YOU should catch UP ..there is no excuse as 99.99% of you have been sitting around wasting your time since about 4 months,,
but that IS just "prison life" ...get used to IT..
because this " death virus " a.k.a #coroNER_CON is NOTHING compared with what is coming..
also get your head together with
(severly banned by USAcorp )
_____________________________yes u will have a headache!
so , YOU have been "PLAYED" CONNED.. even IF YOU do not think the #TrendyVirus was contrived it HAS CLEARLY been AB-used to CONTROL you ..and place you in your own self-imposed PRISON state , local & global, in preparation for your coffin (Matrix is fiction, isnt it?) )
________________ so SHOULD I save you????? do YOU DESERVE to be saved?
IF you do,..this is what will happen!
and I require your agreement soon, before it is too late..
* NO more air travel - no passenger or military ... flights!
* NO more "office workers" ..your shared "jobs" limited..
* MAXIMUM Online 4 Hours x 4 days a week!
* ALL borders & Frontiers open.. YOU are supposed to BE
* ALL national governemnts & armies disbanded (phased out)
* regional consensus Community management by YOU!
* Everyone is responsible for everything.. HUMANITY first.
* The only parties will be FUN & Dance parties...
* Chemicals banned - natural & homeopathic remedies instead
* WEED has same status as alchohol & Tobacco!
* All natural resources to be cleaned & shared (equally)
thats it for the moment, I reserve the possibility of adding more GOOD ideas (see my philosophy) to the list, but I know most will have enough trouble to ABSORB these IMPROVEMENTS
Amateur & Youth football starts again NOW, pro's should not have an advantage... e.p.l. disbanded in UK a reurn to the original 4 tier FOOTBALL League

also get your head together with
(severly banned by USAcorp )
_____________________________yes u will have a headache!
so , YOU have been "PLAYED" CONNED.. even IF YOU do not think the #TrendyVirus was contrived it HAS CLEARLY been AB-used to CONTROL you ..and place you in your own self-imposed PRISON state , local & global, in preparation for your coffin (Matrix is fiction, isnt it?) )
________________ so SHOULD I save you????? do YOU DESERVE to be saved?
IF you do,..this is what will happen!
and I require your agreement soon, before it is too late..
* NO more air travel - no passenger or military ... flights!
* NO more "office workers" ..your shared "jobs" limited..
* MAXIMUM Online 4 Hours x 4 days a week!
* ALL borders & Frontiers open.. YOU are supposed to BE
* ALL national governemnts & armies disbanded (phased out)
* regional consensus Community management by YOU!
* Everyone is responsible for everything.. HUMANITY first.
* The only parties will be FUN & Dance parties...
* Chemicals banned - natural & homeopathic remedies instead
* WEED has same status as alchohol & Tobacco!
* All natural resources to be cleaned & shared (equally)
thats it for the moment, I reserve the possibility of adding more GOOD ideas (see my philosophy) to the list, but I know most will have enough trouble to ABSORB these IMPROVEMENTS
Amateur & Youth football starts again NOW, pro's should not have an advantage... e.p.l. disbanded in UK a reurn to the original 4 tier FOOTBALL League
Juergen, after recent successes , sounds less like a REBEL-socialist , and more like a german representative of the Establishment sharks , "
(Living as a millionaire in a mansion on Merseyside )
for the record?
/football/news/Liverpool's-title-opta-stats-special/Bestellungen werden jederzeit befolgt " the glorious coach , who took Shanks ideas and cleverly updated them with an army of specialists behind him and the Billionaire UScorp behind fen way (not the LIVERPOOL way) Henry-WERNER! .. now used as front man fro their PR-opaganda! l mind you adolf was a "national socialist"wasnt he? (ironic humour!)
for the record?
PUBLIC version of classified CLAIM v MNE / EU & others
(hearing planned for May 2022 in ECHR Strasbourg)
HT-CS200708ECHR ombudsman ref ... 2020/65760708 V MNE and others
to : CS
cc : FU/ 1team
BC : Und Andere etc
The Application following up the previous lodged claim
1. to by pass & "fast Track" the application v MNE & others .. (details withheld to protect friendly witnesses and to avoid non friendly witnesses being eliminated by
"security agents" cia/nsa equivalent, dark op employees, govt & private.
2. main claim is article ... › universal-declaration-human-rights
Article 13. (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. to be applied Via the ECHR process
and with the ombudsmans "fast track" privaledges (classified)
plus ECHR articles
the right to life (Article 2)
freedom from torture (Article 3)
freedom from slavery (Article 4)
the right to liberty (Article 5)
the right to a fair trial (Article 6)
the right not to be punished for something that wasn’t against the law at the time (Article 7)
the right to respect for family and private life (Article 8)
freedom of thought, conscience and religion (Article 9)
freedom of expression (Article 10)
freedom of assembly (Article 11)
the right to marry and start a family (Article 12)
the right not to be discriminated against in respect of these rights (Article 14)
the right to protection of property (Protocol 1, Article 1)
the right to participate in free elections (Protocol 1, Article 3)
3. this & previous claims & copies held by NGO FU & selected associate orgs.
4. CS to interogate defendents representatives pre 2022, may!
5. Hearing date "classified" civil/criminal claims to run con current!
One Year of NO WAR BIZ by USAcorp & allies ould FEED the worlds starving & house all the homeless! ...
2020/07/07/the-war-on-logic-contradictions-and-absurdities-in-the-houses-military-spending-bill and /2020/07/01/de-militarizing-the-united-states
There are so many MORE RONS on this planet... USAcorop interfered in every major election since the 1960's !! but the jackals clainm they OWN their "New world order" but karma will see them too!
doe NOT matter if they are REPUBLICAN or "DEMOCRAT" from Nixon, through Reagan, Clinton,
Bush x 3 , Obama and Donald Duck, they ALL SELL WAR BIZ!
MAINSCREAMedia / a.k.a mommy fakers news
What’s happening or not,
Juergen, after recent successes , sounds less like a REBEL-socialist , and more like a german representative of the Establishment sharks , "
ReplyDelete(Living as a millionaire in a mansion on Merseyside )
Bestellungen werden jederzeit befolgt " the glorious coach , who took Shanks ideas and cleverly updated them with an army of specialists behind him and the Billionaire UScorp behind fen way (not the LIVERPOOL way) Henry-WERNER! .. now used as front man fro their PR-opaganda! mind you adolf was a "national socialist"wasnt he?