Wednesday, October 13, 2021

MONTV updating (inc ChRiS diary - banned) hunting (still) for REd (October) ;)

.... 211022/23/24 + this is  sort of diary response to the "supposed counter-punch media " ...   


.........they have picked  up on the abuse to natives to fill their publication.. but any citizen of USAcorp to have ANY crdibility

must:  a) state they are subjects of a fascist FUBAR society  b) boycott the (fake) elections c) give their worth to the natives

(- minus the minum wage ..then they might have earned the right to comment... 

see  ...  (  )

....     quoting "  summer 2021, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris came to Central America and told would-be migrants: “Do not come.” More recently, photos of U.S. Border Patrol agents whipping Haitian refugees in the Texas desert brutally drove that message home.  "

............a familar story ???   "  livelihoods are threatened by the expansion of the global tourist industry, African palm plantations, so-called “Special Economic Development and Employment Zones” (also called Model Cities), and drug cartels that run cocaine through our territories, destined for U.S. markets. We’re also under threat from gated retirement communities with U.S. and Canadian financing, as well as mining and hydroelectric projects, including projects with development bank financing.  we are threatened, forcibly disappeared, or murdered — threats made all the more dangerous by the security assistance the corrupt Honduran state receives from Washington.

In the last few years, we have counted 50 assassinations of Garífuna people and dozens of cases of legal persecution. Meanwhile our young people are abandoning their communities in droves as a result of the violence, persecution, and lack of healthy living conditions. .... this Indigenous People’s Day, we condemn the assault on Indigenous peoples throughout our hemisphere — as well as the brutal mistreatment of migrants seeking safety and opportunity. OFRANEH and the Garifuna will continue our fight to live and prosper in Honduras. As for the politicians who would tell us “do not come,” we call on them to stop backing the regimes that would displace us. Miriam Miranda is General Coordinator of OFRANEH, " .....

AND ;    

..............? "   Forests can heal us if we could just slow down enough to accept her many gifts. (  see ..  )   " the timber industry and its partners in crimes against nature, see only “natural capital” as an engine to generate corporate profit. The more acres of nature converted to profit, the greater their bottom line. Measuring a forest’s value only in dollars is ceremonial cult worship. Propaganda (false narratives to divert our gaze away from clearcutting) manipulates public perception by distorting what’s really happening to public forests and the deadly effects on all local lifeforms.  "In  over four decades now, the propaganda produced by the private-public partnership that created modern industrial logging after the end of WWII, has kept pace with the expanded use of heavy machinery to extract and process logs. ...""""""" Machines turn forest magic and wonderment into mass psychotic nightmares. Won’t you help stop this deforestation madness? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????  " 

..................whilst the leading MADMEN argue ...discuss & argue ..discuss and talk and meet & conference ..whilst OUR world goes down the toilet ...... !!!!  see :  (    ) ...and stupid journos report when they need to be protesting and obstructing the crimonals in goct & USAcorp! ...."  Put it another way, the greatest menace to the west is not the unlikely prospect of president Xi Jinping invading Taiwan or Putin doing the same in Ukraine, but the disappearance of ice in the Arctic bringing about a global sea rise..."  ...!!!!!! ..."  most dreaded consequences of the climate crisis are still in the future, even if there may be signs of disasters to come in the wildfires in Australia and California and the increasing desertification of countries in the Middle East and North Africa from Iraq to Chad. People may speak of making sacrifices for their grandchildren and for future generations, but they seldom expect to do so in practice. “Do it for posterity,” urges the old joke often attributed to Groucho Marx, but in fact much older. “But what has posterity every done for me?” comes the reply.  "  " .... An international jamboree like Cop26 will be full of rhetorical appeals for global action and solidarity. As during the pandemic, real action, if it happens at all, will be by nation states acting in their own interests. Despite all the apocalyptic predictions of climate catastrophe, the moment when these countries really believe that they face an existential threat has yet to arrive.

         Patrick Cockburn is the author of War in the Age of Trump "

BUT THEN   ..... this mag spoils all the good stuff with such a STUPID headline  (   )/...a) I CAN PROTEST AGAINST THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR WORLD BY THE SELFISH and challenge their EXPLOITATION 7 EXAGGERATION OF A THREAT LESS DANGEROUS THAN AT LEAST 10 OTHER THREATS TO HUMANITY.!!!  SO FECK YOU..COUNTER-PUNCH BY DANIEL WARNER....... b) YOU ARE ALSO STUPID STATING THIS IS A 'POST FACT" WORLD ...AS IF THEY NEVER LIED TO US IN THE PAST ..HA HA HA , YOU ARE FECKING IDIOT , Daniel!!! and discredits the mag by publishing this sort of viased crap!! ... "  The statistic that tells us that people who are not vaccinated have a greater risk of winding up in the intensive care unit in a hospital cannot be refuted  " is a VERY stupid thing to write .... who makes "stats" ???? idiot!  .. "  And certain facts should be beyond questions of belief or leaps of faith. " ..//...

what a C&NT! 

 ChRiS>..who says what a "FACT"  is?  a sponsored expert?  who deals in fair ?  who is impartial when every "expert" canbe bought or threatened to say what the sharks want ,,,what a pratt!  ...  no USAcorp exec, doctor, scientist or goct employee has rearnt any right to be believes nor should the "facts" of their "game of THORNS"  be accepted  Per say ! ..wake up to fools like this!! challenge EVERYTHING

..........  1.  not one person on our worldwide groups (over 300) has told of a previously healthy person of average age dying PURELY from X19...

and 2. yet i can feel and SEE the environmental; damage... that info I trust mate!


more from their "game of THORNS" ;;

.............ChRiS> .........we have called for rebellion since 1995 ... when I "dropped out" realising the evil of the system dictated to by the selfish USAcorp system teaching selfish attitudes polluting OUR air, water, seas, land, food & minds of our kids,,, 

( ) ///....  "  quitters are making a powerful, positive and self-affirming statement saying that they won’t take the abusive behavior any longer.”  " Non-union workers like McGrath and Ragland hired by historically anti-union companies like Walmart might have been able to organize their fellow workers instead of resorting to individual resignations. While viral social media posts of quitting are impactful in driving the conversation around worker dissatisfaction, they have little direct bearing on the lives of the workers and the colleagues they leave behind......One example of how union organizing made a concrete difference to working conditions is a new contract that 7,000 drug store workers at Rite Aid and CVS stores  "...."  as workers continue to quit their jobs, and as strikes among unionized workers grow, employers ignore the warning signs of rage and frustration at their peril.This article was produced by Economy for All, a project of the Independent Media Institute. by Sonali Kolhatkar   " also (  ) ....."   ‘withholding their labor’ searching for better pay and a future....We are witnessing the ‘Great Strike of 2021’ and it’s composed mostly of millions low paid non-unionized workers!  " ... : "  " ....... not returning to work out of choice—i.e. they are ‘withholding their labor’. They are in effect on strike for something better.

While most are low paid, their ranks aren’t limited to just those industries that first come to mind—like hospitality or retail work.  The ranks of the low paid are common across nearly all industries.... "  .... " The Great Strike of 2021 is but the symptom. Product markets and global distribution of goods and services are under similar great stress and change as well.  Not least, the full effect of financial asset markets—i.e. stocks, bonds, derivatives, forex, digital currency, etc.—is yet to be felt as well. That one is yet to come and when it does may prove the most de-stabilizing of all. Jack Rasmus " ... 

 as many promises are being made ( )      _    again... "  ///....  Those of us on the left who are committed to socialism know that as long as the means of production are in the hands of a few, the wealth that is generated in the production process will continue to produce obscene levels of wealth inequality in capitalist societies that translates into the power to dominate, dehumanize, and degrade the rest of us..

So, we should accept these reforms but fight for more. Workers, in particular women workers, will benefit materially if those provisions that address child poverty, childcare, the grotesque levels of maternal and infant mortality among Black and Brown working class women. And, therefore, cannot be casually dismissed as unimportant.But we will not give unearned praise to our class enemies. We must fight even more furiously knowing that they fear us, and that victory is ours to claim. Ajamu Baraka "   also ; ( )  ....the filthy rich of USAxorp can give some (a lot of it) back because u are all going to die  soon anyway.. " Non-reformist reforms, sometimes called radical reforms, are ones that improve people’s lives, cannot be fully achieved in a capitalist society, build social consciousness and people’s and organizational  capacity to make further demands. "

we talked about Tom Hanks..there are some questions ... ( )

and  the fascism in "REd state "  (ironic that the right wing use Red when Blue is usually related  to capitalist-conservative fascism...

(in my book) ;)   ( )

..........USAcorp drugged sheeple... and the   C ,,nts  I diots A holes ;;; a.k.a  C 1 A ///....& co...

ChRiS> mind you ,,a "caveat" ;   arent all the USAcorp sheeple (inc writers * and journos ) all drug addicted (posioned inds & bodies)

........ (   ) ;) ......

never mind Texas, Califoria, or Ohio...they should re name all the USAcorp states "  hypochondria  " ..their sheeple just swallow any old BS!

as the C1A/NSA/homeland security etc etc  & the other dark ops of govt & private security agences outnumber the "persons of interest" (suspected terrorist/spies againt USAcorp) by abut a million to ONE !!!  ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ....!!!! more BS at ( ) ...  " a treaty with Australia to provide nuclear submarine technology. The United States hasn’t provided such technology to any nation since the late 1950s, and the Australian treaty violates the spirit of the Non-Proliferation Treaty of the late 1960s  "  .....

doesnt matter which "politics" their president states..the WAR Biz sharks will dictate that USAcorp always does... incite cold or actual WAR to sell weapons & employ their low class youth in military,..

NOTE :     ......1979 to 1989, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Navy SEALs, and Green Berets, with help from Britain’s Military Intelligence Section Six (MI6) and Special Air Service (SAS), ran Operation Cyclone: the funding, arming, training, and organizing of tens of thousands of mujahideen (“freedom fighters”) from dozens of Muslim-majority countries. This “had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap,” in the words of one of Cyclone’s architects, Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-2017)—Afghanistan being the famous “Graveyard of Empires.” The CIA later rebranded the mujahideen “al-Qaeda” and cited their presence in Afghanistan as justification for the US-led occupation, which started shortly after 9/11.

Cyclone did to Afghanistan what Operation Timber Sycamore has done more recently to Syria: triggered a refugee crisis of millions, reduced developed areas of the country to rubble, killed hundreds of thousands of people, ;;;;;;;

.........talking of aholes ;  (  )

 (died of C19 ,are u sure?  maybe it was anon...?  )  ... " seem to enjoy sanitizing the murderous lives of the ruling class ....

The man who helped whitewash the massacre of civilians at My Lai during the war against Vietnam, pushed hard for the Gulf War in the 1990s, and gave the green light to Ariel Sharon in his murderous assault on civilians in Jenin and land grabs in the occupied West Bank, also sold the war against Iraq at the beginning of this century with a fistful of lies. Iraq never attacked the US. It did not have “weapons of mass destruction.”  "   is right!!!/// ....."  this same week we lost Sister Megan Rice who was 91 years old. Rice was imprisoned for two years in federal prison when she was in her 80s after she broke into a government complex to protest nuclear weapons.  .......... " ‘There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.” And, despite the enormous effort made, that shame cannot be sponged away in death.  "  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


.......................................   211019/20/21               

           PRE lessermancs v LIVERPOOL .. in yellow or white..?



a good hike through the beautiful peninsula of "tomato republik" ...


   ChRiS> I decided to add my diary to MONTV as the USAcorp; F book gestapo & fen way fascist goons
         ,,wont even let my "birthday mesages" get posted on your "anti-soclal media"  so  ... "from ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN in X-isle"

................sunday during my 20kms "Hike" and in reflcetion to comments below on the "super rich " and F U B A R
("fecked Up Beyond All REcognition") (anti)social world of their game of THORNS/.. that the clothes i was wearing cost a mere 35 euros..
........and the articles i refer to now by :american counter-punch writers: make me smile (wry) they P*SS ME OFF!!!!...
...AS IF EVERYONE is just coming to terms that what i call "USA corp" is fascist state???? ... the state was formed on violence
and the GENOCIDE of its TRUE NATIVES FFS!  ....  ...  " United States is heading into its greatest political and constitutional crisis since the Civil War, " ...bye bye planet!!   .." racist, sexist, and nativist white Americans, many if not most of them armed, are angrily panting for the Amerikaner Party of Trump’s (APoT’s) return to full national power " (and global new world disorder?_)

ChRiS>   idiots worrying about an exploited flu bug need to think that USAcorp is unstable and yet has enough nukes to wipe OUT
the surface of the planet several times over.... by accident or decision... !! you were warned so many times about them!! ..and ; 
 .............quoting     "  + Americans are paying pharmaceutical corporations more for the world’s 20 top-selling drugs than the rest of the world combined. "     ...oh dont forget how the USAcorp took a flu bug and turned it into a "marketed" exploitation to sell over 500 BILLION USD
of NEW "biz" ...almost as profitable as WAR !!! ?? plenty at of reasons why USAcorp is FUBAR at (   ) or how about another "excuse" to provoke war biz versus china;;;;   " + 50% of all new solar power in the world is being produced in China. In 2020, China’s solar power generation reached 142 billion kWh. ....NOTE ..the decapitated rain forest NOW PRODUCES C02..&  in the next five years, the earth’s atmospheric CO2 will top 427 parts per million, surpassing the peak of the mid-Pliocene "

....  Jeffrey St. Clair is editor of CounterPunch and should lay of the promo of their PLANdemic and get on the streets, ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN SOFT WORDS... MAKE THE NEWS , dont just report it!!!  ??????


...............and if anyone needs to see the effect capital-fascism and its game of THORNS mainSCRREAMediahas on "sport"
look at the english PLASTIC money (premiere ) league,, ( refering to )

or seek "Potemkinleague " on u tube around 15 years ago...the fraudulent blue mancs con their way around FFF rules & laugh at the also corrupt UEFA .. all (or any?) contacts ; 
.Hiya ..with personal greetings... I am currently based, since about a decade in Montenegro...
 and wondered where & what you are doing , private or career ... just a friendly contact, thats all, 
as I am leaving "(anti) social media" to focus on my aims & objectoves..
I would be very pleased to read something from you
take care, & best  wishes

alternative email ;

https://cser5.blogspot.  com 
(link seperated to stop f book gestapo etc blocking this message!)

withdrawing from f book by end october
support ChRiSliveCAMPAIgn  ... 2023!
 & join REdGEMnet/LbiRDco-op 

only reply via email


           catch  up with    montv previous ; and seee first ;

see first ;


be a REbEL, local & Global ... 😉    with personal greetings! & to all TRUE REbEL REdS! 

! J4t97_32yrs (no JUSTICE yet on earth!) & ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN  @ our REdGEMnet RebEL REdS MEd1ATEAM proposals & more @

...................from ChRiS; diary ... local & global; 

kixak..... ????


GOOD wishes  

         on YOUR day!   ... off iine notes (X-isle) ;)  211011 - 211013 ...

as F (ascist ) book block me from posting my Video news or on groups, or even birthday messages are "HIT" by their bogus "community standards BS" ...

i will leave here by end of october,,17 days at time of writing..offline in exile... but the EuVcS .. (Euro Viet Cong Socialist) ..lives

and wioll attack USAcorp (& fen way) sharks, jackals clones & sheeple in ways you cannot defend! :)

join ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN ;   via mewe. com  /i/chrissmith1059 (free connection to REdGEMnet/LbiRDco-op shareholding of LIVERPOOL 2023 !   and v 

human rights violations  and other forms of corruption recorded comcerning local & global state officials, court members, attorneys, police & others! 

#activate_CgamePLANow  and https://cser5.blogspot. com/2021/09/chris-exiled-im-monty-land-is-hunting.html


..........hiking from Mir to Rose ..avoiding the hunters with guns ready on the street,,, and dogs loose to bite the strangers

,,,,, i have to laugh at me and the locals...they are never walking.. its now 7 or 8 times i walked to Rose (the "st tropez of Montenegro" )\

,,,,,,,,,,there are 400 steps up from Rose to the "footpatch" (of rocks) leading to the road connecting to ..."Home base"..

.....this morning the cat family left me a here is my "french lesson" (not a french letter)

although I met a PSG fan in Rose...

..........Le chat est sur la mur!   my translation into scouse ;  " the fecking cat shat on my terrace last night" ;)


(I am rmed with stick ha ha ha)

Hello SHEEPLE, local & global...  DICTATORSHIP via (anti)SOCIAL media !!!!!!!

THIS is the world caused by your GLOBAL CAPITUALATION TO AN EXPLOITED AND EXAGGERATED RISK, not even in the top 10 of risk to HUMANITY!!!

also on their "persons of interest" any LOG involving me... also & REbEL REdS MEd1ATEAM at and all connections being blocked to the alternative 

social media ; REdGEMnet/LbiRDco-op...\\\ ????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

AND now at until that too is blocked by your MASTERS!

ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN ;  I/we hereby inform that our campaign opposes EU membership/continual use of euro money due to the numerous 

human rights violations  and other forms of corruption recorded comcerning MNE state officials, court members, attorneys, police & others! 


we must be the euro-VietCONG using non violent but consequential opposition and civil disobedience,

in small & great "surprise" wherever, by whoever, however we will..overcome the F U B A R sharks & their obedient jackals & sheeple!


ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN ;  I/we hereby inform that our campaign opposes EU membership/continual use of euro money due to the numerous 

human rights violations  and other forms of corruption recorded comcerning MNE state officials, court members, attorneys, police & others! 

#activate_CgamePLANow  and


-211 007  during attack by the F U BAR MASKerAIDing gamne of THORNS goons....   at time of offline writing  ... ober 16 hours off line... no reason that u will come to join me in the local * global REbellioN at the Tomato republik s home base is there??

anwaering your last email , thanks Conny, in "conversation" style... (code "activate CgamePLAnow:)  ..i hope u got the reply..

.........................ditto Sanja , Adam (BW request) & Michal..Sp .& .( he of the Recivic "betrayal" )

se.......txt file : ChRiSvEE-eui70923FU21102 updated & DISTRIBUTED via (testing) REdGEMnet/LbiRDco-op comms! :P

as radio & TV broadcast "virus news" before threats of WW3, pollution of the atmosphere, or still 25,000 kids dying daily of malnutrition related disease.. (because these items do not make profit for the sharks, do they???)

.....I really like John Oliver..but whether its part of his remit to get broadcasted by the quasi-establishment

.....( you the so called "opposition" media that pay LIP SERVICE to complaining about their "establishment" in the USAcorp regime..

....but really wear suits & ties & play to the public,, and seem to think bland insults & swearing makes them "trendy"

(well I suppose it does to many of the addicted sheeple..)  .. so when the subject is internet & "misinformation" John

an "ex scouser" ... a celebrity Lfc fan to boot.. and I would like to boot u over this,,, should just hold your hands UP and

admit that its NO "right wing" to demand the freedom of choice..NOT to swallow the PLANdemic con..this biggest con of 2000 years..

........that the MASKerAIDS, their rsetrictions (anti-social distancing etc) the fascist application, the police brutality against



then there is ...

//////////////   this article that whilst highlighting that 50 more people/families became BILLIONAIRES during the PLAN demic 

(thats 1000,000,000 USD in money or financial/material  assets.. WHY do I rebel/..

because YOU the sheeple ..caused this..the several hundred billionaires got ricjer by connming you...whilst many of you lost incomes, homes or jobs..HOW stupid are you>. this is an ok article..BUT mentions 700,000 deaths through c19???  ANO..

discount how many of those would have or DID die of age related diseases ..and the many clinics & hospotals recors that claimed deaths were "corona" because ir was simplere or benefitetd from grants & other assiarnce from state or gates ..for having dealt with their PLANdemic "front line"   

The Rich are Different: They’re Richer Than Us and Far Greedier

BY DAVE LINDORFF ( _)  "   the raising of the top rate by 2.6 percentage points means that a family that was making $800,000 a year, would have $297,000 of that princely sum taxed at 39.6% instead of last year’s 37%, and would end up socked with an additional $5200 in income tax....

Does anyone, poor, middle income or rich really think that amount of extra tax for a family making $800,000 in a year is something to whine about or even think about?

It’s ludicrous! .........  (*snip) public to wake up! There is a class war raging, one that’s being fought by the ruling class of billionaires and millionaires against the rest of us. And the rich are winning! "

ChRiS>  .... I used to help small to medium enterprise use the ideas of the rich tax advisors...which also got me into confliect with "the establissment"  ////  Bob Dylan..."  if you or i steal a dollar , they put us in jail, if the rich steal a million they make him king!"

------------------why will i die fighting????? 

..........really the tendence to blame Marx ..who had his positive & negative aspect for the failure of the soviet (which wasnt socialism)

 system...... is like blaming Jesus Christ for what the church has done to society since 2000 years!  really feminists need to show they are not the same as the rest of the idiots who enrole their kids in the "system" generation after generation..

look at the mess the world is in and ask yourself what qualifications has any parent to do that to a child???_

....  may as well have bought their kids a 3rd class ticket to the maiden voyage of the titamic..(KNOWING it will sink)

...feck OFF!.(. ....article & book awaste of space)

.....   ..USAcorp is a fascist state.... it uses violence, war prisons...e.g  guantanamo with inmates kept for decades without processing them for the crimes they were supposed arrested for..but USAcorp NEVER allows its war or other crimes to be punished by "others" the UN is sogft, the SCHR ineffective and USAcorp simply ignore the hague international feck them , i mean really feck the USAcorp and its sheeple..ban them from every other nation, insiste on visas all the billionaires a million dollars every time stheir privte jets invade our air speace.. then we might start to have some equality & awarenes...or world war :)  ..   ...

(see the video  of 1992  (Severn Suzuki) at UN!..a child explains that your governments are SH&TE!....but ..that was 30 years ago..and its worse now...!!)

................and another rant from Pie!!..:) v tories sh&te too..-more darkness  at


___________________________--for ??? UnSUB - C ?? /REddawn logs ???  211  009

is there anywhere in the world that the USAcorp /a.k.a Central Idiot agency (C1A) has not stoked the war & troubles 

so that their WAR biz can sell more weapons. .,,, and the next USAcorp sponsored fake president can "rescue" from ?? ; 

socialism/communism/ISLAM/buddism....or FREEDOM?????

also from "counter(sometimes)punch(rarely) ..take the fecking gloves off ...!!  FFS  ..with extracts from the F U B A R world game of THORNS

(    "   September 3, 2021, Afghanistan’s former Vice President Amrullah Saleh tweeted, “The RESISTANCE is continuing and will continue. I am here with my soil, for my soil & defending its dignity.” A few days later, the Taliban took the Panjshir Valley, where Saleh had taken refuge for the past fortnight, and Saleh slipped across the border into Tajikistan. The resistance inside Afghanistan died down.

From 2001, Saleh had worked closely with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States 

and then had become the head of Afghanistan’s National Directorate of Security (2004-2010). 

He had previously worked closely with Ahmad Shah Massoud , ...>>>>>> of the right-wing Jamiat-e Islami and of the Northern Alliance.!!!!


ChRiS>  whilst the average sheeple wear maks & get vaxed ...the world goes down the toilet ...baaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

.plus ...a column by someone called John Feffer is about an hour 

too much for the sheeple to comprehend, for me it has the "Deja VU" feeling of about 25 years ago during the Koyoto environmental "summit"

(this world indicates the attending VIps are at the top..when really they represent the SCUM of this planet!  TWENTY five years of KNOWING that 

YOU are DESTROYING MY planet with your selfish/stupid way of life... dont talk about jobs..what good is a job if you cant breathe???

when you decide to vote for any of the liars, cheats or fools called "politicians" ...that may be the last thing you do before your life ends ...

extracted too from ( ....    ) 

 "  When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 and Russia emerged from its wreckage as the largest successor state, government officials in the newly elected administration of Boris Yeltsin teamed up with a cadre of foreign experts to chart a path into a post-Soviet system of democracy and free markets. The West offered billions of dollars in loans while the Russians generated more funds through the privatization of state assets. With all those resources, Russia could have become an enormous Sweden of the east.

Instead, much of that wealth disappeared into the pockets of newly minted oligarchs. During the 1990s, Russia suffered an economic catastrophe, (snip_)

. The Soviet Union once had the second largest economy on earth. Today, thanks only to a reliance on Soviet-era fossil-fuel and arms-export industries, 

Russia hovers just outside the top 10 in total economic output, ranking below Italy and India, but still manages only 78th place — that is, below Romania — in per-capita GDP.  


ChRiS> the russians "oligarths" just copied the methods of western sharks & the sponors of USAcorp (war & pharma policies)

& more BULLSHYTE of your F U B A R society at;



...because 99.999 % of YOUR worlds population are /.....sheeple.. 

support ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN when i am gone !!! :)

...........................footy ..

......  the "day trippers" who, IMO , are "tripping" with pro english plastic league & fen way shark cloned opinions & views,,

discuss   "fix international football" proposal : ban it ...if the usual IDIOTS whp

are employed by FIFA , UEFA and such fools that aways seem to get these "plumb jobs for the boys" and are almost ALWAYS the wrong choice...

cant treat players as FREE individuals and equally supporters who travel , freely.. (and stop joining the egaggerations of their PLANdemic...) then fecking ban & boycott the stupidit tournament... too many teams, now dominated by sposnors (cola scandal with Ronaldo etc) 

media & money as usual... CLUB football took over just about when they "converted" english & european football into the 

"champiosn league" and the english plastic money ("preniere" ) media & fools decide every issue and change the rules to make more moey for the rich...  feck off (and with respect to "ordinary decent criminal" )  DOUBLE FECK OFF!! 


Fix International football | The Forum | LFC Daytrippers


...Went for another 7 kms run about 05.30h this morning...stars still in the sky.. with a smiley moon;)

an hour running an hour (about 7/8kms is how much the average player runs in a match)

so i stay fit for whenever i can play footy again...many men wont get this & neither most fee-males..


         ...I...would MUCH rather play a GOOD competitive game of footy in a good Team than spend an hour in bed

with the most beautiful woman in the world!  thats how much i miss playing, training (even watching) football!


 is probably blocked by F book 

but you may connect with our SUPPORTERS worldwide via;

...  LbiRD EuRED group at



-211 007  during attack by the F U BAR MASKerAIDing gamne of THORNS goons....   at time of offline writing  ... ober 16 hours off line... no reason that u will come to join me in the local * global REbellioN at the Tomato republik s home base is there??

answering your last email , Conny, in "conversation" style... (code "activate CgamePLAnow:)

1 comment:

  1. ... 211017 .Hello ....only 15 days left to contact me and... join.....?

    Its been a long time , and about half an ocean has gone "under the bridge" since we met pre LOVERPOOL 08, etc..
    .......I am currently based, since about a decade in Montenegro... and wondered where & what you are doing
    private or ... just a friendly contact, thats all, as I am leaving "social media" to focus on my aims & objectoves..
    I would be very pleased to read something from you
    take care, best21 wishes
    ChriS SMITH

    alternative email ;

    withdrawing from f book by end october

    support REdGEMnet/LbiRDco-op

    only reply via email


    ____________________________21 10 16/17; just another 13 days to communicate with me before I withdraw from F book etc,,

    ( RED october pic)

    Friday was a bit difficult trying to shave in the dark.. *2nd power cut in the week ...why,( if they cut deliberately ) dont they cut in the night when U MAY be sleeping..i like to have a cuppa, at laest, before a 25kms hikeing dau!... saturday evening listening to local rock radio and starting to cook spuds on the terrace grill.,, a glass of vino helps.. and a new bottle of Loze from "Milan de Combi"..

    Saturday cleared the forecourt and the rubbish dumped at the back of the house (rear of HomeBASE) ...
    amazing how lazy & dirty people are...the stuff they dump when there is a place for their rubbish just a few metres away,,
    and "decorated" forcourt walls with stones.. a couple of runs to loosen up the muscles ...25kms walk (hike) friday,,
    if this continues i will have walked around 2000kms plus by the time everything opens up again, if i survive !! ;)

    .........walking back from Radovici AND DECIDEd to email my Strategy / link to ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN and CSerS diary...
    because these fecking writers are too soft & too long winded (whilst the general attitude of even "counter punch" is to condone to PLANdemic reactions...IF IT stops traffic/pollution and factory farming and the movement of people.. Ok but be honest ..if C19 was just a...
    sort of "decoy" to slow the population down ..then say so and say so i a few words because thats all the 99.99% of (anti) socialmedia/mobile phone ADDICTED sheeple can cope with (see log yesterday at
    Robert Hunziker lives in Los Angeles and can be reached at ( " scale of trouble never experienced by humankind as major carbon sinks start to fail, one after another. There are no backups, and once carbon sinks completely fail, climate change will be wide open for rapid-fire expansion " )

    ...... of course another lefty living in LA who doesnt get off his arse ...? why condone the focus on an exaggerated & exploited ("C.19:) threat, an albeit dangerous form of flu..but NOT the "death plagu" eSOLD to the (dumbed down) masses ... which scientists do we now believe the ones who told us since before "Kyoto" that the claimate change is "natural" ..or those wprkign for the gates-sponsored W.H.O. who want us all masked and VAXED, (chipped too?) or now the ones that admit that when this plant starts producing carbon Dioxide. its wants rid of the virus ,,,callled : sheeple: please Mr Gates be the first to sacrifuce yourself to the "cull" ..
