Happy birthday REd! (Glen was yesterday!)
A special poem for Maja
Hiya Maja, a little lady in Red
With provocation, it can be said,
In your eyes & smile
You challenge us all
Wonder how u are with the ball?
Met u in Bar, the BREdS first
Had a beer but u didn’t have big thirst
Hoped U would be a Bg guide for me
Maybe one day, we shall see
I sense u have a lot to say
And on your very special day
Be you, and from this moment on
Do your BEST, I'll support U too
..in the "LIVERPOOL way"
..may U get all you deserve, and your wishes too!
(be careful what u wish for, in case U get it!) ;)
ChriS X
Hope we have a few bevvies together soon (maybe when I come via Bg next month,
A "celebration" is long overdue! ;) You'll Never Walk Alone, with Hope in yr heart
and the "so-called " Lfc fans committee (I just replied to Karen)
Dear Karen,
as I suspected, its no different than dealing with Lfc, computerised
answering, that never answers, impersonal and robotic..same as in "the
office" (still no minutes? why should they be secret? are they representing the fans
concerns or the board?)ChriS
no minutes=no transparency = tamed committee! |
----- Original Message -----
From: "Supporters Committee15" <international-east@liverpoolfcsc.com>
To: <chrismith@ursun.
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2011 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: My11823 ChriS Nasser Aboobakar/Damien Moore Re:
UrSuN11817->International fan representation @ Lfc (committee)
> Hi,
> Thank you for your email.
> I will not be able to respond to every email however I will look to
> raise your point and if necessary will contact you in due course. For
> day to day contact with the Club please use the contact form with link
> below:
> http://help.liverpoolfc.tv/
> Regards and thank for your support
> Nasser Aboobakar
> LFC Supporters Committee Member
> Representing International Fans - East
The TRUTH?? |
> This email and any files transmitted may contain privileged and confidential information.
LFCSC-Moderator@liverpoolfcsc.com and
Liverpool Football Club will not be responsible for any content and Liverpool Football Club does not endorse, support or make any representations or warranties of any kind about any opinions expressed by users. Opinions expressed are those of the creator and not of Liverpool Football Club.
go to:
UNsUB; mass-debating?
ON FEBRUARY 26 this year, a 50-year-old Liverpool FC fan stepped in front of a speeding train.
more "lively discussions , no news but controversial RE-views?"
LINK: 22/08/2011, 09:44
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