancic for you "Dax"..on your birthday..
another day, u say that u hate..
but my wish is always too late
that u stayed and knew better
but now i dont even get a letter! :)
(or sms , email etc) ha ha
I wish YOU ALL the VERY best
I live now in Dg , who would have guessed?
it reminds me every day
that "Dani love" got away..
i hope u get all you deserve..
and one day find me.. if u have the nerve:)
Chris x
thanks for picking me up & back Michel , I dont know what happened with "Sanna" & N;s GK..
... after a late start, (with me in Goal, with a damaged left thumb..) it took most of the game to get any understanding.. basics... if you go forward, get back..
on e the rare occasions WE had an extra man we ddint use it, obviously Edwins team know each other well.. and often it was myselft & the stand in GK (Robert) alone against 3 of there players .. fitness issues and a couple of extra players can be sorted,,, better next time..
perspective on? http://businessmirror.com.ph/2020/01/27/liverpools-campaign-in-perspective/
tacti.... as explained several times before its NOT 4-3-3- .. its 2-3-3-2 .. as Trent & Robbo are wing halves NOT FULL backs, Bobby is a virtual midfielding false 9, joining , (in this game) Ox & Gini & Hendo (Holding) in midfield ,, so arguably u could call it 2-6-2 with MANE & Mo the often inter-changing "forwards".. the problem with all these modern "techie" blogs is that only an experienced HUMAN brain REALLY SEES the game! :) and ... a valid point, the REdS finishing, if better (and De Gea made some excellent stops) it could have been a 5 goal win, the advantage of having the players who know the system and cover with sheer hard work, & mentality is not "tactical" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffTmlf-SUz0
whenever i think of the REdS in the fa cup , beack when it was a real trophy worth winning.. and I was the old wembley when we won the double..,.(12 mates , 8 RedS & 4 blues went to the game together..when it was MERSEYPRIDE...) see also "match of the 80s" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drmpAYIxcRw&t=27s
-----200120 ..
* https://vimeo.com/325497763 * 5 year plan for global REdS
....please share our video?
#REdGEM #colouREDS #censoREDS #thankSHANKS #LbiRD
............ 200119
updated for matchday
pre LIVERPOOL v manu
good wishes& hope you enjoy the matchday tomorrow
/events/199709951185849/ Tuesday ..
anal ysis
too much dependence on "stats" by modern "pundits" ..common mistake...so many internet
kids & their obsession with stats,,,...
just watch the game , its simple... Maureen surely realised (and he is canny still) to open and "have a go" could have exposed his (currently) "weaker spurs" to a battering.. the REdS should have won it easily in the first half, which left spurs with a "chance" of getting a point when they started to attacjk a LIVERPOOL side that lost its own momentum late on.. this is not rocket science.. https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2020/01/rednet-update-liverpool-v-man-u-mancs.html
news/undercover-officers-stop-taxi-three- ?? petty ??
February 21, 2014 at 12:55 PM
once upon a time
women were feminine
they cared about the world
warm and feline
now its about power
and who will win
they want a car
and deal in sin
once upon a time
a man was a man
kept his word
and carried responsibility, all that he can
now they are weak
and sad, and lost
women have choices
at many mens cost
modern fee-males claim the kid
many men just donate and then are"got rid"
women please be carers, dont lose the best
men, find your dignity and remember the rest
ChRiS 14221
February 18, 2018 at 5:23 PM ·
Being deeply involved in the resistance movement , pre G & H and during their removal , had campaigned, and still do ,against the odds, for a supporters owned club, as henry-werner and their billionaire backers are just as evil although smarter form of sharks as G & H! ...the foolish way so many took in NESV despite warning of the policies of USAcorp, for me administration and fund s from 08 and celebrity fans and the local cultural benefit has been over-shadowed by mis-guded opinions & media claiming Lfc was "saved" Shanks TRUE spirit has been eroded by almost everything the current boardroom does... now as Lfc challenge for european glory, 4th is an "accepted target" by the same fans who wanted Rafa out...
Lfc as I knew it from a kid on the Kop, surfed across it, losing shoes and sometimes with wet socks... pressed together in a socialist army of Red,,, away days and european trips with my brothers & sisters ... campaigning for J4t96 against the enemy in London... all this now lost in a commercially sterilized Anfield and the only remnant i see (or hear) is in the away support, still inventive, but no longer working class , none of my mates could afford todays ticket prices...
When I think back I do NOT regret that I was alienated by Lfc for my internet actions at the time, and since , I could have bought 2 houses with the money I spent on supporting Liverpool, wherever I have lived, abroad , I have waived the LIVERPOOL banner, Tuesdays result in Porto taken into account, I am no longer as proud as I once was... I was reminded about an article I wrote this time 4 years ago , when a title challenge was in our sights... 10 years and one 2nd class trophy should bring the fickle fans down to earth...
... sadly these days the sheeple are impressed more by image, as talk of JK being "best in the world" before he has won a major trophy for Lfc is ridiculous... (no I dont count the bundesliga) ...
Telling the truth is unpopular, and Shanks lives forever, but not in Lfc today, in my heart..because he made the club... and the "holy trinity" tarnished by low morals , on and off the field, where "cheating" is admired by ex players and fans...
but who cares>?
... the inFest ors are acclaimed because Lfc is rich!
February 17, 2014 at 12:36 PM · (Katun brochure etc)
this years project .. or is it a "decoy" from the true Strategy.. :) confusion to the enemies ; whoever &wherever they are..
February 17, 2018 at 3:26 PM ·
Montv_crs_akada ME Ja's photo.
MON, FEB 19, 2018
Grow your life - personal self-training
ChRiS Aka DA ME Ja! - Sadine
February 17, 2014 ·
Travel Story…
It was the first relatively major trip since almost a year and the first to Liverpool since March 2013.
The house owner surprised me, a bit too early as he mis-understood the time of my departure, but kindly dropped his daughter off, and returned for me..
It was raining but I was happy to be on my way, and Djodje met me in the station café @ Belgrade after an uneventful ride, I had planned to meet Margareta at the Italian restaurant ("Vapiano") … well it was HUGE, and not the sort I really like, as its more a "self-service" restaurant staffed by locals.
One of my favourite "eat-out" evenings is to go to a familiar friendly Italian Restaurant and have banter with the staff..
Anyway, we tested the menu, (I wasn’t impressed ) and I sponsored M.P. and her home-made frame idea, and we shall see, Dj, came later and we went to "Magic Garden" (where "Dax" used to work @ her Bf's café, she told me they are "away"… ) had a couple of drinks, dropped MP off on our way back to his flat (ironic that He lives in same street as "Dax" ) and I got a couple of hours sleep before the Wizz bus picked me up..@ 04h ….
On time, driver Nikola was "chatty" and told me his GF is from Budva - tried to sleep on the flight, but "nodding dog naps" were all I could manage.
WizzAir, I always smile because for the americans "taking a wizz" means…. ;)
Apart from the "usual queue @ Luton there were no problems with immigration (unlike last year when they took 30 minutes to check my passport) so I had until 10,45 to wait for my bus connection to Liverpool (Lp)
I sent a card to Karen (deceased Jacquis sister) as I am considering some share of my insurance with her. Prepared the VERY LAST piece of correspondence to hand into Diligenta (A. Vaughan) concerning the insurance claim for Jacqui ( I had my passport photocopy validated by the Brit embassy consulate of Vice @ Podgorica) - checked the net (GBP 1 per 10 mins) had a full breakfast (but limited brown sauce sachets!) and bought drink for the journey (lucozade to wake up my system) it was about 10h. And I just instinctibely decided to check on my bus,
A young controller stood by the N. express coach/bus office and I could see there were problems, the bus before mine (that should have DEPARTED 2 hours ago) had not yet arrived!
So the girl in the office changed my seat by computer and amended my ticket, and gave me a seat on the "earlier bus" ..explaining that severe flooding in the south had delayed all schedules by 2/3 hours, at least, and I would have to take this bus to Birmingham then get the staff there to sort me out for the rest of my journey.
However, a very belligerent driver, got out of the bus, and started shouting, to waiting passengers, (some of whom had been there 2-3 hours earlier) "don’t get on" - I am only taking passengers that were ORIGINALLY booked on it.
His attitude was so aggressive. Rude and agitated.
I waited a little bit and showed him my amended ticket,. He said "NO, I don’t care what the office had done, you don’t get on, I said "sorry, but please don’t shout and act aggressive with passengers" and "the office changed this an hour ago, via computer having checked if u have seats" - he wasn’t interested.
I had to drag the Luton supervisor there, and they argued. At first he still insisted that I could not get on, then threatened that he would take his break and not move. Etc etc etc .
Every few minutes I showed him my ticket and said (calmly) This is valid and I have a seat,
Then after another intervention by the supervisor, after the driver had been shouting again.
He scribbled on my ticket, I said "what does that mean" he abruptly replied "you can get on!"
So I am now one hour late, but I had a 40 minute chance in Brum (maybe my connection there was also late) The Driver was rude to a Romanian lady sitting next to me (who was also going to Lp) then …when we got to Milton Keynes - the Driver said "I am stopping -you had better look for the other bus (777) to go further" ..I reacted quick and luckily found the other bus on the other bay, I am sure that many non-english speakers had NO clue what was going on, because his ranting was hard to follow.
I got to Brum - 30 mins after the Liverpool bus had gone, and had to wait more than 2 hours for the next one.
I arrived THREE hours late , around 19h in Lp. Too late to drop an important document into the insurance office or to speak to that company about my claim and my "guest" Steve had no idea why I was late, as my messages didn’t get to him.
I gave the coach company the new nickname = "National Extra Stress" …..
(and I was already "nervous" about my return via that company Sunday night…(as any such delay would miss my flight back from Luton)
I tracked down Ste. At the International Inn, thankfully as he flew in via Manchester, he was early and had checked us both in.
I had no time to rest, although I'd had only 2 hours sleep in 36 hours, as this was his very first trip to Liverpool (Lp)
We went to the "Cavern" (world famous club made known by the Beatles 50 years ago!) and although the price increased ; GBP 4 entrance and some inflated drink prices was still worth it for a stream of live bands from 7 Pm until…. (we left at about 3AM!) I found my energy - and damced with one "ugly" one "slightly heavy" who wanted to hug & kiss me from start to finish!) and one "young & thin" but much of the time Ste. And I danced near a group of girls and I didn’t care. I just "let go" and danced and danced - crazy, because NO-one looks at you, no one cares if U act "Crazy"..
Saturday, match day, some sleep but Tea & toast to wake Steve up…
We walked through the city, direction anfield, telling Ste what the city was like when I was a kid, and the view from Everton park..90% of that scene had changed since then. Prettier, but, less character and less "characters" many people could not afford to live there, or had to move because Thatchers destructive policies made so many unemployed.
A big brekkie, Introduced Ste to my pre-match tradition - just a few metres from "the world famous Kop" .@ Lindas café, had a joke and a flirt with my favourite waitress.. Always busy and always with a smile and a joke, a cracking "Liver-Bird" … a gem! So rare …
He ate it all!!
The Game - FOUR goals in 20 minutes against "top of the table" Arsenal! - 5-12 flattered THEM …as we could have won by 10 goals, after 5 the team relaxed and yet several players could have scored, Luis thundered against the post..
I got a message from "Cath" a Liverpool lass on Fb, who told us to go to meet at the Sandon, I joined the singing because she was busy with her mobile, sunk several bevvies (a few beers & several whiskies) then got a black cab back to the Inn, I treated my "little brother" to an Indian restaurant before we went off to "Matthew street" and the club "Revolution" which serves 2 litre "pitchers" of watery vodka cocktails, but I could not summon up energy to dance, I FELT SOBER!
Having done serious damage to our wallets we called it a night - as Megan the saucy waitress blew us a kiss goodbye.
Our room mate woke us up early but Sunday was to be a "relaxing" day, again made Tea & toast in the kitchen for "Sir Steve" before we went for a walk, invited him for brekkie at "Café Rouge" and a chirpy girl served us and when Ste went to the loo, I asked if she could get their ballons for my "little brother"… and she tied a couple to his coat sleeve that was on the back of the chair.
Then , shopping, Football shirts for Dani, for Gazda, for Ivanovic and for myself, a bow tie, a long-overdue new sweater & new "Samba" trainers … (A Liverpool supporter tradition too!)
Then a "pub crawl" ..from the "Vernon" then "Grapes" (listening to some "raw karaoke singers" ) We had been to use the FREE internet service at the new impressive Liverpool Library, in the afternoon, and the planetarium (had a short nap which no one saw) and then Ste, refused the idea of "Fish 'n Chips" and instead invited me for a Steak at a french restaurant, with young french & american waitresses obviously encouraged to smile at male customers, but the Steak and the girls were ok..
But the "coincidence" came, when we went to "Coopers" - (I had told Ste, how I often used to go there the day after a game with the Belgian REdS) and there standing outside of the pub was ..ONE OF THE Flemish Lads, that I had just been talking to Steve about! I had not seen since several years, we had a good laugh and more bevvies, and enjoyed the locals singing (withOUT the karaoke assisT) we were amazed to meet each other again!
Then last, but not least the "posh pub" where Ste connected us to a group of girls from different countries (Spanish, Yemen, and …I forget, but they were all friendly) I challenged their "goals" (with my "Lifeboat" concept) And 2 walked back to the Hostel where Ste was staying that night, so I could pick up my bag and catch my miDnight bus (again via Brum to Luton airport)
The bus left on time, but…I fell asleep and when I woke I realised we were almost 30 minutes behind schedule, and I only had 20 minutes connection time - I asked the driver "will we make it" he wasn’t rude, but just casual "should do" - I asked him to call ahead to hold my bus as we were maybe only less than 5 minutes behuind schedule as we approached Birmingham (Brum) … "cant do that" …with a poor excuse..
Luckily, the connecting bus was still loading passengers - the remainign journey and flight back to Belgrade went without incident. I had booked a private room for Monday night as "Dax" (Danica) said she would return from her family as so meet me, Izzy was working so I wouldn’t go to Novi Sad (NS) until Tuesday, I wasn’t even sure of that because Izzy had been sick and said something about her Bf Romano which I didn’t understand,
"Dax" replied "still in Bosnia" … and no-one (neither Dj. Or MP) was in Bg - If I had know that I probably would have returned to Podgorica that night, but as I had paid a deposit and needed sleep (rather than travel) I decided to stay and go to NS the next day, I took a parcel with Dani-star's souvenir shirt to "Magic Garden" but her Bf had taken here away,..and worse, HE had told the barman to take the parcel and offer me a free drink.
So I wrote "prose" for her, whilst I sat alone at the bar, amazing when in that "dark mood" I can write a virtual poem in a few minutes - straight from my Soul (title "walk on by-bye?")
Then "Bo" sent me a message … I had met her with other people (and Dj.) at a club ("Lepota") 3 years before, she mixed with the "arty" scene, and gave me the address where I met her and her artist friends - but they were not my choice and I suggested going somewhere else, she took me to a rough bar in Zemun district of Bg, and suggested I would be "scared" … and challenged me to sing a song, she was the only female, and I did, all the verses of "Scouser Tommy" until they all started to sing Red Star/Partizan chants… !
I'd had a couple of Rakija at MG, then Vino at the gallery now she ordered round after round of "Bellingcourt" … and the locals bought me drinks for my singing..!! - I had a private room, and I though maybe BO would come back with me, she seemed "impressed" that I had sung in front of strangers … but then she went to the toilet , following one of the guys there that she knew, and came back, a bit "ruffled" about 10 minutes later…
One of the lads was a Red Star fan, and gave me a key ring, so I had one of our tREdS t-shirts under my sweater and took it off and gave it to him! He was MADEUP!
He took me back to my room _ I couldn’t walk straight, and I met the manager as I came into the building, he was ok, and I couldn’t find my key, so he let me into my room, without any fuss.. Next morning, I obviously had a hangover and saw him in reception - he said, " I found the key, it was stuck in the front door of the building" …oooops! :)
…… on to NS, I got on the wrong bus and had to buy another ticket, but Ciki (Lfc fan ) met me and we had a decent chat and a snack before going to pick up Izzy, at her office.
Ciki went off to study ("for the Titanic") whilst Izzy and I went to her apartment via the Butchers to get meat for her "Sama" (traditional serbian dish.) then a short walk to be greeted at her dog, by the mad suzy "dizzy dog"..
We had a chance to talk for a short while, before Romano joined us for the meal. Izzy had generously sharedher favourite honey-drink with me, and they had beers whilst I drank some Vino, and bed, just after midnight, having both of them started work early and my limited sleep and alchohol intake, we WERE all tired,
Next day Romano took me to the MS city centar, had cevapi for brunch, I needed a bag, as replacement for my much travelled "carry-on bag" (the side pcoket broken, zipper broken too, and the bus driver had broken the handle as he unloaded @ Luton airport) for 25 euros the new bag was Ok, for what I wanted.
Then the second major "coincidence" … I invited Romano to have a "Good glass of Vino" at the smart wine-bar near to the park, as he didn’t drink coffee… and the manager saw me, and we both realised we knew each other. He also manages the boat restaurant @ Virpazar (Montenegro) where I take many guests during the summer, to go on the lake and/or enjor the fresh fish menu. … he was as surprised as me.
I wanted to cook for them , as a "thank you" too, so I shopped , just spontaneously picking stuff off the supermarket shelves and bought 3 steaks from the local butchers. A few hours later , together with some decent Red wine, Izzy and Romano seemed pleased with the result.. Next day Izzy was free ("Valentines" is also a public holiday there… and I was glad not be alone… )
There was some tension, both of them under stress, and late on Friday night, Izzy had a chance to talk, but by about 3 am, we were both too tired, Romano was going to a wedding in the morning in Bg, so we planned to leave early, I had proposed to meet someone for the "Tolosi project" in Bg, and then catch the mid-day bus, to Podgorica, which I did - blue skies and white snow topped the mountain view on the way, was a good way to complete the trip.
And despite being a few kilos overweight, stale, unfit and sleepy, I was glad to be where I lay my hat………………..my………………..home?
February 10, 2018
a message to all who oppose GOOD ideas...
.....February 10, 2018 at 11:16 AM ·
repeat; a message to all who oppose GOOD ideas... "SUCCESS IS NOT FINAL, FAILURE IS NOT FATAL, IT IS THE COURAGE TO CONTINUE THAT COUNTS " (Churchill)
February 9, 2018 at 11:28 PM ·
February 10, 2018 at 11:08 AM ·
Montv_crs_akada ME Ja's photo.
MON, FEB 19, 2018
Grow your life - personal self-training
ChRiS Aka DA ME Ja! - Sadine
February 10, 2017 at 11:35 AM ·
10km walk in the sun,,, no need for a jacket, spring coming..goof feelings ...and laughing at the antics of Uk with Boris & May competing with the united states of a&&..... FUBAR! the balkans people love them because its like delboy and rodney have taken over the planet! ...slogan "we ll all be BILLIONaires next year?"..
February 10, 2016 at 12:14 AM ·
Gemstars> Wednesday, Feb 10, 2016
"Good decision making will be a prominent asset today, Gemini. It's an excellent time to make a list of things that you’ve either put off or haven't been able to settle on. This doesn't need to be things that are just related to work or finances. Consider putting effort into your personal life as well. If there are issues surrounding friends, your romantic partner, or family, this is a great opportunity to think up options."
Chr16> "options"?? like ..NO family or partner!!! but lots of effort !! :p
am better BEing with ME
February 6, 2018 at 9:16 AM ·
global SUICIDE? is madness ? yes , a person who pipes exhaust fumes back into his car, would be suicidal, because the posion KILLS, yet , you car drivers etc PUMP 6 BILLION TONNES of poison into our atmosphere every year, increasing with "3rd worlders " joining the madness...
whilst USAcorp and other "democracies" avoid vital alternatives energies since a century..the oil lobby and selfish policians are HELPING your SUICIDE,, and yet, you vote for them ..to keep your JOB... you wont need one when you and every other living thing is dead?
February 6, 2015 at 12:24 PM ·
March 13th Montenegro RED nose invasion...?? join us :)
part 2 of memories...and calendar comments +
greetings also from friends of MEd1A TEAM of groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV/ and SUPPORT from /REdNET.Sclog/ and associated groups..worldwide (anon)
Sponsoring : https://www.facebook.com/groups/footy.pg/about/
plus ;
"Scouser abroad" Access North West community radio
https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com :banned" https://unsub-b.blogspot.com/2020/01/20-20-vision-too-for-redgem-censoreds.html
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name IF I lay my vengeance upon thee.
https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com pre LIVERPOOL v w.ham

why does it give a headache, mailing with you?
oh but life is funny ... and yet is hard to beat
i really wonder if we will ever meet ....
again? :P
Chris >i would suggest that fascisTORY policies WANT an :" underclass" who else will wipe their backsides for them? its about as irrelevant to complain about boris as it is to moan about the donald duck president,,, the sheeple vote them into power, complain to your neighbours, someone voted for them?
.......... 200214
To paraphrase a well known poem ..about modern woman..
"Oh but life is a funny thing
and yet, is hard to beat..
every WOMAN has a THORN
and yet they seem so sweet
...Roses are RED
violets are blue
have I got alsheimers?
....CHEESE on toast!"
Roses are RED..
Violets are blue.
I am schizophrenic
..and so am I"
at 1:11 AM ·
an italian visitor tonight talking politics,mentioned horace-boris, I replied; are u talking politics or comedy? (same goes for president Donald Duck ) of the united states of BS!
memo to your God,
"we do not need any more Rons on this planet!
................. 200209
Replying to
FFS! ..just enjoy the situation... too much ANAL ysis just because u cant think of an original subject to fill the mainSCREAMedia.. 2020/02/rednet-bootroom-updated-will-momentum.html
#censoREDS #colouREDS #REdGEM
I grew up in the days of high unemployment , thatcher policies and Liverpool kings of football home & abroad, deja vu! ... my memory is of Liverpool family being closer together in those times than during the "affluent" times..
be different, Juergen... ????? test; add Ox instead of Injured Hendo, play Joe instead of VVD , Div for Bobby, might just confuse the negative tactics of Moyes (wham) & Simeone (atketi) ?
MORE...............memories plus
February 22, 2019 at 5:09 PM ·
... a little poem ..by a cynical optimist
i have to buy a new hat
on it , I will write
"i am not a bankomat"
a.t.m or cash machine, and i feel I might...
.... want to be known as much more
support my team and hope they score
distract me from the aims of another
"dont bother with fools" said my mother...
I don't want to ask...
"what do you want from me?"
every time when it is you I see..
honesty is my only task..
based in monty, its like a sketch
i have to laugh again & Again
looking for intelligence OR "a friend"
... the only question, is when...?
deciding to trust once more...
.. getting harder & harder to open the door..
so only time will tell...
am I Robin Hood ..or William Tell... ?
February 21, 2015 at 11:10 AM ·
I was there when we won at Nou Camp a great 3 days in Barca...with Rafa we were proud to be the best in europe...
February 21, 2017 at 12:30 PM ·
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
February 21, 2017 at 12:27 PM ·
@"I spent nearly a decade inside the Federal Reserve. What I saw is deeply worrisome."
what a load of bankers!
& bloody romans too...
February 21, 2019 at 12:33 PM ·
A great project .."d.i.y" built by Marija ' s young people team in Stara Varos area of old town Podgorica ..Kipa dojo ..plus...
February 21, 2016 at 8:21 PM · Podgorica ·
someone asked if britain should leave the EU... my response.." yeah the Brits should leave the EU (theres not much point as u dont want those "bloody foreigners" in your golden middle class country..and become the 51st state of the U S of A, with Camerons fascist government the imperial Uk is virtually a carbon copy of them anyway, ...and "call me David" will soon be buddies with the next mad pressidnte Trump ha ha ha ... (btw Sheila ! the USA is in trillions of dollars debt, but they dont care because they make the rules for evrybody else, and china is in economic panic...but who cares about whats true the media certainly dont...! ( as far as i am concerned "the republic of Liverpool " should have left the UK!! *) "
February 20, 2015 ·
I had a coffee / chocolate meeting with "Dolly" today and I didnt have time to talk about many things but.....last night
when I was asleep "Micky" came to visit the kitchen when I was sleeping,, and there was no food left open,, so
February 16, 2014 ·
didnt play a full game, but had a kick about with the lads, (needed after 10 days of travel & celebration) and now soaking up the sun, (20 degrees Cent.)
1:11 AM ·
an italian visitor tonight talking politics,mentioned horace-boris, I replied; are u talking politics or comedy? (same goes for president Donald Duck ) of the united states of BS!
memo to your God,
"we do not need any more Rons on this planet!
To paraphrase a well known poem ..about modern woman..
"Oh but life is a funny thing
and yet, is hard to beat..
every WOMAN has a THORN
and yet they seem so sweet
...Roses are RED
violets are blue
have I got alsheimers?
....CHEESE on toast!"
Roses are RED..
Violets are blue.
I am schizophrenic
..and so am I"
February 14, 2013 ·
Nur ein Wunsch an diesem besonderen Tag...
(Gesehen bei Theories of the deep understanding of things)
Just a wish on this special day...
Rate this translation .. BILL you MURRAY me?
February 14, 2015 ·
so, in this "land of promises"... anyone dare risk to be my "Valentine" (ha ha that is irony ...if u noticed,,,) :D x
Gem> (ha ha now even my horoscopes are banned??) " :) ...pathetic c 1 a ...
ChRiS> This is NOT "the promised land" ..its the beautifully wild land full of (*unfulfilled) promises, and pretences...:)
but .. ... this is to raise support for orphans, homeless and disadvantaged kids..keep in contact with groups/DaniLOVER/ the project is based at Dg (dates for events on the t-shirt!!!)
cuvaj se! (and have some fun whilst doing Good, and....dancing...) ;) "EVerybody NOSE" ..:D
DaniLOVE Internationa1 Social & Cu1ture Club <org> info meet saturday (today) from 18h at "Obala" (riverside Caffe Pizzeria)
event dates on the t shirt,,,,!!
March 13
April 22
and "vikend" May 23...and more irony.. ,,, lots of roses ...BUT every one of the B&&&ERS (so far) has a thorn!!!
13213February 14, 2016 · Podgorica ·
this....when I was a kid Liverpool was THE place to be , centre of the universe, mersey beat (the Beatles dominated the pop music charts) and our team dominated uk and european football ..for the next 20 years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3asuHnsr-Q do you think I am just going to sit back whilst the yan kers destroy all that i hold dear, whilst the "prawn sarnie brigade turn anfield into their "playhouse" ????????????? FFS!! Shanks & Lennon .....magic that burns in my soul, forever! ..FOREVER REd!!
Highlights from the merseyside derby at Anfield which Liverpool won 3 - 2. Goals scored by: Everton: Royle, Whittle. Liverpool: Heighway, Toshack, Lawler.
Liverpool 3 - 2 Everton Merseyside Derby 21st November 1970
February 14, 2017 ·
NOTE, fb (again) disrupt censor and repeat photos and info on this and all "global Reds" (and my personal) sites,, seems they are scaored that the global RED army is another "commie uprising"
mind u until i investigate I would alos suspect drump or the fakebook guest APe oh! ha ha ho ho!
February 14, 2017 ·
the thing is,,, so many women only get "interested" when a man dont show they are wanted, if we show off , that we are endowed or rich,,,,, why would a man with dignity betray himself to get laid? and then have regrets forver? because its what they do, but those women who do, play games , I dont want,, as John Lennon sung... "just give me some truth" baby!
February 13, 2019 ·
I was pleased to have a "preview" of the new Dojo of Marija Kipa .. who is doing great & wonderful activities for youth (and young people of all ages ..: smile ... ! )