11817Alien Views Confidential ..enter at your own risk ;)
(failure to communicate)
I feel its time to just lay out some random links and observations on the current situation, in the hope and continued search for Intelligent life on this planet...

I try to enCOURAGE the human racers, not to be "yankers" and do something to improve y-our world & this mad society, that has done just about everything wrong.. sometimes I touch someones "conscience" and they "post" an item, only to get scared..for no reason, because, "they know now" ..so its too late, you may as well be open!
N.A.G>I am not sure what you think of this.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BUG1Y9fOOs&feature=player_embedded#at=93- Kill The Messenger - Sibel Edmonds - Full film
Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds.
- ChriS SmiTHi am only surprised that people are surprised, this story is so common, the blindness of ppl will come back to haunt them, as they look for someone else to blame or rescue them from the abyss..these "nice"ppl allow their kids to be boxed in lies...and tell themselves they are good parents?/ ???
"no good turn goes unpunished, book 3, chapter "local & global" verse 6...still searching for intelligence & humanity...on this weird planet....? ;) www.eured.wordpress.com : eured's space eured.wordpress.com
Pasted from <http://www.facebook.com/Chri5mitH>
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"The System" Sunk too, a LONG time ago!! didnt U notice? |
The capitalist prayer..
Give us thanks for all the bread
We are making from starving kids
Lead us not into temptation
Lets just pretend we do it for the nation
For this is a thiefdom
Stealing from the poor
And we are only happy
If we have more, more & more
p.s FU2!
unsub-b.blogspot.com -I have now hundreds of local people on my FB) .It made me think about producing a local version of "UnSub" ..which was made first in Freiburg about 10 years ago for both english and local "fans" of english langauge (and "alternatives") , with a few explanations of "brit/scouse humour " etc…(snip)
- N.A.G> So now they can not pretend anymore?
First I saw the man on the moon and I grinned. Then I started reading the blog and my eyes popped out of head. Why did you put my name? ;) - ChriS SmiTH why not, anyway get on with doing things N.A.G., and stop "chatting" ;)
- N.A.G. > Now that I have read your blog I am now asking you to remove the link to my facebook account from the blog please. I did not ask you to do that and most importantly will you do this Immediately. Better still I will be grateful if you can remove my name, now that I come to think of it. Thank you Chris.
ChriS SmiTH shall I also remove u as a member of this group too, and and as an FB friend? (because if u think you are going to noticed by "them" because of it U are very naive! they already know anyone who is dissident, even posting the "whistleblower" on my wall , is that any different?) it is all or nothing ?? what do u choose? decide! You posted the link on MY wall,(in your name) btw, so really, aren't u being ridiculous! ..?? ....what or who are u scared of? if I do, then dont contact me again, (3rd time) because I have no time fo this cowardly mentality! (CS..this was the third time I let Ngozi back in contact, because of her dubious status) Pasted from <http://www.facebook.com/groups/f5.GroupActioNGOsNetwork/?id=146908222060136¬if_t=group_activity>
ARE The "Peasants revolting"?
eured Insider group Link,.
There's a story about a peace activist "coming on to a fee-male admirer" and its weird that ppl expect a good person, doing good things to be perfect,. Not on this planet, then the weak use this "excuse" to not bother being or attempting good deeds… be the change, improve the world, don’t just be good, be better!
.....another example of the effect on young ppl by the media rubbish! :->

Earlier this month, Liverpool FC hosted a free summer football camp for 110 youngsters aged between eight and 19 years of age in Picton, one of the UK’s most deprived wards.
(its a pity that the article editor/poster, missed the nice part about the girl who wants to be a player for Lfc, and focussed on an ex-player)
- ChriS SmiTH The traitors were in the office, learn about the club before u comment!
- Seán> me or ugljesa?
- ChriS SmiTH > not U Sean! ;) weve done this discussion a thousand times..
- http://rednet-alien.blogsp
ot.com/2011/08/11816ureds- false-fans-be-red-men-not. html for Ugljesa ! pass & move = read & learn about being True REdS! - Seán> I forgot to mention the office too... they were the traitors... and I am getting sick and tired of the stupid comments made about torres... childish remarks...
- ChriS SmiTH > as I said weve discussed it enough on all the groups, all the forums and several blogs, but it "suits" the propaganda of the "suits" to blame the wrong people ..
- Seán> i just get so pi**ed with looking at it chris... gonna start removing myself from some of these groups that are known for the blame game.
- ChriS SmiTH> I have already left about 5 groups,
- Ugl> i m trying every day to know something new about club, to learn.. but i m red in my heart and I will always be! the thing si that i can t pretend that i have forgive ppl who have betrayed club.. they are players, and ppl in office to.. but its same to me.. If I love club, i ll always be part of it.. if one day we ll play in second, or third league i ll be a RED! not like torres, no trophies, no love.. not like owen.. not like american owners, bastards.. not like many of them.. torres is a traitor, like you or not! why did fans hate him?? why they have burned his shirts?? HE WHO BETRAYS WILL ALWAYS WALK ALONE..
- ChriS SmiTH NO u are wrong....and its not a case of what we like, we know more about the club than U, and thats what U should accept..I invite you here with respect, and if dont respect that then leave! the fans have been manipulated, just as many are by false media, i am angry because u dont read the links I gave you Ugo..I made that last blog to help new Reds like you, but I have had thios discussion too many times to repeat it, like Sean we know the truth about who is the traitor, are YOU REALLY so naive to think the media tell fans the truth?? No ! they make news to make MONEY, to sell newspapers or Tv airtime! .. Torres is not a traitor, he made it clear BEFORE he came to Lfc, and OUR directors cheated him, just because they also are gone doesnt solve what happened then...Like i told u the other night you shoudl raed about the other sides arguement , before startign a discussion otherwise U will lose..
- ChriS SmiTH some "fans" also burned Gerrards shirt when in 05/06 he discussed leaving for chelski,..does that make him a traitor? no, Ugo, I have had enough of this discussion..too many young fans just repeat the media Bull sh*te!!
- Seán>I think if you are only learning about "this club"... then you really have to educate yourself first before making a comment about torres. Nothing is as black and white as you are making it out to be. enquiry leads to knowledge. you have to read through the blogs on this and the documents i have in my group that explains why torres left.. and explains why he had such a horrid world cup etc etc. if you refuse or don't bother to read these and believe what u read in the media... then i am afraid that you are very naive. the true liverpool way... is not to ridicule player or manager.. past, present or future. to burn a liverpool jersey regardless of what name is on the back is disgusting in my eyes... and anyone burning that jersey, they also burn the crest... thats not right.
- ChriS SmiTH unless the shirt is blue ! ;) (see "3rd kit" =a disgrace)
Ugl> I read your links.. and i understand that you re angry becouse of my meaning.. and I also accept that you know more about club than me.. i can t talk about some things becouse i just don t know to much about that.. you know I m asking you about many things, and i m willing to listen to you, as older fan, experienced, as a person.. anyway.. respect for you.. i cant say that you are not right.. i accept all your advices, and your stories.. i think i can learn much from that, and i will.. we ll talk on saturday.. ;)
- ChriS SmiTH Ugo, read what we have said, read the blog, read the link to"REdnet" .I dont doubt yr intent , but .in this u case U are wrong,its not a matter of opinion, that wont change by saturday, the advice from Sean and myself is sound, unless YOU know by your OWN opinion about the club, dont comment ...its not only age, there are older fans who are also "sky(tv)-washed/.. slow down, U can ruin a reputation in 5 minutes...i have left several Lfc forums because i am bored with ppl just repeating what the media tell them, and with several million fans it gets tiring always correcting the media & "expert" opinion ..WE know better ...but its your choice...but we are right..most of the time ;) certainly now!...i have a smile, because u are prep[ared to argue with us...thats like me arguing in serbian language about Balkan history..ha ha !CS>I have written a thousand times about this on my blogs & FB groups etc..When FT left his boyhood club, in 2007, Lfc had just lost the CL final in Athens, he left the club HE captained at 19 years old, (Atletico Madrid) to go to Liverpool , he said a) I am going to a club that can win trophies with Rafa, and b) I dont want to be the sole "match winner" (like he was at Atleti) ...

Ćiki Nasilnik commented on your link.
Ćiki wrote "I am not sure if I should congratulate anyone on marrying a modern woman, sorry mate!" Spot on :) As for the true reds and false fans, you should always make a clear distinction between a supporter and a "fan", fans are mostly people outside L4 (Worldwide) who see Liverpool as their EPL team but do not know about the "Liverpool way" and ethics upon which the club was built and sometimes it’s hard for them to identify with the club because they were raised under different circumstances and in different cultures, but in the end it’s not where you are from but where you are heading , and that's why people need to be more patient with "worldwide fans" when doing their "missionary work" :D"

some "Monty Humour"
and By the way, what have the Romans ever done for us??
(F**king romans)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc7HmhrgTuQ&feature=relmfuODDs & S*ds..
dont YOU all live ..in the box?? ;)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_aVuS7cOIQTimes are (still) a -changing??
Little boxes...U live in??
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4poWiKfg1MU&feature=related(the Insider)
http://unsub-b.blogspot.com/2011/08/11809unsub-next-liverpool-are-peasants.html (are the peasants "revolting"?)
Phillip invited you to hillsborough justice.
To see more details, follow the link below: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=268034313211404 |
CS>2020? do U think thats when we will get JUSTICE?
, NO ; Justice delayed = Justice DENIED!

Ha , I get lots of "new friends" contacting me on Facebook, WAYN, branch out, Netl so dont blame og, and then when I check them out, they dotn exist, or are bogus, are they "net prozzies" looking to trap me into some dubious "i've got a billion dollars in a swiss account" scam, or online porn, sex etc...and some are "lobbyists" for the system, telling me i am a bad person to tell the truth about the mess the world is, and remind each of the human racers that YOU allowed the yankers control! so YOU are all to blame !!
go on, DO it, dare to reach for the higher ground?
someone like YOU? (van)
& dont forget; "Lets BE FAIR" ??
http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=172128429522192He's NOT the messiah, he's a VERY naughty Boy..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zjz16xjeBAA&feature=relatedNext..If there is a next ...
or (left) these types?
confused? U wont be when & if "Mon Tv" is issued again!
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