... in this (maybe PENultimate ) episode (flashback window ...and...?) #23..F..is for FREEDOM and union!
see first previous AT ; http://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2021/07/more-from-the-anti-chris-in-monty-land.html
& https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2021/06/book-2-plus-not-censored.html
PLUS https://chrislivecampaign.blogspot.com/2021/05/the-antichris-in-monty-land-book-2-kin.html
& https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2021/07/episode-23-exclusive-preview-of.html
AND LATEST (PREVIOUS PART ) AT https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/2021/07/more-from-the-anti-chris-in-monty-land.html
AND IF you are priviledged u may be invited to read more at mewe.com/join/chrislivestorytheantea-chrisinmontea
or join @ #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN; mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059
I cover;
what was to come...post Coma..#23e? ... anti-climax ha ha ha ... no end in sight...!
* Poisoned at a belgian restaurant, simulated "meningitis coma" but after 1 week ; awake!
* the alternative vision, checking out of bIz & hospital, reaction and "extreme alternative" causes attention AGAIN!
* THE DEMOS, ACTIVISM, 54 complaints, the kids, and 12 detentions = 24 months & "they" owe me several millions..
Meningitis, bug or Virus or poisoned...
What a drama, & what a "co-incidence" when you look at EACH time I was on the verge of major global progress,, a WALL, mishap.
an accident, "bad luck" ... or...a coma?
around 15,000 kids died of Meningotis in the same year (1995) .. which the belgian doc told me...
they had simply pumped me full of ant-biotics in the ambulance, it seems.. luck..that I woke up?
but as I challenge the so-called "authoriities" ... to provide PROOF that the acclaimed "victims" of C19 didnt
die of any other flu bug, or from Meningitis, or other similar disease, or pre-condition, or simply from obesity
or old age,,, I wonder about the abilities of anyone to accuratly calculate if indeed the "globa death rate"
is SIGNIFICSNTLY increased this last year compared with the prvious 20 years..
So, I woke up the next SUNday in te intensive care station.. a sureal atmosphere.. like a mist (probably my own eyes
recovering from several days "coma" I was strapped down, and every part of my body had cables wired up ..
no one moved !... just a row of bodies and machines (including my own) making that "beep, beep Beep sound ...
from the life support machines attached to each silent body, and mine..
I shouted "HEY" /// ... and a belgian Doctor , in his white coat rushed in, and said.. in perfect english something like:
" calm, calm...do not worry, we are surprised THAT YOU WOKE UP!!!!!!!! "
That was like a hammer shock to my head, ..// ... it seemed that they were just seeking someone to switch off the machine!!
I was in shock. and just said ..."No NO, I have a very important meeting... " (Thimking it was the Tuesday after easter)
he said .. " NO meeting, NO working... REst, two months at least" ... I asked him to move me immediately to a private room
away from this "dying atmosphere"... I was still trying to work it all out in my head, in the private room hours later..
so, I carried myself and the plasma thing into my private bathroom, looked in the mirror...AND A DEAD MAN LOOKED BACK AT ME..
i REALLY LOOKED LIKE A gHoST FACE.. deep black around my eyes, the thinnest face I ever had, and marks all over my head
where they had attache electrodes, and my split nostril, where they had shoved another cable up my nose...
but I was alive... a few days after EASTER, it was the next sunday... i thought ,,, "like JESUS! I have RISEN again!" /.. ;)
and for the first time in my adult life I was "stopped" ..ACTION MAN no more....shhhhhhhheeeeeettttt... I could have been
buried in the hospital cemitary of Veurne.. ... i fell into the coma in "De Panne" (loosely translated; "Breakdown") ...
had "THEY" poisoned me, to stop me being arguably more powerful, and certainly more dynamic & intelligent than their USAcorp
(willy gates) certainly my mobile network, totally indepemdent of national or corporate or even traditional telecom influences
would have been a massive communication tool to develop...even enable a worldwide "Gameplan" (read the book , if you are ignorant of what that means...)
BUT instead .. I lay there.. and I was like a computer that crashed, and was uploading fresh data & software,,,
positive visions... whilst I saw a world poisoned too, ne war, pollution and unfair distribution of its resources
dissected into "nations" by the greedy, corrupt, ambitious or insane.. at some stage in the distant past, some self-appinted KING
had built a wall and said ..." this is mine.. only for OUR subjects" to keep the OTHERS out amd protect us.."
SO thats when the BULLsh7te started and 10,000 years or so later, our so called "civized sociaty" IS EVEN MORE CORRUPT &
STUPID, educating children to continue the prejudice and lies... in a world full of rules & restrictions and their laws..
but without JUSTICE...
I SAW in my visions as I lay on the bed ..day/night dreaming... how a better world could be.. I had been a pro...
a global freelance Strategic manager; an expert of eco - logistics..and other own methods,, the right person or things..
at the right place and at the correct time..
we have two worlds.. One is "the system" Bad ideas mostly well or heavily ORGANISED, and on the other side
..the "Alternative World" made up of people & groups with GOOD ideas , mostly very BADly (if at all) organised...
I could organise the alternative, but frst I must leave the system... so I faxed all the 300 partners in the net & the logistics
etc ./...and told them "I am out"..
I got death threats,,, angry people , MY name on all contracts, in theory (and if there was justice) they should not be able to proceed
(of course they did), and I could have spent the rest of my life in courts chasing my rights, if I had a spare million to waste
on that BS! ,, there is NOT one JUSTICE court in the world... it only depends on your status, your backing, your polical or media
Lobby to decide on the result of your claim..now, anywhere..
I had it all worked out, lying on the bed but no one knew or cared about how or where I was //although I had a "sort of GF "
in Freiburg,.. when I returned I found that she was a cheat too, but not before her & a few of her friends took me
to "OPPfinger Bargersee " the fresh water lake a few Kms ouside of Frieburg, for my FIRST EVER camping out under the stars,
without shelter or tent... we made a fire... had a swim in the lake, some went naked.. and we made a wood fire and cooked some
food on ot... (hmmm "different" for me.. ) ... there was a couple .. a few metres having a "discussion" and the girl. (Annika, in her mid twenties) asked to use our fire.. her "BF" left// and she told he was angry because she was moving to Berlin..in the next
days,, (abd because there is another Boy who likes her in Berlin...)
around mid-night .. she said she was going home, he little combi was parked on the other side of the lake, so I walked her there..
and as she said "good night" I asked fot her phone number ... ( I had mobile/cell phones since 1988 and the "GemNet project",
even a snob CAR phone at one time, huge thing..) ... she replied "I have no paper, you wont remember" but I knew I would..(and did)
and we "HUGGED good bye" ...and as we did , I closed my eyes and got a "visuAL FLASH" in my mind as if i was using a film camera
looking aT US FROM ABOVE,..!!!! she said.. "anyway, ChRIS , I AM leaving soon for Berlin...so..bye!"
I knew we would have a future or some sort of relation..I enjoyed the camp, but not the girl who cheated,,, and so I stayed alone
at B...... a ground floot apartmnt with small garden,, and..french windows...2 bedrooms.. and 3 multi media stations..
(Finnish story?) ... I called her, time after tine, and just got the answer machine, then I heard she had gone ..
but then weeks passed when I met one of her friends, by chance, who said" Annika is back at her old flat, loading up the
last of her things...she might still be there, ( and gave me the address!! ) .. I surprised Annika, who laughed but
remarked thaT I was wasting my time.. as this was her last day in Freiburg,,, so I said, "meet tonight" ? ...
She had planned to visit the local community cinema with some friends, but. i could join them, and she commented "they are young,
SO you might feel uncomfotable?" but I told her its ok, I just wanted to spend some time with her.."cant explain why"///...
so we met at the cinema, I sat next to her, only watching the film,,, BUT, nearly every scene was somewhere I had been,
and I was informing her, by whisper, about "this place or that place"///... she was sort of impressed , kissed me on the cheek
and gave me the address In Berlin, she asked me to write to her, and maybe visit ...if the chance came..
We wrote, I called sometimes.. then she told me she was going to move to a new house with the NEW BERLINNER boyfriend..
but was having a "moving party" at the old flat (in Schweder strasse, Prenzlauer Berg) ... i could come..
and at that date I took the train to Berlin (800 kms from Freiburg) and when I entered the party, she was alone..
![]() |
Annika , NOW, still the actress!!!!! & "OWNER " of son; LEON |
I stayed THREE months, a passionate up & down time , and LEON was created, but Berlin is not (IMO) a place to bring up a child... (nor is "Germoney" or most of this planet...) but there was a place she knew big enough for us to have a community area , a family area and space for each of us to be alone.. (she thought she was a hippy.. she wasnt...)
so we moved back to Freiburg,.. I went alternative ad the "FUN: started ...
So, instead of convalescing as the belgian doc required, for 2 months , I checked out after only 2 weeks..
he warned that most mneingitis victims...suffered mental/physical dam age, but apart from having NO energy..
I felt ok, (more reason to believe i was poisoned by :THEM: ?) ... BUT to observers, and in germoney as here
people like to "observe you" ..because their own lives are so EMPTY .. they want to hook into yours (or mine)
such is the world today, that even a no talent moron can become a "celebrity" ("ala Paris Hilton") ...i acted "normal"
............so "people" didn't believe i had been "sick" .. I looked ok, I could have a meeting at a cafe for an hour,
but then had to lay down, its took about a year to get my strength back fully ..and during that next year I had
created a new Life..Leon.. but I had gone from "Mr Enterprise computer " (a business machine non stop 24/7)
to the opposite extrame, in jeans & t shirt,, I joined a left wing syudent groups...and a couple of funny things with them;
punching THEIR mole, planted in the group (a typical system tactic to thwart opposition) and with Mahmoud... a "PERSIAN"
we were the "seniors" in a group of students who thought they were revolutionary... so i asked them what they were studying to be ...
" Banker, lawyer, doctor, salesman"...just more fodder for the "monster"///.. then we had a meeting about the :68 student uprising:
and one of the boys, never listened .. he was always waiting to fire his mouthful of comments, like a machine gun , was sitting next to me.
as we had a "2 minute round"... and as the chance came to me I asked " and who of this group would give their LIFE for "the cause"???
the lad put his hand up to speek without having heard my question.. so I said "thanks for volunteering"///...
and marching through the Brandenberg gate arm in arm with their unemployed at a Berlin demo, i came back from that weekend
South , in direction of neider- bayern.. on the train, unshaven in t -shirt and jeans,. feet up on the chair opposite,
the SBG (special police) ignored the suits and came to me, "ausweis" (show documents) ...I waved my homemade "world passport"
under their noses, so they took me to the local police station "for interrogating" .. I informed them in perfect german,
that it was NOT a "crime: to deny nationality, and they had to let me go after 2 hours or invent some charges,,,
they let me go, but confiscated my "world passport" ..so I made a new one,,,
I often rode through or past borders & their guards on a bicycle , strange no one inspects a cyclist...
they were stopping cars and thoroughly searching.. I had 5 interesting years with my "World passport"
as I had sent my British passport (thick hard cover) to Mr B - Liar with a note suggesting he should ;
"stick it where the sun dont shine"//....
He never replied...
but my then GF (Margit, later Noela's mum) ...thought this was a good idea as the germans (then situated givt in Bonn)
backed the "allies" in the middle east (bombing civilians) ...sent hers back with a more polite letter..and typical of the
germans.. a week or so later got a reply .. "we must return your passport, WE DO NOT HAVE A DEPARTMENT FOR THIS!" ;)
sO LEON WAS BORN at the House , with an alternative midwife,, with music & candles, and I took him from his mother
and cut the cord (I dont think Annika ever forgave me for that! LATER SHE CALLED HIM "HER POSSESION") ..
iT WAS A BEAUTIFUL experience , i will never forget... very emotional, for me.. but when the house owner
told me i could not cut wood on the concrete at the back, and when I got raided for "activism" Annika naver backed me,
and when Leon was 30 months old ..(same later) she disappeared and the german state claimed them & hid them from me..
SO i became an activist, discarding my business suits, a father.. I had been carrying baby Leon around in a sling on my chest..
and organising demos, occupying political offices,.. anti nukes.. anti all the sate corruption & pollution
... and made my own magazine, which also exposed the mayors corruption, started on the X-pirate station,
and even made it pirate again wit Seam...(and later helped to make the International pirate radio station meeting in Baarle..
( I was attracting the attention of :TnEM: again..)
54 complaints v "germoney"
It was also the time of the Balkan conflict and "germoney" made a big public & media gesture to "WELCOME REFUGEES here"
but what they did was to place them in "internment camps" like prisoners, as the refugees had to get a judges' letter
to leave the camp ( the application had to be in legal german, hardly any knew basic german...) so some of the younger lads
wanted to go to a cafe, and then some got reported and arrested... and got this proposal;
a "DEFENSE attorney" would be offered (free) he would say... " lad, its like this, if you say you did NOT steal from
that shop.. and plead "noT guilty" you will sit here (in U-haft where I found them..) for maybe a year,,
as no one cares about you.. but if you state YOUR GUILT,,, it helps our police arrest statistics and we will deport
SO IN 1999 , after Annika had disappeared with Leon (see :THEM: ) I was told by the german state that she was "under state
protection" due to my activism, i was denied contact.. so his birthday in 1999 on the 11 th august co-incided with
a lunar eclipse, and the 30 year anniversary of Woodstock.. I organised an event (music concert /party in the main
Freiburg beer garden) , including a Beatles cover band, ... AND :ALTERNATIVE: people came from all over.
. I stayed with Heidi Hokins..an english german nurse,,, Margit took some visitors (the guys) in the apartment we THEN shared ...! ...
It was a great day with international visitors, even dabcing in the rain, like they did at the original event at Woodstock..
... Heidi said " let me treat you, YOU DID A GOOD THING TODAY" and we went to the best hotel in Freiburg
... and had cocktails. and she ordered champagne from room service, we shared a bath, but its wasnt "sexual"
..funny to explain that now...
and then in the morning I went back to pick up Margit and guests & one Philipino lad ( a special character)
who only ever read one book, ("Mr. Nice" ) and I invited the group who had slept over to GO FOR A coffee,,
and as we walked down the street, 2 men dressed in the obvious attire of the gestapo... black leather jackets..
came to me, without any warrant, "you muct come with us!" ..the others protested, but I was calm...
I was going where I was needed? and apart from :
* The "James BOND car chase" of London (1983?) drama indeed! but a civl rather than criminal complaint.
* and being "drunk in a public place" that was an "accidental; misdemeanour" according to the local Barking court..
* the anton pillar morava court injunction of 1986.. explained in the previous episode..
All were "civil actions, not criminal) so, despite my various actions & activities , I had not been "directly in trouble " with the
police or "their criminal laws" ..anywhere in the world..until this;
Just days before that August 1999 arrest, I had a call from my adopted daughyer Sarah, who in many ways,
before her (previously absent) biological father turned up, was closer to me than Adam!
( I suppose I made an extra effort because she was adopted, which was unfair of him>)
THAT ADam HAD DIED in hospital, (SOUTHEND general), I tried to find out until recently ,
exactly what had happened, Sarah said his drug taking was worse, and that he was in for a check up,
and "something went wrong"
The hospital made it very difficult for decades to even answer my mails, and then I visited them
and made a fuss , I later got a "public relations" reply and that they wouuld send the "medical history:
by email , which they eventually did, but the attachment woudlnt open, and the contact person was thereafter
"unavailable" and I have not returned to england since then! i AM COMNVINCED THAT his mother (Gloria nei Glover)
got paid off to be quiet about Adam;s "accidental death in hospital" (My parents, my sister, son & wife Jacqui
all died "in their care" I hate the english state !
But I wanted to attend his funeral... and days after they had arrested and placed me in a virtual military
(temporary) holding cell.. i made an application.. they had made no formal charges, other than a vague claim
about "fraud" .. the magistrate twisted my respose to the arrest... that I blamed Rene Clermont..
who i had helped with funds planning the GemNET revival... a new version aimed to improve society..
He lied...of course.. most germans are cowards too..like the locals here.. collapse under state pressure..
so they refused my application...then days later the British consul came to visit ,,
who said they he had spoken to chief attorney (Villvoch) and he would have me released, "if you co-operate"
I told him.. "I dont need to co-operate with this corruption" and decide to make WAR v :germoney;
WE (about 20/30 freshly arrested "detainees" ) were in a high level security "U-haft"
( NOT prison, not Jail. but for "investigative detention" = similar to english "on remand" ..we were "innocent"
but AS IN THE WHOLE "DEMOCRATIC WORLD" ...THE constitution and the UN or EU human rights declaration
(supposed to be respected above all national & local laws) does NOT guarantee the "treatment as
innocent until proven guity BY AN IMPARTIAL PROCESS" ...thats just words & promises ..in fact
everywhere, and especially now, whereby society's media can condemn you before even arrest..
its a lie.. like all the lies your government spin.. and you swallow them and vote for more liars...
I was treated , as many there were, as if i was an "ENEMY of the state" ..so I became ;
AN ENEMY of THEIR state , and later ANY state , especially the Useless States of America (U S A corp)
... (Le Carre's books , as "Absolute Friends" only scratches the surface of the lies) , and by
virtually all government officials & politicians, and their police are part of... corruption
you PAY through taxes for the police, to protect & serve YOU! .. instead they SERVE the FEW!
... Marched by a guard to shower alone & return to cell, 23 hours, In my emotional state,
they sometimes but "nutters" in my cell with me, to disturb me, and just as my mails & posts NOW get
"trolled by nutters(!)" now its a SURE method of :THEM: to destroy REbELs & opposition courage & energy..
to wear us dowm.. BUT they just dont get how much ENERGY i will draw upon when my humanity is abused..
I go to war, a just and honest battle against whoever , or WHATEVER, THEY ARE!..
I started by walking around the square, (we had one hour "exercise" every 24hrs.. ) in the opposite direction!
They warned me, I IGNORED them..
Then I got some paper from "Frau Saurer" (social worker) and drew pictures. one drawing ...was of a nazi style
armed guard overlooking a glass "goldfish bowl" with little men walking around inside.. I handed it to the guard
who opened up my cell, he looked "disturbed"... I can be a virus much worse than your trendy C19 bug..
Btw so you are going to be like "holocaust jews" with patches on your shoulder if you refuse a carry a VAX passport??
I have mentoned the HUMANITY of such places.. we were considered to be on the dark side of society..
but at the first chance of contact, one lad gave me an apple... another lad a t-shirt, as I only had
the clothes I was wearing when arrested.. my then "GF" ; Margit and Heidi were allowed to visit
One HOUR in the month... SUPERVISED with a GOON listening to our conversation...
Heidi wanted to start a relationship, she wanted me to co=operate & come out... I said " NO, and if thats your "support"
do not visit me again!" ...unfortunate as she had my life-long music collection, which I never saw (or heard) again.
Margit was more clever..she just listened, as with only a few chances to talk, I talked a lot in that hour..especially at the beggining ..
there were a couple of guysi connected with; a black english (I will call him less , for now?) and an Alergian (Ali?)
... (who i later hid in my farmhouse in Alsace)
.."sans papier" ... we formed a trist, I formed an NGO , a UNION for those arrested ny the state, as was my rights..
(as is YOUR rights, to hold meetings and exchange information with members) Les & Ali were the first 2 members..
we secretly exchanged ideas against :germoney: and laughed (quietly) at the "sargeant DOG" who BARKED regularly at us all..
after about three months.. I was getting used to the place. no TV, no radio, but I was strong..
and started meditation (shakras) in the cell, and smuggled notes about our NGO out through......(secret)
... the social worker wanted to learn english , so in exchange gave messages out to my "GF"///...
and I had a bit of fun with "sargeant HUND" ... he parked his car under the high"window" by my cell..
(this "window" ; a SMALL square hole with iron bars, way above eye level) ... so i used some bread
(even when we got it , it was stale) and spread lots of crumbs on the outside ledge of the "window"
one morning.. so that hundreds of pisgeons came and shat on his car... he went BERSERK...
came into my cell ranting in foul German language.. and I just shrugged and calmly asked him..
"er do you speak english" ...these moments are priceless.. when you have your back against THEIR wall!!!
Then they moved me . to a BIGGER U-HAFT location of JVA Freiburg...with about 70/80 inmates..located next to the
main Freiburg prison... as I arrived they took me into a room with their Chief and several guards
brandishing truncheons.. and asked me " are we going to have trouble with you, Schmitt?"
so I summoned up some courage, and thumped the chiefs table. " look, IF you are FAIR with me,,,
NO!... and MY NAME is SMITH!" ... they nodded at each other and took me to my cell...
Of course I was the "new boy" seperated from Les & Ali.. (of course)..
There were Albanians, former Yugos, Italians, Africans and one Chinese who had been "investigated"
since more than a Year... and Frank..the nice & friendly bank robber..
( I should explain his story in case I forget)
.... those apprealing against court decisions were also i U-Haft with those :awaiting process:
a joke because the Geerman constitution staes that you are only held up until 3 months maximum..!
Frank had got HIGH , with weed, smoking with his mate, and had the stupid idea, as they meeded some money
TO RIB A BANK.. they almost climbed over the wrong wall of the local police station so invited
a 3rd person to do it with them.. it was a disaster, they fouled it up, all arrested and...
because the 3rd person, carried a gun (EVEN withOUT bullets) got the MAXIMUM prison sentance...
THIRTY YEARS... Frank and I became sort of friends..and I invited Margit's lawyer buddy to act
for MY NGO... we discussed Franks's case and because he WAS HIGH when arrested 30 years before
( the Germans wouldnt let him out even after serving the full 30 years because he was still a :hippy: )
so we applied for REHABILIRION..and Frabk was sent to an open REHAB (sort of prison as you had to stay there)
and it shows his character that (in 2003, i think) he came to my farmhouse party in the Alsace (Geiswasser)
after being made the REHAB supervisor, and brought a group of the "inmates" (including " Biggie" ;)
My mother died in an old people's home in early 2000 , and i was informed weeks later..
the world created terrorists... anyway...i loved her, I hoped dhe knew...
The British consul came to visit again, He didnt ask me to co-operate with THEM any more, told me there
was an old english lady (who also had stoies to tell ) who could visit me, she could smuggle in
chocoate, TEa bags and was there anything else he could help with? ,,,so I said " YES ... a
Football" ...so I then organised during each days' exercise hour, a mini-football tounamnet..
with italians, Albanians, AfriCANS , and the Yugos, (theer was a lad from Podgorica too
wven though i knew so little about this region,..only part of europe i did NOT know, back then!)
I took over from Frank as the locations "advisor" I spoke perfect german, could make complaints,
organised the footy, and on saturday, when we were allow to "share" our cells with another team mate
I discussed philosophy and culture etc, with differemt inmates from differemt parts of the planet,
One was from Iran, and I got my nose broken, because.. at one exercise yard hour I was "referee"
not playing, and saw him being cornered by 2 (right wing) germans, (there were about 20$ locals,
but we didnt trust them, as they were inclined to snitch to the guards, except Frank, of course!)
... Just as one of the germans was about to throw A PUNCH at the Iranian ( a time when there was
an increase in anti musim media) ,,,. I threw myself between them, arms outstreched (like Jesus on
the cross! :) .and his BLOW hit my nose.. it was one of those "slow motion moments" I recall..
going down on my knees, and looking at the ground, where a pool of liquid was forming...
and then thinking "thats my blood!"/// ...
The all hell ley loose, the alarm bell ringing, and a dozen or more guards rushed in from the main prison..
wanted to handcuff me! ..the BIseau lad and others shouted at them : "ChRiS tried to stop it, leave hin " then
The fecking chief of U haft had hauled me inside his office, whilst blood was still pouring from my nose,
I refused, so he threatened me with prison!!! .. I laughed... "where am i then?" .. so he told 2 guards,
NOT to clean me up, but to take me to the local hospital, in HANDCUFFS... I recall the look of horror
of people walking through the hospial, seeing my face and blood covered t-shirt.. as we went from E R to X ray
and back again, (i was not even accused of Violent crime).. and one nurse cleaning me up had a real GO
at the 2 guards,,, the usual reply from goons " we are only following orders" ..(*i later delivered
some flowers to that nurse when i was out!, yes there are some good germans...!)
The lad from Guinea Biseau, was a young black muslim , who was arrested whilst carrying some weed,
and as usual the charges were INFLATED to "dealer" ... he was on the train going to Switxerland to catch
a flight, to portugal i think, he didnt speak german nor english.. was a big friendly quiet lad..
he wanted to learn english, and liked rap music, so I used the rap tapes to teach him.. and 3 months later
he was speaking english, not perfect, but could be understood, a synpatico, the lawyer i sometimes employed..
came to talk about cases (as he could visit me any time..it was also useful for exchanging info) ..
Told me the Biseau's mother had died, so I told him. "you are a lwayer, u will tell him facts, let me..
... that was a difficult moment...the big lad cried... but I had contacts with the former Malaysian royal family..
through football...
One of the funnier moments, was when I was told to go to the office , as they had a package, and it was
"U-half protocoll" to have you stand in front of the desk whilst one of the "office guards" opened the package!
The look on his face was priceless, as he opened the box, and found ... a KORAN! ...
He lookws at the book, he looked at me, again & again.. then sheepishly handed it over to me..
We were also allowed to have "church" which meant we could go to a room where a CATHOLIC priest would
lead prayers and preach... I went so I could "discuss" with him, which annoyed him..
as I challenged the way he dealt with our "bad boys" and told him the general public outiside had LESS EMPATHY..
but this time I urged his co-opearation, that all denominations had the right to have spiritul service..
(not just : Christians : ) so The Iranian read/sung from the Koran, and almost everyone came to the service
and we had a muslim MEMORIAL for the biseau lad's MOTHER! in acatholoc "church" ;)
... small but vital "VICTORIES" in my life ..helped him too..
and as time when on, my longest period was 16 months..the guards got to know me, and I knew them...who was
more flexible, who was a problem, etc... and one told me that twice a week they played Football in the main..
and I applied & got to play , they were surorised at my FIT condition, because if I wasnt playing , I woudl RUN for one hour..
which was the equivalent of 15-20kms... and I loved it...so i was "operating my NGO", with an old typwriter
i was given from the church, and playing football.. but Margit , eveb though we had "married" whilst i was
in U-Haft... was getting impatient..
Then her lawyer friend came to see me, he told me that the latest judge, (they had changed every few months
either vecause of my complaints, or to keep (technically) within their "3 month rule" ...) wanted to
release me, (I was causing them too many problems, as from INSIDE they could not ignore my complaints, which
had reached 54 and had been lodged at the Euopean Court of Human Rights at Strabourg, by post, by me!
he said also I could phone Margit, i NOW Had the judges permission after a year and a half..!!!. so I called her
the next day,, she said she wanted to have a holiday, the stress of waiting for me "was too much!"
I sensed somethiNG else..and pleaded ' no dont PLEASE, within a couple of months I will be out,
its time, I should get back tohether with you, and I want to see Leon too" (My son, Annika had refused
to bring him to visit me) ... then,, THAT NIGHT HAD a Dream about Margit..in which she met someone on holiday...
I feared the worst, and ok, i have done somethiNG here.. I can move on with life..
I had made several hours DAILY with meditation, had the victories, played footy... and the connectiomn
with the Albanians was the most surprising, they did NOT mix, their leader was accused of being a
"big drug dealer" my NGO & the lawyer backed up the claim that he WAS "small time" ..selling a bit
of weed here & there.. they played footbal as a Team, in the yard, but the biggest HONOUR
was when they invited ME to play with their Albanian Team !! and my personal best
was scoring my goal..with the small tennis ball, like i was back at junior school..woth my back to the
opponents goal..a peach! and the (Serbian or croatian) lad lifting me up like it was the champions final.
ha ha ha
The levels of complaint..is a farce,, if you wish to use the UN or in this case E C H R process,,well.
to explain... I first would complain about the judge.. (and if you think the stories i tell are of paranoia
the first judge appointed by "THEM" was the PRESIDENT of the court.. the most senior judge,,for me!!!)
so the process starts with A CLAIM AGAINST THE local court, they take several months to reject the complaint.
THEY ALWAYS do this (read the fictionL " Rainmaker " if you want to compare the system in insurance giants too)
tHEN , and only then, you may apply to the regional court, ..same delay in response, and then they lose the file,,
so you send them a copy (f you made one!!!)... then the national. (response, delay, etc) then in :GERMONEY:
the BUNDESVER VERVASSUNGS GERICHT (check spelling) ..the special court ( (response, delay, etc)
I even wrote to the ECHR umbudsman to apply for "fast track" as the file , if you manage to get through all that,
then is studied AT the ECHR to decide if you get a case NUMBER and wait for a date, after the committee reviews
your complaints... it took TWELVE years from start to finish, i knew this would happen, but wanted to prove it
..there is no justice in their system.. because they refused to give me a hearing....because of a technicality..
I WAS OUT OF TIME...... !!!!! so I packed the mountain of documents into a box and sent it to the EU petitions
section of the EU parliament, and told them : " Here if you need it, is proof your system DOES NOT work"
...for the ordinary folk, who a) can afford this ? & b)has the will power to go through all that, UNLESS backed by political
party or media lobby????? its a farce , a bad joke.. " human rights" my arse.. sure you HAVE them, but GETTING them
is another matter,, they are the LAST thing applied by government officials or police, BIT SHOULD BE THE FIRST
THINGS TAUGHT TO OUR CHILDREN , before schooling!!!
FITNESS...Spirit mind & body.. was excellent though,, with meditation, making complaints supporting the inmates
who deserved it, running, footy.. i cut out; meat, bread, coffee, sugar (and alchohol OF COURSE!) i didnt smoke...
I was almost "middle aged" by earth years,, but was in my prime condition...the "hole" was losing my son Leon
as his mother used this to keep him away from me (to this day , estranged) and that Margit had betrayed
me, and despite forgiving her and later having a beautiful little girl; Noela (also estraneged after another
drama,,, )
DURING this time IN U HAFT .. with my back against the wall, I also wrote many poems, and about past present and future
as i am doing NOW! (in this paradise prison) WAS THE GREATEST , MOST EDUCATIONAL & BENEFICIAL TIME OF MY LIFE..
( and if you feel i should be ashamed, i am SORRY for you!!)
Leaving the F & U "home base" and meeting another fee-male betrayal and Noela..
So they arranged a "date" I told her lawyer ( to inform the judge) that ..
I dont want any BS at the "release hearing" but of course the stupid female judge could resist saying..
something about "he (me) could not avoid problems ..because "nothing comes from nothing"
HOW WRONG CAN YOU BE?? .. EVERYTHING COMES FOM NOTHING... this uiniverse to start with!!!
(if you believe the ignorant earth scientists big bang theory" ... and when she called me :subversice:
I nearly jumped up (BECAUSE I was OPEN and public with my OPPOSITION, but that comment caused "UNSuB MEd1A to form)
but the laywer whispered in my ear.. "just a few more minutes of patience, ChRiS!"
and then I smiled to myself.. these idiots of the "master aryan race" think I am hungry to come out of
my & the Freedom & Union ("taken from the original epoc articles) "home base" achieving so many good moments
and influence with young men, "in trouble" ..even if 54 complaints WONT get a hearing.. the claims are
"out there.." ...and there were amusing times.. aS WHEN THEY SENT me a psychiatrist, as I MUST BE INSANE
not to be pleading to leave the "JVA Freiburg " institution.. sure I had been threatened, tortured and
"opressed" by some guards & prisoners... but the bosses are to blame for the institution , but dont give
me the "only following orders" BULLSH&TE
... but you all are to blame for the way you treat fellow humans
,,,,YOUR SOCIETY MAKES CRIMINALS & TERRORISTS ..becasue you are not FAIR with each other!
and after 3 sessions when their "shrink" said "you are NOT insane, Mr SMITH!"
I replied,. "how do you know? ;) you are not qualified to make that decision, in a global society, that IS INSANE!
I am crazy..
and often angry and consequent// in my actions.. the release shoulf have been a party.. but as previously
explained my dream about Margit proved true.. i forgave her, and she told me .. "ChRiS, you are aGOOD man,
I also knwo you are a GOOD father, I want a child with you... ah... of course the words I wanted...to hear
having lost 3 children , from my life, one way or another... but when she was pregnant, she was no longer
able to make a decision, one day she wanted me, the next she didnt... her brother moved out of the family
house in Oberhausen village, near Dingolfing ...Neider Bayern... where nothing had changed in 100 years..
Her parents were NAZIS 6 days a week, then went to church.. "christian nazis" like so many...
(and of course no one had been members of "that party" during the holocaust!)
... I paid a years Rent in advance , and in the contract, included that I could invite anyone..
1,500 square Metres for me to use. ..so I trained ex inmates of U haft... I have also related
the examples of local reaction when I had visitors "of dark colours"...
and I had some nice times with the locals ; all being Bayern Munchen fans... LIVERPOOL beat them 3-2
in the european SUPER CUP that summer :) ... (in Monaco)... and then all of the england goals when their (not ours)
national team BEAT germoney in Munich! (Gerrard, Heskey ..of dark colour ha ha ha & Michael Owen with 3)
Liam , and irish lad whi lived in Munich and I had a lot of fun going around the Munchen bars & pubs
after the game, asking the score, in german...!
and on my previous brithday Margit had bought 2 tickets to the UEFA cup final in Dortmund, so I borrowed
her brohers car & took Liam to the final, LIVERPOOL won 5-4 but Alaves made it a drama, and the spanish fans
were also friendly, we had a party in the town square in the afternoon with about 25,000 REdS!..
and the german police were amazingly friendly ("for you, Tommy ze war ist over! ...funny moments)
I lost my voice ...
SO our baby (girl) was expected in November or December 2001 .. and just a month before the due date Margit
said " I 100% want to be with you, and when I took the slow train back to Freiburg to be with her before
the birth, she was waiting on the station platform, with flowers & a sign "I love you, ChRiS"///hmmmmm
So, I was the one with experience, again, so I cooked, cleaned , shopped as we prepared her for the
arrival. (we were in a WG ... "Wohngemeinschaft" where you have you own room, and share a community
living room & kitchen... all seemed well.
She was scared of the pain.. the birth took 36 hours in a private clinic near Freiburg, I held her hand the
whole time, the doctor told me "she has to let the baby come, she is too scared" so the birth was induced..
Noelas was born, with a small hip injury.. which it was decided woudl recyify itself in time...
so I cooked , cleaned, shopped, AND GOT NOELA TO SLEEP AND MADE HER CLEAN , no napies (see "Continuum Concept)
... until after a month , 2 male students living in the "WG" confronted me at the door, they didnt want
"baby noise in the WG" so I told them that there is nothing in Margits rental contract to forbid it ..
so "go away"...(they backed off when they saw fire in my eyes)
but then a couple of days later , when Noela was about 1 month old, she said to me" please GO, ChRiS, I dont
need you here any more! so cold... so "german"///... but after so many times of such betrayal, I was
more "ready" ..we had an agreement , made with her lawyer buddy, for sharing custody , anyway, and I told
Margit, that I would take Noela for a day, then 2, then 3 , then a few months later Noela was spending more
time with me that with her mother at the Alsace farmhouse I had renovated, ... (i was prepared for this..)
as marGIT went back to working as a partner at her environmental service company... which I also helped)
./// ... until Noela was around 30 months old (in between I had also backed (Kevin O Keefe) resistance to the
invasion of Baghdad by the USA/UK/// ...and their illegal war/// ) ...I had helped organise several busses
of west europeans to go to Baghdad and be placed at schools & hospitals , as human shields... we informed the
USA/UK media, and I was told I was now on the "C1A hit list" and my reaction..."WELL at least NOW its
... was great seeing things through Noela's fresh eyes, as I renovated the house, and transformed the gardens (back & side)
from rubbish dump to a place we both enjoyed..I took her to Neuf Brissac on my bike, shopping , and we ate ice cream
or stopped on the way to watch animals in the wild forest..then margit told me she was going away for the weekend
(a new BF in London!) ...our contact was "polite" for Noela's sake.. and as Noela had hurt her face, would i
stay at her flat near Freiburg.. instead of the usual arrangement of handing her over at the Rhien river frontier..
I agreed/// and we had a "polite" friday evening meal together, then she left early saturday morning to catch
a flight from Franffurt... and told me I could use the computer (which I had programmed) in her absence
..whilst Noela was still sleeping I started preparing breakfast in marGIT's kitchen.. and whilst waiting for hot water to boil,
decided to check my mails.. but there was a new email program, and as i clicked it the last message automatically came
to sight... it was from her to the "new BF" .. saying she didnt care about me, or any custody contract..
she just wanted to GO TO LIVE WITH HIM IN SPAIN, and that he would be Noela's new "papa"///...
I exploded , especially when I read (without apology) further that she wanted to test "S & M SEX" with him///
(Sado masochistic sex techniques, violent ... and my little girl currently shared a bed with that woman.!!!.)
I remembered the abuse of Adam, which i believe eventually destroyed him... by his mothers monster boyfriend..
and I just packed up Noela's stuff and left for my/our farmhouse the other side of the Rhine..
When marGIT returned on the monday, she called me & i told her Noela was safe & fine, with me... and that
she should come the next day.. "and tell the truth"/// marGIT acted innocent... and the next day I waited for
her at a table outside the front door just inside the main gate to the village road (Geiswasser was a small village..maybe 200
families..max) ..so she was nervous, I asked her to "explain" ... she; "what?" me : about your plans? : her : what plans?
me ; "IF you lie, this could go bad for you!" she (aggressive), "you are crazy, i dont understand" ME : "ok you plan to
travel ?" she ; " oh thats nothign just a holiday in spain (a BIG lie) " me (picking up her hand bag and
throwing it over my fence into the road) ; " now follow it and you can visit Noela any time, but for now , &
until this is sorted, she stays here!" marGIT was so angry she stubbed her cigarette on my shoulder , and
I was so angry that I felt nothing but a hole in my shirt.//.. she left and wrote abusive messages to me all night..
BUT, now I was MORE worried about Noela, so I asked if she wanted to call Mummy... and she did ask once in the next 10 days..
so i put marGIT on the phone... but Noela was fine with me, I asked the local gendarme, who i was friendly with, and
his reaction was " well both parents are foreign, so if she makes a legal action here, you take your chances" I could live
with that risk. knowing I was stronger than marGIT in a discussion... one time she tried to snatch Noela from
my garden, but I caught her, but it only delayed the eventual & actual KID-napping..
I had an old fashioned wood fired cooker in the farmhouse kitchen which also warmed the house,, and most mornings
Noela and I would walk through the nearby forest path picking up wood from the floor, well, Noela was more interested
in the wild flowers.. and one morning, we were doing this when.. SUDDENLY FROM BEHIND A TREE THIS HUGE MAN
JUMPED ON ME, like a rugby tackle , I recall he broke my finger, but in the split seconds I just cared about my GIRL!
I FELT someone had taken her, but this monster was pinning me down. ..somehow the adrenalin filled me, and I grabbed the
wooden handle of the axe and hit him across his back with the BLUNT part!!! .. he jumped up, startled, and I said something like
" if you stand in my way, i WILL kill you!" .. he turned and ran , and there was a parked car at the end of the path,
engine running, and I saw marGIT getting into the baxk with Noela in her arms, at a distance, I had to kick off my "flip flops"
( weather was warm) ...but the attacker shouted "Lose fahren" (drive off) as he jumped into the passemger seat..
we were only 5 kms from the Rhine bridge.. (Brissac/Breisach) ...and I had only a bicycle , they were gone..
I went on my cycle to the local gendarmerie in Neuf Brissac, ... i was in a daze,.. should i go over? should I wait
for news... what to do/// ... I knew the locals had a regular contact with the Freiburg police..
so I thought they could maybe obstruct her plans... at least i could make a claim of sorts, something..
the gendarme went to talk to his chief... and it took hours, .. i was angry, emotional, upset, then...he came to
me in the reception area.. but the chief asked me as if it was a normal question ; "Who is the father?"
Me " I am , of course" ....Chief " well according to Freiburg YOU do not exist"
I had trusted marGIT to register the birth of Noela, at the relevant office, apprently she had omitted my name...
(so it seems she had planned to use me ,,, from the time of birth or even before///...)
.., months later after complaints & claims via many different organisations and contacting people in Freiburg..
and a girlfiend (Christelle) who was also a mother, went to visit margIT in her office to plead for contact with me..
eventually we met in Seans pub, it was very enotional, then, i suggested a swimming poole near marGIts flat,
(after all i could not snatch Noela from a swmming pool without street clothes) and that was sort of "ok"
as I just played & swam with Noela in the kiddies pool .. and didnt say what i could have to marGIT!...
... then I was making the "Multi CELTural Music & pirates club" radio programme on Radio Dreyechland, Freiburg,
again, so suggested , as it was may 2005 (and LIVERPOOL were going to be playing in another european final)
i was feeling optimistic, and packed an overnight bag, with sandwiches and FLOWERS..to make a positive atmosphere..
.. to have a picnic at a playground... near the radio station, after my radio slot... i waited,.... they were late, then..
I noticed a man in black leather jacket at the edhe of the play ground, and turning round saw another, and another
..then the first one approached.. "Ausweis bitte! (documents) ..and I replied.. " oh come ON, you now who I am
The Stupid magistrate told me I would be going to LOrrach U haft and that I was accused,, (of attemped murder
of the thug that attacked me in Geiswasser) I told him.. : " out iof your jursdiction, but you dont care about
that, YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD TO FORCE ME to leave as I am a thorn in the system" .. local & global...
so I went to Lorrach, I spent my birthday with a freak in a transit cell, watched the FINAL and
Miracle of Istanbul (05) with an italien suspectef of murder, with a TV borrowed from a manc fan... ;)
I got deported, freed again at heathrow airport , found that Jacqui had died, and had been CREMATED on my birthday , 23 may, 2005?
came back and continued activism, and my search for Noela, arrested again, then in court proved (on her borthday 4th april)
that marGIT had lied.. which meant she then left germoney// I tracked her down in 2009, by getting a german girl to call
her parents, pretending to be a school friend.. Noela was 9, so I asked my dutch GF, (mad Jose) to come to Dublin
as witness,,,and we stayed in a B & B near their house, and on 28th November 2009 I tried to give Noela a bag of birthday
presents, as Jose tried to calm marGIT, but marGIT just kicked the bag into the traffic, and called the police (garda)
One man passing by thought i was causing trouble , intervened, got EDUCATED very quickly by me, about WHO was the abuser
in this scenario!! ... but then 2 garda CAME, and in spite OF HAVING A LETTER from european court confirming my complaints
just said " she lives here, you do not, please leave, and if you have a legal claim m make it at the DUBLIN court"
Iknew marGIT would not stay there for that.. in case she lost Noela... and my contacts in Dublin confirmed days later
that the house was empty with no news of them both.. I wrote to the garda chied... and told him my opinion of "the law"
but the latest and most recent info on social media (which may well be false) was./is that Noela and marGIT are both in
central europe.. it seems :THEM: also helped their "esvape...
The pasport saga. ... when I had sent it back to B Liar with a note "stick it where...." then got a 10 year pass (EU)
which then had to be renewed but the fasciTORIES sold off passport renewal to private concern at 100 GBP each ..
against the British deals & constitution ... so I protested via the foreign office, they gave me a new stamped extension
why not do that every year? ,it costs them 5 seconds to stamp it... but feck it, I decided " I will launch REbELLION from here
anyway, and with all the new #gameofTHORNS MASKerAID restructions its a chore to travel" .. as each government
violates our basic "freedom of movement"//..
my time in Zwolle (haas already been covered) and the family of Joke from the Loo..and dutch gf ; mad Jose.
. after the deportation and return to Geiswasser, the "human rights for the aliens" story.. (???)
I had some fun travelling around europe with the :Lunatics: a LIVERPOOL friendly group, who had their
own football team, which I joined for playing in anti-fa and other alternative tournament meetings around europe
(we even played near Freburg, how bizarre that was!) ...and we played in a tournamnet in the west part of england
against "ST Pauli girls" and FC Vova.. and there are stories to be told about both...
and I organised 2 tournamnets during the time I was living partly in ZONDEREIGN... and Zwolle..
inviting FC Roby the first time and 2nd ... their (winning Team) and another joined the tournament in Zwolle...
* Stefan and the lads are true REdS who used to go to Anfield for each home game, I recall one sunday , post match,
they had been "on the bevvies" the night before.. used to stay in a room about a Liverpool pub near the center,,
I forget the name, but I went there in the morning to see if they were up for brekkie... the manager of the pub
greeted me with "ChRiS, I dont know, but dont go in their room. its like Beirut, boddies everywhere...!"
(12 stretched out on the floor, bed and bathroom in all directions) ...
*And when I played with the FC Zwolle veterans (over 30's) Stefan invited us to bring a Zwolle TEam to their :ground:
they had a club house, full size match field.. with big Liverpool banners all over the place and enlarged photos
of Anfield etc.. we arrived in 2 cars , I got out and Stefan welcomed me, in his Scouse accent " Hiya ChRiS
La, found us ok ,,," this is FLEMISH belgium... and there were little kids kicking a ball around, talking
\with a Scouse english accent too...wearing Liverpool shirts...
one of the Dutch lads who followed me into the club house said "its the twighlight zone"..
* in the anti fa tournament the St pauli girls played of course in men's kit, (the captain didnt want to exhange shirts ;)
but we got friendly later, after the games..and when i took their heavy trophy to their stadium in Hamburg weeks after! ;)
) so we challenged them to an extra friendly game at the end.. wearing a long REd dress (pic?) made it difficult to slide tackle
and afterwards when we changed back in to "civvies : but one lad kept wearing his summer frock, we asked,
" hey lad, is there something u want to tell us.." ? ;)
*the Roby lads "just for fun" Team beat Gunter's Zondereigen semi-pro 3rd div team 8-0 ... after him trying to sabotage
our Scouse lads wirh jaegermeister shots the night beore...our boys only had a few hours sleep, but they knew each othe so
well, they could pass to each other with eyes closed!!! the locals wouldnt believe they were not academy pros from Liverpool
( but most were evertonians, anyway, but good lads)
*and in Zwolle I upset the local Fc Zwolle bosses by giving the auction money from that tournament (also won by Roby FC)
to "KICK" (kids with cancer charity) as they (FC Zwolle) had pushed us into a couple of changing rooms, they had made a mistake,
double booked our wekeend with man U youth & other youth teams,,
plus I met a lad from Fc VOva (Vilnius) who i played against in the west country anti-fa tournament, several years later
through CSing) ...small world... so then after house sitting in Zondereigen, and bringing Gunter about a dozen scarves
from my european travels with "Rafa's REds" ... barca, madrid, marseille, toulouse, milan, istanbul and so one..
his cafe was next to the BIG house I cared for (which had a gardem, i kept trim, big enough for a 5 a side pitch)
Gunters wife was saucy, we had a dance or 2, which seemed not to pleased Gunter..it could have got messy...but didnt..
The cafe of Zondereigen, was on the cycle route, meeting point of harley-davidson & 2CV clubs. was a centre of life.
Zondereigen though, also had only avout 200 houses in total (near to the belgian/dutch frontier) ..my mad dutch
girlfriend; Jose, hardly understood a word of their slang/dialect although it was based on dutch.....
then Tom ,, told me he was going to Ghana for the sponsorship by the local community... every winter, so I stayed in "Tom's
cabin" ha ha ha... with 3 chickens to feed, I had xmas there, alone, 6 kms from the nearest shops.. or anything in the
forest... Tom made me laugh ; there was a BIG pond/small lake... and on the side was a an area a few square metres ..
fenced off... and thats where TOM planted his "weeds" I said " Tom. we are in the middle of nowhere but should someone
come looking for THAT, do you think they will be fooled by a conspicuously fenced off piece of garden..?
To :keep my sanity , I found a DVD library at the nearest small town , 6 kms walk away (the snow wouldnt even allow a cycle ride,
so shopping was a walk across the snow... and return with half a doxen DVDs I must have watched over 100 films that winter,,
no CSing visitors, (who could find me, even if they wanted to>?) ... so gave the 3 chickens names of football coaches...
Morinhom , Wenger & Fergie,.. of course I won every football discusson, even so, I was sad when they got "taken" by (I think)
a fox..
So when Tom returned in February..he suggested I could go to Ghana...
but 2 things are co-incidental, a few motnhs before leaving ... a belgan radio programme talked about Montrenegro
... the discussion about whether they spoke SERBIAN or if their :dialect: was indeed a seperate language (Montenegrin)
and one of the last films I watched before departing was "Casino Royale" and in the opening scenes you see a train
travelling through Montenegro, withe the "Casino" supposedly in "Hotel Splendide: Budva!
( but at that time I had no idea I would land... in....Monty?
To add to my status as SUSPECT , especially after , post - coma DROPPING out of their system..my
LIVERPOOL / Irish connection ( pointed the finger at me as a possible IRA agent suspect) and when I landed here
many locals accused me of being an english spy, I protested, for various reasons, but later said "yes I am
an agent" .. then they reacted " no, if you are, you would not admit this!! , Me : "Could be a double bluff?
That gave them a headache... I wonder what you, the reader thinks.. ?????
Of course, it made me dangerous having the GemNET initiative in my DNA! ,, because I KNOW how i could re-genberate
my concepts & methods to benefit the positive improvement of local & global society...
... and as the LbiRD co-op initiative mutates into REdGEMnet Worldwude..it challenges the USAcorp INFESTORS
of football at the main players of LIVERPOOL & MANCHESTER, who recently attempted a joint coup , to take over
european football, and most important ; the MED!A... as MED1A now rules the minds of the global sheeple..
Because about 20 years ago the Reaction from USAcorp/cia "sharks when Football ( they call it soccer) started to become
even more popular in North America (especially for girls & young kids) ..moving away from baseball (rounders)
and their form of soft rugby.. the USAcorp powers saw the best way to KILL our "natural socialism"
must be to hook into Brits/Euro soccer (football) and con their way into Manu & then Lfc...they are frauds..
they are sharks.. but many football fans dont care about who owns the club, if their team is winning!
But I continued to fight them even before they took control via frauds G & H...
the fans Union ignored me, but I wanted a join venture between SaVeLIverpool & the union.
but these people have no experience of dealing with sharks,, and later when the fen way sharks courted them,
took over ..clever how it looked like a "rescue" orchestrated by London Chelski jackal Broughton..
I continue to fight them and still support 32 years of J4t96 campaign and absorbing all into #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN... #Lbird via REdGEMnet...
I never claimed the financial danmage , but "they" owe me several millions..but how can you value the loss of my children?
whatever THEY do they could never replace my children (although I "adopted" so many younge people since...)
nor could THEY compensate me adequately for the 3 empires destroyed. I could hav been (would have been, as I am more ntelligent)
mopre powerful than willy gates,,. of course various goons suspected "Mafia connections" because I was previosuly so often in the Italian
& Matese meetings (given Honorary RTI membership.) but...
#LbiRD still could take LIVERPOOL and make it a global supporters club , I would kick out USAcorp. the tv stations.
promote our own media, promote a better league, a fairer association, local & european (AeFAN) a union for players
rebove the agents & other sharks (sponsors) the network would be supporters groups sellign our products & services
with all profits goign back into OUR pot ; this we strengthen oursleves .. the genesis of the original concept i had
in the 1980s... and a 200 euro laptop mobilised inseason 22/23, independant of the USA corp net and able to also block
THIER c1A, Mi6, F book, twatter , googlies & all the other dictatorhsip media...!
to be continued... ?
THEIR extracts from their #gameof THORNS main scream scummedia...
The Apocalypse is Now

Photograph Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture – Public Domain
Apocalypse is complete destruction of the world as described in some detail in the biblical book of Revelation. Nothing worse can happen to humanity. Interestingly, it has been a recurring aspect of civilization for over two thousand years but every prediction of “End Times” has failed.
Yet, modern day society is proving that apocalypse has multiple possible outcomes. In fact, a case can be made that it’s never been closer to reality because it’s already happening here and there.
At the turn of the new century Frontline aired a two-hour PBS Special, APOCALYPSE! The program traced the evolution of apocalyptic belief from its origin within the Jewish experience after Babylonian exile, to modern times. Historians and biblical scholars were interviewed to discuss the concept of End Times and doomsday in order to elucidate the ideas of mass destruction and how those ideas shape the cultural world. Indeed, the concept of apocalypse has influenced civilization in a multitude of ways for over 2,000 years.
The Book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament, is central to Western consciousness of apocalyptic belief, and a considerable portion of Revelation originated in the six hundred year period of Jewish political history involving wars and defeat by foreign invaders, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans. As a result, visions of heaven and hell and the eternal battle between good and evil arose, shaping culture for 200 years before the birth of Jesus. Ever since, apocalypse has been on people’s minds as a final reckoning.
The concept of apocalypse remains a very powerful force to this day, especially amongst true believers. Not only that but recently apocalypse has transitioned a new variety known as “Climate Apocalypse,” a term that interestingly enough generates 7,610,000 Google hits in all of 0.58 seconds. Truly, Climate Apocalypse has an audience as well as strong adherents and strong detractors, like Forbes magazine and several mainstream publications. As for those editors, apocalypse is only for doom-and-gloom Cassandra’s that should be discounted and maybe ridiculed.
Yet, some of the Google searches turn up the darnedest doom-and-gloom sources, for example: “Leaked UN Climate Report: The Apocalypse Is Almost Here… The Worst Is Yet To Come….” references the recently “leaked draft” climate report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that allegedly proclaims: “A dire warning that we are on the cusp of planetary destruction thanks to the myriad dangers of worsening climate change.” This references the 4,000-page UN report leaked to Agence France-Presse. (Source: The Byte/Climate Report, June 23, 2021), which isn’t due for publication for some months.
What if the IPCC “doom-and-gloom report,” as alleged, is on target, dead-on but similar to all past IPCC reports, it ends up as way too conservative?
In point of fact, it is not all that difficult to make a case for Climate Apocalypse by simply observing what’s happening today. What are the signs? By definition, normalized climate behavior is not an apocalyptic signpost. It doesn’t count if it’s normal regular ole climate behavior that humans have seen over the centuries. To be apocalyptic, a climate event must be damaging “beyond human experience, and then some.”
Unfortunately, the list of actual apocalyptic events is a very long one. A few recent real events make the point, to wit:
The Guardian newspaper recently (July) interviewed Diana Six, an entomologist for 30 years who teaches at the University of Montana. She took her students to Glacier National Park on a field trip and reported the following: “Life doesn’t just deal with this. When I went up Glacier with my students a few weeks ago, the flowers were curling up. At some of the lower elevations, glacier lilies were shriveled, lupins didn’t even open. The flowers should extend for another three weeks and they’re already gone. Any insects or birds that depend upon them, like bees or hummingbirds, are in trouble, their food is gone. Bird populations have just baked… People seem to think of extinctions as some silent, painless statistic. It’s not. You look at birds that can no longer find fish because they’ve moved too far off shore. They’re emaciated; they’re starving to death. We are at the point that there’s nothing untouched.” (Source: Top US Scientist on Melting Glaciers: ‘I’ve Gone From Being an Ecologists to a Coroner’, The Guardian, July 21, 2021)
It is instructive, as well as extremely troublesome, to note that her experience took place in a “protected national park.”
Referencing how climate change impacts life, Diana said: “Somewhere along the way, I had gone from being an ecologist to a coroner. I am no longer documenting life. I’m describing loss, decline, death.” That describes an apocalyptic event on a very personal level.
On a larger scale, Krefeld Entomological Society (est. 1905) issued a report of more than a 75% decline over only 27 years in total flying insect biomass in several protected European nature reserves. (Source: PLOS ONE -Public Library of Science – October 18, 2017)
And, on a larger scale, last year the World Wildlife Foundation in collaboration with the Zoological Society of London issued an eye-popping report that over-exploitation of ecological resources by humanity from 1970 to 2016 caused a 68% plunge in wild vertebrates. Numbers of that magnitude border on the onset of apocalypse, especially considering it happened within one human lifetime. According to the Report, tropical sub-regions were clobbered, hit hard with 94% loss of wild vertebrate life, which is apocalypse in spades.
Throughout the planet, apocalypse is hitting, but on a regional basis, especially where few, if any, people live to see it happening.
That is, until it did started hitting where lots of people live. In China in July 2021, “apocalyptic flooding” trapped passengers in subway trains standing in neck-deep water in the provincial capital Zhengzhou, a metropolis of 12 million where chaos descended as entire neighborhoods were covered in waist-deep water, and a massive unrelenting inordinate rainfall caused a 60-foot crevasse in the structure of the major dam of the region, which could collapse at any time, possibly drowning thousands. (Source: Unprecedented Floods in Central China, Passengers Trapped in Subway Train With Neck-Deep Water, Outlook, July 21, 2021)
According to Reuters in China, several people have died as a result of massive rains and dozens more cities have flooded in the country. Zhengzhou evacuated 100,000. Over three days, two feet of rainfall devastated parts of central China, smashing homes apart. That describes a severely damaging climate system that is not normal, not even close to normal. It’s one more signpost of apocalyptic behavior.
According to Reuters: “Like recent heat waves in the United States and Canada and extreme flooding seen in Western Europe, the rainfall in China was almost certainly linked to global warming, scientists told Reuters.” (Source: At Least 25 Dead as Rains Deluge Central China’s Henan Province, Reuters, July 21, 2021)
According to a recent CNN article: “Scientists have warned for decades that climate change will make heat waves more frequent and more intense. That is a reality now playing out in Canada, but also in many other parts of the Northern Hemisphere that are increasingly becoming uninhabitable.” (Source: Unprecedented Heat, Hundreds Dead and a Town Destroyed, Climate Change is Frying the Northern Hemisphere, CNN, July 4, 2021)
Apocalyptic is the most apt description of formerly inhabitable regions turning uninhabitable. It’s the onset of apocalypse, as hundreds of people died of too much heat, which also triggered 240 wildfires across British Columbia, with global warming turning verdant forests into tinder.
According to the implications within a recent article in Scientific American, the Pacific Northwest just experienced early stage apocalypse: “ Hundreds of people died in the recent Pacific Northwest heat wave, according to estimates; there were at least 486 deaths in British Columbia, 116 in Oregon, 78 in Washington… there were more than 3,500 emergency department visits for heat-related illness this past May and June in a region that includes Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington State.” (Source: Why Extreme Heat Is So Deadly, Scientific American, July 22, 2021)
According to Kristina Dahl, a senior climate scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists who was interviewed about the heat wave, the climate models did not come close to predicting the level of heat in the Northwest. She added: “But then to realize that I am seeing it in my lifetime, and living it right now, is really terrifying,” Ibid.
Early stage apocalyptic events are hitting terrestrial regions of the planet, region by region over time, but it’s much more universal or across the board in the oceans. According to the documentary film Seaspriacy (Netflix, March 2021), which focuses on whether the planet’s fish stock survives and for how long, five million fish are killed per minute. Global fish populations are plummeting and already at apocalyptic levels, to wit: (1) halibut -99% (2) cod -86% (3) Bluefin tuna -97% (4) haddock -99% (5) thresher shark -80% (6) bull shark -86% (7) hammerhead shark -86% (8) total shark mass decimation of 80%-to-99%. Shark deaths (100,000,000 annually) at the top of the food chain bring in their wake the death of almost all other ocean species down the marine food chain. The oceans used to contain 80% of all life. Nobody knows that number now with killings too rapid to keep count of what remains. By all accounts, apocalypse is already rampant in the world’s oceans.
Above all else, the results of a new research discovery must be broadcasts as wide as possible: “Planet Earth is now trapping twice as much heat as it did 14 years ago.” (Source: Norman G. Loeb, et al, Satellite and Ocean Data Reveal Marked Increase in Earth’s Heating Rate, Geophysical Research Letter, June 15, 2021)
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