Wednesday, September 15, 2021

MONtV ... ChRiS v the USA corp enemy , allies , sharks , jackals & sheeple

 previous MONtv issuehttp://montv-chrislog.blogs/2021/09/montv-now-rebel-join-amandla-awethu 

... ChRiS  v the USA corp enemy , allies , sharks , jackals & sheeple   

https://plus ...not really "breaking"  except my laptop;

went for a 06h run up & down the Lucista hills ..7 kms without pause ! looking good
feelign FIT & IMMUNE to the BS! ha ha ha
reflecting on the practical cost of REBELLION ; as after the last email
and this
 (ADDITIONAL ARTICLES ETC)     and  the Anti-CHRIS LbiRD co-op video

??????  supporting the LIVERPOOL take over
action planned for 2023 & the (sabotaged) local academy for disadvantaged kids

i wonder why !!!!
haha ... F U too ;)

dare to open ;  and dare to UNDERSTAND your world is F U B A R!

210925ut will take you more than 5 minutes to consume ...

IF YOU dare ..via ;

an article so full of accusations against USAcorp 

( for the REALLY stupid amongst you, just imagine you are watching an old

"cowboy filM: BUT , in which the sheriff John Wayne is ROTTEN, through and THROUGH!!!! )... (After 20 Years of Failed War, Corporate Media Still Give Wars of Empire a Pass     BY ROBIN ANDERSEN )

these USAcorp C*nts own the internet , they fill your mobile phones with f book (vax etc) PR_opaganda ) 24.7 ..and you swallow their Shyte!!

FFS!  wake the feck up, sheeple!!  the same people who conned

you into a vax pasprts , hand wash BS!  & their MASKerAID..

made trillions on retaining the global WAR BIZ of their new world dis0rder


come on , can just one of you justify being a slave>????

to the fools who educated Bin Laden & Mujahadeen only to vilify them

when Islam became the convenient "enemy"  after the soviet collapse..

be a REbEL, local & Global ... 😉    with personal greetings! & to all TRUE REbEL REdS! 
! J4t97_32yrs (no JUSTICE yet on earth!) & ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN  @ our REdGEMnet RebEL REdS MEd1ATEAM proposals & more @

...Went for another 7 kms run about 05.30h this morning...stars still in the sky.. with a smiley moon;)
an hour running an hour (about 7/8kms is how much the average player runs in a match)

so i stay fit for whenever i can play footy again...many men wont get this & neither most fee-males..
         ...I...would MUCH rather play a GOOD competitive game of footy in a good Team than spend an hour in bed
with the most beautiful woman in the world!  thats how much i miss playing, training (even watching) football!
ChRiS is probably blocked by F book 
but you may connect with our SUPPORTERS worldwide via;
...  LbiRD EuRED group at


................................on the extracts from their game of THORNS MASKerAIDS ..a FUBAR world.. YOU made possible by surrender, apathy * selfish ignorance sheeple! ......................

the shame of the "standard Eagle"  
I have notices how dictatorship/empires MISuse the eagle they committed GEMOCIDE though OUT history,,,
(see the soft version of accusations when WE KNOW the USAcorp govt to BE war criminals...  ...
the USA should hive the natives their land back or compensate them with Trillions of dollars instead of buying 20 new super nukes
that could kill OTHER peoples.  ...too...

.....////////////   the USAcorp criminal military ..against the natives of the continent they invaded and illegally occupy..
wiping out million + natives whp respected nature & the environment , whilst modern USAcorp sell WAbiz, and pollute not only
the "american continent"  but OUR air, land, water, seas, foods & minds of our children with their rubbish!
,,,their :standard: "the american Eagle"  what a sham!  and shame... 

.........HITLER ... committed genocide on Jews & :other:  non aryan ..germans give the property & assets back!!  and FFS! 
COMPENSATE the "zwangsarbeiters"   (forced labour used by the Nazis durung WW2 and after during the re-building :miracle: that
became modern germoney...    .his symbol flag was of course the swaztika BUT the standard
banner carried the eagle... the same image design that the roman emire and its mercenary armies used....

         as the romans (and their eventual church) used worldwide to "colonise"  and wipe out alernative culture...
which is the basis of my CLAIM on behalf of the CELTS that the :European Continent" belongs to us, OR we are entited
to reclaim the land that is fenced or walled off by your vatious national dictatorhsips (bogus domocracies) ...
very few historians , (and certainly hardly any schools /universities ) inform the modern public that over a MILLION
:Celts"  were muredered or enslaved by the romans as they tore through europe since around 300 years BC!

This :balkan" region is OURS too...!  so remove your eagle flag from MY land!!


and the USAcorp shame in more detail, the murder of union members and violent supression of anyone who opposes their FACIST CAPITALISM!
...    throughout the violent formation & history, their "heroes" from general Grant, though Rockefeller & Bloomberg
incite murder & any other methods to SABOTAGE alter-natives & opposition... who polices the policemen when all those in the local
& global "legal system" is corrupt???? ..  however the writer (Paul Street) spoils this piece when comparing those who reject the 
vax/mark PLAndemic BS  with you lost the plot half way though .! ( )  . "  ./// many cops share the right-wing politics of many anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers.  "

.................and ... a similar idiotic article has the ASSumption that you should trust government ..even though they always lied???


" George Bush launched a war for oil and empire. In doing so he violated international law. The war on terror has proven to be a colossal and costly failure, but its military planners and perpetrators remain the objects of media admiration. A report from the Institute for Policy Studies calculates that the total “cost of US militarization since 9/11 is a staggering $21 trillion.” To date there has been no accountability for wars’ failures, for the trillions of dollars and the lives of 4,400 US service people, and no accountability for the atrocities perpetrated on the people of Middle East. Corporate media bitterly denounce President Biden, yet they give George W. Bush and the wars of empire a pass. US wars are still killing and starving people around the world. They are profitable for a few elites, the military-media-industrial-complex and the extractive industries, but they never result in peace and stability, and they rob the rest of the country of its wealth and well-being." :

(Robin Andersen ; Professor Emerita at Fordham University. )


"  US corporate media covered the chaos with images of hundreds of people jamming the runways and clinging onto aircraft or forcing their way into military transport planes. Focusing on the spectacle of the war’s end, in three days Afghanistan received more coverage than is had in years.

20 years earlier, the US Military said the bombing of Afghanistan was necessary to avenge the attacks on the World Trade Center, and thus began the longest war in US history. "

and... "  In the twisted logic of war journalism—only some lives are valuable, worthy of safety, security and dignity. The vast majority of those who suffer and die in war are not. For years, what FAIR has identified as “multitudes” of lives lost in Afghanistan and Iraq, died without witness, reporting, or care. They “simply go unmentioned.” During the US withdrawal of Afghanistan, Gregory Shupaksurveyed the editorial pages of five major US newspapers and noted that not one mentioned the 71,000 civilians killed noting, “civilians evidently aren’t significant enough to factor into ‘the cost’ of the war.”   "

and,, ;

and these C*nts also INFESTED my family community football club!! (LIVERPOOL)

" Daniel Hale a former U.S. Air Force intelligence analyst, who only three weeks earlier, was sentenced to 45 months in prison for leaking government documents “that exposed the inner workings and severe civilian costs of the U.S. military’s drone program.” When sentenced, Hale told the judge “I am here because I stole something that was never mine to take — precious human life.”   "

plus  " the military turned to secret operations by Special Forces, such as night raids and terror, and most importantly, drone bombs that carried out their deadly missions without fanfare or accolade. Secrecy perpetuated the myth of American moral superiority, gained through a war lexicon that the “beautiful” bombs “accurately target terrorists.” Always a lie, civilian bodies have simply been hidden.    .......... No reference is made to the 20-year history of violence perpetrated by the United States, or for example that Human Right Watch reported that in the first six months of 2019, the US and its partners in the Afghan government killed more civilians than the Taliban did. Yet over and over narratives portray the monstrous Taliban so depraved that they cannot be negotiated with. ............  “Could any war criminal ask to be remembered more fondly?” Rumsfeld’s reputation as the war visionary remained unsullied even in the face of an enemy who wanted to surrender, and later won. The Times makes no call for holding military planners accountable for squandering life and funding that could have been used to save the people and the planet. Instead,,,,,......  

They were trained in camps in Pakistan run by the CIA and Britain’s MI6. “Others were recruited at an Islamic College in Brooklyn, New York – within sight of the doomed Twin Towers. One of the recruits was a Saudi engineer called Osama bin Laden.”

Islamic fundamentalists were used in the proxy war to destabilize the Soviet Union. This was done with no regard for the future of the Afghan people, as Pilgar writes, “In August 1979, the U.S. embassy in Kabul reported that “the United States’ larger interests … would be served… despite whatever setbacks this might mean for future social and economic reforms in Afghanistan.” Pilger lays out this game of empire, quoting the viceroy of India, Lord Curzon in 1898, when he proclaimed people and countries are seen as “pieces on a chessboard, upon which is being played out a great game for the domination of the world.” Lord Curzon was referring to Afghanistan. A century later, the words of Prime Minister Tony Blair expressed similar imperial aspirations after 9/11 when he said, “This is a moment to seize. The Kaleidoscope has been shaken. The pieces are in flux. Soon they will settle again. Before they do, let us re-order this world around us.”

In 1985, Ronald Reagan referred to the Afghan Mujahideen, as freedom fighters, and the film “Rambo III,” (1988) depicts the Rambo fighting with the brave Mujahideen   ,,,,,,,,    

 "  “George Bush was fighting a war for oil and empire, and victory would pose a huge tactical difficulty: with no enemy to fight he would have to demobilize his forces in the Mideast and bring them home.” But the big prize, Iraqi oil, “had yet to be won, so the fighting in the Mideast would have to be sustained — as a “war on terrorism” — until the invasion of Iraq could be planned, authorized by Congress, and sold to the American people.” Thus, did military planners dismiss the Taliban’s offer and continue the war — for 20 years. Today U.S. combat troops remain stationed in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Kenya, Somalia, Yemen, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, the UAE, Turkey, the Philippines and Cyprus, and America conducts counterterrorism operations in 61 additional countries around the world. To date the true costs of the global war on terror are $8 trillion dollars and a million lives. Yet terror group around the world are five times more prolific than they were in 2001, and violent domestic terrorism now tops the list of terror threats to Americans.



210924 add;

so many commentators, social media pundits & so called "pro-journalists"
are SO easily influenced by their "game of THORNS " mainSCREAMedia ..
that the atrocities of a LAWLESS USAcorp driven "new world order " ignores its own citizens / militia violations
(quantanamo etc , Vietnam , arguably Hiroshima/Nagasaki? and the many black ops of the c1A and private agencies
that most of you will NEVER know,,, now they dont have to assasinate a JFK, Bobby, Luther King, Malcolm X,
or Lennon ... anyone they dislike or dislikes their WAR biz, polution & selfish policies is simply DISCREDITED
alienHATED via their media control.... the c19 exaggeration and PLANdemic the perfect example how, without firing a weapon
the new (USACorp led) world order enslaved all of you!!!  and continues to do so ... because now YOU will "be 2nd class"
if you dont have their credit card or VAX /chip? in your body... 1984 does nopt even come close to this dictatorship[!!

"counter punch" articles are often written by :pickos:  scared to expose ... John Pilger still does his bit
but the world, in all aspects; media, sport and certainly politics is lacking ONE GOOD man who is intelligent, strong
and with the ability & experience to oppose their control of the sheeple...(a.k.a walking dead!)

have a read of the stuff posted here (if you have been "brave enough " to ignore Google warning u that content is "considered objectionable"

i dare you

e.g.   SEPTEMBER 23, 2021
Taliban Cops vs American Cops, Who’s Worse?

extracted; """"  “Taliban fighters used whips and sticks against a group of women protesting in Kabul,” CNN reported September 9th. “The fighters also beat a number of journalists covering the demonstration, according to witnesses.”

This is terrible. Violent suppression of peaceful protests should be covered and widely circulated, as was as the story—  """

""Mthe terrifying arsenal of devices wielded by the police and other officials against peaceful marchers who dare to protest the policies of the two-centuries-old United States of America, those Afghan women got off easy. Weapons deployed by U.S. authorities against peaceful Black Lives Matters marchers include pepper spray, pepper balls, blast balls, paintballs, tear gas, sting-ball and flashbang grenades, sponge rounds, rubber and wooden bullets and beanbag rounds, tasers, and Long Range Acoustic Devices (LRADs), a.k.a. sound cannons.

“Horrible, nauseating pain hit my body,” journalist Cory Choy, who was covering the 2014 BLM protests when he was attacked by a sonic weapon deployed by the NYPD, told Popular Mechanics,“and then I realized it was sound. At first you just think, ‘What’s happening to me?’ Your body goes into complete pain and panic mode. It’s the sound equivalent of looking into the sun.” """

 say the First Amendment is my protest permit.

Philadelphia, cradle of American liberty, requires a protest permit for any gathering involving more than 75 people. These rules are commonplace throughout the United States, as are the notorious “free speech zones” that place demonstrators so far away from the targets of their complaints that they had might as well be on the moon.

Perhaps someday outrage over oppression in places like Afghanistan will prompt Americans to take note of, and do something about, suppression of dissent here at home."

CHRiS> the FACT that the USAcorp backed govt ignores any international court that dares to challenge the actions of its civilians, soldiers,
police or officials says EVERYTHING about their SHAM-democracy!

SADLY  "counter punch"
loses its own "freedom claim"

by supporting an article that claims (rightly?) that feminists may well have the right to decise on abortions..
however I may NOT refuse to have the posions (of vaccines) injected into my body which has been quite immune

to many of the diseases others fall victim to...i can hardly rememeber any injections..possible i had one against polio
when that was a post war threat to the next generatiosn due to poor post-WW2 diet!! ??

and the greastest irony of THIS article
by a "counter punch writer"  is that 99 % of the articles criticise their govt & its "elected officials" police, presidents and congress
yet this idiot writes "  o return to COVID-19 vaccinations and abortions; it is obvious that those who oppose vaccinations think that they know better than the government and medical experts. They believe that they are more rational about scientific evidence. But those who call for limiting abortions after six weeks believe that the government knows better when life starts and who should be protected. The “freedom from” works for them when COVID-19 is in question; the “freedom to” works for them when it concerns the right to life of the unborn child. In the first case the government should not interfere; in the second it should.   ""

so this FOOL says ..women should not allow gvt interference with their choice of abortions , and we should trust them (and their
silly-gates aponsoired "health - PR_opaganda" BIG Pharma drug copanies )  over the MASK_er_AIDs & VAX - pssport dictatorship!

oh yeah!! what a C*NT!!!

see also

from REbEL REdS MEd1ATEAM only for TRUE REbEL REdS:

see also  ;

ChRiS live Campaign for a SUPPORTERS owned LIVERPOOL & academy for disadvantaged Kids anywhere!
Y N W A with hope & ENERGY! join alternative groups via (if not blocked by the goons!)

SUPPORTERS club log (in associatioin with global REdGEMnet LbiRDco-op)
aiming for 30 million shareholders in 2023

ChRiS >  I state when challenged ; yes I am SOCIAL  thus "SocialIST"

( a socialist not in your limited understanding nor the never applied political version)

and I am opposed to USA corp and all that it now represents 

- war biz!!! 

- pollution of oUR lands , waters,  air, seas, food , and minds of generation after generation of our children!

- their "new word order" which established a global dictatorship (not a society) 

- versus their sharks & jackals "game of THORNS" 

- and against the global sheeple , who during the last 2 years, simply capitualted to BS!

through at )

also "communism: does not never did ...words need to be used carefully... the soviet system was not socialist it was a pyramid dictatorship (like china)  true socialism . comunism is aboiut sharing the be careful what you attack? and for those who dare to care ; 

see previous MONTV issues

 210906  / 7  montv-chrislog./2021/09/security-is-being-ready-for-

 be a REbEL, local & Global ... 😉    with personal greetings! & to all TRUE REbEL REdS! 

! J4t97_32yrs (no JUSTICE yet on earth!) & ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN


do you realise that without declaration of an official state of emergency all the C19 RESTRICTIONS vax passports & masks etc 

are an ILLEGAL violation of the UDHR / ECHR human rights articles that are supposed to be superior to local/national "laws" ???

and these articles on so-called "counter media"

with thanks to REbEL MED1A TEAM 

so which was the biggest or most cynical exploitation of FEAR  read

IF anyone ever tells the truth in the FUTURE about now - the PLANdemic exploitation of a bug fatal to perhaps 0.01% must

be WINNER of the FUBAR prize of the last 2000 years !  (also an oppisite view at

of course USA corp COWBOY presidents nor the guilty french care avout  the million plus muredred in Rwanda (1003-2003) 

because @global terrorist was top of the "game of THORNS agenda" ... but even french money must be saved (never mind human beings)

and in the Bush dominated state of Texas  "in the 19th century, Texas was awash in vigilante groups. In those dark years, various self-appointed “law enforcers” modeled after the Texas Rangers embarked on a decades-long campaign of ethnic cleansing of Indigenous peoples in the western territory.

Thanks to the Supreme Court, the state is now unleashing another wave of newly minted bounty hunters — this time on women." 


 this region is like much of the world ;CORRUPT but lets discuss a chinese built motorway... which ends in (a) Bar!

as the local a-holes look to find ways to disappear/deport/discredit me & my "freedom & Union NGO"  others who dared to stand up are )

still "missing" ' ;

JUST once?????? ...  

be a REbEL, local & Global

NO more MASK_er_AIDS, NO to their enforced VAX-pass, NO to their controlled movement of you in their gameofTHORNS!  be a REbeL LION NOW!

JOIN the global resistance & ALLEZ les ROUGES!

6 years ago

some people say to me " dont take it as PERSONAL..!!!! ??? 

 - one the most stupid things they can say 

... Just about EVERYthing is "personal" 

..if it isnt, or u lack feelings or passion then u are no more than a "robot" 

or one of the sheeple....

Gem 150906

    in "exile" at the coast, MY NGO * and myself  .. still looking (because of the PLANdemic "fallout"! :( for a relocATION

OF THE UNIQUE ACADEMY ..CHARACTER BUILDING & progressive iniriative concepts  FOR YOUTH, 

AND ITS CERTAINLY needed IB A MODERN WORLD WHERE VIRTUALLY   all of your WEAK global society CAPITULATED to fear of a threat dangerous to 0.01% of the population!  WAKE up & support me..NOW!


(if you dare to leave the f book PR_opaganda machine find ne 

at  & email

CS 210901 

More about : (why the sole member of the Celts clan is here in "Monty"  after 3500 years???

and why he refuses to be forced to capitulate! ??)

*see below also for ME com contacts;

on me with mew dawns log  

and in response via email from chris @ 

and f book...comment on dawns,,log:

in 1995 when I "quit the system"  (we used to say "dropped out" I prefer to think it as an uplifting improvement in my life)

I have; 

Voluntarily, without profit ..

formed my own NGO..supportes & initiates campaigns stil and for J4t96+1 after 32 years..

Initiated numourous * and  HUMOUROUS charitable events & Initiatives in several countries..

organised First REd NOSE day (100% from zero ...) in NL and MNE!

made 54 human rights complaints in Strasbourg court of human rights..

imitated "medinetz" ... a free health care net for refugees (based in Freiburg)

formed K.i.T ... (kids in Trouble) to Montenegro

raised money for "KICK"  ( charity for kids with cancer) in Zwolle (NL) via f00ty tourny

organised several REd Nose day charity events (and at Dg, the first ever in Montenegro)

Managed  trained and educated a teenage youth football Team in Podgorica (Pg)

modestly sponsored t shirts for 3 junior "soccer schools" in Spuz & Pg.

Helped several people with small loans from the Insurance money I got from Jacquis life polciy 

(not least 1,500 e loan and about another 1000 helping Isabela in NS!)

rescued Gorans "Obala" pizzeria/caffe in Dg.. )2000e)

assited Nemanka Ljumovic , with getting his driiving licence, forming a compapy, 

the repairs to his car , meals, fuel & shoes for his little girts birthday..etc etc (about 1800e)

provide an interest free loan for the taxi  driver (Ranko) to build his own house..(Pg)

and helped Dejan Rojovic s club in Spuz with a 2000e loan to him * his family..

and recently half funded the renovation of a girls Dojo in Pg. (2000e)


various other individual types of assistance - mostly in MNE, without repayment.. 

I am NOT rich... i am well organised, i rarely waste , and i use my limited funds ..


I am still prepared to help almost anyone, without any normal obligatory relationship.. from a limited budget

also through CSing, Trust roots & Be Welcome and some f  book contacts I have HOSTED (from my own pocket)

more than 350 during the last 10 years in MNE.. 70 of these were girls or youngish women..

NO one had reason to complain or feel threatened.. i simply expect (or demand)  the respect i deserve!

or you can go to hell.. or maybe you are already there if your intent is to cheat me..


and several websites, numerous sociaL MEDIA GROUPS

WITH #Lbird CO-OP via REdGEMnet


 see (*and associated logs & articles banned by F book, twatters, googlies & fen way shark clones

& have YOU any concentration? ; (previous issues full of GOOD!)

ChRiS210805  for personal contact @


aug 05 / 04... beautiful country heaven filled with people from hell!  local and global.... 

& see  

Me we .... post s   (have to write like this other wise your "friendly face book fascist goons block me..  "community standards" my arse!!   

your modern world is a fascist dictatorship!!!

wagging their DOG ..and telling every sheeple to have a DOG licence (vax pass)

😉    with personal greetings! & to all TRUE REbEL REdS! 

#J4t97_32yrs (no JUSTICE yet on earth!) #ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN @ 

Me we post CSers blog

a link to ; 

REbel REdS MEdiA TEAM ;  "

Amandla! Awethu" ;)

& at

well??? when if not NOW?

ChRiS >

September 1, 2015  ·

open your frontiers , open your doors , open your hearts to people on the move, 

be a HUMAN E  BEING!! ..    

"MOnty" could use these people instead of the foul ones who do nothing, 

except bars caffes,  tourism and taxis, etc ,  

 "ME" could be an "export" profitable nation of u got rid of the current thugs

 and employed "refugees" who are willing to DO something with the land... 


September 1, 2014  ·

JOIN us, begin again what has gone , boycott money- mad "soccer" go back to the socialist roots of football with TRUE REDS .. supporting ;

the latest video you are probably blocked from..or will be...  just in case you want to check out my channel ;  

(not yet banned!!!)

(and extension to the story  ..if you are interested) "interview "  at

and if you want an insight & exclusive access to ChRiS's NON-BOOK ;  

interview with C R S?



CSerS ; " Les Girls"  some, who are so brittle , they might break ;)

if you tell them truths!!


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