Tuesday, November 2, 2021

... happy CElTS new year ? and a sweeter November ??

laughing at the sheeple , conditioned by PLANdemic , (due to a "dangerous flu bug"  stand our in the COLD & rain because of antisocial distancing

 see ; first ???  a challemge to you all ;  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvzEcZUtYNU  

good extraction of clips compiled from recent videos (mostly blocked by fing book, twatters & such goons... exposing the BS, and ...offering solutions and a global network connection via GEM (REd) net and the LbiRD co-op ..local (in Monty) and global for anyone who has not mutated into the capitulated "walking dead" sheeple ... email fumussion@ursun.net or ngo@mypod-net.org ... editor ; mewwe.com/i/chrissmith1059 . ... and join resistance groups (VIA, not at ) with our REbEL REdS MEd1ATEAM at mewe.con/i/dawncrvena

previous  2021/10/montv-updating-inc-chris-diary-banned.html

updating reactions on Montv ; again;

......updating MOntv and for GEM (REd) net MEd1A TEAM ;)  join resistance groups FREE (VIA not at) mewe.com/i/dawncrvena

week from Nov 20-26 ..

... happy CElTS new year ? and a sweeter November ??
 see ; first ???  a challemge to you all ;  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvzEcZUtYNU  

good extraction of clips compiled from recent videos (mostly blocked by fing book, twatters & such goons... exposing the BS, and ...offering solutions and a global network connection via GEM (REd) net and the LbiRD co-op ..local (in Monty) and global for anyone who has not mutated into the capitulated "walking dead" sheeple ... email fumussion@ursun.net or ngo@mypod-net.org ... editor ; mewwe.com/i/chrissmith1059 . ... and join resistance groups (VIA, not at ) with our REbEL REdS MEd1ATEAM at mewe.con/i/dawncrvena

ad   my counter to their counter ..true resistance is local & global...too much USAcorp dependence...after 26 years of opposition ..the balance is found,,,half my life in their system and half against..I am fine... i am always more attuned to the failres of those who claim to be "contre" but who fail to get the points that we have known that the Pyramid of the "game of THORNS" must be destroyed..

; counterpunch.org/2021/11/18/cop26-capitalism-death  

..ChRiS> we know,,  tell me something new!!
and USAcorp chiefs cant save the souls of its legal system either...

....... (  " The United States criminal justice system is evil. " counterpunch.org/2021/11/19/still-searching-for-justice-in-oklahoma/  (and ecerywhere else?)
by Lawrence Ware is a professor of philosophy and diversity coordinator for Oklahoma State University’s Ethics Center. He can be reached at:  Law.writes@gmail.com.  ) 

ChRiS> his article CORRECTLY claims .."this is not a WIN"  ... NOR is this by Brian Terrell ( an Iowa based peace activist *can be reached at: brian1956terrell@gmail.com ) i spent between 1999 and 2006 in "activism" v germoney amd co..
(they call it U=half ..Investigative detention; a collective total of 24 months ..achieving...a "draw" which cost me family, "friends~ and "wife"
... and I realised then my opinion and an "education" that those experiences gave me, to know myself and to know those around me..local & global...

 ... I KNOW WELL THAT SUCH "HEROIC ACTIVISM" .....IS NOT... YOU NEED to think like the European version of VIET KONG ... minute groups without communication causing problems and EFFECT without warning..GROW UP! 

 p.s.  its EASY to contest any claims against YOU, by reference to the relevant ECHR/UDHR (1948) articles of conventions that
leaders of the so called "democracies" all signed .. ( counterpunch.org/2021/11/19/digging-for-peace-resisting-nuclear-weapons ) wake the feck up....

anyway ..  if their "game of THORNS" nukes dont wipe us all out (whilst they got you all consumed with c19 exploited FEAR) the planet may 
soon fry you all to death, thanks to the abuse ..did you fly to europe??? btw!

ChRiS>....defence against who??? when USAcorp could destroy us all several times over 60 years ago.???
 ONE year "pause" of the war BIZ could be invested into anding world poverty 
and the estimated 25,000 kids who die from malnutrituin related disease 
(so stop fecking bleating on about the exaggeration of C19) !!! sharks  jackals & idiots lead the sheeple...
...its so ironic..I think of the film "Wag the Dog" ...and now your "real world activies & incidents" proves to be MORE DARKLY comical than fiction...

..........ChRiS>  use the word "imagine"  ..then just learn and APPLY the lyrics of John Lennon's HYMN!

///// ... sadly whilst the "counter punch" writers / journos come up with some interesting articles an)d aspects to provoke discussion;
THEN you get this ; ny Eve Ottenberg a novelist /journalist.(  https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/11/19/anti-vaxxers-go-berserk/  ) Her latest book is "Birdbrain"  .(auto biography?)  has a website. ... listing mad claims by
(right winger) anti=vaxxers is a common agenda of this mag... I do not accept lockdowns, anti-social hysteria , masks or to be VAXED
...is it a conspiracy... well, a) i dont see it even in the top 10 of threats to humanity (read above) ... b) its no conincidence, that
if it is a PLANdemic THAT GATES and others of "the few game of THORNS players" have multiplied their paper-money assets druid this time..
and c) THE MOST DANGEROUS ASPECT THAT THE GLOBAL SOCIETY CAPITULATED ... ACCEPTING EXTREME controls of our lives , killing social contacts
and many other aspects DEAR to ME!  ... LIVE your life and balance!  (media must be treated with suspicion from wherever it comes from...

and C-p is TOO "america fixated" 
... seems too many of the writers need to break down the wall that trump didnt build surrounding that "U seless S tates of A merica" :p
 (  counterpunch.org/2021/11/19/roaming-charges-33 by its "chief" )..re COP OUT (26 and counting down to the  of the "human race"! and more
comments , mostly "american" ...but St Clair's humour is ok, although we would have one hell of a fight if we ever met!
 "  + More than 256,000 Americans live in areas where rate of cancers caused by air pollution exceed the Environmental Protection Agency’s current limit of ‘acceptable risk’…  "
c19 anyone?? ... you will die in your self-made own swamp , sheeple!


////////// when will the publics fans realise that V A R is still dependent on the guman failures of the weakness of modern man??


ChRiS>>> still guest writing... ;) no apology ha ha ha .

ee ..updating MOntv and for GEM (REd) net MEd1A TEAM ;)  join resistance groups FREE (VIA not at) mewe.com/i/dawncrvena

ChRiS>>> still guest writing... ;) no apology ha ha ha ....for week 14-19 nov...

but first an extract from "my poems"

Black sheep

Here is to the Black sheep

the rest are probably still asleep

it wont make much difference

if that way, you keep!


swimming against the tide

sometimes its a bumpy Ride!

but we must never hide


Sometimes alone

others , at us , may groan;

"leave it, as it always was!"

no can do ... thats our "cause"


heres to the maverick, odd, and rebel soul

not for us to be a MOLE

be UNsubversive in all you do..

its what you are here for, ME too! :)


Hillsborough losing the 96 (now 97!)






We were loyal ever after , even if we are dead

No one can explain how that felt

That fate and the manslaughter the 96were dealt..

And 6 years later I died too

In a coma , and where were you?

15th April ..a day NO TRUE REd will forget

But I woke up one week later …and some they do regret..... (CS160413)

so many were only kids!


___+    +_

MY Noela will be 20 years old on 28 november... .stolen at age of 30 months by a selfish & perverted mother ..(margit streifeneder)

for Noela

as u disappeared ... behind those closing doors

my eyes felt sore, I could see only yours

in my arms , too brief

gone forever?  stolen , who was the thief?

my little girl

we had shared such short time

too much pain

to explain in a rhyme

biking in the country

watching animals and birds

go shopping , eat ice cream

in years , it lasted until your third

who cares, in the world so cold,

its easy to insult this father, call him "old"

and what is this crime,  a life is gone

was loving a daughter, ever wrong?

so the mother wins

and told lies and more

its hard not to be bitter

that thorn in my core

i miss you


at 14 years

I still cant forget your tears

the last time

I held you in my arms

you are now a teen (now 20 !) I hope u arent mean!

so many years in between

who are you now?

my love is buried deep inside

and search for a place to hide

 my own .................I love you

i am always Dad xxxxx its true


once upon a time

women were feminine

they cared about the world

warm and feline

now its about power

and who will win

they want a car

and deal in sin

once upon a time

a man was a man

kept his word

and carried responsibility, all that he can

now they are weak

and sad, and lost

women have choices

at many mens cost

modern fee-males claim the kid

many men just donate and then are"got rid"

women;  please;  be carers, dont lose the best

men, find your dignity and remember the rest 

.........some reaction to the previous MOnTV log content ;

.........the theft of our LAND and their GAME of THORNS exploitation and abuse of nature..

*ALASKA) ;  "   Alaska was central to the administration’s “energy dominance” agenda. One of his first trips as Interior Secretary was to Denali and then Anchorage where he delivered a speech at the Alaska Oil and Gas Association’s annual conference, assuring industry executives that the path to energy dominance would run through the great state of Alaska and the North Slope in particular. He formed a fast friendship with Alaska’s senior senator, Lisa Murkowski.  "

....ChRiS> as criminal & CORRUPT USAcorp pollute every where they go this planet is OURS ..we must fight for it..or go to hell...its nigh! :)

               ( from "/mother-nature-inc/   " ... another BIG CON   " a pilot project is already in the works with ecosystems up for sale as Wall-Streeters anxiously prepare to gobble up the valued benefits of Mother Nature....

According to the NYSE PR Dept. they’ll IPO nature: “To preserve and restore the natural assets that ultimately underpin the ability for there to be life on Earth.” What? Really?  And, according to NYSE COO Michael Blaugrund: “Our hope is that owning a natural asset company is going to be a way that an increasingly broad range of investors have the ability to invest in something that’s intrinsically valuable, but, up to this point, was really excluded from the financial markets.”   .... "   there’s something extraordinarily distasteful and downright disgusting about Wall Street buying control of nature’s resource capabilities. It bespeaks of an upside down world where the ludicrous becomes acceptable   " )

ChRiS>>> and the sheeple sleep on whilst the sharks & jackals steal & sell all that is GOOD!

..... "   NAC will maintain, manage and grow the natural asset that it has commoditized, working towards maximizing the profit potential of the natural asset, although, of course, this is not emphasized in the PR material.   " ...

ChRiS> well the global sheeple swallowed (mamula-ed?) the PLANdemic exploitation of an albeit dangerous (to 0.01%) FLU bug.. how many care as they throw their rub bish into the fields if some billionaire owns & sells :nature: water, air ???


The Commons is property shared by all, inclusive of natural products like air, water, and a habitable planet, forests, fisheries, groundwater, wetlands, pastures, the atmosphere, the high seas, Antarctica,   Throughout all human history nature has been The Commons or the cultural and natural resource for all of society inclusive of natural processes like air and water. (snip)

According to initial calculations, NACs will unlock $4Quadrillion in assets as a new feeding ground for Wall Street investors to buy the rights to clean water and clean air and trout streams and bass-laden lakes and gorgeous picturesque waterfalls and lagoons, an entire forest, or maybe eventually extend into the oceans. Who knows the range of possibilities once nature is transacted on Wall Street.

Monetizing nature!

What’s next, what’s left?" ""

ChRiS>who cares? ..as the apathetic sheeple impersonate the "walking dead" !!!  what sort of world will this little girl inherit from you??

..........as the jackals of " (corrupt)government " meet 30 years too late ..( from how-the-wealthiest-countries-schemed-to-avoid-economic-commitments-at-cop26 )  (G20 meeting) the world’s wealthiest nations looked out for themselves at the expense of the rest of the world."...

------------------- (   https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/11/11/day-of-the-dead-2   )  "over 26,500 species are in danger of extinction.....we have supercharged extinction through our exploitation of the Earth, causing extinction rates 1,000 to 10,000 times the natural “background” rate. The biggest problems come from habitat loss and degradation (mainly deforestation), overfishing and overhunting (think poaching), invasive species, climate change, and nitrogen pollution from agricultural runoff causing “dead zones” in oceans and lakes. Other major issues are plastic pollution and wildlife trafficking.

Meanwhile the human swarm approaches 8 billion....  Of all the insults we inflict on the Earth, extinction of species may be the worst.  ",,, : "   ..as (snip) We have cut off another branch from the tree of life and deprived another entire form of life of its right and its destiny to exist and to prosper. ... Because we are all refugees stranded on one blue marble in the vast cold emptiness, possibly (but unlikely) the only life in all the terrifying wilderness of space. Surely we should look after one another.

Why? Because it is the right thing to do – my gut tells me  ...gaze in the mirror and see our nasty side, our destructive and wasteful side, but there are too many of us to stop. ?   "  ...

........ChRIS> and there is the problem //since the 80 s the capitalist erosion of empathy... i live in a beautiful country inhabited by over half a million who seem simply "careless" just totally absorbed with themelves..I wanted to bring the ideals of my youth here , but  NOW... the world is infected by this selfish , blind BRUTAL neandathal IGNORANCE...  ( i start to consider that "Neo" of the Matrix fil was the villain and "Agent Smith" was correct about the "human virus." ...

USAcorp, Uk, France < Russians > are not the only culprits ;   (  counterpunch.org/2021/11/10/chinese-fossil-fuel-investments-in-africa 

........however unlike USAcorp/Uk/france etc ; "China has long maintained that it will not interfere with the sovereignty of the countries where it is economically involved." ..we shall keep looking at them too!  )

  " plus....the UK is also in their GAME of THORNS  swamp :  ( counterpunch.org/2021/11/09/the-corruption-of-the-political-class _) " politicians earning millions, and it does not stop there. The Covid-19 pandemic produced great opportunities for corruption and the weaponising of political influence to produce vast profits that were in the billions. The chaos and panic of the time provided a splendid excuse for handing out contracts to the politically well-connected. "  ...of 1,200 UK government contracts relating to the Covid-19 epidemic worth $22bn that had been made public. It found that about half, worth $11bn “went to companies run by friends and associates of politicians in the Conservative Party, or with no prior experience or a history of controversy. Meanwhile, smaller companies with no political clout got nowhere.”...... " once a political class becomes corrupt, there is no way back because its members will leap to defend their own, in case they should be next in line for detection and punishment.   " 

...ChRiS> so it is local & global......i am looking for a reason to "save humanity"  because the USAcorp sharks are your biggest threat (c19 doesnt even rate a top ten place!! BTW)   (   https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/11/10/the-us-is-set-to-make-nuclear-war-more-likely )  " the world’s most costly weapons for the rest of your life & probably any kids life (whi survives) program (at $1.7 trillion), a fifth-generation fighter, supposedly “invisible”  to radar (that actually cannot fight and is not invisible to  advanced radars), now has a new mission to justify its existence and continued production:  dropping dial-able “tactical” nuclear weapons " 

ChRiS > so the USA corp war mongering A-holes are risking "suicide roulette betting that the "enemy" wont retaliate... well if you all get wiped out because the modern John wayne pilot drops the fight  "super nuke" in anger... that this planets surface will look something like "the book of eli"  scenery//.

     ChRiS>  "Dr Strangelove" anyone old enough to remember the film ...?  lets all sing "we'll meet again, dont know where, dont know when!"

you are all fecking insane!   as this C&NT (Patrick Mazza of counter-punch says "  

The U.S. by many measures is the most successful nation in human history.  ..."   hahahha by what "value" that USA killed the most civilians, polluted more of this planet, interfered in more nations than any in the past.,.,?  

..relatively  ... think Alexander, Napoleon, the romans & even the Brit empire might contest this claim..especially as USAcorp had to committ to the genocide of a million  natives in order to be "the new world order" feck you all!  (  counterpunch.org/2021/11/11/is-the-us-beyond-repair   ?  ..answer ; YES!  well, it was always broken!!!  ) ...

a F U B A R nation from day 1...   and yet ..take care , because I always claimed that USAcorp with nukes is the equivalenet  of giving a loaded machine gun to an unruly  5 year old boy! ... therfore as  they & their game of THORNS disappears below the surface of the global swamp they may well just launch their super nukes against the  " rest of you   "

and If you need any more evidence that the USAcorp is tuly F U B A R  ( counterpunch.org/2021/11/11/the-broadband-plan-will-not-end-the-digital-divide )  65 to 100 billion usd internet broadband prog for the sheeple ,so they ALL  can be addicted to reciving BULLsh&te 24/7 ...

.........fecking idiocracy ; a target of their game of THORNS? ... and (  counterpunch.org/2021/11/09/no-end-to-the-washington-posts-war-on-whistleblowers  )  "  European Court of Human Rights censured Poland for allowing torture at the black site.  Yet, the CIA treats the issue as a classified matter and refuses to allow former intelligence officers to discuss the issue.  Once again, the CIA is using its tool of censorship to prevent an embarrassment to its reputation and not to protect the national security interests of the United States.  " 

ChRiS >  and a few more articles .. as we fight our "guerilla war  "  on the net USA corp & co sharks , jackals & you ? (the sheeple who enable politicians by apathetic voting for liars, conmen & cheats time after time...!!!  ( counterpunch.org/2021/11/05/drone-strikes-and-torture-will-cause-big-blowback/          )

......... "  October 29 a Guantanamo Bay prisoner was reported as having testified about the torture inflicted on him over many years in CIA “black sites”....  “suspended naked from a ceiling beam for long periods, doused repeatedly with ice water.... beaten, given forced enemas, sexually assaulted and starved . . .” .... White House announced that the United States is committed “to the original vision and values enshrined in the United Nations Charter” 

ChRiS> all the USAcorp should all be "committed" to a mental asylum, with their generals, weapon producers and most of its citizens... the USA corp have NEVER respected the UN (UDHR, 1948) but "demanded that other nations do so"  (new world order FUBAR rules)

.................".....(continued,  "  The declaration was made two months after a US drone strike in Kabul killed ten civilians, including seven children.  ( "it is unlawful to kill civilians. " )    

ChRiS>  is there a government worthy of its name?... answer ; NO!  posion & radiation and a hundred greater risks to nature & humanity than the PLANDEMic BS of c19 !!! the PLANET needs to BE "green" ... but the sheeple are the colour of cowardice & selfish ways (yellow?) :p

(   .counterpunch.org/2021/11/05/as-the-planet-wants-to-go-green-france-has-a-nuclear-habit-it-just-cannot-kick )  "   approximately 200 nuclear tests France conducted in the 118 islands and atolls that comprise this part of the central South Pacific, which France has controlled since 1842. These tests were conducted between 1966 and 1996. Macron did not apologize for the environmental and human damage caused by these tests. He remained stoic, acknowledging that the tests were not “clean.” “I think it’s true that we wouldn’t have done these same tests in the Creuse or in Brittany,”   Germany has to legally phase out nuclear power by 2022. But about half of the countries in the European Union (13 out of 27) continue to have a nuclear energy program. Of them, France generates half the nuclear electricity produced in all of Europe. "  ..   ,,,, War is what turns on the lights in France. ...... "  Radioactivity without danger does not exist any more than the candle without the flame.”    "  ...

..........ChRiS>they are C7NTS!!! too and ..." as the so-called "alternatives" just like GREENpeace "activists" too busy looking for donations, media plugs & talk talk talk...

we need  outright civil disobedience, general strikes and BOYCOTT of all violating (they all are!) governments, their ministers & employees who carry out the war BIZ, pollution policies etc etc , local & global ; 


from Avaazers, (are hypocrites sitting in their soft office seats..writing sh&te) 


I'm writing this from Glasgow, full of hope, grief and pride. (?)

After a campaigning marathon from Avaaz and many other inspiring activists, youth leaders, indigenous people and some governments, the deal signed at UN climate talks keeps our fight for survival alive -- just.

We secured some crucial victories in the battle to save our future, though the agreement still falls far short of what's needed. But what fills me with hope isn't about what governments agreed. It's what we did together, with thousands of activists and determined negotiators from countries on the climate frontline, to defend our beautiful planet and our people. Just look at what we got done… 

Ten awesome things we did together at COP26

Long before the talks began, Avaaz was funding incredible indigenous leaders to come to Glasgow and make their voices heard. They didn't get everything they wanted, blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, etc etc etc....


 more evidence that the politicians that you voted for or the sharks behind the products & services YOU buy are killing the nature and humanity...

DO YOU REALLY care?  what would will kids inherit from YOU??? if any thing other that a rubbish dump playground for the few,..

you are LED by the fascist state of USAcorp ..wake the FECK UP!!   


Rittenhouse acted as a tool and expression of a fascist movement bigger and more organized than him. He did so with the encouragement and protection of the Kenosha Police, the Wisconsin National Guard, and the sick fascist 45th Uscorp  president     ... “  The lawsuit, in other words, charges classic fascist collaboration between government and private paramilitary terrorists.  “ ....”  voting for Democrats once every 2 or 4 years won’t stop the racist, sexist, and authoritarian juggernaut. Only the power of the people united in a mass movement in the streets and public squares can do the job. “ 


its the 13th HOUR!!!!!   too late , probably, for 99.99% of the sheeple, ...


onr of thr top ten c*nts of  your world  counterpunch.org/2021/11/12/bill-gates-should-know-better-how-the-israeli-occupation-ravages-the-environment-in-palestine /   :  “ Not a single day passes without a  tree or an orchard being set ablazeor cut down. Israelis are ‘Clearing’ the Palestinian environment    :  “   sIraeli settlements “generate around 145,000 tons of domestic waste daily.” Abofou reported that “in 2016 alone, around 83 million cubic meters of wastewater were pumped throughout the West Bank.”   ... Those who are hurting the planet have no right to claim the role of being its savioUrs. “” 


(   counterpunch.org/2021/11/12/let-the-sun-shine-making-solar-power-work

“     the dust has settled on the COP26 Glasgow meeting, can we say anything has changed?   “  

ChRiS> NO, words are cheap, whether by ministers, CEOs or jounalists ... RebEL!  ...or go under with the rest of the apathetic sheeple..

(continued ) “  Reagan cut solar spending by more than half ($707 to $303 million), yet increased nuclear funding by $300 million to $1.6 billion, while in 2007 George W. Bush requested just $148 million for a solar initiative program, but continued to provide billion-dollar subsidies to oil and gas ($6 billion), coal ($9 billion), and nuclear ($12 billion).   “ 

“ Florida, a judge even ruled that off-grid living was illegal, preventing one resident from living in her house without a power-company connection. Using collected rainwater, a cistern, and solar panels instead of public utilities, she became a local cause célèbre, choosing to fight the court order to hook her house up to the city sewer system, and was eventually evicted “ .... “  many politicians on the right are subsidized by the coal, oil, and natural gas extraction companies....  estimates that global fossil-fuel subsidies were over $600 billion in 2011,  ...  “

(        https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/11/14/stately-deception-obama-at-cop26/            )  “ Nothing signifies the ineptitude of the world’s capitalist powers more than the hollow pledges and smug platitudes that rang out at COP26. These meaningless promises, “   

ChRiS > Drome-Killer Obama calls on Youth ...er 30 years ago USAcorp & co were told by Ms Suzuki at the UN that you were wrong, you were all wrong then, & a billion times more wrong now! ... If only kids were NOT infected by the negativity of parents , generation after generation  ;

counterpunch.org/2021/11/15/build-bikes-not-walls-a-reflection-on-open-borders/   )  “   “We’re going to smash the border wall.” Then, after a celebratory pause: “And after we smash the wall, we are going to turn it into bikes.” ... “What is your citizenship?” ;;;;;;;“I’m from earth!” (Jarrar )  “ ....”  “Because we are the creditors. You took all our wealth, our diamonds. Now we have come to collect.”“We are here,” his grandfather was saying, Mehta writes, “because you were there.”  “

ChRiS> all walls must come down ,but if you all build walls around your fascist societies to keep you in when the globe melts and you fry in your fascist purifed “heaven”  , i really wont care,, I already died...!


 about my Monty Home part 1 (   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBVSbzwNQzI )

 good...visitors & bad (details in part 2.,.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQaoufYf-G4

.)  see also;

https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=TBVSb... 


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prsfe... contact also via mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059 or F&Umission; mail fumission @ ursun.net

..important take 15 minutes to absorb THIS VIDEO ;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prsfeBnNH1M BEFORE they ban it !

..........updating MOntv  nov 008/9/10/11/13;   " 

ChRiS > provoking YOU & ME ..

SWEET CELTS NOVEMBER ;  to ruin their game of THORNS series...

.............on the 11th of the 11th.. I recall mum attending the WW1/WW2 memorials at the local "cenotaph" (?)

.........on behalf of her role as gen sec of the local labour movement../co-op society too) ...IMO ww2 was  the last time 

..........there was a clear fascist enemy to fight, army v army ..although millions of civilians were killed, maimed or made refugees

(  already forgotten) ... as each generation becomes part of the sheeple herd... who cares now.. as the young are now sent 

away to die for somepolitical/business agenda....

......before .........watching a couple of films for the first time in months .... I have stated this previously;;;;

as I was considering finding a cinema to watch the latest BOND film... how weirdly PERVERSE this planet's sheeple are..

most of them relate to "heroes" on the screen, even the anti-hero, maverick cop, REbEL & / or black sheep provocateur! ;)

who goes up against authority..they almost cheer fron their cimena seats when he/she wins against all the odds.. (its fiction!)

yes//... in this FUBAR matrix "reality" WE live in ... when the sheeple leave the cinema ..THEY are the ones most  likely to betray a "hero, REbEL or anyone different, who may stand up against the herd or mob,

 and "throw the first stone" at such :HEROES: ..

..........and again ;  Anneke of Avaaz misses the point ;

A> A brave whistleblower just leaked secret Facebook documents... and they're shocking!

They show that Facebook knew. They knew that human traffickers used Facebook to lure women into sexual slavery. They knew that it was being used to incite violence against minorities. And they knew their systems remove less than 1% of violent content!

Facebook knew all this, but still chose their profits over our safety.

ChRiS  >   stop using their system!!! ... they have been spying on you since day 1

A< And with no effective laws to hold Facebook accountable, dangerous actors will continue to spew lies, misinformation and climate denialism to millions, everywhere. This is code red for our democracies and planet -- we need to change that, NOW!

..........ChRiS> who are the Policemen / justice sytem / International court YOU can TRUST to obtain justice ...the BEST thing to do is to boycott all of USA corp (anti) socialmedia !!!

A> A> This week, whistleblower Frances Haugen is testifying in Europe about Facebook's corrosive impact, bringing renewed scrutiny on the tech giant. Thanks to our ground-breaking investigations, and explosive media coverage, Avaaz will be in the room with lawmakers fighting tooth and nail to win laws that protect us and our privacy.

ChRiS > FFS WAKE up Anneke,  you have NEVER been "protected" from access to your date etc, the govts YOU giave power to are in league with criminals... namely c1A, NSA, M16, moassad etc etc..


But so will Big Tech's massive lobbying machine. 

If we raise enough now, we can go all in to counter their $100-million-dollar lobbying firepower with effective regulation -- by funding top-notch investigators to uncover more hard evidence, bringing testimonies of those harmed by social media to lawmakers, and showing up at every key decision with headline-grabbing stunts and ads.

.................ChRiS > so you want to make some other lawyers/investigators/security co RICH, the POWER is on our hands to simply stop

and boycott.. that hurts them more than "media" that the sheeple-public will ignore!!

so ......ChRiS> i am again "picking on" the (too "ameriCANT_)  counter-punch..i am AS critical of "opposition" media as the mainSCREAMedia  because they should be so much better!!! more radical and BRAVE!! ,,,

............ChRiS> ....I like the "quote" of "Prot" in the fantasy/thriller  film (K-Pax)...he asks the shrink (Jeff Bridges) why there are so many laws & lawyers ...Shrink replies " so people will learn right from wrong"  Prot replies;  "on our planet even the youngest child knows what is wrong ..." (paraphrased) ...we dont need "mass debates" concerning climate justice/environmental justice... it MUST be CLEAR that pollution is wrong...and ALL OF you ARE polluting this planet, daily!

something the a-holes who throw their beer cans & stuff out of their cars & vans in the Miriste road where I am KNOW, but do it anyway!

.........they deserve the tsunami... but usually the poor are the victims ... ( counterpunch.org/2021/11/01/climate-justice-in-america )

see  our videos scroll down)

"        Outspending the people by 17-to-1, Big Oil, Kochland, etc.money lobby ensures that USAcorp lawmakers pave the way towards the Uninhabitable Earth.""

       ChRiS> .....this week past...the weather was a bit fierce.. so no Zorro &co.(to & from "Swallow (BS) island" .... i went to watch the high waves hitting the shore , you could hear from my room! ,, it was impressive ..especially at night...and i had a lovely thought ,,imagining a tsunami of 5 or more hig waves hitting the Lucista bay and most of the adriaric coast ?  wiping out the expensive (rip off artists)restorants, caffes bars, hotels   & other tourist traps and i imagine the insurance companies here refusing to pay them compensation for an "ACT of (their) GOD" ... which is what it should be ...these sharks & jackals who give as little as possible and TAKE as MUCH as they can

...........its probably too late..but the people must BOYcott & make DIRECT obstructive protests!  ..I think of the end scene of the song " every body hurts sometime" by R E M .. when everyone gets out of their cars and leaves them on the motorway and walks.. thats what I want!!

.......... and what use is ALL that paper if your planet cooks ; (  counterpunch.org/2021/11/04/american-tax-policy-in-the-age-of-trillionaires )??? On August 13, 2020, just twelve obscenely wealthy Americans held a combined $1.015 trillion. They called those twelve the “Oligarchic Dozen.,,,, On October 29, 2021, just half that group — just six extraordinarily rich people — held wealth totaling $1.003 trillion.

Meet our “Oligarchic Half-Dozen”: Elon Musk ($292.6 billion), Jeff Bezos ($195.9), Bill Gates ($137.4), Larry Ellison ($130.0), Larry Page ($126.2), and Sergey Brin ($121.6). That number for Elon Musk, definitely not a typo: America now has its first “quarter-trillionaire.”

..................ChRiS> thats how YOU the sheeple thanked them for an exploited BUG & their Game of THORNS PLANdemic...!! making them DOUBLE-Rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.........and another COP out ; ( www.counterpunch.org/2021/10/31/cop26-exposes-failure-of-neoliberalism ) "  the “free market” neoliberal brand of capitalism has miserably failed to address the global warming issue,  "

ChRiS> ....its TOO fecking late for "mass - debating" :p  

& ..............and (  .... counterpunch.org/2021/10/31/when-goldman-sachs-killed-the-peace-dividend )  " Goldman Sach’s ties to the Clintons date back at least to 1985, when Goldman executives began pumping money into the newly formed Democratic Leadership Council, a kind of proto-SuperPac for the advancement of neoliberalism. Behind its “third-way” politics smokescreen, the DLC was shaking down corporations and Wall Street financiers to fund the campaigns of business-friendly “New” Democrats such as Al Gore and Bill Clinton.  " 

....plus (https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/11/01/america-as-tax-haven-its-becoming-part-of-us-foreign-policy

ChRiS ..if they are rich, then make them transparent, and see all the worms & their insects crawl out fron under the stones ... dont think USAcorp is capable of learning anything other than suicide;  ( counterpunch.org/2021/11/03/crisis-in-sudan-is-a-lesson-for-the-u-s)

videos I made recently ... reality or fiction at GAME of THORNS !

...and Celts New Year special adios to anti-social media ...

@      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgTaViOF8bo



........ <smile> for ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN

.....A P.S. FOR DISCUSSION IF YOU havent quit thinking...

......... ( irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40739679.html  )   kids footy !  violaence ? .IMO its the parents ..who "make kids" /...

(or how my old cockney boss put it "its "ow their mums put their 'ats on! " ... ;)  ...

.........& watching "knowing it" ..the end ;  well its coming to a planet very near to YOU, sheeple 

and its all that you deserve, isnt it /// ??? ; ( www.counterpunch.org/2021/11/07/arctic-exploits )  OF course the sharks & jackals of USAcorp & co worldwide will abuse nature whilst destoring the planet  (pic polluting?) ( counterpunch.org/2021/11/08/mother-nature-inc ) ....

...............they WILL CHEAT THEMSELVES INTO THEIR OWN GRAVES ..AND YOURS! ( counterpunch.org/2021/11/08/how-the-wealthiest-countries-schemed-to-avoid-economic-commitments-at-cop26 ) the kyoto conference was THIRTY years ago, sheeple!!! 

........./.. THE EU 's ENLARGEMENT PACKAGE FOR THE Balkans!!!  (EPC.EU) ... well one FUBAR nation brexited 

........(despite scousers & scots wanting to remain ) ... MOntyLand is so fecked up that despite being small it could REPLACE the BS of the english quite easily?????? ...(although I camopaign against!) :p  ..

.........the "HQ of "democratic world order dictatorship " is :  (  https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/11/09/no-end-to-the-washington-posts-war-on-whistleblowers )  and...if you are still awake... ( counterpunch.org/2021/11/09/on-writing-history-from-below )

,,,,,,,,,song "nothing else MATTERS" ???

..........Next upload "monty Home" parts 1 & parts 2 (with details , if you think I am not "qualified" as an "exiled refugee" ? )

.........5 th of november *guy fawkes ... an , on reflection, a bizarre ... "celebration" of the failed attempt by....

"Guido fawkes" to blow up the houses of parliament ..the story has been dramatised in the film "V" ...the mask is well know,

.....  via "anon" worldwide///...  <smile>  (the "viet cong of media" ) ... as a boy it was a tradition to prepare a bonfire 

for novenber the 5th ..and parents to buy a box of fireworks for the night... sometimes baking potatoes in the fire embers..

and prior collecting "pennies for the guy" carrying an efegy of "Guy" around the streets on a cart (often made by the kids) ,,

( some of these aspects polluted by american commercialism in the perverted "halloween" )



I am ... Nikole Tesle ..without the tech,, Ghandi, without a Religion,, Lennon, without the tune, a pirate without a ship

Mandela, without the nation, Martin L-K, without the colour, "the kop" ..without the (modern) fans...

Robin Hood, without arraws, Geronimo, without a horse, Shanks, without a club, I am a leader without an army, A general without a war, a Manager without an office...🙂

an advocate, without a law, A Rebel without his flag, and ...A father, without a child,

a husband without a wife..I am ME, without you!.....Alone and all one...without limits .... complete.! ..____________________________

Video script..

a few yours ago a USAcorp oligarth : "C lee Gates"...was in an elite drinks party on a yacht when he asked avout

the aspect of bio war to a woman who had contacts in the c1A... " we elite agree  there are too many on this planet, and a risk of 

"overload" and panic ..and "REbellion" agaist uis supr rich  ..(we know the system collapsed decades ago but the sheeple dont know"

... "I wonder what wold happen if there was a global virus like  dangerosus (ebola enhanced??) flu bug//

after all we pumped so much posion into the atmosphere, any time duting winter a bug coould spread especially would decimate the elderly who are living too long and eating into our

assurance / pension funds " ...

some years later a c1A connected lab in a state quite UNfriebndly to USAcorp had an ~incident"  and the reports leaked out also

after a lot of elderly  died from a " bug"  ... by " chance"  Mr. C Lee ..and his elite buddies on the yacht party had all invested into 

medical related industries (many of them were already owners of such, and even sponsored the W / H O ) 

...hospitals, clinics, hand wash (everywhere on every table!) face nmasks for everyone in the world, imagine?) 

and of course vaccines, which our influence over "tame" MEd1A would prssue  states and the sheeple to have a vaccine and..

a VAX passport so the rebels couldnt survive easily... 

"we could then release more "stats" everywhere in the world about non vaxes people dying and the need to re vax for new "mutations"

the ignoirance and FEAR of the global sheeple do the rest for us.... we use social media to keep or messages in the heads of the world population

and of course each vax weakens their natural resistance to harmful bacteria, 

so they would eventually be committing suicde themselves from some other disease so we dont get blamed/// ""

in 2023 the population reduced to the few elite and poor people who didnt vax, but the elite owned all companies & states 

so gave the poor jobs to do the menial work that the super rich required...

so @game of THORNS done..// but..

they didnt know about ChRisswar and the LbiRDco-op ..the :european vietcong REbEl REdS resistance!" (episode 23)


.............. I respect alternative media and may subscribe to "counter" as its useful to see how others "claim to oppose the sharks"

I am critical because alternative media is drowning in the swamp of (anti)social media ..the only solution id to print flyers

and go on the streets, BOYcott the big biz., support small shops & independents and dont feed the monster in any way...

(I wonder how many of those writers mentioned (  by Joshua Frank, 

CounterPunch, Managing Editor  in ;  counterpunch.org/2021/10/29/help-us-beat-the-devil/    )  ARE TRULY"consequenT"?  IN THEIR DAILY LIVES ??? > anyway I support OUR media;   ChRiS live CAMPAIGN of our ngo F&U mission via REdGEMnet / LbiRDco-op initiatives / MOnTV  ...!   

...however I send good wishes and it gets mentioned via MonTV many times...


.......  class WAR ??? if only the poor realised that the rich have BILLIONs of pieces of paper (money) worth in truth ;  NOTHING!

the system collapsed arguably 50 plus years ago.. the dollar, euro or bitcoin is an equally useless "image" of value...

USAcorp consistently prints money whilst its USAcorp is in "zillionss" of debt (there isnt a word for it any more as there are more zeroes

than the average calculate can show...) it sunk!  WAKE up ..their :titanic: sunk....!! SUNK SUNK, hello anyone OUT THERE???

it sunk......you are all playing a game of illusion which i have been calling "their game of THORNS" since years!  ..

anyway  (as none of you are awake!) ... (  www.counterpunch.org/2021/10/29/class-war-heats-up/        )  "may have awakened a sleeping giant. For as workers quit in droves – as many commentators noted in recent weeks – those that stay…go out on strike. In August roughly 4.3 million workers walked off the job for good. That’s 2.9 percent of the workforce. And those that aren’t saying, in the words of a Bernie Sanders’ operative, “flip your own damn burgers and sweep your own damn floors,” strike instead. ".....  "  time to rearrange the economic system and its power relations. But most of our elected officials adamantly refuse to see this elephant in the room – because their donors pay them not to. So, you say, they’re not nitwits, they’re corrupt. But ah, there comes a point where numbing the brain with corruptly ingested talking points becomes a form of stupidity.  "....

...........and this ( www.counterpunch.org/2021/10/29/fate-like-a-sandstorm-jordan-and-the-middle-east/ ) well written article about Jordan/middle east status ...reminds me of my current Balkans location.. and my advice to visitors "if you ask 10 questions you get 11 answers!"

........multipy that by 100,000 years and this is the "middle east" and its central role in "their game of THORNS"  ..

another article on "press freedom"  are not ALL jounros GUILTY for their apathy in allowing the media to be owned by the few ??? (         counterpunch.org/2021/10/29/the-most-important-battle-for-press-freedom-of-our-time/  "The Most Important Battle for Press Freedom of Our Time" BY CHRIS HEDGES    "  )...  and as for the "trial' (appeal by USA corp nazties) in my experience of the english high court will come down to technical decisions;

as the judge may not be brave enough to risk career up against the english-american (nato etc) axis (& c1A/nsa/m16 & co killing machine)

a) on the nazties side ; that he hacked a state regimes apparatus ... i.e. HOW he exposed the USAcorp war crimes is their key point...


b ) /// "   The long campaign against Assange and WikiLeaks is a window into the collapse of the rule of law,   ".....no legal basis to try him, an Australian citizen, under the US Espionage Act. The CIA spied on Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy through UC Global, contracted to provide embassy security, included recording privileged conversations between Assange and his defence lawyers1 This alone invalidated the trial "   "  ...  " 

aSSANGE EXPOSED THE WAR crimes and more of George W. Bush, Barack Obama and General David Petraeus  .of  He exposed that Goldman Sachs paid Hillary Clinton $657,000  ,,.. torture and abuse of some 800 men and boys, aged between 14 and 89, at Guantánamo.,,, spying on UN and various ministers of "friendly governments.. campaign to discredit and destroy British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn  He exposed the truth. He exposed it over and over and over until there was no question of the endemic illegality, corruption and mendacity that defines the global ruling elite. And for these truths alone he is guilty.,,, "

        ChRiS>  the  world is a mental asylum...and the madmen are in "control" of it! ,,so they think  .,,, anyway ...last saturday i was pleased to have rare company... a nice couple who have been touring rounf europe in their car (*with sleeping canopy) having finished their exams .." Dr. Rhianna", will become a srink..(Psychiatrist) ...well she has an endless supply of lunatics to "cure" // ;) /// her job is a east as selling sweets in a junior school yard! ... 

went for  A RUN ABOUT 6kms (wednesday) uo & down the Mir hills. of Lusty peninsula , in the rain, of course sawno one, and almost all the houseson the hill seem to be :holiday: homes, many in need of repair .. up for sale>? 

.............211028/29/31 ; 

........so on "CELTS new years eve"  for the 2nd year running I am NOT going be drinking pints of GUINESS & irish whiskey ...

..........still "exiled" at home bas / F&U te,p HQ ..at "Mir" / lusty bay ;) ...


.........ChRIS reaction for REbEL REdS MEd1ATEAM> ;

  one link was blocked .. and one about ISLAM "lost" (deleted). managed yesterday enough time at the pub/caffe to download the latsest

from "soft counter punch"  ...what were these writers doing since it was clear back in the days of Nixon & co..that when the president of the so called world leading (ha ha ha) "democracy" (with enough nukes to wipe us ALL out several times over!) was a CRROK! that we should never

trust any of the C&nts again.. anywhere at any time.. (dont forget ..."they" had eleimated JFK, Bobby, Luther King, Malcolm X and just about anyone who threatend to improve sociaety, local or global) ...i suppose al lot of these writers were not even born by the immature a dn very late reaction to the ills & evils now transparent to even the most stupid sheeple, of which there are many!!!!

........"   ChRiS> a familiar story....  ;;;;;;;   " Jessica Reznicek was sentenced to eight years in federal prison, ordered to pay millions in fines and labeled a terrorist by the government for her actions of civil disobedience that damaged the equipment of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) is owned by Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) a $54 billion dollar corporation that also co-owns the Bayou Bridge Pipeline. When ETP intentionally and illegally damaged the private property of hundreds of people in Louisiana, the company received no criminal consequences at all. (  https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/10/27/a-tale-of-two-damages-double-standard-for-jessica-reznicek-and-energy-transfer-partners/  )    " .

......"  “I think you’re talking about somebody who needs to be removed from the gene pool” ETP CEO Kelcy Warren remarked in response to their actions....In the summer of 2018, Bayou Bridge Pipeline, began illegally destroying trees and land in the Atchafalaya River Basin in Louisiana, America’s largest freshwater area, a joint venture of Energy Transfer Partners and Phillips 66 Partners and operated by ETP. Kelcy Warren’s net worth is estimated at $4 billion.  "  ( Donald Trump invested somewhere between $500,000 and $1 million dollars in ETP and leaders of ETP gave well over $100,000 to Trump’s election campaign. )!!!!!!

"can Billionaires save the planet? " answer ; NO!!!!  ...well , because, it seems their plan has already been completed;  to delete much of nature & humanity so that the world is "their playground" i suggest however that they have gone too far ..its poisoned beyond repair !

(see : ::: (  https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/10/26/can-billionaires-save-the-world   )

.....................NOTE " ongoing campaign to label all protesters who damage property as terrorists. Human Rights Watch pointed out that environmental activists committing civil disobedience have been charged as terrorists across the globe for years. & U.S. Attorney General activated the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Forces to go after Black Lives Matter protesters.!!!!" 

 whilst the cowardly journos of mainSCREAmedia & alternatives fail to stand up against the criminals that ran & run the USAcorp "game of THORNS" ; ( https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/10/25/fate-of-anti-war-journalism-lies-in-upcoming-assange-hearings/   ) if this was black comedy u would laugh this equivalent situ to ADOLF 

complaining about the jews using the slur "holocaust"  (scroll down...Joey!)  ... quoting extracts from this article;

"        key witness in the prosecution against Assange admitted to lying in his indictment. This witness was Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson, a convicted pedophile and fraudster. "... "  Pompeo, the main force behind Trump’s decision to pursue extradition, was obsessed with punishing Assange for publishing the Vault 7 documents which revealed the CIA’s activities of electronic surveillance and cyber-warfare. considered arranging a shootout in the streets of London with the British government to assassinate Assange.   " ....a dangerous lack of solidarity with Assange from the press, which is exactly why it is so important that this extradition not happen. As mainstream news outlets become increasingly complacent, and even supportive of pro-war policies.......After 20 years of the United States military destroying entire countries under the guise of fighting terrorism......" & = "  Assange has published some of the most vital information on U.S. foreign policy of the 21st century with perfect accuracy. Some of the information provided to the public (thanks to the anonymous online source ;) ... the Pentagon had to admit it not only killed a civilian and his loved ones, but knowingly lied to the public by falsely claiming they had proof that this man was an ISIS-K operative."..."  essential to show strong support for Julian Assange and demand the charges against him be dropped immediately.  " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

however ,,,how long has it taken even the "alternatives" to protest, where do they DEMONstrate...thr naivety of the left -ish is astounding..soft pink ... as with (    https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/10/26/will-we-take-the-path-to-a-livable-future-or-will-rich-corporations-trash-the-planet/   _)         what path?  there is no path!!


        "    the ones who, of course, face the main burden of pollution. It’s the poor people of the world who live in what Trump called “shithole countries” that suffer the most; they have contributed the least to the disaster, and they suffer the worst.   //////////// Why organize for a just future for all when we can trash the planet helping rich corporations get richer? ... corporations have no responsibility to the public or to the workforce, that their total responsibility is to maximize profit for the few. ...For public-relations reasons, fossil-fuel corporations like ExxonMobil often portray themselves as soulful and benevolent, working day and night for the benefit of the common good.  It’s called greenwashing.  ... totally immoral, but it’s standard practice. Where does waste go? It doesn’t go in your backyard, it goes to places like Somalia that can’t protect themselves. The European Union, for example, has been dumping its atomic wastes and other pollution off the coast of Somalia, harming the fishing areas and local industries. It’s horrendous....Most people have to face the ravages of the market. And, of course, the rich don’t. Corporations count on a powerful state to bail them out every time there’s some trouble.  The rich have to have the powerful state — as well as its police powers — to be sure nobody gets in their way.  ....  If the U.S. hadn’t been the only country to refuse the Kyoto Protocol, it would have been much easier. Well, the longer we wait, the more we’ll betray our children and our grandchildren "" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SEE our latest video via REbEL REdS MEd1ATEAm link and resistance groups associated with mewe.com/i/dawncrvena  

...................and if not banned at U tube;   ......important take 15 minutes to absorb THIS VIDEO ;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prsfeBnNH1M BEFORE they ban it !

additional ;  Daniel Warner writing the FECKING OBVIOUS again.... a) what is :reasonable"  is clear u idiot,  and b) you are always banging on aboit the MASKerAIDS of the PLANdemic,  but that CAPITULATION of 2020 and after clearly shows the MORAL absence and COWARDICE of the majority! 

..........and another PLANdemic PR_opaganda pece:...( counterpunch.org/2021/10/27/broken-britannia-sleepwalks-as-the-pandemic-worsens) ??

..ChRiS > ...BULLsh&TE ..why then did 2020 OFFICIAL19 records show that death recorded in the UK overall were NOT dramatically higher than other years of the last 25?????hmmmm??  bad diet (liek the USA sheeple) and clinics / hospitals listing almost EVERY death as "C 19 RELATED" stop THIS BS!

...and this ;  " Immunological studies estimate that individuals immunized against Covid would lose about half of their defensive antibodies every 108 days or so,     " Vax kills natural protection!! .. and "  Pro-Brexit Tories claimed mendaciously that Brexit would free-up money that had previously been sent to the EU as part of the UK’s membership levy, and that this could now be used to fund the required fixes. No such extra money has been forthcoming (for the NHS nurses or in general)  "

...........plus... Che a RebEL with a cause but honestly realising that those around him do not have the values ...familar ?

...( https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/10/25/heart-of-darkness-che-guevaras-congo/ ) ,,a book...

    ChriS > ( what i cALL "USAcorp" ... supported and in many cases engendered every right wing military dictatorship in the world after the end of the Second World War. I refer to Indonesia, Greece, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Haiti, Turkey, the Philippines, Guatemala, El Salvador, and, of course, Chile. .... "has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good."  ).." Sadly, most Democrats who think about such things likely now believe along with “left” MSNBC that the longtime Repubican and leading imperial front man Colin Powell was a good person instead of what he really was: an outwardly polite agent of the world’s greatest killing machine."

Paul Street’s article.....and more about the CRIMES of USAcorp war(mongering) :hero: Colin POWELL .. deceased! ( counterpunch.org/2021/10/27/colin-powell-and-imperial-crimes-that-happen-but-dont ) .. "  From My Lai to WMD Lie   " In dominant capitalist-imperialist media, America’s imperial crimes are airbrushed out of historical memory, like they never took place......how the US sponsored and equipped the rise of Islamo-fundamentalist terrorism in Afghanistan as part of its late Cold War with the Soviet. (Bola Boluk .. dozens of children were blown to bits by American bombs in May of 2009. (Drone war master assassin Barack Obama refused to apologize,) "...AND do the americans really fear the chinese now that the average person there has bought into the consumer-obsesse society that has poisoned OUR world ??? really???? ( www.counterpunch.org/2021/10/24/chinas-winding-road-toward-capitalism ...   _)  "

AND;   ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dont mention the war, or their holocaust, I have Campaigned vigourously againt "germoney" and their (on going shame of..the holocaust, however ...a comment by a football coach Joey Barton is blown up ..and i DARE to  remind those who complain that their action in Palestine do NOTHING to ensure sympathy for the horrors their people endured continues... see (  https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40731762.html?  )   and on a lighter note ???   

lesser mancs 0 LIVERPOOL FIVE  and the comments are (happily) focussed on the BUSINESS damages of the USAcorp owned manchester club...

UNhappily my TEAM is infested by similar USAcorp sharks... https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40728945.html

ChRiS>  I understand the feelings related about Che in Congo, similar feelings here... the potential of heaven here in "Monty" but...

made hell by the absence of courage & will... to improve their society OTHER than via personal greed!  ....I am not in the same "league"..

as Che, Ghandi, Mandela, Luther King or Malcolm X ...but i perceive an inner struggle, why..? am i doing this... when the "eternal conflict"

will always be there... it MUSt be "to enjoy/experience the journey" !  ... about a 10 days ago I decided to try to find a path abobe Miriste to the main road (to Rose) ... i walka part of the way up the hill at the end of "phase 1"... there seemed to be something like a path..

but i had to struggle through some bushes, THERE was EVEN an empty bottle, which indicated a) the usual lazy local discarding rubbish and b)

someone had passed this way at some starge ..before??  ...

However, as I fought though more and more bushes, the incline got steeper and the bushes thicker until after a few small cuts on my bare legs,,

i could go no further up nor back..stone walls added to the thick bushes concerned me.. so I went sideways...and maybe thats been the moral of my own jouncy, up, down or sideways ..i continue, and like Che, this last decades adventures have aged me (physically) ..although I am fitter than ever in energy ,,my face has more lines ..have i lost my humour... no...Chris .."he is NOT the messiah, he is a naughty boy" (;line from "life of Brian") makes me smile. if i get too egoistic...

..This weekend , instead of celebrating the Celts new yearwith Guiness & irish whisky  in an Irish Pub, i am without party (2 years running, last years PLANdemic lockdown killed that years social life..)

..........still others have it worse,,,we all tend to dwell TOO much on our own existence... I am quitting (profile Christopher Richard Smith)

the ant social media & its net dictatorship..Facist book with their "community standards: must have blocked over a hundred posts this year

MEwe may go the same way,,, but the "anonymous REdGEMnet/LbiRD co-op" that I initiated may give me more adventures ..i have spent far too much time on the anti-social media of USAcorp dominated networks especially during the last 2 decades ..and neglected personal contacts..apart from football and hosting...

relationships come & go so quickly, ...my choice? as Jacqui (who was married to me for 12 years) called me a cynical optimist...

i know its impossible but will do whatever, anyway! ....being alone (but not lonely ) is ironic  for a "gemini" communicator as I am..

the football itself is something i hunger for,,,but equally the chance to debate or reflect with others before or after the game was almost equally (sometimes even more) valuable..  ..Hosting I will also miss, as the idiots have spoiled it..the wrong people travel, NOW , or since a few years,,, previously i had guests who seemed to want to spent time with ME, rather than me be a 'cheap hostel" they can sleep at!

..so  ....(copied from CSerS diary) .....with personal greetings & best wishes on your day ; 

...i am moving from f book due to the obstructions to free speech  7 media dictatorship...

/..... you may find me at mewe (.com)  chrissmith1059 ((join free without blocks)  the "link" to OUR own;

join or support REdGEMnet/LbiRDco-op  (worldwide groups) email; fumission@ursun.

ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN   ....


* .... a pARTING message to the 4 thousand or so personal ("f b friends" ) contacts (not all are True REbEL REdS.. ... I may RETURN next may

if I (goodness willing, I\A ) or F book still exists ...and shARE birthday messages.. :) even if you havent been in touch or :joined: the fight...

happy birthday to you all whose days are in between now & then... :)


* a TIP for someone who keeps forgetting things//... I used to guide/advise/manage other managers ..and sometimes simple methods are best;

a) make a list of things to do...

b) be HONEST and put the most DIFFICULT of the IMPORTANT items at the TOP od the list in order of difficulty (worst at top)

c) discipline yourSELF, do the worse first and the 2nd worst next and so on...

(you may find that the worst wasnt so bad, and that your energy & self belief increases as you complete the hardest tasks..) ;)

it works IF you are HONEST with yourself!

*one of the caffes i visit in the region has beautifully carved HEAVY wooden furniture, which I discovered was IMPORTED from the far east,,

(the shipping costs must have been immense!) i dont want "locallogging" but,..surely there must be local carpenters that could equal the design..

if i was in charge I would enrol students in "export initiative" because anything "natural" food drinks,. can be made & exported as the climate is perfect

for growth (see "lazy")

* lazy..is a word often used by others in the balkans to describe Montenegrins...i used to argue, in defence, that , as I experienced in my first summer here..

that when you have 3 months or so of constant 40c plus temperature , i also felt "lazy" ..but its an excuse...some are not ..but growing up..

...in "paradise" (also the word for tomato!) can lead to a "careless" attitude...however I blame the parents & their ancestors..something went wrong...

their GOD gave them "HEAVEN"  and they sold it to the highest bidder! (there are are a few exceptions, but very few)

* I now am getting fitter & slimmer than maybe at any time since I was in conflict with "germoney" 1996-2006.. i have been here longer??

anyway , I HIKE (apart from mountain climbing up the "easy footpaths" ..) ... and I walk the "racing line" (formula 1 fans will understand)

but only because there are few cars on the road when I usually walk (early) otherwise they would run over me, and keep on....!

....a lot of "chat" on local radio about "fascism"  seems most of them have missed the point...

considering the majority have prejudices about the people who live a few kms ( my taxi driver also repeatedly said about his compatriots 

.."too many are only pleased if their neighbour's cow dies" ..a metaphor..)...their NON-immigration polcies in the balkans are based

on prejudice and protectionism, bias & bigotry... such things are the breeding ground for racism & fascists... which many are by "apathy"..

a reminder to any "carers"..

 with personal greetings... I am currently based, since about a decade in Montenegro...

 and wondered where & what you are doing , private or career ... just a friendly contact, thats all, 

as I am leaving "(anti) social media" to focus on my aims & objectives..

I would be very pleased to read something from you

take care, & best  wishes


alternative email ; ngo@mypod-


(link seperated to stop f book gestapo etc blocking this message!)


withdrawing from f book by end october

support ChRiSliveCAMPAIgn  ... 2023!

 & join REdGEMnet/LbiRDco-op 

only reply via email

or mewe.com   /i/chrissmith1059

and ;    


p.a. I have added pics ...my campaign, a birthday message and a "compilation of my favourite ironic .jpgs ..;)

On 10/1/21 8:07 AM, chris@ursun.net wrote:

> ..

> ChhRiS >  ....ChRiS exiled im Monty-land is HUNTING REd (October)  www.cser5.blogspot.com


> a GREAT "hvala" to Mr. xxxxx now we are testing the link on our own global social media

> ( my acer is in repair shop but my old toshiba is a bit slow, but functions, ;)

> ..........the ChRiS ; LbiRDco-op/REdGEMnet flies ..


> f book goons spent so much time with "community standards" & other blocks on here & twatter

> and stopped almost all invitations to join mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059 that they missed the action!! ha ha ha!


> ........personal contacts may still connect with me , but only with comments & probably i will still do the "birthday greets"

> if I "find time" Y N W A with hope ,,,and (startegic energy) ;)

> old

> Zoorro see ; Ban B trekking group event on F book and;

> _________________________________________

..via ..via Unsub B ... decided to spread it around ...as they ban all of our posts, emails, logs or on their  "game of THORNS" biased anti-social media  previosuly reacted at   



I cleaned up the coast ..but the 2 legged sharks are still there ... i have faith they will suffer, karma is MY friend!

.........i just have to plant some seeds in one part of "big blue" ruined caffe on the :wild beach: and take out the plastic/beer cans

from the the other part...  but apart from the expected erosion of the atmosphere ... this...

.............manchester (dis)united 0, zero, nada ... LIVERPOOL  FIVE , 5, cinque , pfunf!  ha ha ha ha ...and I expected it

as I made a special pre match video (not yet banned?) on u tube:  /...  

OUR REdS v "them"  see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALni9ObVtFE


anyway back to the recent articles on the so called "counter punch" i think actually thats the name of the drink because they fail to pack any impact ...getting celebs to say nice things dont cut it,  get off your arses and on the street, get arrested ..EARN some credibility..!

.........."nice article" by this hellenic writer... also nice to take THE BLAME for inventing "civilization..politics technical engineering, science & law and such........ look at the world YOU complain about ..its called :civilization: and its a disaster!  .. www.counterpunch.org/2021/10/22/the-beautiful-and-the-good ... !! oh dear,  how easily fooled you have all become !  ...

////////////////////see "dont know"  & govt problem in Montv (hostile_) (*u sb)


Eve Ottenberg is a novelis...who wrote ;  www.counterpunch.org/2021/10/22/the-rightwing-horror-that-wont-go-away

....TRump was / and may  again be,,, the President the sheeple of USAcorp & worldwide deserve,, not ONE of them since the 

days of Bobby, Luther King & Malcolm X have deserved RESPECT..devolved in line with their public ..if John Wayne was alive

they would elect him..or "trigger" IT DOES NOT MATTER BECAUSE THE WAR BIZ/BIG PHARMA/OIL/COBSTRUCTION manipulators decide their

"game of THORNS " polciies and the rest of the world is full of cowards & jackals ..too weak or corrupt to make a better world!

............I covered this on MonTV,,, who made USAcorp the global sheriff???  pointing fingers at the chinese desite a century

or dictating what other nations should do (namely repeat failures of USAcorp |policies__) https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/10/22/can-we-avoid-a-catastrophic-war-with-china .....they need WAR to justify spending trillions on military weapons & recruitment of the stupid!

..................( pic war is mOney? from monty..)  and "workers of the world unit(sTRIKEWORKERS)  ..and 1 freedom v slave.. (from zmonty)?

............also continues  the "employment discussion"  ..(   https://www.counterpunch.org/2021/10/22/workers-are-walking-out/    )  " The working class is cornered but the working class is fighting back.

It’s a two-pronged labor revolt: an organized strike wave and an unorganized but much larger movement in which millions of workers are quitting their damned jobs. The corporate media is calling it the “Great Resignation.” It’s less polite than that — millions have simply walked off without giving notice. They are not looking back.

This is good news. The only way for us to learn how to exercise power is to practice exerting it. The strike wave and the record-setting walkouts are so full of promise because the people are acting on their own behalf — on their own interests — both collective and individual. "M...  (  and ....+ The wealth of America’s billionaire class swelled by 70% over the pLandemic) and... ( + Projected military spending by the US over the next decade is projected to top $8.3 trillion, ...  The top 1% gained over $6.5 trillion in corporate equities and mutual fund wealth during the pLandemic,  )

..................."  (decent article by   Richard Moser , WHO writes at befreedom.co )   .....'how little the bosses cared if we live or die.  Fifty trillion dollars have been redistributed to the 1% since the mid-1970s with the corporate-bought politicians playing bag man     "     s... IT IS WORLWIDE ..REBELLION AND GENERAL STRIKE is VITAL for Nature AND HUMANITY>>> stand Up all you cowards!!

p..s.   footy related ;  (  https://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40728237.html  ) why male a fuss about the arabs ,

the billioanaire USAcorp sharks have INFESTED man utd & Lfc!!! ???


--------------.to all (or any?) contacts ; 

.Hiya ..with personal greetings... I am currently based, since about a decade in Montenegro...

 and wondered where & what you are doing , private or career ... just a friendly contact, thats all, 

as I am leaving "(anti) social media" to focus on my aims & objectives..

I would be very pleased to read something from you

take care, & best  wishes


alternative email ; ngo@mypod-net.

https://cser5.blogspot.  com 

(link seperated to stop f book gestapo etc blocking this message!)

withdrawing from f book by end october

support ChRiSliveCAMPAIgn  ... 2023!

 & join REdGEMnet/LbiRDco-op 

only reply via email

or mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059



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